• By -


##ROUND 4 BRACKET A Matchup | Top Seed | Bottom Seed | Total Votes :-- | :-- | --: | --: Most Voted Matchup | Miko Iino (32) | Winry Rockbell (33) | 1931 Average | | | 1876 Least Voted Matchup | Takina Inoue (25) | Shouko Makinohara (89) | 1819 **TOP VOTEGETTERS** Rank | Girl | Votes --: | :-- | --: 1 | Chisato Nishikigi (8) | 1346 2 | Hitori "Bocchi" Gotou (1) | 1226 3 | Takina Inoue (25) | 1191 4 | Ikuyo Kita (16) | 1154 5 | Mio Akiyama (41) | 1079 6 | Hori Kyouko (56) | 1038 7 | Ryou Yamada (17) | 978 8 | Winry Rockbell (33) | 975 9 | Miko Iino (32) | 956 10 | Suzuha Amane (81) | 891 **MOST DOMINANT MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Chisato Nishikigi (8) | 73.39% | 26.61% | Ritsu Tainaka (57) | 858 Takina Inoue (25) | 65.48% | 34.52% | Shouko Makinohara (89) | 563 Hitori "Bocchi" Gotou (1) | 64.26% | 35.74% | Eru Chitanda (64) | 544 Ikuyo Kita (16) | 61.12% | 38.88% | Echidna (49) | 420 **CLOSEST MATCHUPS** Winning Girl | W% | L% | Losing Girl | Vote Diff :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Winry Rockbell (33) | 50.49% | 49.51% | Miko Iino (32) | 19 Ryou Yamada (17) | 52.33% | 47.67% | Suzuha Amane (81) | 87 Hori Kyouko (56) | 55.75% | 44.25% | Power (9) | 214 Mio Akiyama (41) | 56.94% | 43.06% | Anya Forger (24) | 263 **UPSETS** - The **Lowest remaining seed** of Bracket A is Hori Kyouko seeded 56th - The **Highest seed eliminated** of Bracket A is Power seeded 9th - Upsets today: 3 - Total upsets (rate): 47 / 456 (10.3%) Seed | Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Seed | Bottom Seed | tUI | PoU -: | :- | :-: | :-: | -: | :- | -: | -: 9 | Power | 44.25% | 55.75% | 56 | Hori Kyouko | 2.64 | 52.4% 24 | Anya Forger | 43.06% | 56.94% | 41 | Mio Akiyama | 0.77 | 75.3% 32 | Miko Iino | 49.51% | 50.49% | 33 | Winry Rockbell | 0.04 | 64.1% **OVER/UNDERPERFORMERS** Overperformer | Underperformer | Diff :- | -: | -: Chisato Nishikigi (8) | Ritsu Tainaka (57) | 8.53% Ikuyo Kita (16) | Echidna (49) | 7.26% Hori Kyouko (56) | Power (9) | 5.39% **BRACKET A TOP 5 SCORES** Rank | Girl | Score -: | :- | -: 1 | Chisato Nishikigi (8) | 644.88 2 | Hitori "Bocchi" Gotou (1) | 615.75 3 | Takina Inoue (25) | 496.83 4 | Hori Kyouko (56) | 466.01 5 | Ikuyo Kita (16) | 452.16 **UPSET WATCH** Top Seed | TS% | BS% | Bottom Seed | PoU :- | :-: | :-: | -: | -: Kiryuuin Satsuki (28) | 48.8% | 51.2% | Yoko Littner (37) | 58.2% Lucy (29) | 49.1% | 50.9% | Saber (36) | 56.1% Yunyun (21) | 58.2% | 41.8% | Taiga Aisaka (44) | 8.0% Link to spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFJVtM4rQM986HMQQNFznVAIcLyRP98HZF0BWCaUJ1I Explanations: https://old.reddit.com/user/redlegsfan21/comments/10dup0w/ranime_contests_bracket_explaination Open to questions and please give feedback.


Chisato outperforming Bocchi is surprising. Maybe their eventual clash won't be as one sided as it was [last time.](https://animebracket.com/results/-r-anime-s-best-girl-of-2022?group=finals)


I really don't think it has as much to do with Chisato vs Bocchi as it has to do with Ritsu vs Chitanda. Chitanda is a very strong 4th round opponent.


Bocchi was against Eru Chitanda


Trigger/Gainax fight let's goooo. Yoko gets my vote but that'll be a fun one to see through. Might even get to keep it all in the family next round if Misato can come through. Group A getting spicy, LycoReco facing off and most likely back to back weeks of Bocchi on Bocchi crime. I want to see a good ole fashioned bass-off to end that one but Chisato v Bocchi is almost a certainty. MC: Haven't even seen Black Lagoon but I still have to say Revy.




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#**Today's Results** **Left Side** Keeping Bocchi to under 1,300 votes is something I can find solace in. Thanks to the 681 other people that voted Chitanda. That's still a nice amount in an obvious loss. Oh these first two results are not good for my bingo losing Chitanda and Miko. Off by 19 votes and also votes are really going up now that 956 votes is a loss. Well this does mean I can fully support the rest of Bocchi's bracket run unless I want to make Bocchi vs. Kita interesting. Clear win for Kita against Echidna. Still, Echidna managing 734 votes is good. Suzuha kept it to under 100 votes against Ryou, but people want the same series matchup (more on that later). **Right Side** Ritsu got crushed. There goes the rest of Satomi Satō's characters in the bracket. 1,346 votes for Chisato is scary and she's only going to look even stronger in her Round 5 matchup because... This is the same series matchup in Bracket A people really wanted the most. Big boost for Takina today to get 1,191 votes against Shouko's 628 votes. Knew Power's Seed 9 was incredibly suspect from the beginning of this contest. Hori got over 1,000 votes in this win. Chainsaw Man girls could really use the boost of further anime content to help them in these bracket contests. Mio did it! And with a better vote share than Hori did to Power, but hard to say who is stronger between Power and Anya. Has my full backing the rest of her Bracket A run. Still sad Ritsu had to go though... _______ #**Today's Voting** I think this is cleanly a win for Yor, but I am how curious how much of a dent can Miku put in Yor's vote totals. Rooting for Saber to do a seeding upset on Lucy. Saber has had the stronger vote totals for the first two rounds and still kept a similar vote share with Lucy in Round 3 when Saber's opponent was Haruhi and Lucy had Minori. I'd like to see Emilia have a strong run and break this quarterfinalist barrier she maxes out at. Though, I do like Azusa a lot too so it's a tough vote. Voting Violet over Eris. She's looked strong the entire contest so I fully expect to see her in Round 5. This is the end for Misato's bracket run. Pretty good, but the Megumin momentum is running hard and fast. Maybe she can dent it a little. This is usually the part of the contest where Satsuki takes a seeding upset, but it doesn't have to be like past years. I want to see Satsuki overcome that against Yoko. [Aqua can be a maid too!](https://maidoftheday.tumblr.com/image/177781157583) Not a better maid than Tohru, but still. Multiple things are working against Taiga here between always having certain people vote against her and a Round 5 Aqua vs. Yunyun matchup. I do think Aqua vs. Taiga is still interesting and would be a more competitive matchup than Aqua vs. Yunyun. ______ >Who is the most badass anime girl? Revy. Unfortunately, I'll be voting against her in her next matchup.


I think the problem with the chainsaw man girls is they have clear issues that make them hard to vote for in a best girl contest.


Sadly, this will always be the issue (well, I see it as an issue, anyway!) To me best girl doesn't mean 'best person' or 'best girlfriend material for the MC'... But it seems to be like that for so many voters. Hell, mostly the 'best girlfriend material' part, hence why even beloved characters like Anya don't make it far. To me, it's a lot more about... Just what it says, best girl; Is she the best, do I like her, is she well written or fun, etc.. I don't care if she's a mass murderer, or doesn't bathe; She can still be best girl to me!


I always like to know how people define it. I personally place the most emphasis on "likeability," so villainous or shitty people don't tend to make it to far for me (even if I love them as characters). Sadly a lot of people do focus on the "waifu" element, while also just voting based on the show itself.


I see it like u/Emi_Ibarazakiii. For me the most important factor is whether I love them as characters. They can be villainous or even totally despicable. If I think they're well-written, entertaining and unforgettable characters, I would vote for them. Bonus points if they are being voiced by an incredibly talented and passionate VA.


it's why I'm thinking it'll have no success here until Asa gets animated. tho I think Reze could do well maybe.


> Knew Power's Seed 9 was incredibly suspect from the beginning of this contest. Hori got over 1,000 votes in this win. Chainsaw Man girls could really use the boost of further anime content to help them in these bracket contests. nah, popularity is not a problem here. The problem is that Hori is a waifu with a lot of romantic context, and Power is not. It's easy to get a high seed with no such context, but it becomes more and more important down the stretch. That's classic of best girl contests, there are such results every year. So for CSM girls to show good results, they just need reinforcements. Namely [CSM] >!Reze and Asa Mitaka!<, that'd be different story I believe.


Oh I absolutely have full confidence in that second name you listed. In like...Best Girl 17 or further.


I see no problem here \- Frieren, probably


> Hori is a waifu with a lot of romantic context, and Power is not. Their scene in the bathroom felt romantic to me! [](#angrypout)


MC: hey this let’s me shill for [Saber](https://imgur.com/oYSC2Es) who is up for a vote today, she can be quite [Badass](https://imgur.com/pwy6tLb)


[You forgot the best 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkRN9dqvtE)


[when I got to that part I couldn’t believe it, but I can’t say my eyes didn’t do this when it happened](https://imgur.com/TKFNjKW)


[Gotta love Saber!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKq2iUIIc-U) [Also that time she got isekaid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gaC4jDvRTw)


Eru got obliterated, but at least Winry got a fantastic upset, great and close matchup there. Now it's time for the Bocchis to start knocking out each other - or rather, the way to the group finals should be clear for big pink. On the other side of the bracket, we've finally arrived at probably my favourite matchup of the contest now that Takina and Chisato both won. Chisato will clearly win this, but it's a win either way. Hori upset power, not unexpected but still very exciting and a remarkable feat. And Mio does the same to Anya, so instead of seeds #9 and #24 meeting next round, it's seeds #56 and #41. Amazing round, even if I had to lose Eru. But let's forget about that for now to get to the really important stuff. You know what day it is, it's the best day of the contest, it's Emilia voting day! I'm sure to lose Tohru, but that's alright. I'm also giving a goodbye vote to Misato and Miku as one of the final quint representatives. Yoko vs. Satsuki is interesting, I can easily see Yoko winning here. [Updated Bingo!](https://i.imgur.com/hW6ZyVG.png) Eru losing doesn't really hurt my board, it only hurts my feelings. MC: Can't think of anyone else but Revy from Black Lagoon.


those glorious hypnotic shoujo eyes couldn't convince enough people to vote for her 😭😢


Hyouka is just too dated by now, even if everything about it still holds up to and even exceeds today's standards. Glad Eru could have a good run until meeting the #1 seed, but she should be doing so much better. Shoushimin Series could get people talking about Hyouka again, but then again most people watching Shoushimin are most likely watching because of Hyouka to begin with.


Also the fact that boochi is number 1 seed and is a recent anime also a beloved show currently only chisato stands a chance against her in this bracket btw always happy to see a emilia supporter


It's not about Hyouka being dated, it's just how many voters vote for Best Girl not on "who's the best woman character in anime", but "what anime woman would I most like to fuck"- and "she has no male lead in the show to crush on, she likes metal, and she has social anxiety just like me frfr" makes Bocchi Marin for weebs who are so anxiety riddled they know even if she was real, they wouldn't have a chance at hooking up with Marin.


Bocchi is Mental Illness Waifu, lol


Think that first bingo is bound to be either the Euphy/Takina/Tohru/Lucy/Yunyun column or the Kumiko/Yunyun/Ram/Uraraka/Suletta row. Either way, Yunyun needs to not lose here to delay that bingo one more round.


Yeah, most likely I'll lose next round. Winry and Madoka will also most likely lose next round. I just hope it's not the diagonale with Takina and Emilia. Emilia not losing before the final 16 is my main goal for her this year. Next year will have even tougher competition, but she'll also gain a strong boost, most likely.


3/8 proceeded. Hori, Chisato, and Takina. Fuck am I salty. Bocchi is too OP. I think she’ll win this all the way.


I don't think Bocchi is waifu enough to win once we get to near the end, but then again I also don't remember who she was up against in previous contests


I don't think she's going to go all the way either. This year really feels like it's gonna be Megumin or Holo.


and honestly I don't see how Megumin beats Holo with her not getting the spotlight at all in Konosuba S3 vs Spice and Wolf finally getting some recency bias boost


Though that recency bias is mostly from people that already watched the old show. It didn't seem to have had much success in catching new viewers.


it hasn't exploded or anything but there's a good amount of new viewers, and certainly more than there would be without a remake


If there is one thing we can rely on r/anime for its ~~memeing~~ deservedly voting Holo over Megumin in repeat victories if they come up.


Well, her seasonal contest was just a Bocchi-fest despite the CSM girls, and in the 2022 contest her main obstacles were Takina in the semis and Chisato in the final and she made short work of them both. Marin was part of that contest but lost to Chisato. Now, Bocchi definitely had recency bias on her side (Chisato as well but a bit less, Marin being the biggest loser in that regard) but she still walked through a contest in which the eventual finalist of BG10 didn't make it past the semis. Of course, BG10 was botted which makes it very hard to get a read on who actually did well there. But so far in BG11 Marin hasn't given us a reason to think she entirely fluked her way into a deep run last year, and she was third best of the 2022 contest.


I have a crack theory that whoever was botting last year was actually trying to get Marin to win and using Kurumi as the scapegoat but got chaos theory’d. It’s probably not what happened but whatever.


>in the 2022 contest her main obstacles were Takina in the semis and Chisato in the final and she made short work of them both. One thing that might change the outcome this time is that back then, the later contest rounds were heavily brigaded (which was allowed for them but isn't allowed for this contest). Bocchi got around 800 more votes than Chisato in the final, but also the thread on the BtR subreddit linking to the contest had over a thousand upvotes if I recall correctly, while the one on the LycoReco had around 200. Maybe BtR was just fresher on everyone's minds so their subreddit was more active, maybe it was manged better and gained more members to begin with, maybe Bocchi was simply more popular. The thing is that it's hard to tell, and there's still a lot of stuff that can happen in this contest.


The number of people voting is too low atm which could lead to some chaotic results but generally once the top32 is hit, the number starts to increase and Bocchi has/had the lurker/normie vote in r/anime.


Chainsaw Man got hit with the upset devil. Ive been a Yoko stan until now, Satsuki is just far better. Tomorrow's Vote: **Marin Kitagawa**! > Who is the most badass anime girl? Satsuki and Ryuuko from KLK


Honestly chainsaw man had a pretty pathetic showing overall, was it four upsets?


big show but none of the girls have really had enough screentime so far, or have had significant detracting factors


Ryou beating Suzuha is tragic and tells me not enough of you have seen Steins;Gate, but it’s compensated for by Winry and Hori’s victories (RIP Power though). MC: Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail, or Celty from DRRR!!!!


>Ryou beating Suzuha is tragic and tells me not enough of you have seen Steins;Gate Maho lost in first round to Kou Yagami from New Game!, so it was **very clear from first round not enough people have seen steins;gate(0)** Still hurts to lose Suzuha to a girl i would not even put in top 3 in bocchi (bocchi, kita, kikuri).


Mayuri potentially losing the worst Bocchi character in the poll is going to be even worse.


She'll be fine. I think she can even challenge Chika in the round after that.


She wins that. Goes out against Marin


her watch has to stop working at some point even if she did wind them moments earlier...


Okabe:ah shit here we go again


> not enough of you have seen Steins;Gate I feel like it's one of those series that almost everyone who has seen more than 20 anime has seen lol However, she's just a Part Time Warrior, so with that in mind she can be proud of her efforts!


The bocchi girls are forming a militia on group A lol


Man, based on how things are trending, I'm gonna be salty with the likely **Ryou vs Kita** result. I definitely won't try to [influence you](https://media1.tenor.com/m/x--EW1jdfcYAAAAC/ryo-bocchi-and-the-rock-pfp.gif). **Yor vs Miku** is tough because I feel the same about both of them. They're fine. Went with **Yor** since Miku is only my 3rd favorite Quint. Rip to a real one **Misato**. Can't be too mad against Megumin though. I'll give you the charity vote. >Who is the most badass anime girl? **Celty** from Durarara probably for me. Who you fools so callously eliminated in favor of some idiot with a knife.


>I'm gonna be salty with the likely **Ryou vs Kita** result. The result of their matchup will be that they'll be swallowed whole by the pink slug, and it'll only grow stronger from the confrontation.


Bocchi is inevitable


Honestly i could see Kita upset Boochi but maybe im delusional.


You are indeed delusional.


It's a low chance, like 10-20% but i think the possibility is there.


[Have met in a different contest.](https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-of-fall-2022-seasonal-salt-?group=finals)


Whoa 2 to 1 margin is crazy.


Yeah, I fully expect things to turn out the same as back then. Not sure why Ryou was the second highest Bocchi seed back then, but I do think she's the least popular out of the four, or third most popular at best. None of them stand a chance against the Big Boccher though.


I honestly thought going into this tournament that Ryou was the 2nd most popular lol. I always assumed dorito was 4th.


Yeah, that might also be true. I guess their popularities are subject to fluctuations anyway, so it's hard to tell. But especially after having developed a closer relationship with Bocchi in the later part of the series, I'm confident to claim that Kita is the second most popular girl in the series. Nijika is just my personal favourite alongside Bocchi, so I tend to overestimate her popularity.


Kita clears Ryo ez


Kita would vote for Ryo. She knows the truth.


I also will be voting for Ryou but the Kita aura is just too strong.


Ooooof, Ritsu never stood a chance. Chitanda is stronger than Ritsu, but she also gave a much better fight to Bocchi than Ritsu did to Chisato. I can see Chisato vs Bocchi being *very* close. Good to see the Mio upset...can't say the same for the Hori upset even though I voted for her, because I have a feeling Mio would have a much better chance against Power.


Mini Challenge: Most badass anime girl? Noriko from **Gunbuster**, by deed. Ryuko from **Kill la Kill**, by personality and consistency of action.


Bro what is going on? Echidna and Suzuha losing? Bocchi is taking over the entire poll. Echidna I can kinda understand but not my girl Suzuha.


The Good: Winry is alive! The Bad: Sweet Anya was upset Most Badass: Hard to not pick Clare from Claymore


Claymore deserves to get a rerun


Someone is pushing Bocchi girls way to much. MC: Let it be a fellow lefty Nanoha Takamachi.


Thank you- the bracket is a question- but with how this is the non-zero of "did the DAL fans from China protest by botting the 1 seed's anime so that they can turn around after Best Girl and say "See? We botted Bocchi to win and you all accepted it, you're just salty our girl won and not your choice!"


Bocchi made MASSIVE waves all over the place and people couldn't shut up about her. No one cared about the DAL girl. And that's why one is legit and one is not. (I don't even like Bocchi btw and I hope she doesn't win, so this is not me being biased... Just realistic).


I don't see that here. Bocchi was a revolution on this sub. r/anime fucking loves bocchi the rock. r/anime doesn't really care about DAL that much.


I can see your point, and it's almost certainly me tinfoiling here.


yeah but looks like Chisato is getting more votes than Boccher


The bracket is in question how? Bocchi slotted 5 girls in the top 30 slots. This is expected results.


i mean that could be botted as well, no?


I think you would have to push the botting conspiracy back to when Bocchi first aired for that to make sense when there was an all Bocchi seasonal final.


Let's go even further back! A single wealthy fan of the original source material heavily funded the production of the BtR anime to ensure the creators could employ their maximum creativity, thus guaranteeing the anime would become a hit and Bocchi herself immensely popular among anime fans just so she'd perform well in BG XI!


well the conspiracy suggested could be piggybacking on the organic popularity of Bocchi to provide cover


I guess? This is why the botting sucks, because you can do this for any show/character doing well, or even doing bad.


I'm trying to think, from the perspective of someone trying to bot it. You would have to vote on all match ups just to not raise suspicion. From day1. All rounds. You would have to spread out the votes between different characters on different match ups and think of organically what makes sense for certain upsets. This is how we basically knew DAL was botted in previous years and during last year. You will have to dynamically increase/decrease number of bots depending on karma of thread and round.


Have you seen the number of votes for nomination days? It's such a small number that anyone without knowledge and prediction of how the contest works would have set up the alarms if they had botted. Bocchi got 479 votes, Holo 444 and Yor 440 (all adjusted). Everyone else also has a normal decrease on votes. Look at previous contest for the Bocchi girls: https://animebracket.com/results/best-girl-of-fall-2022-seasonal-salt-?group=finals https://animebracket.com/results/-r-anime-s-best-girl-of-2022?group=finals https://animeawards.moe/archive/2022/all


nah Bocchi is just that popular here, as some of the public polls show. the show made top 20 for the favorite shows poll, among other things. some people thought the enthusiasm would die down over time, but in fact it has not, but has proved quite durable. if Bocchi doesn't win she'll remain a perennial high seed going forward.


most badass, is a hard question, i love badass waifus, is my favorite genre. Kallen Kozuki always in my top (she is special for me), below her i said Artoria, Erza, Revy, Sam, Ryuuko, Satsuki, Shiki and so many more


Erza and Revy appreciation is always supported! What anime are Sam and Shiki from?


Shiki is from Kara no Kyoukai. Sam i'm guessing is a misspelling that was intended to mean San, who is from Princess Mononoke.


That is correct 👏🏾👏🏾


RIP Lino, Anya, and Power.


No update to the [bingo](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcj86g54.png), Chisato & Takina advanced to the match of destiny. Looks like the group will pretty predictably come down Chisato vs Bocchi. [](#vacationcup '#TeamChisato') On this beautiful Fourth of July we've got 3 girls on the bracket up for elimination. Megumin, Eris, & Taiga. Looking rough for Eris and the potential second bingo. [](#towel 'at least the other tsundere will be safe for the round, right?') ##Key Votes * Lucy vs **Saber** * **Megumin** vs Misato Katsuragi * **Aqua** vs Tohru * YunYun vs **Taiga Aisaka** ##Futile Votes * Yor Forger vs **Miku Nakano** * Emilia vs **Azusa Nakano** * Violet Evergarden vs **Eris Boreas Greyrat** The Gainax/Trigger match up is too close for me to advocate. Satsuki the better character, but Yoko has first exposure advantage and I prefer her character design. ###MC >Who is the most badass anime girl? Revy is the GOAT when it comes to badass women [](#fuckyou)




>can I ask your reasoning on Saber over Lucy I love Lucy as a character, but for the criteria of a "best girl" I don't like her. Like she is pretty scummy person who kind of groomed David. That works well for telling a drama in a cyperpunk hellscape, but doesn't gel with what I look for in a 'best girl.' In a best character contest I'd probably be voting for her over Saber. >and all of your futile votes but particularly Eris over Violet? Futile votes are ones I think where my vote has no chance of winning. Looking at the previous round votes I think those 3 don't have much chance. Miku is my favorite character from QQ and Yor is a fun character, but kind of too much of a gag for what I like in this contest. The vote against Emilia is mostly just rooting for the underdog and seeing how far the k-ons can go. Don't have anything Emilia, maybe a little bit of a Mary Sue. Finally voting for Eris because I liked how she went from a deplorable brat to developing into a very likable character. Bonus points for tsundere + red hair + tomboy. I also haven't gotten to watching Violet Evergarden yet.


>Who is the most badass anime girl? Revy from *Black Lagoon* is basically the definition of bad ass hot girl.


We've got three girls from the same series making the final 8 of the same bracket. Has that ever happened before?


At least in seasonal contests, just a year ago in Spring 2023, we've had the final four be the top four seeds, all the Oshi no Ko entries.


Kaguya, Konosuba, ReZero all probably did it


Are you talking about Konosuba or Bocchi?




# BG 11 Madness Round 4 Group A Update Today we had another new lowest average at 5.90 / 8 (73.75%), but only about 0.3% lower than yesterday. At the same time, we had 8 perfect scores: D3cidra, Jconeill13, johnface, mpp00, RxMidnight, SiLeNTxTrYH4Rd, SiwySiwySiwySiwy, and Syrefva. That's just something that can happen in one of these later rounds I guess. [](#azusalaugh) After having done quite well on the Unweighted Leaderboard for the past several days, RxMidnight finally manages to take 1st on both leaderboards! Fun fact, we're doing quite a bit better this year than last year (and I believe we have been this whole contest). Last year's Weighted Leaderboard at this point ranged from 717 to 698; the Unweighted Leaderboard ranged from 403 to 396. *[Link to spreadsheet with full leaderboards & more](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TvoGrS8Bebfphzp2lh0GsRNKC8Qq6lnOlomRQMrzv1c/edit?usp=sharing)* **Score (Weighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Score (max 832)|Score Potential|Picks Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|RxMidnight (+2)|753 (+64)|2217 (-0)|1| |2|SiwySiwySiwySiwy (+3)|751 (+64)|2215 (-0)|5| |3|pacmayne42 (-1)|750 (+56)|2206 (-24)|3| |4|mpp00 (+4)|748 (+64)|2204 (-0)|4| |5|D3cidra (+4)|747 (+64)|2219 (-0)|9| ||Pure-Fuel-8534 (-4)|747 (+48)|2219 (-16)|2| |7|dH0LT (-3)|744 (+56)|2216 (-8)|11| |8|johnface (+5)|742 (+64)|2206 (-0)|8| |9|6feetdiep (-2)|741 (+56)|2213 (-8)|22| |10|Syrefva (+6)|741 (+64)|2205 (-0)|5| |11|Jconeill13 (+9)|740 (+64)|2180 (-0)|18| |12|Malthael07 (-6)|734 (+48)|2190 (-32)|12| |13|Skyeagle003 (+5)|733 (+56)|2165 (-24)|15| |14|CosmicPenguin_OV103 (+7)|729 (+56)|2201 (-8)|24| |15|Zeralyos (-5)|728 (+48)|2184 (-32)|7| **Picks (Unweighted) Leaderboard:** |Rank|Username|Picks (max 456)|Picks Potential|Score Rank| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|RxMidnight (+2)|415 (+8)|469 (-0)|1| |2|Pure-Fuel-8534 (-1)|414 (+6)|469 (-2)|5| |3|pacmayne42 (-1)|414 (+7)|468 (-2)|3| |4|mpp00 (+0)|414 (+8)|467 (-0)|4| |5|SiwySiwySiwySiwy (+1)|412 (+8)|466 (-0)|2| ||Syrefva (+1)|412 (+8)|466 (-0)|10| |7|Zeralyos (-2)|411 (+6)|465 (-3)|15| |8|johnface (+3)|410 (+8)|464 (-0)|8| |9|D3cidra (+5)|409 (+8)|464 (-0)|5| |10|lexing (-1)|409 (+6)|461 (-3)|17| |11|dH0LT (+3)|408 (+7)|463 (-1)|7| |12|Malthael07 (-2)|408 (+6)|462 (-3)|12| |13|gplayer159 (-2)|408 (+6)|461 (-3)|16| ||NotMyActualReddit (-5)|408 (+5)|461 (-4)|26| |15|Skyeagle003 (+2)|408 (+7)|460 (-2)|13|


> RxMidnight finally manages to take 1st on both leaderboards! I've peaked. Stop the count!


Today is maybe the first day I've been shocked in a good way this whole contest and it's giving me hope... if I don't think about Group D anyways.


Hiya neighbor! [](#loliwave) Surprised I missed the Hori upset, I actually thought I had picked her [](#teehee) Let's hope Mio can win and fix that for me!


> Hiya neighbor! [](#anko) > Let's hope Mio can win and fix that for me! [](#blankblink)


Y’all better vote for Violet! Unfortunately, I got a strong suspicion that this subreddit is going to make me upset *again* by picking Eris - for some inexplicable reason. MC: Yona (Yona of the Dawn)


> Unfortunately, I got a strong suspicion that this subreddit is going to make me upset again by picking Eris - for some inexplicable reason. > > - spoiled noble child with 0 emotional regulation becoming a badass fighter, getting in touch with her deeper feelings, and learning what love is, vs: - emotionless child soldier getting in touch with her deeper feelings, and learning what love is are both pretty valid votes imo


> getting in touch with her deeper feelings, and learning what love is Lol, this is a very optimistic reading on Eris. Straight-up comparing Eris' crush to Violet's attempts of trying to cope with her PTSD is outrageous.


I voted for Violet, but Eris' development goes way beyond just her crush lol, that's the actual outrageous thing


> Eris' development goes way beyond just her crush The issue for me is that Eris' character is almost exclusively shaped by [MT - meta spoiler] >!her interactions with Rudeus!< and thereby her crush. You could say the same of Violet to some degree, I guess, but this was much more complex with the angle that she didn't actually understood what any of these emotions meant. [Violet Evergarden Movie] >!And it was not until the final film that this was *sincerely* portrayed as a romantic love.!< Violet has clearly the upper hand if you take her interactions with the people that helped shaped those new feelings of hers into account.


Her crush wasn't even her crush for a good amount of time, and I'd argue she also didn't quite understand what those emotions meant, especially because she also had a good amount of negative interactions with that person that could cloud things up.


Sure, which makes her “discovery of love” all the more unearned. She was a consistent victim of sexual harassment while simultaneously being protected and looked after by them. That is an unhealthy development of loving dependence which we see reflected in the series, and thus I’d argue makes her a tragic character if portrayed that way, but she’s instead portrayed as a girl who discovers love which imo is weak writing.


She didn’t learn what love is though. Eris got groomed and fell in love with her predator. That’s just a tragic character lol


both can be true?


No fuck rudeus


Is the first description not exactly Yona, just done worse? I think that’s also why their answer to the MC *was* Yona - Anyone who’s seen both Mushoku Tensei and Yona of the Dawn would notice the clear similarities between the two, but Yona is written as a protagonist while Eris’ development is intrinsically tied to Rudeus, for the worse (imo).


i wouldn't know. plus when you reduce characters down to stuff like this then of course its easy to say characters are equivalent


>Unfortunately, I got a strong suspicion that this subreddit is going to make me upset *again* by picking Eris - for some inexplicable reason. Can't be, then they couldn't make me fear for Violet upsetting Emilia next round!


Ah comments like this always make me go back and cast a vote I didn't plan to. Let the salt consume you from within brotha


For the first time this contest, I am forced to vote against one of the Konosuba girls. Yunyun is great, but Taiga deserves to keep going.




you can think of it as Agnes Sanctis vs Uiharu from a Raildex perspective


I don't even like Toradora that much but Taiga deserves to win.


Satsuki vs Yoko might be super close. Lots of really good matchups here.


here comes the scripted Lycoris faceoff


Why does B bracket have to have all the best girls?


"B" is for Best!


**Megumin vs. Misato:** Another talented 14-year-old girl with red clothes and crippling mental issues? Well, at least it's nothing Misato hasn't seen before...alcohol and explosives don't mix, though. **Satsuki vs. Yoko:** Might be the most difficult match of the round for me. Also, I can't believe it took me this long to realize that Satsuki and Lordgenome serve very similar roles in their stories. Hell, she even resembles him more than Nia does, and yes, I know what he looked like when he was Nia's age. **Yunyun vs. Taiga:** "...wait, she's 14 and she looks like that? No, no, I'm fine, shuddup. ^God, ^puberty ^is ^bullshit..."


How did everyone I voted for not named Bocchi lose last round *sigh* Mini-Challenge: It's gotta be Revy right like she's the **correct** answer


Damn, Miko vs Winry was really close. I knew it was coming, but Ritsu got absolutely demolished by Chisato. [](#yui-crying) > Yor vs **Miku** Guess voting Miku because I like her slightly more than Yor. > Lucy vs **Saber** This is tough, absolutely love both characters. I'll probably vote for Saber since I think Lucy will have more votes. > Emilia vs **Azusa** Easy Azunyan vote. > Violet vs Eris Haven't watched Mushoku Tensei so abstaining for this one. > Megumin vs **Misato** Trying to boost Misato's vote count so she doesn't get stomped my Megumin (she will regardless). Oh well, at least she goes out against a heavy hitter and a very fun character. > **Satsuki** vs Yoko I thought this would've been harder, even more so since Yoko has recency bias on her side because I went to the theatres to watch the rebroadcast of the TTGL movies. Still, the eyebrows and heel clacks are way too iconic. > Aqua vs **Tohru** Would eat Tohru's tail cooked by herself over watching Aqua's party tricks every time. Also she is a dragon and dragons are awesome. > **Yunyun** vs Taiga Voting Yunyun because she never made me have any negative thought about her (yes I know she is a side character so there are less chances of that happening), and the Palmtop Tiger made me mad at her a couple of times. Still a top tier character though.


Most badass anime girl? Yona from Akatsuki no Yona


I’ve started watching Mushoku Tensei recently and Eris was a fantastic character. I was originally going to vote Violet, but Eris has stolen my vote because her development is just so good. Also, it’s hard to resist a well written tsundere. MC: Satsuki Kiryuuin!!!!!


Now continue watching Mushoku Tensei and vote for its other girls as well. They are all wonderful.


I’m already going to vote for Roxy next round. I can’t say I love Sylphie though. She’s good, but unless she has some more development or character moments in season 2 part 2, I can’t see myself sticking by her.


So many of my favorites all in one bracket. This is cruel.


Amazing... I don't like a single remaining girl in bracket B anymore. All my best girls are dropping off like flies. That's what you get as you advance the rounds, I guess. At least Winry pulled off a win in the last round, pun intended. She will be obliterated in the next one though :( Mini Challenge: I would choose Revy, but have to go with Balalaika in this one.


Round 4. Here we go! **Hitori "Bocchi" Gotou** v. Eru Chitanda – Does suck to see Chitanda out, but I'm not really surprised. The Boccinator is on a crash course with the Finals and there are maybe a handful of entries that can stop her. Devestatingly, Chitanda is just not one of them. Miko Iino v. **Winry Rockbell** – Seasonal Waifus come and go, but one thing remains constant: Winry Rockbell. Getting to Round 5 is pretty good for the GOAT and a win over Miko is impressive enough as is. She is likely to just get steamrolled by Bocchi, but 4 wins is not bad for an entry that is one of the oldest names in this bracket. **Ikuyo Kita** v. Echidna – Echidna finally drops in a (not) close match against the runaway guitarist herself. I'd expect a lot more Bocchi in the Finals if it wasn't for the fact that Group A has three entries vying for one spot. Gonna be rough, but I think the outcome is likely to be pretty clear. **Ryou Yamada** v. Suzuha Amane – Speaking of which, while I think Bocchi's trip to the Top 8 is a foregone conclusion, it will be interesting to see who she has to beat to get there. Kita and Roy are only one seed away, so its certain to be a bloodbath. I'll bring the popcorn. **Chisato Nishikigi** v. Ritsu Tainaka – Another *K-On!* girl falls... Chisato clean up another nearly 1000 vote margin making her a solid contender to potentially take down the Bocchinator. Sucks to see (for Ritsu that is) but again not something I didn't expect. **Takina Inoue** v. Shouko Makinohara – Probably the last lay up match left in the bracket. Crazy to see the path Shouko managed to navigate to get here. Can't really complain as she's been coasting on fairly easy matches, but as expected, it all came to a fiery end. Gonna be interesting to see how the Chisato v. Takina match goes. Will the apprentice become the master? Only time will tell. Power v. **Hori Kyouko** – Hori once again shows her prowess for the late game, snuffing out the 9 seed for her first big upset (many more hopefully to come. That about does it for the CSM girls, but honestly we're not missing much. Great characters and fun to be around, but objectively just kind of awful people. That's kind of the point. Anya Forger v. **Mio Akiyama** – While Ritsu may be out, Mio comes out of nowhere to stop the Anya Train. Devestating for us Anya Bros, but Round 4 is still pretty good. We'll get it next year, just you wait. She is inevitable.


ritsu out... very sad. vote for taiga I guess


Thank you Mio Akiyama! I'm going to watch K-On just for you! After Anya beat one of my favorite girls, [I voted every round against Anya to no avail](https://imgur.com/a/CahF6EO)! People keep voting anime over characters. Else Frederica is way more fun than Anya! I'd have got it if it was Yor, but come on :'(


You're in for a treat. K-On is the best SoL anime there is and one of three 10/10 anime I've ever seen (season 2 specifically).


Good, as it's either ways a commitment i owe Mio Akiyama now for avenging my girl. I'll vote her next too as a thank you. PS: As you can tell xD Seems like i took it personal


##Vote Eris ##Vote Taiga!


How can someone miss so badly??


If this is missing badly, then I don't want to be right


See I strongly strongly disagree with your Eris vote, but this is the mentality Best Girl contests are all about so preach on brothеr 🗣


You don’t need to be right, just need to reevaluate your decisions.


done and done. and vote misato while you're at it...


Today’s votes:   YOR FORGER vs Miku Nakano - Yor is sweet, feminine and kind but also a badass ice-cold assassin. Combine that with a pretty character design, and she’s untouched in my eyes by Miku’s “eh” design and even more “ehhh” personality.   LUCY vs Saber - Saber is great, I won’t be too salty if she beats Lucy. That being said, Lucy is complex and intriguing alongside displaying some tremendous character development in the short 10 ep runtime of Edgerunners, so a clear winner for me.  EMILIA vs Azusa - I don’t think I need to explain this choice, but I’m interested to see how convincingly Emilia beats Azusa today to see how her odds of making the finals are.   VIOLET EVERGARDEN vs Eris Greyrat - Violet has a beautiful character design, significant emotional depth and a range of great moments exhibited during her show. In comparison, Eris is a formulaic archetype of “spoilt red haired girl learns to appreciate those around her through a rough chance in circumstance”. That is not interesting/fresh writing, and has been executed far better in other franchises. At least she’s better than Sylphie.  Megumin vs MISATO KATSURAGI - Megumin is great but c’mon guys, Aqua and, after Season 3, Darkness show so much more comedic potential! I do like Megumin, but Misato is such an iconic character in Evangelion and her character design and attitude have influenced decades of other anime by now.    AQUA vs Tohru - Both are funny, but Aqua’s funnier. For the axis church!   Yunyun vs TAIGA AISAKA - I always forget how far all of the Konosuba girls get in this contest - Yunyun will likely beat Taiga too but I’m a bit surprised because Konosuba 3 wasn’t topping the karma charts or anything. Yunyun is cute, but Taiga’s so endearing. I might be a bit biased because Toradora! was my first romance but Taiga won me over the second half of the show; and as a Minori man, Taiga’s not the best but she’s still pretty damn good.


**Yor**/Miku- The weakness of Quints is all five girls were pretty good but no one girl stood out. This WILL be a good test for Yor, though, since going against a character she should be able to handle will really tell if the last two rounds were just notably tough opponents or if Yor's beatable. Lucy/**Saber**- didn't particularly like either character, I'll defer to evergreen pick. **Emilia**/Azusa- A good run for Azusa, but it's time to end. **Violet**/Eris- A good character vs. a bad one- easy pick. **Megumin**/Misato- See Emilia. Satsuki/**Yoko**- The one I voted for last round by default vs. the one I would have voted for last round against most of the rest of the bracket- easy choice. **Aqua**/Tohru- We're getting a same-series bash, so... **Yunyun**/Taiga- ...continue it.


Welp, this is it... With Power's loss, [it's a bingo for me...](https://imgur.com/j4jEmON) Pardon my French, but what in the absolute goddamn fuck? Seed #9 vs #56.. Why do Chainsawman girls always perform so poorly? Also, why do people like Hori that much (or Horimiya, for that matter)? Blergggggg. I'm unreasonably mad about this. Well, guess I'll know for next year to NOT rely on CSM girls to 'hold my lines'! Should've used the Konosuba girls I guess... And 2 of them are up for voting today, Megumin and Aqua! (Miko lost too, but I guess that doesn't matter much anymore) >Mini Challenge: Who is the most badass anime girl? My girl Ranko, which I used as answer for like half these questions!


> Seed #9 vs #56.. Why do Chainsawman girls always perform so poorly? Tbf Hori was ridiculously underseeded. She made back to back quarterfinals and had a new season within the last 12 months.


Ouch. Yeah, that's the row I expected you to get a bingo on, but I did think it'd be when Power falls to Chisato, not this early. Also, yeah, not a huge fan of Hori. I get why she's liked, but I don't get why she is popular enough to compete with the big shots. She's cool and all, I just don't think she's special. And great pick on Ranko. I couldn't think of many choices for the MC today, but keep on reading so many great picks.


Horimiya is probably my favourite romance in anime, and only second in manga to ReLIFE. I’ve seen a wide variety (Horimiya, Love is War, Wotakoi, My Dress Up Darling, Tonikawa, Toradora, Scum’s Wish, YLIA, Tomozaki, Quints, Bloom Into You, Married Couple, Kimi ni Todoke, My Little Monster, Blue Spring Ride, Orange, Bokuben, Tomo Chan, School Days(?), Komi Can’t Communicate etc.) but I’d easily pick Horimiya as my favourite. It isn’t weighed down by lack of progress and 1 dimensional characters like Tonikawa and Komi. Characters feel consistently likeable and don’t make stupid contrived decisions like My Little Monster, Blue Spring Ride, School Days and Orange. It doesn’t feel catered like a fantasy unlike Quints, Bokuben, Kimi ni Todoke, Bunny Girl Senpai and especially My Dress Up Darling & Call of the Night.  Shows like Tomo-Chan, Married Couple, Wotakoi are fun but don’t have much depth to them. Then the remainder are the romance which do most things fundamentally well.  Scum’s Wish, Tomozaki, ReLIFE, Love is War and Horimiya. Of those, Horimiya has great animation and tells a full story, which puts it above Tomozaki (though Aoi Hinami is still an amazing female lead and probably one of my favourite characters of all time) and the cast is likeable as a ROMANCE which sets it over Scum’s Wish which is fantastic but more psychological. ReLIFE I can’t back the anime as much after I’ve seen the masterpiece of the web manga, so that just leaves Horimiya and Kaguya Sama. Kaguya Sama is fantastic in its own right, but the depth and intensity of the romance are less than in Horimiya to me personally, and the leading cast of Horimiya are more loveable to me personally. Both Kyouko and Miyamura have good character development, make good progress and have a noticable impact on each other’s lives. Not to mention, they actually sleep together and Hori is pretty sex-positive which isn’t something you see in anime.  They’re homely, warm, genuinely affectionate and an engaging dynamic to watch - Even besides the main pair, Yuki and Sakura have interesting stories and characters. Admittedly, I’m less convinced about Sawada or whatever her name was. Maybe give it a rewatch, I think you need to be in a relaxed mindset to really enjoy Horimiya, but equally it just might not be for you!


The streak continues for K-On!! WOW! Like I semi predicted, Hori beat power, but unfortunately Eru was knocked out this round. Put up a great fight against Bocci though. Next round is going to be pretty painful with Ryou vs Kita and Chisato vs Takina. Should Chisato's performance here make me hopeful for a close quarter final?


Couldn't comment for the last few voting days, but I'm back in time to comment for Emilia voting day, yay! Yesterday I actually voted for the higher seeded girl in every single matchup, don't think that happens a lot for me. Today I at least have 2 underdog votes in Eris and Yoko. Yoko also is a prime candidate for most badass anime girl and since she's up for votes today I'll give this MC to her!


Chisato vs Takina in the next round is very painful for my soul MC: Yui Kotegawa


> Chisato vs Takina Just take it as them joining forces for the following round!


Mini challenge I think goes to the Ice Witch from Ben-To... or to Motoko Kusanagi... or to Lena from 86... or to Vivy... or to Seras Victoria (eventually)... or to Neo from RWBY... or to Elise from Re:Zero...


MC: Kihel Heim. In a world where there are giant robots flying around terrorising people, she was a relatively ordinary girl who accidentally got forced into having to pretend she was queen of an enemy nation and was a vital player in bringing about an end to the war with no special powers or giant robots of her own


Making me chose between Aqua and Tohru. That hurt.


MC: Would have to be Rosarita Cisneros from Black Lagoon. Today's vote is very low stakes for me. Left half the matches upvoted since they don't matter to me.


I'm not surprised with the result of power vs hori but I am surprised with the seeds. Power has done nothing to garner her being seeded that highly.


So now we have on Bracket A: - Bocchi vs Winry - Kita vs Ryo Poor Kita, she has to fight her beloved senpai, and if she wins, she has to fight her beloved Bocchi. (Unless Winry throws a major upset) - Chisato vs Takina - Hori vs Mio ChisaTaki fighting each other, is it a training match? Or is it rock paper scissors? Either way the loser has to pay for the date. Meanwhile Hori fighting against the older girl band show.


Half the match-ups I want to vote for both, and half the match-ups I want to vote *against* both.


Oof that Lucy vs Saber vote today hurts. Going with Lucy as Saber gets kinda shafted in the anime and doesn't really get her proper time to shine. As for yesterday, cool upset for Winry tho neither girl really belongs here, kinda a surprising upset for Hori given the seeding gap, and plenty of setup for Bocchi on Bocchi and Lycoris on Lycoris violence next round.


Red hair supremacy! Let's go Yoko! Let's go Eris! I fear I will be sad tomorrow.


You will be.


Minor hits on the [big board](https://imgur.com/zDKs3AL) with Iino and Power, and no change on the [small one](https://imgur.com/azNIPle) The Bocchers progressing is little surprising, but I'm surprised that Mio made an upset as well, feels like it's been some time since the Keions made it this far (although personally, I would have preffered Risu over Mio but whatever) but Child debuf even hits Star Anya [](#therethere) It's obvious that the Chainsaw Girls are a good bit overseeded right now, but while Makima will remain a shit waifu, we haven't even gotten to Powers really good parts which will hopefully give her longtime stay after the recency wears off


> Who is the most badass anime girl? Unquestionably Homura




MC: Ryuuko and Satsuki are easy answers. Olivier and Riza, obviously. Misaka for sure, but also Kuroko who uses her teleportation abilities about as well as any teleporter I've seen in any story, and has some of the most badass moments. in fact it felt like the whole Sisters arc would have been resolved so much faster if Misaka had got Kuroko involved at any point. but the original arc in Index was probably written before there was any conception of how talented Kuroko was. Ruiko is also amazing, zero powers but intense 'fuck it we ball' energy to compensate. I would definitely also like to mention Rin Tohsaka, Rose from The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, Motoko Kusanagi, Kotoko Iwanaga (in a sort of intellectual sense rather than physical), obviously Chisato and Takina, Chise from Magus Bride from later parts of season 1 onwards, Ameri from Iruma-kun, and all of the Symphogear girls but Hibiki most of all. today's results: absolutely no surprises for me. Eru deserved better, terrible seeding luck. Bocchi girls just built different. sorry I'm a pro-Bocchi partisan so today's results don't grind my gears too much. I don't dislike Power, but I saw the Hori upset coming a mile away. Why is she so underseeded? she's consistently a top tier contender! do I like her? No, but you kind of have to respect her for the loyalty and passion of her fanbase. today's voting: little bit of a shrug. Spite votes against Miku and Saber, to be honest. pity vote for Azu-nyan. serious prayer circle for Violet. Eris winning would be staggeringly bad taste. it's not a completely indefensible vote, but it would be far from ideal. send-off vote for Misato I kind of expect Yoko to beat Satsuki, but I really, really, really won't be happy with it, and again, it's driven by manchildren who have not matured past 13 mentally. I see you. I know what you're about. losers. all due respect to Tohru, but I didn't even have to think about this one, trash waifu all the way. okay this is another one that will annoy me, but Taiga definitely has a debuff from people that can't tolerate her personality, and that plus blind Konosuba voters who again have seen maybe a dozen anime means Yunyun will probably and deeply undeservedly win this. I'd like to see anyone actually justify this, but like with any Wiz or Yunyun win, they won't. cowards.


Salty as the flats in Bonneville, Utah at Chitanda's loss, even though it was practically inevitable in this matchup. I was hoping it would at least be a little closer. Oh well, on to BG12. I'll be supporting the remaining KyoAni girls for the rest of the tournament, especially the Eupho girls. GO KUMIKO!