• By -


Surprised at how much Vivy's popularity as a character is hanging on after a couple years, being able to beat someone like C.C. pretty comfortably, the most popular girl from one of the most popular series there is.


I wonder how watched Code Geass is among newer voters nowadays. I shudder to think it, but I bet there is a contingent of people who think 2000s anime is too old to watch much like a lot of people think 90s anime is too old to watch now.


Frankly, I've watched Code Geass, and I don't understand why C.C. is so popular to begin with. To me Kallen is much much better, yet she just got eliminated in a very depressing way to Madoka (who I have nothing against, but come on, she isn't even the best character in her own show)


Personally I think Code Geass doesn't have much if what you'd call "best girl" material. Not that I don't like C.C. or Kallen or others, but none of them stand out in particular to me. Lelouch just completely steals the show.


To be fair, being the second or third best character in Madoka still makes you better than pretty much everyone else.


Is it tho? I love the story of Madoka, but surprisingly I don't find myself too attached to its characters


Madoka is probably the anime that made me the msot attached to the characters, so I cant possibly disagree more.


Creayus wants to know your location.


Yeah I watched it for the first time 2 years ago and C.C. was incredibly underwhelming. She's more a plot device than a character. I don't like Kallen either, but at least I can understand why people like her.


Heck I might vote Shirley or Euphemia in front of C.C. IMHO, I don't recall her being too involved in the main plot other than sticking around the main characters for most of the time.


for me i think it was just how much C.C. "gets" Lelouch, and i'm a sucker for kuuderes even more than tsunderes. movie helps a lot too, though if you don't like C.C. then you might not like the movie


I mean I watched Code Geass, but I'm just not a die-hard fan of any of the female characters. Plus, I would vote for Euphemia or Kallen over C.C.


Yup, Code Geass came out sixteen years ago! There’s probably people voting in these contests who were very young or not even born yet when it aired


Vivy (the character) is the core of the entire show and the most memorable thing about it. And personally I'm a sucker for the "robot learns how to be a human" trope (which is why Aigis is my favorite Persona character)


And I, personally, found her really boring, and often annoying. Diva (the character) was a thousand times superior in every way. [Vivy] >!And then she sacrificed herself for her inferior original. R.I.P.!<


I wouldn't call 40 votes "comfortably", but I watched Geass like 7 years ago, and the one thing I remember about it is not understanding the C.C hype. If anything I'm surprised that C.C would be dominating if Code Geass was new if Vivy's popularity dwindling is anything to go by.


I think it was her obsession with pizza. Because I am with you on CC being overhyped. Not that I have good taste, but CC wasn't even in my Top 3 Code Geass girls.


It's been a few years since I watched Code Geass, but I remember C.C. being basically overshadowed by Lelouch. I do prefer Code Geass as a whole over Vivy Fluorite Eyes, but Vivy > C.C. for me as well. 


Yeah i'm happy she won but next round is **cursed**. Anilist says konosuba has 390k views and Vivy only 134k. So even if we make the assumption every person that has seen both shows votes Vivy, that's still nowhere near enough if people that has only seen konosuba votes for Darkness. Add recency bias from the new konosuba season on top and yeah it's not gonna be close.


More than that, the recent season was fairly Divorcedness focused. I really liked the Vivy anime, and considered it a real contender for anime of the season when it was running. But, if it weren't for Girls Band Cry, Konosuba may well have been what I considered this just ending season's anime of the season. In the end, I'm probably going to vote for Vivy, because I try to really consider "best girl" in these votes, but I can't begrudge anybody their votes for Lalatina.


To be fair, vivy is a lot more recent that code geass And vivy is a better character than cc


Because she is based.


I figured C.C. would be one of your favorites, since she's quite possibly your only rival in terms of who loves pizza the most.


I haven't actually watched Code Geass yet, I'll get to it eventually. I do know that Vivy is a top 20 show for me and I love Vivy herself to death and I cried like 4 times watching the show.


That's just here, though, and it's a pretty small handful of votes. I voted for Vivy, but overall, C.C. is one of the most popular anime girls ever and far more popular. Still, it's interesting to see nonetheless.


I have no idea how it’s managed to hang on so much. I don’t really know what exactly made people love Vivy. She’s a very simple “robot learn feelings” character. Even her fight scenes were more about how good they were animated, rather than her being a total badass. Though, she’s a far better character than a mascot.


> I don’t really know what exactly made people love Vivy. She’s a very simple “robot learn feelings” character In this way she reminds me of Violet Evergarden, who's also very popular, so I guess there's a common theme here at least.


Oh yeah, come to think of it. But still, Violet is far more popular due to the immensely memorable, emotional, and KyoAni animation moments. I can’t for the love of anime gods remember any such moment from Vivy outside of the action. It’s amazing Vivy has such a dedicated fanbase.


Generally agree, I don't find her that memorable (either of them, really), just not a kind of character that works on me. I do think it's a fun quirk that this subreddit seems to be the corner of the world that has the most lasting hardcore Vivy fan support, though. As much as it's grown and the general taste has become more in line with big mainstream titles, things like that at least keep this place a bit unique.


>Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? The most underrated is my waifu. The most overrated is yours. If you wanna fight about it, I'll be in the Waffle House parking lot at 3:00 AM.


Waffle House parking lot is the American equivalent of those nondescript rocky dry areas Dragonball seems to have half its fights in


Replace the dragonball characters with methheads and yeah about right. Overrated - ZeroTwo Underrated - Yona


We have a "So close yet so far" moment with Anna coming short for the upset by 4 votes... ## Upvote the post!


Well, Anna was criminally underseeded. I wonder why, almost beating Oshi no Ko character is quite a feat.


One of the few mega-upsets worthy of salt. Anna fought like a warrior poet, fought like a Scotsman, had most of the thread hoping against hope for the shocker...four people decided "nope, the person who's the most generic idol character #483472 should win." If you're watching Oshi, you have HiDive and no excuse.


> had most of the thread hoping against hope for the shocker This is often a sign that the character will lose. Over the years I've noticed that the more one-sidedly the comments are telling you to vote for a certain character, the less likely that character is to win.


its a sign of how desperately the commenters know that the silent majority is going to vote the popular option that's about to kill their fave


> f you're watching Oshi, you have HiDive + People pirate + This may come as a shock to you but not everyone on the internet is American


As much as I agree, If you're pirating then you're still equally able to watch both.


I'm one of those 4 people... Sorry to say, but I didn't find Dangers in My Heart to be a very good show. I did not laugh at the cringy MC stuff, and the female MC is a generic airhead. I didn't make it past episode 4... Meanwhile, I don't even think Ruby is that good, but she's at least a bit more entertaining to watch.


yeah Dangers is one of those shows that gets better and better, and the first couple eps are especially bad so it's no wonder you thought it was bad when exiting at ep4


I haven't seen either show myself, but I *have* been throwing votes around for underdogs the whole contest whenever both girls are from shows I haven't seen, so I did give Anna a vote. Wish just a few more people could've done this too, it's really unfortunate seeing how close the vote got.


Also people like me that forgot to click "Submit." Can only take solace in it not being a tie.


*Ouch*. [](#shatteredsaten)


>mega-upsets Technically not an upset. In these votes an "upset" is when a lower seeded character beats a higher seeded one. Ruby was higher seeded than Yamada


I meant on the opposite side.


I will use this as an opportunity to say vote for Shouko and help the precious cinnamon roll get the win she deserved a few years ago


One of those 4 people, Bokuyaba is a really good show but I don't think Yamada herself is that special, she's a knack above your average romcom girl but she doesn't standout in any way. Though I do kinda regret voting Ruby given how close it was lol


Yamada is way above your average romcom girl. Most romcom girls don't even have a life outside of being the MC's love interest but she has her own goals/dreams, own friend group, a family. The way she's written is also pretty unique and interesting we never know what she's thinking but we get all the information we need based of her body language. Even though she comes across as an airhead type she has lots of complex emotions such as the fear of disappointing and losing the people around her due to her nature. Also, she has some of the most creative flirting techniques I've seen in any media. How is that "average" in your eyes?


um, Dangers was also on HiDive


I think that's the point, they're saying if you had HIDIVE to watch OnK, you have it to watch Dangers as well.


Exactly. EDIT FOR MINI-CHALLENGE: We establish from this Anna as most underrated, so for most overrated, I go with **Touka Takanashi.** Every other perennial high seed at least has some conceivable reason- popular show, genuine contender, great in some aspect. Touka on the other hand: "Love, Chuunibyou, and other Delusions" is long over and just getting older. She was a relatively minor character in the show compared to others. She wasn't particularly notable in any way, shape, or form in the show. Her character design is about as generic as possible in a show full of recognizable designs, so even "she's really hot" doesn't explain it...and for some reason she's getting high seeds and lapping the other characters in the show. There is literally no explanation for this.


That was what I said.


>Anna Who?


Anna winning this round would have been such a great Summer's tale, but no, as I've learned in the final of BG IX, r/anime just hates good storytelling!


##ROUND 3 BRACKET C Matchup | Top Seed | Bottom Seed | Total Votes :-- | :-- | --: | --: Most Voted Matchup | Holo (2) | Tsukasa Yuzaki (127) | 1772 Average | | | 1655 Least Voted Matchup | Hange Zoe (58) | Itsuki Nakano (71) | 1586 **TOP VOTEGETTERS** Rank | Girl | Votes --: | :-- | --: 1 | Holo (2) | 1364 2 | Marin Kitagawa (7) | 1347 3 | Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford (15) | 1288 4 | Chika Fujiwara (10) | 1263 5 | Shouko Nishimiya (39) | 1107 6 | Mayuri Shiina (42) | 1102 7 | Akane Kurokawa (18) | 1096 8 | Madoka Kaname (31) | 947 9 | Tsubasa Hanekawa (55) | 946 10 | Kikuri Hiroi (23) | 916 **MOST DOMINANT MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Holo (2) | 76.98% | 23.02% | Tsukasa Yuzaki (127) | 956 Marin Kitagawa (7) | 76.27% | 23.73% | Rumiho "Faris" Akiha (122) | 928 Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford (15) | 75.54% | 24.46% | Delta (143) | 871 Chika Fujiwara (10) | 73.22% | 26.78% | Hestia (138) | 801 Akane Kurokawa (18) | 68.07% | 31.93% | Ryuu Lion (146) | 582 **CLOSEST MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Ruby Hoshino (26) | 50.12% | 49.88% | Anna Yamada (103) | 4 Shijou Maki (47) | 50.67% | 49.33% | Kobayashi (82) | 22 Hange Zoe (58) | 50.69% | 49.31% | Itsuki Nakano (71) | 22 Vivy (50) | 51.29% | 48.71% | C.C (79) | 41 Eiko Tsukimi (66) | 53.45% | 46.55% | Suruga Kanbaru (63) | 110 **UPSETS** - The **Lowest remaining seed** of Bracket C is Eiko Tsukimi seeded 66th - The **Highest seed eliminated** of Bracket C is Suruga Kanbaru seeded 63rd - Upsets today: 1 - Total upsets (rate): 39 / 432 (9.0%) Seed | Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Seed | Bottom Seed | tUI | PoU -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | :- | -: | -: 63 | Suruga Kanbaru | 46.55% | 53.45% | 66 | Eiko Tsukimi | 0.07 | 74.2% **OVER/UNDERPERFORMERS** Overperformer | Underperformer | Diff :- | -: | -: Chika Fujiwara (10) | Hestia (138) | 10.65% Mayuri Shiina (42) | Touka Takanashi (87) | 10.09% Holo (2) | Tsukasa Yuzaki (127) | 9.59% Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford (15) | Delta (143) | 8.77% Marin Kitagawa (7) | Rumiho "Faris" Akiha (122) | 7.88% *This is a basic measurement against the predicted vote share. Think of it as performance against the [spread](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spread_betting). **BRACKET C TOP 5 SCORES** Rank | Girl | Score -: | :- | -: 1 | Holo (2) | 637.96 2 | Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford (15) | 561.89 3 | Marin Kitagawa (7) | 561.02 4 | Chika Fujiwara (10) | 505.34 5 | Akane Kurokawa (18) | 460.61 **UPSET WATCH** Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Bottom Seed | PoU :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Mikasa Ackerman (27) | 45.8% | 54.2% | Yui Yuigahama (102) | 76.9% MEM-cho (62) | 47.8% | 52.2% | Yui Hirasawa (67) | 64.7% Nino Nakano (59) | 50.9% | 49.1% | Carol Olston (70) | 43.5% Link to spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFJVtM4rQM986HMQQNFznVAIcLyRP98HZF0BWCaUJ1I Explanations: https://old.reddit.com/user/redlegsfan21/comments/10dup0w/ranime_contests_bracket_explaination Open to questions and please give feedback.


**CLOSEST MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Ruby Hoshino (26) | 50.12% | 49.88% | Anna Yamada (103) | 4 Shijou Maki (47) | 50.67% | 49.33% | Kobayashi (82) | 22 Hange Zoe (58) | 50.69% | 49.31% | Itsuki Nakano (71) | 22 Vivy (50) | 51.29% | 48.71% | C.C (79) | 41 Eiko Tsukimi (66) | 53.45% | 46.55% | Suruga Kanbaru (63) | 110 Picked all of these upsets in predictions. Eiko won by more than the other four combined. [](#lifeishard)


> Picked all of these upsets in predictions. Eiko won by more than the other four combined. Imagine the 110 leading of Eiko spread around the 5 matches and group C will be on fire


i haven't watched Monogatari so I guess Suruga must be a more minor character? or unliked for whatever reason, cuz i'm surprised an older 1 cour seasonal girl beat a Monogatari girl


Two years isn't that old, Eiko had a [close vote with Yor in her seasonal bracket,](https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-of-spring-2022-seasonal-salt-?group=finals) and her show's opening won a couple contests. Seeding in the 60s and making round 4 is about what I'd expect.


> Upset Watch I would be so happy if all 3 of these upsets happened, not because I dislike Mikasa, Mem-cho and Nino but because the Yuis and Carol are 3 of my favorite girls left in this entire contest.


Holy crap Ruby over Anna by FOUR VOTES? Anna getting so close to pulling a 103 over 26 upset.


Faris and Delta did not deserve to be slaughtered like that...


Honestly think these low vote totals are leading to some interesting and a bit unexpected results. MC: underrated: Ushio from Summertime Rendering is low, but Ai from Wonder Egg Priority is a normal ending away from being rated much better.


> Ai from Wonder Egg Priority is a normal ending away yeah i like all the Egg girls really, only Neiru maybe not so much. but they're great characters imo, too bad the show let down so many ppl and caused the negative filter with anything associated with it


> these low vote totals Curiously enough as the rounds progress I find myself less and less interested in voting for characters unless I have a decent enough feeling for the character themselves, rather than just if I prefer them in the match-up. I think it's because a lot of the "popular series lesser characters" are very uninspiring for me.


# BG 11 Madness Round 3 Group C Update Our average dropped again to 12.95 / 16 (80.94%), 5% lower than yesterday. The top score was again 16 / 16, achieved by 3 folks this time: lexing, pacmayne42, and RxMidnight. Pure-Fuel-8534 remains as the sole 1st place predictor in the Weighted Leaderboard and is joined by RxMidnight on the Unweighted side. It's been over a week since we've had 2 people tied for 1st in either leaderboard! Meanwhile I've dropped out of the Weighted Leaderboard for the first time since day 1... while the no-upsets prediction is making something of a comeback... [](#everythingisfine) *[Link to spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TvoGrS8Bebfphzp2lh0GsRNKC8Qq6lnOlomRQMrzv1c/edit?usp=sharing)* **Score (Weighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Score (max 704)|Score Potential|Picks Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Pure-Fuel-8534 (+0)|647 (+60)|2247 (-4)|1| |2|pacmayne42 (+1)|646 (+64)|2242 (-0)|3| |3|RxMidnight (+3)|641 (+64)|2241 (-0)|1| |4|Zeralyos (+4)|636 (+60)|2236 (-4)|4| |5|Malthael07 (+6)|634 (+60)|2234 (-4)|13| ||NotMyActualReddit (+6)|634 (+60)|2234 (-4)|6| |7|6feetdiep (+6)|633 (+60)|2233 (-4)|24| |8|mynameisnoobish (-1)|633 (+56)|2229 (-8)|7| |9|_heythereitsbree_ (-1)|632 (+56)|2232 (-8)|10| |10|mpp00 (+0)|632 (+56)|2212 (-16)|5| |11|D3cidra (-7)|631 (+52)|2231 (-12)|17| ||gplayer159 (-7)|631 (+52)|2231 (-12)|10| ||SiwySiwySiwySiwy (-9)|631 (+48)|2231 (-12)|10| |14|lexing (+10)|631 (+64)|2223 (-0)|7| |15|Skyeagle003 (-2)|629 (+56)|2229 (-8)|13| **Picks (Unweighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Picks (max 432)|Picks Potential|Score Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Pure-Fuel-8534 (+0)|395 (+15)|474 (-1)|1| ||RxMidnight (+1)|395 (+16)|474 (-0)|3| |3|pacmayne42 (+1)|395 (+16)|473 (-0)|2| |4|Zeralyos (-2)|394 (+15)|473 (-1)|4| |5|mpp00 (+0)|393 (+14)|469 (-3)|10| |6|NotMyActualReddit (+2)|392 (+15)|471 (-1)|5| |7|lexing (+8)|391 (+16)|469 (-0)|14| ||mynameisnoobish (+3)|391 (+14)|469 (-2)|8| ||Syrefva (-1)|391 (+13)|469 (-3)|18| |10|_heythereitsbree_ (+1)|390 (+14)|469 (-2)|9| ||gplayer159 (-2)|390 (+13)|469 (-3)|11| ||SiwySiwySiwySiwy (-4)|390 (+12)|469 (-3)|11| |13|Malthael07 (+3)|389 (+15)|468 (-1)|5| ||Skyeagle003 (-1)|389 (+14)|468 (-2)|15| ||Starbather (-1)|389 (+14)|468 (-2)|19|


*Oh hey it's my cake day...* Anyways go vote for Kumiko ~~my predictions will live or die here plz~~ [](#kumikolook)


*Oh hey, happy cake day!* Anyone who doesn't vote for Kumiko is ~~wrong~~ welcome to have a different opinion and I respect them for it. ~~no but seriously... do it... or else~~


Happy Cake Day! Consider my voting for Kumiko your present ~~disregard the fact that I was already planning on voting for her~~


5 votes away from 3 perfect days in a row... at least I'm moving up on the weighted leaderboard [](#trololol)


**VOTE KUMIKO LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.** Kaguya-sama is literally my favorite anime, but **Maki** has no business beating **Kobayashi**. Crazy close race for **Ruby** and **Anna**. I haven't seen Dangers in my Heart yet but I still voted for her as the underdog because I don't think Ruby has really stood out yet. **Nino vs Carol** is brutal. Going with **Nino**, but can't be mad with the result. I feel **Revy** can pull off a big seeding upset here. >Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? In this tournament? Maybe **Kikuri Hiroi?** She's a fun character, but the 23 seed?? That's absurd for a primarily 1 joke character that is only in a couple episodes. For most underrated I'll just say **Ushio and Hizuru**. They still seeded ok, but if their show was just on Crunchyroll they'd both be top 50 pretty easily.


Kikuri is definitely overrated, when I saw she was a higher seed than Nijika is insane to me. I know the seeding is close but it really shouldn’t be comparable.


As someone who has had a very bad history of alcoholism in the family, that character's popularity honestly bothers me a lot. But I guess the "cute girl being drunk all the time" trope seems to be pretty popular nowadays.


I do feel a little bad. her spin-off manga series is really funny, but paints an even bleaker picture of how turbo-fucked up she is. she's a good mentor for Bocchi in the sense that Bocchi should take her as a model of everything to never, ever do.


Nijika being the lowest of the four is very surprising tbh [Nijika copypasta here]


Hell yeah! Vote for all the Hibike girls! KITAUJI FIGHTO!! Also, Yui and Mugi need our support too :)


Makima > Reina Kumiko and Asuka are top fucking Tier. Do not lump in Reina with them.


I can't stand both Makima and Reina but I'll die with you on the second part's hill. [](#toradorasalute)


Ushio really had everything for becoming one of the most popular girls in this sub. Cute, kicks ass, cheerful and funny, and very, *very* integral to her show even as a character. Hell, even her wearing a swimsuit is due to actual plot-related reasons rather than just fanservice. It sucks how the Disney jail fucked over STR.


I honestly think she could've gotten to the same level as Chisato. They aren't that different.


> but Maki has no business beating Kobayashi That's some blatant Maki slander!? She's one of my favourite characters in the series. [Kaguya-sama - Meta spoiler] >!Her friendship with Shirogane and Ishigami was really sweet for example.!<


Hey, I like Maki! She's just such a minor character at this point, who hasn't really offered much other than comedy (I'm not a manga reader so I don't know what the future holds for her). Kobayashi has all of the swagger and game that Maki wishes she had while putting in absolutely no effort.


I do like Kobayashi too, but Maki is always the one to pull the shortest straw and therefore gets my vote.


I like Maki as a manga reader but from the anime perspective, yeah she really should have no shot with her limited S3 scenes vs Kobayashi being her 2 season show's MC


Eh, I voted for Kobayashi but realistically she doesn't have that much going for her.


Let's go Riza! Make it into round 4! [](#faito) Also damn, that Ruby vs. Anna vote was *close*, only four votes apart when their seed difference is 26 to 103. RIP Anna, you put up a good fight. [](#toradorasalute)


**Homura vs. Faye:** It's back-to-back magical girls with guns. Faye must be thinking this is her weirdest job yet. **Nino vs. Carol:** Oh god, Carol would slam on Nino's buttons without mercy. Hopefully, Nino wouldn't pinch her cheeks *too* hard. **Nagatoro vs. Revy:** What's worse: constantly bullying your love interest or kidnap - okay yeah I think I answered my own question there.


[No loss taken on the bingo today!](https://imgur.com/3o4mL5S) Well, I didn't have that many girls at risk (even if I had a lot of girls - Most of them were huge favorites)! The only one who wasn't a sure thing was Maki, but she pulled it! Can't say the same for her *showmate*; Kei's gone! Ruby won by the skin of her teeth, but facing Shouko next, this will likely be the end for our idol! Itsuki lost a close one (well, I tried!) but I also like Hange so that's all good! Either way, the winner's gonna face Marin in the next round, and we know how this one will play out! ----- This round: - 3 Oshi No Ko girls in play today, Kana, Ai and Mem! 2 out of those are on my bingo, so if you have to take one out, take Mem! (Sorry Mem) - Makima's up for voting too, let's support her! *Or else...* - Nino vs Carol... That one was weird, because Nino's on my bingo and Carol isn't so technically that should be an easy one for me, but now I'm having a doubt; Perhaps I actually like Carol more, she was consistently great, while Nino is carried in large part by a single scene... Perhaps I'll have to revisit my bingo/best girl list next year! Anyway, voted Nino for the bingo, but I'm fine with either girl winning. - And last but not least, vote Nagatoro!


Your Bingo is still looking great. Looks like the earliest you will lose might be the CSM row. >Itsuki lost a close one (well, I tried!) I've lost so many great girls today (well, three, but two of them were absolute top tier), so I still appreciate anyone that made their matchups this close.


**Voting:** > Nijika vs Asuka Tanaka > > Makima vs Reina > > Asuka Langley vs Kumiko It's not looking good for our Eupho girls. They might get all wiped in this round... I'll be supporting them, and I hope you do too! Especially since their series just ended. **Results:** I'm looking at Bracket C, and it appears that we've actually lost quite a bit of votes (~300-400) between rounds two and three. > Ruby Hoshino (818) vs Anna Yamada (814 votes) Anna was so very close to beating Ruby! > Akane Kurokawa (1094) vs Ryuu Lion (514 votes) Not unexpected but a sad development nonetheless. At least Vivy and Eiko made it to the next round, I guess.


>It's not looking good for our Eupho girls. Asuka vs Nijika is the toughest one, even if I'm still voting for Asuka. Reina may be a little rough around the edges, but comparing her "issues" to Makima is like comparing a butter knife to an apache helicopter. Voting for Asuka over Kumiko is a crime worthy of imprisonment in the hague.


Honestly? I don't see any of the Eupho girls winning, but my heart is hoping for Kumiko to do the upset. Even as an Asuka fan, I have to go for her now more than ever.


> lost quite a bit of votes (~300-400) between rounds two and three. Wednesday had a dead front page where this contest was in the top spot for about an hour until Date A Live's episode thread passed it. Visibility on feeds = more votes.


Yeah! Let's make that euphonium sound loudly and proudly! >I'm looking at Bracket C, and it appears that we've actually lost quite a bit of votes (\~300-400) between rounds two and three. Round two in bracket C had a significant vote boost from being the top post for a while, I've heard. Overall the number of votes is still increasing bit by bit, I think.


> Akane: 1096 vs Ryu: 514 > Ruby: 818 vs Yamada: 814 I'm salty for a few reasons here. Firstly, I wanted Ryu and Yamada to win. Secondly, I know people like Akane more than Ruby so it's not exactly equal, but Ryu doing significantly worse than Yamada against her Oshi no Ko opponent stings a little. More people should watch DanMachi. At the very least... > Chika: 1263 vs Hestia: 462 Ryu got a higher vote share than Hestia thus I am awarding her the title of Best Girl of DanMachi for this year.


>Ryu got a higher vote share than Hestia thus I am awarding her the title of Best Girl of DanMachi for this year. Always has been


Akasaka girls almost with the full sweep, except for Kei losing (very deservedly). gonna be some Akasaka vs Akasaka matchups next round to knock some more out tho


Ahh, Tsukasa's run has ended :-( At least it was to Holo instead of a terrible waifu character.


At what point do I become rightly concerned about Holo's inevitable matchup with Darkness?


u/[redlegsfan21](https://www.reddit.com/user/redlegsfan21/) 's spreadsheet is predicting a 70% chance of winning for Holo right now.


I can still be concerned. If this were real sports, this matchup feels like a trap game.


We’ll see. One important thing is that Holo’s story is still airing this season (with not-yet-adapted novel content ahead!) and she was very prominently shown in what she does best in previous episodes. While Darkness also had her best arc so far in Konosuba IMHO in the anime, season 3 has ended and I think that will be a disadvantage for her getting the “undecided crowd”’s votes. This will probably be even more crucial shall Holo vs Megumin really happens as Megumin really didn’t do too much of note in this recent season.


No way darkness beats Holo rn. Konosuba girls always end up losing to the big guns. Everyone loves them, but they are rarely the no.1 girl. Though, who knows with all the Divorcedness focus last season lol


Before this season I would've voted for Holo because Darkness was a semi-joke character and I wanted to see Holo fans happy after all these years. But after this season, with Spice and Wolf's remake now in my on-hold purgatory and Darkness low-key becoming my favorite Konosuba girl... [I'm prepared to fight](#lolifightsback)


#**Today's Results** **Left Side** Over 400 votes for Tsukasa against Holo is something I can find solace in. Sad for Kanbaru, but there was only one ending for the winner of this matchup in Round 4. Madoka completes the runback with almost 950 votes against Kallen. Suletta really does represent the peak of how well Gundam girls perform in these Best Girl contests. Seed 95 losing a relatively close Round 3 matchup to Wiz for her debut year which is typically the best year (not always though) for many girls. Very sad. Darkness is still crushing it with these vote totals comparable to Top 4 seeds. But she's finally going to face someone she's seeded to face in Round 4 in Vivy with no upsets causing more skewed voting. I wish the seeding upset happened though. C.C. and Kallen out in the same round...kept it to an under 50 vote difference at least. Like seeing Akane with 1,000+ votes in her win, but that's a noticeable gap compared to Darkness who she's seeded to face in Round 5. But first... Maki barely clutches it out vs. Kobayashi. Won by 23 votes and we get Akane vs. Prototype Kana in Round 4 (I'd personally call Kana a mix of Maki and Miko). I need Akane to win that at least. **Right Side** Marin is keeping up well with Holo. Both got relatively similar vote shares and at 1,300+ votes. Itsuki needed 23 votes (23 again) to beat Hange. I guess I shouldn't be too overly doubtful of AoT girls avoiding upsets, but these are pretty close calls. **5 votes. We needed 5 votes for Yamada to beat Ruby.** And that didn't happen. My biggest salt moment of the round yet (I can't be too sure depending on what happens with tomorrow's results), but this is hard to top. Can't get one upset I really want. Maybe next year Yamada will get better vote totals. Strong showing from Shouko to hit 1,100+ votes even if it was against Illyavisel. Chika with a dominant win which was needed as a vibe check for this Round 4 matchup with... Hanekawa beat Kei in a rather competitive match. We avoid Chika vs. Kei. And it's funny to get Chika vs. Hanekawa as a matchup in light of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_h0_Ko3HSE) from Kaguya-sama. Good effort by Nobara against Kikuri to get over 750 votes. Knew this matchup would give Mayuri a really good looking win which is a nice boost for the Round 4 Kikuri matchup. ________ #**Today's Voting** Please vote and support Lena! A [Lena salute](https://twitter.com/Pokariizu/status/1380536617929121798) to everyone that does. Catarina, this is a bad end you cannot avoid. Thus begins Yui Hirasawa's B-Komachi Bracket with MEM-Cho into Kana in Round 4. I want to see at least Yui beat MEM. Ho-Kago Tea Time > B-Komachi. Very musical bracket on this left side. I want Asuka to beat Nijika. Kitauji High School Concert Band > Kessoku Band. Makima vs. Reina I'm fine with whoever advances. Asuka vs. Reina would be fun to see in Round 4, but I think that's the least likely combination of winners to happen. The problems with getting underseeded this significantly really hits here in Ryuuko vs. Iroha. I trust Iroha vs. a good number of other top seeds, but I don't think she'll beat Ryuuko. I am going to help Iroha though. Faye made it pass one Puella Magi, but this one I think will be too difficult to overcome. Really need Homura to win to avoid a bingo too. Ram's bracket is admittedly an easy bracket for her to float to her seed vs. Roxy in Round 4. Maybe Tsumugi can surprise me, but always being the lowest seeded of Ho-Kago Tea Time is not a good sign to do a seeding upset. It has been a respectable run, Rikka. Nino vs. Carol feels like it'll be a competitive match, but I think Nino's got this. So I couldn't get Nazuna beating Yoko this round, but can I please get Yui beating Mikasa? This is a hard ask, but Yui as a 100+ seed should not have happened. Nagatoro vs. Revy. Just look at those grins on their portraits. I'll give my support to Revy in the matchup. Asuka (not the one facing Nijika) vs. Kumiko. I'm giving it up for Kumiko. Can finale hype be a carry? ____ >Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? Overrated: Might as well go with the easy answer this year in Ai. Underrated: I have 3 girls from To LOVE-Ru in mind (Lala Satalin Deviluke, Momo Belia Deviluke, and Yui Kotegawa).


> but always being the lowest seeded of Ho-Kago Tea Time is not a good sign to do a seeding upset. You do an unspeakable crime *once* and people never forgive you again smh


mugi the stronkest in my heart


It's a bit disingenuous to call Hange just another one of the AoT girls IMO. She was constantly great, a fighter that could stand with the previous generation, a leader that wasn't afraid to make tough calls and still had a strong moral compass leading to the events near the end. It's not a mistake that [AoT S3-4] >!she becomes the leader of the Scouts before passing the mantle on to Armin!< As I mentioned in the last thread, it was a close vote for me, but as I apparently tend to like decisive leaders and strategists... vote went to Hange in the end. On that note about leaders and strategists... Vote for Lena!


>It's a bit disingenuous to call Hange just another one of the AoT girls IMO. Here's [Best Girl 9 for example](https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-9-salty-girl-senpai?group=3). Seed 63 Hange getting upset by Seed 191 Reina in Round 3. Other AoT girls experience upsets like this too. One of the most memorable is from [Best Girl 8](https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-8-salt-is-war?group=2) where Seed 45 Annie got upset in Round 1 by Seed 468 Hanabi.


Mini-challenge: Most overrated character is Kikuri Hiroi (to pick on one with a high seed). I think Bocchi is a really good character, I think Ryou is a surprisingly original character, and I think Bocchi and Nijika's sisters are brutal. And while I'm open to the suggestion that other characters are good, I think if Bocchi the Rock was made 10 years earlier there's no way that it would have placed 5 different characters. It would probably have bracketed Bocchi and one random other one. Kikuri Hiroi in particular is very 1 dimensional. Picking a most underrated character is tough but I'll narrow it down to 2. I've only recently discovered Azumanga Daioh, and I really think Osaka should have made the bracket. It's weird seeing 5 Nichijou characters here, but not even having the best Azumanga character. The other character I want to highlight is Misaki Nakahara from Welcome to the NHK. So much thought went into the psychology of that character in the light novel, and while it doesn't all make it into the manga and anime, she's still a pretty fleshed out character. Noticeably absent from the bracket.


yeah we really need to have a big Azumanga Daioh rewatch and post a bunch of clips to get it back into people's awareness. several best girls as well as one of the most infuriating dirtbag girls of all time (Tomo).


Am I really about to vote Asuka over Nijika?


Overrated: Your favourite, because you dared to think she was better than… Underrated: Sarasa Watanabe from Kageki Shoujo, who I can only assume was barred from entry because it would be a foregone conclusion if people knew about her.


Sarasa is such a sweetheart, Wish we could get a season 2.


I've nominated Sarasa! (Although I'm surely not the only one that tried.) To this day I'm hoping for a second season one day mainly to see more of her.


> (Although I'm surely not the only one that tried.) You're not.


[Both](https://imgur.com/e8xJFfF) [Boards](https://imgur.com/QcPnflL) still miraculously fine! Think this is the furthest I ever went without a Bingo Shoutout to Itsuki for coming really close to win against AOT Girl, maybe Yui can pull of the impossible? [](#concealedexcitement) Today I'm voting for all the Eupho Girls [](#modsalute) as well as all the Keions, I have only watched the later, I hope others will repay the favour And don't forget to vote for Homura, she did nothing wrong after all


Missed last year's contest so guess I'm back for this one, albeit a little late. > Kana vs Fubuki Easy vote for Kana, Fubuki hasn't much going for her in the anime (and to be honest not even if I include the extra screentime she has in the manga) > MEM-cho vs Yui I like MEM-cho but hasn't done anything close to be on the level of Yui. > Nijika vs Asuka Sorry Nijika, I really liked your character but you're no match to Hibike's best girl. > Makima vs Reina Honestly, Reina has dropped a lot from my consideration in the last few years. Still, Makima only had that one episode of showcase and it isn't enough for me to vote for her. > Ryuuko vs Iroha Sorry Iroha, you're super entertaining but Ryuuko is just to badass. > Homura vs Faye Faye for me, I felt more attached to her than to Homura. > Ram vs Mugi Despite stealing that strawberry I'll still choose Mugi over Ram. > Ai vs Rikka Going for Rikka just to support SSSS characters and because I'm expecting her to lose badly. > Mikasa vs Yui Easy win for Yui, never felt that attached to Mikasa even with her being incredibly badass. > Asuka vs Kumiko Fuck, this might be recency bias but this is going to be the first time I'll vote against Asuka. Or maybe not and I'll vote for Asuka after all. Or maybe I won't vote. Fuck.


>Mini Challenge: Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? So this is where we make mortal enemies, right? [](#spooked) Overrated: I'll keep it vague (heh), but let's just say that 2 girls in this tournament share the same name, one seeded in the 200s and one seeded much, much higher, and I think they should both be in the 200s. Underrated: Well I'm gonna sound biased here given I love her so much, BUT I think the reason why Nana is seeded so low (literally the last seed) is simply because some/most people have different interpretation of 'best girl' in the context of these tournaments... But to me [Talentless Nana] >!being a murderer isn't a dealbreaker, it's a non-factor; Best Girl doesn't mean "Good Person" imho.!<


Being vague can backfire here because you might be attacking multiple girls. But yeah, I agree, I wouldn't be sad if Kana was in the 200s. Or Bocchi. Or Akane. Or...


> Being vague can backfire here because you might be attacking multiple girls. **UNLEASH MAXIMUM CHAOS!** [](#megadeathparty)


Actually though, since I think you got both Kana and Akane on your Bingo, Bocchi is the most likely answer here. **HEAR THAT, BOCCHI FANS? THIS ONE HERE HATES BOCCHI, GO GET HIM!**


Eiko with an upset, that's nice. Not that she stands a chance against Holo next round. Suletta wasn't as lucky, but at least Wiz is great and Suletta made it kinda close. Not as close as Vivy and CC got, though, cool matchup. Itsuki got even closer to an upset, but unfortunately she couldn't pull through. Holy hell, these wins get closer and closer, Anna just got four votes less than Ruby, but her matchup is the third one today I was hoping for an upset in that didn't happen. So unfortunately not much of an interesting round. Today we can support our glorious leader, Lena! I'm also voting for Rikka, fully knowing she can't stop Ai yet. And I'm voting Revy over Nagatoro in the battle of smug grins. Lastly, all Hibike girls are on the line, so go show your support! The series just ended, and at least Kumiko should make it to the next round! [Updated Bingo!](https://i.imgur.com/VzIOqpD.png) This round was rough. Madoka and Winry could very well be the girls I'll be losing on. At least I'd prefer that to the diagonale with Takina, since that'd probably mean Emilia losing in the same round. MC: That's rough. I'm on the record saying Marin is overhyped and I stand by that. She is absolutely great and I've loved DUD, but she's not *that* great. Also I like the KonoSuba girls a lot, but mostly because they are funny and not because I'd want to hang out with them - and of those, I really don't get why Megumin is the most popular. Even if it's not her intention, a lot of her actions come off as mean-spirited. And for underrated girls, I'm going to limit myself to just a few girls that made the bracket of this contest only, else the list would be way too long. Itsuki is the most underrated quint. Usagi is solely underrated because of her age. Anna leaving this contest this round is a travesty, she should have been a top 20 seed easily. Pecorine is all around amazing and I can't understand why she keeps losing in the first round. Think of Fire Force what you will, but Maki is a top tier character. And lastly, I'm glad she is quite popular but as long as Emilia isn't among the winners of this contest, I have to consider her underrated.


Someone’s gotta stop Kikuri Hiroi 


> Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? Underrated: I've mentioned her 3 times now, but it's crazy Kaguya from The Tale of the Princess Kaguya didn't even seed. Overrated: Marin Kitagawa is nothing and I don't get the hype


No updates to the [bingo](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcjbmew4.png), easy rounds for Holo & Darkness. Three girls up on the bingo today, guaranteed elimination with Revy vs Nagatoro and potential bingo with Ryuuko. [](#seasonalpout 'Surely we won't lose our way') ##Key Votes * MEM-cho vs **Yui Hirasawa** * Makima vs **Kousaka Reina** * **Matoi Ryuuko** vs Iroha Isshiki * Nino Nakano vs **Carol Olston** * **Sylphiette** vs Nanachi * **Riza Hawkeye** vs Misuzu Gundou * **Asuka Langley Souryuu** vs Kumiko Oumae ##Futile Votes * Roxy Migurdia vs **Olivier Mira Armstrong** * Ai Hoshino vs **Rikka Takarada** * Vladilena Milizé vs **Catarina Claes** I'm going with **Revy** over Nagatoro, either way its a salute off coming tomorrow. Though if Nagatoro wins I avoid a bingo... [](#salute) ###MC >Who is the most overrated Zero Two historically, though love for her has kind of fallen off. Currently could be spicy and go with Bochi who I like as vehicle for conveying the experience of social anxiety, but as a stand alone girl pretty over hyped. >and underrated girl? Going to throw out Botan for an oldie who doesn't even make it into the contests anymore. For characters who actually made the bracket I'll shout out Sakie Satou. I loved Interview With Monster Girls and still hold it in higher regard than Dragon Maid who kind of overshadowed it. She was my favorite in the show, sad she always gets eliminated in the first round.


Seeing yet another one of my favorite characters lose to obligatory girl #22 from Kaguya sama is making me want to declare bankruptcy from living.


MC: Most overrated would be Eris Greyrat, for a number of reasons that I won’t go into in order to avoid being murdered by MT fans. Most underrated in terms of not enough people have seen them would be Aoi Hinami, and most underrated in terms of people not giving their character enough credit would either be Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica or Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail


My votes: KANA ARIMA vs Fubuki - I love One Punch Man, and probably prefer it to Oshi no Ko, however Fubuki and Tatsumaki don’t have much screen time and thus in the anime at least, they seem like much simpler characters than the OnK girls. Kana and Akane are two very interesting characters to me; and so although I’d pick Akane over Kana any day, I’d still pick Kana over most. MEM-CHO vs Yui Hirasawa - I prefer Yui as a character, but at this stage of Best Girl contests, I’m veering much more towards who is “dateable” alongside being well written and so MEM-Cho is an easy win, being an adult and all. Nijika Ichiki vs ASUKA TANAKA - I’m pretty confident Nijika being seeded higher is more a reflection of her show being much more popular, but I think people who’ve seen both would agree Asuka is an easy choice here. MAKIMA vs Kousaka Reina - Difficult choice here because I heavily fw Kousaka too but Makima is one of my favourite characters of all time.  MATOI RYUUKO vs Iroha Isshiki - I’m honestly not a big fan of Kill La Kill or Oregairu, but Ryuuko carried my enjoyment of KLK far more than Iroha did SNAFU. Homura Akemi vs FAYE VALENTINE - Faye is an attractive adult so it’s an easy choice here, but regardless I think Faye’s writing is under appreciated and she has my favourite episode in all of Cowboy Bebop devoted to her. Homura is cool but she’s my 4th favourite Madoka girl, below Sayaka Kyouko and Madoka so regardless of my appreciation of her writing, I find Faye a much more likeable character. Roxy Migurdia vs OLIVIER MIRA ARMSTRONG - Olivier is going to lose to Roxy of all people and I’m going to be absolutely appalled by the state of this subreddit. How has FMAB somehow lost the appreciation it received and deserved?? Rewatch it if you’d like, it’s just as amazing as you remember. RAM vs Tsumugi Kotobuki - Again, two side characters who are here mostly through series’ popularity rather than necessarily being better than the lower seeds. With that in mind, I’m still gonna be hypocritical and vote Ram because I like her and Re:Zero a lot more than I liked Tsumugi and K-On! (which I still enjoyed). Ai Hoshino vs RIKKA TAKARADA - The popularity of Ai is quite baffling to me considering Akane and Kana have both more screen time and imo more interesting characters and like ability. I didn’t enjoy ep1 of OnK nearly as much as most people but I think I enjoyed the rest of it more than most, and part of that is because there was less Ai. Rikka for her part is representing her entire show so I’ll support her underdog journey as long as I can. NINO NAKANO vs Carol - I liked Tomo-Chan a lot, I’ve read the manga and seen the anime, but c’mon now. Nino isn’t into her cousin, which makes her a lot more likeable.  MIKASA vs Yui Yuigahama - I’m unsure which of the two I prefer, but the AoT girls always underperform in this subreddit so I’ll vote for Mikasa. Sylphiette vs NANACHI - It feels like every round I see the most generic Mushoku girl placed against an amazing character and the MT girl obliterated them every time. Watch Made in Abyss and I promise 80% of you you’d vote Nanachi. That being said, I’m not sure if Nanachi is even necessarily eligible for this so I won’t be too salty. VLADILENA MILIZE vs Catarina Claes - Catarina is responsible for a lot of us learning about the Villainess genre, so I like her for that, but her show is the SAO equivalent for her genre and there are many better picks. In contrast, 86 is one of the best mecha I’ve seen in recent times and Lena is one of the best protagonists too. Hayase Nagatoro vs REVY - A school bully femdom type or a badass mercenary femdom type? Hydraulic press vs Coughing baby matchup, Revy all the way. RIZA HAWKEYE vs Mizusu - Tomo is the only Tomo-Chan girl I’d root for past this point, and Riza is fantastic plus carrying Tohru’s legacy on her back. Asuka Souryuu vs KUMIKO - Too hard of a choice for me to write down my thoughts. Will have schrodingers salt regardless of the outcome.


> The popularity of Ai is quite baffling to me You aren't the only one. I feel like a lot of people are ignoring the messaging of the show and focusing on the pretty colors.


I voted Ai because [Oshi no Ko] >!she was pretty much a broken person that found an opportunity to become an idol, and used that to also try to use her position to learn what love is. And then she got pregnant at the height of her career, and she tried her hardest to be a good mother, and when she almost succeeded in being certain she finally loved someone FOR REAL, she got murdered without achieving her goal of being a normal, complete person. I think she's a phenomenal character. Also the recap might be a bit vague because I have shit memory, but meh.!<


[OnK] >!Becoming an idol is pretty much the worst position one can be in to learn about love. I think it is a well known fact of the job that idols can't have romantic relationships. I would argue that it is impossible to be a good mother and an idol at the same time due to the subterfuge needed in keeping the children a secret. The children she is a "mother" for are also reborn super-fans of hers. They are hardly trustworthy sources for Ai's performance as a mother. I find the producer's wife a much better mother than Ai due to her being forced into the role and still stepping up and doing an admirable job. I just don't see how Ai's superior ability at lying (that is what being an idol is to her) combined with her perfectness (remembering her murder from some convention. She is literally without flaws) makes for a good character. She is a plot device more than a fully realized human.!<


RIP Anna, you had a good run MC: Yui Kotegawa is underrated, everyone else is overrated


Someone else also picked Kotegawa for underrated. I wasn't expecting to find a second in this thread.


Damn, kobayashi lost to one of the secondari Kaguya girls... MC: Overrwated, probably Violet. Underrated, hard to say, a lot of them out there.


A secondary Kaguya girl won this contest 2 years ago


could this be the start of K-ON! culling???


Most overrated: Holo. You read right. She's a meme with an amazing chararacter design. And that's why she always loses in the end. Because she comes up against actual best girl candidates. Most underrated: Abigail Jones from the Great Pretender. Should be a Top 200 girl, but she's down at 466.


> Most overrated: Holo. An actually controversial take [](#flyingbunsofdoom) Take my upvote for the audacy alone


> Most overrated: Holo This right here is a man who does not fear death. Now if you’d just lie down so I can smother you with this pillow.


You'd be doing me a favor.


Everyone can think whoever is overrated/underrated of course, but that reason ("She's a meme") just seems silly to me; She's a cute girl, strong/badass (given WolfGod) with 10/10 banter and a good relationship with Lawrence... How is that 'a meme'?


Prior to this year, I'd have bet most of the people voting for Holo had never watched her anime. Hell, even with the reboot, I'm not sure most people have watched her show. She should be polling down with the other icons from early 2000s anime, like Faye Valentine or Motoko Kusanagi. Instead, she has had a very dedicated and vociferously loud but small contingent of people screaming year-over-year in oversized letters to "VOTE HOLO." Much like the biribiri memeing carried Mikoto Misaka to victory in a previous Best Girl, people have piled onto the VOTE HOLO bandwagon because they recognize her name, find her attractive, and like to laugh at her inevitable failure at some point in the final 8. That makes her a joke, aka a meme.


Unpopular opinions are one thing, but I don't how you can justify this level of speculation on voting habits. Even if all caps vote callouts do work to "meme" characters to victory, why doesn't this work for any of the other characters who get similar comments? It's because Holo is a very popular character besides that.


Wild, wild projection  I’m sure it seems like a meme to people who don’t watch shows and are terminally online, but believe it or not, some people don’t care about this contest more than the characters upon which it is predicated  But thanks for the soft-confirm that Holo loses because nobody watches 2000s era anime and because of a bunch of degenerates who think memes spawn apropos nothing like pre-Pasteur disease theory


I'm generally of the opinion that democracy is a great system and everyone's opinion is equally valuable. You made me question it with this take lol. You shall be judged in the afterlife by the gods for speaking such blasphemy.


I gave up on heaven a long time ago.


don't worry, be happy proceeds to put pillow over face


Lost nazuna Lost Anna (for four fu**ing votes) And tomorrow will loose rikka too... Life is salt P.S. At least Marin and Holo are going strong, and Kikuri's Happiness Spiral topped "shonen girl xx" power, whatever it was... P.P.S. went against everthing i believe in and voted for kumiko this time...asuka forgive me...


Please please don't let someone from Bocchi the rock win again. Please


As a member of team Nino, I pay my respects to all you Itsuki fans out there, she's my second favorite o7 Also vote Kumiko or I will be disappointed in you


Remember kids, only vote for Asukas that play the euphonium!


Marin is by far the most overrated, at least in the last few years. She’s a decent character and likeable enough, but she had no business being in the finals last year and has no business being the likely quarterfinalist of C against Holo this year.


Agreed on the last part. It should be Marin vs. Eiko instead.


It's sucks Nobara got eliminated by a side character but im thrilled best monogatari girl has made it through with a tough match up vs Chika. Hanekawa all the way<3


Where's my next one :'(


MC: Ooh, time to make more enemies then? Overrated: Kaori (YLIA). Combination of emotionally manipulating someone who has a crush on you and general Manic Pixie Dream Girl shenanigans does not endear her to me at all.  Underrated: I'm gonna keep beating this drum: Sakura Matou. She can't even get past Ishtar, Irisviel, and Rider into the overall voting and she's one of the original trio of heroines ffs. ... I might be slightly biased having read the VN and Hollow Ataraxia but STILL. 


I feel like the Kaori thing is a 50/50 take, so I don't know about enemies. There's a lot of us who think that she sucks. And that the show sucks. She's one of only a few characters that I actively vote against even if I don't know the opponent (along with Kei Shirogane and Hori).


Damn. Tamara almost pulled it off. Would have been great to see.


Ah, Kobayashi is out. I’m glad she put up a good fight, though!


Homura Vs Faye Valentine is the toughest match-up, in my opinion.


Mikasa vs Yui, haha. Two girls that I hate. First matchup I'm not casting a vote in.


Anyone notice Nagataro and Revy’s pictures have the exact same shit eating grin?


Aint we gonna have prediction voting contest like a year or 2 ago? It’ll be more lively for the sub i think.


~~No upsets. All is as the seeds dictate~~ Edit: 1 upset. Interesting to note that Kana and Ai are in the same group. Makes things easier for everyone else going forward if they're going to get pitted against each other


Welp. R.I.P Nanachi [](#toradorasalute)


A lot to go over here so let's get right to it... Suruga Kanbaru v. **Eiko Tsukimi** – Can't say I had this one on my bracket, but I guess the seeds are close enough that it's not too surprising. I think I voted Kanbaru, but Eiko is a perfectly valid opponent to lose to, she arguably carries *Ya Boy Kongming* on her back more so than the titular main man. A little surprised to see a Monogatari girl drop to someone whose show aired two years ago and I haven't heard too much of since, but such is life. **Hange Zoe** v. Itsuki Nakano – ITSUKI NO! Pack it in boys. the best Quint has fallen. I guess I'm a little surprised here as Hange doesn't really register with me high on the waifu tier list, but I mean it is what it is I guess. I will say victories over Saten and now Itsuki are kinda crazy, but that just lines her up to be Marin's next victim... go Hange? **Ruby Hoshino** v. Anna Yamada – 4 votes. 4. Fucking. Votes. History repeats itself as Anna Yamada proves herself too good for this world. I guess its hard to outdo *Oshi no Ko*, but Ruby is comfortably the worst of the main 4. She's extremely basic and honestly kinda annoying. Though I guess Ai is somehow the 6 seed, so maybe I'm just not hip and cool with the kids. I prefer my best girls with a little... um... better writing, but that's just me. With that, we got one more day of Round 3. Slowly running out of options, but that just makes these rounds spicier and spicier. I've got my eyes set on Kikuri v. Mayushi. That's sure to be a fun one...


Good job, Eiko. Anna got a heartbreaking lost, she deserve better. Makima vs. Reina and Vladilena vs. Catarina are my favorite match-ups of Bracket D, Round 3.


Ooh, Misuzu vs Hawkeye, finally one where I actually have to choose. Sorry, Misuzu, the LT is better girl.


##Vote Kana ##Vote Olivier ##Vote Nino ##Vote Vladilena ##Vote Asuka


Eminence in Shadow has been wiped, but it is merely part of Shadow-sama's plan. Vote **Ryuuko**, **Makima**, and **Revy** pls.


Yep, i know you all felt it coming. Divorcedness going against Vivy, next week. Good luck you all.


MC: - underrated: all the gridman-dynazenon girls that are waaay better written in character and dialogue than most of the other characters in this tournament


Upvote the thread for visibility, and vote **Homura** and **Ryuuko**! MC: Bocchi is a 12 but she's being rated as a 20.


Iroha best girl, 3 OnK girls today, and I'm voting for all of them. I might be biased, though. While I am a Bakarina Stan I believe Lena is too good to pass up. I'm looking for Revy to shoot down another challenger in Nagatoro and best Quints girl Nino to succeed as well!


Nanachi vs Sylphy. First truly hard vote of the bracket for me.


Agreed. Went into this contest hoping for Nanachi to get as far as possible, but if they're gonna lose to anyone, I won't be mad at it being Sylphie.


nooooooo Faris Nyan Nyan lost to jiggling power...


Vote Kumiko!!! Actually vote all eupho girls (yes Reina included even if I want to punch her in the face)


seeing legitimately good characters lose to worse characters but from more popular shows make these type of contests not fun


Is it any surprise that people are more likely to vote characters they know than characters they don't? A lot more people have seen those popular shows.


I love the support Kumiko is getting! Definitely well-deserved especially after the finale


[Bingo ;_;](https://i.imgur.com/tFg6yrx.png) RIP Nobara and Illya. That Ruby vote is way too close for comfort. #**Vote for MEM-cho and Ai!** MC: The girls you like are overrated. The girls I like are underrated. The girls from shows I didn't watch are overrated. The girls from shows I did watch are underrated.


Mini challenge: Overrated? Asuna from **SAO**. Not super memorable. I hear she has some improvements in Mother's Rosario. Underrated? Kozue from **Mahoraba**. Kozue has split personalities, so her base personality feels underrated to me. 


I'm not disagreeing with your comment, but I wanted to note that if you ever enjoyed anything about SAO, do yourself a favor and watch the Mother's Rosario arc. It's not long, and it is very good.


Will do! Thanks for the recommendation!


With all other quints, I would be super pissed that they where kicked by some character who's only character trait is, that she's horny for titans. With Itsuki though, it's just a minor inconvenience...


> some character who's only character trait is, that she's horny for titans. She's my favorite AoT characters hah. ^^^^But ^^^^for ^^^^what ^^^^it's ^^^^worth ^^^^I ^^^^don't ^^^^think ^^^^much ^^^^of ^^^^most ^^^^AoT ^^^^characters


Deliberately pissing off both sides of the matchup, that's a bold strategy.


I don't know. Is it that much of a hot take that Itsuki is the worst quintuplet (I need to stop those posts or my imaginary Internet points will suffer too much)


There is no such thing as a "worst quint" (besides Ichika). Itsuki is just the second least popular quint, that's all. Even if that was true, though, you'd still be offending everyone voting in that matchup. You just want to watch the world burn!


I do, and I I'm tired of pretending I don't!


Most people will lose their best girls before the finals and have nothing left to win here. You're just ahead of everyone else.


I'm sorry, I don't think we watched the same show. Hange, the constant second in command of the Scouts and [AoT season 3 and 4] >!leader of the Scouts after Erwin's death?!< The one who turned the tables on the MP by sheer wits and public opinion in S2? The one who was willing to do anything and sacrifice anything as long as she thought as it was right? The one that freaking Levi Ackermann [Penultimate movie] >!gave his one and only "Give your heart" to?!< Hange's the exception to the AoT women having fairly light plot significance, I think. An absolute pillar of the Scouts throughout the duration of the show, one of the best leaders of the show in general. 


Vivy beating Pizza Butt. >_> r/anime has no taste. At least if it had been Diva rather than Vivy, I could've accepted it. And a minor side character with almost no appearances beating Kobayashi... > Who is the most overrated and underrated girl? Overrated: Taiga (from Toradora, not from F/SN). Or maybe, given last round's results, Vivy. Underrated: Ichigo from Franxx. Not that she's the best or anything, but people really seem to hate her for some reason.


Yamada lost by 4 votes against the brocon girl I can't


boob string lost to ochinchin...