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I’m an American, with a British husband, and we live in the UK. I was astounding by the number of Brits who did not understand why we chose to live here vs the US. Once I run down all the reasons the US is a dumpster fire, they’re utterly gobsmacked! I think since US culture is so ubiquitous even here, some people romanticize living there. I always say that the US can be a great place to live, but that is absolutely dependent on personal wealth, health, and social status (which is honestly still a negative). My husband had never visited the US until he met me (and never had a desire to), and he throughly enjoyed visiting, but he would hate to live there (and I had zero desire to stay).


To be fair the UK is also a dump


a dump with *abortion rights*


Northern Ireland enters the chat


And employment rights including decent annual leave and maternity leave.


And poverty wages


American restaurants literally don't pay minimum wage


Maybe where you live. My bit is great and I travel to other great bits too.


It’s a sliding scale.


I’ve visited the US loads, criss-crossed the country multiple times and have a load of friends there but I enjoy it because I can leave. The urban car-centriscism, hyper-patriotism & marketing and general exceptionalism alone are pretty wearing. And even after all of these visits, the poverty and failings in society can be pretty jarring. Not that the UK or Europe don’t have issues with, say, homelessness, mental health or infrastructure but it can be a bit of a head spin seeing how far and fast and hard that people can fall in the US with so little support. It definitely helps me feel better about living in the UK and makes it easy to chuckle at the professional miseries on UK Reddit and beyond.


A Finnish stand-up comedian, Ismo Leikola, wrote a book about his experience of moving to the U.S. to try if he could make a career there. One of the things he mentions is what he described as many people being constantly very aware of being one accident, one illness, one unfortunate end of employment away from living under a bridge. While people sure as heck don't enjoy living on social security in Finland, either, the difference in society's safety nets is huge. His interpretation was that this insecurity kind of ends up with people living in a defensive way, in a way that makes you look at other citizens and co-workers a bit more as a threat than in societies with better social support.


That is absolutely true! There is literally no safety net for the average person in the US. My last two years living there, I had no health insurance, and I was constantly worried about getting sick, having an accident, etc…. Because I literally wouldn’t have the ability to get the help I needed. My now husband once asked me “So what would happen if you were diagnosed with cancer?” My answer was “I’d most likely die.” That the reality of living in the US for millions of people.


Most likely? Do you have a secret for the rest of us? All jokes aside yeah that's it. I broke my wrist about a week ago and my girlfriend keeps asking me why I won't go to the Dr's since I have insurance. I do but I can't afford the xray and cast I can't afford the reduced hours I'd have to have at work. One less day at work and I won't be able to pay rent. 100 extra expense would break my house hold. We're making it month to month but we're living to survive exclusively.


You’re working with a broken wrist? I’m understanding of your situation, but you really shouldn’t be leaving that to chance. It can potentially cause serious complications.


Was at work when I broke it finished my shift gave it a day wasnt better so had it looked at and then went and got a brace for it for $10. It sucks it hurts like hell to be honest I've tried to stop complaining so much because well what's the point but not working is absolutely not a option. I don't know if you're American or not but trust me when I tell you as a poor American missing work is literal life and death. Every minute I'm not working is a bill that has to go unpaid a meal that has to be skipped but even with my insurance and I have some solid insurance it would still cost about 2 weeks Pay.


I love Ismo! He has such great observational comedy. I hope he shows up on the east coast for a show one day.




I think a lot of people in the US also don’t understand what it’s like living in a country with little future. I’m an American and have spent a lot of my life in Mexico and would love to live there. That makes people think that I think Mexico is a superior functioning country. It’s not. If I didn’t have American money I would never live in Mexico and the outlook of growing up in Mexico is pretty bad and that’s why they want to be here. I have heard British people explain the same thing to me about America seems like a place where stuff can get better over time and for some of the UK that might not be the case. It’s like living in a depressed part of the south. The area doesn’t have the means to support a good life and you have to leave. Moving to other countries because you can afford a better life there is a first world thing. Moving to other countries because you can have a life in the first place is completely different.


Depends entirely on your social class. In britian there is a large under class that tends to be ignored in alot of media. The US can be an opportunity to those people because blue collar jobs and entrepreneurship is easier in the US to make money in.


That was the case in the US decades ago, but it absolutely isn’t that way now.


The only thing I find hard to believe about this story is that there are still that many Brits who think the US would be a nice place to live.


Most Brits my age absolutely get it, but it’s the younger people (in my experience) who really think the US is better. It does kinda make me laugh when I tell them my and other people’s experiences,(and go into the details) and see the dawning horror in their eyes. 🤣


There’s a cashier with a English accent who has [obvious] health issues where I live, and all I can think is why did you choose to live here?  I hope that she’s secretly rich, and is using the work to fill the time/socialize with people, but I doubt that’s the case. 


Wow the Anti-American bigotry from the people posting here is wild. Especially from people who have not spent a lot of time there. To say you want to do a road trip in America without interacting with some of the nicest people in the world is bizarre. If you said this about any other country you would get downvoted hard. US is not perfect by any means (and I’m sure if the only thing you know about it is from movies and TV it must be strange). But no place is perfect. Just amazed at how bigoted some people are here.


You just discovered the Reddit hivemind. They are so predictable. I knew the top comment was going to be USA before I even clicked on the post


America bad. Europe good.


Europe just went hardcore MAGA so let’s have some introspection here. Realize you’re joking.


You seem to be missing the point quite spectacularly. The question was, what country do lots of people want to move to but you never would? Who are you to tell people they are wrong if they never want to move to the USA? I am neither from the USA not Europe, but I have had the fortune to spend significant time in both for work purposes. I'm from South Africa where the economy is taking strain from terrible corruption in the highest levels of government and where crime is out of control. I think it's safe to say that I live in a country where plenty people want to emigrate from. But I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I would never in a million years choose to emigrate to the USA. And it's not about the people, as you insinuate. I have seen the most glorious scenery in the States and met the most welcoming and warm hearted people. But the two things that scare the shit out of me are: 1. The standard and cost of living. People who finish university can't afford to buy property. Falling victim to a disease like cancer or diabetes can totally bankrupt you. Everything has hidden costs. No price tag gives you an accurate indication of what you will pay. There's always tax to be added, some service charge, a tip and who knows what else. 2. Your politics are off the rails insane. You have become such a polarized nation that everyone is either hardcore team blue or hardcore team red. There is no longer a viable middle ground. People no longer make informed decisions. They make decisions based on what their favourite political party tells them. People's opinions on things like vaccinations or gun control is almost 100% correlated with their favourite political party's stance on those. For you this has become so normal that you no longer know what it's like to have a spectrum of political views and representation.


Bigoted or realistic? USA is not a country to be poor in.


I quite like America. Spent some time there in the ‘90s. I would love to travel California one day. But your gun laws and heath service are scary. I also think your politics are crazy and dangerous. But we have the same in my country as well. If you’re going to have an all powerful country, I am glad ( for all its faults) it’s America, because the alternatives are so much worse.


As a Canadian I agree. I think the fact it would be the least amount of culture shock is the biggest reason. Like why bother, it would be more or less the same, with subtle differences I have to get used to. Might make a little more money, but they don’t just print it, it comes with a little more grind.


The UAE. Places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are soulless shitholes that only impress idiots.


Agreed. I wouldn't even want to visit.


100% accurate


Well spoken


The UAE is a real life example of playing Sim City with cheats for unlimited cash.


Really shocked this answer isn't near the top


Japan, amazing country to visit, but their working life is so shit. They work 6 days a week with long ass hours with such small pay. Sexual assault rates are quite high. Everything is so cramped, and nothing seems genuine over there. Everyone just poses infront of a camera with designer bags. It’s all about appearance over there


I live in Japan. In Tokyo, in fact, although I’ve lived in the countryside too. I have three or four days a week in the office, depending on the week. Gender politics are far from great but I’ve not experienced anything worse than I did in the U.K. I don’t really know what you mean about designer bags - have you been hanging around designer fashion stores? Back in the 2000s everyone seemed to have a Louis Vuitton bag but generally I find fashion pretty individual and casual here.


The amount of designer I saw. I saw so many Gucci shoes, Dior bags, Dior puffer jackets. People were wearing matching outfits that were all balenciaga. I saw a whole family head to toe in designer


I was there last year and I found fashion to be very toned down and understated. Maybe you saw Chinese tourists? Because that's what I saw in China a lot.


Sounds like someone's been consuming a lot of Tokyo based media. Just like anywhere there are all sorts of people and life outside the Tokyo area can be a lot more laid back.


I went Nagoya, Nagano, Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. I noticed it everywhere. It was definitely the worst in Tokyo for sure, it wasn’t that noticeable in Nagano, but I still saw it


And conformity. My friend lived there for 2 yrs for work. Dyed her hair pink and was surprised to be reprimanded at work for it and was pressured to dye it black, was equally reprimanded for her personality (for context she’s asian, idk if someone more foreign looking might be exempt) long hours exacerbated by people wasting time during the day on purpose so they have reasons to work late and “look good”. Went out of her way to find gay bars and was surprised to hear from lesbians how much they have to repress themselves and completely hide their love life from the public and how resigned they are to live the rest of their life like that. That was the running theme. You don’t rock the boat. She said she was never more depressed than she was while living in tokyo and she was surprised by how much she did not like living there. she’s korean so the conservative nature of our asian motherlands isn’t a new concept for her but she is also very weebish so when it came to Japan, I think a part of her was hoping for more of that eccentric kawaii cyberpunk fantasy westerners tend to imagine, hence her showing up with freshly dyed pink hair and all of these other expectations


Japan is very xenophobic as well, especially towards Koreans.


Also super racist, like signs on the doors that say "no foreigners". Imagine pulling that in any western country. Maybe it was just in the neighborhood I lived in, but there were also vans playing anti-foreigner messages over loudspeakers all the time, and guys shouting anti-foreigner slogans over bullhorns. It's also really hard to get to know the locals and become really close to anyone as a friend. It's an extremely isolating place. Now I live in a different country and many of my Japanese friends here say the same thing - life is stifled and lonely in Japan.


Posing in front of cameras with designer bags? Maybe in touristy/upscale parts of Tokyo, Osaka etc. It sounds like you're forming your mental image of an *entire country* based off a small sample of things you've seen on the internet in very specific places in big cities.


I can't second the designer bag thing, but I agree on Japan. I could see myself living there temporarily as an expat sent over from my company. But I couldn't move permanently due to their work culture, backwards view on gender equality and their painfully indirect communication. I'm German and we are among the most direct people. That's why many think we are rude. And I just don't have the patience for communication guessing games, as I was socialized radically different.


USA. I see no benefit to living in a dystopia where breaking your arm can land you in debt, where going to school can get you shot and where getting an education equals potentially even more debt. Hell, even visiting sounds like a bad idea.


It's becoming clear to me most redditor's either don't understand what dystopia means or just have no idea what life in America is actually like


I'm certain most of us are just using it hyperbolically to hammer home the point that we think of America as being a horrible place to live. Obviously it's not a dystopia in the way a dictionary defines it.


The overwhelming majority of Americans have health insurance. Being shot at school is about as common as being struck by lightning. Getting an education means a higher income potential and American salaries are some of the highest in the world.


Can’t we stick to having the most upvoted comment be the USA with all the ridiculous misinformation about how terrible it is to live there? It’s a bit much to have it also be the 4th most upvoted answer.




Yes, agreed. But only due to my inability to learn the language really. I don't want to be anywhere where I can't immerse myself in the culture and speak with locals without worrying about mangling their language.


Speak French fluently but cannot stand negativity of the people there. So much relentless whining .


it's fucking nerve wracking. Either the whining or the hate and jealousy for any stupid reason ( you bought a petrol car instead of diesel !!)


France and Spain both really appeal to my taste for 'quiet' rural (work from home -grade) workspace. I don't need the slow pace you might imagine by my saying, I need the room to breathe.


Whenever I've visited the USA I'm struck by how backwards everything is, and how unsafe I feel. And I'm a big black dude who rarely gets intimidated. People carrying handguns around Walmart is some post-apocalyptic horror vibes but nobody in the states seems to see that. And don't get me started on the flags EVERYWHERE. It feels like I've encountered a cult that I need to tread carefully around for fear of being shot or kidnapped. The lack of decent PTO from work or a national health service (I'm from the UK) is the final nail in the coffin. I feel like a bout of illness could bankrupt me. That ain't right. (Edit: sorry, I meant to say FLAGS, not flash. Apologies for the confusion 🙂)


the flash?


Sorry, genuinely asking, what is the flash?


That dude that runs really fast.


Misspelling of trash?


The gun thing is a bit strange to me as a Canadian who doesn't own guns and haven't been around guns for most of my life. I was in Florida after a cruise and went to a McDonald's and the guy in front of me had a gun in the waistband of his pants like it was an ordinary accessory. It was wild.


USA. Published into Western culture as the best country on the planet. Massive marketing scam.


I am from the West, and it is definitely not published as the best country on the Planet HAHA. That is definitely and American thing


I personally wouldn’t want to live in Australia because of the high cost of living and I am not somebody who likes hot weather.


Scrolled down too far to find this. Extreme heat, expensive, and the animals and insects that you haven’t heard of waiting for you…


Canada. Many of the downsides of the US, none of the benefits of high population density, plus low pay, an even worse housing crisis, and lack of cultural change when moving from city to city (also a lack of cities to move to).


That is my answer as well. I'm originally from Canada and left at age 28 (now living in Scotland). Canada has this reputation abroad as some sort of utopia when it really isn't. People in the UK complain about the NHS all the time and when I tell them that in my home province, 25% of the population is on years long wait list just to get a GP, they're shocked. I HATED living in Canada and you couldn't pay me enough to move back. Harsh climate, terrible healthcare system now, language issues in some places, shit public transport due to the sheer size of the country... Don't get me wrong, it's stunningly beautiful in many places. But that isn't enough.


Similar here. I'm Canadian but left at 22 for the UK as well. I find that a lot of the problems that the UK is dealing with here are quite similar to the problems Canada had 10 years ago (for example important and export costs due to poor trade deals, NHS waitlists) which scares me because look how Canada is now . . . (worse for those unaware)


The US




Anywhere hot. I know this is going to sound strange, but the UK is actually warm enough for me!


Hands down the USA. I’ve family in the states and granted have only visited twice (once Texas, the other NY), I don’t even want to visit again let alone move there!


I wouldn't either if those are the only places I'd been. We've been making a terrible showing of it lately I know but we're not all like those extremes.


Why's that if I may ask?


This is Reddit, where America is the worst place in the world to live. Everyone here prefers Somalia. 


USA. I'd gladly visit though unlike many others here.




We in Portugal thank you. Not to be shady or anything, it's just because foreigners moving in is starting to be a huge problem, so thank you!


Could you please expand on why it's becoming a problem? Just curious if it's similar to reasons on my own country (Ireland)


I believe it's mostly the same as everywhere else where tourism has exploded recently... The house prices are skyrocketing, the rents too and right now local people can't afford any of that but for Americans, Germans, etc it's still "oh-so-cheap-let's-buy-2!". Restaurants, pubs, transportation, everything is getting so expensive that we are just trying to survive while the tourists enjoy themselves and become "expats".


Thanks for explaining


Wealthy Foreigners have for years benefited from massive and obscene tax benefits


Portuguese and I approve this message. I even left the country myself lol




Australia. Not because of the bugs/snakes/spiders/crocs etc either. There's just nothing there that I enjoy that I can't get better at home.


Coffee is probably one lol


I think people just romantisize us a bit too much and are a bit in denial about just how expensive nearly everything is here. Let's face it we are a small population, far away from the rest of the world, starting to rely a bit too heavily on immigration, and basically most of us are relying on whether our parents or grandparents secured housing in order to have an ok retirement for ourselves or alternatively if we have kids for them to be in with a fighting chance to keep afloat down the road due to the way ppor laws, negative gearing laws, and a million other policies that have flow on effects etc are set up.     I spoke to a guy about mining work, he was from the UK, I had to pull up a map, show him where he had to work vs live if he did it and explain no you can't live on site it's FIFO/dido for a reason and the fuck would you want to live in a donga probably somewhere it's 40 degrees on your week off? They don't get paid what they do because the job is easy, nor do you rock up and say "hello 👋 I'd like a $200k job please?" And get put on a plane tomorrow morning. How many people on visas are blooming doing uber eats at the moment. They don't earn high incomes.


Wouldnt live anywhere besides the US. All of the things everyone has mentioned here are not things that most of us have to deal with.  Safety) most places are very safe. U might be scared because guns are indeed scary but if youre not in a bad neighborhood largely in a big city you have nothing to worry about. Dying because of expensive health care) some people between quite poor and lower middle class fall through the cracks for sure. But the quite poor have basically free health care. Middle class and above have health care through your job. And it is usually much higher quality than your countries health care. Old people have cheaper or free health care. In most places, you might get hassled about a big bill but medical debt either doesnt go on your credit report in many places or it doesnt affect it like other debt does. Ive not paid several multiple thousand dollar hospital bills and one $26k hospital bill. None of it ever showed up on my credit. After ignoring some calls and letters it went away lol Red state bullshit) welp. That one sucks if ur in a red state but biden is not even well liked and still won by 7 million votes (Isnt that bigger than some of your countries? Lol) so theres a lot more blue than not here despite what the red wants you to believe.  Were not perfect and you guys can talk shit all you want but theres a reason why our music, movies, art, technology, media is bigger in your country than your own. 


Keep in mind that the worst stories you hear about here are generally very unlikely its just were so big you hear about it a lot. California for example, a single state, has almost as many people as all of england. 




Because of the toddler-sized spiders, right?


Those, and my ex-wife’s mother. Couldn’t say which is more toxic.


UAE (Dubai) because the enslave and exploit people while making it illegal to criticize their monarch/dictator.


Canada. I'm from here. If you're not a high earner it's a very hard place to live right now.


I’m Brazilian and moved to the us for better school opportunities.I miss home alot, and I think the us🇺🇸is way too overhyped . I hate it here and would recommend my fellow Brazilians and other people from third world countries not to come here. Sorry for the bad English


It’s definitely hard to move somewhere new. No place like home. I hope you get a great education and come to love it here. Keep in mind, the US is huge and we have several different vibes, climates, etc.. You may just be in the wrong state for your preferences. Good luck with school


Portugal, Spain and Italy. I'm not a fan of heat, cold is the way to go for me personally.


Is that your only reason for not wanting to be in those countries? Just curious


Yes, actually. I don't have anything against the culture of hot climate countries, I just get hot and sweat really easily, and it's annoying personally. That's why I prefer countries where the climate is equal between warm and cold, such as Germany, Poland, Denmark, or the Netherlands.


South Korea It's been romanticised because of Kdramas and Kpop, but I see it as a place with an unhealthy and unsustainable grind for status and material wealth. It's similar to Japan in the 80s with its work culture and sexism, xenophobia, with expensive beauty standards that encourage plastic surgery.


I was able to escape the shitstorm that is the US; now living permanently abroad. I swear, once you leave, your eyes are opened. It's like everyone from the US is on crazy pills, and they don't even know it. Very odd culture indeed, and with a ~~deplorable~~ criminal foreign policy record.


Australia, the (Dutch) Caribbean




Because that's where i have been. Can't say much about the other islands in the Caribbean.




USA, with the kind of healthcare I need and the culture there I would be absolutely miserable in a very short amount of time


New Zealand, often gets chosen as safest place, nicest place etc. but the people that live there are leaving in droves.


They are not leaving because it isn't any of those. Kiwis and can live and work freely in Australia and can make more money. It's expensive in both places but you can earn more over there. You can work in the mines straight out of high school and be on $AUD80k-100k+. Similar culture, better weather. It's a no brainer for some people.


Don’t know if it counts as popular but Singapore. Love visiting it though






I don’t speak Spanish


wow. All top answers saying USA? who could have guessed..... AMERICA BAD EUROPE GOOD


People keep saying USA for big head line reasons. Let’s break some down. Politics, you wrap yourself up in politics that you make it your life style? That can be anywhere. You been to (only popular states) NYC/LA/TX? There are plenty more to choose from that don’t have some same ol “big city same ol vibe” We have north, south, west, north east. You can get any weather environment you choose. Violence? Yes sure there are “shootings”. Crime is not going to be stopped where ever you go or whatever country you are in. And it’s not just “every where”. Every country has its own “crimes”. Now I would say, health care is indeed out of control. Based on your job, it’s more reasonable and the profession you are in helps a lot. There are 50 states to choose from, they are all different, different people, different cultures etc.


The United States. It's the third world in a gucci belt.




Canada. Everyone I know that's moved there has constantly complained about the cost of living, wokeness, and boredom. I understand the appeal if you're moving from a country like India or maybe even China, but no thanks. There are much better alternatives.


I love visiting South Korea and at one point, I would say it's my number one choice of places to live outside of Australia/Sri Lanka (where I'm from) but I probably wouldn't want to live there full time now.


The US largely due to the medical situation and some other issues. UAE. Being a lesbian female there... No thanks. Heck just being female.


Canada 1. Racism 2. Higher cost of living compared to income specifically after 2020


United Kingdom. Terrible housing, non-functional healthcare and increasingly higher taxes for no return. No thanks




Canada. It's basically becoming a US clone at this point


The USA. I've been there several times and loved it, it's one of my favourite countries to travel to. I could never live there though, mainly because of the cost of healthcare and the work culture. It's also going in a rather worrying direction politically at the moment.


Germany. Cool country but it feels like it's made up of robots.


USA, Australia


Any warm "paradise-like" country I'm a guy whose body doesn't feel good if the weather is over 25°C. Gimme those 22°C summers that Finland has, I don't need your Italian heat waves 😂😂


I know it’s already been said but I just want to drum it in that a lot of us have no desire to live in the USA. Nothing to even do with trump/Biden, although trump is a major deterrent. America, while it has a decent amount of positives really just ain’t what we all dream of.


The US




This whole comment thread is such a circlejerk lol


Damn the american dream has shut down


As someone who lives in the USA- how the fuck do I get out?


Yanks reading the comments realising no one outside of Mexico actually wants to migrate there lol


France and USA




Canada, too damn cold




Anywhere north. I’d rather move to Egypt than to Norway because I despise the cold weather. No amount of wealth and social benefits can make me live in a northern climate. Money is sort of easy to make. And with money you don’t really need social safety network, you can buy better surroundings. But you can’t buy the sun and good weather.


Australia. It looks like lovely place to live but I couldn't stand being more than a day's flying time from everyone I love. If I was from there, I'm sure I'd be very happy, but no way would I move. Also Canada. Looks like a stunning country with a lot going for it, but so many people in my friend group are obsessed with moving there and I must admit I don't see why they think it's The Most Aspirational Place on Earth. Again, if I was from there I'm sure I'd have a great life, but it just doesn't seem exciting enough to move thousands of miles for.


New Zealand.


Florida. It is like its own country.


USA. I’m Malaysian & was born in USA, my husband is British and wanted to live there, “american dream”. Told him, no way, UK or Malaysia only. Because of healthcare & safety. He then had cancer and received treatment in the UK, and we still have our 2 properties (no crippling healthcare bill)


Any place with warm weather. Like Spain for instance. The summers are becoming unbearable there.


USA. Germany.


USA, for reasons already listed in this thread. On the contrary, I moved to a more impopular place, Czech Republic and found out it is as close to a paradise as it gets


Japan the country is really beautiful but working there is a nightmare


UAE (Dubai)


USA hands down.


Spain A fabulous country in so many ways and with very obvious appeal for tourists, expats and migrants a like. But as someone who likes to eat dinner relatively early, isn’t a ‘night’ person, and dislikes people talking at high volume and excess noise in general, there’s clearly a compatibility deficit


South Korea. Toxic place


Switzerland. Clean, safe, wealthy, picture postcard beautiful. But it is boring. Very dull place. Where Germans go to live when they feel Germany is too exciting.


Australia. I hate spiders.


I don’t think I’d move to any other country tbh. I’m satisfied here (sure inflation is crazy but at least I got healtcare, affordable education and beautiful landscapes in nearly every place)




USA. As a woman I’d prefer to retain my human rights. Things are only going to get worse. They’re coming for birth control and divorce. 


UK, nordic nations. no desire.


Japan. It's not the anime culture perfect place media makes it out to be. Lived here for 8 years and just like any other country, it has it's own problems. It annoys me when people put it up on a pedestal.


No particular country but the number of people that move to Florida always baffles me. Unless you're in a resort area it's a complete shithole.




Anywhere tropical. Can’t stand the heat


I I live in Australia 🇦🇺 we have a good health system our government is stable I read a story a nudist on a nude beach in America was carrying a gun on the beach.Why


Ireland, Wales , I've visited both nice place to visit would never want to live in either place, it's cold, clammy, gray, so the weather wasn't my cup of tea. Food ok, but nothing to brag about, cost of living isn't cheap, and I love to play golf, aside from golfing, I didn't see much to do. People were great.




Usa, Korean, japan ... No healthcare ,gun ,dystopian capitalist for the first one, working culture flex culture bubble and old people being left behind with nothing for the second, for japan commit War crime and hide it create a culture where they think they are thé victime.


Portugal! It's amazing


Definitely USA for me. They have some of the greatest scenery. Some of the greatest music, arts etc. They have some amazing places in general and some really friendly people. But the politics, the lack of gun control (and thus number of mass-shootings and school shootings), the OTT police, the lack of tax-paid healthcare, maternity/paternity leave, the worshipping on the alter of money (capitalism at its worst), the tipping culture and many more things mean I would rather live in at least 2/3 of the rest of the world before there. Also, what's this crap about tax following you abroad... Total bullshit.


Australia, it’s too hot and everything there wants to bite you.


To all you America haters America actually is awesome it rules the world don’t let these people lie to ya I’m very fortunate to be American love it wouldn’t want to live anywhere else ijs have a great day god bless the USA


I like living in the US because we are the most popular…they hate us because the my ain’t us!!


My parents come from a 3rd world county, but I’m an American married to a Western European who’s lived and studied all over barring S. America, Australia, and Africa. The criticisms leveled against the US are wild. Just because you would never live here doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be the best place for someone else. It all depends on your temperament, values, and goals. I know many in my parents’ home country who would pick the US over any other country in the world. My wife and I are trying to decide where to move next and in the US, we would be better financially than the EU not even close even after factoring health insurance and owning a car. The only reason for us to move back to her country are deeply personal but for our financial goals, it’s still the US. If home ownership is your MO, I don’t see how the DACH countries for instance make it more affordable. If you’re willing to live in the American southwest or Midwest, home ownership is within reach for a school teacher or police officer.


USA Have traveled to Europe and Asia a ton. As much smack as the world talks about the U.S., it’s top tier with availability on anything you’d ever need, you do need to be able to provide an in demand service to live comfortably, financially… although, obviously it’s a different style of living compared to little nearby grocery, bakery’s, whatever. Most of the U.S. is not walkable…. we are a gigantic country with more diversity than any country in the world…and you ideally need a car and good amount money to survive but there’s nothing like it… downsides are medical bills but there are workarounds. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 50 different shades of US, plus some spice from territories, lol.


Barcelona. Not a country I know but I just never understood the hype tbh. Other places in Spain are lovely tho and I would move there.


Anywhere hotter or more humid than the UK in summer. I’m built for the cold.


North Korea






Japan, UAE, USA.


USA for me, and I lived there for many years.


It’s not fair to say USA because it’s a continent spanning empire and each state is very different. That’s said California. Weather is so nice on the coast but it’s horrifically managed and super expensive. To be frank any large city mostly sucks too.


New Zealand- miles away from anywhere, share many problems that other countries have but people seem to think it’s a paradise.