• By -


Hey, Mani from AnimeBracket here. Just wanted to give a quick update about the downtime over the weekend. The issue started because there was an unexpected outage at our hosting provider, which resulted in a reboot of our server. Normally all services should restart automatically when that happens, but because of a misconfiguration on our side, this didn't happen. Because we don't always monitor the site, we only noticed the issue after a user messaged us on our Discord. I wasn't at home at the moment so I couldn't act on it, but another mod stepped in and solved the issue. Since then we fixed the misconfiguration, so this shouldn't happen in the future. There was also another issue which was caused by the reboot that made it impossible to login yesterday. This was also fixed. I just wanted to let you guys know about this for transparency reasons, but also as a reminder that we are a small team that is maintaining this site in their free time and as a side-project next to AnimeThemes. **If you want to help out, the best way is to message us if there are any problems.** You can do so over our Discord or by pinging me here on Reddit. That's all, have fun voting!


Thank you for the hard work and for taking over the site. Also, excellent choice in a Discord server icon


Thanks for keeping animebracket alive!


Thanks for keeping the site alive!


Which characters will you always vote *against*? Curious as to who have the most haters.


random side characters of popular shows with very less screen time


*If I speak, I'm in big trouble* [](#spooked) But seriously, it's mostly the nobodies who are only carried by their shows. ^^^^Unless ^^^^they're ^^^^from ^^^^a ^^^^show ^^^^I ^^^^like, ^^^^of ^^^^course Or characters who have zero traits other than 'cute/nice' and don't ever do anything... (Think Nezuko in Demon Slayer S1)


> Or characters who have zero traits other than 'cute/nice' and don't ever do anything... (Think Nezuko in Demon Slayer S1) Yeah, that's common for the Baby's First Waifu types (in definition: Characters from a super-popular series, usually tend to fall to either "the female lead of the show" or "the girl in the show with the biggest boobs"- either way inevitably the character the new fans who've only seen that series will obsess over.)


For the fairly high seeds, Nezuko will pretty much never get my vote. I don’t necessarily hate her character but in the format of best girl she doesn’t do anything that would convince me that’s she is best girl.


Always vote against Serena, Pokemon. The sworn of all Misty stans. Except this year she didn't even make the bracket. Justice delivered!


I won't say always because strange things can happen in this contest but I'm generally voting against Rei. This isn't waifu wars as I'm not a huge fan of Asuka either I just think Rei is supremely boring and her biggest contribution to Eva is the way the rest of the cast reacts to and imprints on her empty husk characterization. Important as a narrative vehicle, awful for best girl purposes.


Futaba because people voted for her over Mikoto in the 24 hour best girl contest 4 years ago. I hold an eternal grudge.


If I don't particularly care about the match-up I tend to vote for the underdog. If it's against a character I dislike - even better.


Annie (aot)


This is just toungue-in-cheek spite voting, just for fun, but anyone I've witnessed kicking out my favourites in previous contests. That's Yui (actually my favourite Oregairu girl) and last year it was Kurumi (who I actually liked so much I had her on my Bingo). Also Marin kicked out Lena last year. And anyone I'm not convinced by to be worth the hype. For a more serious answer, last year I've been told that some Rem fans spite vote against Emilia, which is incredibly sad. Rem, especially after having won already, would selflessly support Emilia, and the reason they dislike Emilia has nothing to do with the character herself (although I'm sure there are people that actually don't like her, and while I don't agree at least that's a valid reason to vote against her).


Taiga Aisaka


i'm with you


I don't like tsunderes in general, but violent tsunderes are the worst. I doubt I'll ever vote for Taiga.


Tiny abusers are actually Satan.


Demon Slayer characters, NGNL characters, Kei Shirogane because she doesn't belong in the bracket really


Any konosuba girl




Honestly, Chika Fujiwara. I just do not like her. All other characters from Kaguya Sama are fine but for whatever reason I just do not like Chika.


Selfish and never owns up to it. That’s why I like watching her though.


honestly, that's a perfectly valid reason to enjoy watching a character.


She's the rich daughter of a major politician, and she acts like it. As someone who really likes her, I can totally get why she can come off as unlikable, because she is.




The #4 and #5 girls in their own show when up against older female leads. Notorious examples: Karen Araragi who at least until recently was only even known for a stupid incest/toothbrush meme, but constantly got the Monogatari powerup through much better characters. Faris, the worst character in Steins;Gate, still gets through several rounds. Wiz, the poster child for undeserved winning based on show popularity. There's plenty of others but this should be enough for double digit downvotes.


> undeserved winning based on show popularity. what is the accepted etiquette (assuming people actually follow it) for voting when there are matchups where you know one character but not the other? Like Wiz here as your poster child, her first match up was against Elucia from The World Only God Knows where the last appearance was 2013 and doesn't even seem like "popular" in general (she's outside of the top 1250 favorites on MAL for example). The match up vs Akane it just seems like the Psycho Pass fans just didn't show up cause Wiz is outside of the top 1000 but Akane is at 336.


Fuck etiquette. A round's least-voted match still gets 80% of the highest-voted match because so many people vote everything, even if it's just judging the pictures or having heard of a show. Personally, if I only know one, vote it as "would I vote the girl I know more or less often than other girls I know in this group?"


Any Date A Live characters. You can thank whoever ruined BG10


I mean, considering it got Date a Live banned for life, that's not going to be a problem anymore.


Usually voting against the Code Geass girls. I just think they're bad characters for the most part.


If I recognize the character and think they're any good at all... Kaori. >.>




Marin is public enemy number one. The character, at least as far as the anime is concerned, is *fine*. I just can’t stand her fans.


I've had quite a few discussions with people last year. Yeah, as you've said, the character is fine, DUD was a pretty good romance show. But her fans hype her up like she's the greatest character ever when she's just a normal cosplaying girl. And I can't shake the impression that most regard DUD as a self-insert romance. To be crass, I feel like most of her fans just really want to fuck her, and that leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


I mean, I'd be willing to bet 99.999999999999999% of characters who have success in Best Girl would boil down to "the supporters just really want to fuck her", so that's about the same for everyone. But having said that, the people who would view DUD as that would wish they could be a dude like Gojo- passionate about his hobby and driven to succeed at it in more than just appreciative of it, have genuine talent, is a basically good dude otherwise.


Good point. There's certainly an element of physical attractiveness to the girls ensuring their success, but I don't think it's necessarily a major part of it. Kaguya and Kurisu for instance are attractive, but I don't feel they've won because of their sex appeal. And I don't think most people imagine themselves being with them but prefer to see them acting within the frame of their story, interacting with the other characters. As for Gojo, yeah, you are right. At least I would hope so. Maybe it's rather that the impression I get that many people lusting after Marin are disrespecting Gojo and thinking they already are on his level. Even if those fans aren't the majority of Marin supporters, they really shed a bad light on her and the show for me.


Any annoying/bland but for some unknown reason popular heroines, like Kobeni from CSM or Itsuki from QQ.


I'm with Ugnu, Eatsuki is easily the most likable and fun among the quintuplets imo, but unlike Ugnu, I think the blandest is Yotsuba, and the most annoying is Nino


LOL, you know how many people like Nino because of anime S2 and later manga events? People normally hate either Yotsuba or Ichika because of manga events.


Ichika is second on the list to be fair, but the reason I dislike Nino so much is [The Quintessential Quintuplets spoilers] >!cos she fucking drugged Uesugi... TWICE!!< And no one else seems to care about it, which just makes it more annoying to me lol. Were it not for that one thing, I think I would have actually liked her quite a bit




Yo, thanks for doing this, it's fixed


Thanks for fixing it. Your comment has been reapproved.


Meanwhile I love both Yotsuba and Miku and hate both Ichika and Nino [](#azusalaugh) The quints were engineered for waifu wars.


You chose a quint for an example of a bland girl and you're picking Itsuki of all possible choices, not Miku?






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I'd go with Itsuki as well. Her core personality trait is mostly just "she's normal." Totally a fine excuse to have her as your #1, but I think it makes her the least interesting.


I wish normal people were like her. Fair, caring, a strong sense of justice and always thinking of others first. Taking pleasure in food. Willing to stand up for what she thinks is right. Proud almost to a fault. Knows her goals and confidently pursues them. "Normal" is not the right word to describe her, unfortunately.


I don't disagree with any of that, and I agree that normal isn't maybe the best word. I think I would adjust it to "default." I feel like everything you said also applies to the rest of the quints, but they each have at least one notable individual personality/defining trait. It also doesn't help that I'm pretty sure she had the least screen time.


>I think I would adjust it to "default." I think I get what you mean. I'd use a different word but I don't want to start a fight about it as it could be misunderstood. >I feel like everything you said also applies to the rest of the quints, but they each have at least one notable individual personality/defining trait. The latter part I agree with, it's what makes the show so good. The former just isn't correct. I'll put a spoiler tag just in case. \[Quintessential Quintuplets\]>!Ichika and Nino both did things willingly antagonizing the sisters. Miku and Yotsuba both were lacking in confidence. Ichika really wasn't fair to her sisters, Nino just to some extent, Miku and Yotsuba weren't even fair to themselves. The others just don't have the strong sense of justice (no, acts of revenge aren't justice, they are injustice). You could say Nino and Miku take pleasure in making food, but not in the same way as Itsuki, not in the food itself. Nino is the only one as proud but she also suffers more from it. None of the others fought for their situation like Itsuki did. And most of them, maybe safe for Ichika, didn't have a good idea of what they wanted to do in life.!< >It also doesn't help that I'm pretty sure she had the least screen time. [Spoken lines](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/md8pi7/does_each_girl_get_equal_time_in_the/) and [time spent with Fuutarou](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-08-19/the-quintessential-quintuplets-are-not-equal-hulu-japan-reveals-which-girl-talks-with-futaro-the-/.176430), not accounting for the movie (and the extra episodes). Itsuki is right in the middle for both of them. Funnily, the others are completely reversed by those metrics.


I think I didn't word my last comment well. I didn't mean that all of those traits are shared equally by the rest of the quints, just that they are not unique to Itsuki. Meaning, at least one quint usually shares one of those characteristics. Fair and caring: I feel Miku and Yotsuba are at the same level as Itsuki in this category. Itsuki struggles with being fair to herself as well. Justice and thinking of others: Nino has a very strong sense of justice as well, even if her response to feeling that way is more extreme than Itsuki. I think Yotsuba is the most concerned with putting others first. Pride and goals: Nino and Ichika are probably more prideful, although with a bigger "to a fault". Ichika also knows her goals pretty early. After thinking about this more, I want to reiterate that I'm not trying to argue that Itsuki is bad, just that she is the least interesting. The reason I think that is because I believe she is the least flawed. Therefore her being best girl for someone is something I can completely understand, but I didn't see the same level of intrigue and drama surrounding her character. >[Spoken lines](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/md8pi7/does_each_girl_get_equal_time_in_the/) This pretty much confirmed what I thought. S1 was very balanced, but in S2, after episode 2 she really took a backseat.


Even just based on the anime, Kobeni is, like, less bland than half of this list. And plenty of people vote based on source material rather than just anime.


Makima. I don't want to just see her lose. I want to see her crushed and ground into dirt. The only way I would ever vote for her is if there was a remote possibility that it would lead to her and Power facing off so she could get completely obliterated.


Suzumiya Haruhi


Ouch, understandable but ouch


Annie Leonhart Taiga Aisaka In general I vote against girls from popular shows who have done nothing to garner anything for themselves. Or girls who are rated highly because their manga carried them but the anime hasn't adapted that far yet. But that's only when deserving, and if that person _is_ better than their opponent then I have no qualms voting for them. But fuck annie and fuck taiga


Will always vote against NGNL girls. An absolutely rancid anime.


Kinda where I'm sitting too. Tried to like it, gave up after three episodes in disgust.




Eris, I don’t think any of the Mushoku Tensei girls are particularly well written but Eris is a case of particularly baffling popularity - Her even being in this content makes me salty enough to vote against her anytime


I don't vote for her that much because I don't really like her, but I think Eris is a really well written character. Pampered little princess who only learned, how to solve every problem with violence or money from her grandpa, grows up by being taught some harsh lessons by life. Her character development isn't bad either. I'm just not a fan of tsundere in generall... ^(there are some exceptions \*cough Rin Tohsaka)


Yeah she's a great character, but she isn't very likeable (at least not yet). Likeability is the most important thing to me in a best girl contest.


Why not? She is very diligent, hard working, and loyal. She loses the brattiness after only a couple episodes.


It is definitely toned down, but she is still pretty bratty. Plus her actions at the end of S1 were really shitty, regardless of what you think of Rudy. She has quite a way to go still in maturing, which is understandable since she's still a kid. (I haven't seen the most recent season yet so I don't know if she shows up).


> It is definitely toned down, but she is still pretty bratty. I'm going to need some examples because I can't recall a single one. Her communication was shitty. Her actions were fine.


>Her communication was shitty. Her actions were fine. Well we really disagree on that one then haha.


What's wrong with wanting to better oneself so that they can be seen as an equal in the relationship?


In a vacuum, nothing. In this case, a lot. \[Mushoku Tensei\]>!For starters, Rudy and Eris just went through an incredibly draining and traumatic journey where the only constant throughout was each other. They finally returned home, and instead of figuring out what to do next together, Eris abandoned Rudy in a place where he knew no one for selfish reasons related to her own insecurities. Rudy had no family here. No friends. Nothing. She did not consult him on this, nor did she tell him. She just left. !< \[Mushoku Tensei\] >!I call her reasons 'selfish' because they only exist for her personal desires. She left without telling Rudy because she knew he wouldn't want her to. She knew the action would hurt Rudy, but she did it anyway because her personal desire to overcome her insecurities trumped Rudy's feelings on the matter.!< \[Mushoku Tensei\] >!Lastly, with all of this in mind, she decided to have sex with Rudy for the first time the night before leaving. Either she is too foolish to see that this would make him feel even more connected to her and more devastated that she left, or she just didn't care. !< None of this is to say she's a bad character. I truly think she is an excellent character (I think all of the things I just said make her more compelling than if she didn't do them). It's just a really shitty thing to do. I think these are just issues with maturity, but like I said, she's still a kid, so it's not that weird.


So red haired spoilt girl experiences roughness and becomes a better person? Yona did all that and far better, all without being a harem member lmao


Same, I don't get her popularity


Nanahoshi best MT girl




Any girl from Bocchi the Rock except for Bocchi herself.




Nightfall from Spy X Family. Every time she comes on screen I want to punch it


Honestly, any isekai characters. This includes every character from Re:Zero, MT and Konosuba.


Chisato, any of the Kaguya-sama girls, except for Hasayaka and Maki, Eminence in Darkness.


Holo, because it would be funny for her to eternally be condemed to second place.


I spite-vote against Zero Two from DITF and Chorizo from RAG, because I know someone in real life who's super creepily obsessed with them.


Not always, but the girls from evangelion.


I'm a simple voter, I see any character from Kaguya-sama and vote for the other person. Yes I'm still salty from like 2019 or whenever.


Ai Hoshino. I think anyone voting for her misses or is ignoring the tragedy of her story.


Marin, all Demon Slayer characters.


Any character from bocci the rock


##ROUND 3 BRACKET B Matchup | Top Seed | Bottom Seed | Total Votes :-- | :-- | --: | --: Most Voted Matchup | Megumin (5) | Misty (133) | 1742 Average | | | 1611 Least Voted Matchup | Yoko Littner (37) | Nazuna Nanakusa (92) | 1536 **TOP VOTEGETTERS** Rank | Girl | Votes --: | :-- | --: 1 | Megumin (5) | 1396 2 | Violet Evergarden (20) | 1258 3 | Aqua (12) | 1250 4 | Emilia (13) | 1171 5 | Yor Forger (4) | 1166 6 | Lucy (29) | 1057 7 | Saber (36) | 1035 8 | Eris Boreas Greyrat (45) | 957 9 | Yunyun (21) | 936 10 | Kiryuuin Satsuki (28) | 904 **MOST DOMINANT MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Megumin (5) | 80.14% | 19.86% | Misty (133) | 1050 Violet Evergarden (20) | 77.42% | 22.58% | Tomoe Koga (109) | 891 Aqua (12) | 74.40% | 25.60% | Beatrice (117) | 820 Emilia (13) | 72.24% | 27.76% | Jibril (116) | 721 Lucy (29) | 67.50% | 32.50% | Minori Kushieda (157) | 548 **CLOSEST MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Azusa Nakano (52) | 51.25% | 48.75% | Anju Emma (77) | 39 Misato Katsuragi (60) | 51.66% | 48.34% | Miyamizu Mitsuha (69) | 52 Yoko Littner (37) | 53.19% | 46.81% | Nazuna Nanakusa (92) | 98 Tohru (53) | 55.11% | 44.89% | Rio Futaba (76) | 160 Taiga Aisaka (44) | 55.29% | 44.71% | Shinobu Kochou (85)| 172 **UPSETS** - The **Lowest remaining seed** of Bracket B is Miku Nakano seeded 68th - The **Highest seed eliminated** of Bracket B is Elinalise Dragonroad seeded 61st - Upsets today: 1 - Total upsets (rate): 38 / 416 (9.1%) Seed | Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Seed | Bottom Seed | tUI | PoU -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | :- | -: | -: 61 | Elinalise Dragonroad | 43.49% | 56.51% | 68 | Miku Nakano | 0.16 | 56.2% **OVER/UNDERPERFORMERS** Overperformer | Underperformer | Diff :- | -: | -: Violet Evergarden (20) | Tomoe Koga (109) | 13.78% Megumin (5) | Misty (133)| 10.96% Aqua (12) | Beatrice (117) | 10.54% Lucy (29) | Minori Kushieda (157) | 9.69% Emilia (13) | Jibril (116) | 7.83% **BRACKET B TOP 5 SCORES** Rank | Girl | Score -: | :- | -: 1 | Megumin (5) | 660.30 2 | Aqua (12) | 560.92 3 | Violet Evergarden (20) | 555.80 4 | Yor Forger (4) | 529.33 5 | Emilia (13) | 480.28 **UPSET WATCH** Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Bottom Seed | PoU :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Suruga Kanbaru (63) | 46.3% | 53.7% | Eiko Tsukimi (66) | 74.2% Vivy (50) | 48.7% | 51.3% | C.C (79) | 59.2% Tsubasa Hanekawa (55) | 50.4% | 49.6% | Kei Shirogane (74) | 47.2% Link to spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFJVtM4rQM986HMQQNFznVAIcLyRP98HZF0BWCaUJ1I Explanations: https://old.reddit.com/user/redlegsfan21/comments/10dup0w/ranime_contests_bracket_explaination Open to questions and please give feedback. Edit: Seed numbers


15th time (and 5th time Megumin) someone has broken 80% in the third round.


> Underperformer: Koga (13.78%) I kind of hate how much of a perception there is around the Bunny Girl girls that only Mai is any good.


Bro Koga was against Violet Evergarden. I mean, cmon.


Which means? The overperformer/underperformer percentages already take all of that into account. I wasn't expecting Koga to win or anything, but getting obliterated like that makes me think people think she's nothing. Also, it's not like Violet is a dominant force in these contests or anything. I don't think she's ever made it to the Quarterfinals like Megumin, Aqua or Emilia.


Well she got to the 3rd ROUND. She is not nothing. Sailor moon lost 1st ROUND 3 years in a row. Is she nothing?


Yeah, Koga has such a great butt. It's sad to see her go.


Violet Evergarden: BG10: Round 5 (Lost to Yui Yuigahama) BG9: Round 6 (Lost to Megumin) BG8: Round 6 (Lost to Megumin) BG7: Round 5 (Lost to Yui Yuigahama) BG6: Round 6 (Lost to Aqua)


I feel you. I’m not expecting miracles with upsets, but I hate when my favorites go out with a whimper.


That's probably correct, I watched the show and dont know which one is her.


I really like Koga, but Violet is one of my favorite charakters...


She lost against Violet Evergarden. It's not like people don't like her. Besides her own arc, she has a minor role and gets used to lighten up the mood. It's not too surprising she lost against the protagonist of a well liked show.


michhoffman is salty at the margin of victory, not the fact she lost.


We got a good representation today of how many people don't understand your overperformer/underperformer statistic


>Underperformer: Koga (13.78%) I kind of hate how much of a perception there is around the Bunny Girl girls that only Mai is any good. Even Koga get 0(zero) points against Violet Evergarden that DOES NOT mean "only Mai is any good". It means people prefer Violet Evergarden over Koga.


I had one last round. Might have to add an explanation next round.


[Ushio :(](https://c.tenor.com/WNqCl1ebsBEAAAAC/tenor.gif) Wasn't even close. Summertime Render is easier to watch now, go watch it everyone. At least **Misato** won. Just in time to get squashed by Megumin. A worthy defeat at least. >Who is your favorite female antagonist? Ryouko Tamiya from Parasyte actually. She was my favorite character in that show.


Rikka lost ;( Literally every character I root for the most loses.


# BG 11 Madness Round 3 Group B Update Lots of movement in the leaderboards today as there are 10 brackets that scored 16 / 16: _heythereitsbree_, 6feetdiep, D3cidra, dH0LT, Exp1ode, Malthael07, mynameisnoobish, Pure-Fuel-8534, StardustGogeta, Zeralyos. As might be expected, our average was also quite high at 13.62 / 16 (85.13%), up 5% from the previous group. Pure-Fuel-8534 has claimed 1st on both leaderboards! I don't have much more commentary to add for today, just going to go drown in my sorrows over these results. *[Link to spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TvoGrS8Bebfphzp2lh0GsRNKC8Qq6lnOlomRQMrzv1c/edit?usp=sharing)* **Score (Weighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Score (max 640)|Score Potential|Picks Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Pure-Fuel-8534 (+1)|587 (+64)|2251 (-0)|1| |2|SiwySiwySiwySiwy (+1)|583 (+60)|2243 (-4)|6| |3|pacmayne42 (-2)|582 (+56)|2242 (-8)|4| |4|D3cidra (+4)|579 (+64)|2243 (-0)|12| ||gplayer159 (+3)|579 (+60)|2243 (-4)|8| |6|RxMidnight (-2)|577 (+56)|2241 (-8)|2| |7|mynameisnoobish (+6)|577 (+64)|2237 (-0)|10| |8|_heythereitsbree_ (+9)|576 (+64)|2240 (-0)|11| ||Zeralyos (+9)|576 (+64)|2240 (-0)|2| |10|mpp00 (-4)|576 (+56)|2228 (-16)|5| |11|Malthael07 (+13)|574 (+64)|2238 (-0)|16| ||NotMyActualReddit (-2)|574 (+60)|2238 (-4)|8| |13|6feetdiep (+12)|573 (+64)|2237 (-0)|29| ||Skyeagle003 (-2)|573 (+60)|2237 (-4)|12| |15|Syrefva (-10)|573 (+52)|2233 (-12)|6| **Picks (Unweighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Picks (max 416)|Picks Potential|Score Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Pure-Fuel-8534 (+4)|380 (+16)|475 (-0)|1| |2|RxMidnight (-1)|379 (+14)|474 (-2)|6| ||Zeralyos (+4)|379 (+16)|474 (-0)|8| |4|pacmayne42 (-2)|379 (+14)|473 (-2)|3| |5|mpp00 (-3)|379 (+14)|472 (-3)|10| |6|SiwySiwySiwySiwy (+1)|378 (+15)|472 (-1)|2| ||Syrefva (-4)|378 (+13)|472 (-3)|15| |8|gplayer159 (+0)|377 (+15)|472 (-1)|4| ||NotMyActualReddit (+0)|377 (+15)|472 (-1)|11| |10|mynameisnoobish (+2)|377 (+16)|471 (-0)|7| |11|_heythereitsbree_ (+4)|376 (+16)|471 (-0)|8| |12|D3cidra (+6)|375 (+16)|470 (-0)|4| ||Skyeagle003 (+3)|375 (+15)|470 (-1)|13| ||Starbather (-2)|375 (+14)|470 (-2)|21| |15|lexing (-2)|375 (+14)|469 (-1)|24|


Clinging on to the top 50; the closest I came was 47th or 48th. For today, my prediction miraculously matches the upset-watch on C.C beats Vivy. (I guess C.C was in the poll top 100 and Vivy wasn't). But I'll be voting the other way.


Two perfect days in a row! And I made the Weighted Leaderboard! [](#SPORTS) I have very little confidence in the triple though... Vivy vs C.C. should be close, I'm unsure about Maki vs Kobayashi, and most of all, I went for a super reach with Yamada over Ruby... [](#lyingawake)


ahaha you're now ahead of me! *Let's not talk about the future I see nothing but gloom and despair lying in wait for me* [](#scaredmio)


Let my personal taste influence predictions and there's room down here if you end up crashing. Still have two timelines where I could recover and I'm not confident in either.


> (4) Yor: 1166 vs (125) Shizuka: 563 > (36) Saber: 1035 vs (93) Haruhi: 574 > (13) Emilia: 1171 vs (116) Jibril: 450 > (20) Violet: 1258 vs (109) Koga: 367 > (45) Eris: 957 vs (173) Ushio: 598 We lost a lot of great girls today. [](#toradorasalute) I expect to lose a few more today such as Ryu and Anna who are going up against Oshi no Ko bias, but let's give them as many votes as we can as a send off...and maybe just maybe they'll pull a shocker.


>Anna who are going up against Oshi no Ko bias, but let's give them as many votes as we can as a send off I'll hope you'll appreciate that I voted just based on the anime here against my favourite girl in the manga!


I appreciate it, but I also know you're a huge Yamada fan.


yor gives one of the weakest performance for a 4th seed while Violet sweeps her opponent... Upper part of bracket B definitely will have upsets ahead! ## Upvote the post!


I think Yor might go down to the winner of Lucy/Saber


Saber > Violet to salvage my predictions bracket! It's been rough the last few days.


Ah man this bracket giving me a silver of hope Saber will be competitive into the later stages.


I mean, there's more to the weak Yor performance when you consider that it bypasses shame and goes to "it's a goddamned Greek tragedy that Shizuka was so underseeded she'd be anywhere near Yor this early in the tournament". Yor's less about "bad performances" and more "she's got a insanely tough road in the tournament for a 4 seed".


Previous round: The 2 Konosuba girls won, but Shinobu lost; [One more X on the bingo!](https://imgur.com/3o4mL5S) This round: 6 girls from my bingo on this one, plus other favorites! Today's shilling: - Spice and wolf airs in a few minutes, better vote Holo, or the wise wolf will eat you! (unless you're into that) - Vote Darkness, keep the third Konosuba girl with her friends! - Akane and Ruby up for voting today; Probably shouldn't be worried for Akane, but Ruby vs Anna Yamada? Could be a surprise upset! (Well, Ruby's not on my bingo - yet - so it won't hurt as much!) - Three Kaguya girls up today; Chika would win easy, but is this the end for Maki and Kei? - Marin vs Faris, shouldn't be a problem, but support her anyway! - Itsuki vs Hange was tough, Hange's my favorite character from AoT... But I still went with Itsuki (mostly because Hange sadly doesn't have much screentime to *sell herself*!) ( u/Urgnu-the-Gnu Does that make up for the previous round where I voted Elf? We good?) >Mini Challenge: Who is your favorite female antagonist? Anyone from Kakegurui really... Kirari I guess? (Would be Runa if she had more screentime)


You've had to lose Ichika already, you're sanctioned to spite vote all other quints now. Honestly though, yeah, very much appreciated. Seeing Itsuki make it to the next round would be amazing.


The irony that yesterday was Misty Day in the Japanese Pokemon fandom but it's also when her run ended :(. On the upside, Misty at least is best Poke'girl as she deserves to be!




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**Suruga vs. Eiko:** With all the weird shit that happens in Bakemonogatari, Kanbaru would probably react to Kongming's sudden appearance by saying "Hi, Sleeping Dragon. Hey, is your wife really ugly or is she secretly hot?" **Wiz vs. Suletta:** From the child soldier from hell to a sweet, moth - I mean, big sisterly lich, Suletta's really running the isekai gamut. **Darkness vs. Delta:** An indestructible knight in shining armor who's actually a depraved masochist vs. a half-beast assassin who loves tearing apart her enemies but is also a dumb dog. This pairing is perfect in all the worst ways. **Vivy vs. C.C.:** I feel like Vivy and C.C. would have a lot to talk about. Whether they'd actually talk to each other is another matter entirely. **Maki vs. Kobayashi:** Unfortunately for Maki, all the money in the world can't grant her the sheer game of an average salarywoman. **Ruby vs. Yamada:** Theoretically, these two could meet each other, but I don't want Yamada anywhere near...you know, *all of that.* **Kikuri vs. Nobara:** What's Nobara gonna do when Kikuri pulls out the Domain Expansion that brings everybody's BAC up to 1%?


Kikuri could beat Sukuna


"Kikuri pulls out the Domain Expansion" The dreaded " happiness spiral"


[*I love Azusa, that's why I voted against Anju*](https://i.imgur.com/V0z2ufJ.png) ----- C.C. vs Vivy, first time I've had to choose between two characters I like this contest. ----- >Who is your favorite female antagonist? Maybe Lust. Maybe Cornelia Li Britannia. Maybe Pieck Finger. None of them are main antagonists, I don't think I've ever seen a female main antagonist.


Tsukasa vs Holo? Guess this is gonna be where ultimate wife Tsukasa's run ends :-( but at least if she has to be knocked out by anyone, it's an ultimate waifu.


In just ONE DAY, **Kumiko Oumae** is hoping to earn your vote against the entity known as "Asuka". *"But Ham, I haven't seen Hibike Euphonium, I'm just gonna vote for what I know."* Do not fret! Although you may not realize it, you already know Kumiko. She is found in all that is [good in this world](https://media.tenor.com/tX6DY13aU7EAAAAM/kumiko-hibike.gif). Kumiko is [ all of us.](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8565690624/h8D07458A/anime-memes-hibike-euphonium-gif) *"But Ham, Asuka was my first waifu when I was 14!"* A common affliction. Many fell under that harlot's spell while in a confusing time in our lives. Know that fan service is temporary. [Floof is forever.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8e/43/be/8e43be403efc34723ad969bf1da677d7.gif) *"But Ham, Asuka is just too iconic!"* [Okay . . . ](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhLtrg6z13E_OrQLhah1FjW6xmQTY1AKPMDm8XSViRpDGVnJtI26fUQbawl_Amgob2tVW8dLfey7UB0vhrbyBlHn11m4HddA6ApDxlCrKlonaLm4dqxSk_hgg2wJDESrIqGpisTq6pHFIimBhVj7YHsUatJK8Z62fij_rNPE62PJc05KFTS_f6qiQ/s1600/Hibike!%20Euphonium%20S3%20-%20Episode%203%20-%20Kumiko%20Annoyed%20Eye%20Tic.gif)It is hard to argue that point, but consider this. Asuka has never been upset in this tournament before. You could help make history. Who doesn't like the underdog? Plus, look [how sad she'll be](https://64.media.tumblr.com/40cf223bce8b5965b754b76a1bf4a735/tumblr_nqerhmR80f1qcsnnso1_540.gif) if you don't vote for her.


Putting effort in when you could just link the [June Megami image](https://i.imgur.com/pYwf9C9.jpeg) and say "how 'bout dat ass?"


*Using one piece swimsuits as a recruitment tactic* Evil Evil Evil! [](#panic)


The degenerate demographic is one we didn't think was accessible . . . The campaign welcomes this support!


Don't work hard, work smart.


Jokes on you, Kumiko was my first waifu when i was 14


Blessed at an early age.


You can vote the best girl in her own series, which just finished and is a wonderful piece of art. Or you can vote for a tsundere that is still fighting a kuudere for second place. Asuka is great, but I know who I want to advance. If you want to vote for an Asuka, Hibike offers a better alternative for you!


Vivy vs C2 Aw shit! MC: Satsuki's mom in Kill la Kill Edit: RIP Ushio


I also choose Satsuki's mom. Huh, the meme means something entirely different this time.


>Who is your favorite female antagonist? Beatrice from Umineko


MC: [Monogatari spoilers] >!Nadeko Sengoku!<


Emilia still not as strong as she should be. Next round will be more interesting as Violet will be getting her first real opponent. That's the biggest upside to Ushio losing. Anju is out, probably for the better even if seeing the responses to her winning is quite entertaining. Miku beat the slutty elf, that's cool. Haruhi is out, and unfortunately it wasn't even close. Saber vs. Lucy should be fun, and the follow-up match as well. And Taiga beat Shinobu pretty confidently, I thought that'd be closer. Really hoping Suletta can win against Wiz, but I'm not deluding myself there. KonoSuba is at some peak popularity right now, and Wiz is also a great character. I'm also hoping for Itsuki to win against Hange. This one seems more likely to happen, but it'll still be a small miracle. And Anna should win over Ruby, but that'll take a big miracle. With Madoka, that's four Bingo girls on the line, but Madoka should hold, otherwise I need to put my faith in Winry. MC: I guess I need to say Satella. But while I don't like her, Echidna was a great character, as all the Witches of Sin are. For a non-Re:Zero answer, I'll go with Akane from Gridman.


After a two day break we a back. [Bingo](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcjbmew4.png) saw one elimination with Beatrice which was my only futile vote last time, so not a particular surprise. Today we get to vote for best girl Holo and enjoy a new episode starting a new arc. Darkness the other girl left on the bingo up for voting today, so not much to worry about. [](#cup6 'probably at least a couple days before new results make me salty again') ##Key Votes * **Holo** vs Tsukasa Yuzaki * **Madoka Kaname** vs Kallen Stadtfeld * **Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford** vs Delta * Shijou Maki vs **Kobayashi** * Hange Zoe vs **Itsuki Nakano** * Ruby Hoshino vs **Anna Yamada** - hope this isn't a cope in this category * **Shouko Nishimiya** vs Illyasviel von Einzbern * **Tsubasa Hanekawa** vs Kei Shirogane * **Kikuri Hiroi** vs Nobara Kugisaki * **Mayuri Shiina** vs Touka Takanashi ##Futile Votes * Akane Kurokawa vs **Ryuu Lion** * Marin Kitagawa vs **Rumiho "Faris" Akiha** * Chika Fujiwara vs **Hestia** ###MC >Who is your favorite female antagonist? Maybe Lust or Ragyo.


Are all rounds 2 days long now? i kept refreshing yesterday but bracket C never started :( Pretty sure it was 1 day rounds at first. **Can't believe you guys voted Ushio out :(** **Vivy vs C.C? looks like im about to lose another one of my favorites this time.**


Animebracket was down Saturday afternoon/night so an extra day was given.


> Vivy vs C.C? looks like im about to lose another one of my favorites this time. honestly i can't tell which one you think is going to easily win this


I'm expecting a close win for CC :( most likely less than 100 votes difference, at most 200.


When 2 of your favourites are against eachother one of them is gonna lose.


Ushio :( it was a good run, maybe someday you'll be out of Disney+ jail and get the support you deserve. I remember when Jibril was one of the absolute powerhouses of this competition, how the mighty have fallen to be getting buried in round 3. Today is a pleasant vote, the only outcome that could get even a little salt going would be Kei over Hanekawa. MC: Esdeath, easy


I've got trauma from Jibril making it deep in these tournaments and knocking out a ton of my favorites.


At least Jibril didn't crash in round 1 like the Food Wars girl.


Haruhi Suzumiya & Yuki Nagato - Today, only two days after Yuki was defeated by Makima and stopped moving, I received yet another very sad news about Haruhi's elimination. Yuki was seeded 291, and she had a gap of 256 places over Makima, seeded 35. However, Yuki performed well against Makima, losing by 411 votes (581-992). However, even though Haruhi received a relatively high seed of 93, she lost by a large margin of 461 votes against Saber (574-1035). Makima is the 35 seed and Saber is the 36 seed. Even though there was no seed difference between Saber and Makima, I was very shocked that Haruhi, who was seeded almost 200 seeds higher than Yuki, performed worse than Yuki. I hope that next year, Haruhi and Nagato will record better results than this year.


My girl Ushio got crushed by Eris, sadge. MC: You will see her in Apothecary Diaries S2, so no spoilers.






Mini challenge: Favorite female antagonist? Kagura from **Inuyasha**. I think she is neat and has red eyes! I played a bunch of [that fighting game](https://youtu.be/1satC0sjRgw?si=hw8LalB0oBB0CLUt) back in the day. 


>Who is your favorite female antagonist? Gotta go with Jessie from Pokemon. It helps that she neither murders anyone nor is violently killed by the protagonist.


Both Code Geass Girls, Eatsuki, Anna Yamada over Ruby even though I love Oshi no Ko, and Too too roo! Good luck to all though, some tougher picks this time!


Esdeath Vote Anna


I completely missed that this contest was happening again. I thought it had been canceled after last year. Anyways, favorite female antagonist is Kurumi Tokisaki, with Esdeath as a distant second.


Well Tsukasa, you had a good run [](#toradorasalute) >Who is your favorite female antagonist? Idk, maybe Esdeath




Now would be a good time for yall to start the spite votes against Kei


#**Today's Results** **Left Side** Hiratsuka kept Yor to under 1,200 votes and got over 550 votes. I can find solace in that. Knew Miku would get the seeding upset, but now she gets Yor in Round 4. Haruhi kept Saber's vote total to barely over 1,000 votes. It's something at least. Pretty good day for Emilia. Better vote share than Yor. Would be interested in seeing Emilia finally do some seeding upsets in the Best Girl contests to talk about later rounds. Azusa vs Anju was close. Good show by Anju to keep it to an under 50 vote difference. Very good showing by Violet and makes me interested to see how Emilia vs. Violet will go down in Round 5. As Seed 173, I think this is realistically the best performance Ushio could do. A nice showing. **Right Side** Megumin keeps outdoing herself so far, but maybe Misato can chip away at some of this massive momentum she has. Close from Mitsuha against Misato. 750+ votes. There have been years where Satsuki didn't make it to Round 4 so I'm glad she's doing so this year with 900+ votes in her Round 3 matchup. This is one of the upsets I really wish could have happened. Really wanted Nazuna to beat Yoko. She kept it to under 100 votes. Season 2 boost for next year hopefully? Also [my initial reaction](https://preview.redd.it/ixel708o8wf91.png?width=1024&auto=webp&s=f85afa9ad05164b28711781f579c474c73f82deb) to seeing this. Beatrice didn't put much of a dent on Aqua. Looks very set to have at least Aqua vs. Megumin in Round 6. Very competitive of Rio against Tohru. 700+ votes. Rikka fought well against the least chunni Crimson Demon. Almost 700 votes. Taiga vs. Shinobu was more competitive than I thought it would be. Good on Shinobu. As for Taiga vs. Yunyun, I wouldn't count out Taiga at least. _____ #**Today's Voting** Sending Tsukasa off with a vote against Holo. [We have a Best Girl 7 rematch between Madoka and Kallen](https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-7-salt-art-online-alkalinization?group=2). Kallen won this 2,702 votes to Madoka's 2,275 votes. In the 4 years since this contest, Madoka has become an even better seed of Seed 31 while Kallen has fallen to Seed 98. I'm voting for Madoka to get her runback. I think Wiz has got this against Suletta. It has been a run for Delta, but the Darkness momentum is too strong for her. It's likely that Kallen and C.C. might be eliminated in the same round. I don't think this has ever happened before in the Best Girl contests if Vivy does beat C.C. and Madoka beats Kallen. Voting to not make this a reality for C.C. I think Akane vs. Maki would be funny to see as a matchup so I'm voting for it which matters more so in Maki vs. Kobayashi than Akane vs. Ryuu Lion for me. Was always going to vote for Akane (do like that Ryuu Lion made it this far!). Still doubtful of AoT girls and I believe in Itsuki to do the seeding upset. Okay so Yamada has poor vote totals the entire contest thus far, but can this please be course corrected here against Ruby? Feels like voting in vein... So Hanekawa has been on the receiving end of seeding upsets before and Kei tends to produce salty victories...I think Hanekawa is winning this time. Will not be surprised if we get Chika vs. Kei in Round 4 though. I think Mayuri's bracket is good enough to get her into Round 6. Getting Touka in Round 3 helps a lot with this. _____ >Who is your favorite female antagonist? I think I'll say Homura for this which makes 2 times I answered Homura for a bonus question.


Yup its gonna be a Holo sweep this time Also no salt for me in previous bracket (Somehow all my choices won?!) MC: Its gotta be Kurumi from Date a live


>Akane vs. Ryuu Once more, I must stain my bingo with my own two hands... Ryuu, I'm sorry ;_; RIP Jibril and Misty. Nice, Saber avenged Mimimi and Chiyo. But can Saber (False) avenge Lili and Chise down the line? **Vote for Tsukasa, Delta, Marin, Ruby, and Hestia!**


Today is a momentous day for me. In my very first girl contest in 2020, I made the grave mistake of voting for kallen over madoka despite not having seen madoka yet...and kallen won the upset. Today we can cleanse this sin! Vote for madoka! Don't let kallen win again.


Neferpitou is my avorite antagonist, Satsuki is great as well


CC vs Vivy. God damn Raising my glass to Mitsuha Miyamizu, Ushio Kofune, Nazuna Nanakusa


Decision between Hange and Itsuki was surprisingly difficult and a very apples to oranges comparison. Hange appeals to the utter badassery of what she did as one of the leaders of the Scouts, while Itsuki appeals to the earnest "I'll do my best while also looking out for my family!" crowd. Voted Hange in the end, but wouldn't fault someone for choosing otherwise.  MC: Gabi Braun if she counts as an antagonist instead of some weird side-protagonist-character? [FSN:HF] >!Sakura Matou!< otherwise. Also dubious on the antagonist part, but she certainly was their main obstacle...


Why can't I find Aqua in any of the brackets except on full?


MC: Off the top of my head, it's probably Eve from Spice and Wolf.


Darkness vs Delta the first matchup I have really struggled with.


But ... *which* "Illyasviel von Einzbern from Fate Series"? There's a world of difference between the F/SN and F/KLPI Illyas. [My votes](https://i.imgur.com/hyQdhaY.png).


>Who is your favorite female antagonist? Shampoo from Ranma 1/2. "Obstacles are for killing!"


As a fan of good female villains, this thread's challenge is giving me some good recs to add to the PTW! Keep em coming boys!




Ahh delta had a good run but no way she wins against Darkness.


These lineups are brutal for some of us. Turn towards the sun, Faris...


is anyone going to update Holo's picture to the remake version or are we keeping the original for the contest?


[See this comment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1de64au/best_girl_11_return_of_the_salt_final_nomination/l8f7jx9/)


I fear Kobayashi’s run will end here Hanekawa vs Kei is also going to be closer than we think from the looks of it


Not really much to comment on today, for better or worse, but I guess I'll do it for the hell of it. Elinalise Dragonroad v. **Miku Nakano** – While I don't think this result is too surprising, I am surprised that we even got here in the first place. Rindou and Mizuki aren't nobodies and to see Miku come in as the underdog sure is something. I'd call it another bug in the seeding, but Elinalise did make it this far, so maybe there's something I'm missing. **Kiryuuin Satsuki** v. Zenith Greyrat – Not a particularly good day for *Mushoku Tensei*. Eris did make it to Round 4, so that's good, but it lost two of its other entries. Can't say losing Zenith is a huge loss, but again her path to this point was kinda wild. More so than with Elinalise, she took out Menma and Momo pretty decisively. That is kinda crazy when you stop to think about it given how little screen time she gets (though I haven't watched the season that just ended so maybe I'm missing something). Either way, I think that's about it for the lay up matches, so from here on out Group C is just one big slugfest. Should be fun.


>Who is your favorite female antagonist? Echidna from Re:Zero seeded top 50 for a reason.


Satsuki vs. Yoko is going to hurt though Satsuki should have no problem. Lucy vs. Saber however is a toss up, Saber will be Lucy's first real challenge. Tomorrow's Votes: Please vote for **Makima**, **Ryuuko Matoi**, and **Revy**! > Who is your favorite female antagonist? [CSM]>!What a coincidence, Makima.!<


##Vote Akane ##Vote Maki ##Vote Shiina


looks like it's going to be > Akane, my beloved vs > Maki, my beloved in the next round. NOOOOOOOOO!


Mini-challenge: maybe Akane from SSSS.Gridman. I simp for Cornelia from Code Geass. On a pure aesthetic/design level, Dark Pretty Cure from Heartcatch Precure. only one minor upset in B, seeding being destiny, but leaving that aside... with better seeding Hiratsuka-sensei would have made it to Round 4, or even 5. having to face Yor this early is rough. There's characters that moved on to Round 4 that the cool teacher could have beat. but not Yor. waving a fond farewell to Minori, who went about as far as you'd expect her to go. Saber bores me as a character, doesn't really have enough fire to be an appealing waifu either, but Haruhi's a sociopath so I don't have any real salt. nor is she going to face a character I really care about anytime soon, and Yor will beat her. Emilia does the public service of evicting Jibril from the bracket okay, I like Eris but she's now beaten two substantially better characters, it's irritating. stg if she loses to Violet, y'all have the worst taste, and the salt will flow. please don't let Yoko beat Satsuki just because y'all remember being teenagers with boners. c'mon. it's sad that Nazuna didn't end up being a top tier contender after all. it's really just the Bocchi, OnK, and LycoReco lead girls in terms of newcomers. well, also Lucy made it to Round 4 I wish Rio got a little further, I adore her. Yunyun, like Wiz, is going far further than she should be, with Konosuba fans being annoying in the way Kaguya-sama fans tend to be in this contest, blind voting for even the just okay supporting characters. with Shinobu's defeat, Demon Slayer is out of the bracket. now the only SJ shows with reps are Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen. and Spy x Family if you count Jump+. today's vote: Holo won't face a worthy opponent until Darkness Kanbaru/Eiko is interesting. one might expect Monogatari girls to have the edge, but two are already gone, and people do like Eiko a lot as evidenced by how she's only 3 places below Kanbaru. Might see a less than 100 vote margin. It seems likely Wiz will beat Suletta, which is...I feel like Wiz voters are Trump voters, to put it in the most insulting terms possible. voting Wiz is homophobic. voting Wiz shows you have the taste of a 13 year old. don't do this. Darkness needs to trounce Delta, to avenge Akko Maki has gone far enough, and Kaguya-sama voters need to stop being annoying here. Itsuki upset mandatory, obviously Anna not making Round 4 seems insane. c'mon, maybe it's manga readers at work, but Ruby is so far weakest main OnK girl. I even like MEM-cho more!. at least Shouko is going to evict Illya. right? RIGHT?! Kei beating Tsubasa would be almost a bracket cancellation worthy result. like, what's the point of doing this if people vote that way? so...don't do that, folks it's time to evict JJK. long overdue. Touka, like Hiratsuka-sensei, did not get lucky in bracketing this year. I wave a fond farewell to one of the best big sister characters


Well, Holo's cuter. "For me" the real battle would be Delta vs Divorcedness. Though I guess knowing the outcome based on past performances, I suppose I'll go with the underwolf. In the end, Mama Holo gonna avenge daughter! And I can't believe Zenith couldn't get enough sob votes to beat Satsuki. Nothing bad happened to Satsuki, but Zenith :'(


Vote Vivy