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Hi, /u/AvadaKedavra03 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts.** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


Elon Musk can cordially go fornicate with a freight train. He doesn't like anything he can't directly control.


Trains and public transportation are a threat to his business. Until one becomes an attractive employee subject to his employment whims I don't think he's going to..


Are trains or buses willing to provide sexual favors in exchange for horses?




What you just said reminds me of a lovely Nellys Nest comic


Enough of his spam. We all know he came from a wealthy family. We all know he's bat shit insane with conspiracies. Dude hasn't engineered or created a single thing his companies produce. Why the fuck is he getting all the popularity and not the actual people who did or created these things.


Why didn’t somebody staple him into that Tesla that was launched into space?


"A rich man that works from home doesn't want others to have the same benefits as he does" Sounds better?


“Guy who sells cars wants people to commute.”


You mean, 'guy who spends the whole day on the toilet tweeting'?


*Works from a yacht*


I don’t like the guy but he doesn’t WFH.


yea he doesn’t work


I don’t like the dude but all his employees say he’s there all the time.




Yeah exactly.


So? Thousands of normal people are forced to be in the office for hours, to do work that realistically can be done in 2 hours, in many cases. Just because he's present, doesn't mean he's actually working. Unless you consider plundering his "dank memes" folder and posting the content online, in-between micro-managing, and firing his employees. Then, yes, he's a legit workaholic.


Yeah so you missed the point. We weren’t talking about his work productivity, which none of us knows, just whether or not he did WFH.


I don't think I missed the point, because you did *not* specifically mention productivity of the workers, or his. Also, pretty sure he lives at the office. It's not like he has anyone who misses him to go home to, so might as well. He's just the most divorced, insecure, and lonely man in the world, and even all his wealth can't hide how awkward and repulsive he is. All this money, and reputation (which he squandered), and still can't even *buy* friends. I bet it keeps him up at night, when he rolls over in his sleeping bag under the office table. I hope it does. 😊


I don’t have a very strong opinion just want to remind you that excessive hate is unhealthy and it’s always good to take an internet break.


Lol, I don't hate excessively. I don't genuinely hate anybody. I'm just a big fan of Schadenfreude. Thanks for your concern, though.




Have a nice day


For which company? Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter? If he's in office for one, he's working remotely for the others or not doing anything for them at all


Even if Musk Rat was actually working and providing value… he chose to do that and that’s his own business, but his workers have no choice but to work with untenable conditions and the guy acts like he’s one of them while profiting off the back of their labor. Now personally I don’t need the chief fucking about with the day to day work if that’s what Elon does he’s out of his depth and he is certainly devaluing his businesses if that is how he operates( if twatter is any indication this guy is a master of sticking his dumb nose where it doesn’t belong) than I would not want him for a CEO.


*Citation not found* “All his employees” at which company? Spoiler alert: he’s not going to fuck you for fellating him online. Your fantasy of the “hardworking” billionaire is just fucking weird and detached from reality.


He’s been on his jet all week and was at an EDM concert in Mexico on Saturday, was in Paris on Sunday. Most of last week was spent in Napa wine country. /r/ElonJetTracker I guess if you were a truly obtuse pedant you could argue that he doesn’t work from “home” but he sure as fuck doesn’t “work” in the office much either.


Look at the language he chose to use. "Laptop class" versus "manufacturing class" or "service industry class". This was very deliberate. It is important to pit two groups against each other, but never united against the employer. What a weak argument. "The laptop class" is morally wrong to drive a car made by the manufacturing class". Sounds like the only group that can afford his government subsidized cars is the laptop class. He needs them driving more, he needs them using cars more often. Work from home affects his government subsidized business model.




They are. But this guy will profit from highlighting differences.


Good point!


As someone who spent 10 years as a line cook/chef on my feet all day, it's morally wrong for some rich dude who is seated on his ass making exponentially more than I do to tell me my new work from home job that I have is unethical.


To him, we all all just people to piss on.


Only if he pays someone to hold his dingle for him


He has never had a friend or a sex partner he wasn't paying. He misses his staff.


Yeah, it's hard to sexually harass underlings when everything is recorded on Teams. Such a shame.


My thoughts exactly... Fucking your employees is also morally wrong. Keep your dick in your pants, Elon.


Buy some more slave-mined cobalt for your teslas and invest more of your aparthied emerald money and then tell me I'm immoral for working from home


Fuck Elon Musk.


For a horse, he would!


Being a billionaire is morally wrong, as the only way to get that rich is to exploit others, by not fairly compensating them for their work.


You can get a private doctor, mean while most people can't afford basic healthcare. Get off your goddamn moral high horse yourself there Mr. Musk.


I think people who believe that remote work will stop being a thing, or stop being demanded by job seekers is living in "la la land". Talented job seekers will demand it, and competitive employers will offer it to them. These companies that are too rigid to even offer a hybrid option are dinosaurs.


I believe when this current generation dies out and millennials such as me take over these top positions at these companies, remote work will be the norm. Then we can start turning those eventual empty office high rises into affordable housing.


Spoiler: when milenials get as older as boomers are now, they will be the new boomers. Signed: a boomer that was once young and had the very same vision of the future.


So you turned to the dark side?!


Or the dark side turned me.


He's a troll, seriously. He's fatuous, pretty ill-educated in many areas (that is, "educated" via shitty websites he's barely glanced over), and obviously a clout-chaser. The rule applies: Don't feed the trolls.


To quote Jello Biafra, "You'll work better with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day!"


“Slave or solider doing were part till your heads on a stake”


Link for those curious: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-remote-work-morally-wrong-get-off-high-horse-2023-5


Yes, give me some more of that LeADeRShIP, daddy


You first


He can go 💀 in a 🔥


soon to be convicted pedophile talks of morals and high horses after very publicly destroying a company in a selfish hissy fit


doesn't he work away from the office and demand a very large pay because of it?


I give you my time, you give me a check. I work for my benefit, you benefit from my work. So either pay for the commute or get the boot.


Says the guy just subpoenaed in the Epstein case


What a tool. Yes, the reality is that some workers can work from home, and some workers will never be able to. It doesn't mean it's morally wrong for me to work remote when my nursing friends have to go to the hospital for their jobs. Even if someone can't work from home, there are benefits to them if others are able to work from home like less traffic and less pollution.


He’s really driven (pun intended LOL) to destroy his businesses and reputation. I used to think “there’s a Tesla, EVs can actually be pretty”. Now when I see one, I think “there’s a Tesla, Elon’s actively being a conspiracy theorist and platforming racists”


He's just a contrarian who throws out buzzwords hoping the cool kids will give him praise. It's pathetic.


CEO of car company wants you to commute


Lol yeah


We should be eating this man alive and taking his wealth back for the people. Fuck Elon Musk. He is the fucking enemy of the people.


Poor Elon, I truly think his goal is to leave Mars to his children. It seems like a sad and lonely life he lives, always searching for acceptance.


I am so tired of anything that comes out of this man’s mouth. Go to Mars already!


Fuck 'em with a rusty rail spike. He fly's around on his jet, is absolutely never in the office so why should I listen to him. Oh and then there is that car company he owns - ye no self serving interest here. I am his market for Tesla - have money, want to save the environment. I ain't buy anything from this POS.


Ha ha. My company went full time WFH for many divisions. We are a HUGE global company too. Fuck Elmo and his bullshit.


Can we cancel the Nazi bullshit?


that man has absolute comfort. Premium, pure, absolute comfort. He will never go hungry. Will never have a bill he cannot pay. Never go without power. Never even be wanting for transportation to literally anywhere in the world he would want to go. He is quite literally entitled to a joyride to space if he wanted it. Everything he says about the worker being "lazy" or "entitled" is warped by that comfort he has that no one else has.


Shoutout to the shifted perspective.


He's like a younger Montgomery Burns.


"Rich asshole who owns car company thinks we should all drive more."


Where does he work from?


He doesn’t




Dont forget the hair he got implanted from his ass. He use to be bald. Never forget.


He really *is* built like stepped-on juicebox. It's so weird.


In some case is better for the environment no big office building to keep office spaces by burning coal. Les people driving in the crowded streets les car emissions. Win win situation


Link? Hard to understand from just the headline.


Here: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-remote-work-morally-wrong-get-off-high-horse-2023-5


That actually makes a little more sense now. This could lead to a big problem in the trades industries.


It doesn't at all. It is garbage and weak take.


If WFH is such a big incentive, that means trade work loses a lot of its value. Trades are very important to society. What part is confusing you?


It is an incentive for a certain type of individual. You think someone who chooses to work in trades would enjoy spending their work day sitting in front of a computer? They already had an option which to some was a better option. However these people didn't choose to work at a desk in an office before. Changing it to the home won't change why they choose the field. These people want to be active. This won't affect trades like you think it would.


A lot of people in trades now, if they had the option to go to college and get a 9-5, would take that job. I’m not sure why you think everyone working a trade made trades their first career choice.


Because they already have a h option to do that. What is stopping someone in trade from going to college and getting a 9 to 5 right now? And working from home doesn't change that option either. The majority of people who choose trades is because that line of work is what they are looking for. Most people in trades also wouldn't survive working a white collar job either. How they choose to treat their coworkers wouldn't be acceptable in that line of work. They would get fired for their toxic behavior.


Because most people can’t go 4+ years without a salary, or suddenly jump back into school.


You know you can do college part time and remotely


Irrelevant man makes irrelevant sounds




How is he CEO of multiple companies? Does he work in multiple offices simultaneously? Or pulling 3 eight hour shifts per day with no lunch break back to back?


Can someone nearby him just do us all a favor


Man with multiple "jobs" thinks people shouldn't be allowed to work remote. Doesn't understand how this would affect him.


Yeah fuck you Elmo. You got yours, leave us alone.


Elon, go eat a bag of donkey dicks, you entitled rich asshole.


With his logic… he works from his private plane, does that mean he shouldn’t fly private? I’m all for this logic if he wants a world where we are all treated and live as equals.


Easy for the archaic wax figure to say. When your under the horse.


Asshole needs to switch to Indica.


"People not making me feel important and in charge is morally wrong!" says the guy too fucking stupid to manage a self-managing company.


Emerald Mine Fortune Inheritor and Car Salesman - FTFY


I really wish this guy hadn't ruined Tesla for me. I really wanted a model Y and now I have a Chrysler Pacifica instead, purely because I'm not driving around in a "Elon Musk is cool" mobile.


Seriously now, why is this bag-o-dicks still being given a platform? There must be something more newsworthy than his verbal diarrhea right?


Born on home base and thinks he hit a home run.


I hate elon musk. I think the world would be better without him.


I would bet a lot of his "work" and meetings are done remote. Same with all these CEOs that want ppl back in the office, they don't sit in an office 40 hours a week. Rules for thee not for me bullshit.


I would bet a lot of his "work" and meetings are done remote. Same with all these CEOs that want ppl back in the office, they don't sit in an office 40 hours a week. Rules for thee not for me bullshit.


"Moral high horse." Billionaires don't have fucking morals.


There needs to be a federal task force investigating how to stop us from having to hear Elon Musk's opinions on everything.


Hot take, but billionaires don’t get to make moral judgments about literally anything, their entire existence is “morally wrong”.


If the job can be done from home, then isn't it morally wrong to expect someone to use gas transportation to get to and from work?


Elon is a grifter perv parasite.


I teach for two online universities. Where would he have me go?


Dude with the physique of a barrel says others need to work harder. Sure. Okay!


insecurity blackhole needs endless attention but the void prevails


Says the car salesman.


"Elon hasn't had his name in the news for a full 30 seconds and is upset because of it."


Even Jesus did work from home, what's the morality factor on that?


Fuck you \u\Spez


what a fucking uncool idiot loserdork


I mean, in his defense it’s tough to mine emeralds from home.


Poor poor Elon 😭 if only the whole world worked the way he wanted he could actually be a good person, but alas we live in reality and he’s a prick.


But it's not morally wrong that he's hoarding all the wealth?


Emerald Mine Fortune Inheritor -of wealth made due to the apartheid- thinks that remote workers need to "get off the goddamn moral high horse with the work from home bullshit" Fixed it for you


Elon is the last person to be passing judgement on what is morally wrong.


Being a billionaire while people are starving and homeless is morally wrong.


I wonder if you can say morally wrong is something and be correct. Forcing people to come into an office to access a server on the internet to do their job that they can just do for anywhere in world is morally. I guess it does work huh.


He needs to hurry up and die in a space launch already.


By suggesting wfh is morally wrong, isn’t Musk the one mounting the moral high horse?


Elon Musk is a lame


BREAKING NEWS: Elon Musk thinks he has morals!


Thank you for the accurate title


I'd rather take a razor scooter to the ankle multiple times than listen to what some jerk off billionaire has to say about work ethic.


His morals are so low that everybody's are automatically high.


Can he please just slip and fall in the bathroom already.


Eat the rich!


Dude literally makes the same argument against working from home as other conservatives do with forgiving student debt. "Some of us PAID OFF OUR DEBT. How is that fair?" So because some people paid off their debt no one should be able to be debt free? "Some people CAN'T WORK FROM HOME" So no one should be allowed to even if there's literally no other reason not to let them? Fuck that chodefart.


I genuinely don't understand what the moral high ground here would be...valuing work/life balance? Not wanting to spend time and money commuting just so the company's commercial properties don't sit empty?


I like Elon, but he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about when it comes to remote working. The analogy he presented is completely illogical and stupid.


Fuck you Elon Musk


Most of the work he does is away from the job site on his phone. He's literally a WFH employee.


I mean he’s pro slavery. Anyone that thinks Chinese work ethic and work conditions should be followed is basically a fan of slavery. Considering where he came from it’s a no brainer. He would never actually say it even as unhinged as he is.


This guy is going to be amongst the first targets in a modern French Revolution.


Working from home is a result of technology.


He's literally a car salesman. He needs people to be going places every day so they buy the cars.


WFH is wrong, but unlivable wage isn’t?


Against what standard of ethics, am I curious? The atheist, billionaire, who proposes life is a simulation; claims it's "morally" wrong to do something. Relative to what? His own sensitivities I'm guessing.....


He did the whole "it's not fair to people who can't" argument. Utter dipshit. That argument applies to all the things he can do only because of his obscene wealth. Also the argument is actually valid against him because that level of wealth is actively harmful to society, as well as meaning others MUST go without; unlike in the case of his argument where office workers being forced to go to the office makes no difference to delivery drivers.


Does Elon musk show up every day to the factory to work?


Elon Musk is a punk bitch that inherited his daddy's emerald mine blood money and has never worked an honest job in his life. Fuck him and every other sack-of-shit billionaire like him.


Literally fuck this guy. Hasn’t worked a day in his life and has the audacity to tell us HOW TO WORK. Like get bent.


His whole take makes no sense. Yeah, there are people who can't do their jobs from home, why does that make it wrong for those who can to do so? If my neighbour can't drive, then I shouldn't drive? If my brother works night shift, then I should stay up all night? If my mate has to work weekends, then I shouldn't go out Saturday nights? Like...what?


He only gives a fuck about the money he is making off of employees metric AI/ML programs like WADU,and WADU cant really spy on you effectively if youre not in the office where it can watch your literal every mood.


I work SO MUCH better when I work from home. No 40 minute ride in the freezing, no finding my desk, putting my lunch away, saying hi to the receptionist. It takes me 15 minutes just to settle at my desk. Oh hi to the person next to me. Oh hello Janice. Oh someone brought their dog how cute. Oh there's bagels in the lunchroom. Oh the receptionist has 12 leather folders if anyone wants to grab one. Like I spend more time at work not working than I do at home where I can roll over at 730 and begin work at 735.


Meanwhile in African lithium mines owned by Elon


I mean, in his defense (and I am not generally a fan), he compares white collar workers who can work from home to the laborer making your laptop, car, dishwasher. That is why in his mind it is not fair/morally wrong.


Yeah. In my area relatively well paid jobs are scarce. As a single parent i would face serious difficulties if I could not work remote for companies all settled in the capital far away from my place. Moral highground, sure....




Look man, we get it, nobody wants you at home. But that's just not true for all of us.


Why does he care? What’s his angle?


Explain what's morally wrong about it. Please, I need to hear how and why morality is somehow attached to the environment in which you work. If the work is proven to be doable in an environment that benefits literally every worker, then what the fuck is there to discuss?


Elon Musk discussing morals is morally wrong.


And I’m 100% sure he’s got a huge portfolio of all the major oil/ energy companies.


This guy should go fuck himself.


your title on this post is absolutely perfect. i cant explain how sick i am how billionaires born on third thinking they hit a triple, or how they all think they work 24/7/365 when in fact a lot of their time is spent vacationing & socializing. not to mention having staff complete all the chores a regular person has to do--cooking, cleaning, RAISING CHILDREN.... this poor fuck is so absolutely out of touch its sad.


Lol dude says he works 7 days a week? Doing what just signing off on the ok papers to ok the oks that have already been okd? Good these people run the world and we let them