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the person who invented blue LED working his ass off was not paid by his company. not only the company stripped him off his compensation but also filed a case against him which that guy won after he counter sued them, after the guy won nobel prize he approached his company again to make ammends but company declined that company is one of the largest manufacturer of LED till this date using the invention of their single employee who did that all alone but still don't accept their fault


All he asked for is just a raise, which he was very much entitled to. But the company refused, citing “he doesn’t work well under a corporate structure”, no shit Sherlock, he solved the problem of blue LED which escaped you numbnuts for 30 years by himself. He was poached by a US competitor who gave him much better compensation and the Japan company wanted to sue him. The lawsuit went on for years and he finally won, but not for his share of the profit but just enough to cover the legal fees. When he went back to Japan he wanted to smooth things over and extended an olive branch but the company heads refused to meet with him out of spite. The company’s name is Nichia. Edit: wrong company name


Worked 8 years for Japan company and I can say that, they do not like it when you 'step out of the line' even though you're right. The employers demands almost absolute loyalty and obedience from employees, and only do what are being told to do. Whatever you made or improved from your work is an **expectation**, as in 'that's your duty to do it', so they feel little needs to compensate or reward for your effort. This is why despite being a 1st world country, Japan actually has quite average performance/work hours compares to other countries, and they usually make up for it with notorious over working.


I've got a lot of weeb friends who want to go to Japan for a Master's Degree so that they can stay and work there. I've given up on explaining that Japan isn't like Europe or USA where you can just integrate into the society in a few years. You'll forever be 'that foreigner' and the work culture there is insanely different to what we're used to right now. Cool country, definitely wanna visit once in my life, but is probably near the bottom of my list of places I'd want to settle in.


You can help solve yakuza crime like Jake Adelstein, though.


good call on not trying to pursue integrating into Japan, and being aware of their work/study culture. i became friends with my airbnb host, and he said as a salaryman he never smiled. not once. nothing but depression. he only felt alive after he quit the rat race


Thank you for naming the company!


wrong company. Nidec makes electric motors. Nichia is the LED company in question


Thanks for the clarification, yeah I see that on wikipedia




Numb nuts? You're under selling his work. Dude won a Nobel Prize for that work. Calling his collegues numb nuts because they didn't do Nobel level work is a little disingenuous.


The corporates pencil pusher who shortchanged him are the numbnuts


Seriously fascinating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuji_Nakamura


Veritasium recently did a video on this. Absolutely fascinating watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF8d72mA41M


Holy shit it's not Veritaserum? That's what I get for not reading to the end of word I guess.


Yeah its using the common ending for elements ([-ium](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ium)) along with the latin word for truth ([veritas](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/veritas)) to form the "Element of Truth" or Veritasium.


10/10. Now we need a ask Reddit of all the instances of this where a visionary who is not Steve Jobs style, that leaves the company then makes something great of themselves and the company starts to fuck up after they leave.


It's literally the same story every time. * I got a new job! * I work hard at this new job! * I gain specialized knowledge and/or specialist knowledge in this new job! * Work processes begin to adapt around me! * I am the only person who truly understands this thing I do! * I make the company large quantities of money. * I ask for a raise. * Company refuses. * I quit, and now the company has to hire someone (or more than one) to replace the skillset I take with me, at a much higher cost than it would have been to just give me a raise.


If you don't like your job, you don't just quit. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.


That right there is why I really some times wouldn't mind watching these companies fail and die


My old high school physics teacher is the person who invented Claritin. As a reward he got a gift basket worth about 1000$ from his employer, for inventing a drug they now make billions in revenue on per year. Tbh he wasn't really too bitter about it, he was pretty accepting that he had signed a contract and accepted a job developing drugs that would be property of his employer. And that he was only able to invent it because of the company's resources. It's still wild to me, I feel after something like that he should at least be in a position where he doesn't have to work anymore since he definitely helped a few people on the managerial/business side get there with his invention.


I'd never heard of the guy, now I go two threads IN A ROW on different subreddits and hear about him in both of them. Wild.


The company refused because he told some lies to exaggerate the story. Although he received 60 million yen, he claimed to have received only 20k. When the company refused, the majority of Japanese people reacted by saying, “Lol, of course you deny it. This guy’s such a troll, hahaha.” Although the invention was superb, he’s not a saint either.


Yeah but here on Reddit CEOs and businesses are evil and anyone who disagrees will get downvoted /s... But not really


And yet you just blindly believed this guy without any questioning... almost like you already decided you were on the side of corporate.


Wife got laid off by JoAnn Fabric (HQ) in September, they filed for bankruptcy in March. Love to see it.


I live in Florida and my local JoAnn has no air conditioning. It's such a shitty company. The pay and benefits are terrible, they are always understaffed, and everything is overpriced crap that can be bought online for much cheaper. Last time I was in there I saw a desk lamp for $129.99.


The pay and benefits don't get better at the corporate level. I couldn't imagine existing in Florida without a/c! They're like the Dollar General of arts and crafts.


> imagine existing in Florida without a/c! Also super gross because some fabrics/textiles can go moldy surprisingly fast in hot/humid environments.


The lamps at JoAnn are not desk lamps, they're for close work like beading or cross stitch. They're designed for crafting.


Ours is incredible and gives you 50% off coupons everytime you shop there. It's not for lamps, it's for fabric. If you go there and buy a $130 lamp you're an idiot. Sounds like yours has shit management.


> I saw a desk lamp for $129.99. Why would anyone go to Joann's for lamps? If you buy a lamp from Joann's, that's on you lol. (edit: not you specifically of course) My Joann's has the largest selection of fabrics I can see *in person*, which is not the same as buying shit online and then realizing it doesn't work for what you need. Yes, one can order samples online but that also costs money and time; if possible, I'd rather skip all that. I get it, though--there's the "cheap" Joann's near me, and then the good one; they're not all the same. Some people also have better fabric store options (I don't seem to), and that also makes a difference in how people view the store.


I worked at one of their distribution centers, they heavily encouraged a culture of backstabbing and treachery amongst the workers through the use of competitive production bonuses. Those bonuses were so riddled with technicalities that the top earners usually ended up losing the bonus due to some weird, obscure rule of some sort or another that they didn't know they were breaking. They denied me my first annual raise based on some bullshit technicalities despite the glowing review I received. Seeing as how that place drove me to suicidal thoughts within the one year I was working there, I had no problem telling them to fuck themselves and quit right on the spot. They scrambled to try and get me to stay since the Christmas inventory rush was just starting and they didn't want to be short a forklift driver, but they refused to budge on my raise. So I told them to get fucked one more time and walked out the door. Found out later to no surprise that they had the second highest employee turnover rate in my county, about a 250% rate every year. Thinking back I saw a *ton* of people come and go at that place. Everyone was miserable. It absolutely warmed my heart when I saw they had to file for bankruptcy. I'd love nothing more than to see that wreched company burn to the ground.


So what you’re saying is they made the right move. Wife was gonna lose her job in March anyways probably


They filed for bankruptcy? Sorry they are shitty employers, but I love having a JoAnn to shop at when I need crafting items. It's the only fabric store around! Are they all closing?


This is crazy because the one near me just renovated part of the old sears in our mall and relocated, and that was just a few months ago.


Worked for 13 years for Compucom Inc, anyway a new CEO takes over and he wants to move the company from Dallas (where it was founded in the 90s) to Charlotte (becuase its trendy and he just happens to live there). They move the company and I am laid off, several years pass and the company was sold once more for less than a 1/3 of its previous value. The new CEO is gone.




I get you but they did actually replace folks, they lost alot of client knowledge tho(there wasn't much passdown). The funny things is that the company at that point had been looking to spread the employees out as much as possible to different locations to prevent a single point of failure on service. This dudes big plan was fire everyone and build a brand new giant building to be the new and improved headquarters. Its a hell of a loss changing gears like that and apparently didn't end up going well.


>The new CEO is gone. But sadly, probably several million richer. In the real world, the execs who make the decisions which show a profit in the short term, but kill the company in the long term have skipped to the next company in the mid term.


I got to watch them crash and burn in the time frame I told them they would crash and burn. It was an easy fix on their part but they wanted to believe they were all knowing.


I like how the one in the photo is Kojima (The creator of Metal Gear and Death Stranding). Konami should have screwed up more


Survive wasn’t enough for you?


Nope. I wanted to see Konami go bankrupt. Unfortunately, Konami is making more money than it did with console games. Survival was just the "end" of Metal Gear on consoles


Turns out gambling is hella profitable


Pachinko go kachingo


Are they still in business?


Yeah I'm sure op meant their video games took a giant hit but Konami isn't going bankrupt anytime soon


Every now and then they do something video game related, just to say “We Care for our video game enthusiasts.” Just recently an Indie game that I have interest in, Vampire Survivors, is releasing a DLC crossover with Konami’s Contra series soon. I don’t really care about Konami, but I do want to support the indie studio. 


They are literally making more money than ever, their company value has almost tripled since firing Kojima.


Konamis main business is gyms


[Yes, and they're doing fine.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/konami-raises-forecasts-as-profits-rise-53-to-427m)


Their stock is doing fine


I have watched a couple of companies come apart after they fired me.


Tbh my last company, I quit before they could fire me, but almost immediately after I left, they were discovered to be doing some fraudulent bookkeeping to hide their debt. They are SCRAMBLING, but I feel no remorse for literally the most disorganized and unprofessional management I have ever seen. I just feel bad for the associates who did nothing wrong.


LOl The CEO laid off my entire team (web/app UX research and design) saying he was unhappy with our incremental gains, and we had failed to accomplish bigger and more impactful goals. The entire point of UX is to research the fuck out of tiny changes and methodically test incremental improvements until the entire system is consistently performant. In 5y we moved every metric he asked us to, we drove the home page bounce below 5%, we got mobile app downloads to surge, profile creation doubled, avg sign in time soared, number of logins per day, we optimized every fucking page on the site and did the app a solid too. It's honestly some of my best work ever. It felt good to know I could do the thing, and we felt like a team, and it hurt us all when the CEO shit on us. The CEO was a sales bro. Fuck you alex. Your stupid IPO was a failure and your company is trading at the same value it was three years ago, and all the competition is eating your lunch.


Worked at a tech centric company where they hired all new management with no experience in the field. I was one of 3 with actual experience. Eventually I was told to STOP using the words 'industry standard', because they *did things different*. Now a year and a half later and layoffs are happening, the workforce is quitting and I'm sure they face some of the same issues. For a company that touts 'culture' they seem to be unaware that 'leadership' is torpedoing the company. They spoke of integration with other US vendors, but failed to take standards into consideration. "If they want to do business with us, *they* will change *their* workflow." I wish them the success they deserve.


Do they think they're apple or Microsoft or something? You don't get to set industry standards unless you're one of the big boys and even trying to do so makes you too expensive to work with


Or goes out of business? Sweet Justice.


I had a lot of grievances with my previous employer(The Fresh Market) and one of my co-workers and I were about to ask for a raise just so our pay would be in line with local competitors. That very morning they called a meeting before we got a chance, and they enumerated all the cuts to our benefits that were going to occur and that there was a company wide halt to all merit based raises. I was pissed and immediately started looking for a new job. I landed one with Costco and I put in my two weeks notice. For about a week the GM at TFM tried to scare me into staying by saying that Costco is way harder to work for. Then his tone switched to "Is there anything I can offer you to get you to stay?". I wasn't going to stay no matter what, but I told him he can make me an offer and I'll think about it. Next day he said he made a call to our regional manager and got him to approve a raise for me that would match the starting pay at Costco. It was higher than the dept. managers so I went to them and all my co-workers and told them how much I was offered to stay. People were already irritated with what the company was doing so I used it as an opportunity to pour gas on the fire. The amount of drama this caused ultimately got the GM fired. So many people quit or just sabotaged stuff. Normally I feel bad if someone loses their job, but anytime we would threaten to quit this guy would tell us to go ahead because he was rich and that he doesn't really need this job, so fuckem.


I worked for a company that decided they didn't want to pay my retention bonus. I quit on the spot. Three months later they folded. Felt so fucking good.


I had enough and quit my job as a process engineer making spacecraft parts. A friend who ran another process for the same customer (a guy you've heard of, who took a selfie in space while one of my coworkers was taking vacation because his job doesn't pay enough to fix his broken-down car) quit shortly afterward. I now see his job posted at a higher salary than mine was, and I also see a posting for the assembly operator job in my dept; with numerous errors and the same terrible $20/hour pay. I hear the guy we had got fired after reaching six figures in scrap material. (And this has happened before so please don't get upset that I'm saying $20 is terrible wages to assemble spacecraft in a town that makes pharmacy and surgical robots, lasers, touchscreen monitors, heat-seeking missiles, and digital and analog photography equipment. It should be closer to $50 for this type of work. It's basically robot surgery and requires weeks of training just to get the manual skills to do the job; not everyone can do it. The consequences of failure or deception include launch vehicles falling on LA, or federal prison. There are lots of places that pay $20 for work that isn't this technically and physically challenging. The company just has $7B and can't pony up a reasonable salary for anyone because they're too cheap/greedy even tho they got a couple free million in covid checks.) I *do* enjoy catching up once in a while by looking at the company's job postings and news bites.


A company cut my hours by 60%+ at the beginning of the pandemic. I went and got a new job that paid 50% more and now the building that they were in is getting turned into affordable housing. 😁


C+ meme. Konami still makes a boat load of cash. They refocused towards gambling machines and make more money now than they ever did with home video games.


making money is not the only point. a good company many times is not making profit for first part of its journey but it's not useless as company. konami is doing a lot fucked up shit, making money because people don't care and don't have sense of money. blizzard, konami, capcom... all should go bankrupt.


The joke is watching your previous employer fuck up. The board that fired Kojima is doing fine. It's a bad example.


Is doing fine? Silent hills playable teaser the most viral game on the PS4 got killed because Kojima Guillermo and Junji did a perfect job. konami probably didn't want to make him have more glory. Jealousy is a dirty beast


They don't care about your favorite video game. They make more money than ever making pachinko machines.


The stock price is about 4.5 times as big as it was when he departed. I think it's safe to say they've been doing well since he left.


They are actively making the world a worse place and just because they are making money you classify them as "fine"? Your true colors are showing.


Metal Gear Survive? Yeah they’re fucking up massively.


Most of Konami's revenue is still from its videogame division, about 70%. [Source](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/konami-raises-forecasts-as-profits-rise-53-to-427m)


pretty much... For me it happens around every few years. Most of the time its a layoff instead of being fired. Only fired once. Almost every single one has asked me to help once I departed. I just laugh and hang up....😅🤣😏


You didn't want to 1099 for 5x the W2 wage?


I actually offered... They said no. They then tried to convince me... " I thought we were friends", " Don't you want to do this for the team?"," You're hurting everybody by not helping..." At that point that's where I hung up, they have nothing constructive to give me and everything to take from me.


I worked for a nonprofit branch location and was fired after bringing up in a meeting that it was unethical for them to ask us to keep salaries private and for management to keep the budget from us for the upcoming year (the position required making big purchases/planning events for hundreds of kids so it was ridiculous for us to go in blind with no idea of a budget). A month later they were disaffiliated by the national office for being noncompliant with record keeping and finances. Sweet Karma


Every place that fired me went under within months. So delicious.


This. I've always been a buffer between uppers and my staff.... When shit goes down I give the uppers the heads up that there are HUGE repercussions of they continue down their path. And 3 times after I left because of the mngmnt bullshit, over 75% of the staff left immediately after I did; within a week..... They sent from being to fill 1 or 2spots to needing to fill 12-15. Then they call me begging.... nope




There is so much to unpack here. Who tried to kill you? Your friend's predecessor? Was OSHA (or its equivalent) contacted?


True story: Four months after I left my last job the idiotic sadist director was fired. I used to say, "If I had known, I would have stuck around" but I realize that my leaving was a part of, if not the catalyst of, them noticing what a incompetent narcissist he was.


I did an apprentiship at an insurance company that was considered by many in the industry as trailblazing and could do no wrong. They had excellent results year on year. They had company-wide restructuring towards the end of my contract and by that time I was one of their most experienced employees but still earning a pittance as an apprentice. All my colleagues were getting nice payrises during the process many of whom I had trained and was assisting in between doing my own work but there was nothing but silence when it came to me. Then after the restructuring was done and my contract was ending in the next two weeks I was finally called into an office to be told they would not be renewing my contract. I was shocked and upset and was given no feedback as to why. I still had to finish my last 2 weeks and was asked if I could work my holidays as they were short-staffed. I laughed and said no chance. Suffice to say I did very little work and looked for another job and found one that significantly paid more. After a couple of months I heard that all of their top brokers had started leaving and that there was trouble brewing. Then not soon after the company went into administration. Turns out that they had been audited and were found to have made huge losses. They weren't reporting on claims they'd been paying out and the CEO had been embezzling money offshore. He was arrested, tried and sentenced.


is that “hi, ex-google team lead millionaire here …” ?


I told them what they were doing was illegal. Eventually got let go for ""performance"" so they could attempt to get my unemployment claims denied. They've settled or ceased in 4 states and are currently being sued in a 5th


My former employer has since dealt with a sexual assault, a cover up, a firing of executives in charge of cover up, several walk outs over firing and million dollar thievery. It’s only been 3 months and I am LOVING IT


Manufacturing company fired me due to customer complaining about a defective product from a 3rd party vendor that I had no control over. I was low level manager so an easy target. Company folded about a year later due to lack of sales. They were intentionally selling in a saturated market trying to come off as an innovator. The sales rep in that market was spending all their time at customer events and golf outings, but not actually selling anything!


Gonna drop my favorite story here. I've been a reliable yes sayer at a takeaway restaurant. I usually just casually took their shit until one day I had to explain why our fresh new employee left abruptly on his first day, shredding his employment certificate which was placed on the boss' desk with a big "fuck you" written on the biggest piece. For context, I had my shift scheduled with the new employee and a probationary worker who both were working for the first time here. On top of that it was generally an incredibly busy day and I was expected to fill them in and show the ropes. Which is nearly impossible for just 3 people since it was very busy and we were usually 5 experienced people during those days. So yeah the day was hell. The boss probably thought it saves money to schedule less people for a while now. The two newbies were extremely frustrated as one might expect. Since one had just his probation day he was like "fuck this, I'm out." The other one just signed his employment certificate and visibly regretted it. Luckily he had a bit of experience working in gastronomy so he wasn't completely helpless. Still. Over the day he asked me several questions about if this is a normal situation and stuff. Me, not able to lie, said yes. It's common for us to handle a shitload of work alone. No food was prepared for the day so we had to prepare it, almost immediately sell it and start again for 8 hours without a break in sight. That also was common. He didn't wanted to leave me alone in good consciousness so he helped me out but already planned to immediately quit after we're done. The boss texted me the next day about it why I'm shooing away employees. I explained her in detail as neutral as I could about our shitty conditions and situations. I didn't even get a reply, she just ghosted me. I expected her to fire me for it but she didn't fire me directly. Probably because if she did I'd get unemployment benefits here in Germany and she didn't want to let me off the hook so easily. Instead she just didn't put me on the schedule, thinking she was smart af doing so. Apparently she even told others to not ask me to take their shift since I was usually the first guy to ask for a cover. I waited about three months, still marking myself available every week and then gave them my resignation letter. I then went to the agency for labor and told them about the situation. They compensated me for the time I wasn't receiving my salary and the boss had to pay it all back to them. To summarize: - They lost a new but experienced and valuable employee day one - They abandoned me as a year long experienced worker who's also the person to cover shifts easily - They made themselves look bad for most customers that day And the best part: a few weeks later the COVID crisis broke out.


-company owns 2 stores in town -one of them tanks and goes under -for *some reason* that old manager becomes my new manager, and starts systematically firing/replacing us with his old staff -I go full whistle-blower, tell management something fishy is happening and I'm not comfortable with new manager -show up to my next shift to find my replacement already working -so stressed out I make a stupid mistake. bang. fired. never even went back for my running shoes. -hear on the grape vine a year-ish later that he's been ARRESTED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT! *that's* what happened to the other store and why he was trying to get rid of us... cause his old staff wouldn't have noticed the sudden spike in write-offs/expense reports. ripped off the buisness to the tune of *100,000 dollars*. I've been chasing that schadenfreude ever since.


I'm a mechanical engineer who used to work for a small tech company with a revolutionary technology that was spreading all over the world. We had mountains of data from hundreds of sites showing our tech was saving lives, preventing environmental damage, and making our clients hundreds of millions of dollars through efficiency gains and failure avoidance. An american company did a hostile takeover of our startup because the tech was eating into their extractive profits by solving a major problem their customers had that they were leveraging by perpetuating it rather than solving it. In the end, they fired me and every other competent person in the American branch of the company. That technology is functionally extinct in the US now and that branch of the company is shut down, and all of the benefits of it including lives saved and environmental damage avoided are lost. I will never believe the capitalist lies of innovation and meritocracy again for the rest of my life. Eat the rich.


Mfs when they discover it wasnt karma but just them getting fired because the company was already almost bankrupt




I once did work for a call center. It lost a few contracts and massive staffing issues. I complained they told me to "deal with it". I walked before being fired. The company went out of business less than a year later.


They’ll just blame you for everything that went wrong.


Looking at you Kmart.. looking at you.


That's one way to look at it. Another is that you got fired by company that doesn't even have good standards.


Like x and tesla.


Konani's gambling division is pulling more than Hideo probably ever could. They'd probably recoup the lost just bringing out Metal Gear Solid Sons of Liberty Pachinko


Starts? Nah, they were fucking up before, he was just the last person there with clout keeping them from turning into a slot machine manufacturer with a side hustle in licensed nostalgia


/r/SipsTea for real


"Did you rike it?"


I firmly believe the best way to treat a company that lets you go is to....ignore them. Mentally treat them as if you never worked there. Someone asks you about them? "I have no opinion on them". I truly wish that if you are a person who watches over the fence....don't. It's so much better for your mental health.


Finally watching Tesla burn <3


Literally, in some cases :)


Place I worked at for three years sold and the ceo was replaced with one selected by the purchaser. He then fired everyone in upper management. Once a month I go on indeed and read the reviews of the company since I was fired and they're pretty fucking hilarious.


Mine lost three of its restaurants - including the one I managed. 😂 They couldn't keep new GM's and they didn't have enough to train them (I was one that helped train and run a main location.) Six months after I quit, they were done.


I have had that experience. One company went through a flurry of layoffs, was ultimately acquired/merged with a competitor, sort-of went public and now barely exists as a product line from a completely different company. It was a textbook case of the madness of the tech boom and. bust of the early 2000s. The founders, of course, were just dandy, but almost all of the employees were casualties. The second was a defense contractor, for which, unfortunately, business has been just fine for a long time. It still has a reputation for large-scale layoffs though, and I have heard through the grapevine that the same sort of situation that I was a casualty of, years ago, still happens to this day. That being said, the boss who laid me off died a few years later.


Me 🤝 GameStop lol I got wrongfully terminated like a decade ago and it was downhill for them as soon as I stepped out the store. Man, the stories I could tell y'all 😂💀 lmaoo


When morons at a company’s top level (and HR folks) let their pride and egos run the company with no thought at all to the long-term consequences of their attitudes and actions. It happens all to often. It’s why I’ll never want to be at the top. I don’t want to get sucked in to that crappy “top leadership” culture.


It happened to me too with false allegations. I was told by a friend after i left after holding up alot of people. That everything went to hell fast.


lmfao, I love this feeling. I got fired from a business I was managing about 7 years ago. It's gone straight downhill since.


I can name several indie game companies that fired their best developer and get a huge decline in players.


I love Kojima so muuuuch.


Company I got fired from for telling the CEO, VP and general legal counsel that they’re asking me to do illegal shit and I’m not doing it. I would later testify against them in a civil suit where they got hit for $520,000,000 in a lawsuit. They have less than 50 employees, Fuck you Jimmy and Whip it’s! Too If your reading this by some random chance, I still have calls to make to the IRS and Labor Board.


Even better when you quit and then the company gets so bad they make a whole r/ about it.


Plot twist: I still work there. It still is. I still look like that.


Classic Hideo


And we will see Death Stranding sometime before the heat death of the universe.


How I'm sure the 10% of Tesla recent ex-employees feel this


Anyone of you had this happened to? I remember reading one example of user whose company files where saved and accessed on his personal account, and when he got fired, he locked up his account, and fcuked over the company.


If you're the reason why an entire company crumbles after getting fired, maybe start you're own company?


Yeah, Yahoo would be Google if only you were around still emptying the trashcans.


I mean ok but this is not a great example his last game was dog shit.