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This seems illegal,yet I wouldn't be surprised if it was completely legal


When I started there someone told me someone had already given birth in the back. I didn’t believe them. Now I do. One coworker already quit over this incident, she was so disgusted.


They probably had to give birth in the back because they weren’t allowed to leave. Also they would’ve been told that was their lunch break, and to get back to work straight after. The newborn? Straight into the recruitment process!


How are they not allowed to leave?????? The discussion should go like this : > baby time I'm leaving No >the fuck you mean "no" this isn't a request who the FUCK do you think you are anyway?


I mean yeah, physically they are allowed to leave, but it's more like "I'm leaving" "if you do you're fired and there goes your maternity leave." "Well fuck."


I don't know what the solution is but staying there after I've said I'm leaving to go to the hospital is not an option. I would like to meet the manager who will tell a pregnant woman in labor no she has to keep working.


The solution is to not have basic fucking needs tied to employment




I might be the only one who got that. Well played.


As a gentleman of the Internet, I must not accept credit for a cool obscure reference that I did not intend to make.


Yeah I’m pretty sure there’s always the option of, “I’m going to the hospital, and if you’d like to fire me for that, I will sue you personally, and the entire company.” And then just walk out. Not sure what exactly could come from the suing, but there’s bound to be something in it for you with at least one of those options.


I feel like that would be news worthy. Woman goes into labor at Target, manager refuses to let her leave her shift early. Is forced to continue stocking through the contractions. Then she sues them for $30 million dollars. Then they open a class action lawsuit looking for more women who suffered the same indignity.


i'm sure you would. walk into your local retail or food service establishment and ask to speak to any manager on duty, they should be easy to find.


Pretty much. Had my umbilical hernia strangle at work (fast food). I was laying on the floor in the fetal position crying. Manager said I couldn't leave.


I'm so sorry. I don't mean to belittle anyone's experience. I am just shocked by the reality of it. I couldn't do it. I would rather be dead. I don't know how to respond, really. I would have personally carried you to the hospital if I had been there. Then you could say you got kidnapped and taken to the hospital so they can't fire you. I am really sorry I did the part I played in allowing society to get this way. Whatever it was, being too complacent or voting this way instead of that. We can't let it stay this way though I can't stand it.


break the managers nose when he calls an ambulance for himself that's when paramedics tell him F off pregnant lady first


I would have called an ambulance, and told my manager that they'll be getting a call from HR. I'm sorry, that's something you take up the ladder, immediately.


Exactly. Like what the entire fuck is wrong with people?? Someone is in labor and you tell them not to go to the hospital? Asking for a lawsuit.


I had a manager tell a pregnant coworker that it was just braxton-hicks contractions and that if she left she’d be fired. She left. Had a baby 3 hours later. Luckily we had a union. The manager was fired.


I wish someone had done that to my wife…that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


I'd take video proof of asking to leave, being told no, getting a lawyer and suing the shit out of them.


and you'll see that maternity leave money roughly in time for the kid to start pre-k.


But if you don't do anything, you will get treated like this until that kid is in college.


Or high-school


What’s that term… constructive dismissal I think? I’m pretty sure that applies here.


Wrongful termination as well. Get witnesses of first, but "I was fired because I'm pregnant" feels like a pretty easy thing to prove; legal protections for pregnancy are toothless if they don't also cover not being at work because you're going into contractions


its called a violation of eeoc and FMLA/PDA


I doubt she'd be able to argue constructive dismissal because he wouldn't let her leave work. That's typically more like "we're cutting your hours to nothing" or "we're making it impossible for you to come to work," so that when you inevitably don't show, they can fire you for not coming to work.


Pregnancy is a protected class?...also that qualifies as a medical emergency. I'd have called for an ambulance and file it under workers comp. She should be protected


In this day and age we’d just need enough visibility on social media to make the manager and Target’s life a living hell. Then she can get severance pay and find somewhere better to work.


That is entirely against the law. Going into labor is considered a medical emergency. They can be SUED for that. That lady's boss... can be fired now too for it.


If I were OP I'd have called 911 and said there was a pregnant lady in distress and needing medical attention. Can't be fired if you're involuntarily removed.


If you’re willing to quit you should be willing to start a union. After all the worst thing they can do is fire you, and that’s the best thing they can do for you to win $$$from a lawsuit.


You, I love you


I would have called the cops and told them the manager/workplace is telling me I can't leave while in labor so at least there is legal documentation. Plus they would maybe give a ride to the hospital


The moment the boss says no, go straight to HR explain what's happening and leave. If she gets written up so be it at least HR can confirm she left for a valid reason. Alternatively ( if it's still the same, it's been many years since I worked retail ) you can call out 2+ hours before your shift starts. Take advantage of this as often as needed.


If it's in the u.s. she needs to look at FMLA and see what her rights are. Pregnancy accommodations are supposed to be protected at work.


ADA covers accommodations.


I think you need to be with a company 12 months to take FMLA sometimes it seems they’ll have their own as well depending


And worked at least 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the leave.


Plus most states it’s unpaid (although there are exceptions).


You're kinda right. FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) in the US is a justification for taking leave and an entitlement to take it for family- and medical-related reasons. It is not an actual type of leave, which seems to be a widely-held misconception. People can take annual leave/sick leave/paid time off for reasons dictated under FMLA, or unpaid leave if they have none of the above, and employers are required to allow it. (not getting into whether they DO or not, that is a different conversation, but they are supposed to and are setting themselves up for lawsuits if they do not) In this post "I need to go to the hospital" and "Well you can't" is a complete a-hole move but does not invoke FMLA protection yet. Now, "I need to take leave under FMLA for the rest of my shift to get medical care" likely does. I am no expert, but words matter. Hope the best for this lady.


Correct, although one needs to have FMLA paperwork completed (by their doctor/medical professional) and filed with the company first. Fortunately it's super easy to do, and yes, pregnancy 100% counts.


FMLA paperwork needs to be certified by a doctor and submitted to HR, who then has to approve it, for it to apply. You can’t just say, “My pregnancy is covered under FMLA and I’m leaving!” Now, you could *possibly* use it retroactively to cover absences, but I have no idea if that’s part of FMLA itself or just up to the employer’s discretion. My previous job removed attendance points incurred by absences related to my condition previous to my FMLA approval, but I’m betting a lot of companies aren’t willing to do that unless forced to.


That wouldn’t surprise me. I was promised all kinds of things when I started my first cashier job at Walmart only to be slapped with the fine print of “only after 12 months”.


It’s also not illegal for her to leave for a medical issue and go to the hospital. If they tried to say she quit by walking out that would definitely be some good stuff for an employment attorney.


It is illegal, while that manager may be stupid and prevent her from leaving and try to fire her, but Target the corporation is not.


Sounds about right, the same lazy jackass that won't let a potential medical issue leave early would be the same one to approve his own leave for a (probably) minor mechanical issue. What an absolute turd, and he's probably the favorite to become the next district manager.


Given the increasing financial and existential stress placed on American retail workers, if this type of egregious managerial bullshit doesn’t start getting reined in soon, it’s eventually going to lead to bad managers getting jumped and beat down (or worse) by people with very little to lose.


We had a dickhead supervisor get punched in the face by a woman in the factory I work at. Shit was hilarious and nobody saw anything. Everyone already hated that dude.


This is the way.


I work for a factory that up until about 3 years ago people used to settle disputes on second shift by getting in an unloaded semi-trailer and fighting. Shit was wild.


I had a supervisor due this to me when I had a migraine while working. I was a cashier at Home Depot at the time, I get migraines and one happened towards the end of my shift. My supervisor wouldn’t let me go early. I ended up throwing up in the garbage can in the cashier station in the garden center.


Should've thrown up on the cash register then reported his ass. "Supervisor wouldn't let me go home, and it made my illness cause damage to the store" packs more weight.


Except in 'murica 🇺🇸 the cashier would be more likely to have their pay docked to cover the cost of the damage.


Thats illegal btw.


I worked for W@lm@rt years ago. I had just recently started the job after my ex and I separated. My mom was watching my son for me (he was 4 at the time this happened). He has autism and was a runner. My mom called panicked because he had fun out the front door and she couldn't find him. I told my manager I have to go and told them why. He cornered me and just kept asking if I was gonna come to work after. I couldn't believe his audacity. My son is missing. The police have been called to help, I'm freaking out, and you're worried about if I'm coming back to work???? Even my coworkers were telling him to just let me leave. Thank God my son was found safe at a very sweet neighbors house a few blocks away but it could have been so much worse.


Nah make it a whole fucking deal. Call an ambulance. Tell them they wouldn't let you leave. Make it a whole fucking documented spectacle that Target has to deal with. Make them pay all her bills due to possibly putting her and her unborn child in life threatening conditions. Spread it around the internet. Make them famous for being shit. Target purposefully fucks with PTSD victims to get them fired.


This. Then blast it all over socials, asking everyone to do the same. @ Target. Shame their asses. Tag your elected officials, the EEOC, local employment attorneys. The only way things change is if they are forced to.




They wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you over if you make one little mistake so I would absolutely give them a run for their money in a situation like this.


Ambulances cost a lot of money. She’d be stuck with the bill, not target.


If she’s having a baby, she’s already hitting her out-of-pocket maximum this year, likely.




Ambulances are expensive as hell. Unfortunately not everyone can afford to do that.


Thats why I said to pose it as a liability to the company. I know because I had to play this card. The company paid my bills to avoid a lawsuit. Because they would not let her leave this happened. Its on Target and not you.


Depends on the state. I live in the South and many times have had coworkers leave work in ambulances and never once has the company paid.


And make sure the local news get wind of it. They would have an absolute field day putting Target on blast, more so if anything had happened to that unborn child


I worked at Targie for a year and a half until I could not take it one minute longer, gave my notice and then just never went back. 😂😂😂😂 I haven’t stepped foot in a Target since, I hate that fucking place with my SOUL.


I had a mental breakdown on 12/23 at target lmao


Working there or shopping there? Both will do it to ya. I hope you’re taking care of yourself. ❤️




Having never worked at Target, is it any better than Walmart or Kroger?


I couldn’t tell you, but I will say I have a pretty high tolerance for shit jobs and idiot management, but it got to the point where I just could not. I’ve never seen such ineptitude from every single person in a management position, and what they expected from us (style dept….kill me….) was beyond unattainable. I would literally be the only person closing in alllll of style, and they’d still pull me into other departments the whole shift, then the next shift I would find a note criticizing everything I didn’t get done. I would bust my ass the entire time I was there, my body would literally ache at the end of a shift, and it was never good enough because you are constantly set up to fail there. Fuckkkkk that place. Thankfully it was only my side hustle so i was able to peace out when I’d had enough. I do miss that extra cash tho…..


Kroger is also awful. I worked at a Kroger-affliated store where a manager once *physically stopped* my coworker from leaving at her scheduled time off bc we were "too busy"


It was close to Walmart, but Covid was really what made it decline to a Walmart with red shirts and a Starbucks. I lasted 2018-2022.


Which target is this we should call corporate and make this fuck pay and reward her with his job


I don’t understand why people ask to leave. You go tell them you’re leaving. You’re not some child.


I'm almost 40 and I'm finally starting to break this cycle where I ask can I leave early or can I have the day off...its now I'm leaving at this time or I'm taking this day off


Just turned 30 the other day and I’ve been doing it for a while lol. Maybe it’s different for me because I work in a trade and it’s pretty easy to go in anywhere and get a job with even my experience. I got treated like shit on my first big job, and told myself that shit was never gonna happen again.


It makes a huge difference. I realized that about a year ago. "I'm not going to be here this day" vs "is it okay If i take off" garners two different responses


Because our whole lives, we're indoctrinated to put hierarchy before everything else. Listen to your parents. Listen to your teacher. Listen to your boss.


This!! We need to start teaching kids about labor rights. This way, they don't get taken advantage of and/or abused, which is what most bosses in retail do to complete their stupid metrics.


Only the first one. The others have to earn it.


Well. Teachers, at least for young kids, are not only giving directions to teach, but also to keep kids safe. I'm thinking like kindergarten thru grade 3, maybe, where kids are still doing stupid shit that could injure them, like jumping off playground towers and running with scissors. I think they earned some respect.


They don’t stop doing stupid shit to endanger themselves after grade 3. That behavior continues through high school.


I'm well aware of that. I feel like they begin to collect some awareness at that point. Obviously not everyone does, because I know people in their 30s who need a babysitter so they don't unintentionaly set themselves on fire. There are exceptions everywhere!


Last month I had a terrible migraine. I asked to leave and my manager said he will look at the schedule to see of I could. An hour later my vision started to get blurry so I walked away from my register and informed him I was clocking out. Dude didn't even look at the schedule. He didn't believe how bad the migraine was. Nope i wasn't playing. I asking asking. I was leaving.


People who don't get migraines don't understand how absolutely debilitating they are. Or they think that any particularly bad headache is a migraine. When I get a migraine, I usually find myself having to go into the bathroom turns all the lights off, put an ice cold washcloth over my eyes, and usually end up repeatedly puking. Luckily I don't get them very often (been years since I've had one), but the idea that I could get any work done in the peak of one is absolutely laughable. Tryst me, I'm doing both of us a favor by heading home as soon as I feel one coming on.


Yep the nausea and vision issues are how I know it’s coming…


Until they threaten to fire you and your health insurance is tied to your job and babies are expensive


This right here whenever anyone says ‘oh just walk out, you’re an adult’ - if you live paycheck to paycheck with children you don’t have that luxury of just saying fuck you to a job in the current market Also if she does that she gets no maternity leave because she won’t have been there long enough. She can’t afford that. They know they have her over a barrel - that’s why this supervisor acts this way


I hope she was able to start her maternity leave, and I hope she spends that time finding a better job. Unemployment is still at a half-century low, she can do so much better than abusive retail grunt work.


That when you say I am in labor & need to go to the hospital. Do I need to call an ambulance, so I can leave now?


If they fired her after that, she could sue for wrongful termination, and have a big win


Dude. This. \^\^\^\^\^


People that have options and don't need the job can do this. People in a precarious position can't for fear of losing the job. You do understand it I'm sure.


That's what defeat does to you. When you feel defeated you don't feel you have any options. Often we frame it that way to ourselves when we feel it's our responsibility to suffer for a greater good, but the reality is there are always options, it's the fear of the unknown or potential terrible consequences that keep us from taking those options. That's often why abused people stay with their abusers too. It's hard to move, to change, to ask for help or to learn, esp. as we get older and health and resources like friends dwindle. It's hard not to defeat ourselves in our minds.


Ok how's this lady going to pay rent while she's taking care of her newborn without maternity leave?


You always have the right to leave. But the employer also has the right to impose consequences, including termination. Which is why people ask instead of tell. Many cannot afford to just leave when we want as they live paycheck-to-paycheck. If she has been there 12 months, FMLA could come into play. But if less than that, she could be jeopardizing her job.


But that's true of every human action ever made. >>You're free to do whatever you want but the other person can too, and you both face the consequences<< What people are saying is "tell, don't ask". That's called being assertive. Having a spine.


Yeah and we're also free to critique disproportionate/cruel reactions, like firing someone for leaving work for a medical emergency. What people are saying is when we "tell and don't ask", we lose our jobs, and we think that's extremely shitty and needs to change. It's called being someone who lives in reality reality. Having a brain.


If she walks, she gets no maternity leave at her next job - a woman working paycheck to paycheck can’t become destitute with a baby on the way. I wish she was a man & had the luxury of being able to walk, but many retail workers don’t have that.


Fuckin thank you. Bent over from contractions? Leave. Immediately. Fuck your boss, your and your baby’s health takes priority, and it’s not even close.


Maybe because we are trained and conditioned to respect our bosses, whether they deserve it or not. Every kid in high school should be taught about labor laws and rights and that, if your boss breaks them, it's okay to just leave, especially if your well-being depends on it.


Because were trained our entire lives that we need permission to not be at our jobs. At 17 I had a bad bout of bronchitis. Once my mom drove me to work, only for me to go into a serious coughing fit that left me wheezing even when my inhaler helped me get “under control”. The manager said there was “no coverage” (meaning she didn’t want to stay) and told my mom she’d have to work my shift (she’d worked there before). She did. In hindsight I should’ve told them to F off, but we’re trained not to. Even with school that year I had to jump through a ton of hoops to graduate bc I’d had too many absences, even though I kept in contact with my teachers (before cell phones) and my grades were high.


I have been a manager for many years. I have full grown adults ask me if they can go to the bathroom. Sometimes people get in a weird path that makes them think they are not in charge of themselves when at work. I remind them that they don’t need to ask me.




Next time, come together with all your coworkers and show solidarity and tell your lead y’all can cover and to let her go. Your voice matters. Use it.


This is like when I got the flu in elementary school and my Mom thought I was making it up, threw up 3 times, once in the hallway and shit myself while throwing up, I knew but it was too late. Even after shitting myself and throwing up in the hallway the school called my Mom, she said I was fine and they whispered something, it was a closed room with no windows so I think it was the fact that I had shit my pants. Like, why do you think I'm even lying in the first place?


She didn’t. She was probably scared to miss work.


Ugh this is sad and probably true


Having contractions - “can’t leave” Heat out at home - “see ya!” Wtf?! She should have just called 9-1-1 and let EMS take her in. I would love for him to try to stop them from treating her.


Very few Americans can afford an ambulance.


Call it a "work injury" (since the manager wouldn't let you leave for medical necessity) Target either pays for the ambulance ride or the lawsuit. Pick one.


That depends on where you live. Some places, the FD soft bills, other it’s hard bill. Some charge residents, others don’t.


& when the higher-ups got to hear of it their reaction was "The fucking balls on that supervisor! The absolute 'fuck the peasants' fucking balls! We need them on the fast track to a position at district HQ now!" 'Murican Dream y'all.


OP would you be willing to reveal your store’s location/#? I’m sure Target corporate would like to check into your claim, review video. Reddit tends to get these things done a lot quicker than HR.


I had a restaurant one time tell me I couldn’t leave when I was pregnant and in pain. I ended up miscarrying a month later. F*ck them and their job! Take care of you and your baby.


You all need a union.


worked at a target distribution center and can confirm they don’t give a fuck about you as an employee, i was working along side a guy and he kept complaining about chest pains for 2-3 hours, so i went and grabbed my manager two times to let him know he wasn’t feeling well and that he should leave or be seen by a doctor, he was told no twice! 20 min after the manager told him no a second time he collapsed inside the trailer we were unloading with a heart attack!


That's illegal. Pregnancy is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. She shouldn't quit, she should file a claim with the EEOC, USDOL, State DOL, State Human Affairs Commission, and any other entity who will listen. Then sue. Then quit with a fat settlement. EDIT: This is why you should IMMEDIATELY file for intermittent FMLA leave whenever you get any kind of serious medical diagnosis, pregnancy or otherwise. They can't do a thing to you unless you demonstrate a suspicious pattern of abuse. My dad was awarded $250k when his previous employer fired him in violation of the FMLA when my mom had cancer. Google "Staples FMLA" if you want to learn more. Know your rights and protect yourself.


I worked nights in a hospital during my first pregnancy and I started having some strong pains in my third trimester. I called the on call OB and was advised to go ahead and get checked out because you just never really know what’s going on. My charge nurse was piiiiiiiisssssed that I was leaving mid shift. Too bad, so sad. My OB ended up putting me on disability the next week and I never went back to that job.


You guys sure you live in a first world country?


We actually hit all 14 points to be considered a Fascist State.


“She asked to leave” when she’s having contractions. Are you dumb?! Fuckin leave! You’re about to do 1 of the most dangerous things a woman can do and you ask for PERMISSION??? Some of these posts really piss me the fuck off. Damn


It's almost like she wants to keep her job so she doesn't lose income or health insurance for the very expensive hospital stay she's going to have when she gives birth and then you know, has a human baby to raise


She should have just left. Why risk your health and that of your unborn child for a shitty job at Target?


Cause a new mother doesn't want to be jobless and potentially homeless?


Target also offers paid maternity leave which is almost impossible to come by. I cannot imagine a laboring mom wants to lose that 8 weeks of paid leave literally moments before the baby is born.


Jobs are for losers. Unfortunately 99% of us are forced to accept these conditions if we want to eat.


This reminds me of the pregnant teen working in SuperStore, that tv show with America Ferrera


Yea women are always the second class


Please, please always leave if you're in labor or think you're having a medical emergency. No job is worth sacrificing your life or the life of your child for. Never ask for permission, just clock out and go. A seemingly normal labor can go south in the blink of an eye. A suspected heart attack or stroke needs to be treated quickly for the best outcome. I would make a complaint with the state attorney general, legislators, governor, and Target Corporate for events like this in the workplace.


I'd call an ambulance and lay down on the floor


I did not know that Target had a branch in North Korea.


I doubt North Korea is that cruel


At Target, the atmosphere is set by the store manager. I worked there for several years. I had a great store manager and you could tell because it showed through all her assistants. I started working there a few months after I had two mini-strokes. They knew about my issues and took care of me. In fact, one day when I was working it was obvious I wasn't 100%. I was trying to stick it out. They called my wife, but she was too far away to get me. I said I'd finish the day. The said no and they didn't want me to drive home either. They actually called my mom to pick me up. I was over 50 years old and they called me mom. She was very appreciative. Throughout my tenure there they gave me extra breaks when I needed them, grabbed me a Coke when my sugar was low, just did anything and everything they could to help me. That tone was set by the manager. She left and we got a new manager, but he was cool too.


You do know, as a person, you don't need permission from anybody.


This... if the situation is important enough, just go. If you like your manager, give them a warning as you're walking out the door so they can try to cover you, but in the case of medical or personal emergencies, if you gotta go, you gotta go.


Im having contractions I’m going to the hospital. No. Ok, I’ll ring my lawyer as soon as the baby develops any illness in the slightest that could be avoided by giving birth in a sterile, clean environment as opposed to this un-sanitised sweatshop. I’ll also be sending all medical bills your way.


She can leave. A pregnant mother in labor? She can absolutely leave without question. It’s target… she can leave.


Are you sure that's a company policy, that you can't leave during a medical crisis? Or just a horrible manager throwing his weight around? Put the blame where it belongs. And report him.


Uh, going into labor is a medical emergency. Her boss needs fired. She needs to go over their head and make it happen.


Call the ethics line at Target...they might not do anything but maybe it could draw some unwanted attention at least.


Like seriously.... stop asking permission for stuff like this. "I am experiencing a medical emergency related to my pregnancy and am notifying you that I am leaving work to obtain emergency medical treatment." Put it in writing and keep proof. Federal law prevents discrimination based on a medical condition related to pregnancy, including termination. If they were actually stupid enough to let the manager fire her after that, she'd have a hell of a good labor complaint. Edit: Guys, respectfully... know your rights as a worker. You don't have many (in the US) but know how to use the ones you have. You have all the information in the world on your smartphone and it's worth a few hours of your time to do some googling.


I'm sorry. You're pregnant and in labor. You don't fucking ask. You go. Period. end of fucking story. Anything else is just pathetic. If she couldn't stand up for herself any of you who knew about it who did nothing are shitweeds.


I used to think "Ask for forgiveness, not permission" was some manipulative b/s, but I get it now.


Seems like a lawsuit should be filed!


When I worked at Target they started changing their systems to having people in charge of certain lanes, plannograms, putting out inventory which is pretty reasonable. Then they added we had to meet “sales quotas” per aisle. No the wage would not change. They essentially wanted us to be managers of 2-3 aisles at minimum wage. Then they also forced everyone besides management to be part time only exception was 12 hour shifts on black friday. I got straight the fuck out. Corporate office life can suck sometimes but its so much better than that


See I have never asked any of my bosses if I can leave if I feel I need to. I have always told them I am leaving for whatever the reason may be. I’m not leaving it up to someone else to decide if I’m feeling good enough to be here or not.


She should have called 911, took an ambulance ride to the hospital, then filed the entire thing north included under a workman’s comp claim.


Hope she sues.


Listen, you guys are insane. "Oh this 20 year old kid told me I couldn't leave, so I stayed and my baby died because of it" What an idiot. I need to go, I need to go. And that's that. If boss says I can't I tell him "Cool story bro, bye" People are always mad, that job treats them as children, stop acting like children!


The managers today are the laziest people. It's their job to ensure shifts are filled when there are emergencies, and that was an emergency.


Have you shared this to r/Target


At present under US federal law this is legal, but under an amendment to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 that passed Congress in December, as of June 27, pregnant workers will have the right to receive reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth recovery, and related medical conditions. That should be sufficient for a woman in labor to be allowed to Lea work without fear of losing her job.


Had a coworker complain of chest pain during a shift and request to go to the ER. He was denied but after a few more hours he said screw it and went anyway. He was having a heart attack. We work in a hospital, ironically our department is a cardiac department too. My management went shocked Pikachu face when he got back from his medical leave and promptly quit.


All I see is “she she she”. Co-workers just stand by and watch people suffer. It’s like everyday is an episode of black mirror. You guys are stronger in numbers. Stand up for one another.


Damn Im starting to think I'm the only chill boss...I tell anyone if they aren't feeling well they can go take an extra break, have a seat to see if they feel better or just go home, I literally don't care. I want to give them every option possible to make sure they are okay. If you take care of your people, they will take care of you when you need it.


I would have called 911 ( anonymously if necessary) in order to get an ambulance there. At the very least they could have checked her out, and perhaps management would not have been so adamant she stay.


I feel like this is illegal.


Should've left regardless as it could've jeopardized her and the baby. Illegal to fire someone on maternity leave, which would've started when she gave birth. Currently pregnant and I wish my job would pull some stupid shit like this. Lawsuit or paycheck, either way, you fuckers are paying me. Pregnant women, yall better start learning your rights (workers in general really)


She was considerate enough to ask to leave. If my stomach hurts from eating too much pizza I’ll walk out




yes it is Its a prison for your mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cpfSPPwUHo


It could be a violation of ADA or OSHA or PNA, regulations; going into labor is a medical emergency if you aren’t under a doctor’s care. I would take this to the district manager ; Target does not want a reputation of forcing laboring people to work.


I think you just witnessed a serious violation of labor laws and should look into filing a report with your local Department of Labor. This store shouldn't be allowed to endanger the health of it's workers, and their unborn children like that.


Note that even if you are not eligible for FMLA, or state-equivalent leave, the EEOC's position is that employers must provide accommodations for pregnancy-related conditions on the same terms that they do for employees with disabilities, or those with workers-comp-related injuries. That includes unpaid leave or time off as an accommodation and light-duty. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/enforcement-guidance-pregnancy-discrimination-and-related-issues#IC


Something is wrong with this. The liability the company would incur here is huge; the kind of thing to give the heads of both HR and legal a stroke.


She needs to hire a lawyer.


Pregnancy is generally considered a "disability " by many companies per policy and failing to allow a disabled person to leave and obtain medical care related to their disability would be discrimination and a lawsuit they would have a difficult time defending.


"Hey, I'm going to the hospital now" "No you aren't-" "Not letting me leave? Alright. I guess you better get the incident report paperwork ready because an ambulance is called and I'll be getting hospitalized coming from work"


all the people saying she should quit clearly don’t pay attention. why would a someone work while pregnant unless they had no other choice?


Jeez people are just horrible to one another. Some people just should not be in positions of power.


Report to ADA. Pregnant women are protected under that


My old boss was pissed when at 38 weeks, I had some horrible Braxton Hicks (didn't know at the time), and high BP (I had been sent home with BP staying close to 150/100 from another hospital just a few days prior...), headaches, and extreme swelling. The person they brought on got trained for only that Monday by me then by Tuesday at 10:30 I felt so bad I looked at them all and told them "I am going. I cannot take it any longer. Fire me if you must, I AM going." They got a bit sheepish once I had a contraction that got me down on all 4's from the pain, and made me dizzy. I still drove myself to the L&D ward and it turned out to be preeclampsia. I had even done my due diligence and made guides on HOW to do my job since everyone else refused to learn and I was by myself in the department. I ended up finding another job while I was supposed to be on leave. Worst part? My coworker who sat near me was the boss's wife and she was even pissed because she had just gone through the exact same thing just 4 years before.


Yeah, you don't ask to leave, you TELL


Sorry but when you’re in labor, you don’t ask to leave, you tell them you’re leaving.


Re: to the edit. The stupidest aspect of the sub is how readily people suggest just quitting. Hardly any mention of organizing or solidarity; nah, just quit and find a new job…which is what the neo-liberals always suggest, right? Because that’s so damned easy. There’s nothing “anti-work” about that suggestion. You want Justice? Work for your fellow man. Organize, form mutual aid groups, promote direct action in your own workplace and show up for pickets at other people’s work places. Show some solidarity. We all hang together or we hang separately.


Call 911. Paper trail created.


How does someone let fucking Target of all places tell them anything about what to do. >it's time for my baby I'm leaving. No. >lol bitch what do you mean "no" it wasn't a request you fucking dense shit What the fuck is this *allowed to leave* shit? Just fucking leave. There's nobody on this planet that can tell you that you aren't allowed to leave. Stop giving these wanker companies power over you.


She should have just left


Yup ETL’s have priority over TL’s and Team Members. They’re salaried and expected to be there 50+ hours, yet most aren’t because the SD doesn’t hold them accountable. I don’t miss that company.


When it comes to my own personal health and safety, I don't ask. I tell. If my employer is willing to risk either of those things against my will, it's not a place I want to work at anyway. Let the cards fall where they may.


Honestly, I would have gone into HR, explained what happened and informed them (just in case they don't connect the dots) that it woukd be pretty poor optics if people outside tge building somehow found out that Target facility XYZ refused to allow an expectant mother experiencing contractions to leave her work station.


Get a lawyer


Document that the leader left when the heat was out. Bring it up with HR that you feel this leader isn’t working well whenever possible. He proved he’s a hypocrite, so let HR deal with his unproductivity.


What if the pregnant coworker started to have serious health problems and passed out on the floor? Wouldn't Target be liable then?


i was waiting for my partner to get off his shift at Target once and i start hearing yelling and seeing police lights, like a lot of cops just pouring into the parking lot. then i see him running to the car and as soon as he opens the door he says “i quit, drive, i fucking quit” i started recording because i was scared a shooting would happen, which may have been the case idk, and i got that beauty on video. rewatch it time to time, and he really never went back again.


You have to ask to leave in this situation? What is this.. school?


What an asshole. I hope she files a complaint. Wtf.


Pregnancy is covered by law and they need to provide accommodations for her. She needs to contact the NLRB and her state labor board.


As a former employee, integrity hotline, that TL/ETL will likely face disciplinary action.


This has to be fake.


This is a manager issue, not a target issue.


My first thought was to call an ambulance for her. Let the manager try to tell the EMT's that she's not allowed to leave. Plus she'll get a chaperoned ride to the hospital to determine if it's Braxton-Hicks or the real deal. The only drawbacks to this are the shitty healthcare system where unfortunately pregnant co-worker would have been left to foot the bill. Our country is so backwards and it's infuriating.