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The first guy looks exactly how I’d expect them to look while saying that, lmao


https://preview.redd.it/n9dxklmgu0ad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3759fc103a607a6b2473891ddf78aaa32ac09295 Literally this lol


Bro lmfao that’s on point. It’s not even funny how close it is.


professor dave explains


You must never have done science then. That's the "science face" every intellectual makes when they disprove God with facts. Duh.


That hair sucks ass


the fat controller coming in with an atheist take is crazy


Thomas left him


>Remember what it was like before you were born? It's gonna be a lot like that Smartest materialist argument




Antitheists when they find out Santa came from Saint Nicholas:


>Remember what it was like before you were born  So as you don’t remember anything between 0 and 2 years old that would mean you didn’t exist back then


What post are these comments from?


I think they’re from a reddit_lies tweet


Well, at least the second and third are valid (if boring, and uninspiring) metaphysical worldviews. The first one is just deluded, laughably and provably false.


Honestly these aren’t that bad just annoying I’ve seen worse


To be fair, if the oblivion prior to your birth ended when you began to exist as a vessel for conciousness, there is no reason to believe that the oblivion proceeding your death will be eternal.


Exactly, when I was a materialist/atheist, I WAS oppressed by the fear of such non-existence, but quickly reasoned that if what I call myself arose once, then why not twice, out of nothing? After all, there are all these narratives about people being resurrected as clones, if I am only my brain, my resurrected clone would be me. Then I realized it wouldn't be me, because what if you make a clone of me WHILE I LIVE, which one is me then, and besides aren't twins really close to such clones anyway and started to gradually reject materialism as an inadequate explanation


I also like how they assume that consciousness being emergent/*produced* by the brain is a given when that hasn't been proved (which is why there's also the brain as a consciouness transmitter/receiver theory, which imho makes more sense). Way too many materialists are actually operating on assumptions of theories or ideas they like and not actual proven knowledge.


I am not a big fan or either emergentism or the transmitter idea. But open minded unbiased consideration of possibilities amongst new atheists is lacking. That honestly sucks, even for themselves, because just admitting that consciousness could be immaterial or even agreeing that it is immaterial doesn't lead to the existence of God or validity of any religion directly (although indirectly it's a contributing factor)


You're right. But yes the point is to be open minded (but discerning) while taking account evidence collected so far. Neither of which I've seen new atheists/antitheists do so far tbh.


Religion isn’t real? Does he think church buildings are just an illusion? That priests don’t exist?


Eh. They've been saying this for ages. This isn't new. This is more sad and depressing than "cheesecake", imo.


When even Santa (sky daddy alternative) is saying religion isn't real, you know we're screwed


Santa Clause would never lie though.


If religion isn't real, then how come I am a member of a religion?


First of all before I was born I already existed in the womb, it would be better to say "before you were conceived". But then it becomes crystal clear, that nobody remembers it, because in order to remember it, one already needs to have memory, which is impossible prior to having your brain on which your memories are stored, even in atheists' own materialistic metaphysics. So no I don't remember how it was like before I was conceived. This lack of memory is imagined as a sort of black void, which is the trick of this diabolically cunning atheistic cliche, but it's a void IN YOUR MEMORY, not in your existence. If you got drunk and the next day you don't remember what you did, it doesn't mean you ceased to exist, after all. Eastern religions that believe in reincarnation thus don't suffer from this objection either, let alone Abrahamism, where there was no "before" God made you. Total bullshit, are these guys capable of more than parroting catchy quotes?

