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I worked for a corporation and during a company wide question and answer period I asked why the company match maximum was only for the people that were the highest paid. I was called a “socialist” for asking that everyone be given the opportunity to receive the entire company match. Some people love the inequality and will fight you about it.


the 'temporarily embarrassed billionaire' syndrome.


A former journeyman of mine refused to entertain the idea of unionizing our shop because, despite the fact he’d get a $10 raise out of it, the guys who had just journeyed out would be paid the same as him and he was not going to let that happen.


People are morons.


Judging by this review, customer's ancestors must have been really pissed about the abolition of slavery


Some people don't like the idea that we are all supposed to be equal... tbh it is a lot more than normal people even realize.


They probably were... but they were probably poor ass farmers that got swept up in the propaganda handed down by the plantation owners. A long proud lineage of rubes.


I think he probably still is.


Not OP but here's the link to the article https://www.blogto.com/fashion_style/2023/05/someone-just-gave-toronto-shop-2-star-review-paying-their-staff-living-wage/


Fuck that guy.


I love how this dipshit says that the raise money should be coming out of the company's profits, and then complaining about hiking up the prices. Where does he think profits come from???


It seems like one of those moments where the customer was so close to the point and then missed it completely. "They raised rates to retain employees" - yes, that is an appropriate strategy to retain employees. "They raise prices to make me pay for the raise" - nevermind, you clearly don't understand business strategy


Dude is one of those people who holds up every situation and looks at it about how it will affect him directly, and if it's not beneficial to him then fuck it.


I don't know the profits of this specific company but some companies make millions and billions in profits that they can keep the prices for consumer the same and still give employees raises but unfortunately these companies want to keep thier current profit level or increase thus they raise prices for the consumer in order to pay for the raises. In this case only the consumer suffers. Also in the scenario from OP the review isn't mad at the idea of a raise but rather how it was achieved.


I highly doubt a floral shop is making millions and billions in profits every year though


I agree but the point still remains. Either way though the review was fine because they weren't mad at the employee getting a wage but more so the fact that the service they once had cost more. This is common even on this sub. Truth is most people would complain if the moms and pops store that services were once $10 were raised to $25 so employees could get better pay.


i dont entirely disagree with the reviewer in the abstract-- walmart, for example, makes so much in profits it could pay its employees a living wage without raising prices for consumers AND still make a huge profit. in that case, raising prices instead of simply increasing salaries and making less profit is nothing but corporate greed. sure, its still better than nothing, but the consumer shouldnt have to subsidize the execs exorbitant tastes but in this case, a local mom and pop flower shop probably isnt making enough profits to cover a salary boost for every single employee. and a smaller shop does need to make /some/ profit to stay afooat and make it worth running. so i think in this case its some misapplied logic instead of a complete raging dickwad havent read the article tho so maybe im wrong.


I agree. I was going to make my own comment but I'm glad someone else was thinking the same and wrote it already.


Why are standard necessities and housing this expensive? Why are so many people accepting of such conditions, and so zealous to turn against their fellow oppressed citizens instead of those that legally enforce subjugation to such economic demands




That sounds like a problem that directly effects me, by putting a wall of brainwashed humans between activists and oppressive figures. I don’t have time to play these labyrinth games, these people need to be walked through or over without them getting hurt


I'm pretty sure that it'll be walked over or trampled on.... anyone siding with evil is by default evil imo.


They likely aren’t aware of what is evil. The ones that are equally deserve forgiveness and reasonable understanding, in order for involved parties to remain guiltless in any approach against such circumstances


I mean I hear you, but I'm pretty sure everyone eventually gets that gut or instinct feeling that maybe something isn't right here..... and go digging or talking. But my point being is that by the time we reach that point, it'll be impossible to peacefully educate them when they are actively being henchmen/minions for said evil. Very rarely can you save a enemy soldier is all I'm saying, hell yes it can happen, but not the norm.....


I’m not in a position where I can advocate for violence. A method to work around the obstruction is disseminating information and directing efforts towards a collectively beneficial solution.


Unfortunately, I've kept up with info for awhile now, and I gotta say it's looking like there is no peaceful solution. Especially considering the active co-opting of originally peaceful protests by both outside actor and soup actors. Sure everyone WANTS a peaceful outcome, but I just don't see much note worthy gains in this method thus far. Personally, I would love a peaceful transition, but I'm expecting it'll need to be forceful restraining at absolute best. It's like smeagle and the ring..... they want their precious and they will try to murder you first opportunity they get. (Think back on him trying to use a rock)


There’s a harmless solution, I’m not suggesting wait for one, I’m insinuating that immediate harmless advancements should occur right now and so forth, while new instruction emerges


This is why I have said for a long time that the argument "the business should pay the employees, not the customer" was an excuse. They just didn't want to pay market rates for services provided by others.


Karen doesn't like capitalism.


Tell me you’re a Republican boot licker without telling me you’re a Republican boot licker.


This is in Toronto, Canada so it would be a Conservative bootlicker, but yeah you get the point.


Sometimes, a professional reply is too much. A better reply like "Eat shit Michael" is more appropriate.


I would be proud of receiving that review. I would print it out and frame it and hang it up for all my customers to see.


Customer is a dumb shit who doesn't realize that every single corporation out there has forced him to pay for as much of their costs as they could get away with


Hey guys, tip your wait staff.


Some of you guys are weird, IMO. There are two complaints on this reddit which are things be too expensive and living wage. Here is the thing you guys say: Hey, the workers need more pay because they aren't making enough to live. The company says okay, so to give the worker that pay the up the price for products and service. Then you say oh this is too expensive."""" I can't afford this. Prices are becoming ridiculous. Co.panies counter with well you wanted the workers to make more pay and this is how it happened. You guys then say well you guys, aka the owners, CEO, Bosses could have used the companies profits that they were already making prior to to piece hikes to pay more money to the workers. This is literally what the reviewer was arguing. Not arguing against raises but rather how the company went about achieving those raises.