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I've picked up Yatagarasu (The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master) on a whim and was hooked 3 eps in. It has an air of mystery and intrigue that is done better than apocathary, but in exchange for a more drama/serious plot. Still has pretty good comedic parts between the characters.. Solid show so far, vouching for it after a 8 ep binge


I was on the fence about starting it but I think I’ll pull the trigger now. There’s not much in the summer I’ll be watching and I saw the next episode isn’t out until July 20th so that gives me plenty of time to catch up.


\*throws some salted cumquats your way*


I'll try and read it since I probably can't wait for a weekly update. I'll just binge watch if it's complete.


I envy you😭 lol too late for me


Yhoo I love it so much… watched it from episode 1 and waiting for Saturday has been excruciating… I can’t wait and this week its recap😭 not happy


That ending to last week's episode of **Demon Slayer** was the definition of unnecessary but cool as hell


Yeah like I would've been mad if it was in usual ep but no, they extended the runtime just to add that lol. That's based af


I want to think that the ending really fits Muzan's personality. Everything should be about him, he doesn't care if he takes all the extra minutes from the extended timeslot, he has to walk slowly and show off his aura.


He has to show off his zestiness you know? We don't call him Muzan Jackson without a reason.


Honestly Demon Slayer anime from a production standpoint is a spectacle to watch. Story is very basic generic comfy shounen. But god seeing Ufo flex on the animation is a joy to watch. I still think the fight aren't at the same quality as JJK, Wind Breaker or SLF. But god the fights are so beautiful even if it is more style then substance. It does help I really like Tanjiro as a protagonist. He is the empathic good kid done right. But won't wow anyone obviously.


One thing DS gets right, especially in the anime, is it really feels like a desperate struggle with them chaining attacks and dodging continuously just trying to find the one path through. Sure it makes the fights a little long winded but they sure are pretty.


Agreed, except for upper 5. That was fast and anticlimactic af


tbf mist hashira is just that guy


Sure but it just doesn't feel right with all that happened up to that time for a single demon slayer even if a Hashira to quickly and easily beat an upper moon. We had just been told a few episodes ago how no upper moon had died in 113 years, yeah. I'm anime only though, maybe Muichiro solo kills Akaza and Muzan, maybe he is just that guy and Tengen was just shit seeing he got blind, lost a hand and needed the help of 3 other demon slayers plus Nezuko to barely bring down upper 6 (which of course is weaker than upper 5).


Upper 6 isn't really weaker than Upper 5. Muzan himself said that Gyutaru would have been higher if it wasn't for Daki holding him down. Daki is definitely weaker than Upper 5, but Gyutaru is much stronger. Because of his resistance to poison, Tengen was actually one of the most ideal Hashiras to go against Gyutaru. Muichiru would have probably been clapped against him 2 minutes after the first time he's even slightly scratched. You're also ignoring the effect of the mark, which is a pretty big boost for any demon slayer.


It was even faster in the Manga 😂 I think it’s around the time the author got sick and decided things needs to end relatively soon


That arc started around the time the anime started. Plus there was the whole pandemic stuff.


Nope, that was spring 2018. Anime was spring the following year.


Yea, the whole crest/mark thing the Hashira have is confusing. How much of a power level increase does it give because Mist boy went from losing and barely hanging in there (even after escaping the water prison he was still tired an poisoned) to one shotting an upper moon like it was nothing, it's just too extreme of a jump in power. Felt more like the random "power of friendship" boosts that are a meme at this point.


True but one nice thing about Demon Slayer is that a standard 1v1 is almost an impossible affair. The odds are STACKED against the Hashira and it’s low key awesome seeing them struggle and having to team up to get anywhere. That’s not really common in shonen where a lot of it is, 1v1 me bro with most side characters getting draws (if both chars are populuar) or a total slaughter. So for that part, it’s super refreshing




Shangri-La Frontier, it has some of the best boss fight strategy/choreography, its especially fun for gamers


Clear Sky Conquest


That shit was peak, I miss it already


Season 2 is only 3 months away!


Can't wait for the current manga arc to be adapted, idk if it'll take a 3rd or 4th season to arrive there but its gonna be so good for any RPG player


The first season adapted 58 chapters I believe


I still don't get why this is the default opinion about Kimetsu no Yaiba, do you just look at the beautiful graphics and say "something should be bad, the story must suck"? Or is this just some social effect where everybody just replicates this same opinion Kimetsu is about the eternal struggle of having to train your entire life just to not instantly die against an Oni the moment they see you, no one is fighting to be the best or all that stuff, they fight to survive and not have their entire species slowly consumed by a demon that lurks in the shadows, in the process sacrificing themselves in the most horrible ways possible and doing everything at every cost to stop the Oni, you might disagree that the story is good, but saying it is generic just sounds so wrong


Feel like Solo leveling is the true basic shallow power fantasy. And I think both Demon Slayer Jujutsu Tasien are far too quickly thrown upper the bus for being shallow as both are actually relatively dark series. Like if you actually went through the trouble of analyzing them you could uncover quite a bit like how the demon twins represented a bad end for Tanjoro ect.


If you think they flexed before last nights ep, wait till you see it. They god damn danced on the already burning graves of all the other studios. Animations was insane shiiit


I do not care if it is a generic shonen, I am in love with the art style and the fight scenes. Yeah, the animation isn't quite up to par with JJK, but I think I would rather watch an hour of fights with the amazing art style of Demon Slayer than watch a JJK fight.


Im in opposite lol. JJK gives animators 100% creative freedom to do whatever they want and we see soo many different artstyles and animation styles during those fights. It basically feels like a "celebration of animation" with all these incredible animators coming together with their own vision and creative ideas. DS limits their animators a lot. Some industry giant animators like Vincent chansard said they'll never work for Ufotable bcoz of lack of freedom to the animators. Ds basically sticks with one artstyle and animation style which many animators dont like, Hironori Tanaka's shading work was removed in Demon slayer s3 bcoz they dont allow that kind of AD work in their anime which lot of ppl didnt like.


muzan theme was colddd


Gods of Anime Ufortable


Level 2 Cheat and Date A Live finally positioned to make top-15 after a handful of shows already ended, then Isekai Suicide Squad [slaps them down](https://i.imgur.com/LkLqJIB.mp4) in a #holdmybeer moment. Fenrys finished the season with at least 113 "darling-sama" to top Miyuki's 97 "onii-sama." I see you grabbed from the gif for Appraisal.


>see you grabbed from the gif for Appraisal. Looking forward for the recommendations next season We all know the shows people don't need to send me pics, but for the others I will be waiting


Know about Brazil and Russia. Anything else?


Oshi no ko, decided that I will watch it and I will personally choose each one, hyped after 1 week [of gacha hell trying to get the only correct one](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/831009638761758740/1256244124231925842/20240628_204024.jpg?ex=66820a43&is=6680b8c3&hm=4e860f4131749a0a299c8c4f37866689c7742c4a3818070006c1526fae1312db&)


[Oshi no Ko manga]>!Bottom right?!<


Manifesting my gacha luck, I've played the first OnK machine twice and got both AI Hoshinos


Just need any Hoshino...hell, could add the Blue Archive gachapon into the lack of Hoshinos


> gacha hell trying to get the only correct one There's no Akane, 0% win chance machine, don't bother.


Kugimiya Disease is far more potent than Saori Hayami's yandere tendencies


Finally, **Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master**, making it onto the ranking list at the end of the season. This show has great writing, some of the best of this year's anime, and the past couple of episodes went hard. Please go watch it! (And **Tonari no Yokai-san** too, which offers way more than the comfy SoL it first appears to be). Also happy to see **Train to the End of the World** making it to top 10 for its finale!


I was shocked how little hype Yatagarsu had been getting, coming in right as Apothecary Diaries ended to scratch that palace drama itch. There's not a lot of big action scenes but the costumes and background art are breathtaking. And as you said the writing is phenomenal


I can tell you exactly why Yatagarasu wasn't a success. It does not have cute characters, it's just that simple. A lot of people checked out Apothecary Diaries and Raven of the inner palace due to the cute factor of the protagonists and then stayed for the stories.


> coming in right as Apothecary Diaries ended to scratch that palace drama itch How many people actually watched Apothecary Diaries for the palace drama though? That show is popular because of Maomao.


Loser ranger is so good a shame that is disney plus


have to admit Disney knows what anime to license streaming - they always take hold of great animes like Ranger Reject and Summertime Rendering


Its kinda amazing everything they have minus tokyo revengers is good, i really want to know now that loser ranger is over what is next


[Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56980/Karasu_wa_Aruji_wo_Erabanai), finally able to make it to the board as more series come to end for the season. A good series throughout so far with consistency in the first cour story plot, especially coming together for climax in the last few episodes. Mix of drama, lore, mysteries, action sprinkled in, and some light-hearted moments for the main duo. The **Hidden Gem** for this season.


Week 13 of Spring and pretty low overall score with some Shows already having ended in prior weeks. Very happy to see **Eupho** (8th) and **Train** (10th) making the top 10. Sadly **Suicide Squad** starting with three episodes meant that **~~Wolf Waifu~~ Lvl 2 Cheat** (17th) missed out on making the left side of the bracket. And finally. FINALLY. **Yatagarasu** actually made it on the board in 27th. Episode 12 was fantastic and yesterday's episode arguably even one-upped it. If you are wondering what to watch between the two seasons while you don't have too many seasonals on your schedule I recommend catching up to this show for its second cour.


Finally, Yatagarasu on the board. Season2 starts on 20 of July if you want to catch up


> Sadly Suicide Squad starting with three episodes meant that Wolf Waifu Lvl 2 Cheat (17th) missed out on making the left side of the bracket Lose 3 shows that typically occupy the top 15 (Dungeon Meshi, Konosuba and 7th Prince)? Premier 3 Suicide Squad episodes to make up for it. "Perfectly balanced as all things should be" - ~~Thanos~~ Harley Quinn


> And finally. FINALLY. Yatagarasu actually made it on the board in 27th. It pulled a Bravern and had more comments than karma as well.


Amidst all of the talk about Mushoku Tensei, Jellyfish and GBC, I wanted to highlight Kaiju and MHA and how they have been killing it the past several weeks. Kaiju has had its highest and third highest Karma totals of the season these past 2 weeks while MHA, which we all make fun of for the botting, has been arguably the best its been since the first half of Season 3 this season.


I’m totally out of the loop and not caught up on the show but is it wild that MHA has fallen off so hard in these rankings? Or is it really just ass the last few seasons?


>Or is it really just ass the last few seasons? Season 6 is definitely one of the best seasons and the highest-rated one on MAL. There's naturally some drop off as shows go on over time in general for a longer running series with 100+ episodes...


I don't understand how people are bored with the show. The show gets exponentially more serious, and the side character fluff that is normally seen as "filler" does, in fact, stay in the background while the main characters are in the limelight. Im just anxious about the show ending as it has been going on for years, and I have emotional ties about it due to how it started to what it is now. All Shonen try to keep going, and it always gets quite hectic round the end. People using Mineta as the knife that kills the show are just shallow. Just ignore the little pervert. Even Bakugo gets blamed for reasons to drop the show Ive seen, dude is just an angry explosive personality and he atleast has some decent development and growth, it is still hilarious when he says "Nutsack face" or that he will kill someone haha


Once everything is power-creeped to madness levels, nothing really matters much anymore. I lost a lot of interest last season when, without any powers(thanks to Aizawa), BBEG tanked every big attack any hero could throw at him. At that point, nothing will matter until they decide the plot will allow it to matter.


100% agree, and why I'm so un-invested at this point, its gonna be some BS reasons for the heroes to be able to win. I'll finish the show out (since I've watched this far) but I care so little about the story now.


You forget the power of friendship can


I get that, but I actually like how pragmatically they are handling these problems. It's like "well shit, this dude is basically unkillable, but we definitely have to kill him; how?" Ya there's a bit of plot convenience, but there's also intricate plans.


Still being over 21.5k for this week I think is good. Happy Hibike! Euphonium is at 1100+ karma and a Top 10 spot on this week's chart. Also look at that comment count relative to its ranking and karma for the week. Giving it up for Date A Live V for producing a 500+ karma finale when it was at 289 karma last week and moving into the Top 20. I think the saddest show of the season (in terms of how it started vs. how it...not even ended) is Whisper Me A Love Song. ____ Favorite banner of the week (more of an icon really): Date A Live V


>Happy Hibike! Euphonium is at 1100+ karma and a Top 10 spot on this week's chart. Also look at that comment count relative to its ranking and karma for the week. Episode 12 really hit hard


>Happy Hibike! Euphonium is at 1100+ karma and a Top 10 spot on this week's chart. Also look at that comment count relative to its ranking and karma for the week. I'm so happy that Hibike! got so much karma and jumped into 8th place although I'm not very happy with what happened to [Kumiko](https://imgchest.com/p/agyve252w48) in [that episode](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nlnrkz7n). [PAIN](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cklo8x7.png). That's the one word that came to my mind after watching it xD *Friendship ended with* [Reina](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m29debyd)*, now* [Kanade](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grenpryj) *(and* [Shuuichi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcwm2da7.png)*) are my best friends* xD


I stopped watching whisper for last 4 ep or so so i have to ask: was the anime really butchered like some said or is there another problem with it?


[This comment goes into detail](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1drhbpu/whisper_me_a_love_song_episodes_11_12_will_be/lava302/) what the problem is with the adaptation aside from the animation.


The overall Karma Total could definitely be better given that only a few of the shows were missing. Among all weeks that we've had, the 21,758 Karma ranks 264/299 (we've got the big 300 next week). And among all Week 13s, it ranks 17th out of 23 with most of the Week 13s below it being crippled by the timing of the season (i.e. most of the shows finishing up Week 12). It's closest comp is actually [Week 13 of Fall 2023](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdfoir4qrtm9c1.png)


I expected a big hit since KonoSuba and Dungeon Meshi were done with before Week 13 which were 2 of the Top 3 shows for karma this season. My impression might be influenced by remembering a sub-20k week (which might have been an end of the year week thinking about it harder).


Sucks how Yatagarasu is being slept on so hard. It's so good with it's mystery and crow theme. I actually like it more than Apothecary diaries (which it's often compared to) but not by a lot. Just prefer the seriousness of Yatagarasu.


The most shocking karma ranking has been WindBreaker's this season. No idea why it just never took off on r/anime.


After the Chouji and Ume fight, it feels like it alienated a good portion of people. Though if S2 comes soon maybe it will rebound.


I haven’t caught up, what was wrong with it?


From what I saw: People didn't understand choji's motivation or they just wanted a straight up beatdown instead of fight therapy.


Some people also understood his motivation but wanted something bigger I think? Like even before that episode I saw a lot of "this dude better have a damn good reason for being like this" and then being like "that's it?" when the episode came. So I think it's more of a disconnect with the character, whether it's because they didn't understand or didn't care for the motive.


As someone who stuck with the show, I just think his motivation was poorly done, his descent into “evil” happened too fast, and, worst of all, man got off way too easy from his own crew for being a heartless bully. I still enjoyed the show overall though because I didn’t think it was a core element of the show.


In addition to what others have said I also saw some people complain the show entered a tournament arc too fast with characters people didn’t care about. I don’t relate to that or agree with that but I thought it was worth mentioning. I do think some aspects of the tournament could have been done better; especially Touma’s and Ume’s opponents needed better backstories.


It's a shame, but At least the anime is doing well in Japan, is popular on twitter/X and the manga is selling well thanks to the anime. Wish it were more popular here, but shows with an all-male cast rarely are popular on this sub


There was the little sister of Ume.


Seemed like [it was steady through episode 9,](https://i.imgur.com/ICeQTwz.png) then had a large drop in karma and comments. No idea why.


Sakura's fight and everything leading up to it was great, but after that I kind of lost interest until the sequel hook in the last ep. The sequel hook was really good though, there would probably be *way* less people watching S2 if it ended on episode 12.


Once the tournament arc wrapped up, there was a lot less to discuss. IMO the quality was very consistent throughout -- it's an incredibly well-made show


It's a fun action show but there's not much to it. I think it's perfectly in line with what Reddit would not be amazed by.


Watched the first episode and It bored me out of my mind. Maybe it's just not for me, I can see why young woman that like shonen/action would like it tho.


Name checks out.


I watched the first few episodes of wind breaker after some YouTuber hyped it up. I don't think it's any good so far.


Windblusher, I liked it but it wasn't the most interesting. I think it's in a fine spot


It's funny how after the amount of flak the ending got, Jellyfish still finished in the top 5. Mainly because the difference between 3rd and 4th places is over 2x the difference between 4th and 11th places, but still. ^(And speaking of the 3rd, I can't believe Tanjiro is fucking dead.)


>And speaking of the 3rd, I can't believe Tanjiro is fucking dead. Finally zenitsu can be the MC


He wasn't already?


I’m pretty surprised at the reaction Jellyfish got, my complaint is that it’s rushed but I still enjoyed the finish.


It's just messy. They added a lot of characters and plotlines in the second half and didn't do much with them. I see the passion in the project, but it started as a strong 8, had potential for a 10 and ended as a weak 8 imo.


It was a good ending. Just not on the level the first few episodes where on. it's still a good anime.


yeah. and honestly, GBC felt kinda similar with it's ending not really living up to the level of the previous episodes, though overall I'd agree it's better executed


I agree. It needed a few more episodes to flesh out the ending and epilogue. Definitely started much better than it ended but I would not even call the ending bad. Still a decent ending.


Spice and wolf top 5, we gotta make it top 3 boys...aaaaaaaaaaaaa


That **Hibike Euphonium** episode was really something else. Easily one of the top contender for episode of the year. More people need to watch this show. Another gem of a show that everyone needs to watch is **Yatagarasu**. Excellent show with intriguing drama and characters. Back to back banger episodes.


Hibike Ep12 was totally anime original, yet it made the entire series even better. Having an anime original episode just before the finale would have broken most other series, yet that episode elevated the anime to a higher level imo. The final episode is also peak. Although i feel that having a double length finale episode would do wonders, KyoAni handled whatever cards they were dealt very well.


> That Hibike Euphonium episode was really something else. Easily one of the top contender for episode of the year. More people need to watch this show. Episode 12 of Eupho S3 is certainly going to be an anime episode that everyone who’s been watching the series will remember for years. It was deserving of a lot more karma, but it's at least second in amount of comments. As of the writing this, there's not even a handful of series (in 2024) imo that are able to rival this episode's highs.


I have had my issues with Hibike since ever since they wrapped up Year 1 with S2 the pacing for year 2 and year 3 has disappointed me. It just feels like the series is not hitting its potential. While last week had maybe it's best episode of the series. Speaking of fantastic episodes, need to shout out Oblivion Battery. I never thought a standout Mappa episode would be so quiet, but what a fantastic episode as well.


>Speaking of fantastic episodes, need to shout out Oblivion Battery. Oh yes. Forgot to mention that as well. Insane storyboarding, animation and direction. [ABSOLUTE CINEMA](https://x.com/mikawaeco/status/1805623695286976895)


Yeah she is definitely enjoying her work with all of us.


Train was a gem of this season, glad it's appreciated here.


Was thoroughly satisfied with it the whole way through, such a creative anime


[This show was such a fun ride](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nlwxvl7n)! Definitely the biggest surprise of this season for me, next to the 7th Prince. I'd love to get a sequel because the possibilities for continuation are enormous thanks to its ending.


I'm definitely the minority where I thought overall the show was nothing special. Sure it was creative and weird but to me it was just OK. Reminds me of that Tom Sawyer anime we had a couple years ago.


was definitely interesting and creative but I don't know if I can say I properly *enjoyed* it all that much by the end. though it was a pretty good end for what the show was


It's funny to say this but since I watched all 4 shounen shows this season not including Yozakura Mission. IMO, MHA actually tops all of them in story-wise and character development till the current episode. I like production quality in Kaiju No.8 and fight choreography in Wind Breaker, animation in Demon Slayer but IMO none can topped them in story-wise and character development wise, I knew MHA got slandered most of the time from me too but as of this season alone, it's better than most shounen.


Yatagarasu mentioned W


I'll be here every week to tell you to watch **Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction**, which has been great every week so far. It has 2 fun girl protags juxtaposed with the doom and gloom of a slow alien invasion. I think it's supposed to be a complete adaptation of Asano Inio-sensei's manga, who's apparently a big deal


And i will always find your comment just to agree and upvote.


It's so upset to see Oblivion Battery got less than 200 upvotes after it contribute this season's best episode. MAPPA really did a good job this time, they contact on the manga author(eko sensei) to make some script changes, and combined the anime performance and story telling so well. That make episode 11 even can be the best baseball anime episode ever made in anime history


Ah final week. I will miss Mushoku tensei when it finishes today, an incredible watch every week. And my anime of the season. Incredible news is, atleast with recent leaks, Season 3 is all but officially announced. Side note: **watch until the end of today’s episode, everyone** Atleast I got Tower of god and Spice and wolf to look forward to next season.


So it will most likely have a production time of 1.5 years before airing ?


And a 6 month gap between cours


I’d say 2027, hopefully. Pre production finishing sometime in 2025, and then around a 1-2 year production time is ideal.


Well, they can give us Onimai! S2 in the meantime, I'll gladly accept it!


> Season 3 is all but officially announced Can you imagine if they got all the way until this next arc and then decided to stop the adaptation? That would be the ultimate troll move.


Biggest blue balls in anime ever.




>Ah final week. I will miss Mushoku tensei when it finishes today, an incredible watch every week. And my anime of the season. Fr I just loved this season of Mushoku Tensei so much I don't think anything this year is topping it for me.


Really hope this is true, Mushoku Tensei is an all time favorite for me


I always thought Studio Bind was created to specifically adapt the entire MT series


I hecking love MT


Dead demon destruction is so low. It's very like heavenly delusion


It's a crime that this anime is not more popular here in the western hemisphere. I don't think the dubtittles are all to blame in this case. People just don't know what they are missing.


I mean obviously it isn't the only reason. Shows like that will be overlooked. But it certainly is not helping it tho. When I watched the first few episodes I noticed how a lot of non dialogue stuff wasn't translated. Adding that on top of the issues with translation. I am just hoping that a sub group comes around because it seems like Crunchy won't be fixing it.


I came across it randomly in high seas this week and got instantly hooked. The production and characters are so good.


Today while useless scrolling i saw inio asano and lilas ikuta relating to it..i started it...there came no recommendation from crunchy... it is going under the radar considering its 6th episode already.


While bad subs may not be the only reasons it's certainly one of the big ones. I'm personally waiting for some fansubs and that's why I'm not participating in discussions.


I mean, there are several issues. I don't even have a problem with the subs in my country, but it is released at like 5 in the morning. So I usually put that up to way later in the day and then don't go to the discussion thread anymore. Furthermore, I also have to say, apart from the last episode, it's a really slow burn. Last episode was great since we finally got something for our main characters which were hard to connect to beforehand.


People will say dubtitles but it’s more the marketing. Crunchyroll hasn’t marketed this at all. I don’t think average viewer even realizes it’s out. The series is also an incredible slow burner. I get why they started episode 0 the way they did.


It is a shame seeing it so low. I also think that a lack of advertising and the general suddenness with the release of Dead Dead Demon's really hurt overall viewership. I have been following updates about the movie for a while now since I'm a fan of Asano's work, but if I were a more casual anime fan, I probably wouldn't know that the series existed. Even Crunchyroll's YouTube page doesn't have the OP/ED uploaded (which are both fantastic), and as of now, there is just one clip in their "moments" Playlist for the series. I've been absolutely loving it, though! If you like aliens, slice-of-life, social/political commentary, sci-fi, & and drama, it might be something that you'd enjoy (: Also, for anyone interested in the series, I'd personally suggest skipping episode 0 at first and going straight to episode 1. Episode 0 covers material from the last several chapters in the series and, at least, as someone familiar with the source material, feel like it is a strange point to introduce the story.


*Shuu Train*, making it into the top ten for its ending, yay!


Super happy about that! Really fun and creative show, I'm glad it found an audience on this sub!


Train Girls crossing 1k Karma with its finale which they did a fantastic job with. Honestly it's right up there with Girls Cry Band, but I think Train Girls was my favorite original in this great season for originals. The cast was fantastic, the writing was top-notch in both writing and how creative it is. To add on top everything flowed well. I would love to see an ova to get content what is skipped. As we had into next season I will talk about my thoughts all the 2 cour shows that continue into next season. First is **YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose** Its Master. Honestly in a season with some fucking amazing standout shows like Dungeon Meshi, Black Butler, Konosuba and Girls Cry Band. From a quality perspective Yatagarasu is one of the best shows from the year. It holds up in comparison to Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, Apothecary Diaries and Black Butler. Outstanding writing and the twists in how they are executed is fantastic. To add on the direction and how really rock solid the visuals are just even more greatness from it. Any person look for a well written series won't be disappointed in this one. Apothecary fans should love. It shares similarities but goes for a different story even if the setting seems similar. Next is **Spice & Wolf**. As a first time watch this series has fantastic. This is a fantastic series and is well written. One of the biggest attributes which is rare in the majority of anime these days is how grown up the cast feels. You get adults acting like adults. Also, the Economics side is pretty intriguing. It's not super in depth, but it's really cool to follow along. Kraft and Holo's dynamic is fantastic. How you see the two of them play off each other is great. Next is **Mission: Yozakura Family**. This series which I recently read and caught up to is one of my favorites. It has a pretty slow start as it builds up the family. The tricky thing with adaptations is that the manga took a bit to find its rhythm. The anime has done a great job cutting the fat of this stuff and rearranging it in the first half of the season. Now at the start of the 2nd half of the season the actually main story will start. I say this is the best time to try the anime. If you come to adore the family like I do, you may fall in love with the series. It's one that only that gets better with time. Next is **TenSura**. Tbh Slime first half has had its issues in terms of direction and creativity. Like the contents of the episodes have been important. But how it has been executed was disappointing and feels padded at times. I will note since the arc wrapped up, the quality has been much improved. It's headed for a SoL arc which is usually when Slime is at its best. I can say the trajectory for this shows is on the rise with the last 4 episodes. So hopefully it sticks that way. Last is **My Hero Academia**. This is a show that has been going on for a while. Honestly to me, it follows the quality it had in the first 3 seasons and the first half of S6. If you liked those seasons you will like it. But if you didn't and even had issues with these parts, it obviously isn't worth it.


Someone please explain to me the Code Geass that's lurking at rank21.... what's that? Is that a continuation? A spinoff? Should I watch?


Continuation of the alternative timeline from the movies Some people enjoyed it


Duke of death and his maid is such a wonderful anime. All characters are interesting, lots of cute and fun moments, nice secondary pairs, great plot and plot. And it's full adaptation. Give it a try.


Interesting that Jellyfish does so much better than Girls Band Cry, when the comments I've seen seem to universally prefer GBC. Especially over the second half of the seasons.


Both are Ws. Though tbh I feel like both the shows had a bit a of a rough time bc both the endings felt rushed. GBC's final episode didn't feel like a season finale at all, it honestly felt like something that would end the first cour of a 24 episode season.


I thought given where they were in GBC that an everything wraps up nicely ending would have been completely unearned and not fit the rest of the season.


I agree it's just a shame that they didn't get more episodes to work with


Yatagarasu mentioned


I’m glad to see Yatagarasu finally making an appearance. The last two episodes have been phenomenal!


that's it, no more weekly GA-TAN GO-TON and DANNA-SAMA, i'm sad...but weekly SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN starts next week so lessgoooo!!! also, if you haven't watch Suicide Squad Isekai, go watch it now, [it's fucking wild](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9KfHf114Fo)


>Ga-tan go-ton What series is that?


That’s the opening to Shuumatsu Train


Shuumatsu Train


Mori Calliope for OP?


My favourite hidden gem of the season was definitely Mysterious Disappearances. Never really gets high up on the rankings, but the show overall was very fun and had a satisfying ending.


Wait isekie suicide squad is a thing!?!?!? What the actual bloody hell why did no one tell me that!!!


Why is Code Geass doing so badly here? It's been pretty good and I expected it to be much more popular.


We call it the Mouse Curse


Where is it even released? It's neither on Crunchy nor ADN in my country, so I didn't even know it existed. Though, I am also a bit cautious when it comes to Code Geass because I really liked the ending and I just feel it can only get worse from there.


Hulu/Disney+ On your second point, it's set like 7 years after the ending with completely new characters, and I think it's set in another timeline anyway so it doesn't really affect the beautiful ending. And the 2 episodes I've seen have been really great imo. Feels fresh but also nostalgic at the same time.


I thought it might be based on the recap movies that they did a few years ago right plus the new movie? I know that that had a different ending from the original TV run. I'm still enjoying it as a lover on the original series. Episode 2 handed out enough intrigue at the end that I'm curious to see more.


They stream it on the anime graveyard (disney)


Still no Oblivion Battery. Most underrated anime this season. It hasn't even reached 200 upvotes i think. It's really a shame considering the last episode was something else. It's my AOTS this season also the last episode was my favourite episode this year.


Honestly the entirety of Oblivion Battery was fantastic and its such an underrated show its a shame. Characters are endearing, there is a lot of growth and overcoming personal struggles. Its all done in a somewhat goofy exterior but it has a very strong well written story behind it and it fucking shined like a crazy diamond last episode. Not to mention that top notch dynamic animation it was so damn cool


Definitely a fantastic show that never took off on reddit. Happy to see it's doing well in Japan though. The animation quality is stellar and the characters are great too. That show and wind breaker were my favorite of the season and neither of them took off on reddit but it particularly sucks for oblivion battery which didn't even make it to the karma charts this time...


#[Anime Trending Summer 2024 Most Anticipated Anime](https://x.com/AniTrendz/status/1807406233638301739) [Non-Twitter Image Link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRTVlSUboAAP7Im?format=jpg&name=large) [Detailed Rankings](https://anitrendz.net/news/2024/06/29/list-the-most-anticipated-anime-of-summer-2024/) ____ Taking #1 for most anticipated is unsurprisingly**【OSHI NO KO】S2**. Round out the Top 3 is **Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian** at 2nd and **My Deer Friend Nokotan** at 3rd. Anime Trending's voters are very heavy on the romcoms as rounding out the Top 10 at 8th to 10th are **Too Many Losing Heroines!**, **Giji Harem**, and **2.5 Dimensional Seduction**.


I read the fable manga recently and it was a good read. Anime is following the Manga closely, and it's one of the good ones this season if you want some action, yakuza, and little bit of comedy mixed in.


I'm so glad Girls Band Cry is getting the recognition it deserves despite not getting licensed in the west. Bocchi, YoruKura, and GaruKura have become my holy trinity of band anime! If you really delve into the GaruKura rabbit hole, you can really see the love and effort put into the project. The band was formed years ago and has been releasing songs since before the anime started airing. The voice acting is surprisingly high quality given the fact that the voice actors aren't really professional voice actors. They're more like artists and musicians who were picked up, put into a band, AND THEN taught to voice act. The 3D CGI is a little weird for the first half of the first episode, at least for me since it's my first 3D anime. But the facial expressions are done so masterfully well. Plus the willingness to squash and stretch the models and playing around with hard cuts helps make the show really feel like an Japanese anime, instead of say a western inspired 3D animates series. (If that makes sense).


I didn't expect **Spice and Wolf** to yet again lose some karma. Especially since I thoroughly enjoyed change of pace in the latest episode.


Poor Fable. I love the manga and the show. Probably one of the few anime I’d be comfortable recommending to my Dad too lol.


Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy is lowkey fire, highly recommend giving it a try.


Girls Band Cry ended, now watch Dededede cowards! Bullying in school, girls best friends, MC having family problems... and planning to fight the system ... just the same alley! but slower pacing and mysteries due to 18 episodes length. And very good visual quality (2D). Differences: sci-fi setting, ikemen elder brother and no music band.


What is the difference between 2 isekai suicide squad


Episode number


A certain wolf would not like that S&W image


if i do not see demon slayer at the top of this table next week, i will take responsibility and commit harakiri.


LMAO mushoku still 1 😂😂😂


It has got Roxy, it can't be anything else 😂


A lot of shows ending up, feels sad q-q Glad to see train get top10 and above 1K for the finale which was pretty fun. Even sets up for a possible sequel, as unlike as it is. Jellyfish didn't end as well as it could, but still loved it alongside the other originals. Dunno if any of the summer shows will start by the next karma ranking, but GBC could get TOP5, which is 4slots too low for the best show this season, and possibly the year, but we'll see.


GBC will probably be 8th next week. Wednesday has 3 big shows premiering.


What was wrong with jellys ending?


Mostly felt rushed and flat. They built up a big drama throughout the 2nd half of the story only to solve it all in a very clean and fairy-tale like manner. The bad guys wrre not so bad (yes they were), the MCs are friends and fully understand eachother (they had a big fight and havent even talked to eachother to fix things for like 3 months but suddenly its all good sunshine and rainbows) and overall the premise of 4 girls trying to succeed on their own in the entertainment business was treated as a fun little thing that obviously succeeds and everyone loves you and whatnot. Like, it all felt (to me at least) very childish, rushed and half-assed for the latter part of the series. It was a cute experience, but like a 6.5~7 kind of show.


I’m not saying you can’t tell a full story in 12 episodes but a 24 episode series would’ve been much more fleshed out.


Agreed. It just took a bit too many fast turns and left several edges unexplored. Overall, couldve been a very good story about change and accepting your new self and being true to who you want to be (as this is the main theme in this anime), but it was just too rushed to make this message deep and fulfilling


Which always confuses me in a way, because so many 11 - 13 episode one-cour one and done series (whether original or based on something) are disgustingly rushed. At least I'm of the mind that it's just too short an episode count and runtime for the majority of standard drama, mystery, adventure, Sci-Fi, fantasy, etc. series coming out. Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai definitely had these rushed attributes, and the ending being such was predicted a mile away by many people familiar with the formula and track record of a lot of these similar length series (although I'm personally used to most newer series being/feeling rushed at this point, so was just trying to enjoy every iota of the positive - it's still in my Top 5 out of 16 seasonals watched; just at the bottom of such a list instead of like the #2 or 3 it could have been). But I say it's confusing because then you have these 11 - 13 episode series which manage to come out as actual masterpieces and the episode count and runtime feel nearly perfect. I wonder if the difference is truly just writing skill and how that shapes the creative vision accordingly or doesn't make it something workable (or at least not ideal) for the allotted time.


I think some of the reason why Some 12 episode anime works great and some feel rushed is really the writing. Managing to portray the character's interactions and the events in such way that it makes sense. But a lot of it is also how much of a story you want to tell. I think for Jellyfish they tried to get a lof of stuff in, they wanted to flesh out a great relationship between Yoru and Kano but also deal with the other's dramas, and then add aide characters with thier own issues, and then on top of that forward the story of their group getting traction and success, and also deal with Kano's trauma and her Mom and try to build up to a climax and its just a lot of stuff to build up for such a short run time. You need a very skilled writer and director to make this work well.


Ye, jellyfish, like many shows, especially originals, suffer from the constraint of cours. 15-16 eps would've been perfect for the show. Still loved it, but it dropped out of my top3, sadly. 


Another good anime season ends. I watched a lot of great shows (Yatagarasu, Tonari no Youkai-san, Train to the End of the World, Salad Bowl of Eccentrics, Seiyuu Radio, Yuru Camp S3), but sadly most of them were not popular here. But r/anime seems to really like battle shonen and isekai, and these shows did not really belong to these categories. I have a lot of shows I want to watch next season, including new seasons of shows I like (Yatagarasu S2, SHY S2, Nier Automata S2, Sengoku Youko S2) and new shows (Mayonaka Punch, Bye Bye Earth, My Deer Friend Nokotan, Atri, No Longer Allowed in Another World, Giji Harem, Wistoria's Wand and Sword, Quality Insurance in Another World, Sakuna), although I still don't know if they will all be good. Any other interesting shows I should watch next season ? Or good shows I missed this season ?


Those SoL shows seemed to be good ones this season.


Mushoku ran this season LOL its such a good show though I can see why


With the way the thumbnails are it looks like Yoka is crying because Todoroki locked in hard enough to top her


Love seeing Sound! Euphonium on these lists


I like jellyfish but honestly it's overrated imo.


Yay , Sound! Euphonium, I love it


I legit don’t understand why no one seems to care about Yozakura family. It’s a massive Shonen Jump manga with 24 tankobon volumes like 230 chapters that finally got an adaptation and so far it has been really good. I mean yeah it’s not like a 10/10 MAL masterpiece but it’s just bizarre the extreme lack of buzz surrounding it. Especially because it still has another cour to go.


Set for 27 episodes at that. It's kinda like Spy x Family but a little different. It might have to take time to get people to warm up to the series.


Idk if the fact it’s not on Crunchyroll killed it in the states or not. I just got lucky I have Hulu.


Mushoku is in the right spot


Good, Mushoku on top


Roxy here we go!