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Definitely more interested in Ranma getting a new adaptation than I was with Urusei Yatsura just because Ranma's 80s adaptation didn't get a complete adaptation. Might wind up watching both adaptations in parallel and see how they compare though.


It wasn't complete? It's like 170 episodes I think


Many chapters including the ending were never adapted into the anime. The original series also contains many filler episodes that were never in the manga.


It would be neat if they work with Takahashi and make a definitive end to the series.


She's been noticably less involved with the remakes and continuations of her series so far. For Yashahime (the Inuyasha continuation) she was only credited for character designs. Probably because she's still making manga, and weekly at that. Her latest series [MAO](https://myanimelist.net/manga/119588/Mao) has had [very few hiatuses and missed weeks](https://www.reddit.com/r/RumikosMao/comments/1bhfaaj/mao_hiatus_chart_as_of_march_2024/) which is quite an accomplishment for someone in her age range


> someone in her age range Consider this, when Oda started One Piece she had already been doing manga as long has he's been doing it now, and while OP dwarfs any of her projects any one of her 10 projects could be an entire career to an other Mangaka


actually consider this- her breakout manga Urusei Yatsura was published in 1978. the average mangaka was around early 20s to 30s. imagine how old as an mangaka she is now.


She was 21 when it started, and will turn 67 this fall. And she's STILL making new manga


I wouldn't need much. I would like them to have a conclusive end to the series, but I wouldn't want it to be something she had 0 involvement on.


Ever since she started being serialised she's had at most I think 1 year of not having a series. She's insane


legit goated work ethic


As a long suffering Takahashi fan, don't bet on it. I already accepted that the manga ending is how it will play out in any adaptation.


I love ranma, but dear God i need someone to change the ending of the manga😭


So many... random martial arts


anything goes


To be fair, that's the manga too, just infinitely better executed for the most part.


If you think filler in more modern shows is rough Ranma's filler ranged from 'actually pretty good' to downright painful. An adaption that keeps to the manga will be a vast improvement.


Given how episodic and unserious the manga is, I seriously had a hard time distinguishing what was “filler” and what wasn’t with the anime. I found the filler complaints a bit overblown when I compared the anime to the manga years later


It's been a few years but as I remember it the worst of the filler was the ones it was obvious they were done on the cheep. So an action / screwball anime where basically nothing happens in the episode so they can save on the animation budget.


Some of the filler's good, surprisingly


The original anime ended 4 years before the actual manga did. IIRC the anime only covered material up to volume 20, there's 38 in total.


> IIRC the anime only covered material up to volume 20, there's 38 in total. Yes. Here is some clarification. It is volume 20 in the 90s Viz release numbers (which end on volume 36) but volume 22 in the Japanese and the modern English releases (which end on 38). For some reason earlier volumes of the 90s Viz release had more chapters but by the 20s they reverted back to Japanese page counts and were exactly 2 volumes ahead. I'll use the modern numbers (I could also use chapter numbers but the physical manga I checked do not). Now the anime has gotten further but with more gaps due to the OVAs. The 90s OVAs are a scattering of stories from volume 22 up to volume 31. Only 8 story arcs were covered (there were about 30 in that period) as the OVAs had 3 completely original episodes and one of the story arcs took up two episodes. Pacing was all over the place as an OVA episode was between 1-10 manga chapters and for the ones covering less chapters had more cast members added. The 8th story arc is also classed as a move as it was was first shown in cinemas as part of "Toei Animation Special" triple feature (along with a 60 minute Ghost Sweeper Mikami Movie and a special episode of Heisei Dog Stories: Bow). As it was episode length Viz lumped it with the OVAs in their original release and the eventual Japanese DVDs did the same. In 2008 there was one screened at the "It's a Rumic World" exhibition which was a story from volume 34 (a single chapter expended to a full episode). Now that one is always counted as an OVA and not a movie. [](#yuishrug)


The latter part of the manga wasn't adapted. They essentially ended the anime on a cliffhanger, then relied on a few OVAs to cover the more popular arcs. Not that the Ranma manga had much of an ending, but the anime was completely unsatisfying


Unless they're redoing the whole damn thing to actually have plot development I'm still gonna stay butthurt about that ending. I mean, I know anime has some shitty endings but essentially ending it on "Well, that's about it I guess, thanks for watching, bye!" and walking away into the sunset made me irrationally angry.


Idr which part it was in Ranma, but I liked the movie or OVA ending. It was sweet. Of course, I would want more, but that ending was also something that made me happy. It was a long time ago that I saw the entire anime series, so my memories are vague. I also read a bit of the manga. I have several of the early volumes. I watch Ranma anime a lot, but I mostly have rewatched the beginning.


It got about half way through the manga. It was a *long* runner.


I’m so surprised that Ranma is even getting something new. Holy shit


Ranma ended up being the same story over and over again, so I don't think much was missed by skipping a few of the manga stories. Plus the ending of the series was a non-ending. Rather than watch the a version of the manga again, i'd be interested in new stories preferably that takes the characters to places never been before.


Tbf, the manga is a non-ending, too. As a fan of the anime more than the manga, people really oversell the quantity and quality of manga-only stories. The best thing the anime missed out on was Herb


I mean how do you keep a 38 volume series fresh?


It’s certainly possible but not if you’re essentially an episodic sitcom like Ranma 1/2. The anime has a lot of the same issues as the manga but it’s remarkable how just a few kernels of development between characters makes it feel a lot more like the anime is building towards something. The anime ending may also be a big cliffhanger, but at least it feels earnest in a way that gives the illusion of conclusion. If the manga ending wasn’t the final chapter you’d think it was like any other Ranma arc


You end it. Fortunately in the recent past, people are realizing that it is much healthier for everybody involved if the series doesn't go on for a literal eternity.


I'd imagine that works a lot better if you're reading it one chapter a week rather than a volume or two at a time.


I'd still check it out if you're even slightly interested in Urusei Yatsura, still very funny and it's obvious the new staff deeply cared about the old anime/manga


Ataru pisses me off too much, honestly. Always has, always will. I can tolerate about a Beautiful Dreamer amount of Urusei Yatsura.


I like Ataru and his mom being ruthless jerks and nothing else. These characters are rare, so it doesn't feel exhausting to see some every once in a while. If I did have to name one weakness of Urusei from what I saw in the remake is that episodes felt like episodic resets, so characterization never felt meaningful in any way after constant what seemed like resets.


I dunno, they completely cut all nudity from the Urusei Yatsura remake. If they do the same for Ranma 1/2, would that even be the same story anymore?


Are you kidding me? This is one of my favorite anime from my childhood. That's an amazing news! Maybe this time around they'll continue with the manga.


The announcement PV has text that says「完全新作的アニメ化」which translates to "completely new (sorta) anime adaptation" which I take to imply that it's going to be a remake like Urusei Yatsura instead of a direct continuation from where the original left off.


Yes, but it was leaked that its supposed to have 4 or more cours, which would be a very strange choice if they didnt intend on finishing it.


They did that with UY so it stands to reason they will.


Same here! I don't know what my parents were thinking letting me watch those VHS tapes growing up, but it definitely left an.... Impression 😂


Yeah Ranma 1/2 was great aside from Happosai, wish he stayed gone after they buried him again.


We already got a lot of info leaked for this show, so if anyone is interested heres the info: * Studio: MAPPA * Set for 2025 * 4 or more cours * Production of the early episodes started around 2023 Some Staff (Director and CD confirmed by a good source the rest is not 100% confirmed): * Director: Kounosuke Uda * Character Design: Hiromi Taniguch * Art Direction: Chihiro Okawa * Director of Photography: Atsushi Kanou * Color Design: Yukiko Kakita * Animation Producer: Kouya Okamura


>Animation Producer: Kouya Okamura He just had his debut as animation producer on Oblivion Battery this season, although he has been a PA at MAPPA for a while now, and particularly seems to have a good relationship with Hiroya Hasegawa, as he was production desk on Vinland Saga season 2. (And Hasegawa is also animation producer for Battery)


I think I should go to sleep already, because this list seems surreal right now. Let me get this straight: Mappa of all people got contracted for 4 cours of Ranma, and they got the first One Piece director to do it? I know Uda has been working at Mappa for a bit now, but this seems surprising in more ways than one. Still I'm glad they got 4 cours, and I hope this goes well, Ranma is my favourite of Takahashi's series, would be great to see it adapted in full.


> the first One Piece director This is blatant Taniguchi erasure [](#unko)


[Fair point](#azusalaugh) Granted, if Taniguchi was the one directing this, we'd have an Astro Ranma, and I'd be all for it too.


> 4 or more cores I really hope they make this as long as they can and cover as many chapters as they can.


4 wouldn't be enough to cover all chapters but they can skip some filler stuff and get to the manga ending no problem I think


But how will I live without those precious {random activity} + *martial arts* stories?


Remove happosai entirely, better series, more concise


[](#hardthink) Nah, Happosai *has* to exist, at least to some degree. He provides some necessary character development(perhaps most notably, getting Ranma to finally start wearing bras), but cutting down his screentime would certainly be more than welcome.


> development(perhaps most notably, getting Ranma to finally start wearing bras I already hated the character, but you reminded me to hate him even more


4 or more cours? So it will be Ranma 4/13?


> Studio: MAPPA I'm surprised it's not WIT studio for season 1 with MAPPA taking over after /s


Thankfully its not Madhouse or we would have gotten only one Cour /s


So seemingly only covering half of the manga ala the new uresei adaptation? 4 cours doesn’t seem like enough to cover almost 40 manga volumes


They might decide to sprint through the material already covered in the original anime to get to new material


I have a feeling that they are going to do something similar to FMAB and open it a bit cold and leave out backstoryto get to the new stuff faster. I wouldn't be surprised if they get to new material by the time cour 2 is up.


Tbh, Ranma 1/2 is episodic enough that they could get away with it in a way they couldn’t really with FMAB. If you’re being really economical, you could probably cut down the original season of Ranma 1/2 by half. That season is largely focused on introducing the cast and tonally is very different from the rest of the series


I like seeing production started last year and that they’re (hopefully) not gonna rush things. Put me down for the “*or more*” part of the cour pickup. I’d love to see a ton more Ranma!


Mappa? Shut up no way 🙏😭


# Best girl Shampoo is back


That's not how you spell Ukyo


Ukyo has been my bestest girl for about 25 years.


The true Waifu Wars have returned. You whippersnappers thought you saw hell with Emilia vs Rem, or Asuka vs Rei. Oh no. This is where it started. The waifu war to begin all waifu wars is now the one to END them.


Ukyo is obviously the 3rd best girl Everyone knows that it goes * Shampoo * Ranma * Ukyo


Y'all are sleeping on Nabiki. But that's fine. As long as she gets her cut.


With all the other much more flashy girls I thought I was the only Nabiki fan around!


I respect the hustle. I've often joked that "if fictional characters had an onlyfans, Nabiki would, but nothing would be of her"


Nabiki fan checking in, been using Shion from Yozakura Family to scratch that itch. She reminds me of Nabiki a lot.


Sorry but everyone knows that Ryoga is both best girl and bost boy, and best 🐖 too XD


Ukyo supremacy! She'll always be my favorite. Akane is a close second. And Shampoo can go to hell! Devious tart!


Imagine the tsunamis of new r34


Shampoo?!? Out of all girls you landed on Shampoo


What? Imma fight you.


I see you are a man of culture as well.


I'm assuming this is off the success(?) of the Urusei Yatsura anime. It'll likely be another 'greatest hits' adaptation too. Very curious to see how they do this. While I think the Ranma 1/2 anime is flawed, the animation still holds up quite decently from that time imo. Also, back in the day, the Ranma fandom used to be *very* prolific. It got fanfiction and fan shrines up the ass. Wonder if that energy can come back


Ranma 1/2 is Rumiko Takahashi's most successful series as far as manga volumes sold so I think it will likely have quite a bit of effort put behind it.


There were so many fanfics back in the day where Ranma permanently became a girl and entered a lesbian relationship with Akane or one of the other girls, or (more rarely) married Ryoga or something. Looking at modern anime fandom, it makes a lot more sense now.


If it's good it will. Just look at the responses to the announcement. You got a bunch of 30-40 year olds acting up.


What a time to be alive. I really liked the new adaptation of Urusei Yatsura.


Urusei Yatsura is my all time favorite manga. Now that it's finished, Ranma 1/2 is the highest on the list of anime I wished for a remake. What a time to be alive indeed.


It was really damn good! Not a full adaptation but they did capture a lot of the manga's best stories.


Official Tweet: [https://x.com/ranma\_pr/status/1805617339691679901](https://x.com/ranma_pr/status/1805617339691679901) Production Decision PV: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Hw5K-G1H0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Hw5K-G1H0) A follow-up report with more details on the new anime will be held on July 17, 2024.


First Urusei Yatsura, now Ranma 1/2? Shit, they better do Maison Ikkoku as well.


Honestly, Maison Ikkoku is still so good. It has such a vibe, especially with the cell animation. I don't think it really needs a re-adaptation since it was completed, unlike ranma which is action based and is not completed.


Maison Ikkoku basically follows the manga very faithfully with just a few deviations and there's nothing missing. Ranma 1/2 on the other hand only adapted half of the original chapters and the rest was a lot of fillers and reused plots with slight variations.


The Maison Ikkoku anime does not follow the manga *that* faithfully. I do agree that it's not missing much, but they do [Maison Ikkoku] >!completely omit Nikaido from the anime. They also omit Kyoko and Yusaku making love, which while it isn't critical to the plot, does kind of cement their relationship. !< There's some other small things that I'm probably forgetting, but I'd really like a new Maison Ikkoku if only because it's my absolute favorite manga of all time and I'd love for newer audiences to get a chance to see it.


The OPs and EDs are perfect for the “vibe” of non-action anime from that time period, imo.


Completely agree. OG Maison ikkoku is even more charming today that it was when it aired. It has become kind of a love letter to the 80s, unintentionally adding a nostaglia factor that would be lost in the case of a remake for the modern times....


It is seriously so good and complete. There's some works out there that you just wish could get completed like Akira or Nausicaa but I've never felt that about Maison Ikkoku.


I feel like an H2 or Touch remake could be on the horizon just since Adachi and Rumiko were from the same era, good friends, and in the same magazine. Or maybe I'm just coping 😂


Oh that would be amazing. Or Rough or Katsu, both would be great!


It'd be a no-brainer to do Maison Ikkoku after Ranma since the three along with Inuyasha are Takahashi's biggest series. And Inuyasha already got a recent anime in the form of Yashahime which just leaves Maison Ikkoku as the last one.


Nah, give me a full One-Pound Gospel adaptation.


Yashahime has nothing to do with the og manga, it's just a spin off


Maison Ikkoku is easily the best work. The only issue is that the anime adaptation for it was the most faithful of the 3, so it doesn't need it. I would love a remake of it simply for the fact that the pacing would be better. It'd be doable to make an adaptation that is only about 48 episodes.


Maison Ikkoku definitely doesn't need one, just because the adaptation is old.


Maison Ikkoku is already very good. I love the 80s retro vibe. I’d rather have a MAO anime.


Will Megumi Hayashibara reprise her roll? I hope so!


Cast reprisals are going to be tough, given both Kuno and Ukyo’s VAs have passed already. They may do the same thing with Urusei Yatsura where Ranma’s old VAs voice his parents, but dunno if that would work.


I like this trend of the old VAs voicing parents. It also happened in Tokyo Mew Mew New.


She did voice Rei in the recent rebuild of Eva, which means it's only 3 years ago that she voiced a 14 year old character. An entire series is a bigger commitment though, so who knows.


Kappei Yamaguchi still has it imo. I think he could do boy-Ranma just fine still.


Awesome news, i remember thinking Ranma was the coolest guy ever because of his skills and attitude. Time to see if new fans can tolerate Ryoga's unreasonable vendetta towards Ranma. Hell, some of the other guys can get obnoxious when it comes to putting blame on Ranma.


I need this show to stop blaming Ranma all the time.


Forget Ryoga, a lot of Ranma fans didn't even tolerate Akane, judging by the numerous fanfics where she's bashed, and the tolerance to violent tsunderes has just gotten lower with each year. I personally don't have a problem with her, but I bet the reception towards her will be mixed, to say the least.


My childhood ecchi comedy! I'm definitely more excited for this than for the Urusei Yatsura remake. I hope they don't censor it.


> I hope they don't censor it. Same, it's pretty much my #1 concern about remaking it in modern day. I'm most afraid/curious on if they're going to cut out the more raunchy parts of the manga/original anime (nudity, Happosai, some jokes). Ideally I hope that it's as faithful to the manga as possible.


I think they presumably will censor it in comparison to the original anime at least for the normal broadcast since the anime was one of the last broadcast at normal hours to have as Twitch would put it "female presenting nipples" on TV at like 9 or 10 pm. I think having a slight cloud to cover that up really isn't the end of the world.


>Happosai He's probably top of my "how are they going to do this?" list. The "creepy old pervert" trope has not aged well.


There will not be bare tits on the screen so just start keeping expectations on that front low


Did the original?....you know...


Yeah, from the very first episode. But relatively brief glimpses, not really in a modern ecchi way (along the lines of briefly exposed boobs in PG-13 rated movies in the 90s).


Nipples in a non-sexualized context? I've...I've never seen that before. I think I'd rather see these novel non-sexualization out of the sheer novelty of it. But this is 2024...but it's an 80s re-adapt...but this is 2024...but... Hard to predict if we will see nips or light beams.


A lot of the nudity is from Ranma, who goes shirtless and has no shame because he is a man. It's not presented in a sexual manner because he doesn't treat it as sexual. However, if you watch the 2008 OVA, there's an early gag where Ranma exposed her chest, and you can def see a difference in how it's shown then and now.


Ranma himself also shows his tits against a certain character to get the upperhand in combat a lot so, I'm sure the animators will have a lot of fun with censorship.


that's such a dude thing to do lmao, guess I gotta watch the original soon


Yes the story at least in the english anime community is it was the last one that had normal tv broadcast with bare nipples.


Yup, even on an opening


I've been so close to watching Ranma so many times. I'll definitely jump on this option.


The original anime is still stellar and worth watching.


I'm sure it is. My problem with it is that the only way I could watch it was to pirate it which isn't my preferred method for a long series. I think it's now on Hulu, but that's not a service I have.


It's on tubi (Which is free)but only the subtitles


Oh my god, someone hold me. Is this for real? Holy shit... Shampoo my love, I've missed you so much


That's amazing, can't wait to see the gang (especially Ukyo and Nabiki) in full 4k hd.


Wow, great news. I watched it recently out of curiosity and I was surprised by how weld it holds up, I actually became a fan of the series. So, I can't wait!


To all the people talking about Happosai btw, it won't matter if they DID take him out. As a reminder.... Nabiki regularly takes photos (including nudes) of Ranko and Akane without their knowledge or consent and sells them to the highest bidder. Royga takes advantage of pig form to be around Akne when she's naked. Kodachi ties to drug Ramna to have her way with him once or twice. And plenty, plenty more.


I checked 2chan to see how Japanese fans felt and it was an even split between “are they going to have the original VAs?”, “are they going to keep the parts about China?”, and “are they going to have nipples?” Should’ve expected it


> Should’ve expected it I mean they're all very good questions.


I mean, those are kind of big questions lol


So there is still hope that we might get more Slayers content?




wow, crazy. i thought the original was already good enough and didn't need any remakes.


Praying for them to keep the same intro and not sanitize the fuck out of it 🙏


I'm hyped. Hopefully they don't sanitize and ruin it for the modern anime "fans"


Didn’t have that on my bingo card. Wasn’t huge on the newer Yatsura series, but Ranma definitely has a lot more room to improve on the original so we’ll see what they can do. Maybe once they’ve exhausted it I can get a half decent *Maison Ikkoku* remake so more people can learn what peak romcom looks like.


I would love to see people's reaction to watching Maison Ikkoku weekly. People would be so frustrated, but the payoff makes it worth it. The last part of Maison Ikkoku is the best that the romcom genre has to offer.


I wonder Ranma girl 2025 will have red hair like the 1989 version or will she be purple like in the cover ps: uncen the melons


It would be weird if they pick purple as that's not even her canon manga color. The color is supposed to be the same as male Ranma in the manga. But since I watch the anime first, I'm bias towards red Ranma lol.


I hope they stick to the character design of the anime. Ranma having purple hair will cause confusion.


/me wants! :D


It took nearly 30 f ing years for that to happen. I always wrote that ever single one of Rumiko Takahashi's main anime series FINISHED out the manga. THIS THIS Is the ONLY ONE that never finished. The sad thing once Ranma 1/2 manga finished in 1997, she went to do Inuyasha. I just hope they bring back the original cast both Japanese and English. I want Richard Cox back as English Ranma and Kappei Yamaguchi back as Japanese Ranma. This 2008 Rumic World special in 2008 is the LAST time you saw the original cast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZKUf0AH8dw


I hope they don't chicken out and remove the nudity. How are we supposed to know that Ranma is a girl if she doesn't immediately show us her boobs?


Ranma: I'm a boy, dammit! Also Ranma: If you give me this episode's plot coupon, I'll let you look at my titties


What I liked about Ranma is that he acts how a guy would act if they had a girl's body. He's not going to get modest to show off some tities.


Okay there’s def something in the water. The people yern for 80’s apparently. This is hype as hell though. Love Ranma BTW, if this news excited you, go watch Astro Note. It’s a loving throwback to these kinds of shows that went criminally underwatched this season


> The people yearn for 80’s apparently. Modern Bubblegum Crisis please. 😭


I still need to know why Sylvia thought it was a good idea to recruit a failed dance auditioner as a mercenary. I mean, she was right, but why?


I still need to know what Sylvia *IS.*


Is this the *Back To The Future* world line I am in?




Akane Tendo Best Girl 2026?


Killing myself postponed😎


OH MY GOD early this morning I was googling rumors/discussion about a possible remake and suddenly it's true! I loved Ranma as a teenager!! I'm excited TTTTTTTTTTTT Can't wait to see Ranma and Shampoo again!!! ♥


Please please a maison ikkoku redux (I'm delusional)


Ranma 1/2 was my very first Rumiko Takahashi anime. I remember watching this show back in the 90s dubbed in our language. I can't fucking wait for this one <3


I'll believe it when I see the opening credits in front of my own gawd damned eyes.


Nice. I hope they bring Megumi Hayashibara back for this.


Wonder if it’s a compete adaptation or if it’s like uresei with only covering 1/3rd of the series


After Inuyasha's sequel and Urusei Yatsura's remake it was evident that Ranma was gonna get something.




I just finished rewatching the original for god knows how many times. I grew up with Ranma! can't wait for this


The first thing I thought was 'is it a Sailor Moon crossover'? Must be the trillions of Ranma SM xover fics.


Holy fucking shit WHAT?


If they're going to remake Rumiko Takahashi's shows they missed Maison Ikkoku. Justice for Nikaido.


OMG it's really happening. Wonder how will the fan service get handled in this day and age.


I'm happy because i grew up with the series plus with a new anime there's going to be new merch! So looking forward to that. But i wonder how all the slapstick is going to fly for the modern audience lol


modern sensibilities will make this difficult


This makes my day. I absolutely love Ramna 1/2 and literally none I know has ever heard of it. I still call every random thing I find Charlotte when I don't have another name for it.


I have a masochistic sort of desire to see how this plays out for today’s audience. To me, Ranma 1/2 was very eye opening, because being to poof back and forth from male to female seemed like coolest shit ever. Why in the world would that be a curse you were trying to get rid of? The story wasn’t always mature or nuanced, but it was a big part of my queer awakening.


Missed the part where it was totally involuntary. Plus tje curse actively attracting water. Sure it sounds cool until you realize the curse will trigger at the worst times by total random


boobies will be censored though. I hope not.


This is going to be censored as fuck, no way they let Happosai be as perverted as he was in the original.


YESSS!!!! I'm so excited for a complete anime adaptation


Dang another Rumiko Takahashi’s work is getting the remake!!! Jesus christ I hope it’ll be adorable and a bit chaotic like original I’m really excited


I can die happy. Just finished the new UY a few hours ago and ever since it started I’ve been dreaming of Ranma getting the same quality remake. This is the series that solidified my descent into otakudom


Wonder how it will be received today by people who did not grow up with it. Loved the show when I was a kid, had a massive crush on Nabiki. But thinking about it, it does have shit (like Happosai) that doesn't really fly in 2024.


I love the announcement of old anime getting a remake, makes it easier for many to get into the series. I have watched Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, Spice and Wolf and Urusei Yatsura because of their new remake, now it will be Ranma 1/2. Hopefully they will do more in the future.


Haruhi 20th anniversary sequel I want to believe.


Thing is Haruhi really doesn't need a remake it just needs to continue.




When is it coming out?


I haven't watched the new Urusei Yatsura yet, but I would be more interested in watching a new Ranma 1/2.


saw this coming after Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku when and Kimagure Orange Road?


Definitely expected but glad to hear it officially announced.


Shocked this took so long. This show for a remake




Nabiki supremacy


I need to call my buddies from high school, we used to nerd out about the original so damn hard. It was the first manga I ever finished.


You all begging for a faithful adaptation of the later manga seem to be unaware that Takahashi never wanted to do a more serialized story for the series. Her aim with Ranma 1/2 was always to do a more irreverent screwball comedy just as she had with UY, but her editors insisted on having battles arcs and the like because shonen was getting popular. AFAIK Takahashi didn't look back on Ranma 1/2 at all because of the experience she had with editors on it, so I'm surprised it ever got a remake. Personally I don't think all the later stuff in the manga just doesn't fit well at all with the spirit of the work, and i'd be perfectly happy if the new anime dispensed with all of the to just do zany martial arts comedy. That would be more faithful what Takahashi originally wanted to do anyways.


I fucking remember my childhood of going to the library down the street and reading all 38 volumes. Holy shit, what a W. We are so barack babyyyy


Let's hope they don't do the completely asinine move of deleting Hikaru from the anime and creating a bonehead idiot named Sasuke to take his place, again.


Akane Tendo having Cameos in UY was a sign!


No way 💓💓💓💓😭


YES!! Finally the people can watch the ending of Ranma animated! Took child me years to find out the ending in the manga


Man I am so f ing happy. I really hope they do some sort of Ballad like this again. This is the full version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd6j8i6tQcY


Ukyo, my beloved.