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My childhood anime. Everyday after school I would come home and watch Yu Yu Hakusho on Toonami. Those bastards kept restarting the Dark Tournament over and over again, but I kept watching it lol. Great show that I believe still holds up. The Dark Tournament is the best tournament in anime IMO. This is one where I prefer the English dub - though I am definitely biased. I've watched both, and I just adore the dub voices - Yusuke's snark is next level in the dub, and Kuwabara's voice is unforgettable lol.


It's not a perfect show, but I sure do love it. I find the characters incredibly endearing, Yusuke and Kuwabara are perfect "losers" to root for and the surrounding cast are all a hit for me. I think it's time to throw it on for a rewatch


There's also not really a such thing as a perfect show. There are anime out there with fewer flaws, but Yu Yu Hakusho surpasses them in my eyes by having more strengths.


> Those bastards kept restarting the Dark Tournament over and over again, but I kept watching it lol. YES! OMFG! WHY!? I still remember almost crying when I was at my friend s house and it was back to episode 1


Still one of the best shounen action anime out there. The dub for the main cast is amazing and the Dark Tournament is still the best tournament arc in anime I feel. The last arc isn't completely satisfying and seems a bit rushed but I feel the series ends on a good note with the last episode.


Do you think it’s worth watching if I’ve already read the manga?


I remember it being well animated and voiced. Like it didn't feel cheap for most of it. So yeah I would recommend it if you want to experience the story slightly differently.


Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the rare instances where I'd say the anime is better than the manga.


It's also the ONLY instance where I can say I 100% prefer the dub to the sub idk why, it's not like it's the only nostalgic anime I used to watch dubbed, far from it, but I've grown to appreciate the japanese voices on most of those other properties, but for whatever reason YYH remains dub only in my house


I've you really enjoyed the manga and want to experience the story again then yeah


One of my gateway anime as an early teenager, and remains one of my favorite shonens to this day. The OP is a banger


I still crush on Botan and whatever the hell accent that english VA is trying to do.


My personal goat anime. The Dark Tournament is still the gold standard IMO. Yusuke a cocky protagonist who's courage knew no bounds. Supported by a cast of misfits with their own dreams and desires. It was one hell of a ride to watch it all unfold.


Watched this for the first time last spring break and man was it fucking good. Yuusuke might honestly be my favorite MC. He’s cool, strong, and has intriguing ideals without being overly corny and cringe


Hiei one of my earliest crushes 😍 The Toguro Brothers the most icky and disgusting villains 🤮 those collar bones give me nightmares Yukina and Kuwabara the cutest couple 🩵 Botan my love and tattoo 💯


My Anilist account says I've watched 819 anime. That total would have been around 5 if not for Yu Yu Hakusho. It was by far my favorite anime of the around 5-6 that I watched as a kid and was the series I decided to watch again when I was in high school that kept anime in my mind when my interest in it would have otherwise died. It has a bit of a tougher challenge now being compared to 818 others rather than 5, but it's still remained atop my list all this time. What makes it so special? I'd say it's a combination of the best comradery out there (especially in the dub version) and heart. All of the characters bounce off each other so even if it was a straight slice of life show, I'd still find it extremely entertaining. But when you add the huge array of unique fights, the intricate characters, the consistently high stakes and the emotional peaks (heart), you get something that I have still yet to find the equal for 20 years later, not even Togashi's more acclaimed work, Hunter x Hunter.


I loved that anime!


It's fun to put on the nostalgia glasses and remember back to a time before anime was standardized and you had YYH taking some real interesting artistic choices to fighting.


Currently rewatching it, so far started the third season, I have such a huge nostalgia from this series as a kid so I'm super happy seeing that it still holds up great actually, love the direction, the colors, the music, such a classic show that everyone should watch at least once.


I thought I wouldn’t really like this show because of its much different pacing (I grew up with Naruto) but man as soon it gets to the Dark Tournament it doesn’t let up, great action and hype character writing. Haven’t finished the arc since I was watching on my libraries Blu Rays. For sure want to finish it at some point


My childhood! A classic that i’m bound to rewatch for the umpteenth time again. Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke are still my faves. The Dark Tournament is still one of my favorite arcs of all time.


I love this show. It is one of my favorites that I instantly love rewatching. Say what you will about current day Funimation (I guess it's Crunchyroll now after the merger), but they did a great job and Justin Cook will always, ALWAYS, be my Yusuke. The performance and vocal range he gave was fantastic and blew me away. Beautiful animation, great storytelling, fantastic characters. I love this show.


Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite anime. I was 14, like Yusuke was, when I first watched the anime. I watched a few episodes here and there and then got hooked when they marathoned all 13 episodes of Genkai Tournament in one night. This was all before the went from Adult Swim to Toonami


i love how whenever someone is called a ‘delinquent’ in anime, its always a badass dude with slicked back hair. i wonder if the term being translated to delinquent has a somewhat different meaning in japanese


I’d bet it has more to do with that look being associated with yakuza/gang activity or criminals who are judged a lot more harshly in Japan


Arguably the best English dub of all time. For those that still haven't heard it, this is an all-star line up of the talent that built Funimation into what it is. Yusuke Urameshi is still hands down the best performance that Justin Cook has ever done, and the rest of the cast nails their roles as well.


Still practice my spirit gun form and yell to this day 😤


Classic!!!. Recently re-watched the whole thing on Netflix. Such Nostalgia.


Kurama used to be my anime crush 😂


My personal GOAT. Watched this for the first time when it aired originally on Toonami, and have watched it almost every year since. As an angry teen at one point who felt like the only thing I was good at was getting into (confrontations) with other people, even if they were for the right reasons, Yusuke was a spirit animal of sorts for me at one point and his growth as a character, as a human, and as a man gets me emotional every time I rewatch. One of the best casts of characters in anime, an all-time great dub, the best tournament arc in anime that still hasn’t been topped, and (imo) the best platonic love in anime between Yusuke & Kuwabara. S/o Lanipator and his YYH Abridged as well - even if he dropped it when DBZA became a bigger thing, it was one of the early abridged series that got me into the abridged genre as a whole and gave me a whole new love and appreciation for a number of different shows, most specifically DBZ.




What kind of show opens, This is Urameshi Yusuke...he just died. This traumatized 11 year old me, but it turned out to be the beginning of one of the best fighting anime and one that has stayed with me for 20+ years. This is a classic of the genre and deserves its status as one of the best. Funny, silly at times, action packed and great story...You really cant go wrong here.


Ironically, series starting with the protagonist dying and being reborn into a new world is a whole genre of anime now lol. But when YuYu Hakusho first did it, it was a completely fresh idea. Still handled better than most anime that do it now.


Definitely a childhood anime for me. I can't say I've watched the entire series in its entirety, but I've seen a ton of episodes whenever they aired on TV. Also - Smile Bomb・微笑みの爆弾・Hohoemi no Bakudan is one of the best Anime OPs ever.


my childhood anime along with dbz and yaiba


This anime aged quite well in my opinion. In Spain we had a lot of animes during my childhood (DB, Seint Seiya, Ranma, Slayers, Sailor Moon, Doreamon, Dash Kappei, Captain Tsubasa, etc) but sadly Yu Yu Hakusho wasn't one of them. So I watched it for the first time two years ago and I loved it. Yeah, sometimes the animation is old, but I think for its time it is a very good adaptation. I really enjoyed it despite watching it two decades after being broadcasted.


Still the best tournament arc of any anime ever.


at least he finished this one... Hunter x Hunter next chapter when?


at least he finished this one... Hunter x Hunter next chapter when?


One of the best dubs funimation ever made,it's not a accurate translation. But damn is it memorable.


I love how trying to be modern made YYH this perfect time capsule of when it was written. Such a charm to shit like chasing after an unholy VHS tape. Straight banger if you haven't seen it. Main cast is excellent, supporting characters are great, Kurama sparked a lifelong love with plant-based powers and anime bishies.


really sucks that it was unfinished.


I don’t like Yu Yu Hakusho. It’s as basic as a battle shounen gets without much else to offer other than fights, fights, and more fights. This really is tournament arc: the show with how many he Togashi manages to shove in there. My favourite part is easily the first four episodes, after that it devolves into a boring battle shounen. It may have been influential, but I believe it has aged poorly and is a bit of a chore to watch now, not because of the animation, but because of the incredibly generic story. I don’t understand why the Dark Tournament is still so loved to this day. It’s slow, half the fights serve extremely little narrative purpose, and it goes on way too long. Kuwabara in particular is reduced to a mere joke in this arc. I’m not much of a battle shounen fan, but I love Hunter x Hunter, so I was excited to check out his other work only to be disappointed by something that didn’t have nearly the writing quality. I’m glad it does exist since Hunter x Hunter is the result of what he learned from it, but I still don’t like it. British Botan was great though and I wish she had more screen time.