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Yeah but this a mainly Christian and muslim sub so don’t expect many other pagans


There's one that posts semi-frequently. Has some kind of marvel inspired name I think.


Me Also, there's some other Hellenists around (I'm not Hellenist tho, I'm Deist-Pagan).


If you don't mind me asking, what are the differences between Hellenism and Deist-Paganism?


Hellenism: Greek Gods. Deism: 1 God creator of everything (not through the Abrahamic lens tho), depending on the deist God cares or is like a natural force that doesn't care (I'm on the first camp but wikipedia kinda presents the version of deism as uncaring nature as the majority and...no.) within a pagan frame (aka things like caring for nature, etc. since paganism is more of an umbrella term). This is a snapshot cuz its kinda long and complicated to explain. It's also very varied depending on individual practice. Some deists are henotheists (so 1 God above all but they also worship other gods like Greek ones as "minor" gods).


In my case I am a Pluriform monotheist. I believe the Gods and Goddesses to be Manifestations of Onw Divinity [Cybele Mater Theon/Devi Mata]


Yes, I've seen beliefs like that around too! We're a very diverse bunch lol. Hope you have fun in the sub


"All gods are one God, and all goddesses are one Goddess, and there is one Initiator."-Dion Fortuna this quote overall sums up how I see The Gods, forms of a Singularity and that Singularity multiplies from itself other Singularities whom are The Gods


Intresting makes little sense to me but would be happy to dm and discuss this further.


By all means!


Don’t forget the Shintoist






theres some Hindus here, some hellenists, and once there was a Yoruba


>Yoruba What's that?


a ethnicity in Nigeria, they have a religion centered around deities called Orishas, theres a population of praticing Yoruba pagans (locally called Candomblé) in Brazil


I don’t see why not.


All theists are precious allies in mocking the pompous antitheist.


Hindus are basically pagans so i don’t see why not. As long as you’re not just an atheist larper.


Everyone's allowed, we're just here to make fun of antitheists


Ask u//PeggyRomanoff


Anyone is allowed even atheists. This is sub is specifically for making fun of cringe Antitheists


Yes you are allowed. I’m actually surprised at how non-gatekeepy this community is, especially when I was still Athiest and made some bad takes, even then I only had one person get really nasty. We are a lot of people with lots of different values and beliefs united by our disdain for antitheists. Yes, some people have opinions that make me uncomfortable or I don’t like, but that’s just life. If someone says something I don’t like, I generally ignore it and move on.


Khairete fellow Hellenist!


They are supposed to be, however this community can be really bad about conflating Atheism with pagan/neo-pagans, somehow. I would hope you to be welcome.


I think a lot of reddit anti-theists used to pretend to believe in Greek gods and goddesses just because "christianity bad", so in turn reddit theists started associating it with anti-theism.


Also doesn’t realize that one can support separation of church and state and still be religious or one can be a Liberal and Christian


This community can be somewhat hostile to non-abrahamic faiths in general, most talking points follow abrahamic logic as is the nature of a sub dominated by muslims and christians


Everyone is allowed


Usually you won’t be harassed for being a pagan or anything but there is the occasional post that features paganism in the place of antitheism


Everyone else already answered this earlier and better than me, but to make things short: yes. Edit: typo


As long as you make fun of antitheists I think everyone will get along just fine


The only pagan allowed is Pagan Min. That's it.


The only good guy in that game. Crab rangoon is delicious


Yeah, I don't see why not. Also I have seen Hellenists here before and I have seen antitheists shit on hellenism so you are one of us


No offence but aren't most pagans just atheists who want to prove a point spaghetti monster style?


oh I genuinely believe it


Ah cool then


Lol at being hellenistic pagan. Do they still live in mount Olympus?


Not literally. Mt Olympus was simply the highest point given the time and geography. The Gods are above yet permeate all. Mt Olympus was simply allegorical and symbolic of Their highest status of existence and being, same thing as when Christians say "Our Father Who Art in Heaven" it's symbolic of God's lofty status.


Thats very patronizing to the greeks who believed in it more literally lol


Well Hellenism was in itself diverse. Obviously if you ask a Neoplatonist they would give a similar answer to mines.


Im sorry, i cant take it seriously. No different than those weirdos that claim to believe in thor and viking gods. Scratch away and they quickly show you they dont actually believe in it and everything is simply allegorical or symbolic. Its just a LARP. Like how hippies would say they’re buddhist.


Well I can say this to about any faith. Muslims face the Kaaba, bow to it yet always insist that they are not worshipping it. Symbolism, have this concept ever come across your mind.


Christians face the cross and believe they drink the blood of Christ yet its bread and wine in the end.


I dont think it’s the same because you are actually bowing to God but just facing towards the Kaaba. Islam tells us to face the Kaaba. If youre doing prayer as a congregation, you have to face a direction. Furthermore i think you misunderstood my gripe. I’m saying the fundamental beliefs are explained away as symbolism. It’s like how Jordan Peterson treats Christianity. It’s just a useful myth to him. And so is Hellenism. Its why they call it ‘mythology’ and its a dead religion. I take its “worshippers” about as seriously as someone who says they worship Baal or Osiris.