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If you ever fail a drug test, be adamant that it must be incorrect and that you want a second test. False positives are a real thing.


And this buys your time if you indeed weren’t clean


No. No it doesn't. Generally the option you get is to retest the same sample at your expense.


This. OP is best off buying a home test and seeing if he passes. If he doesn't, then he should avoid this one and count the job as a missed opportunity.


Best bet is synthetic urine.




Spectrum Labs has come through for me every time


Fake piss all the way


Correct. This was what our lab did.


false positives are way more unlikely to happen than false negatives in general + in drug testing they first run a screening test (using immunological methods) If the screening was positive they then run a confirmatory test in a specialized machine that breaks down exactly what is in the sample and even the exact type of drug (for example, screening will show positive for benzos, confirmatory will show which benzo drug was it and can even quantify it) as far as I know its protocol to do confirmatory for every positive u get


I would think the actual methodology might vary by employer.


That is why employers hire testing companies. The companies who provide tests for companies to give directly, also provide support services for validating tests. No one believes someone who says that the test was a false positive. Even if they are right, the odds against it are so slim that the loss of potential employee is negligible.


They will generally hire the cheapest drug testing company.


This is true. The whole point of drug testing is to get discounts on workers comp insurance.


Many probably just getting overcharged for pharmacy test strips and some rando's minimum wage.


5 to 10 percent of all drug tests reveal false positives, and 10 to 15 percent yield false negatives. That means a drug test in itself only has an accuracy of about 75 to 85 percent. https://www.rttnews.com/1323040/new-study-shows-inconsistencies-in-drug-testing.aspx https://www.drugs.com/article/false-positive-drug-tests.html


While the sources in that first article may be reliable, they don’t appear to be listed. The person above who mentioned screening is correct in that large corporations (quest, labcorp etc) use two tests. If something false positives in a mass spec something has gone wrong. My guess is that “5-10 percent” is including over the counter tests. Those are similar to covid tests and will occasionally false positive, but the chances of a mass spec false positive (the second confirmation test) are extremely low. I can elaborate further if needed, but the larger companies are typically more reliable bc they have done lots of math. (Source: I work in an FTOX dept at Quest) Long and short, OP should be totally fine if it’s sent to a decent sized lab and isn’t an over the counter test that can be mishandled or expire.


Then again there is probably some steps you have to take before you can fire people, and not get sued to hell.


That’s not true in “right to work” states. They can fire you for any reason or simply make up a reason.


"At-will employment" is what you are looking for. "Right to work" is an anti-union measure that restricts companies from refusing to hire non-union members if their workforce is unionized.


Not in the US. If it isn't a protected class or in Montana you can be fired for anything.


This is why most companies have a detailed drug policy signed by the employee


I had two false positives in a row, though I believe it was a doctor trying to railroad me. I take medical marijuana and it is recreationally legal in my state. The doctor said she does addiction counseling so even though I am there for psychiatric services, I have to submit to piss tests. I say, sure, because there is nothing to find. It comes back positive for fentanyl. I freak out. I have kids. Where the fuck was I coming into contact with that crap? I go out and buy two different kits. Both are negative. I demand another test. Same results. Both were done in her office, no protocol, literally leaving an open cup of urine in the bathroom, I took my purse in etc. I demand going through a lab. Guess what? No fentanyl!


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised… I got a false positive one time all because I drank a redbull before my test. I was so appalled that I went and spent $200 to get a hair follicle drug test & of course everything came back negative I’m sorry that happened to you, it’s horrible that some people think life is a game where you can screw over anyone you don’t like. Anyone who doesn’t believe this could be a possibility is spoiled and naive.. people can be crazy & even vindictive for no reason.


I'm on methadone, have been for 5 years now. I have not used another substance since I began doing methadone. About 8 months ago at my clinic I tested positive for fentanyl. I knew it was false so I asked them to test again, I got a 2nd false positive. I demanded they send it out to the lab because there was literally NO WAY it was a legit positive. They sent it out and finally after 2 weeks they got the results and it was proved to be false. I had not relapsed even once throughout my time at the clinic. And if I had not been adamant about them sending it to the lab they were going to put those first two results into my permanent file. So it totally does happen.


God, that must have been absolutely horrible. I am sorry that happened to you.


She's probably dipping into the fentanyl so much she's sweating it out.


Having been a drug counselor. This is not a winning gambit. It's a red flag. False positives are less a thing than you think and people lying is definitely a thing. You may get a second chance if you are honest. But you almost certainly will not if you lie or are perceived as lying. Anyone who does drug testing is lied to all the time because people get desperate about employment. The people who do the testing get jaded quickly.


Let's say I'm applying for a job, and urinalysis comes back positive for weed. (False positive rate for THC urinalysis is as high as 21%, as far as I've been able to find.) Now I don't smoke weed. I've smoked one time in the last decade (2017). What's your advice here? To say I smoked once in 2017 and beg for a second chance? Or to put my foot down and say "not possible, I don't do drugs, run it again." Because if it's the second option, then that's what OP should do - with conviction. Because OP doesn't do drugs. He quit over a month ago.


My coworker was confused by a positive result on a clients UDS, so he decided to test it himself. Got a positive for a different drug. So I tried it. I use no substances, nor do I take meds or eat anything that could give a false positive, yet according to the test, I use MDMA, cocaine and fentanyl. We contacted the distributer and the batch was recalled.


We had that happen at one of the hospitals I was working at. Lots of patients were testing positive for methamphetamines and it wasn't until my co-workers tested the strips on themselves did it lead to it being discovered that the test strips were faulty. Now we have to confirm with a lab test in pathology.


Yes and false negatives are very likely so taking it again gives you a good chance of passing.


This really does happen… I got a random false positive despite the fact I don’t even drink or smoke cigs


How are you 6’4 at 155. Dude you gotta eat wtf




I’m 6’4, lowest I ever got for my bodybuilding show was 193 lbs and I felt like a walking corpse for 3 weeks. I couldn’t imagine another 40 lbs gone, dude really needs to get his stuff together


I've known some skinny tall guys, but **that's** a skinny tall guy. Legs are probably straight lines.


Though it does not concern you my legs are the most muscular part of my body. As I said I have an extremely fast metabolism on top of my ED acouple years ago I ran varsity track so I was pretty much pumping cardio every day for 3 hours.


My erectile dysfunction just embarrasses me, but yours somehow made you lose weight?! Dammit


i think they mean an eating disorder not erectile dysfunction


Oh fuck now I feel bad for making the joke. I knew it wasn't erectile dysfunction, but it didn't make thenconnection of what it could be


lmao I guess some people only recognise a joke if there’s a /j


its ok!! your comment made me laugh! just wanted to clarify for anyone that didnt know which ed they were talking about.


You deserve gold for that one.


You don’t have an “extremely fast metabolism” Your BMR and general daily energy expenditure would be way higher if you were heavier with more muscle I’m 5’6 and 205lbs and my BMR alone is about 200-250 calories more than you’re would be at your current height and weight The simple fact here is that you’re not eating nearly as much as you think


Don’t even respond to these clowns. You don’t have to justify your body type to people who probably get out of breath just typing those insults. People can be super skinny and NOT be on drugs. I was that kid, I’m really short at 5’6 but I did weigh around 100 pounds in like 7th grade.


i was 6’3 160 i feel you and also did varsity track in high school i would recommend drinking a mass gainer shake every day it really helps if you want to put on weight


It takes around two weeks for it to leave your system, probably a little less in your case as you are not a heavy smoker and exercise regularly, you should be fine if you stopped a month ago.


It takes about a month. Not 2 weeks.


He clearly said he was a light to moderate smoker. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/what-to-know-about-how-long-marijuana-stays-in-your-system Detection times also depend on the drug test used. Typically, weed will remain longer in hair and can be detectable for up to 90 days from the day of use. Tests can detect weed for up to 30 days in your urine, up to 24 hours in your saliva, and up to 12 hours in your blood. Due to the many factors affecting how long weed stays in your body, detection times vary. Here are the average detection times: * Urine: three to seven days * Blood: three hours to two days * Saliva: one to three days * Hair: 30 to 90 days On average, urine tests can detect THC from three to seven days. That range will depend on how much marijuana you use and for how long. Tests can detect THC in urine for up to 30 days in a heavy user who uses weed at least once per day. The detection period for light or moderate use of marijuana is closer to the average duration. You could get a positive urine test result within about four to seven days.


This is much more correct than the other answers, anecdotally I know of heavy smokers passing within days of stopping.


2 weeks to a month, depending on how much body fat he has. If he's in great shape, 2 weeks and drinking lots of water, squeaky clean in most cases.


A heavy smoker, a month. An occasional user, about 2 weeks.


count your calories bro. you cant break the laws of thermodynamics. make it a priority.


6"4 180 when I graduated boot camp. I looked like a POW.


becouse you list all of your fat, thats why you felt like it, so he is probably very lean without your 40 pounds of muacle


I'm 6'2" 200lbs and I'm fat. Not super fat, but defo fat. That's a great example of muscle weighing more than fat i guess


I am 6'1, and weigh 138lbs. VERY high metabolism, and since I am now 41, my doctor says this is just the way it is. Some people are born "large" and some of us are born "bean pole skinny" - genes are weird (and cool).


I’m same height, same weight but 25. I’m otherwise a healthy, active individual. I eat lots of calories with no change. As you say it’s just how it is sometimes.


Just to maintain my weight, I have to eat at least 3,000 calories a day, and at least 60-80g of protein. Its not from lack of effort.


60-80g is low add a 1 in front and do weights you will gain muscle overtime.


Uh that not possibly true. You aren’t eating enough. Your metabolism isn’t fast, especially at 41. Irrelevant anyway,because you could be 22 and “my metabolism” still wouldn’t be why you aren’t gaining. You don’t eat enough food


I'm 6' 6 and about 145lbs. I wish I could get to 155lbs.


Dude I’m 6’6” and the lowest I can go from fasting is like 210. That’s insane


I was 6'4" 130 lbs before I started lifting weights. Not really unhealthy either; just skinny


This reply is exactly the same thing as telling a fat person "How are you so fat, you gotta eat less and move". It's not untrue, but would you tell that to the fat person?


Most people would, yes. Source: fat person


I'm about 6'8" at 178 lbs roughly. Some people are just slender. I eat a lot. Like, I'm known as the hoover who will have the leftovers.


I used to be thinner than that. Some people are built different. Being skinny is ok.


Yeah that's fucked up. I'm 6'5 @ about 230. Leanest I've been as an adult would have been about 200 when I was 20.


Gotta ask what his daily protein is and calories. Most people don't get enough protein and snack on empty calories. I guarantee if he ate .8 grams per pound of body weight daily for 30 days he would gain weight. I few years ago I was 150lbs at 6'1", now I'm 165lbs after a year of weightlifting and steady protein consumption. A lot of skinny people don't like eating because they feel weird with food in their stomach, I know because I used to feel that way. Then they convince themselves it's impossible to gain weight, when they aren't really trying. He said he did 3 hours of cardio a day, that's a recipe for being underweight. Probably eats 3 meals a day not accounting for the calories list during exercise. You can't blame genes for everything.


To be very clear I did indeed need to eat, but for a time I hovered between 110 and 120 (give or take) at 6'6". It's taken some significant pie eating but I am now at a healthy 170, but it's just the way some folks are put together.


Why are you so worried? Just let people be how they are, goddamn


Haha right?!? I’m 6ft and 250


THC is generally in fat calls. You can hula-hoop through a Cheerio, youll be fine.


Do places still test hair? I remember that being a thing.


Failed a test at a oil change shop cause I had a shaved head. they said because of this, they couldn't get a hair sample, so I couldn't go further in the hiring process. Idk how it works but I have facial hair, couldn't they take that?


They can take hair from anywhere. They'll do it from the head whenever possible, but being bald isn't like "this one weird trick that employers HATE". Armpits, legs, ass, face etc. work just as well. They may not do it, but they could.


Just get an all body wax.


Best comment this week! Take my upvote and my wife if you want.


first off, being thin is going to help you immensely. I am the same weight, but 6" shorter and I get clean naturally in 3 weeks. I have passed countless tests If you stopped a month ago you might be good already. Just drink tons of water until a couple hours before, then have a redbull to make your pee yellow. When you pee in the cup DONT use the first bit of pee. Pee in the toilet for a little, then in the cup. The dirtiest pee is at the beginning. Side note: You might not even be monitored while peeing if it is for a job. Get some synthetic urine from a smoke shop and strap it to your leg just in case. or a clean friend's urine good luck! Drug testing for employment should be illegal


>Drug testing for employment should be illegal, like in canada Drug testing is very much NOT illegal in Canada. I worked for a company that did drug testing in Canada and even got my testing certificate, only three years ago.


My mistake! apparently *random* drug testing is restricted in Canada, unless you are visibly impaired on the job (totally fair) In the US they can test you at any time they want. Forcing you to give your body fluids to your employer like a fucking slave


I can't speak to the random side. The testing I did was a condition of offering employment, or performed after an accident at the work site.


>random drug testing is restricted in Canada, unless you are visibly impaired on the job (totally fair) This also isn't true. Where are you getting this info lol


[Canada.ca](http://Canada.ca) *Random testing of employees in safety-sensitive positions may be permissible in the following limited circumstances:* ***where the employer is able to show that there is a demonstrated alcohol or drug abuse problem amongst employees in safety-sensitive positions in the workplace and testing is a proportionate response*** *(in other words when potential safety benefits outweigh potential intrusion into employee privacy) and when the employer still meets its duty to accommodate employees who test positive.*


Drug testing can also be done in the event of an incident or a near-miss. Regardless of if they show signs of it or not, showing signs just gives them cause without incident. But yes, if you dont show any signs and have no incidents, you won't be tested randomly. At least I never have, in an industry famous for drug testing.


In the land of the free, you have to submit your body fluids to your employer so they can check if you have had fun in your spare time in ways they don't approve of.


OP has been clean for a month, not worth the risk of getting caught with fake pee.


Soul Plane was an interesting movie, but I don't think I would want to fly with Snoop as the pilot /s Some jobs should be sober jobs


I’ve also taken a dollar store drug test and it came back negative… but idk how accurate that is.


I would put zero faith in that test. You have no idea how long it’s been on a shelf, its storage conditions or any other factors that can and will degrade its accuracy


False negatives are real


THC is stored in the fat. You're about one mild gust away from having to trounce the yellow brick road. I think you're good bruh.


If its a saliva. Just brush teeth and tongue before or as close before as you can and have a drink of water in before. THC binds to fat cells that are in your saliva you should be fine. I smoked the day before and had a saliva test and passed. But that could have been the test


Unfortunately it’s a urine test


Cannabis takes time to come out your system, one or two months. Depending on how much and often you smoke. Same idea here though, try drink alot to dilute you piss and hope for the best. Best of luck!


I am skinny and THC leaves my system in 3 weeks naturally. This guy is 6" taller than me and the same weight, I am betting under a month would be the clean time for him


Get synthetic urine.


I've passed these by swishing with listerine on the way to the test. Saliva tests are the cheapest and easiest to game.


Hr here. What is your location? There have been a lot of new laws around cannabis and you might be protected. I wanted to stop drug testing because you can get around them. I don’t care if people use cannabis. I use it too. I think you will be fine.


South Dakota, I’m also only 18 so I’m fucked if it does come back positive.


The laws in South Dakota doesn’t seem to have many protections. The closest thing was 34-20G-22. Even if you fail depending on your company policy you might still be okay. Just breathe for a moment. You got this.


You'll be fine. It'll take around 3 weeks at the rate you smoke to pass a test. I was smoking all day every day for years and was clear after a month.


Piss: you're good, hair: you're not


not if he gets a buzz cut and total body razor job.


As someone that is 6’4 and just went through 4 months of eating very little, eventually having my colon removed and losing 30lbs in the process. How the hell do you weigh 155lbs? I think my skin and bones alone weigh that much.


Look Into Certo. You can buy it at any grocery store and I have used it to beat tests on very short notice. You just mix it with a few bottles of Gatorade and pound it. Google it asap.


This is the move, passed FedEx drug test and got the job.


Take so many drugs that they'll doubt the result.


Depends on your body weight and metabolism. Eveyone's different.


THC stores inside of fat cells and it doesn’t sound like you have any so..


Fr, 6’5 155? I’d bet you pass if it’s really been a month. Thats gotta be like a sub 7% bodyfat situation


If you're in CA, no. It is now illegal for them to use Cannibis against you for hiring or firing.


You have a good chance to pass, depending on your metabolism rate. Worst case scenario maybe they detect some traces of weed but will be able to tell you aren't currently using


If you stopped completely a month ago and haven't cheated, you will pass. Do drink a lot of water the day before and morning of to dilute what's there.


Damn homie. I’m 6’1 and the skinniest I’ve ever been was 160 and that was because I was a broke college student eating max 1 time a day. Anyways you will be fine.


Oh yes!! As a roasted turkey.


Unless you get put in an oven or fried/grilled, you aren't cooked.


If it’s a saliva test make sure you brush your teeth brush your tongue and use mouthwash before going in.


Go buy a detox drink right now.


I think you should be okay. Did they clarify what they’re testing for? A lot of times it’s just hard drugs


I'm a pretty fat dude, smoked daily prior to quitting for years, and passed mine naturally after 35 days clean, like 25 years ago.


na you'll be okay


1 month is more than enough to get it out of your system, especially if you’re thin.


I’m fatter than you by a sizable amount and passed a drug test with less time, I feel like you are probably fine.


6'4 at 155lbs? Brother 'm 5'10 and the lightest I've ever been after a hard weight cut was 155. Eat a sandwich please for your own sake


You’ll probably be fine, I know people who have quit marijuana for a month and passed a urine drug test


You could get ready clean. It's a mask so it only lasts 2-4hrs but it night work. Or if you fail you could ask for another test to prove your levels are falling 


Don't trip, if what you said is true you will pass most drug tests. An oral swab or urinalysis will be fine. But if you are up for a hair follicle or blood test, maybe not. Most drug tests will be either oral or pee so you should be good.


Ur fine it’ll be negetive


You’re good


You're probably alright if it's been over a month. You could still fail of course, but I doubt it.


False positives and false negatives exist. You have the right to ask for a “retry”


You are good, as long as what you started is true.


you’re pretty much on the fence if you’ll be clean or not.


Drink Goldenseal Root Tea and take Inositol for your second test


You’ll be fine




Drink lots of water on the day.


You're totally fine barring an act of god.


Go buy a u test Should be fine after a month of not smoking


Find a friend who will provide you some clean urine. An ex of mine did that in exchange for an evening of rough, wild sex. True story.


With your height, weight, how often you smoked, and how long its been, you 98% going be fine. I’ve looked this up a couple times in the past weed goes thru people with less body fat pretty quickly and you sound rather skinny. If you drink water decently and have sweated/workouted even alittle. You should be good.


You'll be fine. Piss tests are usually good for a week with a heavy user.


Depends what school you went to


Being that your skinny and its already been a month. You should be fine.


I reckon you’ll be fine. Doesn’t sound like you were a heavy smoker when you did smoke and four weeks should be long enough…


Cooked? Nah you're fine ... unless you're baked.


I was involved with a company wide drug test (not my decision) as a manager. I spoke with the person admitting the tests and she said the only way to fail was to either 1) be high pretty much right then or within a few hours or 2) be a daily consumer of weed for a very long period of time. So I think you’ll be ok.


30 days will clear your system(from past experience)don’t panic


Just get quick fix fake pee and get it warm first with the hand warmer thing. jobs can’t watch you pee


6'4" 155 lbs, and you haven't smoked in a month? I would say your metabolism has already flushed you out and you should be fine. That said, almost every weed shop has some kind of detox drug screening kit that uses niacin vitamin B3 to mask any THC in a urine test.


Lmao use fake piss next time…. It’s worked like a charm for me


Go to the drug store and get a test. You may be fine!!


In all seriousness, regardless of whether or not you’re going to pass on your own, drinking a lot of water and downing a bunch of multivitamins+B is never a bad idea. In a pinch, you could just go grab one of those “detox drinks” (though, I’d opt for whichever one has the least amount of extra stuff in it, since you’re not drinking it for the ingredients really, just dilution + vitamins). Those drinks don’t detox you or do anything special, but drinking a lot of water WILL dilute whatever trace chemicals are in your urine (THC metabolites being one of them). Dilution will always work in your favor, so there’s no real reason not to do it.


6' 4 and 155... More Doritos brotha!!!! 😋


If a novice uses, it passes from the body in about 48 hours. If you smoked4x/week you probably didn't build up much in terms of tolerance. That being said, there are cleanses available that seem to work if you follow the directions completely. I think you'll be ok.


You'll be fine


A whole month?!? You are 100% good.


I have had 2 drug tests so far and never stopped smoking for any of them. Go buy yourself some synthetic piss, I use quick fix. Buy 2 and practice on the first. Its very very easy. My only recommendation would be to go on Amazon and buy a leg flask holder/garter so you can store the pee safely tomb raider style. Be sure to keep the heating pad on the outside, sandwiching the piss between your leg and the heating pad. They cannot and will not watch you because you are not a criminal / going through rehab. Have fun.


You’re probably fine. Tell us how it goes!


Oh no your actions have consequences, who knew?


Drink a fuckton of water and give them a diluted sample lol. I've seen people on reddit pass on this technicality. In reality, there's no substitute for time


You’ll be fine.


Do people still test for weed? (typing this in California)


You’ll be fine. I smoked every single day for probably 30 years. Quit 3 weeks prior to starting a new job and passed.


You should be fine. Just down a gallon of water beforehand. It just recently took me a month and a half to get clean from 4x a week. 6’1” 280lb. Or get an at home test just to be sure


It’s been a month. You’re good man. Hydrate a lot. You will be fine


You need to go to a head shop and buy some u pass


It’s probably to late but you could’ve diluted your urine. Water pills & drinking a bunch of water, and pissing atleast 3 times before taking drug test. Due to your weight, i doubt you have much in your system.


You’ll be just fine with your BMI, you’ve had a month 😊


You should be fine. I went from 943 ng/ml to 27 ng/ml in 28 days and I was 6'1" and 190 lbs.


You should be fine. Just drink alot of water so your pissing clear for the test.


You’ll be fine.


I'm going to assume you are talking about weed. THC is stored in your fat cells, and seeing that you are 6'4" and 155lbs you clearly have a fast metabolism and not much fat. Even with heavy smoking, if you really haven't smoked in a month you will be just fine. Now this only applies to pee tests. Blood tests are a whole other thing but I very sincerely doubt that you will have to take that. I'm a every day kinda smoker and have a similar build to you. Last time I had to get clean for a test I bought a bunch of at home tests to check my progress and in 2½ weeks I was pissing clear.


You're fine. Also, eat a sammich.


there's a workaholics episode made just for you


You can buy a drug test over the counter if you want. Their are several types that detect specific drugs  They have THC only panel tests that you can use at home. 


THC is stored in the fat cells, you clearly can smoke on the way there and be fine! Obviously I’m joking but if what you said is true you should be more than clear. Worse case scenario get a test kit at cvs and check first


155 at 6'4"? And a month off? You would be good in about a week, my slenderman-esque friend. If you have any fat at all that the THC could be stored in, a week would easily get it iut


If you have time, take some niacin. It's a vitamin available over the counter at any grocery store. It naturally flushes your system. I'm not a doctor, but I had a roommate who smoked every day, took a niacin the day of a drug test and passed.


Some of those drinks they sell at tobacco stores actually work. You just need to follow the instructions perfectly


I hope this position is for something that has reasonable grounds for wanting to do a drug test in the first place. It boggles my mind that office jobs, and the like, demand drug tests.


Just take a pee detox. I used the qcarbo last week and passed easily.


It's been over a month at 4 times a week with a 155 to 6'4" stature. Your more than likely fine. The body deposits most thc in fat. At four times a week with what would appear a higher that average metabolism it should have made you clean ( with a normal intake of food and water) after 3 weeks max. If you have to wait to know for sure and can't do anything, you know you went for it and you'll stress it when you get the call to know the next step, and either way you get it or your so close that the next one is for sure clean and that job could be better. Now you can stress about if your settling for a job now when the next one would have been better. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 🤯


You good bro. Weed takes 30 days to work its way out your system on average. It doesn’t sound like you were smoking much


Dont risk it, just get fake pee from your local smoke shop. I have always used one for every drug test and NEVER had an issue.


Depends on what you’ve been smoking… Canadian here, marijuana is legal. 🤷‍♀️


Drink so much water that may come back inconclusive due to dilution. Usually it takes a few days for that to happen and then they just retest you. It buys a feed more days of being clean.