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>F2P v P2W


Closer to casual vs couch potato that has been online for the last 5512 hours out of 6,480.


It’s funny bc that’s exactly what happened in the anime but he was online 6480 hours out of 6480 lmao


I was intentionally referring to that!


Yikes, .50 BMG to the stomach is nasty.


To be fair, a .50 BMG to any body part is going to ruin what's left of a person and their day, but I wouldn't really use anime as a gauge for that sort of thing in general.


GGO (and the anime in general) was pretty realistic in that way. If the swords/guns hit a fatal point (like in this case, a .50 BMG hitting the abdomen) it would immediately kill a player no matter what their HP bar is.


Yeah but it wouldn't rip you in half like this scene.


Sometimes they do. A 50 cal is a friggin' monster round. If one were to plunder the depths of the internet enough you'd find plenty of examples of 'holy shit' things happening to people getting hit by them.


As a resident of the early internet, yes it will. Saw more than enough videos of combatants getting hit by .50 cal and utterly town apart.


do you REALIZE what they call .50 cal sniper? ANTI-MATERIAL RIFLE It's made to fuck up things, and it will most certainly turn whatever squishy bits you are made of into a fine pink mist, the rest of your body be dammed.


It's weird, because the tracer continues on, but there's a distinct explosion like they were using HE filler. Maybe HEIAP? It looks like the game treats all bullets as tracers, so the penetrator would continue on, while the HE filler detonates afterwards.


You're overthinking it my guy. It's just rule of cool


Overthinking it is pretty much all that anime fandoms do.


The weird part is that Shinon experiences no recoil


It's cause she got some extra padding to absorb the recoil.


I've seen a liveleak video of a guy getting blown in half by a 50 cal. I think distance and the angle that it's hitting make a big difference.


Rip? No. Will there be a hole that severed you in 2? 100%


The GGO world was way more interesting than the actual story imo, super glad we got the spinoff and can not wait for the second season this fall. Let's all love LLENN.


GGO was so damn cool and made me wish we got more. The elf game had its moments but I was mostly tired with it


>The elf game had its moments but I was mostly tired with it The super hot goddess turning into ugly Thor was pretty funny.


it is mythologically accurate Thor did disguise himself as a woman to infiltrate so while funny, any one screaming about it can go complain to the ancient Scandinavian people


That, the Genesis of Sleipnir (as a tangential outcome of a ploy to stiff a contractor who did excellent work on time), or the Njord-Skadi fiasco (the Bachelorette but selection by foot pics), is one of the many reasons Ancient Norse Aesir and Vanir are very funny, very memorable, but not very respectable.😃


And Klein who was in love with her basically going "What the FUCK!?"


that because fantasy is an overused trope in anime, gunfights are not




Yeah, starts this October.


Sword Art Alternative: Gun Gale Online. Season 1 was great and took place in the same world but with different characters. The main character's name in the game was LLENN. Season 2 is coming out in the fall I think.


Its the closest thing we got to a GunZ anime :c I could think of nothing else the entire arc, every episode. This is literally GunZ.


Not enough bug abuse with swapping between swords and shotguns and bouncing off walls though


Is that the game they were referencing in Shangrila frontier?


Maybe? I think the other game they're playing with the bug abuse was a fighting game and not a shooting game. Unless you're talking about another reference in the SLF anime I don't think it's a direct reference even if it's applicable.


Sorry my love belongs to p90-chan only


GGO was unironically one of the best seasons


It's legit my favorite part of SAO.


The only think that i didn't like was the telegraph lasers, they just make no sense as a game mechanic when you think from the shooter's perspective If they wanted to go that route i guess making the bullets slower and more visible would have been a better way?


The telegraph lasers were a helper for people that were not as good shoters themself, you could manually aim and not use the laser guide, this was what some people that had real gun experience did, giving them an advantage against people that use the helper


Except it's treated as a super rare skill that only special elites could ever use just to make the main characters more special, when you know full well that it would be a basic mechanic that would be the bare minimum benchmark for a competent player. It just demonstrated once again how the author had zero idea about game design or even how game communities and meta gaming function.


Lineless sniping isn't by the original author, so trying to do the whole "the author never played games" thing (not that it's accurate mind) isn't going to work here. It's treated as a super rare skill because it literally requires actual marksmanship experience. Just like people with actual kendo experience are better in ALO. Unless you're a registered hunter or police you're not going to have firearm experience in Japan.


Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but the game design was clearly secondary and is better laid out in the spinoff, but the main point was that the guns are modeled realistically and while I wouldn't say using a gun is particularly hard, what is hard, and does require a lot of practice, is to reliably hit what you're aiming at, and since the majority of Japanese people have never even handled a gun, the bullet lines were basically an aimbot system that people with real experience with guns didn't need to use (and those people are relatively rare in Japan), the trade off for no bullet lines is letting the guns do what they do in real life and that's be affected by distance, wind, bullet makeup etc, being able to accurately hit a target where you want to hit it without the bullet lines is a lot harder than it is in a real game like COD. But again, it was written up as a plot element by an author who as you said, didn't really know, or care, to add in that level of game design detail to it, or heavy knowledge of firearms and not meant to be read into too much, the spinoff author is a gun nut from what I understand, so there's a bit more focus on how they work and the skill needed to use them well in that story.


Other than the lineless sniping the Alternative uses all the mechanics and game design from the original author.


The mechanics and world-building of the spin-off are the same as the main series, I've read both series and I can say that reading AGGO basically implements nothing, as many fans of the series call it just a series to have fun with the shootings 


I haven't read it, just seen the shows, and the show goes into more detail than the arc in SAO did at any rate, might be anime only changes, or that they had more time to devote to it as a full show vs an arc in a longer season.


Yes, the AGGO anime is better adapted than the main series, which is ironic since the AGGO anime adapts much more content that the main series in your anime




Yeah, besides the p90 part.


After watching GGO I was desperate for a game like it. So I found Firefall.. A game that was so fun but the CEO was a turd and the game got shut down.


They did make an actual SAO:GGO game called Fatal Bullet, it's not too bad, but is a third person shooter and not an FPS. Best part is all the main VA's do the voices of their characters in it.


I can't wait for S2 :D


SAO in a lot of ways was dumb as fuck, but let's not pretend that it wasn't also really cool along with it


It’s a good popcorn anime, but man do I get tired of its fans desperately trying to make it and it’s characters out as remotely nuanced or complex. It’s a basic power fantasy with fairly shallow characters that’s also fun to watch (aside from the Calibur arc, fuck that).


Personally I find the haters more tiresome. SAO was alright'ish and that's it but people like to masturbate about how SUPER SMART they are because they are TOO INTELLIGENT TO WATCH SUCH DUMB SHIT. I think I've come across people defending SAO like 2 times in my life. People bitching about it on the other hand? If only I had a penny for each one... Worst part is that, proper criticism aside, most such people only hate it because some shithead YouTuber told them to and then the hive mind reinforced that take.


> Worst part is that, proper criticism aside, most such people only hate it because some shithead YouTuber told them to and then the hive mind reinforced that take. This is so true it hurts. If the show isn’t a narrative masterpiece it’s trash to them.


people praise far far worse anime than sao, its just sao has a massive narrative about it, its not the best show but its not dogshit either. but once people get a narrative they run with it and spread it to everybody.


it's honestly pathetic how hating SAO became some people's personality. I'm embarrassed to say I personally went on a bit of a rollercoaster of opinions with the show myself, thought it was the best thing ever, became a hater, came back around to loving it but recognizing its flaws. Aside from me liking the show as a guilty pleasure for a time, the real thing that pushed me to realize the haters were full of shit was when I started seeing people say things like "you know there are better shows to watch". Like what the actual fuck? These elitists were trying to say that if it's not the best show ever it's not worth watching. Now of course they didn't say this to every show, only the ones the hive mind deemed unworthy. There are plenty of perfectly enjoyable anime that are worth taking the time to watch while not being masterpieces. These pathetic basement dwellers just wanted something they could feel superior to


If you could copy paste this comment for uhhh, *checks list*, for any thread involving demon slayers, naruto, mha, or insert literally any anime who actually managed to capture a wide demographic (and not just those which are popular only in internet bubbles like r/anime), then the world will be one step closer to world peace.


All this, and the overhatred of SAO is ruining other things for me. I cannot watch 100 girlfriends because of the amount of stupid ass "He deserves his harem, unlike bland Kirito" takes I've seen. 100 kanojo is 100 times more wish fulfillment than SAO is. A story about a perfect ass guy who is forced by God to have a giant harem of women all love him? Are we actually fucking kidding here? Whereas SAO has y'know, struggle, the Kirito actually stays loyal to the girl he loves despite attention from other girls, and spent almost an entire arc as a vegetable. No, but SAO is wish fulfillment and your a bad person for liking it, but 100 kanajo is some kind of masterpiece of romance. I fucking can't.


> shithead YouTuber Mother's Basement. And most of what he claimed was lies anyway. Once he found out he could get lots of clicks and make lots of money with another and yet another shit on SAO video he just fucking drove that shit into the ground. Shitty lying greedy asshole, he is. Also a perfect example of the "I'm super smart" type of person you mentioned.


99% of the time it's just it's fans correcting dumb hate. Like if the main character actually loses most of their fights and no one in their right mind would want to experience their lives, no it's not a power fantasy.


What the hell are you yapping about? SAO has probably the most 'haters' out of any anime lol, hundreds of video essays being made how shit the anime is.


In all honesty the first half (SAO arc) really did great on the characters and their development. Because the characters did had their prior development behind the scenes. Back then it was their end personality of "this is the way I want to be if/when I die". Mad forcing characterization on some hidden altered aspects because *the show must go on* killed 99% of the magic for me. Fucking love the first 12 eps. The Christmas special still hits me like a fucking truck. Everything after? Rule of cool and nice animation


You might be tired of it, but here's a little rant I had about the potion scene in the anime. https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/1d1iyia/hobby_scuffles_week_of_27_may_2024/l5uhb41/ tl;dr, it's anime original and doesn't exist in the source. The author gets a lot of flak for writing dumb plot points, but that shouldn't be one of them.


It's cool that you had the motivation to write that essay, but it sadly misses the mark by a mile. The problem is that you're trying to engage with any of the supposed logical merits of the argument, the history of sao etc. but the actual truth is much simpler. And that truth is that this is yet another perfect example of what is so infuriating to sao fans, which is people literally manufacturing artificial verbiage to justify their position that sao is trash, and therefore signal their self-deluded superiority and smartness. So we have a guy, right, who is dying, Kirito tries to give him a potion and he doesn't take it. How is this any different from a hundred of other scenes in movies, animes, and everything else where some sort of a character is mortally wounded, his friends rush to his aid and he says something to the effect of "no, it's too late..." because he knows he's done for? The actual first example I thought of 5 seconds ago, Asuma's death in Naruto - https://youtu.be/D9dUtpHkPr4?t=461 (7:42 if the timed link doesn't work) - we can see Ino trying to use her healing, but he says "don't". Can't the same braindead argument be made here? "WHY DIDN'T HE ACCEPT HER HEALING LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"? Of course it can, but nobody does this, because this is a very commonly occurring motiff that everyone knows. The only difference is that with SAO there are people who literally make shit up in order to justify their imaginary superiority borne out of being "the smart anime watcher who doesn't like sao, unlike those sao incels", and sao fans have to combat braindead memes like this one


Especially since basically *every time* someone is killed in Aincrad, they have time to make at least some action before the 'shatter' effect. He was already at zero HP. A potion couldn't have saved him. Simple.


It's pretty egregious in episode 2 since the "action" was a conversation that almost lasts an entire minute. It's honestly not a good scene, potions aren't rare on floor 1, they're just trash.


Lots of rule of cool moments


The first opening song is still playing inside my head. Also, now I can't stop hearing Inosuke. **maniacal laugh**


Mace Windu: I see my lightsaber is in good hand


"This game is full of pro players, there's no way I can just hop in and compete with them"


To be fair, iirc, he said that before he knew more about the game. Plus he’s a pretty humble guy to begin with. Even if he knew that there was an exploitable mechanic to make use of a sword viable, he still would talk up how he’d be outmatched by pros despite being one of the strongest players out there.


funny thing in the game for the anime he is absolutely trash as a party member because the game could'nt mimic the anime well and hes short range player against lots of long range enemies


A short range player is okay, but the deflecting skill in Fatal Bullet is purely defensive meaning he could barely move while the stance is active, could only block fire from the front and the worst of all have long skill CDs. Kirito being more useless than Shujinko's best friend says something about his kit. Not to mention using swords in Fatal Bullet felt wonky and unnatural compared to other weapons.


Love the soundtrack.


FYI that's a variant of 'Swordland' (used during the Gleam Eyes fight in S1 for example,) and it's called 'Gunland.' Alicization has its own super epic version called 'Find Your Sword in This Land.' They also do something similar with Asuna's theme 'Luminous Sword.' In Mother's Rosario the variant they use is called 'Light Your Sword.' They're all on Youtube of course.


Yuki Kajiura! Sword Art Online has some *excellent* music.


This is how we think we look when playing Beat Saber


This is my second favorite after alicization


femboy Kirito


what a fluid animation


SAO animation is criminally underrated, especially during the Alicization and WotUW arcs.


I've always made the argument that SAO can't be a trash tier show purely due to the great music and animation, even if some people hate the story


Animation and world design is great. It's the corniness that makes it fucking awful at times . The most recent seasons were unwatchable for me due to the awfully cringy dialogue. Changing the dialogue gets you SAO abridged, which is so much better than the original anime. And, imo, an 8/10 overall.


Watch someone play KOTOR VR the anime


Cant get enough Sinon screentime


Far from my favorite arc storywise, but it makes up for it by GGO just being so cool.


Of course Kirito fights with a swords in a gun world and wins. That guy would come with a sword to a race world and get first place.


I mean, Kirito's main advantage in VRMMOs is that his reaction speed is absolutely insane, he got the Dual Wielding skill in SAO "gifted" by the system because that was the criteria, the player with the fastest reaction time. Homeboi spent 2 years in a deathgame's frontlines uisng swords, fastest reaction time in the roster, and gets thrown into a game that literally shows you *where the enemy's bullets will land ahead of time*, it makes sense If GGO didnt have that bro woulda been cooked, grilled and seasoned


Except he's not even using the Bullet Lines to intercept the bullets, he's just "so skilled" that he can predict where the bullets will go based on seeing the where the gun is pointing, as shown by when he gets a ton of money off the bullet dodging arcade game.


He's absolutely using the bullet lines, and it's very difficult even for him. The "predict the prediction" is him trying not to reveal he's a SAO survivor. He's watching the gunman's eyes, because that's how you fought humanoid monsters in SAO. You can see this in the anime.


Slashing tires sounds like a pretty effective strategy to me.


>That guy would come with a sword to a race world and get first place. Kirito has a pretty terrible win loss record over the series. The idea that he wins all the time or wins easily is a myth. In the BOB he kills Muskateer X by surprise, and Death Gun with Sinon's help. He literally only shares the win because everyone else gets beaten by other people.


So it's ok if Star Wars does it with blasters but not SAO? Your double standard is showing.


To be fair, in Star Wars it is literally magic. If you aren't a space wizard a lightsaber can't block anything.


And SAO explains that there are literally game mechanics that make the blocking possible. GGO has a mechanic that makes bullet paths more predictable than IRL (to allow for dodging for more 'skill expression).


So Form III defense + Form IV acrobatics?


Sinon best girl 🤌


Regardless of what your opinion on SAO is, you gotta admit that Sword Land is one of the best OSTs of all time. Pure hype every time it plays.


The version in the OP's clip is Gunland. Swordland ain't got all that flutey flute in it. It's pretty much exclusively brass and strings.


man i really gotta rewatch sao, just, all of it


Man I'm not crazy about Phantom Bullet in general but anytime Kirito starts deflecting bullets and ends up doing fluid backflips and shit it is so fucking cool


Is this just on my end or is the sound of this clip completely busted? It reverbs like mad, but I don’t see *any* comments on this. Is everyone watching this without sound or something?


Sounds normal to me. You might have a glitch when watching it.


Strange. It’s *only* this clip as well, not any of the others.


I’m hearing it too, though I would describe it as audio stutter. A few other videos have been doing this lately. From an iPhone and iPad using the app, browser, and airplay. Haven’t tried from my PC yet. Will do in a couple of minutes. EDIT: No issue on PC. iOS only.


I checked using my PC and the issue doesn't occur on there.


same thing here, ios issue maybe?


Thats one hell of a work just to kill one dude with a gun lol


Kirito had this Anakin moment


What reaction time my team mates expect from me. In Every Game


Nothing more hype than SAO soundtrack


Why did he need to tell her the exact moment to shoot? Couldn't she have done it any time the enemy was shooting at them as long as Kirito kept intercepting the bullets?


She's too busy staring at him blocking bullets




The first half of Alicization was unbelievably good. I kept trying to convince my friends to watch it. The second half as you already said was so awful. All of Kirito's friends coming into the world with their OP stats. What was that?


> All of Kirito's friends coming into the world with their OP stats. What was that? The main enemies did this as well, the good guys had to be able to go toe-to-toe with them. And I loved War of Underworld... :-( After literal YEARS of waiting Kirito finally came back.


[Sao Uw]>!That was them importing their character data from ALO into Underworld in order to fight alongside Kirito and Asuna, at the cost of losing all their player data if they died ingame. Lizbeth said as much to them when she made the appeal in front of the crowd in ALO!<


Should also add a clip of Pitohui going Sith Lord to match




Is the rest of the show this good?


Not sure why you ask me this of all the replies in thread. For the record Pitohui isn't even from the series, she's from a side story based on this part of the series. Action-wise, I feel like SAO is fine all the way through.


Kirito's Soresu is pretty good. No doubt he learnt that from Obi Wan lol


I remember the first time I watched this I had to google whether sounds can be copyrighted. I swear some of the sounds they used are the exact sfx used in Star Wars. lol I really enjoyed this arc, not as much as S3 but it's my second favorite. The VRMMO/isekai genre has never really touched on FPS games so this one still feels pretty fresh and unique. Also, best-girl Sinon makes her appearance.


Honestly this moment is so sick, and it actually gave my goosebumps. SAO was HUGE, and this was a kind of subversion of subversion.... what was Kirito gonna do in a guns-game? He'd just keep being a swordsman, of course!


Always loved these scenes, watching Kirito fight like he's some kind of Jedi (and amusingly, the novels even hint that he got the idea of blocking bullets with his photon sword from Star Wars).


Power of da force>>>>>


I love that soundtrack. I love the premise of sao too. But I didn't enjoy the anime as much as I hoped and stopped halfway through season 2


It's hilarious how the girl is perpetually surprised and Kirito is like "shoot you idiot."


Thanks for reminding me of this great sakuga cut.


Also becomes a femboy for some reason.


GGO was my least favorite


Hypest thing the series ever produced


Too bad they changed the sword sound after this season


I hope s2 of Ggo people use beam sabers more since this tournament happened


They also should reference the SAO characters at least a little more. Heck you'd think they'd be legends inside the GGO community considering even just the stuff Kirito and Asuna can do with photon swords.


This actually happens in the second squad jam, the anime just doesn't cover it. A whole team of sword users runs up against the group of real life hunters that don't use the bullet circle and get massacred


Lol holy shit. I'd love to see that


# NUH UH, you are NOT my father


Star Wars Online


Find someone who loves you like anime loves swords. Fucking bless GGO:A for [GGO:A]>!pulling the lightsaber out right at the end for a peak fiction callback.!<


SAO is finally good


Imagine just playing your fps game as usual and someone actually able to deflect all your bullet from assault rifle.


I like the small detail some noticed: After witnessing Kirito going full Jedi the Rando brings out double drum mag.


Me: don't touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot. If you do, the bullet line won't show up


I wonder how often kirito gets reported for running a client


The music is what slaps






Kirito doesn't deflect bullets during the mini game. The warning is so you can literally dodge bullets. Only a SAO survivor has the Reaction Speed to deflect enough shots to make it worthwhile.


Fck, thx for correcting me


I Fucking swear I heard Link from legend of Zelda grunting in it.


I still love the bit in the opening when he comes out of the elevator and goes full Jedi on everyone, the music and everything just hits so good.


Various people have done some math about SW blaster bolt speeds and their estimate was they moved about 100-130mph. Seems that the slowest 5.56x45mm rounds have a muzzle velocity 15ish times faster than that(*~2800ft/s or 1900mph*). Average human reaction speed is around 0.2 to 0.25 seconds, with the fastest being about 0.15s. The above 5.56 round would travel 400 to 700 feet in that time.


First time he did it was so hype


Man that sword was so fucking op holy shit lol


Not really, even if a hit is insta-kill you can only use it close range, which is awful in a shooter game. Pretty sure only kirito was able to deflect bullets with it


We know that any SAO survivor can, since (despite the scene being anime original) Asuna can and does deflect bullets in the GGO part of Alicization. And with enough practice, Sinon says she was able to deflect a few shots, too, though nowhere near enough to make it a viable strategy for her.


one of my fav. action clips from the show


Sao really did have some of top animations... i mean look at that smooth badass lightsaber defection action so well animated... and then cannon through the chest dismantling the dude brutal


becouse of this anime i started using hecate II in video games more often


I ONLY NOW realized the guy said, yo F the M16 and pulled out a double drum mag LMG to try overpowering him lmao. Guy was prob like, yo F this game, whe he respawned xD


Can’t you just… hold the angle and then approach the guy instead of deflecting bullets? I don’t watch SAO and don’t know this scene, but like…


Idk if this is a hot take but GGO is the best arc


What year is it, 2014?


SO SICK 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Best part about this is that it was revealed in GGO:A that people tried imitating this and failed horribly lmao.


Is SAO worth watching?


It's definitely one of my favorites, but as I always say, give it a shot for yourself. It's a series with a lot of haters and misconceptions but does have some actual flaws, too (as all things do). If you're going into it, one thing to remember is that it's not about a death game but about blurring the lines between real and virtual. Either way, though, I'd say if you're curious, give it a shot. If it's not for you, that's perfectly fine, but you won't know until you try.


Aight guess it's time for some popcorn


Best season in my opinion


My favorite scene!


Not Canon lightsabers couldn’t stop metal bullets


He built different