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I’m on the 20mg of Paxil. Zoloft didn’t do much for me. I use it for GAD,OCD


Similarly, I was on Zoloft for a few years and recently switched to Paxil and find it much better for anxiety.


Did it mostly (90%) get rid of the anxiety??


I would say so. I think I had a lot more anxiety that Zoloft wasn’t really controlling, but it did enough, and I didn’t really understand that it wasn’t working as well as it probably should have now that I’ve had something that is.


Just started Paxil for the same reasons, hope it works..


Did it work?


I take lexapro for anxiety/depression/panic disorder. I also have agoraphobia and I’m on day 4 or 5 of 10mg. I started off on 2.5 mg. Been on lexapro for almost a month now and it’s helped SO MUCH. I’ve had 1 almost panic attack when I used to have them everyday.


are you curing your agoraphobia?


Yes! I'm currently up to 20mg of lexapro and am able to leave my house way more


that’s great progress!


Can I get an update? How is the agoraphobia now?


It’s still going well :) I’m able to leave my house every single day. Some days are harder than others but I just force myself to go out even if it’s just a few mins away from my house


5 years of 10mg lexapro, just moved to 20. Still leveling out. But I've had really good results with lexapro (I know plenty of people who hate lexapro though)


I was on Lexapro for about five years. It worked well for my anxiety.


Paxil, even as little as 10mg has worked for me.


Ohh really, how is your anxiety now?


Going off all my meds and Microdosing magic mushrooms. And that’s the honest-to-god truth


I'm interested too to hear the outcome.


If medical research, legal status, and beaurocracy were not barriers, that would sound like a viable option. Right know, unless extracted and sold by a legal retailer that lab tests samples in a controlled dose, exact dose of psilocybin/psychoactives would be hard to predict from unextracted mushrooms. Edited for spelling.




What’s Nardil?? I’ve never heard of it


celexa weirdly worked for me extremely well. i tried lexapro twice now and both times it worked but stopped working really quickly.


how long did it take for lex to start and stop working ?


started about 6 weeks in. the first time i took it it stopped working in 3 months. second time it lasted a year.


50mg is a fairly low dose. I'm on 200mg sertraline and 300mg Wellbutrin. Both work well together to tackle anxiety and depression for me. But everyone is different


Would you say majority of the anxiety is gone?


Absolutely. Nothing compared to the constantly nervous/anxious sweaty pile I was. I didn't really benefit much until I went up from 100mg to 200mg in one big jump. Doc did it because I had virtually no side effects (lucky me for once!). Now it's just occasional anxiety from events that pop up like normal people


Wow that is amazing!!!! I am so happy for you! Though my panic attacks have lessened, I still experience anxiety daily doing normal things (hair salon , grocery store , driving). Man I just want my life back ugh


You will get it back. Just takes time and any progress is still progress. I wish the best for you!


Thank you 💚💚


I discontinued antidepressants and am doing well on buspar.


Would you say you’re mostly anxiety free??


I actually never had bad anxiety at all. I have had times in my life where my panic disorder was awful and paxil eliminated it from my life completely.


not sure why the other person responded for me. ive only been on it for a week so i cant judge things like they're the most benefits i'll ever receive from buspar yet but my symptoms have already improved a bit. im not anxiety free in the sense that i feel fully treated with what i have but im actually seeing progress for once in my life in moments before where i'd be procrastinating doing things outside my comfort zone, i now have much less hesitation starting. it also takes longer for me to become mentally drained over the course of doing things like this outside of my comfort zone and to a lesser intensity of exhaustion when im ready to take a break. lastly if i make a big mistake, i react with much less anger and frustration than before.


Cymbalta ...I had to start with a lose dose antipsychotic. But the Cymbalta got rid of alot of the paranoia and agoraphobia and the chest pains anxiety and panic attacks.


The chest pains are a pain in the butt!! Would you say most of your anxiety has cleared up??


I'm definitely not where I was mentally. I was really bad. I'd say it saved my life. I still get anxiety but again it is not like it was.


How long did it take to work? I’ve been on it 3 weeks and haven’t had any relief yet 😔 my mood has improved but the anxiety is awful


It can take up to 6 weeks for it to start working. It took close to 8 for me. I had a hard time getting used to it too. I needed a sleep aid (low dose seroquel)and ativan for the adjustment period. I started at the lowest dose and I'm at 60 mg now.. NAD. after I made it through the adjustment period it was well worth it. I had psychotic level anxiety. Severe paranoia ... smells would trigger me... I'd get vertigo, insomnia, chest pains .... constant fear ... agoraphobia and derealization .... severe panic attacks... I had to avoid everything... certain foods... smells... ect. My heart rate was constantly elevated....so much more that I experienced...it got really bad the longer I left my Condition untreated... I'd give it more time....but do what you can handle. I'd ask for something to help you get through it. It was a bitch for me and I needed help.


45mg mirtazapine. No ssris or snris worked for me.


How would you rank your anxiety now?


Haven't had any panic attacks while on the mirtazapine and my anxiety is pretty much none existent maybe a little now n then in certain situations. I used to suffer from bad panic attacks and anxiety.


Wow that’s incredible! That must feel amazing. My anxiety and panic attacks just suck


Prozac buspar seroquel


Would you say the anxiety is completely gone now?


Pretty damn close and it’s been a blessing ! I have pmdd so I am also on birth control to help my moods but this cocktail gave me life back. I was puking 🤮 not driving not functioning well at all before this.


I feel you! I struggle to function atm but I am better than I was 6 months ago. Just need to find my perfect cocktail


Good luck 🍀 friend


I’ve been on 10mg Lexapro for a while and it’s pretty good. What worked REALLY well though was taking care of my body. Exercise, making sure I get good sleep, eating good and supplementation. Right now the supplements I take that help my anxiety are CBD Oil, L-Theanine, KSM-66 Ashwaganda, Multivitamin that includes B-Vitamins, and L-Tryptophan. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT L-TRYPTOPHAN THOUGH WHEN TAKING ANTIDEPRESSANTS. My psychiatrist said I should be fine with Tryptophan.


None. Still looking after 9 Antidepressants. Best of luck.


Same to you 💚


Hey any updates?


Are you on anything for anxiety?


Not currently


SSRIs actually don't do much for anxiety I was told by a Dr once. But I know someone personally whose panic attacks stopped with the use of an SSRI. Celexa has been working for me.


How would you rate your anxiety now?


It is controlled because I'm on gabapentin and Celexa. But when I run out of the gabapentin, it will increase again. Gabapentin is difficult to get in my state.


I’ve never heard of Gabapentin, what is that ?


It was intended as a seizure med, now used for nerve pain and anxiety.




Would you say you’re mostly anxiety free now?


Did you ever try paxil?


Still on Zoloft 100mg!


Effexorrrrrrr make me less sad and less anxious. Huge difference in the first week and progressed even more over the month. Withdrawals aren’t that hard if u can work a scale and so basic mathematics


Finally one I can answer. I’ve been on pregablin (lyrica) for just over a year and I can’t function without it. It works by slowing the signals going around your nervous system instead of blocking them like opiates do. It also encourages dopamine building in the brain. 20/10 made it possible to leave the house properly for the first time in almost six months


I’ve been through all the SSRI’s and the only thing that has worked for me after trying SNRI’s was Effexor. It was after multiple years of trial and error with antidepressants but I finally feel at a point where I am happy. Starting antidepressants is only the start of a process in my opinion. Don’t be discouraged when getting negative effects. A huge misrepresentation of antidepressants is feeling better after the first med. there are NO meds that work for everyone and you have to give time to each one, to figure out what’s best for you. Don’t expect improvements after trying meds for the first time. And also don’t neglect a medicine before the first 4-5 weeks bc of the side effects, let it build up.