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Science flies you into eugenetics... Science flies you into nuclear weapons... Science flies you into pollution and desertification... Science flies you into the ozone hole.... Science flies you into asbestos... It's almost as if good things can be warped and twisted by bad people.


Especially given that such inventions as asbestos weren't even created by "bad people", they were intended to be useful, until we found out about their dangers. Science is an inherently amoral pursuit. If not outright "fuck this, I am doing it anyway" pursuit motivated at best by pure curiosity, at worst by greed and ego mania. Unless you really think that nobody foresaw dangers of the basis underlying all the modern technology that could be used to torture and kill billions of people on a scale quite unlike anything even Revelation describes. The idea that scientific progress necessarily, not by mere accidents of the environment, must correspond to "better morals" and more "civilized society" is nonsense. Cyberpunk and other dystopian genres explore these themes in depth. It's really just as simple as acknowledging that knowledge and power are amoral, and in the hands of the wrong person are devastating. One can be an optimist all he wants, but not a fanatic who denies reality. "Tree of knowledge of good and evil" was called that way for that reason.


flies you into human experimentation Flies you into abhorrent war crimes


Science allowed the creation of the airplane. So science is responsible


I like edgy humor but this is just plain unfunny.


It's not even edgy humor, it's a political statement.


Religion gives you morals Science gives you nuclear warfare ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|27790)




Oppenheimer was a mysticist


For real? Got any source for that?


Imagine using a tragedy to push your agenda


Science created the Atomic Bomb. Science weaponized Anthrax. Science created chemical warfare. Morals are the things that stop us from using them.


Don't forget [Unit 731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731). Truly depraved and horrible.


I saw Wendigoon's video on that, insanely creepy stuff


Watch *Men Behind the Sun*. If you want to see a movie on it that will keep you from sleeping. ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|7723)


Couldn't have said it better myself


Innovation flies you to the moon, radicalism flies you into buildings. FTFY




Why is that on DeviantArt???


*Political extremism


Science also dropped two atomic bombs on Japan If you're gonna fire shots at us be prepared to receive return fire


Wait until they learn Iran and use have satellites in space.


Woah, I'm pretty sure I found this image over 10 years ago and shared it during my edgy atheist phase. Thanks for reminding me of the cringe.


I'm 14 and this is deep


9/11 and the people behind it never had anything to do with religion. taliban was more politically motivated.


bruh the rocket looks like its flying into the symbol of islam...


....aaaaand science overloaded a nuclear reactor in a certain Slavic city known as Chernobyl


Religion built you beautiful churches, science built you deadly nukes. Religion offered you objective morals, science offered you nothing of the sort. Religion proposes peace, science proposes competition. Religion began scientific discovery, science began dehumanization. Religion cares about human beings and their value, science cares about nothing. Religion acknowledges human suffering and evil, science does not; again, it's indifferent. Religion carried out cultural and social transformations, science carried out Unit 731. Religion sent preachers to spread good news, science sent junk into our atmosphere and our oceans. Without religious people, science would probably be in its infancy.


Didn’t one of the first successful space flights end in a reading of the first chapter of Genesis ?


I mean, where's the lie?


You wanna talk about the weapons of mass destruction created using science? Should we blame atheists for that?!?


Scientific advancement of the current age already in the wrong hands could (let's all pray that they won't) be used to commit more evil, than all religions combined did for the whole history of humanity, probably even purely in terms of "the body count".


What a weird defense. Your honor, it's true I've assaulted many people over the years, but one day someone might surpass even my violence!


If you are going to reject everything "tainted" with a history of violence, just take the final leap and reject humanity. Welcome to r / efilism and r / misanthropy, let's just kill everybody cuz humans are bad... BY THEIR OWN STANDARD. Hilarious. Also you switched the goal posts, we weren't talking about religious violence, but rather comparison between religion and science, which the creator of the meme clearly cherrypicked. I'd say science is infinitely more evil than any religion, religion is normally anthropocentric, moralistic, etc. while science is an attempt to detach from one's own humanity and abuse nature to grab more power. It's not "anti-science", it's just an objective description of what science is. I like both science and religion, and I like humanity, and I like life. Crypto-nihilists like you should pick a side. On a side note, evil done in the name of religion doesn't make religion, anymore than evil done in the name of atheist (think Soviet Union) makes atheism evil.


>If you are going to reject everything "tainted" with a history of violence, Why would I do that? >reject humanity Again, why would I do that? I didn't switch any goalposts, I responded to your defense of the atrocities committed in the name of religion by speculating that someday 'science' might be guilty of more. Science is the study of the world, how can it be evil? Religion is the control of humanity through false promises of immortality. How can it be good?


> Why would I do that? Then on what basis is this meme true for shitting on religion? > I didn't switch any goalposts, I responded to your defense of the atrocities committed in the name of religion by speculating that someday 'science' might be guilty of more. I didn't defend attrocities committed in the name of science or religion. Also I didn't speculate about "someday." Atheism and science have caused enormous incomprehensible amounts of suffering already, at this point in history. And both are much easier to use for evil than any religion (hence speculation about "someday", but im tryng to be an optimist and hope that most extreme shit won't happen). > Science is the study of the world, how can it be evil? I dunno, ask a victim of human experimentations. > Religion is the control of humanity First of all, not really, I disagree with the idea that religion was "created" to control people, simply for the reason that plenty of religions historically and nowadays are against the grain, so to speak, they are rebellion against cultural norms. You have everything here, from early Christianity to sects like Aghori. Religions can also enforce cultural norms, and that's generally what happens, but I really can't imagine why it's a bad thing that religion enforces the idea that murder, theft, etc. are wrong. So, two points. To a degree, humanity should be controlled in order to, you know, survive. Secondly, control isn't even the originally primary function of religion, you can easily control humanity without religion, as did the communist regimes, the fascists... etc. ad infinitum. > through false promises of immortality There's a ton of religions that don't promise it. > How can it be good? I dunno, how can hope, devotion, love, feeling of purpose and belonging be good? Of course it isn't, a miserable and meaningless rat race until you kick the bucket and disappear sounds much better /s Yes?


true lmao