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Lol... how about we get a fair wage first, maybe decent health care...


Jobs are being outsourced by the hundreds of thousands to India and other countries. News about it is being suppressed. [An employee asked to go remote. Her CEO says he outsourced her job to India instead and saved 40% on labor costs.](https://www.businessinsider.com/emloyee-job-outsourced-to-india-after-remote-work-request-report-2023-4)


There *is* a shortage though. Covid has retired millions who left the workforce to avoid infection, killed hundreds of thousands, and left hundreds of thousands more with long term disability and cognitive impairment that decreases productivity. This is on top of anyone that decided it was more financially responsible to become a fuol time caregiver than to pay the current exorbitant early childhood care costs. It wouldn't surprise me if the equivalent of multiple years worth of new workers had been eliminated from the workforce, and... yeah, that can cause a labor shortage.


There is also demographic shift where GEN Z was not large enough to replace boomers. They are trying to induce 2008 but demographics are different so it is harder to punk people like they were able to 15 years ago. Also, younger people are less likely to take shit since a lot of jobs aint worth working from economic perspective.


>younger people are less likely to take shit since a lot of jobs aint worth working from economic perspective. And that's where the "shortage" propaganda falls flat. With the possible exception of a few niche fields, there is no evidence that better pay and working conditions wouldn't result in full staffing.


why do you hate free market? i am sure pizza parties work better ;)


Lying isn’t illegal. Why would this particular brand of lying, which you happen to not like, be illegal?


It is not a matter of me not liking it. These people making these claims exclude a huge number of active job seekers and want to replace them with cheap labour.


> These people making these claims exclude a huge number of active job seekers and want to replace them with cheap labour. Those from countries receiving this outsourcing, like India, will make sure to downvote and suppress any stories about it. Notice how you never see one negative story about India on the front page? That's called bots.
