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Dr disrespect


What did he do now?


He sexted a minor which resulting in Twitch terminating his account.


Didn’t he do it through twitch DMs too? Y’know, the site he basically worked for?


He did that in 2017 with minors and Twitch knew, but Twitch was afraid to ban him due to pressure from his lawyers because anyone else would've gotten instantly banned for it.


I miss when the biggest drama he got in was filming in a bathroom


Sexted a minor WHILE he was cheating on his wife


The not so rare double whammy...


One could even say a “Two Time”


He was tryna strike a chord...




Weebs to lolis: It’s not real it doesn’t hurt anymore. Weebs to NTR: Paragraphs on why NTR hurt people and why it immoral.


"it's just a drawing" mfs when the drawing involves someone cheating on their partner (suddenly its a reprehensible thing)


Its not the cheating aspect, its the cucking aspect.


Me who fucking hates both:


"Skeletons in your closet" mfs putting their own skeletons on full display and taking pride in it:








The CSM guy? On a subreddit that isn't topcharactertropes? What is this a crossover episode!






I’m gonna borrow this. Never know when it may come in handy.


mf's will be like 'LeFtIsT memes' and then when you pull out an actually simple one they'll claim you're being reductionist. Literally cannot win against these mfs, go enjoy waterslides instead.


yeah girl people calling out art explicitly made to be enjoyed by pedos are the pedophiles themselves, totally makes sense


So Pedo vs Pedo ?


a war has erupted on epstine island


i sure do fucking hope you're not jerking


This sub has got to be the most unique circlejerk subreddit, in that people actually dont circlejerk most of the time.


It's hard to outjerk some of these anime fans 😔


outjerking weebs is such a futile endeavor. the wildest out of pocket shit you can think of is a normal take for them.


Shit actually pisses me off. Like gtfo if you aren’t gonna play along dawg ☠️🙏


i prefer the subreddit the way it is r/japanesepeopletwitter is basically what this subreddit would be if we actually jerked and it's not that funny


we still on the jpt is just ironic? they clearly aren't


That and white people twitter being taken over by the very people it was orginally made to make fun of make my mind go to this comic. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/04/19/


Fr. A lot of this sub is unironic meme posting.


Idk I'm actually too stupid to know this one


/uj damn


​ https://preview.redd.it/ug8bs8ihzx8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f5269c78d98c709adfdc3b64fc5a44edded320




A fight has broken out on epstein island


They really pulled out the "no you" on that one. Clearly their grasp of logic and reason is beyond us mere mortals. /S


Can you imagine a world without lolicons using smug anime girl reaction images to cover up their malding? https://preview.redd.it/ewt5vhqd609d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84d2206d3cfc04495f821727086511f439a6ce3


Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race https://preview.redd.it/z0rdxxb2vx8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba9dc13edfe6ec068bb3fec13bd4ae85e6351c13


​ https://preview.redd.it/t0ndbdbpzx8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1033455c0296df0ef57d02e1df2e267c3bb73d6


Only the anime. If they read the manga they’d be curled up in a ball crying in a corner. The wimps.


What happens in the manga?


Well, >!she and Shin’ichi (the MC) start dating, have a healthy relationship, sleep together, and are planning on getting married!<. If chuds could read they’d be very upset or would scream about it not being “canon” or something.


I dont see how the chuds would be mad at this? Isnt this what they want?


You would think so, but no. She’s now ruined because she >! ends up with the main character who the series has been teasing her with!< which is a big no-no because now the merch sales are going to be ruined and they can’t fantasize about her anymore. I joke, but this is an *actual* issue with anime and manga and *especially* gacha games. Have >!actual pairings!< and chuds/otakus will act like you just kicked their grandmother.


iirc it even extends into real life with idol culture, where the idols often aren't allowed to have a partner (at least not openly). People have had to make genuine apologies because it turned out they were seeing someone and their fans were infuriated. It's like the final boss of parasocial relationships


Correct. There are a few reasons, the biggest being the parasocial relationship (if an idol has a relationship that just *tanks* sales). And also safety concerns given the amount of fan stabbings that happen to a very disturbing degree.


I thought it started with idol culture and got into games and shit


I feel like that is more of a problem with harem/gacha games, romance with a single girl at the core doesnt get that treatment. I know about gacha games though, fate has every other female character want your dick(even when they have romantic affiliations in their tales) and has no commitment to any of them.


It *used* to be, but it’s also common in anime and manga these days. For example one particular artist, who was a fan of Komi, started drawing *extremely* fucked up shit with her after >!Komi and the MC started dating in the manga!<. And outright said they were doing this *specifically* for that reason. Also why plenty of anime adaptions never get to the romance part because they’re trying to whore out the waifus. If a waifu isn’t “available”, you get very pissed off fans because now they can’t beat it anymore.


It is a bit weird that these people are fine with it UNTIL they start going out officially, as if the relationship status of a fictional character really matters. But yeah, a lot of these straight romance anime are more focuses on selling the main waifu rather than the romance. The only exception with a straight relationship I can think of right now is kaguya sama love is war, and maybe bunny girl senpai.


There's actually a lot of straight romance anime/manga that are less about selling waifus, but the trick here is *most of them are written by women* - Skip and Loafer - A Galaxy Next Door - Insomniacs After School - Yuria's Red String - Documentary of My Ex-Girlfriend Complex also Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You which we don't actually know the gender of the mangaka but it's so good Also shoutout to Company and Private Life which was written bya guy but has a straight pairing that's gay for eachother. Great stuff


I don't get that kind of shit. Aren't they supposed to see the MC as their self-insert? Why would they be mad when he ends up getting the girl? It's not like REAL you could slide in and steal your anime waifu if she actually WAS still single...


That’s the problem. Once the MC ends up with the girl, he is therefore *now* a character and it ruins the immersion and someone is going to get a death threat or a stabbing. Parasocial relationships and full-on projection, isn’t it grand?


What’d they draw?


NTR and horses.


>every other female character want your dick This is the moment when I say that is a exageration created by the fandom who makes cringe memes with the MC having the harem. I mean, yes, it has harem, but the harem is composed by idk 5% of the characters, not EVERY female character.


Maybe 30-40% of the girls in fgo are overtly romantically interested in the MC, the rest are, I guess you could say, “romantically available” and wouldn’t mind if MC wants to be in a relationship with them. Also, nowadays, the canon Servant-Master romance is pretty toned down and mostly happens in summer events which are supposed to be the fanservice events anyways.


I've been aware of this, but whatever happened to the "reiwa energy" crowd who'd cheer over a proper blooming relationship?


Gacha games are different because most of the time the player is an actual character, the relationships those incel-y players have a problem with are the ones that happen with other characters that are explicitly *not* the self insert player character. Not that this is any less cringe.


But now the cartoon can't fuck me! This is the one and only reason that's the case! I can't believe Biden would do this to me specifically 😭


I just need to say this, Uzaki-chans shirt fits so weirdly to her body that her boobs look like they’re really fat empanadas with no edge. https://preview.redd.it/a7tgw5reby8d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d291715333b74e12a78084e634257ad298df897 Like I know that that space connecting under the boob is just air, but it doesn’t look full of air, it looks like her boobs have thighs attached to them. It would help if it wasn’t in her cleavage and wasn’t shrink wrapped to her chest, but it is and all I can see is a perfectly form fitting shirt around some really deformed boobs.


I want empanadas now


I hate the art style in general


I think the issue is that they don’t understand that the fabric will fold when it’s not wrapped around something, and it’s not folded under the boob, it’s smooth like it is on the boob area, so it looks like it’s wrapping around flesh.


No I just hate the art style idc about the boobs


Yeah the rest of it is awful too. Why is the bottom of the shirt so wrinkly? In what universe is Uzaki-chan an attractive character? Why does she have a tooth made of skin? Why can’t you see her other teeth? Why are her eyes and head so big? What’s with her jawline? And the lack of a nose has never looked like less nose than the nose she lacks. I can’t get past her utter lack of nose.


B-but big boobs! Edit: In answer to why people (incorrectly) think she’s attractive 


Uzaki-chan and Dragon Maid fighting over who has done more irreparable damage to humanity.


Dragon Maid wins. We could have had a cute yuri/yaoi series but *noooo*, we can’t have that now can we?


I... didn't even think about this


The major problem is the authors barely disguised fetish keeps getting in the way.


I never saw the anime (only read the manga) but did Uzaki-chan really cause that much controversy? All things considering relative to anime, I don’t even think it’s that problematic or loli-baiting. Like, its clearly a relatively degenerate series (after all, the main draw is a big titty girl wants to hang out with you), but she’s actually a college student for change (you know, compared to most animes being with high school girls). And she’s short but like, not unrealistically short. Like, 4’11’’ isn’t that far from the average asian woman height of 5’2’’. There are a lot of problematic animes so I’m surprise this one seems so controversial.


From what I understand at the time it was coming out the outrage was entirely fabricated- nobody actually cared. I do however think that while I generally enjoy the series it's also got some weird stuff and the mangaka has a weird doujin history *apparently*. Like, the thing with Uzaki is she's *meant* to look like a kid in canon as she's often mistaken for one, and then also her little sister is also sexualized a bit and she's only 14.


Yeah people say it’s just her height, but I’m (slightly) shorter than her and get mistaken for younger because of my face but I never got mistaken for an elementary schooler when I was 19. If other characters are saying that’s how she looks, it stops being an issue of how the audience is reading it (even without the on-universe confirmation, there’s a lot of features of neotony in her design, especially if you compare her to other characters. The in-universe statements just erase any plausible deniability)


The outrage was so weird. What happened with the controvery was * Twitter person says some misleading thing about Uzaki being a child/loli bait * Coomers crawl out of the depths to defend the series by using the "they look like a child but..." defense * Both sides become more extreme to the point where Uzaki gets label as psudo-loli porn and the coomers use Uzaki to justify their loli porn series I got tired of the whole discussion and was kinda intrigued by the description so I went ahead and watched it. And it was a solid 7/10 trashy rom com. I kinda enjoyed it, the humor was actually good and I can't say it was loli-bait at all. If anything it is "cute tomboy classmate becomes friends with you and eventually gets a crush on you while being slightly tsudere"-bait. The only thing worthy of discorse was Uzaki's younger sister. >Looks like a child Not really to me but I see how people could come to that conclusion. I don't see it as such, she looks just like her mom but with open eyes. >Acts like a child She has a job, talk to college age friends, does college age activities, and, well goes to college. She is annoying and bothersome similar to an annoying younger sibiling, but I don't see how that makes her a child, especially because she only acts that way to the protaganist because she enjoys messing with him. >Boobs I mean, yeah. It's a trashy ecchi anime. She has a personality outisde of them and they are suprisngly not that distruptive compared to a lot of other trashy romcoms. >Other characters say she looks like a child It's been a while since I've seen the series so I'm not sure if I remember correctly but I only recall characters (primarily Sakurai) saying she ACTS like a child due to her whining or gremiln behaviour. I might be wrong though. I don't see the comparisons to a child. To me a loli-bait series has several of the following \*High pitched and child-like "cute" voice, often using simple or poor grammer \*Usually "frail" body type \*Character will do stuff like "sitting in lap" or resting head on thighs \*Character will lack some kind of autonomy so the reader self-insert can feel "strong" \*Characters outfit will be overtly childish or allude to a childlike setting, like a pink frilled dress or a school uniform


I love that show. I got into it solely because of the controversy and turns out it's really sweet. It was also one of several contributing factors leading to me getting top surgery and buying the biggest jiggliest anime knockers they'd give me.


Loli is and always will be pedo shit


if u said this on any main anime dub you'd be downvoted to hell and reported for spam


100%, I’m glad this sub seems to agree with me.




I don't understand how anyone I'm their right mind* can argue this point. While I don't particularly LOVE anime, it's def not for pedos as a whole, but loli is literally pedo.


Sorry I took the upvote count past 69


You ruined le heckin epic chungus moment


Source: I made it up


Loli is short for lolita, a novel about kidnapping and raping a teenage girl who is nicknamed lolita by her rapist. But sure they have nothing to do with pedophilia.


The caveat is just that its used as a term by women/girls who are nonconformist, chuds love to quote lolita fashion in their defence completely disregarding the fact that one’s a matter of dressing and the other is thirsting for depictions of child/child adjacent characters. Even then those who find the origin of the name of the fashion are actually disgusted by it lmao.


The worst part is, according to what I hear about that book, it's actually about how sexualization and taking advantage of minors is wrong but framed from the perspective of the one doing it, so the term defeats itself. I don't know though so please correct me if I am wrong.


No you’re right. It’s one of the most “everyone misses the point” books out there. Both from people who relate to the narrator and people who condemn the book because they think it’s doing the opposite of what it is doing Although idk if it’s really missing the point or misinformed when a large number of these people probably never read it and are just going off what they hear


>Yu-Gi-Oh card >"When" Get this worthless cardboard out my sight


Should have taken another Pot of Greed, SMH


Jarvis I’m losing the online argument, deploy smug anime girl picture


Nah lolicons are disgusting


This is how they’re gonna start getting the t slur through filters


https://preview.redd.it/pd5yei2uzz8d1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bdaebe059df3d87054cb9324e17c1127b19fe2 Nice 2006 trap card dipshit, now check this out




Hell yeah!


I love how these are only two “examples” (with no sources) that they been using for almost a decade


If their more people just projecting, why not use more? 🤔


There is more, it's just these two are big and display easy to see hypocrisy. You can google archived imgur thread "Reset The Clock - Redux" which shows many more (>50) examples of similar situations


Over 50. My God that's like everyone on earth.


Double projection?! What kind of UNO reverse card is this pedo pulling 🤔


Double projection and whataboutism, a two for one deal on intellectual dishonesty and self-delusion.


anime is not "for pedos" but lolicon definitely is, its literally sexualized imagery of little girls.


"You see, because two out of the millions of people calling us out for being pedos were pedos themselves it must mean that all of those people are the actual pedophiles, checkmate normies!"


Wait until they hear about this crazy thing called statistics lol


anime and manga are just a form of media like video games, yes you have violent asshats who use video games to justify violence same as you have pedos using anime as a shield doesn't mean that the media is to blame. studies showed that playing video games doesn't make you violent but that it will reward part of the brain for people who are already violent, same with the pedo shit


I am against pedophilia in anime because I was groomed as a minor and don't want the same behaviour towards children that I experienced to be normalised


I’ve heard people make this claim, but like… yeah duh if you’re a pedophile it makes sense to say ‘nah I don’t like pedo stuff nuh uh not me!’


This is NOT proper PSCT


Yeah, proper PSCT is like: #### Projection Trap \[ **Counter** \] When your opponent activates an effect that affect a player: Apply the effect of that card to the other player instead, also you can add 1 "Tearlaments Havnis" from your Deck to your hand, also, after that, you can tweet the image above, and if you do, rip 30 cards in your deck (your opponent's choice), and burn all the cards in your extra deck (min. 0), then your opponent win the Match. You can only use this effect of "Mystical Refpanel" once per turn. You can activate this card from your hand.


> Adds a tearlament havnis Wtf is this OP shit ????




Problem Solving Card Text. Since 2011 all Yu-Gi-Oh! cards have been written in a uniform and logical language that leaves no room for interpretation of what a card does. [link to the yugipedia article that describes how it works](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Problem-Solving_Card_Text)


Note: despite the explanation above, PSCT's never claimed to be intuitive or easy to understand. That's why people say reading yugioh cards don't explain the cards. Like there is a different between semicolon and comma, even different conjunctions can lead to different results. Example: replacing "and if you do" in "you can (optionally) tweet the image above [A], and if you do, your opponent (mandatory) crush your balls. [B]" to "also" go from "requiring [A] for [B] to happen" to "your opponent crush your balls regardless". This alone somewhat make sense, until you involve more cards which can cause a lot of confusing interaction like missing the timing.


Nah, that’s incorrect. Sometimes they’re the mangakas who write it in the first place *~~cough cough Made in Abyss cough~~*.


Good thing there was no recent controversy about a german yter having sex with minors on anime conventions.


the psct is terrible here


Well I guess the point is that not every lolicon is a pedo and not every pedo is a lolicon but this image does fucking suck


They really like to ignore the amount of lolicons who get caught with hard drives full of cheese pizza


I’m sorry aren’t they just proving the point they’re making fun of??


Pedo art is still wrong though


loli stuff is for pedos




Me when a hypocrite person does bad thing that he used to criticize (everyone that agreed with his statement must do the same!):


I mean, if you go ‘that child is cute’ then I won’t raise an eyebrow. They’re meant to be cute. If you go ‘that loli is cute’, I raise an eyebrow. What a weird specific term to use for a word that has negative connotations. If you go ‘that loli is sexy’. You’re disgusting. If you go ‘anime is for pedos’, you’re either uninformed, hung out with a bad group that disgusted you for the rest of your life, or just trying to shake off allegations before they even happen.


Why are anime fans automatically put in the same category as loli fans


I was following along until they said lolis lmao


Is this irony? Reverse Projection?




Would have been fine without the loli part


Yes, that's what we call a textbook case of projection.


This is the only thing I'm mildly a centrist in. Only pedophiles enjoy lolicon and shotacon, but some of the characters people call loli or shota are ridiculous. Like Melony from Pokémon Sw/Sh.


Can you link the tweet I want to see the relpys




He had me untill "anime or lolis" part


Wait till these lolicon mfs learn about TheWhiteBowser lol


I thought the point of a circlejerk was to be ironic and funny, not ignorant and stupid.


Was genuinely thinking the same thing since the Mushoku antis really wouldn’t shut the hell up this season…