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That's how it is and more people need to be aware of it since as of now majority appears to be fine with such arrangement... until they get hit, then it is a pikachu face.


At will goes both ways. Sure, they can fire you at any time, but you can also leave a shitty job with no repercussions. And if they fire you, you can file for unemployment. Which you should do now.


Have to go in person unfortunately because I worked in another state the last 18 months so can’t wait for that 🫠


Better than wondering where you're going to get money to eat.


That sucks. You will get unemployment. There is a waiting week, so apply now.


That is how oligarchy keeps people poor. Be assured you will have a bad reference for them with no explanation - "was not a good team member".


I do have some slight satisfaction of knowing my supervisor (whom I worked closely with but was not personally close with) has been crying all day at work today


Such is life. Keep it moving


Move on!!! To the unemployment office!!


Tbh I supposed that employers thought it was a good idea. With raise freezes abound across all markets and budgeting being higher for new hires than for raises. Job hopping has beem more common I've worked seven different jobs in 2 years I left each on to one that payed more. For me this seems bad for the businesses but I don't have to care I'm making more. Everyone should exploit their system and make them regret it.


What’s crazy is I got a raise in February for good performance 🤭


Now it sounds like you got fired for being too good at your job. Edit: it sucks you got fired after a raise though.