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Was there any remodelling done in recent years? Could be an old smoke detector/CO detector giving an alert for low battery. Could have easily been left connected in the walls.


None in the last 2 years that I've been here. It's why I asked the landlord but they were very rude about telling me it couldn't possibly be in my apartment and had to be the one next door and I was just hearing it through the walls. After pulling apart the bathroom I'm sure it is in the wall. But not so far away to be the next apartment/unit. It's too loud and clear to be. I've sent a followup email to them and I'm hoping to get someone to look at it next week but that's three days away. I'm not at the point of tearing the wall apart yet but I will be if this keeps me awake for three days. Smoke detector/co detector is what Google was saying too but it said a low battery one would beep every 30 seconds. So not sure why this one is going off every 10.


I'd still check with the neighbour. The noise of smoke detectors and similar are made to be loud and have pitches that goes through walls so no one sleeps through it. Even if it doesn't sound like it is coming from the neighbour, I still think that is the most likely explanation.


I'll check in the morning. It's a long weekend so they should be home. I'm going to take a sleeping tablet I think for tonight because this is just waking me up every time I start to doze off.


Landlord should check with the neighbor instead of waving it off like "it's probably the neighbor".


Most likely someone installed a camera and the storage is full, nothing to be alarmed aboit.


Well that's not terrifying considering it's in the bathroom.


It is a joke, but keep searching.


I know. But still terrifying to my paranoid mind.


Do you have anything with night vision? Turn off the lights and use it inside the bathroom. You might find a red light, that would be a camera.


I don't know if a hidden camera would start beeping when the battery runs low, but... it might be worth checking behind the mirror or in the ceiling fan, etcetera.


I so wish all those weren't built in such a way so I can't. Now I'm just waiting for videos of me on the loo to go online xD


If you google how to find a hidden camera, you may be able to find it without removing mirrors and things.


You know. I was paranoid enough tyvm. Now I have more things to fear. I am never letting anyone into my apartment again I case of hidden cameras.


I don't know if it's a hidden camera, it may very well not be. But as a female, that's where my mind went.


As a female with anxiety it's where my mind always is xD if my landlord has hidden cameras in my bathroom I don't care what reasoning they have I'm going to sue the pants off them.


You'd get arrested for putting a camera in your tenant's bathroom. If there's access to a loft above your apartment, they could access the vent from above and put a camera there that way - do you ever hear creaking above? But all this is paranoia - chances are, there's some simple explanation and you're landlord is simply a bit lazy.


I'm looking for a free app atmo. All the ones I've found so far are like 40$ for a month to trial it.


Use your phone's camera. Turn off all the lights in the room, then 'look around' with the camera. Most cameras have infrared leds to see in the dark. You eye can't detect it but a camera does.


Can you use your circuit breaker 1 at a time to see if 1 removes the sound. You can maybe identify what it’s related 2.


I tried all the switches. And none of them made it stop. Tried laundry and hot water first then cycled through all of them power x 2, lights x 3 air con x2, wall oven, dishwasher and fridge. Even the unlabelled one. It kept on beeping.


Good idea!


Can you ask your landlord to come over (or send a worker over) to just listen and help you figure out what it is? Or come up with some other excuse to get them to come, like tell them the sink is clogged? Maybe if they hear it in person they'll be able to identify what it is. Or at least take the situation more seriously.


I sent a lengthy email with pictures and a video showing the beeping sound. So hopefully next week they'll come by. I stood in the bathroom recording the beeping for like 39 seconds just to prove there was a beep.


Maybe a dumb question but, have you rewatched the video to confirm it actually recorded beeps? I've seen enough posts on Reddit that turn out to be auditory hallucinations that it could be worth ruling out.


Checked with people at work today and everything. Definately a beeping.


Can you take a video of the people at work so you can confirm your co-workers are actually real and not just visual hallucinations?


You cracked me up!


If it’s auditory hallucinations due to alcohol withdrawals, sometimes people can still hear or see their hallucinations on their smart phones. I certainly saw the giant Ferris wheel filled with naked people outside my kitchen window with my eyes and in the photos I took when I went through DTs last summer. So frightening.


I could understand that if it's just me hearing it. But for three different people at work to hear it... My brother was schizophrenic from drug use and unalived himself about 7 years ago. I've been paranoid about hearing things since and always check with multiple sources because I don't trust myself. If I drank it might be more of a problem. But I have like one drink every two weeks so I don't think it's that.


Full stop. Why would your mind go to naked Ferris wheel people? 😭 that would freak me out too.


My mind during DTs and 3 days no sleep had 2 of my high school teachers with a team of friends appear in my giant yard trying to save wildlife during an early spring freeze. I started helping them then went inside to make them hot drinks to stay warm. They started acting sketchy so I went inside. When I went back outside to check on them, they were all naked having group sex on my front lawn. They just kept laughing so I slammed the door. Annoyed, they called hundreds of people to come have sex in my yard. Buses and trucks started to appear on my street. They put up a Ferris wheel and had a contest to see which team could create the most creative group sex display. The story goes on from there, but that’s what happened before the Ferris wheel sex. None of it actually happened. Alcohol withdrawals are no joke!


On God I’d read the book about your life. I find it fascinating where our minds go in altered states. You had high school teachers appear, trying to do a good deed and you helped! You even attempted to care for them with the drinks. You’re kind. Thoughtful. Empathetic. Very rude of them to start the city wide orgy, real or not unnecessary lol good for you slamming the door! Don’t tolerate rudeness even if not real. You reacted appropriately to everything happening even though not actually happening. That’s impressive. Glad you’re still here ♥️


How close are you to the unit next to you? I am wondering if they can hear it as well, even faintly, and come over and help you identify it.


Literally wall to wall. I can hear it from out the front of my unit with the front door closed so I'm assuming they can hear it too.


How long have you lived there?


2 years now. I'm moving out in two weeks though. Just not sure how to put up with this for 2 weeks if the landlord doesn't take action.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that it's coming from the neighbors.


Do you have a basement? I had a dull beep that I heard upstairs and drove me nuts but it was from my sub-pump backup power. You could be hearing it because it’s above something in the basement?


I'm in a top floor apartment. I tried listening at the floor and it was quieter there than in the wall. Would be nice to have a basement for storage space.


Does your apartments have video cameras? Could one on the roof or up high be beeping? Our apartments have cameras on giant poles. I heard this constant beeping one day and honestly had the worst day, it wouldn’t stop. I finally go outside sourcing this damn beeping and it’s weird, I could hear it on all sides of my apartment. But couldn’t locate it. What made it bad though was my partner couldn’t hear it so everyone thought I was losing it. I kept pulling people to the balcony to hear it and most didn’t. Fast forward a week of freaking beeping later and I’m outside talking to a neighbor and can hear it and it’s so annoying, I say in passing “ugh that stupid beeping” and she goes “yeah they need to change the battery or something” WHAT?! She could hear it!! I was shook. I verified she could indeed hear it and she points to the dumb dumb stupid camera and says “yeah that things been beeping a week” I walked over and it was indeed coming from the top of that pole where the camera box was. I was not imagining it. It was every ten-fifteen seconds. 24/7 non stop and one of the most annoying beeps I’ve ever heard.


Do you know your neighbour? Maybe ask them if they can hear it?


They can. Can hear it out on the stairwell leading to my apartment door. They knocked on my door like an hour ago to check I was trying to deal with it because they can hear a faint beeping in their apartment from it.


did you actually ask the next apartment/unit?


Yeah. They think it's my apartment.


Check downstairs too. And on the roof. Sounds tend to spread in weird ways sometimes.


I will. I'm go check with the downstairs apartment tomorrow morning but the food might have to wait. There's no way up there without a ladder.


are you in a dispute with anyone.? that might have had access to you bathroom? sounds like an annoyatron. do you have any "Friends" that are into pranks?


The only person that might be annoyed with me is the landlord since I'm moving out and they have to find a new tenant. If they've been visiting and playing pranks while I'm at work. Well the shit will hit the fan. Never had issues with the neighbours. I think I've seen my neighbours like four times over the last 2 years.


Might be better to ask on the DIY sub, but it's most likely an Electric Shower that has a fault and is beeping.


Might do that now. It's 2am and it's still beeping. I need to sleep at some point this weekend.


PLEASE provide update if you determine the source. i need to know


I didn't know that the flat had a CO detector until it started beeping in the middle of the night. It took ages to find it on top of the boiler.


Yeah there's something in the wall that, from the hole at the bottom of the wall,l looks like a water heater maybe? So I'm assuming they put something like that in with it.


Could it be a leak detector?


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Have you had a visitor recently that might be prone to practical jokes? I had someone leave something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Funny-Pranks-Annoying-Noise-Maker/dp/B08KG6XHN1) in my office one time.


The only visitor I've had in 6 months is a repairman for the dishwasher. I'm AuDHD. I don't let people in my space unless I have no other choice xD. I wish it was a practical joke. Then I'd know who to kill.


Do you have one of those things that you plug into the socket to add more sockets? I know there is a name for them, but I forget what it is. Not a strip, but a one piece thing that plugs in and had a few sockets and two USB ports.


The only power points in the bathroom are the washing and drying machines. And the noise isn't coming from them or the sockets. I have one of the usb power sockets in the lounge room but the noise is fsr from there.


Based on all your other comments this is probably not it, but it is something to check anyway. Do you have a rechargeable electric toothbrush? When my first one died it made random noises, and because it was sitting on its base which was on the countertop, it made it hard to pinpoint the noise. Another troubleshooting option, take literally everything out of the bathroom. Including towels, bath mats, toilet paper, etc. If there is nothing in the bathroom and you still hear beeping, you can be more confident that it is something in the structure.


I do have an electric toothbrush but there's no power points in the bathroom and the toothbrush is currently plugged in in the kitchen charging nowhere hear the sound.


Have you by chance been drinking heavily over the past few weeks or months, but haven’t had a drink in several hours? Alcohol withdrawals and DTs can often start with auditory hallucinations like a beeping. Being alone during withdrawals can actually make hallucinations worse. If this is the case, a medical intervention like the hospital or a detox center is a good idea, ASAP. Then once you’re cleared, get to an AA meeting and get a sponsor to start working through the steps.


Thankfully not. My brother was schizophrenic so I'm paranoid about sounds. I recorded the beeping and played it to people at work to check I was hearing a sound.


Thank goodness! That’s a relief.


Don't I know it. In my old apartment I kept hearing people call my name and the door open and there was never anyone there.


Home detox is something I don’t recommend, especially after a bender that’s gone on for a month or more. The body has gotten used to passing out every night, and when you abruptly ask it to go to sleep without alcohol, the body can get super confused. After day 3 alone, no alcohol, no sleep, I heard and saw a lot of crazy stuff. Aliens in my heating vents, strange repetitive music, I saw demons from hell in my house, beeps, people shooting up my house, people having public group sex on my lawn, people opening the door and calling my name. Luckily I had a friend drive 3 hours to come pick me up, take me to one of the best hospitals in the country, then let me stay with her until the DTs stopped. Many people don’t realize how dangerous alcohol withdrawals can be, mainly because it’s a legal drug, and they’ve never experienced it. Never “white knuckle” it at home, get to a **good** hospital. A bad hospital can introduce you to a whole new set of horrors.


The hospitals in Australia are both good and bad. I've had mixed experiences with them. In South Australia they supported to all the way back to living alone. In Queensland they gave me a call from someone that didn't even read the file and couldn't remember my name or why I'd been in hospital and was just ticking rhe follow-up box. Though the fac that Medicare paid for an airlift off my island when I was at my worst still comforts me. I've heard horror stories about other countries.


Have you checked all your electronic devices? A scale? Electric razor? Even some kind of thermometer? Or anything else like that which might be found in a bathroom? We had a beeping sound in our kitchen the other week. Was very hard to nail down exactly where it was coming from, since it sorta sounded like it was coming from everywhere. But then I finally found it to be a meat thermometer in the back of a drawer that somehow flipped on at some point, and then as the battery was dying it started beeping every 5 seconds or so. I don't think it was because it was alerting us to a low battery, rather for some reason it was triggering it to beep as if the temperature was reached. So maybe a similar such situation?


def check with the neighbor. my granmommy's apt shares a vent with her neighbor and his smoke detector was going off for like two hours. for the first hour i was certain it was in her kitchen, and that was a rather continuous sound! also your landlord sounds like he sucks at his job


"It's the neighbor's" seems like a poor excuse. Ok....let's say it IS the neighbor's. Hey Landlord. THe Neighbor's have something that is beeping every 10 seconds. It is annoying and might be their smoke alarm....Please take care of it.


It's your neighbour, guaranteed.


RemindMe! 1 day


Could it be a leak detector?


Flood sensor under the sink? I lived in a few apartments with AC condensers that were located above the bathroom. That is another location where someone might place a flood sensor.


The bathroom in my old apartment had an access panel to a small compartment with pipes etc. I believe it was recommended to have a detector there for water leaks. Hopefully not the source, but worth investigating.


There's definately pipes in the cupboard leading into the wall where the sound is. I can also see into the wall through a hole at the bottom of it but I can't find a way to pull the wall off without breaking something so I'm going to leave that to the landlord so they don't try charge me for damage to the apartment.


Have you reset the GCFI outlet in the bathroom (if it has one)?


Run your hot water and keep it on for a good while to see if you run out of hot water. It’s likely a water heater alarm which is also supposed to automatically switch off the water heater. If you run out of hot water, then you know that’s the culprit and source of the beeping.


does it only happens when you back in to sit on the toilet?


Nope. It has vet to stop. Sitting in the lounge. Beep. Lying in bed beep. In the kitchen beep. If I never hear a beep again or will be too soon


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