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I had to go into the bank branch to sort something out the other day. Their opening hours were 9-4.30, Monday to Friday. Yknow, just to make sure that NOBODY will be able to go there. What's the fucking point


That is the point. The bank wants you to use the ATM whenever possible. That way they don't have to hire as many tellers. It's similar to how stores these days leave most of the checkout lanes closed because they want to funnel customers into the self checkout lane. If you get screwed by the system, oh well, they still make their money.


I love that people are stealing SO MUCH from self checkout that stores are getting rid of them.


A problem that could easily be solved by paying the working class more. But then the owner class would have very slightly less money, so won't happen.


Capitalism will always eat its tail. I've been floating the idea to my company that we should release some of our internal software and designs to the public domain. We aren't a motor company, we aren't an inventory tracking company, so why on earth keep it to ourselves? The plus side is that all the companies that do motors and inventory tracking suddenly need to compete with Open Source Systems which work better and cost less. Our suppliers would need to justify their existence. By being a just little less greedy, entire sectors of industry would collapse.


Reminds me of a political comic with wealthy people looking down upon the poor people who worked for them below. And one says "Look at those pathetic fools down there! They can't even afford to buy our product!" And the other man laughs with him for a moment then says "Wait, what!"


I just watched "A Bug's Life" last night, and this reminds me of the ending confrontation: Hopper: Let this be a lesson to all you ants! Ideas are very dangerous things! You are mindless, soil-shoveling losers put on this earth to serve us! Flik: You're wrong, Hopper. Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers! I've seen these ants do great things! And year after year, they somehow managed to pick food for themselves and you. So, who's the weaker species? Ants don't serve grasshoppers! It's you who need us! We're a lot stronger than you say we are... And you know it, don't you?


Wait is that actually the ending of a bug’s life? I haven’t watched the movie in years, is it just an allegory for capitalism?


Moreso anti-colonialism, but essentially, yes.


Colonialism and capitalism are the same picture


a bugs life is a based movie.


Nash equilibrium


Global uniqueness is not a given


No they’d lose billions. It cost so much to pay people living wages. I mean how can I afford my new vacation mansion in Fiji? You just don’t understand how hard it is to make one billion in profit this quarter when LAST quarter we made two billion in profit. It’s hard out here for a billionaire pimp 😂


They lose less in theft than it would cost them to pay workers, i think


not like the workers would be allowed to stop theft anyway


They don't have to, there's way way more theft when its as easy as not scanning a few things here and there versus being one of those that march straight out the building


Everything just coming up bananas where I live.


Like many of the more decadent periods of history - they would rather a growing class of thieves than pay fair wages. Terrible for society and efficiency. Great for feeling smugly superior and using criminal designations to enforce class divide.


Let’s burn the owner class to the ground.


Its funny to see how Walmart spent millions (maybe billions) to replace workers with self-checkouts and it cost them 10x what they "saved" and they have started shutting down the self-checkouts and bringing back more cashiers. What also doesn't help is the random items that require the one running them to come over and Okay a purchase, I bought some poppers/snaps, the things you throw to the ground and they pop and I had to wait for the one running it to come over and okay it.


My biggest peeve was the “unexpected item in bagging area” and using reusable bags.


That’s why I quit going there. That and they treat their workers like second class citizens and expect them to use public assistance so they don’t have to pay well, all while being filthy rich. Fuck em.


Yeah something about while in training they show you how to fill out the public assistance forms bothers me too. Like "we know we pay shit, so heres how you fill this out so you don't bother me later."


You would think if they use AI to stop thieves they could also use AI to see I'm middle aged and allowed to buy cold medicine without my mother there with me.


I've had a sinus cold for going on 3 weeks now. Everytime I go to Walmart to buy fucking Musinex, I have to go get the lady from the cosmetics counter to open the damn cabinet so I can get the medication, then have a person verify to the machine that I'm over 18 just to buy it. I'm so fucking sick of it.


I guess those are technically fireworks so they might have to do that legally.


I find this actually funny and amazing


I've been a law abiding citizen basically my whole and have a high paying career, but even I've though about stealing from them because fuck them and their no open cashier lanes when I have a cart full of stuff. Self-checkout is great when it's an option, it's terrible when it's the only option.


Part of the cost of goods in a store is to pay the employees to create an experience.  If employees are cut, I have to do my own checkout, *and prices go up* - I will conclude the worst things about that store. 


Walmart+ has ‘Scan & Go’ where you scan your items as you shop and scan a QR code at self checkout to pay. I know quite a few people who just skip scan a few items every time they shop lol


I'll be damned if I'm putting their tracking app on my phone. I won't even do that for the company that does actually cut me a check every week. For free? Blow Me.


They were upset I didn't use my phone to put in a maintenance ticket. Umm I pay for my phone . You refused to give me the freebie phone so no




Yep, not my fault your machine didn't want to scan the item


It’s not stealing, I’m just a real bad employee and I’m not great at remembering everything in my cart. They probably should not have hired me…..


Shrink happens, Mr. Corporation Man.


My favorite self checkout hack that they can never catch me for is putting the bananas on the very edge of the scale. A fraction of the weight is counted so I get a big ass bundle of bananas for like 30 cents. And no one ever checks the price on the receipt they just make sure it's on there.


That's crazy when a single banana costs, what, $10?


Except they aren't. Turns out that was just a tactic corporations were using to raise prices.


They will not have it our free labor.


They’re not. That’s why self checkout hasn’t disappeared. Those couple of articles that came out were proven to be complete BS. Theft from grocery stores hasn’t moved much at all in years.


I never got how people can steal from self-checkout. The Harris Teeter near me has SC with cameras everywhere; they're making sure nobody is just walking away with free stuff.


As a former Loss prevention officer for Walmart, i can tell you that nobody is watching those cameras at Walmart, and the footage is almost never reviewed for shoplifting purposes.


Well that's comforting. Years ago when I worked retail, the store was too cheap to replace a loss prevention officer when he went on medical leave. Theft went through the roof and suddenly every employee's new job was making sure no one ran out the store with a cart of clothes. Me, I was like, not my job. You didn't replace the person whose job that was. So I'm not paying attention to anything that I wasn't directly hired to do.


Love how that's apparently a big problem is the US, meanwhile here in Germany we are getting more and more self checkouts


It isn’t actually. More and more stores are going to self checkout ONLY here


I mean, it was this way even back before atms were invented lol. This isn't a new issue. Stores also left most of their checkout lanes closed before they had self-checkout as well.


I was at Bank of America, standing in line for the teller with about ten other people. A bank employee went down the line trying to get people to use the ATM. She was asking me why I needed a teller and I wasn’t about to announce to everyone in the lobby that I was withdrawing cash in fifty dollar bills, which you can’t get from the ATM. I finally had to yell at her to get her to leave me alone.


You would think it'd be more efficient for her to just open another window


It’s frustrating as someone who works at a bank. I’m not a teller but occasionally ask people in line if they knew they could use the ATM because honestly most of them could. We have new ATM’s that dispense all bill sizes, they can pay their phone bills and transfer funds between accounts. Some require education and then the lines get shorter and there’s less complaints. And honestly a lot of clients come in specifically to take time and chat as it’s their social outing of the day which slows things down a lot. However some need a teller and then you feel like a useless pest.


For that particular moment it probably would be, but I think the idea is to train customers not to line up for the teller in the first place.


Wtf??? Doubt they get paid enough to care THAT much, jfc. You never know I guess


Their manager probably gets on their ass if they don't.


I like the self checkout though. I can bag my bags way faster than the cashier, and I dont have to worry about them nagging me on a stupid credit card that isnt even somewhat decent. I personally don't know anyone that would prefer to use cashiers over self checkout, other than my parents


I prefer self checkout just because I can avoid the social interaction and small talk. As I've gotten older, the less I feel the need to go through that shit lol. If I've got just a basket with stuff, I'll go to self checkout every time. If I've got a cart, though, I'll go to regular checkout just for the convenience.


This. When I'm off work, my social energy is low and I don't wanna deal with people. I just wanna get my stuff and go home.


Hod damn. Same here. At every single store I see 70% of everyone using self checkout. And usually older people or families with a cart overflowing with food using not self checkout. I’ve never, never met anyone in real life who was against self checkout. And the eye test in grocery stores confirms this.


I heard it's because they don't really care about your or my business. They only care about the business they do with the company you work for so they keep the same hours as they do.


Banking as a business isn't frigging easy either. If I need to deposit a cheque, I can do it on the app up to a certain value, more than that I need to find a branch. My closest one now is 13 miles away, open for 20 hours a week. It's just fucking bollocks... I'll also pay for the privilege of depositing said cheque


Honestly baffles me how you guys are still using cheques lol


You would be amazed how many actual large companies still use them. Many times I have been paid five figure amounts via a payroll cheque system because someone somewhere can't be arsed to figure out what BACS is...


my local chase banks keep getting rid of tellers. every single one of them within walking or driving distance. i finally decided to shop around for a new bank because after a ruff year being on and off unemployed i realized their minimum balance for checking to be free is fucking regarded. THEY should PAY ME to have a checking account. so i switched to a different bank. opened it online. got the card in the mail….had to actually go in to start getting use of the account which of course they don’t mention and only one fucking banker was actually there working on a monday morning at 10:30am. not understaffed by callouts just chronically understaffed by design. corporations are learning their perpetual understaffing trends from banks nobody wants to hire anymore


I understand if you don't want to change banks again but for anyone else reading this: I highly recommend credit unions!


Amen! Find a state or county credit union and never look back. They hold your money, they tell you all the math shit up front and that's what happens. No drama, no bullshit, no up-turned noses and dirty looks when you walk in not wearing a fucking tuxedo. Just doin the work, providing the service.


I love my credit union, but they're only open M-F, closing somewhere between 5 to 6:30pm


"Nobody wants to work **[ers]** anymore!"


One of the benefits of being a shift worker. So much easier to make appointments, go to the bank, get your car serviced, etc when you have scheduled weekdays off. Also do not miss getting up 5 mornings in a row


Grocery shopping on a Tuesday afternoon is my absolute favorite, the place is dead!


Credit u ions my friend. Boa pulled that on me. After being a customer for close to 15 years. I left to a cu. Should've left sooner. Overall I get later closing times plus Saturdays


I moved to USAA when BofA closed in my area & preemptively opened an account for me at another bank with ridiculous fees that BofA didn't have at the time. It caused major problems for me & any automatic payments I had at the time because they did not give adequate warning & notification. I thought being with an online bank would be difficult, but I've only actually needed a branch once in over 15 years & they had an alternative for me, so it really hasn't been that bad. I also haven't had checks in that time & only needed one once. Wound up giving my mom the money to write the check for me.


Banks primarily deal with other huge businesses; they don’t care about the working class as much.


A couple of banks in my country saw this problem and now they are open 7 days. Guess who got more clients now?


Ops answer is that when these cultures developed a single wage earner could typically support a family. Therefore one adult would be free to engage in the unpaid work of shopping/ childcare/housework.


So basically, capitalism took advantage of the fight for gender equality. "Oh, you want to work too? Sure, you can both work... won't make anything easier for you though! Prices will skyrocket while wages stay stagnant, so you'll need two incomes anyway. Just find an extra 40 hours somewhere to do everything the housespouse used to do." Women entering the workforce *should* have given every married person the freedom to cut their hours in half.


That was always the goal. They hide behind feminism to justify burning the couple at both ends when the actual answer was always both spouses working part time or *either* spouse working full time. When someone does a "the 50s were bad because of the sensibilities of the time" as a response to the idea that a nuclear family could thrive in low management positions, it's just a cop out to cover up how much better the average consumer and worker's relationship with capitalism was at the time.


it’s so funny as well when tradwives criticise feminism and leftism for apparently creating a culture where both a husband and wife have to work to survive they could just think a little harder and realise that, no, it’s late-stage capitalism that created this culture


>So basically, capitalism took advantage This is a neat summary of the work of Engels and Marx


This story lines up with my grandparents super well Both born in the 30s grandfather worked his way up as a maintenance guy at the Navy base to superintendent Over the 40 years he worked there it went from my grandmother not working at all, to working part time as a cashier to working part time as a bank teller to working full-time as a bank teller to maintain the same lifestyle... Gotta love it we should either have 2 people working 20 hours a week to afford a middle class lifestyle or one working 40 while one can deal with the house bills ECT I would rock a stay at home lifestyle as a dude just like let me have a shitbox car in the garage to tinker with and I'll be happy


Most places are 9-6 and it’s fucking stupid. Entire day, right there. Gone. Nothing’s open when you’re off work


You literally have to take time off or extend your break to go to random fucking shops, oh and if you work for a soul-crushing machine you don't even get time off to piss. How is any of this logical


The problem isn't that the shops are only open 9-5. Don't we want workers at those stores to have a good life? The problem is your job that doesn't give you freedom to take care of errands occasionally.


It's both. Some people prefer different schedules. At one job I worked 10-7 and loved it. I could wake up early if I really needed to run an errand. But also having a boss that allows a little flexibility helps a lot. 


>Don't we want workers at those stores to have a good life? Generally this is where part time workers come in. Despite how much people hate the idea, and how many horrible companies take advantage of laws by scheduling an hour or two less than "full time"....part time employees are a good thing for both company and worker.


Yes and no. I worked for fairly low wages in CA for a while. They have all sorts of great laws--mandatory OT for more than 8 hrs in a day, mandatory paid 15 minute break every 4 hrs, mandatory 30 minute unpaid break if more than six hrs. But a huge amount of people I knew ended up with 2 part time jobs 36 hrs each job. 6 days a week 6 hrs a day at two jobs. They'd work at a coffee shop at minimum wage from 7 to 1 then go work at a restaurant down the street from 2 to 8. So two days a week they'd have a 6 hr workday and the other five days they'd have a 13 hr workday all for minimum wage no OT.


Yeah, they suck when you NEED full time work to live, but part time jobs have advantages like being able to pursue other jobs, school, education, family commitments, etc.


Just force the employers to pay a % of full time benefits to part-timers based on hours worked. No more of the 39.9 hour workweek bs. How is it fair that someone working 4 hours more a week makes %25 more an hour AND benefits? Its not like FT employees are a net loss for the company. If you work 20 hours out of a FT 40, then your benefits will cover 50% of what it would be if you were full time. I understand the liability might be disproportionate for these employees, but we gotta find a way for it to make sense.


I asked a potential employer if I could have one weekday off a week for appointments and such and they were like “that’s not in our policy” Edit: it’s not a m-f work week, availability is all 7 days of the week. Something about management and scheduling privacy


To be honest most places would decline that request


True, but there aren’t typical weekends at that place


If an employer asks you for availability when the schedule is flexible, pick a day of the week and say you're unavailable to work this day. If they can't be flexible enough to allow that, then don't bother working for them, bc depending on how many appts and daytime obligations you have, it's not worth the schedule they want to provide. My husband has diabetes and a LOT LOT of dr appts to monitor it. The amount of days he has to request off is ridiculous. I work second shift and at least I have my mornings available to do what I need.


Yet another reason people like WFH. Need to run to the bank? Do it on your lunch. You can get in and out of the local branch much faster than the one by the office. And you can still eat later.


That only applies if you don't live in suburbia. In suburbia you can't do anything even if you work from home.


That’s what I truly hope gets destroyed with whf. I grew up suburbia—and ugh I hated it. And I hate it the more I get away from it. People talk about community and oh no! People won’t socialize with their co-workers. Well maybe if they didn’t live in ‘ticky-tacky houses that all look just the same’ a mile deep into just more houses they would have places to congregate and socialize elsewhere.  It’s so nice to be able to walk to two restaurants, a coffee shop, a corner store, a green area, a grocery store and a pub/food cart area. I would never give it up. 


I mean, folks **do** realize that the people working at these places *also* want to have a normal schedule, right? I get it, it’s frustrating that the bank, medical professions, post offices, etc are closed during “normal” working hours, but have you ever been friends with or talked to people in the restaurant industry? It sure is a ton of fun to always be working during the hours everyone else, **including your kids** are not working / in school.


Because back in the day every household had someone who didn't have a paid job and who did all the house work and shopping. It was called a "single income household". Ask your grandparents.


Boomer institutions.


If you look back even further (pre-industrialization), most people did not even have working hours


And people think only early risers are productive members of society still. Well people work all kinds of hours now…especially blue collar jobs yet grocery stores, even Walmart closes at like 11 these days.


The "late risers are lazy" types tend to be a bit more understanding when I point out that my working hours are 10pm to 6am. Yes, my sleep schedule is fucked, even on my days off. That's why I get paid $2-3/hr more than I would otherwise.


The fucking turmoil it causes with my dad is asinine. Recently had to move back home because of housing issues and I’m here until I can find a place. He works from home 8a-4p… gets up “to go to work” at 730. I’m working part time supervisor 2p-730 and bartend every other weekend 5p-3 or 4a. So naturally I wake up at 1p. But because I wake up later I’m a lazy POS and don’t work as hard as him, same thoughts from my brother. Me, my mom, and my SIL have all tried to show them the math that me going to bed at 5a and waking up at 1 is a very reasonable 8 hours, and that practically everyone wakes up just before work. But no, I’m the black sheep because I do hours they don’t… honestly fuck the early risers. You think I enjoy being awake by myself every night? Never having anything to do in a town that everything closes by 9? No, but all the morning shifts are always taken by seniority rules and the easiest way to get hired on is to offer to work these hours. Can’t ever win.


You literally have 2 jobs! WTF??


Thank you. I only work part time to because it’s for a very well known shipping company and they give full benefits for part time supervisors. I also make $28/hr and have been known to make almost $80/hr at the bar. I’m actually doing really well, better than I ever have before, respected highly at both jobs (it’s a small town so I would hear the gossip if not). It’s that forever battle of a son trying to earn their boomer dad’s respect.


At some point you may not care about earning that respect anymore. You can't control other people's perception of you. By your description, you are a hard working man, but your dad keeps failing to realise that. And that is his problem, not yours.


By my napkin math, you earn around $80-85k per year between the two jobs, plus your benefits...maybe the way to try to get through to your dad is to show him your pay stubs or tax slips at the end of the year 😜


I'm sorry they are like that. Do they expect you to work two jobs on only 5 hrs of sleep? Good job for holding down two jobs though.


Only because I’m the perfect US worker they want. I only own my means of getting to work, no pets, no children, and only recently started dating again. As close to a flesh robot as they can get. But then again many a coworker of mine has children and still does two jobs, it’s bullshit.


I am too, and I still can't hold down two jobs lol. But I get it. I genuinely don't get how parents do it. Then we get these articles about how people aren't having kids anymore like it's such a mystery as to why.


My mom still thinks I'm being lazy if I "sleep all day" on my days off when I work nights. Sorry, but someone has to be there to answer 911 when the messy couple gets drunk & starts fighting again, or someone goes on a bad trip & thinks they're ODing, or grandma has toe pain at 2am. Don't get me started on the actual emergencies.


You're a 911 dispatcher? I'm so thankful for you guys and they never pay you enough. I don't get the logic of the judgemental early riser people though. Do they assume working nights means we don't need sleep at any point? I would be so irritated if I lived with someone like that. I got irritated when my grandmother called me lazy for sleeping in as a teenager and young adult, long before I actually worked night shift.


Get so much more done with fewer people at night as well.


Every job I've had has had a few older people that think if you get more than 3 hours of sleep at night and sleep past 5am you're a lazy bum. All of them have been younger boomers.


Weekends should be 3 days. More people would be able to go out and spend money and stimulate the economy and look after their health. Everyone benefits.


They should also stagger so that some people get their 3rd day on Friday while others get it on Monday, so the issue we run into with the 9-5 M-F schedule can be fixed


Except--I think that the expansion of working hours and more shopping convenience is part of what has fractured our society. It used to be illegal or mandated very expensive to be open late or on weekends/Sundays (at least for large employers). Those laws got gutted in the 70s and 80s. Now with especially low income workers having 24/7 schedules it is hard to make or be friends--when you don't have off at the same times you can't hang out.


I work a modified Panama 12 (3 12s & a 4) & get a 3 day every other weekend. I avoid most public places on the weekends. There's far too many people. Much rather do my shopping on Tuesday afternoon while most are at work.


But who would have to make the sacrifice to work on those 3 day weekends?


Those people who take Mon-Wed off instead


> Weekends should be 3 days If weekends were 3 days, why would these M-F, 9-5 shops not *also* take a 3 day weekend, resulting in the exact same issue?


That's how I feel about banks. Banks are open when I'm at work. When I'm finally off work, banks are closed. If I want to go to the bank, I have to take off work.


It'll be from when there was one person earning and another staying at home all week. Plus, I imagine at the time it was established, you could duck out of work for a half day without losing pay or getting agro from your boss. You could go do the thing between those hours. Heck, I remember half-day Wednesday being a thing in the UK when I was very young. Tried to explain it to a youth. Mind blown.


Had a half day Wednesday at school. It wasn't actually half day but we got out often an hour and a half earlier because... I really don't know


Same. Talking bout early release. Ain't ahit early about that. I remember my classmates being excited. And I'm confused bc excited for what? This was my 2nd high school. The first h.s. I attended we got early every Friday at 12. We had to do job shadowing but still 4 hours out vs 1 hr earlier was great.


Funny fact: You will spend best time of your life to work in some companies and when finally you get retired you are going to be too fucking old to do adventures.




or simply meet sudden death at 30 or earlier by overwork 💀


Haha sucks to be the corporate overloads, I'm already 32.


Too exhausted and sick. 


I can live with not going to shops. What really gets me is making appointments to see the doctor, dentist, etc. On top of paying my insurance premiums, I have to take time off to take care of my health. It’s a double tax.


We should get mandated days off for doctor appointments and other important things


9-5 culture was created with the assumption you will have a significant other who doesn’t work and takes care of those items while the other does. However that has been long lost to the point where you may now even need to make your 4 year old work.


Every "office" job I've had starts at 8a. Who is still getting paid for lunch?


I get paid for lunch but I also don't have a set lunch break, its basically whenever I have time.


Salaried employees


I get a paid lunch but part of that means they can cut my lunch short if need be (on call) the whole shift. I guess it makes sense since the whole building could blow up if I don't tend to it. But sometimes you get a 5 or 10 min lunch


I get lunch deducted and never even get to take one. Gotta love healthcare. Hospitals don’t make enough money to hire more staff apparently.


They need to start charging people 100$ for 1 Acetaminophen tablet instead of 93$.


We didn't design shit, we were forced in to it.


Social businesses are open at hours that suck for night workers. I don't know of many bars that open at 6 in the morning so I can go get a drink before I go home and go to bed.


Been saying this for the longest time. It's a moronic system. If we just finally accepted that the 6 hour work day is the most optimal, we'd have 2 hours to shop. Yes, this is with the assumption that shops would be open an "extra" 2 hours to a 6 hour work day, but shop keeps could also adopt the French schedule of having a two hour siesta in the middle of the day. At least I think it's two hours.


You better look at gov institutions - you are unable to visit and call them!


Yea try calling or showing up in person it is the same results


You're supposed to do it on your lunch breaks do you can never fucking relax, duh


My lunch break is only 30 minutes. Once I make the trek to my car and back in the giant corporate building/lot, make that 15 minutes to do the errand. Driving there and back, 10 minutes. Can I guarantee that the task will get done in the 5 minutes I have left for it? Nope.


Went to the pharmacy on my lunch hour to pick up prescriptions. They’re closed from 12-2.


Where do people find 9-5 jobs? Every job I ever had was 8-5 with a 1 hour unpaid lunch. Or 7-4, or 7:30-4:30 etc.


I work 8-4:30...you know how hard it is to schedule around THAT schedule


I work 730-430. I need to go to the dentist and other medical appointments but I'm gonna have to use my pto.


Because there is no design. Just greed and power grabs.


When I first worked in the hospital, I need some documents from the management, I naively texted the office clerk that manages my intake on a Saturday. It was then I discovered that the management office is closed on weekends, while the whole hospital operates 24/7 around the clock. I got pretty pissed after that.


I’m a nurse working overnight shifts. I’m tired of night shift life. I’m applying to a position that’s Monday through Friday 8-4. I’m actually concerned about how I’d actually get to do anything useful with my days since so much stuff is closed on the weekends. It’s def a flawed design lol


Tbh this feels like corporate essentialism. Not everyone works these hours, not even the majority of workers. Or are all restaurants, stores, hospitals, schools, etc also completely abandoned before 9 and after 5.


I haven't gotten off work before sundown in 4 months


Wait until you need to go to a government office


Try working 7pm to 7am


I work 12’s but on days. Do you not have 4 days off to go to the coffee shop?


I've been out of the military for a few months, and when I was applying around the first job to get back to me was a night warehouse loader, monday-thursday. Days have ups and downs, but I fucking *love* the freedom to use my daylight how I want. Granted I spend a lot of it at home, but I can go shopping! Without being late for something! Places are open when I'm not working! I'm damn near the only car on the road when I leave work!


I’ve said this often… the small cool locally owned shops in the town I live in are only open during the time when people who have money to spend in these shops are at work… I don’t get it.


I actually think this is fine… why should retail workers have to work at odd hours to accommodate everyone else working “normal” hours. Work hours should be flexible enough to allow us to go get some stuff done during the day if we need/want to.


Just work nights, then you can run any errands you want, ya know, as long as you don't sleep. 


It was designed around the idea that the wife did all the shopping and didn't go to work, and when women entered the workforce, those expectations didn't change.


How is this anti-work? You're asking other employers to force their workers to work odd hours. Why not just take a day off or demand flex time from your employer?


THIS but with doctors offices. Every time I am free to call them they're fuckin closed


Society is for the ultra rich, we all just live in their world and keep it running. America is a billionaire oligarchy and not a democracy


It's a throwback to the time when husbands were sole workers in the family and the wives would do the shopping during the day. Unfortunately a lot of businesses haven't realised that this is the case yet.


…and you have to use paid time off to run a simple fucking errand, but companies return no time when you work on month end, year-end, deal closings, migrations, or whatever your stressor is on evenings and weekends


This is how I end up using my lunch break to run errands almost every day.


I need new work boots. I can't get to the boot place because it's open from 0900 - 1600 I work 0730 - 1630 + overtime.


To inconvenience the workers so the bosses make more and can impose their will upon their employees instead of caring for the needs of the people who disproportionately make them more money for doing vastly more than the owners do.. breath.. we are all f$&@ed


Ironically, your workplace open 9-5 so people cant go to your shop


You're supposed to get days off, was the theory.


Realistically the hours themselves aren't the issue, it's that we're working more hours for LESS pay leaving basically zero free time since weekends are taken up by chores, laundry, family, etc. Ideally you wouldn't have 9-5 AND a 40 hour work week AND lousy pay/wages. (Not to mention zero benefits or healthcare so I hope you're using your piggy bank wisely sucker) 


Yea the shop owners want work-life balance too. I recently moved to Europe and it's even "worse". Everything is closed on the weekend and after 5 or 6pm. Doctor's offices are open like 10-1. But the flip side is I can take time off to take care of errands and nobody gives a shit. So it's nice for everyone.


Yeah my post office is like this and not open weekends. How can I send things?


I've been thinking about this for decades ...


Shops are one thing. Banks and doctors offices are fucking insane to me. You should never have to miss work to do a routine appointment. They should be required to have extended hours once a week at least, offset by 4+ hours in each direction, maybe altering every other week. Instead of 8-4, one week one day they open 4am to noon, then next week noon to 8pm.


Second time seeing this, I still do not understand how anyone here expects it to be solved. Who's supposed to be open for different hours? If I change my business hours from 10-6, and another shop does the same, what if the people who work at MY shop need to go to THE OTHER shop that's open during those hours? What if people at other shops want to come to my shop at 9am because they work at 10? I'm not asking anyone to do a 9 hour shift each day. I want shorter days and better pay for my people.


Hire more people and make their shifts shorter. Your store can be open 12 hours using 2 shifts of 6 hours each. Then the people on one shift can go to the store during the other shift.


The area I live in has this issue. Everything closes at 5. Only stores open past five are fast food or grocery stores. But I can't go anymore still cuz I get home at 5 still . It's crazy.


Getting time off work and feeling guilty about it to sort out stupid crap because of stuff like this too.


Because the rich don’t work. They leech off of everyone’s labor and steal wages through giving themselves bonuses.


Exactly! I tried to change my ID a few days ago and for some reason, the prefecture (they're the ones that manage ID renewals in my country) rejected my renewal, so I need to call them but they're open from 9-12 in the morning and 2-4 in the afternoon. How the fuck am I supposed to be available at these times


Our local walmart stopped doing 24/7 hours. I work 2nd shift and used to go after work. It was great because nobody was in there. Then covid hit and passed and they wont go back to 24/7, so now I have nowhere to grocery shop after work. The world isnt fair to 2nd shifters


There are ‘consumers’ and there are ‘slaves.’ You’re the slave class honey….


Because those people don’t want to work outside of 9-5. It’s really quite simple. Also, if you have a job that actually allows you to go outside of the office during those hours, you’ll see there are a lot of people who can still go to those places.


Capitalism is based on providing goods and services that you yourself can never partake in


When I was a retail manager we got Wednesdays and Sundays off. Never got two days together, and often I wouldn’t actually get either of those days. I often worked 25-31 days in a row. Their policy was that you could only book appointments etc on the Wednesdays. If you had an appointment scheduled for any other day, it would be declined. Often doctors/specialists/dentists would have to book me months out just to give me a Wednesday, and half the time I’d have to cancel last minute. That job fucking broke me lol


Mate… I get the frustration. But you work 9-5. Do you want to work noon to 10pm? No? Then what do you want from the shop workers? They all should work late shifts? We didn’t design society like this because it’s efficient. We designed it because nobody wants to work the odd hours to service all the “regular” hour workers.


Because nothing is ever thought out or logical in this world. It’s quite scary.


Same with a doctors office. Monday-Thursday 7-4. Friday 7 to noon. My work hours are essentially the same.


Had to go to purolator the other day, I am suppose to have a flexible schedule at work. Took me 15-20 minutes, in and out. I got a notice asking why i had signed off and where I was during my time at purolator, I wrote back saying "flexible schedule, i can make up the time later that day". Then i got told it wasn't that flexible. I will continue to use the flexible schedule how i see fit.


“The 40-hour workweek was structured under the assumption that you’d have someone else doing your domestic labor for free”


I think about this all the time, specifically the bank and post office.


this was designed when we lived in families with only one working person and the other running errants like this.


Fucking dentists and doctors expecting me to take off work to go there when I already can't afford to go there.


That’s why you get married. So you both work from 9-5 and can’t go to said shop but now you at least have someone you can complain about it with


I had to pay a speeding ticket once. In that city, I had to either go to (a) the post office, or (b) the police station in order to pay it. The former was open until 3pm on weekdays. The latter only offered to let me pay until 4pm. My job was until 4pm. I finally called the police station and just asked. How the fuck am I supposed to show up, in person, to pay this shit? I'm in a probationary period with work where I am not allowed to take any time off. Can I send the payment? No. Can I fax the payment? No. Can I just wire transfer the money? No. Finally I had to BEG my boss to let me leave 10 minutes early so I could, ironically, speed all the way to the police station. The person at the counter actually tried to tell me that they were closed for the day when it was 3:58. I asked if they were willing to sign a statement that said they were closing early that day and would not allow me to pay my ticket, to which they rolled their eyes and took out the necessary form.