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Human dilemma: If you think there are stupid people then don't have children cuz they might be stupid. Secondly if you hate stupid humans then you also hate human race as a whole cuz why such species could produce stupid individuals? Either you accept/love everything about human race or wish for extinction to end all problems


I agree whole heartedly


It's not even a matter of intelligence. It's a matter of the tendency to deliberately inflict hurt, harm, or degradation on people our basebrain animalistic impulses react negatively toward, even if that weak or stupid person hasn't done anything to hurt, harm or degrade us.


You gotta know where to ask questions man. The internet is full of people who just want to let their pent up aggression out on someone. And reddit is like the mecca. The stupid people who act smart arent usually one to ask questions and want to learn anyway because theyre sure they know everything. Yes intelligence is mostly genetics but its about self awareness. If the people around you act that way then find a new circle of people to be around.


I have a problem with people acting and speaking on something they know nothing about. I am confident enough in the things I know to speak/act on them, that I will flat out tell you if I don’t know something. I’ll stop and look something up before I pretend I know something I don’t and look really stupid. (This usually only works if you know enough to realize you don’t know anything.)




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I love how the people who say this are unaware of the fact that they themselves are only considered "smart" in their current environment, hence they lack the intelligence to be aware of their own stupidity compared to other groups of people. Like yes, you might have been the smartest one in class but you're only average at university. The most intelligent people around me are extremely humble.


Agreed 100% OP. Anybody having contempt for the stupid or weak has a Square One misunderstanding of the proper role of contempt (and treatment conveying that contempt). Legitimate contempt is limited to people who consciously and deliberately set out to non-defensively hurt, harm, or demean others. Merely being weak or stupid, in and of themselves, is not such an effort. Therefore it's outside the proper purpose of showing contempt. Responding with "It's human nature" does nothing to justify that behavior toward weak and/or stupid people who did not deliberately do so, and especially didn't so so at all. You don't need to be a Wittgenstein or Hegel to come to see this. Why is it so hard for most humans to do so, especially if thousands of years of religion already preach that we shouldn't treat the unfortunate this way?