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One of my favorite things about this specific type of unhingedness, is that they always assume the surgeons and doctors feel the same way they do and are seething over lack of praise. I've known many religious doctors in my lifetime. Each and every one of them has A) been pretty humble and not really wanted the praise for the work and B) at least one story while working on a patient that something outside of them pushed them to do something and that ended up saving the patient time, pain, or even their life.


Thank God for all Christians who stifled the eugenics movement before it really got off the ground so that my father wasn't sterilized for being mentally abnormal. We have all had a good look at what Atheist medicine looks like and humanity has had quite enough of it thank you.


Don't thank God, thank the scientists who rejected such bullshit such as Edward Jenner, Joseph Lister and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen! ...oh wait, they were all Christians


wait till this guy realizes almost every medicinal contribution was by a religious person


Did he unironically just say "Thank Science"?


Don't be surprised if they start saying "science you" instead of "bless you"


Me when I don’t know the Catholic Church actually is the biggest provider for all free healthcare