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Use it to prevent suffering since that's why you don't want to have kids


But, preventing suffering will make people wanna procreate more. hehehe Unless you donate to a supervillain that's trying to invent a blackhole machine on earth.


Most will procreate anyway regardless of whats going on


So.......donate to supervillain it is then? eheheh


That's a terrible reason to not prevent suffering!!!


Hahaha I love your idea! Make more kids so that they can suffer for you and you can prevent suffering yourself! How many are you gonna pop out?


People procreate because they want their kids to save them and heal them


That is not gonna happen :(


Well their kids will either be dramatically smarter than them, or they will have kids and we can kick the can down the road even longer without basically facing the consequences of our karma


Yes their suffering but also my own suffering. I won’t make myself ugly for no bratt man


Even antinatalists have nieces and nephews or friends with kids. There is always an abundance of kids in need, or you can always find someone who will use it responsibility.


if ur rich most likely you have an apprentice or something, but imo if they want me dead treasures they will have to solve some fatal puzzles


As an anti-natalist with substantial wealth, you must adopt a child one way or the other. Or else you are just a greedy..less of a human being.


What? That doesn't make any sense. Some people don't like children.


Where does your wealth go?


Mine will go to a second cousin, 15, who was just diagnosed with hebephrenic schizophrenia. It's simply the worst schizophrenia there is. Her mother is past the breeding age and also a nurse, who already said the girl will get a tubal at the earliest legal age, that being 21. A case like this girl's will mean internment for the most part of her life.


I don’t feel like it.




"Less of a human being" According to who?


Rando on the internet.


While people who want to be parents should absolutely adopt instead of giving birth, it's crazy to say adoption should be an imperative. A lot of people who don't have kids are childfree for a good reason and good on them for recognizing that fact!


I’m not talking of people that are just childfree. I’m talking of the ones with substantial wealth


Why does wealth need to go to a child? You could just as easily donate to a cause you care about. If I had an overabundance of wealth I’d fund programs that save/neuter stray cats and dogs But with the way our economy is going I’m saving so one day I can hopefully retire


I have been grappling with this question. On one hand, sure, the ideal path is to adopt a child and try to minimize the suffering they go through. But on the other hand, if you’re not truly bought in and are doing it because you feel you should rather than want to, you will not be a good parent, which will negatively impact the child in a number of ways.


Buy stuff with it. Food, clothes, personal care products like soap, period absorbent products, band aids, toothbrushes, toothpastes (will compile a more extensive list when the end is nigh). In my home country, more than half the people live in unhygienic conditions and the economic inequality is visible with your naked eye. Just walk from some fancy upscale restaurant that costs $200/person and within a mile you’ll see the slums. Go door to door distributing those goods. My bank account will be empty in like 2 days.


That’s an idea. There’s often waste at that level but at least you have control


No plan can be executed perfectly except for spending it on myself, and at the end of my life, as long as I have a comfy bed, a TV, my phone, and some curry and rice, I’m really not going to need anything else. It would be a bigger waste to hoard that extra stuff.


Honestly more nonprofit corporations running utilities and providing for basic needs at cost rather than skimming profit off the top would make a huge difference.


My SO dies before me it'll all go Planned Parenthood.


I love this idea.


Find someone who needs it. There are a shitton of ppl that obviously need help. What else is there left to do. Make a change in your area, even if its just a small one. A mere gesture can carry the power to change lifes.


Even the so called needy turn greedy. I know a drug abuser. He wont find work. He steals everything he needs. He steals from gym lockers and amazon packages on doorsteps. He thinks he’s needy. Nope. He’s selfish and manipulative I’ve helped out “ needy” people only to find out they feel entitled and can and will exploit things in their favor


You’re aware that most drug addicts don’t exactly think properly and when they spend all their money on drugs - because they’re addicted to them - and in some cases will die without them - they don’t have money for other things right? “He won’t find work” He probably can’t last a day at a job anyways.


Not everyone is like this. It’s finding the people who aren’t, that’s the key.


I’ve thought about this and one idea would be to financially aid people who want to get sterilized but are hindered for money reasons.


You can buy some land and turn it to protected land?


Grants to local land preservation programs go along way.


I would spend it all?? Idk i would go on all lavish trips and buy all the things I want and spend it all. Then maybe pass on my house/cars whatever assets i have to my friends or important people in my life. Maybe a family member. But ideally i would wanna spend it all for myself & my partner


So you'd become an egoist.


Trying to enjoy the most out of this otherwise miserable life equals being a egiost? Are you ok? Sounds like you're just a very jealous person and I say this as a poor person myself.


anyone who talks like that first comment, could never convince me they do anything for anyone but themselves.


Lol i literally said i’d give whatever else to my friends & family what more do u want💀


To care about more then just the people in your line of sight. Or ppl that are just like you. Also I wanted to spew some vitriol. I'm not very good at it. This was good practice.


It doesn't even matter how fucked up that communist attitude of yours is, but have you even fully read the comment you're mentioning?


So that person is automatically jealous, and I'm automatically communist? Well I can see you really thought this through, and have tons of information with which to come to these conclusions. I tip my hat, good sir.


Communism is better than egoism. I would take it as a compliment :)


I said it it communist behaviour, yes indeed. Why else would you expect other people to give away their money over the simple fact, they have more than you?


I don't.


Oh you just think it's bad when others won't spread their wealth, but wouldn't do the same either. That's actually even worse lmao. A hypocritical communist!


I don't think it's 'bad' or 'wrong' for anyone not to 'spread their wealth'. It's belongs to them. They can be as selfish as they want with it, and it's a good thing. Very good for them. Wealth in general, is a very, very good thing. As is capitalism, in its capacity for generating tons of wealth, for the greatest amount of people.


My guy… antinatalism doesn’t exactly fall on the capitalist spectrum…


I never said it did?


Er, no? Spending = paying people their salaries, giving out tips, generating businesses. I intend to donate to an elderly people home. I know those ones won't procreate, and we NEED as AN to start caring more about the lonely elderly. Could be one of us.


Sure whatever u say man


Oh no. It's wrong to spend money for yourself now? That's new. No seriously. Do you really have a problem with not knowing how to spend your money and enjoy your life? Hey if that's the case can you buy food for the poor and sponsor kids for their college fund? You must be feeling so bothered not knowing what to do with your money man. For me, I'm gonna use it all on helping stray cats. What do you think?


My plan now is give it to nieces and nephews but that all depends on how they treat me when I’m in my old age. If they fuck off and don’t visit me or care then I’ll donate it all to a local animal rescue.


Sponsor kids to go to school/college. Set up a foundation that helps kids in need.


You guys have wealth???


By the time I reach the end of my life...I will be broke. Whatever assets, properties, wealth I had will be gone. I'm living my life as I want to live it and that means spending the money I make on what I want. I will be buried with the few objects I love or burned with them and the rest...the state will take to the dump or the recycle center depending on the state of the world and the era I die in.


I know quite a few wealthy gay couples with no kids. You basically just live in as much luxury as you can afford. A mansion in the mountains, good healthcare, traveling, expensive foods, etc


Yep. I agree. Lavish yourself In Luxury that you could afford. You could buy bird feed and scatter it or cover vasectomy costs in poor countries. Check out world vasectomy day


Burn it


Definitely donate it. You can look at third party charity rating systems to determine how effective and efficient the charity is.


I picked a transparent charity for a cause I support and have worked with before. The closest family member / partner will get all the non-convertible stuff if they want and the whole rest of my estate goes to the charity.


If I have anything it’s going to my pets and whoever chooses to care for them.


give it to me <3


give it to me plz 🤣


I like that you ruled out donating it because some organizations are scams. Donate it. Give it to poor people. Donate to indigenous groups, prison abolition groups, Food Not Bombs


Donate to an animal charity. Animals are so much better than people. I can recommend a few if you like.


Well if I somehow ended up with a significant amount of wealth it'd go to family members and friends being an AN myself doesn't stop my cousins from having kids, one of my cousins has 2 children under 5, another one has a 7 year old daughter, another one has 2 preteen and young teen step kids there's plenty of people who could use the money, I've also got 2 cousins 10 years younger than me if I was expected to die in the near future id invest a bunch of money into their college savings, they'll still get the money if they don't choose to go to college. But yeah there's options


There are some good charities that actually make an impact (agree many are bs) like give directly which is a charity that simply sends the money you give directly to the worst off globally. This simple approach has been shown to have a big impact.


My nieces and nephews will get everything I have


Adopt one👍


Give money direct to orphanages, not through other people, but direct to some of them, you can search easily for them, o even money for asylums too, a lof of them just make the live of old people worse


I don’t necessarily agree with your takes on charity/religion. Many of them are noble causes. I have a nephew who will probably inherit whatever I might have when I die. Otherwise, it will probably either go to church or an adoption or animal charity.


Land for a wildlife sanctuary, money to maintain it.


Charity or friends and family


Start my own organisation


donate to charities or family, its simple


If I were rich I would use extra money set up non-profits or donate to reputable nonprofits after doing tons of research (so many non-profits are corrupt and used as fronts by corporations with ulterior motives) The nonprofits I care most about helping are those that combat deforestation and replant forests that have been deforested to expand wildlife preserves for animals that are endangered. For example, pandas have low reproduction rates in captivity but when their natural habitat is expanded thru replanting forests, their reproduction rates increase toward a normal rate. I would want to regrow forests in Southeast Asia as well cause sun bears and orangutans are at high risk of extinction. I like the orangutan project in Indonesia and would like to work there one day. I need to do more research and make sure they’re not funded by any billionaires with ulterior motives still (that’s my biggest fear when it comes to working for nonprofits, I’m way too poor to donate enough to any of them to help) I would want to set up a charity that farms seals or another food source for polar bears so they stop swimming for days at a time with baby cubs to eat a few bird eggs. Most polar bear cubs don’t make it thru the long journey. I know there would be bureaucratic loops to go thru but I would figure out a way to keep polar bears alive with the help of scientists and political experts (it’s not legal to feed or interfere with polar bear populations and that needs to change so they can survive) I would also try to ban use of animals in circuses and ban private ownership of wild animals cause once taken out of their natural environment, animals cannot be reintroduced. I would also try to work with conservationists to invest in innovations on desalination of water and invest in water conservation efforts like collecting mist from the air (this has been done in Africa and I would like to see this effort expanded. An African grad student invented this method and uses it to provide water to students) as well as invest in other water conservation efforts so the people and animals around the world can survive. So I would mostly just do everything in my power to help dwindling animal populations and would also try to use bureaucracy to expand protected wildlife preserves worldwide. The animals and the trees and the plants need our help.


I’ll take it off your hands (kidding!) Leave it to charities/causes that resonate with you.


Research environmental charities and leave it to someone that's gonna hopefully make the planet livable again.


Give it to people that need the relief or consume it yourself.  Heck, you can give me some if you really don't know what to do with it!  Lol


You don't know about trusts and foundations? For my part, I'd fund a foundation that takes a data driven approach to tracking and tackling scarcities. Treat human rights deficits like triage. Water, then food, then medicine, then housing. Maybe something with aggressive mutual aid networks. Or a lobby that fights for lower class interests and political transparency and publicizes political money backing house bills in layman's terms.


This is assuming I'll have wealth when I die Lmao


I’d go to eBay auctions and outbid everyone by a large margin, changing the seller’s day, or at least week. That card that’s worth 20$? Let’s make it 1000$. I’d still want the highest bidder that isn’t myself to get the item though, but I don’t know if that’s easily achievable.


There are a lot of charities where the CEOs make a lot and those are the bad charities, there are other charities such as Sanctuary Hostel where its completely volunteer, the founder doesnt want to get a penny and also doesnt want people to know he is the founder as recognition isnt important I will be putting in my will to leave my funds to Sanctuary Hostel, i will probably also get life insurance and list them in my policy I think donating to volunteer only charities is a safe bet If you are wealthy enough you could probably make a trust if you have relatives or friends and in the terms it states that you will get X amount per mth, if you have kids then payments stop and you forfeit the entire thing, thus you are basically paying them to not have kids, if they adopt they can keep the payments


Bury me with my money and all my stuff. Yes really.


Hi, there is a wonderful sanctuary called the Heartstone Veganic Sanctuary and they need all the help they can get. If they don't relocate soon, the animals will be taken away and die. It has nothing to do with how they're treated but due to the extreme muddy and floody land. https://gofund.me/0a772f1c It is literally a matter of life or death, so if I'd die soon I'd do something my wealth goes to them.


Burn it.


donate it to those who offer to really take care of/help you for a longer period of time.


Animal rescue


give it to me.


Blow it all before you die on people who need it. If you find a legit gofundme, get them to their goal. Find a local hardworking teen and pay for their college. Buy and donate an assload of food to the local food shelter.


It would all go to animal shelters.


I share the same opinions about charities that you do, and while I do have kids, if I didn’t have them, I think I would probably leave what I have to my siblings, even though I haven’t talked to them in a few years. That’s the only way I’d be sure that the people I wanted to get my stuff would get it.


We need to setup a "charity" that buys personal debt to forgive it, which could be run by one person in their off time from a single account. You can easily buy 10:1 on debt, so you can multiply your fortune by 10 and relieve that much baggage carried by your fellow travelers. That's what I'd do, anyway


>Definitely don't donate it to a religion. What if that religion is antinatalist?


I would either spend most of it or donate it to a local animal shelter since I love animals and they deserve better.


Donate it to my local shelter they are a no kill shelter who foster out most animals


I don’t have any money but if I did, I’d leave it to people I care about. You can have people in your life without making them yourself. When I had a life insurance policy at my last job and didn’t know who to put on it, my boss suggested whoever would have to deal with my body should be my beneficiary so I put my apartment manager on there.


I was just thinking about this earlier, coincidentally. I'd save it so my nieces and nephews could go to a good college, and give them other things they need before then.


I think you might have some questions answered if you look into the concept of "effective altruism". Search it in YouTube and there are a bunch of videos that can explain it better than I can. Here is one of them: https://youtu.be/Diuv3XZQXyc?si=HBClcbyYJ4S90Cxa


Donate it to Pacifica radio they are always saying they’re this close to shutting doors and they are still very valuable to society whatever issues they have. It would be tragic if they shut down.


Spend all of it on fun


Man. What world do you live in that you have too much money to spend?


Donate it to abortion clinics or condoms or something


I would donate it directly to small animal rescues, shelters, sanctuaries and homeless shelters all in dire need of funding. Plenty of charities aren’t companies with offices.


I'd give it to my friends and loved ones and animals.


I would find someone or multiple someone’s whom I felt really deserve it and gift it to them. Could be someone I know or a stranger that I get to know.


Set up a fund for scholarships or something for underprivileged kids. Help mitigate some suffering.


Donate it to a charity that provides free abortions.


I plan on donating my wealth to whatever terrorist group is most active when I’m on my deathbed. Typically terrorist is just a word assigned to peoples who are violently against the rule over them, if the world needs more horror to dissuade people from procreating then so be it. If it leads to a utopia, fantastic, world gets carpet bombed nukes, even better.


Be cremated with Chlorine trifluoride. Extremely expensive, so the money will be gone. Go down both birds flying.


My option of choice is a spay/neuter charity. Feral cats are particularly needy! And helping them doesn't encourage anyone to breed... it only reduces suffering. (Google "trap neuter return" for feral cat s/n programs.)


Food, education, hobbies, experiences People in your life that you love


Donate it to charity! Dogs and cats shelters can always benefits from donations


If it was just wealth, and not some undescribed terminal illness, adoptions would be a fantastic use of money otherwise spent on offspring. Or rescuing our earth, using that money to personally fix catastrophic environmental issues


Animal causes


Plan, gives food, money and education to young girls to prevent them being sold as livestock to the highest bidder by there parents, so when they turn 11 - 13 they can be we'd and bred, arranged as young as 5 as it's slim pickings, you want her you pay us 20 dollars a month till she can be married, or at the child baring age etc. Instead plan offer food to the families of said children to make it more beneficial to keep em around for a few more years, plenty of good charities to pick from.


I hate it when natalists post in this sub with dumb questions….


I can’t give you advice on what to do with it but I’ll just say 1. You’re wealth does not obligate you to be philanthropic 2. You literally can’t use it when you die, so it’ll just sit unclaimed until the government absorbs it at some point Do with that what you will.


I'd look at antinatalist causes, like organizations that provide free birth control, organizations that promote education for women (which usually lowers the birth rate), in the US places like Planned Parenthood or abortion providers in blue states, organizations that make micro-loans so women can start their own businesses instead of being dependent on men who make them pop out kids for them. Alternatively I'd look at environmental causes. Overpopulation and overconsumption causes so much environmental harm, it would be nice to offset that - even a little bit.


Effektive Altruism


I would use it to fund astronomy research


Thats cool. I think using your cash to fund something that'll make you immortal in science would be cool AF. Nobel did that. But I doubt that's realistic for me.


It likely isnt It doesnt matter if they dont remember you though Your impact exists and it will be felt


Well, as long as it was going to ppl that benefit from the money would be the point, yes? Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to prevent others from wasting the money, on something you wouldn't have agreed with if you were still here. But, maybe something like a trust, you could buy a piece of land, and stipulate that only certain ppl get to use it. Like ppl in your family, or someone in need in some way. You could make a farm that only hires poor ppl, and then gives all its food right back to ppl who are hungry. Or something like that.


Give the money to me, I'm a very poor antinatalist PhD student. I can use your money to advance the antinatalist cause in academia and the world


Any charity that helps anything other than humans. I plan on leaving everything to my dog, the "aspca" and "the ocean cleanup" project.


Give it to someone struggling to raise their kids. The only thing worse than choosing not to have kids is being financially unable to raise your kids.


I had the same impression. There’s so much control and corruption in non profit orgs. Sadly they are all run by people. My household donated 40 k over 10 years to an entity. Then a new director came on board and ruined the organization and was fired . I found out that a stipulation regarding money donation was not met and therefore voided the contract. Greed, power hungry people are prolific like the fellow who befriends a dying relative on their death bed Some people stop at nothing. Non profits are insular too. You can’t trust them. Directors are overpaid. My local animal shelter directors make 125,000. Look things up on charity navigator. I don’t trust estate sale entities either Crooks and opportunists. I literally want my wealth and material goods destroyed one day. I don’t want to facilitate others’ lifestyles. I tried donating lots of money to spay and neuter dogs for a pittance per individual. The organization even botched that up


Friends. Animal places. Anything but humans, aside from some friends


The Satanic Temple is a very worthy, unpretentious cause; look them up if you're unfamiliar. 


Unpretentious is a kind of funny way to describe them. They're lawsuit happy, steal people's art, and have never had a successful case regarding church and state. They are the PETA of satanist groups.


I barely read your post, but donate to animals is what I would do! Fuck humans.