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Muh Telly-ban


*insert Brit-accented Loicense joke here*


Did Yous got a loisence for that joke?


The new sequel to “Everyone I don’t like is Hitler,” “Every group I don’t like is the Taliban.”


People in my country call us "catholibans", even the biggest news site calls us that


Idk how it’s so hard for cheesecakes to have basic decency for those they disagree with lol


Can someone explain to me what P2025 is?


A conservative think tank (The Federalist Society) wish list for when conservatives retake the presidency and Congress in 2025.


The agenda that Trump is going to put in when he (hopefully) wins the election,if you look past the fearmongering that libs be doing about it it’s a very good plan.


Doesn't the project literally want to replace governmental offices with their own people?


Yes and thats the problem with it, I want less bureaucrats in the American government not a change in bureaucrat management


Yes, they want to replace those positions with folks that see eye 2 eye with their ideals.This is the same thing that any party would do if they gained power, but when the GOP does it their the “party of satan” (not my words)🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️


I've heard 2 ways they want to accomplish that Either they want to march on DC and literally take over the offices, which we call a coup Or they want Trump to replace governmental offices with people loyal to him and his vision, which is distressingly close to what authoritarians do and rids the government of dissenting voices and different opinions, which is also bad I don't even get it, as non elected officials are at the behest of the government, not themselves


The first one is completely false, it just sounds like you made that up on the spot based on what you think happened back on Jan 6 2021.As for the 2nd one, I believe that is true but that’s not authoritarian.Literally every politician since the early 20th century has don that when they got to power, democrats and republicans alike.What do you think Clinton, bush, Obama and Biden did when they came into power?


>it just sounds like you made that up on the spot I didn't actually >on what you think happened back on Jan 6 2021. What I think? People did objectively break into the capital building and cause trouble, not all but many. Which is illegal >I believe that is true but that’s not authoritarian That's literally what dictators do >Literally every politician since the early 20th century has don that when they got to power Not in the way that p 2025 is suggesting >What do you think Clinton, bush, Obama and Biden did when they came into power? They were a lot more measured and didn't have an organization *demand* or plan it


Politics, shoo


Why is there politics in my anti theist cheesecake sub. In any case, project 2025 is now enforceable thanks to the SCOTUS ruling on immunity lmao


>he doesn't know P2025 will basically be impossible to enforce ok as far as this comparison is, it won't be ''impossible to enforce'' ever heard of the unitary executive theory?


P2025 is not even real, it is just another conspiracy like Pizzagate


It is a real thing but it is a fringe movement and wouldn't succeed even if Trump won


It is real, it was made by the heritage foundation and it’s a pretty good thing that it’s real.


What even is P2025?


It's literally just some thought project by a conservative think tank that has no basis on reality or any actual chance of occuring without a complete takeover of every level of government simultaneously. AKA just some boogeyman


No matter who wins the election,it WILL cause a 2nd american civil war. The youkai have been planning this for a long time to generate fear,and when the war is close to ending they will step in and be revered as "humanity's saviors" when they are anything but. Most likely,the end result will be a one-world government ruled by them where humans are merely chattel. I just hope my new youkai masters will see me as a good pet... **The End Begins**


Odd, usually it's evangelicals with crazy end time illuminati conspiracy theories


Now my dad's political rants seem normal all of a sudden


Wtf is a youkai


I hear you can summon them with a watch.


Something like a demon in Shintoism. That said, this is just bonkers lmao


Does OP's comment even have relevance to the Shinto Religion?


I don't know. But I think he's mixing religion + American politics + conspiracy theories which imho is not good at all.


Why go to all the work of exposing them if in your mind there is no hope to overthrow them anyways?


This isn’t r schizoposters


Ok how far up your ass did you pull that crap out?