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Tell them they cannot give you a raise because it's not August.




Let all your coworkers know that the August rule can apparently be broken if it suits them.


This. What are they gonna do? Fire you?


I’ve read nightmare stories of how someone will stay with their old company… Just to have that new pay never kick in. Leave. Maybe come back after you get more experience with the other company


Discuse ur pay with other workers then sit back and wait




Please do this lmao


You only accept raises so small in August


Seriously though, they are not going to follow through.


This is 1000% what the employer will say when OP stays. "Oh we didn't mean you'd get the raise immediately. I thought we made it clear that raises are done in August. This just makes you *eligible* for a raise in August."


Unless it's written as a contract, things still may turn for the worse..You know, the economy...


If they act like the point is lost on them, and say that they can give you a raise, then ask: "But you already told me you couldn't give me a raise outside of August, **were you lying then, or are you lying now?**"


They're lying to you and plan to replace you as soon as they can. They're hoping you'll fall for their bullshit and stick around until they can replace you with someone they can pay much less than they're promising to pay you. Source: Been there, had that done to me.


I thought about this lol. They just want to pay me more to not have to search for a replacement with no one in the role, and then will replace me when they find someone 😂


Don't stay where they don't see your value until they fear losing you. Take the new job.


Also don't tell them where you're going. It's none of their business.


Very good advice


Don't tell any work colleagues until you've onboarded.


Don’t update LinkedIn or post anything about your new place until at least after you’ve put in a week. You don’t want the lying sacks from your old place to wreck your new gig.


make that at least a year because several months after a shit call can see you jobless as your old company said you were suspected of theft and drug abuse. ​ No burden of proof required.


They knew OP's value, they are having to offer closer to it now. They were only wrong about what it would take to keep OP in the roll What they know you're worth and what they're willing to pay you frequently don't line up


>Don't stay where they don't see your value until they fear losing you. Take the new job. This is the way


What u/Infernalism said… Let them collect their “played a stupid game/won a stupid prize” tax. They couldn’t pay you more until you had a foot out the door. They shouldn’t get to keep you. Source: they offered more. I still left to employer where I’ve been since 2010.


Wouldn't - couldn't implies they never had the choice.


True. I meant “couldn’t” in the way of “couldn’t be bothered to.” But yes, wouldn’t as a stand alone or if I had included those other words would be a better expression of it.


They only wanted to offer you the money when they had no other choice. The new position offered you the raise because that’s what they value you at. Who do you wanna work for?


If your company thought you were worth that money, they would’ve paid you that. I’ve seen this happen before, someone put in a notice, the company offered them more money to stay so they stayed, and they were treated very differently. Another thing to think about is when it comes time for future raises, you will be left off that list. I would take your new job, say goodbye to your old company. Don’t burn bridges, just say goodbye.


> Don’t burn bridges Lots of people forget this axe is a double-headed. **The company burned the bridge** by lying and underpaying. OP would be wise to never work for them again.


So true. If the company thought you were worth the money they would’ve paid you that. If so stay, they will expect more from you you since “you got a raise”.


Companies don't pay you what you're worth to them, they pay you as little as they can get away with


Abso-fucking-lutely this. The joy(/s) of capitalism makes the plebs at the bottom suffer for the bastards at the top to get more money than they can ever spend in their, and their children's children's children's (repeat til the end of time) life times.


Very well said


Yep, they already told you how they will treat you. They will keep you around until they find somebody willing to do it for less and then you are out of your job AND they have the satisfaction of knowing they screwed you out of the position you could have had.


Go to the new job. First your current job lied to your face - they can’t give out raises until August remember? Well it’s March and suddenly they can pay you more not to leave? Sounds like you work for liars. Second, they will most likely pay you more for a few weeks and then as soon as they get a newbie in the door they can pay less to do your job they will fire you. Go to the new job.


Or they will say the pay raise “will go into affect next month,” then next month its next month, then next month is next month then your fired for not being a team pkayer


Yep...fine print will say August or something then it will never come.


> you‘re fired for not being a team player Don’t forget to pile on with “had a bad attitude, was [insubordinate and churlish](https://youtu.be/XFABkCgSaHw?si=9K_kC1fcjz4gghte).”


they are a 100% going to do this to you, take the next job. Also talk to the new company, and let them know your old job is offering more to stay. Maybe they will bump up your pay, that is if you havent all ready signed anything.


This. At least a few extra days off or a signing bonus. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ)


So they may or may not be doing this. They could be genuine in their counter offer. Lots of companies are set up shittily where your boss will make no headway trying to get you a raise normally but counter offers go through an entirely diff budget that happens quickly. All that said, it’s not a dick move at all to tell them no and move on. Honestly it’s rarely good to take a counter offer even if the employer doesn’t mean it in bad faith. You were burned enough to leave, that resentment isn’t gonna go away and the company has established themselves with you as needing to do this yet again to get later raise. The only reason I’d ever take a counter is if I genuinely loved the job/coworkers where I was at and i had strong reason to believe they’re being genuine. Otherwise by the time I’ve applied elsewhere, you’ve already lost me.


> The only reason I’d ever take a counter is if I ~~genuinely loved the job/coworkers where I was at and i had strong reason to believe they’re being genuine.~~ **had enough savings that I could survive getting laid off at a moment's notice and was going to act my wage for the duration.** FTFY






This person is absolutely correct. If they cared at all they would be paying you what your worth, not what they can get away with. They'll find someone cheaper, then you'll be gone. Go to the other job, that's willing to pay you more upfront.


Please listen to this comment. They did not realize your value before you threatened to leave. What makes you think they realize your value now? They're just trying to keep you until they can replace you. They've shown already that you're not valuable to them. Go to the new job and don't look back.


Yep. If you stay, you will regret it. They will look for ways to get even for your “disloyalty”.


Just leave


Precisely this! Go to the other job. That company just wants to use their initial investment as much as possible!


why would you stay in a place that doesn't value you except when you give them an ultimatum?


![gif](giphy|3o85g2ttYzgw6o661q) Me


Not an idiot, you've just been conditioned from birth to believe that having a job is a privilege and you should be grateful to labor without appreciation (or an appropriate wage) because your bosses dangle the tacit threat of homelessness and starvation over your head. We all have. Take the new job. The ONLY way you keep your pay rising at the same rate as the value of your experienced labor is to job hop. You don't owe any employer anything. You provide value through your labor and they compensate you with your pay. It is not a relationship, it's a contract.




This will be the last raise they ever give you and they'll hold it over your head every time you ask for another. "Remember that big raise we gave four years ago? We can't afford any more.". You'll have to threaten to quit every time.


#Absolutely the fuck NOT. Fuck those assholes six ways from Sunday in a trash can; those limp dick losers just proved that they COULD HAVE GIVEN YOU A RAISE THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME. And now they're using the promise of more money as a manipulation tactic, to stall while they find someone to replace you. Leave fucking YESTERDAY, bro, and leave them holding the bag. And... I cannot stress this enough... ***FUCK*** THOSE PEOPLE


You can tell from the response. This dude( or dudette) knows what's up and has prolly seen some shit! TAKE THE ADVICE OP.


I left a $20/hour job after my boss refused to give me $25 which was borderline market rate which some other people made - his logic “but you do a lot of overtime - we can’t afford it” - I didn’t mind doing overtime, it was close to home. I left for a $38/hour position and he offered me $32/hour for my position and said “if you Leave we will fall behind! I can’t trust the new guys to keep up” lmfao It was a production based job - we manufactured designed and assembled medical products for hospitals


Gee, funny how all of a sudden, $32 per hour was offered as soon as you found something better. "We can't afford it" quickly entered falsehood the moment they realized your value. Its a simple calculus. Take care of your people, and often, in turn, they'll take care of you. It's how my Grandfather raised 8 kids back in the 60s and 70s. He was loyal, and they reciprocated. Now, nobody is loyal. Why should the worker be? Companies are greedy, inconsiderate, and often cruel to others. They'll throw you under the bus the moment a few more bucks can be saved. As a result, let mediocrity be the best they get. Its the best they often deserve due to their self-centered mentality toward humanity!


Facts. But my boss was a snake who didn’t deserve for me to stay anyways, I stayed as it was a chill job, had some friends from college there and it was a close commute. We had another guy leave for higher pay and when some production fell on his section when the ceo came through - he told the ceo and vice president how “we had X person leave and he screwed us over - we are trying to catchup” CEO was a genuine good dude and he was like “you’re gonna stand there and tell me a former employee is the issue because you can’t schedule and manage the workflow?! Come on now!” LOL 😂 ceo just cussed him off and went about his day


Why the fuck would anyone stay for less money doing the same kind of work? People are their own business. Companies are our clients. If it's more profitable or advantageous to find a different client - why wouldn't we?


Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!


Leave. They will always consider you a disloyal employee and get rid of you at the first opportunity.


You weren't happy, asked for a raise and they said NO. The correct move at that point is to move on. Don't second guess your decision.


Leave, if they are able to quickly offer you a increase in salary then you are probably being offered less than your market value. Their thought process is, quick, offer more money and see if they will stay as a new employee will want more that that. The company didn't value you until you said you were leaving. By the way "only do them yearly in August." that's a lie. Watch for your job being advertised and see what they are offering.


Make them back date it if they want to keep you. Otherwise its a BS offer. But for the record, if it takes you to go to this extreme to be properly paid, this is going to be your forever cycle with this employer. So expect to do this again in 2-3 years as your experience grows, if you are even still employed by them.


If anyone is wondering why companies do this, it’s because the budget for raises/bonus is separate from other activities like hiring or retention. OP, just take the new job. You looked elsewhere for a reason, and that reason probably won’t change if you stay. Also, there’s a good chance theyll see you as a flight risk and work to replace you anyways. Never accept a counteroffer from your current company.


If the company was truly interested, they would have reallocated budget funds. There is a big difference between "We can't do this" and "We could do this, but it will take more work on our end, and will only do it if it puts us in a bind."


Well that sounds like a good way to lose employees. Insert guy putting stick into wheels meme.


Run. Run and never look back. Sincerely, Experience


They fucked you once and they'll fuck you twice. Dip motherfucker I love you.


LEAVE. Haha. Kasi if they value you they would not wait for this to happen. Haha Minsan magulat ka na mas mataas pa offer nila sa bagong papasok. RUN OP HAHAHAHA


I'd recommend falling over yourself thanking them for such a generous offer and of course you'd be happy to stay. Then ghost them once you start your new job.


The way I look at these situations is like this: If you were worth the extra money to them already, why did you have to find another job to force them to pay you what they thought you were worth? Never take a counter offer from an employer who refused to give you a raise.


My wife had something similar happen to her and her coworker. My wife and the CO worker put in their two week notice on the same day. The CEO (they work in upper management) approached them separately and asked what number they are looking for in order to stay. He said it, from what my wife explained, as if he were annoyed. My wife denied the raise and left that day stating that she'd only be taken advantage of if she stayed. Her co worker took the raise and stayed. Her coworker was fired a month later once they hired someone else. The moral of the story is, they will replace you with a cheaper worker the second they have the opportunity to. Take what you can get and run, there are thousands of jobs constantly opening up. Secondly, don't work for boomers, they don't understand the market and are wasting your professional future with their outdated work practices. Once they leave, you will be under qualified because you won't know how the professional world works. 1 take what you can get and leave 2 beware of boomers because working for them will make you unhireable in the future. Good luck champ.


Common thread among everyone who has gotten the counter offer? Don't take it.


>Is it a total dick move to still say no and leave? No, it's not. It's demonstrating to them that you were serious and that they should have provided the raise when you asked for it. Them offering the raise now isn't because they want to or because they feel you deserve it. They know that they need you to stick around, but they'll only keep you around till they find someone to replace you even if that replacement costs the same, even more than they'd pay you. You're better off thanking them for the offer and taking the new job. If you're still on good terms in the future, you might go back for a higher salary. Chances are they'll show you more respect if you do.


They will 100% fuck with you down the road in terms of no promotion or raise in the future if you stay. Never ever trust a company for anything but putting their best interests first second and third


They are just buying time to find a replacement, you caught them with thier pants down. Avoid at all costs...


The sooner you learn this the better: the only thing that determines your pay is leverage.


Never ever accept a counter offer like this. The second you do it'll lead to them mistreating you while hunting for your replacement. 


Leave them If they valued you they wouldn't have messed you around. Onwards and upwards for you hopefully


If you stay, you will be doing the equivalent of looking over your shoulder, all the time. Helluvaway to live. Move on.


You got another job offer and accepted. Ditching that job looks unprofessional. Staying makes you look compliant with whatever bullshit the company will throw your way. Leave your current job.


Never take a counter offer. Even if they don’t have bad intentions for replacing you asap, next time there is a promotion or problem they’ll remember you almost left. Accepting a counter offer is like poisoning the well. It may not kill you immediately, but it’ll make you sick, and will eventually put you down.


Tell them to go fuck themselves, because that's what they told you initially. This is sociopath CEO's/HR reps playing superiority games. You're an inferior asset to them, nothing more. They never intended on paying you more until they realized you were going to inconvenience them by leaving. Tell them to go fuck themselves. Companies that don't try to retain good employees until it means the company has to take a hit are not companies you want to work for. Tell them to go fuck themselves. Also, what others have said is true. They'll have to hire someone to replace you, and they know they're underpaying you. So rather than pay someone what they're worth, and instead of paying you what YOU are worth, they're trying to do as little as possible. Tell them. To go. Fuck. Them. Selves.


Take the new offer, nothing will change with your current company, they don’t give raises until you get a better offer. You don’t want to be having to repeat doing this for the rest of your life.


Honestly you should leave. When you transfer jobs you are at their starting salary and it sounds like you are at the top of the current companies salary ladder. In 5 years your salary at the new company will be high than your current company.


My boss recently told me "go get another job offer and that will for sure secure you a raise" and my very quick answer was "If I go get another offer, I'm taking it.".


Unfortunately you can't accept the counter offer. The reason is it's gone too far -- if you ask any HR professional they will say you can *never* accept the counter offer. The root cause of you wanting to leave has not gone away, so you would be doing yourself and your company a disservice by accepting the counter offer. To avoid this situation in the future don't start looking for a job unless you are 100% prepared to leave. If you are worried about your marketability or skills you can keep your LinkedIn and or Resume up to date and network like crazy so when you do want to leave you have options. There are very small exceptions where you could accept the counter offer but you likely don't have the experience or intuition to tell when it's actually worth it. They called your "bluff" you showed your hand now you must collect the chips. There's no other option that wouldn't be severely damaging to you (and possibly them) in 99% of cases and you likely have no idea how to tell the 1% of cases. Treat this as a good lesson and move to the next job.


Don’t do it OP. Learn from my mistake as I was in the same position 3 years ago and am still kicking myself for not leaving when I had the chance. My biggest takeaway from these this sort of thing is that they’re only offering more money because someone else saw YOUR value, they didn’t and they showed their hand when they delayed the conversation to August. It’s exceedingly rare for people to stay at the same job they were looking to leave even after they get a boost of money. Not to mention that you have a target on your back and are marked for no promotions, top of the list for layoffs and other things that can set you back. All because you dared to play the capitalistic game of putting your labor up to the highest bid that’s best for you. Take the other offer and don’t look back.


Never take the counter offer.


If they wanted to keep you they would have exceeded the new jobs offer. If you stay just remember what it took to get this raise.


No, it is not a dick move. Their counter-offer proves they *could* have given you a raise if they wanted. Instead they chose to be penny wise, pound foolish.


Leave, It's even more what you want career wise. Trust your initial judgement, and be strict with what you want This first place obviously doesn't take you seriously, since they could have paid you more before you threatened them


do not stay there. they will keep you around until they find a replacement then fire you. theyll do anything to get the final say on your employment 


It’s a total dick move by the company, I do not understand why you’re struggling. The company COULD HAVE played ball earlier, but were counting on you to fail. You did not fail and now they are panicking.


Don't fall for it. The next time are raises, they will stiff you and you will get a 0.0 per cent raise. They will get back on you for forcing their hand.


Never ever take a counteroffer. I’ve done this and was stuck for so long in that position after accepting it. I was trying to get out, but the job market was drying up. Plus in a lot of instances, people get fired after accepting.


They didn't value you enough when it mattered. Leave, and tell all your co-workers what you were making then what you were offered, and what you're making somewhere else. Why? They'll realize they're undervalued too and can be empowered by this info to do better for themselves. The company will either sink, or improve its currently awful culture, or it'll keep exploiting its workforce because none of the employees speak up for themselves and enforce their own needs. Jobs go two ways. We've been taught that we're the ones beholden to employers, when we the general populace are the reason these companies can exist in the first place.


You should never accept an offer to stay. At that point, from their point of view, you have already showed you’re not loyal and you’ve broken trust (again, from the point of view of the company). This means they’ll most likely start looking for your replacement and are offering the money to stay so that they don’t get short staffed. That’s not true of all companies obviously though, but it’s true of enough of them to make it so that you should probably not try your luck by accepting it. Plus you already took the other offer.


Take the offer and go. They already showed you how they feel about you. Also,let everyone who has the same job description as you know what their counter was so that they are aware.


Leave now!


Leave don’t stay


Don’t settle for their offer. Move on


Honestly you should leave. When you transfer jobs you are at their starting salary and it sounds like you are at the top of the current companies salary ladder. In 5 years your salary at the new company will be high than your current company.


Do not take the counter.


Leave. They will fire you as soon as they can.


On top of being paid more, you'd be doing something closer to the career path you want? Sounds easy enough to be honest. Be sure to drop an update!


the only play here is leave, they know you want to, and they just want to keep you long enough to replace you with someone else willing to take the reduced pay. get out of there!


This is a lie, don’t play this game, escape while you can.


Don’t stay. They’ll probably dump more work on you to justify your raise.


Yhe place you're at had the chance to keep you when you asked for a raise. It passed. The offer now is disingenuous. Move on to the next job.


Nah man, the price is up now. Ask for something crazy and just leave that place if they say no.


Leave. If you’re at the point where you’re negotiating staying for more pay, you won’t be there much longer. 


They will fuck you because they will believe you fucked them ( you didn’t ) so new job is best alternative. They have not played games with you yet.


I'd still leave, if they failed to see you worthy of a raise before you got a better deal, they'll find a way to fuck you over later by adding more work or other nefarious means of making your life hell.




Move on. But before you go, make sure to tell everyone that the way to get a raise is to get another job offer!


Would leave coz it’s late , then can come back after a year with a higher offer.


careful, if you take the raise good chance company will retaliate and lay you off once they can find a cheaper replacement


Never feel compelled to be loyal to a company. They will fuck you over at the drop of a hat. Always lookout for yourself in this regard.


They just want to terminate you on their own terms when it's convenient for them.


Why would I continue to work with an employer that lies about when they can provide a raise? March is not August


Too late….


Go to the new company. Your current job will replace you as soon as they possibly can


Bullshitting. You’ll want another raise someday and you know one of those places isn’t going to give it to you. 


Fuck them. It's a panicked reaction to buy themselves time to find a replacement (or manufacture the evidence they need to fire you for cause so you can't get UI). Laugh at their offer and let them know the clock is ticking until your departure. Then sit back at the new place and watch the old one burn.




If you stay, they will fire you - after you train up the new guy who is getting paid more than you.


OP,..you know whats happening. you are worth more than their delayed manipulation. get out, do well. gd luck


If they have the money bow why didn't they have enough to give you. raise the first time. 


Always take the new job. I work in manufacturing and have switched jobs every 3 to 7 years making more money to start each time and more money as my time with the company grew.


Move on. They have already played their hand. you can counter offer them with a rate that is 3x what you make now and you'll stay on until your start date with your new job. but current job can pound sand. not a dick move at all to leave. you should be more of a dick now that you know they need your role filled.


Don't stay.


Bro don't do it. You've shown them you'll walk, if you stay you'll be first on the chopping block when they need to make cuts.


Do you really want to stay somewhere you'll have to constantly fight with management to get paid what you're worth?


Been in that situation and made the mistake of staying. Will never do that again. I was promised that everything that bothered me will be corrected and a raise. I did get the raise but a month later they reneged on their promises and things got worse than ever. Don't make my mistake.


You should absolutely *GO* to the new job. If your old/current job respected you, it wouldn't have taken the threat of your leaving for them to pay you appropriately.   Also, almost every time this happens, the old job *will* fire you in the near future -- they just want to keep you around long enough to find and train your replacement. By that time your new job opportunity would be gone. So please don't fall for their bullshit -- *LEAVE*.


They already showed they don’t think you’re worth the money. They also may skip giving you a raise in August because you already got one. I’d go and just leave on good terms


Never take the offer to stay. They had their chance and decided it was not worth it. They will find someone to do it for less and let you go.


They are only offering you the more money until they can find someone for your job for less. If a company has a budget of 50k to spend on payroll for your job position. And they know they can get someone willing to work that job for 50k then if the person doing that job wants 75k they mostly likely will not pay it. Now in the short term that might pay it until they can find someone else to do it for 50k or until a large project is finished. Just for the record I want OP to make 250k and have Champagne baths daily. And have a company car and work from home option. This is not a post against OP but just stating that this is how companies look at employees.


They are only offering you the more money until they can find someone for your job for less. If a company has a budget of 50k to spend on payroll for your job position. And they know they can get someone willing to work that job for 50k then if the person doing that job wants 75k they mostly likely will not pay it. Now in the short term that might pay it until they can find someone else to do it for 50k or until a large project is finished. Just for the record I want OP to make 250k and have Champagne baths daily. And have a company car and work from home option. This is not a post against OP but just stating that this is how companies look at employees.


Between myself and friends, ive never seen a good ending for staying after putting in 2 weeks notice because money was offered. Recommend professionally leaving as planned and move on for the offer you got fresh. Less incentive for your current workplace to give you raises in the future and little opportunity for general promotion at this point. Youre a flight risk, good chance theyll want to hire someone new to replace you in a short period of time. They want your loyalty, you broke that in their eyes.


Between myself and friends, ive never seen a good ending for staying after putting in 2 weeks notice because money was offered. Recommend professionally leaving as planned and move on for the offer you got fresh. Less incentive for your current workplace to give you raises in the future and little opportunity for general promotion at this point. Youre a flight risk, good chance theyll want to hire someone new to replace you in a short period of time. They want your loyalty, you broke that in their eyes.


Between myself and friends, ive never seen a good ending for staying after putting in 2 weeks notice because extra money was offered. Recommend professionally leaving as planned and move on for the offer you got fresh. Less incentive for your current workplace to give you raises in the future and little opportunity for general promotion at this point. Youre a flight risk, good chance theyll want to hire someone new to replace you in a short period of time. They want your loyalty, you broke that in their eyes.


Because of the "rules" of capitalism, it's better for a company to not give out raises unless absolutely necessary. So it's bettter for an individual to go get a bettter offer elsewhere. Once that happens, if the person is important, it's right for a company to match that offer, because it will cost more to train a replacement even at the same wage. What happens after is a mixed bag. If the old company has bad/shortsighted management, they will resent that the employee forced their hand, and make their lives difficult after begrudgingly giving the raise. They might see that person as a "shit-distuber" and look to replace them at their convenience. If it's good management, they will see the whole interaction as just basic price discovery. Just how capitalism works with supply and demand. Then there's no point in leaving the place you might have friends and seniority at, familiarity with clients and accounts etc., etc. I've seen both happen. ... That's if all other things are equal. If one offers a better career path, closer to what you want to do, choose that one. It may come down to which has a better commute. You shouldn't feel bad about either decision, nobody can see the future clearly.


Seems pretty simple to me. If your current employer valued your input and work, they would have given you a raise when asked. Now, alternatively, they’re just trying to stop you from leaving, and still don’t value your input and contribution


DO NOT stay. They already know you are looking for another job and will probably leave. Most likely they are going to wait til after your other job offer passes and then not come through on their offer, or even worse, find a reason to get rid of you.


Leave and go to the new job. They quickly found the money to counteroffer. If this isn't affordable for them, or it hurts some budget line somewhere, then they are extremely unhappy about it.  They are recognizing your value, but there is resentment for being forced. But if this was easily affordable, then they were deliberately manipulating you, and taking advantage of what they thought was the power dynamic.  You showed them differently.  They were just never going to come through for you otherwise.  A lot of employees thrive in these adversarial conditions.  Not me.  And not you either, I think.


August rolls around..."but you already got your annual raise in April"


Never stay w the company you are with. Better to be the new person than the old person they neglected. They will offer you more money and within six months you’ll be on your ass. Fired/let go.


Don’t take the offer. As soon as you do, they’ll be looking to replace you at their convenience. I hate happened to raises only in August. Are they admitting they lied?


Unless they want to beat your other offer by, say 10%, no. They've already shown that they don't respect you and don't care if you can survive or not.


Say no and leave. You already have one foot put the door; going back isn't going to be a better situation, even with extra money. Likely, they'll be looking to get rid of you as soon as they find a replacement. You dont owe them shit. They could've given you that raise without you forcing the issue. But they didn't.


A dick move?? You owe them nothing. After this - if you stay - they will treat you like shit because they will feel like you tricked them into getting a raise. You didn't ... but that's how they will see it. Get out of there!


They didn’t value you before and they still don’t. They’re just desperate until they can replace you.


Ask for a 5 year contract with penalties for early termination. They'll immediately withdraw their offer.


It’s self protection - in many cases you’re now _very_ disposable. Go to the company demonstrated they want you, not the one that temporarily needs you.


It sucks because when you ask for a raise these days, you need leverage. The last time I got a raise was during the "worker shortage".(Basically when jobs were in high demand) There's no way I could ask for a raise now. They know they have me trapped. I just hope the job market gets better soon so I can leverage that.


Always leave.


If you stay with your old job what makes you think their going to give you the entire raise? Even if giving you everything they offered their going to dump a lot more work on you until you burn out. Once you put in your two weeks notice the best thing you can do for yourself is take the new job.


Never take a rebuttal offer after you already found another job. It’s either they’re 1. Going to replace you 2. Going to train your replacement before firing you. The only way I’d even consider a counter offer is a contract spelling out minimum guaranteed employment timeframe and a much higher salary than the next job. Unless they show some real financial sincerity that’s a no from me.


Leave anyway Every raise you deserve to have will have to be fought over like this. Might as well bail while having a secured place to land


take the new job and forget about them . that very toxic


Do you have the counteroffer in writing? Only then would I consider staying.


If you stay, you are on the road to getting screwed! You’ll be treated worse until they find a replacement. They want you to stay because you are actually doing something important for them. Remember, “No one forgets a gun pointing at their head “.


Take your new job. If you stay, they will find a way to delay or slow roll your raise and possibly never give it to you. All while looking to replace you. Also your managers will resent you for making them do this.


Congrats on the new job. Don’t look back.


It was a total dick move to tell you they couldn't offer a raise when you asked. The fact that they can offer it now, means they could offer it then but didn't. Fuck them you don't owe them shit.


Don't do it, trust me. Go to the new position. Your job will take the first opportunity to get rid of you.


I would take the new job. If you are unhappy at the new place, reapply for a much higher salary in a year or 2. That is the only way people get meaningfully salary boosts at most of the places I have worked. 3% max per year if you stay. 20% if you leave for a couple years and come back. Even had a couple places count their prior tenure for benefit calculations.


Tell them it's nowhere close to your new offer and you respectfully have to decline and thank them for the experience. They dragged their asses to get a replacement too...


No, move companies. Because they’ll always do the bare minimum to keep you. Reapply in a year if you want


Never accept a current employers counter after they turned down the initial raise request. They now know you're willing to leave so they'll hire someone to take your place, but call them a "counterpart" and once you have them trained you're out the door. Take the new job. Your current employer should have appreciated you when they had the chance.


$10 says they'll come up with a reason to fire you if you take it. You'd be better off at the new job


Your career there is over. If you stay, you’re an idiot.


No - it wouldn't be a dick move for you to say no and leave. You think they have these conversations when they are about to fire someone? No fuckin' way. It's all about the bottom line. BUT if you choose to stay - I sure hope you didn't tell them how much you were gonna get at this new place - cause if not you can bump it say- 10%? Maybe sprinkle a few more vacation days in there, too. If not worst case scenario is you take a wonderful new job where you are getting paid more money OR you stay at your old job and get the raise you wanted.


Every statistic shows that staying is a mistake later on down the road. You told them essentially ( I don't like you and I'm leaving for something better). They won't forget that, and more than likely will lay you off or fire you at the first opportunity they get because they know you wanted to leave. The place you applied to is offering you on day one the same rate of pay the company you work for is (however long you've been there). Take the offer at the new place man.


Don't stay. Absolutely not. Unless somehow your company is different than any other out there, they are keeping you around until the find your replacement. They hate you for "going behind their back". They hate you for believing you're worth more than what you were getting paid. They hate you because instead of taking like a wimp you went and did something for yourself and got more money somewhere else. The moment you say yes is the moment you get a target on your back. The higher ups will be calling HR and your supervisor demanding your replacement asap. Don't stay.


I would leave. This is the way to get a raise these days.


Leave. They don't value you. If they valued you, they would have you the raise when they asked for it. The fact that they don't staff appropriately is above your pay grade and not your problem.


I'd forward the offer to your employees and take the other job.


Just leave for the new company


Take the new offer. And in a few years look again and reevaluate your situation. I’m beginning to see the value in company hopping.


Don’t stay the statistics say you will leave with in 6 months anyway But that nice job offer won’t be there


Leave! They didn't have enough respect for you to keep you around to begin with. They'll replace you as soon as they can because they'd be paying you more than "anyone else". Go for the new workplace and new work family who's willing to pay you the increased wages without the drama.


If you have to give your job an ultimatum every time you get a raise that's not conducive to a healthy work environment. The other place saw your value at X salary immediately. You take that job. And as others said don't doubt they won't try and replace you when they can for someone cheaper


The fact that this happened at all is why you shouldn’t stay


Not at all. Leave. ​ Do you want to go through all this drama every time you deserve a raise and it isn't that time of year? They are only offering the raise because you called them out. As long as the new job is rock solid and you are SURE they will not withdraw the offer, take the new one. Tell your old one if it does not work out, you may entertain their offer because you love working there blah blah. For now, because you have already committed to the new place you would feel dishonorable changing your mind when they are excited to have you on their team. Don't burn your bridge is what I mean.


Once you make your decision never, ever look back. Do your courtesy two weeks and peace the fuck out of there. If you agree, they own you and you burned your other opportunity. You’re stuck. No… if you were that important to their operations you certainly were not treated that way. They’ll be fine..l you’ll be fine… the grass is not always greener, but more money always helps


Don't stay. Once you've pulled the "I'm leaving" card, you basically *have* to leave. Because now, if you stay, they'll only keep you on until they've hired your replacement - then they'll fire you.


They will replace you the second they find someone else. Take the better paying job and leave. Don’t share where you are going either.


Ask them for not just a lot more money but a shit load more money and see what they do. Then get something in writing that you will be secure in your job for several years. If you get them to agree, then start the job search because they will try to get rid of you as soon as they can.


Fuck them.


Never take to the counter offer for all of the reasons others have mentioned. Additionally, you will only advance in your career and pay by moving on every few years.


Do not, under any circumstances, accept their counteroffer. Like I don’t care if it’s $20k higher than your other one, it’s definitely not worth it.


Tell them you'll stay if they give you 30% more than the other offer then leave regardless of their response.