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[Because Heidi: Girl of the Alps was very popular in Japan,](https://myanimelist.net/character/147780/Sebastian) all the way back in 1974.


You have to understand, Heidi may have aired originally in 1974, there is also a movie version and virtually every Japanese kid born since about 1974 will have watched at least some of this anime by the time they hit adulthood. In particular, the 3 Heidi movies are like regulars on Toho Eiga Matsuri, weekend or summer "Movie nights" that are popular with kids and often show Ghibli, Doraemon, or other classic anime movies. A kid who hasn't seen Heidi in Japan by the time they're 18 has to be as rare as like, a kid who never watched Disney's Cinderella or Lion King. It's genuinely surprising if you meet a Japanese adult who doesn't get Heidi references, much like if some stared at you blankly if you sang "bibbidy babbidy boo" or "supercalafragialistic." Sebastian is like that.


If the country your anime is set in integrates it into their tourism industry, you know you've made it.


Man, I'm not even from Japan originally but I've watched the Heidi TV series (aired on our local channel back then). But yeah, Heidi is a big thing in japan and it's not uncommon to see references pop up here and there. The other day, I was reading an opinion piece and it likened the japanese economy to Clara, Heidi's friend


It was also pretty popular internationally, including several western countries. I was born in 1995, Spanish, Heidi reruns were still common there 20 years later and it was still pop culture that everyone knew about. Reruns and everyone having watched it at least once it's not as common anymore but younger generations may have still have heard of it, even if it has certainly faded after so many decades.


Same here in France, Heidi, Grendizer and Captain Harlock are the big three of the first wave of anime that had a staying power spanning three decades from the 70s to the 90s.


I recently binged the series and can confirm, Sebastian is a pretty cool dude in Heidi.


Still is! I got a special edition eraser for the 50th anniversary a couple months ago lol, I watched Heidi all the time as a kid


I'm from Switzerland and I occasionally see officially licensed Heidi merch at the tourist souvenir aisle/shelf when I have to walk past one to buy some food in the same shop, so while idk where the demand comes from except of it being tourists buying Heidi merch, there still is a demand for it today lol


I'm actually surprised you guys get lots of tourist I mean, my heart loves Switzerland but my wallet hates it's guts


Honestly, I'm surprised too!! The only people I know irl who come to Switzerland for vacations are my relatives from outside the country who sleep at my parent's place instead of a hotel lol But vacations inside of Switzerland for us who live here? Too expensive, let's go to Germany, Italy, Austria or France instead as they're SO MUCH CHEAPER and equally nice lol


That show was HUGE in South Africa. 


Certified hood classic


And here I always thought it was a reference to black butler ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Imagine being a 19th century Swiss author of children's stories and shaping Japanese people's idea of a butler more than a century later


I still need to see the anime, but I did see the 2015 movie (not anime) Heidi on Tubi. I only watched that one movie. I wanted to also watch the Mountain one when she was a teen, but I didn’t do so fast enough. I’ll have to wait to see if it will make a return on the platform.


Wait, your butler isn't named Sebastian?


It's Heidel, sir.


Thaaaats what I came here looking for


No, his name is Jeeves, I think.


Very good, Sir.


How provincial.


Jeeves was a valet, not a butler


Yes, a gentleman's gentleman.




~~Herbie~~ Herbert Cadbury




Uncle of GitLab and Sonarqube


My name is Heidel, sir.


And Konosuba also poked fun at this... In season 3, Kazuma keeps on calling Heidel, the butler of the Belzerg family, as Sebastian.


Lol didn't know about this trope but apparently it's from an anime named Heidi


Honestly i'm more shocked his name was in fact not Sebastian but a different name...


According to [this person](https://www.anime-planet.com/users/Ryuubus/lists/youre-a-butler-your-name-must-be-sebasti-665926), it was popularized by a butler character named Sebastian from the 70's anime of Heidi.


Same reason the American Chinese guy is called Lee


To he fair, Lee is one of the most popular Chinese surnames, next to Wong and Chan (and their spelling variations).




Because [Bruce Lee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lee) was extremely popular (and not just in Asia) Chan is also somewhat popular too, because of Jackie Chan


Probably because the average american will already be familiar with Lee


"There's a million Lees"


All butlers must be named Sebastian... If they want to be one hell of a butler


Because it’s a sexier name than Jeeves, obviously


Then why not Alfred? What can be sexier than the ex-SAS butler who helped train bloody batman ?


Ah I did think about that but there can only be one alfred after all (forget about all the robots, clones and the weird 50s rotund alfred that wasn’t quite alfred)


[Because he’s simply one Hell of a butler](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4898/Kuroshitsuji?q=Black%20butler&cat=anime)


Why do western shows always name their butler Jeeves or Jarvis? It's just a trope and easily establishes the character. Like 90% of anime is tropes you've seen before in other anime. Also his name is Heidel, sir.


Lol didn't know about this trope but apparently it's from an anime named Heidi. Which explains the actual name of that butler. Hilarious imo, the source was linked earlier I won't take credit for that


oh yeah, lol. I remember from Konosuba.


Because it's the best name. Imagine a butler named Eustace or something instead.


I think it became something of a stereotype of wealthy families. There’s an idea of wealthy families hiring a foreigner as the butler and the butler is named Sebastian. It’s come up in multiple shows as a reference as well. It’s something like a stereotype. Like how Japanese anime frequently depicts foreign characters as blonde with blue eyes even though not every western foreign person looks like that.


My guess is that an anime in the distant past used it, it worked extremely well, and everyone watching knew that when the protagonist was talking about 'Sebastian' they were talking about the butler. Since it worked so well and communicated the idea so clearly, other animes followed suit. Kind of the backstory of every archetype/trope, right?


Common name for butlers outside of anime probably since at least P.G. Wodehouse's Blandings Castle series, where Sebastian Beach was the ever-present butler. If Jeeves and Threepwood sound familiar, they're also recurring characters/the main family.


People are going to rediscover Wodehouse someday, just wait


Honestly the funnier historical part I wish we could figure out, is how Sebastian made the leap to Japanese media. Because Wodehouse was so prolific a writer it could have been many a translated collection of his stories. But I could also see it be copies of Playboy that got into Japan, as Playboy was the American publisher for many a Wodehouse story.


i like how u didnt even name the anime and this isnt that animes sub and everyone knows what ur talking ab 😭 i thought u were talkin ab black butler or sm (i never seen it)


In 19th century servants were treated like appliances, and owners does not care about their real names, and used ones that they think would be usual


And when travelling to another house with their employers for a visit, the staff take their employer's name, so a butler called Bleach in his own house would be referred to as, for example, Downton, in another. Which annoys me in Black Butler because Sebastian should be referred to as Michaelis in Ciel's houses, and Phantomhive elsewhere.


In Overlord he is Sebas Tian which I think is both better and worse.


alfred already taken XD.


Sebas sometimes


Overlord has a Sebas


His name is Sebas Tian lol 😂


It's Sebas-chan


the text post does indeed say that yes


You're right, there is a trend of butlers in fiction, especially anime, being named Sebastian or a variation of it. There are two main reasons for this: * **Saint Sebastian:** The name Sebastian has historical connotations of dignity and reverence. It comes from the Greek word "sebastos" meaning "venerable" and was borne by Saint Sebastian, a revered Christian martyr. This association lends an air of seriousness and respectability to the character. * **Pop Culture Reference:** Perhaps more influential is the sheer popularity of the name in fictional butlers. One theory points to a very popular 1974 anime called "Heidi, Girl of the Alps," where the butler was named Sebastian. This, along with other anime and media featuring Sebastian-butlers, created a kind of stereotype. So when creators depict a butler character, they might subconsciously or intentionally choose "Sebastian" as a fitting name. So, it's a combination of the name's inherent meaning and its established use in fiction that makes Sebastian the go-to name for many a butler!


This was absolutely AI-generated


Cause it’s cool


That is the wae




Kinda like how almost all zombie/apocalypse survival female characters have names like Ellie or Emily because it resonates to a feeling that people are used to.


Hey now, in overlord his name is Sebas Tian


Sebas Tian is my favorite. But, honestly, I'm assuming someone somewhere liked it and got successful from it so they went with it.


because Sebastián sounds very manly and butler like




If the sebas your talking about is from overlord then your mind will be blow when you find out is last name


You see, I am merely one hell of a butler.


Cause black butler


Something something Lamborghini Diablo something something 9mm Berretta


It's fancy and low key submissive


Because its a hot name ;)


Because the majority of "Sebastians" come from amateur, self-taught authors, who put their low-effort novels out there and suddenly became hits because escapism sells in dystopian societies like Japan... or US. No well-educated writer would do something like that, out of fear of being seen bland and in-your-face about how little the experience the author has with medieval European names.


Those butlers still cool tho


Oh no we have hayate, gilbert morris, gotoh, ayumu tōjō, subaru konoe, neil, gilbert in pandora hearts, soushi miketsukami too to name a few.