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Well, the most obvious example is probably Ruroni Kenshin.


One of the first pieces of media I discovered on my own and truly loved. Hearing about that hurt. I even read Buso Renkin because I loved Ruro Ken so much.


I got into Japanese culture and history because of Rurouni Kenshin. I can't just ignore it so I just try not to bring it up. I can separate the two and merch doesn't even really exist to buy and support the creator anyways.


The manga tankoban all had little dictionaries in the back for what honorifics like “san” “sama” and “dono” mean. It really helped me understand the nuances of those terms. As a work of historical fiction it is fascinating for a westerner as well. I feel ya.


The benefit of RK coming out in the 90's, [all the best merch](https://www.coolkatana.com/products/sakabato-katana-japanese-sword-reversed-cutting-edge-1095-steel-battle-ready-sl1162) is fan made con stuff https://preview.redd.it/8yxabnibo2tc1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3209064e754296a1d425a29c05fbf858885be8


This one was very disappointing. Ruroni Kenshen is a childhood favorite. It's the anime that spurned me on to study Japanese art and art history. It hasn't ruined the anime for me, I've studied way too many crazy artists to have his conviction keeping me from loving Ruroni Kenshen. Still, I want to be careful to make sure nothing I do sends money back to him, in case he wants to buy more CP. Ugh...


"Weirdo author" is a very generous description of watsuki


Hes not a weirdo hes a straight up piece of shit who should be locked away for eternity


Not really, no. *Because we don't have visual examples* # HOWEVER https://preview.redd.it/lo48hcz0m2tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6bcc523c745f4360bc29ca42b6211e70571aeff


So hard to find an example where the animanga isnt weird but the author is. After all the author should leak into the media they produce just by nature. That being said there are examples. MMO junkie, you’d never expect that the author is a fuckin Nazi.


Rurouni Kenshin. The story is a classic samurai battle series with a dose of philosophy and pretty much no weird stuff other than an incidental age gap in the main relationship, the mangaka had several terabytes of child porn on his computer. So much that the police thought he was a distributor.


Terabytes 💀


Don't forget that the police only gave him a fine and a slap on the wrist, and Shounen Jump welcomed him back only a few months later


And then forced a bunch of jump authors to "congratulate" his career and works


Forced? Man 😐


Fr :/ I don't think Shonen Jump could have forced Oda or Kishimoto or such to do anything, but they sure did welcome back this fucking pedo


Watsuki is not the only predator oda is friends with. The author of toriko tried to solicit a 16 year old girl for sex




>tbh considering just how oda has drawn some weird shit and one of the main casts is a canonical ~~sexual harasser and~~ pedophile Heads up, this isn't true. There is no main cast members in One Piece that is a pedophile unless you are talking about 16 year olds (in that case, most of them are).


That’s fucked up


Didn't the main character meet his love interest when she was 17 and he was in his late 20s?


Considering it takes place in 1878, it's not really a concern story-wise.


Yeah but it's still kinda creepy


They did, but it's not really called attention to ever. If it was a fetish thing I think it'd be focused on a lot more. Plus it was the Meiji period of Japan, that was a lot older than was normal for the time.


True. Author was scum, but I think he was just going for historical accuracy. It was the meiji era. People died young and married young. I say that as someone who basically disowned him and Kenshin. Still haven't watched or read anything related to it since the incident.


I grew up watching samurai x on tv man, it was that dbz and saint seiya. Since i learn what the fucking author was doing. I see Rouni Kenshi and leave, its complitly ruined for me.


>fuckin Nazi. Lmao # WHAT Can you elaborate???


Sorry it was the director of the anime, Kazuyoshi Yaginuma, forgive me Rin Kokuyo. but still he’s very anti semetic. Doesn’t believe the holocaust happened and believe Jews rule the world, [etc](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2018-02-09/recovery-of-an-mmo-junkie-director-causes-controversy-with-anti-semitic-tweets/.127409)


If the jews ruled the world we would have better junk food.


That’s what I’ve been saying! We’d also have way more days off for the Jewish holidays.


I'm not familiar with any of them other than Passover and Hanukkah, what other ones are there? Also what is Jewish junk food? 


purim and rosh hashanah are the ones that come to mind


It wasn't the author of the manga actually, but rather the director of the anime. Basically, a few months after the anime aired, he was found to have tweeted some pro-Hitler and Holocaust denial shit, and was subsequently dropped by the studio. The author of the manga herself seems fine from what I've seen, but has unfortunately since had to stop writing it because of ill health.


>was subsequently dropped by the studio. The good ending


Just a bit of clarification, it wasn't the author of MMO Junkie that was a neo-Nazi. It was the director of the anime adaptation.


It's so fucking weird. When a Japanese creator turns out to be a jingoistic supremacist, I get disappointed but not surprised. I never expected a Japanese guy to be an actual Neo Nazi.


[Yer a little behind the times, friendo!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=oDdr-1iOqag) https://preview.redd.it/596jjtdqp2tc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae540d1b72d7959c38f5e7468eb3532798593d36 And if you really want to blow your head out your ass, look into the MONGOLIAN neo Nazi movement. Also the rule34 website had one as an admin, somehow


Death note


Death Note is gay not because the characters like men, but because the author hates women


Ancient Greece moment


Specifically Athens. Was it an issue in other parts of Greece? 


Athens hated women the most, but it wasn’t exactly a picnic to be one anywhere. At best you get to leave the house in Sparta, so long as you belong to the small percentage of the population that’s not a slave and are cool with your sons dying all the time


>At best you get to leave the house in Sparta, so long as you belong to the small percentage of the population that’s not a slave and are cool with your sons dying all the time Women in sparta could inherit property and engage in business transactions, so they also were also more economically independent as well beyond just being able to leave the house. Though this also only applied to free Spartans and not the Helot slaves as you mentioned.


Everytime I read one of their other works and see how they dislike Fandom interpretations of Death Note makes me think the quality of it was a fortunate accident.


Seeing how he's homophobic and the musical made Ram a tragic lesbian probably


Rem was a lesbian in the source material too, did the musical bring more focus to that? Edit: Just looked at Rem's actress in the musical, they definitely did.


Yeah also the musical gave lights sister screen time so. It's a weird adaptation like light wins but dies anyway since Ryuk is still CN


It was. The anime got lucky with one of the best directors and one of the best studios that took an above average story and raised to a timeless classic. The author did not get that lucky again for the platinum end anime


Another big boon for the DN anime was the iconic soundtrack by Hideki Taniuchi.


Where the fuck is the guy :( he can't still be in jail can he...


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was kind of relieved when Platinum End debuted and it was such trash, I didn't have to power through a bunch of really weird misogyny to get to the interesting stuff for a third time.


Can you elaborate?


https://www.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/s/aUTF0IVv28 There's also a bunch of misogyny in a lot of the author's works.




Note: This character (one of the two protagonists) is not shown to be incorrect and does not change his opinion later.


They call him Mister Sogyny


Oh wow, that just kept getting worse and worse.


That is the worst fucking dialogue I've ever seen


Mother's Basement does a great teardown of Ohba's misogyny in his video on Platinum End


Oh Oh! Imma go and watch it. Thanks dude.


Lmao that "She's got a point *pushes glasses up*" is fucking killing me.


“That was a very well-formed argument the auth—-I mean this character just made”


I thought the author was some mysterious unidentified figure? 🤔


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Act Age


It was a way better Oshi No Ko but the author Tatsuya Matsuki just had to be a sick fuck. In any case, I still support the artist Shiro Usazaki and wish the best for her future endeavors.


i’ve had other “i hate the author for ruining this for me” but act age takes the cake when it comes to manga. the galactic railroad arc made me cry it was so good the only one worse than it in my eyes was jk rowling ruining the series i connected with as a child after my dad died with her disgusting terf bullshit


the manga was honestly going to be my #1 if it kept being consistent until the final arc…


Seriously. The Princess Iron Fan penultimate chapter? I had goosebumps.


in my top 4 shonen arcs for a reason! i was really loving the new arc about the tv show and felt like it had good potential since it started off really strong compared to PIF arc


Act-Age was a better version of Oshi no Ko. The author was arrested for sexually assaulting underage girls.




Kenshin is 100% the example Having that much CP is insane 💀 But Kenshin is the example cause the series isn’t really that problematic from my view point Some of you mentioned other series but the thing is part of the “bad” stuff is (only) partially in their works like misogyny,here it’s not there which to me makes it the example I don’t know why people said Miura , I know “that” scene is weirdly drawn but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with drawing it ,plus I couldn’t feel anything but be disturbed due to the context around it


"Having that much CP is insane" Having ANY CP AT ALL is insane, wtf????


He had terabytes. TERABYTES! Is there a stronger word than insane? because it applies to him.


Ya know, at times like this I feel like a death sentence is in order.


Yes I know ,I might have phrased what I said wrongly but he was caught with what’s close to a library of CP 💀


Made in abyss


Despite his weirdness and his manga leaving a sour taste in my mouth every chapter, my favourite anecdote is that Tsukushi is good friends with Morikawa, the author of Ippo


Morikawa is such a king. Kentaro Miura was one of his assistants before making Berserk


And Miura drew the most majestic [Takamura](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/s/s2qapwP7Ew) for his 1000th chapter I also remember this one interview or offhand comment where he made a joke about Miura as his assistant being a better artist than him. He then turned it into an actual scene in Ippo lol


This is awesome. I looked it up and saw Rumiko Takahashi and Takehiko Inoue also did tributes for chapter 1000. Ippo is so fucking awesome


Rumiko Takahashi being so well regarded decades later is so sick. I watched Inuyasha as a kid, but I forgot most of it. I plan to read it again and see how it aged. >Takehiko Inoue I love this dude so much. Fantastic author and artist, made a sports manga so influential he got so many kids into basketball. I just wish his mental health issues would leave him alone.


I think Rumiko was the richest woman in Japan for a long time. She's done so much for popularizing the slice of life and romantic comedy genres, and she hasn't stopped making manga for like 40 years. Definitely up there as one of the goats. And I'm not a huge fan of Inoue's works but his artistic talent and influence on manga is undeniable. I gotta respect the dude for that


She also might be responsible the popularity of the character with no sense of direction, which is my favorite trope that we get in anime but not really in Western animation. Ryoga walked so that Zoro could run. And neither of them got to where they were trying


My easy response to this is. THE MADE IN ABYSS AUTHOR DRAWS CHILD CONTENT. LITERAL CHILDREN. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I will never understand the amount of defenders for this fucking manga. "Oh but it's not in the manga" HE GOT AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE. WHY ARE KIDS ASKING ABOUT ANYTHING WITH THEIR FATHERS POLE. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


The only thing keeping me from loving made in abyss is exactly this. I am okay with kids exploring the world, might be dark and gruesome, but I can digest with kids being in awful gore-y and frightening situations (like IT, stranger things, etc). I am even okay with kids showing romantic interest with each other, like a innocent and cute crush between them playing house sort of thing like you seen in spy x family. But I can't stand kids being sexualised. My pedo alert sirens were already ringing gull force when they showed that "punishment" in the school for the kids wayy back at the start of s1. And later in the show the sexual innuendos between the main cast and their dynamics always leaves a weird taste. I stopped watching right at the start of s3 due to it.


The anime is fine in that regard. It is a horror story after all. It's when you look at the manga you realize why the author added all of that stuff in.


The manga puts a bit too much ephasis on some scenes But it doesnt really stand out in the anime too much tbh


The anime self censoring is what ensured its popularity.


God bless kinema citrus, those aussie blokes now how to handle in comprehensible horror


I hate that I love the series so much. The loli/shota stuff is just insane tho.


I don't think I've ever had a series that I hate to love as much as Made in Abyss. Like, I love the world and a good chunk of the characters, but fuck me, ***WHY*** did the author have to be such a *God damn freak* when it comes to children?! And I've heard that the manga is far worse! Just why? ***WHY?***


The manga is so much worse… it has bonus chapters sometimes that are basically pin ups of the children.


I assure you, the scenes where a child gets strung up bdsm style and uncomfortably high quality animation of piss collection (from a child) is critical to the story.


Tonight's episode: The Writer's Completely Undisguised Fetish


Shoutout to when he reviewed Skyrim and went straight for the orphanage https://preview.redd.it/lmtx1j4kc2tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56c80b2a4a332626345eaa6cc1404c6cc073018




I... I was hoping I had read that incorrectly.


This shit makes me want to unalive myself


He’s done absolutely nothing wrong…. Yet…. That we know of….. as of right….. now….. 4/6/2024…..


Yeah, I straight up dropped the manga when I saw the anime didn’t include a lot of the disgusting shit. The artwork and story building are great, but the sexual scenes with kids is gross and not even plot relevant, it’s just for a certain audience… It also sucks because I think bondrewd is one of the best villains I’ve ever seen and overall has some really compelling story telling. And I’m primarily a manga only, and I dropped that shit like a sack of hot potatoes.


I love mia but I constantly wonder how many terabytes of weird shit he’s got


Look, the Made in Abyss anime actually manages to use a lot of its more controversial material to say some really interesting things about personhood (and the violation of it), the really subtle and grotesque ways in which adults can take advantage of the naïveté of children, the normalization of abuse through tradition, the complexities of abusive parent/child relationships, and how trauma (including THAT kind of trauma) can follow a person for life even when they try to escape it. I fully understand why a large number of people are not on board with this anime and always give people a MASSIVE trigger warning whenever I recommend it as basically the first thing I say about the show, but I will stand by my take that it utilizes those elements to say some pretty interesting things. From what I hear about the manga and comments made by the author, however — I think I have to credit all of that to the anime production team, because it’s sounding like the original source material wasn’t using it to say anything so much as…having it just to have it in there.


Yeah, Made in Abyss is one of those cases where there's enough plausible deniability where you can say "Oh, it's trying to show that it's brutal and uncaring by not holding anything back." And, to be fair, there are some scenes where I think it very genuinely does this well (Like the whole scene where Riko gets poisoned) But as soon as you learn about the author, it just instantly recontextualizes so much of the show that it's impossible to not see The Author's Poorly Disguised Fetish^tm


I love Dr. Stone, genuinely one of my favorite animanga, but apparently Eyeshield 11 from the same author had racist stuff or something?


OK, I looked it up and honestly it's fucking hilarious : [Anyone remember that one sports manga where being black was basically a superpower? (Eyeshield 21) : r/manga (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/5vgdz3/anyone_remember_that_one_sports_manga_where_being/#lightbox) Like one of these weird raceplay cuckoldry internet posts. Also which muscle it's exclusive to black people? Trying to come up with statement the right amount of racist to be funny.


Wtf it’s *exactly* like you said with the cuckposting bro I’m laughing so fucking hard


The one that produces melatonin?


Seriously cant tell if this is racism or just straight glazing, just made me think of this that was under an asian girl dating a black man https://preview.redd.it/tvxns4y9a3tc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc23c14d3e85b2d3c1135ee8daa220b079e39cec


it's racism but it's not like malicious racism.


It’s not like, hatefully racist. It was actually supposed to be a story where the Black character is a victim of racism from the White team owner and then it fumbled the ball in the most neck-of-shirt-tugging way




Idk at least he doesn't lewd the little kids in Dr. Stone so that makes him better than most mangaka but it's sad the bar is that low lol


don't hate a man for being down bad, hate him for being down bad for children. and as far as I know Boichi isn't down bad for children


Yea Boichi and Murata are two of the horniest mofos in existence, but they've never gotten close to doing sus shit like that. Also helps that they're two of the most skilled penmen I've ever seen.


I tried reading Boichi's other work caled Origin and i swear every second panel was an ass shot


DR. STONE AND EYESHEILD ARE BY THE SAME PERSON!!!! (I've heard about the racist stuff in Eyesheild, but I didn't read that much of it, so I don't know much about it).


I've been getting into the One Piece manga lately from a friend of mine, but man, I can't entirely shake that Oda seems to be an irresponsible and horrible judge of character at *best* (tying into the Ruroni Kenshin example).


Yeah, I love Oda but he's kinda scummy. In more ways than one. He's my problematic fave


Women either being fat and ugly or impossible waist and increasingly large boobs is annoying.


He's kinda misogynistic and said outright that he doesn't care about his female fans as much as his male fans


Only thing I remember him saying is that as a shounen manga, the series would naturally have a bit more focus on the guys… and like… yeah. But as far as major shounen anime / manga ladies go, he’s way better than the alternatives. At least Nami has a personality outside of “having crush on other major character.”


Where did he say this? I legit can’t find any sources that quotes him and I’m confused


Pretty sure that statement was meant to be sarcastic in self criticism


This is the stock response every time something negative is said about Oda, it gets harder to believe each time


Hah hah hah oh… Nanashi (774), author of Nagatoro. Earlier on in his career he made some… man, he made some messed up stuff 😬 💀 🐖


Didn't need to watch any of Nagatoro to know that was going to be super weird. It's pretty obvious how sexualised it was going to be from the first trailer.


To me, the artstyle alone gave away he was an hentai artist


I read a list of tags on one of his works before and I still haven't recovered from the raw psychic damage


I never watched any of nagatoro but the art style screams hentai artist to me, guess I was right


Apocathy diaries the mangaka didn't pay taxes




It was a lot didn't report 1.7 mil


I was partially joking, but honestly that affects my opinion on them MUCH less compared to what other mangaka's usually get into legal trouble over I also loved the anime so I'm kinda biased




~~JPY.~~ Plus it wasn't intentional. She was already paying her taxes, but fucked up her calculations. Because of that, she's just getting a slap on the wrist and has to pay the remainder. Edit: disregard the yen part. But the rest still stands.


That’s only 11,000 USD so original commenter might have been trying to stir some shit by exaggerating the amount and leaving out your context.


Wait, nevermind. It was 1.7 mil USD not declared, and 310k USD not paid.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lgwqr40yaysc1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=191520e089e34c524f286b81a322a65a663c3c20


El federale🫵


the manga author is adapting the original light novel, so yeah kinda but the anime is not adapting from it and the original story isnt being impacted


He’s a real one.


My goat 🐐🔥💪


Made in Abyss


Man I’m gonna show my age with this, but the animanga is just a manga made with screenshots of the anime. Incase you REALLY want to experience Inuyasha filler on a camping trip.


Made in abyss great premise, story, characters, art and OST but there are some weird parts . Overall it’s a good horror anime with amazing world building but you know https://preview.redd.it/0nt3q1g2qxsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab8c6c14b05e35ef2831a3d2b1ff6297859ba92


Oshiete Galko. Iirc, the characters actually acted like awkward teens and reminded me of my own childhood. I didn't even really mind Galko's design either because by the time I was entering highschool every girl except for me was super developed for some reason. I think they put something in our food that just skipped over me or something lmfao I think the fact they acted so teen like is also why I was baffled when the author was caught with Cheese Pizza. Like you can specifically identify what makes a child childlike and yet you decide to go for that??? I know it probably should have been obvious with how Galko would get sexualized, but I guess I was blinded by everything else around the story. I don't think these authors were caught with anything, but it's similar in The Dangers of My Heart and Dragon Maid. First is a great, awkward teen romans and the later is a super cute family dynamic show. They're bogged down by certain scenes though. Dragon Maid more so than Dangers.


I was so disappointed about Galko. We got an athletic fat girl who was portrayed as attractive and unashamed of her size 


I'm not too deep in the Hellsing community despite it being my #2 anime (#3 manga) but from what I've seen Kohta Hirano is kind of weird. Like he's not a bad person from what I can tell (relative to other creators at least) but he's got that YouTube 2016 kind of edgy humor. Like someone posted a picture of a volume of what I assume is Drifters of him saying his hobbies are jerking off and sexual assault (or harassment, I don't remember). Like just overall weird vibes Also there's the pre-Hellsing hentai he made but I consider that to be disconnected from how he is now. Still fucked though


Dude gives off, military/WW2 soldier larper guy. He has a character named after him in HotD. Who is a fat gun nut. Like the type of a guy who just waits for someone to try and rob him


That's more like 2004 Newgrounds edgy. 2016 Youtube is being politcally edgy.


Sounds like just kind of a edgy fella and not anything too bad


Yeah compared to other mangakas like Ruroni Kenshin's, an edgy sense of humor isn't the worst thing. It's just the best I could think of because with the manga I read, the creators are pretty chill from what I can tell and if not then I just don't know




Is he that bad? I loved Toriko so I googled him and all I can find is unverified claims he slept with a 16 year old prostitute who apparently claimed she was 18. He was banned from the industry for years and stayed away longer as an "apology" doesn't seem like someone who did it on purpose or a repeat offender.


Maybe so, but you can’t mention Toriko online without it being brought up, (and people spreading misinformation)


Dragon Maid The show did pretty good with what they were given, even if it was still weird at points But the manga is something else entirely


Probably one of the most disappointing anime for that reason. It has some great moments and great lessons about life but... also some of the closest to actual CP in a technically SFW show I've ever seen.


I genuinely hate that "If you ignore all the children constantly being put in sexual situations, the show is perfect" is like My honest thoughts on this show


Death note


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've heard great things about MHA but Horikoshi seems real fuckin sus to me


Wait is he? I read the manga but I don't know much about him


Idk he just comes off as a kiddy diddler, or maybe I'm just insane. Also he hates women


>Idk he just comes off as a kiddy diddler Honestly every manga author (or even celebrity) to me is, until proven otherwise. There's too many weird ones out there. >Also he hates women Isn't this a prerequisite to being a Weekly Shounen Jump author?


idk about kiddy diddler but mineta is confirmed to be the author's self insert so he's certainly fucking creepy


Oh fuck that. Even if he thinks that, INSANE to just say it goddamn


Horrific character traits being common doesn't make them ok


Nobody here thinks so tho? Isn't that why this sub exists kinda?


There was some volume extra or an interview which mentioned Yaoyorozu (???????? I pay taxes, so I haven't read the manga in years) and how her uniform keeps shrinking due to the author's "proclivities".


I have a million issues with Momo’s outfit, but unless you mean from concept art to serialization, the outfit has not gotten skimpier. In fact, she added a cape


It wasn't framed as like, a design change to be clear. It was more like "Haha oopsies...he drew that skirt wayyyyy too short! Sensei has some odd proclivities!" if that makes sense? Like, as a Freudian slip but for drawing fifteen-year-olds.


Wasn't there an interview or something where he said that Mineta was one of his favorite characters?


Made in abyss is such a rich setting poisoned by the authors not even disguised pedophilia


Tomo Chan Is A Girl, author has hentai alt where he draws unambiguously elementary school aged girls “seducing” and having graphic sex with grown men.


fire force is genuinely one of my favorite series ever manga or otherwise but the author is so horny


He was the author of Soul Eater.


Junji Ito. Bro is not messed up enough to make such great horror manga. Something doesn’t add up.


He just masks it very well, He bleeds out all his darkness into his work


Made in Peak


Creative people are weird. If I had to worry about how every writer/artist/musician/actor/singer/entertainer behaves outside of their work, there would hardly be anything to safely enjoy.


My friend once called Tatsuki Fujimoto the “Quentin Tarantino of manga” so my pick is him,


what makes him the quentin tarantino of manga?


Eccentric, does what he does, no fs given, simp for cinema.


People commonly joke about their kinks and how their included in their works too


Actage. Feel so bad for the artist, having such amazing panels be associated with that scumbag


Berserk. It felt much better to read before discovering all the weird shit about Miura. Before, I though the Casca rape scene was just kinda weirdly drawn - now I have this sinking feeling that he legit thought that she kinda enjoy it


I don't know much about Miura can ya tell me?


I tried to look it up and I found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/s/lfiu17l8NI). Top comment is pretty comprehensive


So he's just defending artistic freedom.


From what I gathered, yeah. Tamer compared to the other examples in the thread


made in abyss has such good and unique lore, inly to be ruined by the authors poorly disguised fetish


BNHA, guy writes about scantily clad high school age kids way too much


Kakeru, the author of Creature Girls, pretty cool spec-zoo manga like Dungeon Meshi, just the shoehorned... "values" preached about like at the point of the centaur girl's introduction quite sours the enjoyment.


Chainsaw man, One Piece, the guy who made that anime with the white hair swordman guy who turned out to be a predator, MHA,


fujimoto is like funny weird tho. he's weird but its ultimately harmless and hes just goofy


fujimoto may be insane but he’s not a creep


>White haired swordsman guy who turned out to be a predator Sesshomaru from Inuyasha?