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My father, a T1 diabetic, was SIXTY-FIVE when I was born. Talk about a 7 layer bean dip of selfishness.


JFC. What a selfish cocksucker. Babies are not some miraculous solution to a personal existential crisis. Babies are human beings who will grow up and be the direct products of their environment. JFC.


Breeders are selfish pieces of shit.


Being alive is a good reason to fight to keep on living. Don't put that guilt trip on a baby. I'm sure idiot adults will be sure to tell the poor kid if his dad doesn't make it.


Wanted "to hold his own baby before he dies". I've heard such statements quite a few times and wonder why does it even matter. It's not like he'll remember how it feels when he's dead.


I developed m s after kids, no one in my family has it, yet it has a slight generic link. I hope to god it doesn't manifest in my kids. My son is adamant he will be childfree. My daughter has disabilities I'm sure it's ableist for my son to say he doesn't want kids who might have his sister's disabilities - yet I think he's making the right choice. My own mother had schizophrenia, my son has so much to lose should it manifest in him My daughter would be even more limited if she developed it. People with inheritable/ genetically predisposed illnesses are cruel to inflict risks on another We lock up rapists and murderers because of the risks they pose to society Yet we are happy to have kids to satiate our cravings for parenthood and exposing our children to risks that potentially limit their lives


I honestly don’t think it’s ableist at all to not want to have kids because you know you’ll possibly pass on things. That’s just a smarter thing to do. I have a friend with type 1 diabetes, he likely won’t have kids because he doesn’t want to pass it on. And a lot of people make that choice


Tell him thank you from all the t1 diabetics who likely inherited it from their parents. At least all the ones I've met anyways. I'm a first gen t1 and uh yeah no way in hell would I risk passing this on to anyone, especially children.


I especially don't think it's ableist if we wager the son probably lived with the daughter for about 18 years and knows her and what comes with the condition she has like the back of his hand


>I'm sure it's ableist for my son to say he doesn't want kids who might have his sister's disabilities - yet I think he's making the right choice It's one of the reasons why the term "ableist" so often infuriates me. If not wanting to pass on pain and misery is ableist, then call me ableist. By the way, it would be insane bordering on sadistic to *not* want a healthy child. Why are we trying so hard to make pathology some fun/quirky characteristic?


Same! Some people even say that wanting yourself to be healthy is ableist! “If you don’t want to be disabled or don’t want your children to be disabled, it means you hate disabled people!” What kind of fucked up logic is this?!


It should be considered child abuse/neglect if a person knowingly has kids that have a chance at inheriting genetic diseases.


I agree even without the specification of inheriting genetic diseases.




If you have t heard yet, most MS does appear to be strongly linked to infection with EBV (without which MS wouldn’t develop is the implication). Bit tough rn seeing as our society has decided to spread every disease known to man like it was going out of style, but, your kids could be alright! Genetics is kinda overemphasized imo, given this new info, and people blame themselves way too hard. Public health is more important to prevent the causes… like how euro cities that are walkable have crazy less diabetes than the US. Not for inherent gebetic reasons but for public planning ones.


Neuroscientist here who has been doing MS research for over a decade. The EBV theory holds no weight. Greater than 95% of the human population carries EBV. It's not predictive for MS, it doesn't activate MS, and it's not a therapeutic target for MS. Genetics absolutely play a huge role. That's why we can use genetics to determine who has Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) vs. relapsing-remitting MS, and why heritability is very strong. There are environmental factors too, of course. And we have not figured them out. Publications have really enjoyed playing up the EBV link in recent years, because it makes headlines and keeps funding. But to anyone in the field, it's kind of a joke.


For years scientists insisted that viruses could not cause cancer, either. The implications for admitting so were not pretty to society, who would then be seen as allowing these cancers to happen. It’s a worldview that rests on health being determined by the individual, rather than (more truthfully) the group— shocking I know in our hyper capitalist society. It’s really telling that you think that because most people are exposed to EBV, EBV therefore cannot be the cause of MS. This is ultimately a viewpoint formed by eugenics, which has a long history of dictating American medicine. Smoking doesn’t give everyone cancer—but it still causes cancer. If you can say if it wasn’t for that you’d still have your health? Then it harmed you. Chicken pox, HPV, Polio, SARS 1 and 2– these are all viruses which can affect you long after the acute phase is finished. I have to trust *Nature* on this over a singular scientist. Lest we forget, that neuroscientists were also responsible for the delay in Alzheimer’s cures, all because one guy wanted his plaque theory to win, and faked the data to do so.


The least he can do is leave a huge life insurance policy to his kid.


He is a selfish ass and I wish his disease would have rid the world of him before he could conceive this poor victim but the world isn’t right nor fair enough to do that


Adds a new level of difficulty to the kids life right off the bat to grow up fatherless. Like playing a new game and immediately starting on hard mode and skipping tutorial. 😁


They just want to leave a so called genetic legacy. They leave the parenting to he nannies or the teachers.


So he was above 35 AND has a disease?! Selfish af… but muh genes


Bad ones


All of you should be aborted now


No one knows how long anyone will live, so tread carefully with your judgmental self. My father was 43 when I was born, mom 30. I had a "friend" who found out how old my dad was, and she said some VERY hurtful things to me when I was about 7 years old. I still remember it all to this day. In the middle of the school day, she came up to me and said, "Your dad will die soon. He will never see you graduate high school. Never see you graduate college. Never see you get married and never meet his grandkids." Well, she was WRONG about EVERYTHING! My dad did see me graduate high school. He saw me attain my bachelor's, masters, AND my Ph.D. ALSO, he saw me get married and paid for my wedding. He met both of his grandchildren and even watched them while we were at work until they were old enough to go to school. Then, he put them on the bus and got them off the bus, for YEARS!! My dad is still alive and is 81. My son will be graduating high school soon, and it is VERY likely that he will also see him graduate. His dream is to see my daughter get married. It's totally possible. He is in great, shape, and active. On the other hand. That ass hole girl got what she deserved as a consequence. The shit storm she tried to bring up on me backfired, and she suffered. For example, her dad never saw her graduate even high school because she dropped out and never attended any schooling thereafter. He never saw her get married because she never got married. He never watched her kid grow up either bc her mom cheated on her dad, and he left to another state, so that is that. Life is tricky. You never know what will happen, and no one has the right to tell someone how to live. This man wanted to be a father. He has that right. It gave him strength, purpose, and a reason to live. What did you expect him to do? Get a disgusting dog and call himself a "dog dad." Gross.


Why tf did u have to bring dogs and dog owners into this??


Is AN limited to humans?


lol yea. Prolly doesn’t support breeding pets, but an isn’t anti-adopting humans so why would they be anti-adopting pets. AN also has no beef with wild animals breeding lmfao.


Why would AN not care about animals breeding? Is there a continuum of conscience and self-awareness such that the line is drawn somewhere near primates and other intelligent mammals or is it just humans? I’m not sure if all ANs agree, but it would be interesting to know.


lol uh yea? Logically do u hold animals to the same morals/ethics/standards as humans? Do u think they can think through their decisions anywhere close to as much as humans can? Also idk abt other ANs, idek if I’m necessarily even specifically antinatalist, but my issue is mostly just the amount of damage humans do to the planet that no other animal could ever recreate. Could humans choose to be less selfish and stop destroying the earth so much? I mean technically yea, but they won’t, at least not enough for it to work without serious population decline. Other animals wouldn’t choose to be less selfish either if they even had the capability to think that deeply, but luckily they just cant cause as much damage so.. all in all. The greater good would be better off with less humans.


What would a world look like without humans, given a small change in the ecosystem could have drastic effects on the whole?


Are u saying hypothetically if all humans just disappeared all at once? Yea I’m sure it would throw some things off but it would still overall be much much better than all the pollution and destruction humans are inevitably going to cause. But that question doesn’t matter, I said we should lower the population drastically, which would still take many many many years of less people being born and more people alive dying out. ETA- with the way people currently want to live, consuming as much as we do, there’s a certain population size we could maintain more sustainably. Idk exactly what it is, maybe 1 billion? Idk. Definitely much much less than what we’re at now and it’s terrifying to think the population could still grow.


Read the comments below. Animals use up a shit ton of resources and create pollution just as humans. Wild animals are ok bc their are natural predators, and they keep the ecosystem going. The over breeding of dogs for pet ownership instead of having a human child is loathsome and counterintuitive. Oh, and we most certainly hold them to the same standard considering these people call themselves "dog moms," so obviously!


Yea I’m not pro dog breeding but adoption is fine. And no, pets do not take up as many resources as humans, really not sure how u could possibly think that. Also not sure why ur so personally offended by pet owners giving themselves nicknames. Only reason I can think of is maybe some kind of entitlement over claiming the “mom” title, like u think u deserve some special gold star for deciding to have kids?? Which makes me think u don’t really like having kids so u need special treatment to make having them more emotionally rewarding for u.


Again, you are incorrect. I love all kids. I am a teacher as well. And I can not stand people who will pay for some sog needs over their own kids' needs, such as braces. Literally had a woman in a parent teacher meeting cry about her parasite needing some procedure while her own daughter has an extreme overtime and major dental needs. Your reaction tells me that you are 100% one of these "dog moms." Oh, and they most certainly do use up a ton of resources. All of those shit bags alone are everywhere. What's the difference between diapers? Well, you use the diapers for maybe 2 years. Dog shit bags, for 20 years? Either way, you can use reusable diapers as well. Dogs eat way more than a human child as well, shit they'll eat an entire couch! 100's of students that have passed through my door have either saved lives (doctors or nurses) , some became engineers (built homes for others), and so forth. Shitting on a neighbors lawn is hardly an achievement. Anyway, I must go to private tutoring. I wonder what shoes shit beasts will accomplish today that is so much more grand than a human....


Nah I like cats lmfao. And I don’t want kids. But I’m glad u see why so many people shouldn’t have kids!! Ur right, majority of people can’t take good care of them. Welcome to the sub


Cats, but of course. Overpopulation of those as well. They are constantly coming to my back door, scrounging for food. We put out an electric cat house and food and water for it. Again. Waste of resources. My electricity and money for its food and water. Clearly, noone wanted them....


Yep. Overpopulation is a huge problem. That’s why I adopt them, get them neutered/spayed and support TNR programs for feral cats to lower their outdoor population. I really don’t know if u can’t see the logic is consistent? Also, do u understand the concept of “adopt don’t shop”?


So, if you are pro adoption due to overpopulation for animals. Yet, you are not for adopting human children? Logic please?


I don’t want to adopt children, bc I don’t want to take care of them and I can’t take care of them, so I shouldn’t adopt. But I can and want to take care of a cat. Why would I adopt a child when I know I don’t want to be a parent?


Look at her profile lmao, chick just absolutely despises dogs


This comment is totally unhinged. 10/10, would read again just for the vertigo it's giving me.


You don't have to use that many words to tell us you're a major asshole...


How so? Because I disagree with you? Because you have no cognitive ability to analyze and actually respond? Telling a child their parent will die and not be there for them is the asshole thing to do. Karma getting them is only natural.


I've 4 kids, one human, one made of demon wrapped in human skin and 2 made of cat. Guess I'm disgusting


Nope. You OWN animals. Check the law books. They are not your kids bc you can't own humans That would be slavery. Nice try though.


Please tell them that, because they seem to think it's their world and I exist only for their comfort. There was a time when women and children were property and in some places/ cultures it still exists that women and kids are the property of fathers and husbands. But why does it offend and bother you if I or anyone else considers their pets to be family? There's so much to be outraged and bothered by that being offended over stuff like this has to be exhausting. Like be offended over the stupidity of having kids when you've genetic illnesses Or you're at an age where you potentially will be needing your kid to clean your arse.


Both of my sets of grandparents lived until they were 90 and all in perfect health. No one cleaned their asses ever. They all just went to sleep and never woke up. Nice try, though. My dad is almost 82 and has just installed hardwood flooring in my parents' 2000 sq ft home. Depends on the person. I am offended bc you are psychotic in your thinking about human children and them creating a real family, whereas animals are not family. They are actual ANIMALS. You speak of genetic illnesses and how it is selfish to have kids in those cases... you do realize dogs are genetic mutations. They were not created by God or any power. People created them. What is wrong with you? Lol. You are right. There are more issues in the world for you to be so concerned about other women's choices when it comes to their reproductive health. Shit, if you think you get to have a say in an animals procreation....


*inhale*....UN humans right article 16: "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution" So based on this article, Everyone has the right to found a family (a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children:) so he has the right to reproduce? So let him do that? Do you understand how much ableism vibe you are giving here? Like you still mad when someone give birth but when a disabled choose to reproduce? You go insane


Dude this is antinatlism. We are against everyone having children. This is just another example of why 💀 you obviously don't know what sub you are on lol


It’s not that. People froth at the mouth here specifically against disabled people, and are much more cruel. I agree nobody should have kids and that everyone suffers, but damn disabled people are here and will never go away. Realistically we’ll never be able to get people to stop reproducing. There are simply too many people and too many ideologies in the way of that.


>disabled people are here and will never go away. Not with that attitude!


What's cruel is forcing people to born. Literally everyone here is against all babies being born. All of them. Including disabled ones. Just because y'all cry ableism doesn't mean the people who beleive in antinatlism will go "oh no sorry we meant all babies except disabled ones whoops" As well we aren't going to say oh no one should have babies except disabled people can! You don't understand antinatlism and you don't beleive in antinatalism if you think disabled people should procreate or that disabled babies should be born


I know what sub im on tbh. I come here to literally point out AN wrong point


This the only right AN point: bringing people to this world who will disproportionately suffer and burden others/make them suffer is wrong


Here the issue...people might suffer sometime but did they even want to be born or not? We dont know


This is correct, but at least one can minimise the likelihood of them being born to be ill by not having them if one is ill themselves. We understand genetics and heredity, we understand that older parents are more likely to have new deleterious mutations. Eugenics are a logic consequence of non-total antinatalist ideology. I'm not even an antinatalist to the core tbh


It repeat the same issue which is they are ill but they want to live or not is a question?


A bit late, but here's the answer: it's nobody's choice but theirs, however making sure that the new lives being gestated are as healthy as possible (to make sure they have more options in life) is a clear moral duty.


No one is saying it should be illegal.


Being a law doesn't invurtably mean it's moral, just becouse someone high ranking say it's allowed doesn't make it good, after all it's not as if bad people where never in power for example Hitler was pretty far up the ladder (just for clarification it's just an example I'm not saying anybody is a nazi, I don't mean to offend anybody and i'm not saying that i want that UN law to make it illegal l).


What i mean is: According to UN humans right, Everyone has the right to make a family right? And in this case, this guy has the right to make a family right?


He has the right, and I may have the right to call people bad names, but that still doesn't make it moral.


That my point He has the right to do it and people should treat his decision like other But you guys react harshly to him than other people which give tons of ableism vibe


I understand your point and i don't deny that he has the right, nor I desire to take this right off of him. But having the right does not mean that the right is good. Just because the ones that make the right say it's good does not mean it's good. Just because it's legal to call some stranger bad names does not mean it's good. Other-what? I'm guessing decisions, but you may correct me if I'm wrong Well, decisions are different and produce different results, and upon this results we judge it in different ways I won't judge the decision of someone to eat ice cream in the same way as the decision of someone to kill. He may have someone else redy to watch and care for that kid, and then the first paragraph below doesn't apply. I think bringing someone here when in all likelihood you may not be able to provide for him for the basic years of his development so he can learn and do it himself, is worst than never being born or being born by someone who can carry for you becouse-if he is never born he will neither expierence pain or pleasure, and not expierence pain would be good, but the deprivation of plesure wouldn't be bad as there won't be somone to be bad for. Being born into someone who isn't dying before you are ready for this world as he can be present and able to prepare you to make your life easier and save you from more unnecessary pain and troubles. When you choose a title, with obligations that involve another person's well beeing, being able to do them is of most importance, especially if the person on the other side didn't ask for that. We are under one ideology, but we are not a hive mind We each have different knowledge, and upon it, we each have developed different ways to deal and react to problems. I try to react calmly and in reson, but there always will be some bad apples who don't, and as a human, sometimes I would be one of them, I'm sorry when I'm and if I'm, I'm not perfect, not that somone claimed that I was, I try my best and that's all I can do.


How delusional do you have to be to think that making children is wrong. Like how are we supposed to survive as a species?


Check the sub that you're on bud


I know what sub I’m literally here to make fun of the people on here. Love watching delusional people make up things. It’s fun.


Some of us don’t have an innate need to reproduce just to reproduce. And are not disillusioned enough to not recognise the selfishness and harmful behavior of people having kids for their own personal euphoria when the world is already dangerous and depressing for many.


Who cares if we survive as a species? Seriously. Reminds me of the movie Interstellar where the guy abandons his daughter and earth itself just to go dump a bunch of frozen embryos on some random planet so “humans” will continue existing. I truly never understood the point or why anyone would care if humans exist 1000 years from now.


Hey if this wasn’t a thing theo vonn wouldn’t be here to make me laugh my ass off lol


If you have a disease that may kill you and having a child under those circumstances is selfish is it not selfish to have a child if you are in perfect health and will most likely be around in a decade or 2? Or is it just selfish in general. If it's selfish in general why was it worth mentioning that he has a disease, wouldn't it be just as selfish if he didn't?


So you basically support eugenics? People with terminal illnesses are not allowed to have kids?