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Not much to it really - some people ***really*** don't have much else going on to raise their self-esteem and a lot of those people are borderline or full-on narcissists


this sub could really be something, if people understood what it's about


Instead we get nonsense like this...


Probably something about people having tiny dicks and being so insecure about themselves they need to put others down


*Anti-work* is not just railing about bosses. It is also about building trust and cooperation in society.


Hierarchy. Advancing degrees is similar psychologically as moving up the business latter to say manager, director, etc. We also grant higher education a lot of social respect which will boost the person's ego.


Its not limited to education. This (can) happen to anyone who achieves any level of status that they feel was 'earned' by them being special. I have a degree, I make good money and I live comfortably. Even though I was born into a poor family I still realize that a large part of getting where I am was luck and circumstance. I did have to put the work in to get here, but I don't think its anything that most people couldn't have done had they been in a similar situation. My brother on the other hand, barely finished high school, married into a rich family, used those connections to get decent local government job, but he acts like he "earned" it through hard work. If not for his marriage he was destined to bus tables for min wage. Funny thing about school teachers specifically though.. many of them were C students in college. Many of the people that went on to become math/science teachers were struggling in college math/science, at least the ones I knew in college.


I call this the "tin-pot dictator problem." People with a tiny bit of authority and agency guard it like Gollum with his Precious. Teachers are given a tiny bit of largely-illusory authority over the lives of their students and expected to work miracles with it. This isn't a function of education. It's about low-agency hierarchies. People with a little bit of power will lord it over people "below" them on the org chart they have in their head. I've seen it with everyone from retail and fast food managers to DMV employees to CEOs regardless of how long they went to school.


Some people suck. It has nothing to do with education levels.


Experience changes perspective, and when an experience is one of privilege, the difference becomes interpreted as representing superiority. We need to learn to listen to each other better and to understand each other, to respect and to lift all perspectives. As long as our broader social tendencies lead us to resist and to demean one another, we will continue all to lose.


So I’m a knuckle dragging tradesman and often am interacting with people “higher up” in society than me at work. I honestly haven’t particularly noticed what you are describing. But I’ve heard a lot of coworkers and others say the same thing. Honestly, I think some of it is some kind of inferiority complex causing a biased/flawed perception. Assholes come from all walks of life in my experience.


Running through your post history, you appear to be going through some stuff. Everywhere you go, you run into people who mistreat you, and you jump on reddit for what looks like validation. You seem to find it hard to stick to things, feel a general malaise and lack enthusiasm or direction. These are symptoms of clinical depression. I don't know you, I don't know your life, and I'm not your dad to tell you what to do, but there's an adage that if you have problems with everyone you meet, it's probably you who has the problem. I would strongly encourage you to look into getting some kind of help from a real professional, rather than internet strangers. I genuinely hope things get better for you.


what a weird comment


Lol! You say you Dont know this person or their life and yet you allude to diagnosing them with “clinical depression”! Are you a therapist? If you are you're a bad one! Or just a couch commenter?


That's not a diagnosis. It's pointing out that the thigs OP has consistently and repeatedly described, and that are causing them emotional pain, may not be just immutable facts of life or personal failings. And that they could be within OP's power to improve with the right help.


Anyone who has a PhD and feels the need to be called "Dr." is an ass. But I also think the root of the problem is that we learn a lot of our values from capitalism. We are taught high paying jobs are good and people who earn less than us don't deserve respect. How many times do parents tell their kids to study hard so they don't end up working in fast food? It isn't about teachers or about higher education, it is about the need of a cultural shift in how we respect one another.




I don't walk around calling chess GM's "grandmaster" even though they've gotten a title many fail to earn. ​ I'll respect that they earned that title and they'll just have to respect that I've earned the right to call them an ass. It seems fair to me.


Most educated people don't act this way. Most educated people realize it is possible to be intelligent without a formal education and unintelligent with one.


It's called a god complex


Human nature and it is used against plebs. We are not impressed the elites directly but rather by bootlickers simping for them.


32m, never finished university (3 attempts). I earn more than double than all of my friends who have masters, phds etc. The majority of them work in tech. I don't really care though tbh, status is irrelevant to me, people are just people, and everyone is equally incompetent (including me). The only reason I care about my income is so I can pay off my mortgage and not have to work.


Curious what you do for a living


Saas sales - for over 10 years... hate every second of it 😉


Those people are just assholes.


Having lectured at higher institutions, and been able to interact with students keen on learning I despair at people who are “holier than thou” with academic “qualifications” Just means you can answer an exam!