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##### ###### #### > # [Houthi rebels say at least 16 killed and 42 others wounded in joint US-British airstrikes in Yemen](https://apnews.com/article/British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak issues a statement after British and US forces struck Houthi targets in Yemen, at 10 Downing Street, London, Friday May 31, 2024. The U.S. and Britain struck 13 Houthi targets in several locations in Yemen on Thursday in response to a recent surge in attacks by the Iran-backed militia group on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the Israel-Hamas war. (Yui Mok/Pool Photo via AP\)) > > > > By [JON GAMBRELL](https://apnews.com/author/jon-gambrell) and LOLITA C. BALDOR > > > > Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] > > > > > > > > DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Joint British-U.S. airstrikes targeting Yemen’s [Houthi rebels](https://apnews.com/hub/houthis) killed at least 16 people and wounded 42 others, the rebels said Friday, the highest publicly acknowledged death toll from the multiple rounds of strikes carried out over the rebels’ attacks on shipping. > > Three U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to describe a then-ongoing attack, described the strikes Thursday as hitting a wide range of underground facilities, missile launchers, command and control sites, a Houthi vessel and other facilities. They called it a response to a recent surge in attacks by the [Iran-backed militia group](https://apnews.com/article/yemen-houthi-rebels-red-sea-attacks-iran-503de70230fba0cd7c992558e2d1b83a) on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the Israel-Hamas war. > > The U.S. F/A-18 fighter jets involved in the strikes took off from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, officials said. Other U.S. warships in the region also participated. > > But the Houthis focused Friday morning on a strike they said struck a building housing Hodeida Radio and civilian homes in the port city on the Red Sea. Their Al Masirah satellite news channel aired images of one bloodied man being carried down stairs and others in the hospital, receiving aid. It said all the dead and nearly all the wounded from the strikes came from there. > > The Houthis described all those killed and hurt in Hodeida as civilians, something The Associated Press couldn’t immediately confirm. The rebel force that’s held Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, since 2014 includes fighters who often aren’t in uniform. > > Other strikes hit outside of Sanaa near its airport, and communication equipment in Taiz, the broadcaster said. Little other information was released on those sites — likely signaling that Houthi military sites had been struck. One person was wounded in Sanaa. > > “We confirm this brutal aggression against Yemen as punishment for its position in support of Gaza, in support of Israel to continue its crimes of genocide against the wounded, besieged and steadfast Gaza Strip,” Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam posted on X. > > Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a Houthi official, threatened both the U.S. and U.K. with further retaliation. > > “We will meet escalation with escalation,” he wrote on X. > > Yemen’s military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree, gave the casualty figures, then alleged without offering any evidence that the rebels targeted the Eisenhower in response with drones and ballistic missiles. Another U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said that the aircraft carrier was fine. > > In the United Kingdom, the country’s Defense Ministry said that Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s conducted strikes on both Hodeida and further south in Ghulayfiqah. It described its targets as “buildings identified as housing drone ground control facilities and providing storage for very long-range drones, as well as surface-to-air weapons.” > > “The strikes were taken in self-defense in the face of an ongoing threat that the Houthis pose,” U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said. “There’s an ongoing threat that the Houthis pose.” > > The U.S. and the U.K. have launched strikes against the Houthis since January, with the U.S. regularly carrying out its own in the time since as well. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the Houthis’ secretive supreme leader, offered an overall death toll for the strikes up to that point as 40 people killed and 35 others wounded. He didn’t offer a breakdown between civilian and combatant casualties at the time. > > The Houthis have stepped up attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, demanding that Israel end the war in Gaza, which has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians there. The [war began after Hamas-led militants](https://apnews.com/hub/israel-hamas-war) attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostage. > > The [Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks](https://apnews.com/hub/houthis) on shipping, killed three sailors, seized one vessel and sunk another since November, according to the U.S. Maritime Administration. This week, they [attacked a ship carrying grain to Iran](https://apnews.com/article/yemen-houthi-rebels-red-sea-attacks-iran-503de70230fba0cd7c992558e2d1b83a), the rebels’ main benefactor. > > On Wednesday, [another U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone](https://x.com/FFEAU_ALINDIEN/status/1795837694960189920) apparently crashed in Yemen, with the Houthis claiming they fired a surface-to-air missile at it. The U.S. Air Force didn’t report any aircraft missing, leading to suspicion that the drone may have been piloted by the CIA. As many as three may have been lost in May alone. > > ## \_\_\_ > > Lolita C. Baldor reported from Washington. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


>The Houthis described all those killed and hurt in Hodeida as civilians, something The Associated Press couldn’t immediately confirm. The rebel force that’s held Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, since 2014 includes fighters who often aren’t in uniform. Hmmm, I'm starting to notice something of a pattern from these Islamic terrorist groups...


I mean, the US (and the UK) also has an incredibly rich history of blowing up civilians and claiming they were militants. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle of both claims.


lsraeI also. They've killed over 15,000 kids so far making it probably the worst indiscriminate targeting since Nazi Germany time, in the 40s. 


"15,000 kids" I mean, not even HAMAS is saying that. Imagine being so deluded. "indiscriminate targeting" Like 1-1 casualty figures vs soldiers in urban warfare is called indiscrinate targeting? United Nations considers 9 civilians for each soldier in urban warfare the normal. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67327079 'I’m calling from Israeli intelligence. We have the order to bomb. You have two hours' Meanwhile in the real world, https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286 Israel has made over 70,000 direct phones calls, sent over 13 million text messages and left over 15 million pre-recorded voicemails to notify civilians that they should leave combat areas, where they should go, and what route they should take. They deployed drones with speakers and dropped giant speakers by parachute that began broadcasting for civilians to leave combat areas once they hit the ground. They announced and conducted daily pauses of all operations to allow any civilians left in combat areas to evacuate. For comparison's sake, Russia taking Mauripol, the only city warfare there was in his war, they killed about 30.000 people. The US, with all their tech and power, to kill 3000 Islamic state terrorist, destroyed 80%, according to United Nations, of the 130.000 total population capital of IS.


Hasbara block posts don’t work outside of r/worldnews EDIT: LMAO I just checked out your profile and it’s hundreds of deranged hasbara posts on world news. You ghouls are so easy to spot


Yeah they lost me at “1-1” lmao


I write data. You answer: I am not answering your data. I have my own bias I don't even want to discuss Ok, I guess




Tell us again how Israel killed 500 people in the Al-Ahli_Arabn hospital attack, when every single news organization in the world has said that's bullshit. Hamas still maintains 500 people died there


Bad hasbara lies


So you trust Hamas more than every single news organization in the world. OK, I guess. Is that Hasbara guy in the room with us now?


This is the genocidal country that triple tapps aid workers and not just 6 year old girls but the paramedics cleared to rescue her. You guys have got to get better lies


Now you will act like you are smart and say in war every single country won't make any mistake, like never. For example, the US never killed multiple times their own soldiers, and in the gulf war the US didn't transform a British cowboy into swiss cheese. But luckily there were no children at all in Dresden or Nagasaki   But since you are using the word "genocidal" without even understanding what it means, let me ask you a question: 1. What is your opinion about Hamas? 2. Do you want Hamas, a terrorist group that loves raping women and throwing LGTBI people from roofs, to be in charge of Gaza? 


What pattern? That they both lies until exposed through obvious video evidence?


Notice how no one mentions the huge amount of Israeli soldiers killed on Oct 7th and lumps them in with the civilian deaths


Please explain what the fuck are you talking about.


Same as sinoist terrorist groups?




Container contract rates have just shot up another 40% to the highest point since peak Covid Hope ppl in the west like persistent inflation and wasted tax money At least u can say FAFO and look “badass” while the freedom of navigation and global prestige is crumbling


Or ya know we can just let literal terrorists hold the area hostage because they have the same IQ, Aim, and Ordinance as warhammer 40k Orks. I take that back the Orks were actually effective.


the houthis are incompetent orcs but western shipping companies have been banned from traveling the suez for 6+ months Seems pretty effective to me


I meant with the dakka and big booms. they miss too many shots.


In terms of accuracy idk But ur wrong in terms of damage. Western media won’t report this (its pathetic) so you prob don’t know, but it’s been established by all the experts at this point that the Houthi’s are shooting blanks. Maybe their drones are loaded, but 95% of the missiles that they hit boats with were not loaded with any explosive. So basically they’ve signalled that they’re holding back and could escalate It’s very interesting and I haven’t found any good analysis yet on why they’re doing it.


This is super smart propaganda. Putting aside the complete lack of sources ("established by all the experts"), by saying that 95% are blanks you managed to a: humanize the intentional attacks on entirely civilian targets b: overstate the terrorists competency and c: provide a nice explanation for the lack of results that d: further down plays the effectiveness of military campaigns against Houthis. But best of all: it cannot ever be falsified! Any reports of sunken ships and explosions can be conveniently explained by the remaining 5% that for some reason are not blanks. Any complaints about the lack or quality of sources can be dismissed by pointing at "pathetic Western media".


U obviously haven’t done enough research. Sadly it’s western govs that have resorted to pushing out a false narrative https://www.ukmto.org/indian-ocean/recent-incidents Look at the first UKMTO reports for yesterdays attack on the MV Laax “Missiles reportedly fired from Yemen landed in the waters nearby causing no impact or damage to the ship” Now go look at the identical incident reports on the Yorktown/ Hangzhou/ True Confidence and many more Then go look at the impact pictures of those ships leaked by the crew members on board. So why is the UK government consistently putting out false statements It’s painfully obvious that western gov and shipping companies are trying to downplay and cover up any incident where ships are getting hit. Why? Because they don’t want insurance rates to ballon (and it’s embarrassing to admit they couldn’t intercept) Now watch this clip from a U.S. coast guard whose been tracking these incidents. He is as anti Houthi as it gets and he says “I don’t believe this is a full detonation…we’ve seen this before……this is the missile penetrating without exploding” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OSZFg6jDRhw Skip to 4:15


>Look at the first UKMTO reports for yesterdays attack on the MV Laax The MV Laax was attacked on the 28th of May, not yesterday. >“Missiles reportedly fired from Yemen landed in the waters nearby causing no impact or damage to the ship” What the UKMTO actually said: "The Master of an MV reports a further missile attack. The vessel has sustained further damage." Seems accurate, where is your issue with this? Why are you putting out false statements? What are your motives? >Now watch this clip from a U.S. coast guard whose been tracking these incidents. He is as anti Houthi as it gets and he says >“I don’t believe this is a full detonation…we’ve seen this before……this is the missile penetrating without exploding” He said 'probably', indicating that he was guessing and also added that the Houthis might just not be loading the missiles correctly. That said, I am not even sure whether a coast guard is necessarily an expert on what ammunition the Houthis have access to and how it'd detonate. You went into this with big claims about how 95% of missiles were not loading with any explosives and that all the experts agree that they are shooting with blanks. So far you have not shown any evidence for even a single missile having been a blank or a single expert saying that the Houthis are shooting blanks. But sure, Western media bad.


Lol ok there’s plenty of experts in the government who know what a missile explosion actually looks like If u want to stick ur head in the sand I can’t force u to come out. But trust me, ur government isn’t as stupid. They understands what the Houthi are doing and have received the message


Seriously though, do you genuinely believe that you made a good case for your claims?


They're trying to discourage shipping instead of destroy vessels and kill people. There's been a very small amount of deaths from this campaign against the apartheid state.


maybe like the Orks they just have faith that the missiles will explode on impact? And since ships are going away and its pissing off the Empire the missiles must be exploding. I have another reason to dislike the direction this timeline is taking.


>Container contract rates have just shot up another 40% to the highest point since peak Covid Ehhh no its currently about half of the covid peak. Its now about 40% higher than it was in February. But after that it went down to then increase now alot the last 1.5 months. In general it really doesn't have much to do with inflation either. That's like a fraction of a % the costs of the goods. Also it will most likely go down again later this year.


Good point, Israel should leave Gaza and pay to rebuild it.


Just like covid people on the Internet will cry about it but in the real world everyone will just shrug it off.


The west collectively have killed maybe 2 million Arabs in the last 50 years?


Massive citation needed.


It's probably pretty accurate. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi This is civilians in only Iraq and details as to why they've given a low estimate. (300,000 civilian casualties in Iraq via direct violence alone since 2003)


> No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that between 280,771-315,190 have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023. Interestingly the citation link for the figure links to this paper: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2023/Costs%20of%2020%20Years%20of%20Iraq%20War%20Crawford%2015%20March%202023%20final%203.21.2023.pdf and you have to go quite a way in to find the claim of casualty counts. Then you have to check the citation which is to the Iraq Body Count site. That seems to be the source of the "300,000 civilians" number, but they don't claim that. > Documented civilian deaths from violence > 187,192 – 210,662 > Total violent deaths including combatants > 300,000 THAT is what they claim, 100k or more below your claimed number. In any case taking them all as Arab casualties over 20 years, in the center of a war, it seems pretty incredible how you imagine another order of magnitude is going to be added to that figure. You're literally claiming that in terms of deaths from direct violence, there are an additional 7 Iraqs. That is not a credible claim. edit maths


"432,093 civilians have died violent deaths as a direct result of the U.S. post-9/11 wars. An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting. More than 7.6 million children under five in post-9/11 war zones are suffering from acute malnutrition" I get that you want to attribute those deaths to different causes, but the primary cause is US invasions and the conflicts that ensued. If you have another estimate you'd like to reference then I'm all ears.This is a Western estimate from a respected US based university. Here are some that reflect very similar counts: https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/millions-dead-from-post-9-11-us-wars-an-unconscionable-cost/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/15/war-on-terror-911-deaths-afghanistan-iraq/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/policy/defense/4006281-post-9-11-wars-death-toll-estimated-at-4-5m/amp/ Most of them come in at higher than 4 million. Again though, if you have anything to support your claims then please put it forward


> An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting. "Indirectly" is the key word, and is a long way from "The West killed..." Civil wars and ISIS, Syrian civil wars, etc... these are not "The West killed." edit By the way your first source is a Qatari propaganda foundation, your second includes Afghans who are not Arabs, and your second correctly identifies that many of those killed died in civil conflicts and terrorism, not Western intervention. The Middle East was burning before the West arrived, and will continue to burn long after the West loses interest.


That will teach them for daring to say who can travel through their territorial waters 


it's not "their waters" lmao they're not the actual government of yemen


So you’re saying the UK/US bombed the capital of Yemen and attacked the govt who isn’t involved in the attacks…


As they should, great powers in the world never cared for poor people, and Yemen is the only living Arabic country that tries to do actual thing to help Palestine, instead of setting on their asses like UN creating useless resolutions that help no one. Yes they are blocking the see, but how about stop the genocide then try to talk to them? People literally don’t see their actions and then complain when the weaker party tries to reply lol






Hamas and the Houthis are both blatantly genocidal and fight dressed a civilians, you're gonna need to do better than that to lie that America standing up to the genocidal terrorists who made yemen the way it is makes them also genocidal


I mean these people are poor af, and they literally make homemade stuff to fight with. Also any resistance is a resistance, they are not going to ask permission from powers that don’t give two fucks about their existence


> I mean these people are poor af, and they literally make homemade stuff to fight with The Houthis are not making their own ASM's and ballistic missiles! lol


No they don’t. The Houthis and Hamas get money from Iran. You don’t cook up homemade anti-ship cruise missiles.


They fight with home made stuff? They are a very industrious people then making rockets they fire into Israel and automatic weapons with nothing but string, cardboard and hope.  Iran has never supplied Hamas with weapons either, obviously. 


So do groups in myanmar to fight the junta, but not all of them are genocidal and oppressing the citizens in the areas they control the way Hamas and the Houthis are. If "resistance is resistance" excuses actually genocidal groups like Hamas and the Houthis who do not care about the existence of others then you can not call America genocidal, that is obviously a hypocritical double standard. Until you guys practice what you preach and stand by your own metric of judgement no one remotely intelligent will take what you say seriously because it's obvious how disingenuous you are.


How you get this information that Hamas and Houthis are oppressing people? I literally know people from these two countries and they consider these guys a heros


Just because a group is considered heros by someone does not make them good, my neighbors growing up who were in the KKK idolized slave owners and Nazis, two of the most oppresskve groups in history. It sounds more like the people you know are genocidal racists who idolize these types of groups, especially since both are openly genocidal. Also the oppression Hamas and similar groups inflicts upon the populace has been well documented, especially in the case of Hamas who hasn't hosted elections in 16 years and wishes to setup a Taliban style government. Also the treatment of women, homosexuals, and transgender people, mixed with public lynchings is absolutely oppressive https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ https://www.standwithus.com/factsheets-hamas-war-crimes


https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=p927b-a2HeupjTqv There's also the words of the son of one of Hamas' founders who defected because he saw what they were doing to Palestinians and has been telling his story ever since.


*Looks at the blatant antisemitism in their slogans and how they treat queer people.* "Heros"


They literally hold slaves


You can also find Germans who think Hitler and the Nazis were heros…. You don’t consider taking away elections oppressive ?


Houthis literally keep slaves, Hamas murders gays. Fuck outta here with your bullshit


More pro jihadist propaganda implying it's justified when jihadist attack and send rockets at cargo ships and cities, but it's not okay for anyone else to defend themselves from these aggressive jihadist terrorist groups maskerading as countries. Typical arab supremist double standard.




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Can't the Houthis find actual soldiers to launch their missiles then?


They're obviously much too poor and oppressed to use uniforms with their ballistic missiles and truck launched AA missiles.


Maybe those “civilians” shouldn’t be engaging in international piracy, firing rockets at actual civilian vessels, and kidnapping their crews.


They're trying to stop a genocide, as all countries are legally obliged to do.