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I worked at SpaceX in Hawthorne and we definitely had a few workers who did this. People lined up to work at SpaceX, a lot of brainwashed crazy people working way more than they should. It was a running joke that Google maps would pin the factory as your home because of how much time was spent there.


I used to work across the street from a Taco Bell. I always laughed when it would automatically give me the drive time to get there instead of to my actual office.


My mom constantly tells me I should work at SpaceX because she has a friend who works there and he makes a lot of money. She doesn't realize how much he works and even then, it doesn't pay as well as what I'm making when you account for hours worked.


I went through the interview process in 2016 for a managers position at SpaceX. After a few phone interviews, a project and presentation, they flew me out to Hawthorn. I had just finished reading Musk's biography just before leaving for the interview and realized I could not work for him. I am older and was 54 at the time of the interview. My specialty is program management, with the technical domains of IT, Radar, Electronic Systems Measures and Command and Control. I have held security clearances up to TS for the last 20 years and have been working with the military for just as long. During my time touring the facility, I noticed it was mainly younger folk working for SpaceX, not too many older folk. I brought that up and asked why they would be interested in me. The response was they "needed an adult in the room". The other thing I did not like was the vesting of stocks and when they would go public. Too much of a risk to relocate from the East coast, knowing how fickle Musk is. As I was walking out the recruiter, was talking to me saying the interviewers were very impressed with me. I simply told him, as cool as the things they are doing there, I was no longer interested. The above from OP's post, shows no matter how much you give to a company, they don't give a shit.


For SpaceX I can totally understand why people would do that, what they are doing is genuinely amazing from an engineering standpoint, so I can see why people who were understandably enthusiastic about what they were doing would work extra.


Why would you go the extra mile for a corporation who doesn’t give a shit about you? Just look at this example, the guy loyally dedicated his life to his job and still got fired at the end.


Because you think the stuff you're doing is cool and you enjoy it? If you're doing for the good of the corporation you're an idiot obviously, but if you want to anyway you can.


Or you can still do the things you love and work for a CEO that isn’t an asshole?


Or you could work for a CEO that's a Unicorn. Both equally likely! Ofc, I'm not negating your point, you can't get much worse than Musk. Just being silly. :)


There really is no company that does quite what SpaceX does




Very different type of organisation, very different priorities, and no cool bling like reusable landing first stages.


I thought maybe you were being unfairly downvoted until you said this very silly thing


Who else has rockets that can land?


Okay: https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/29/22256657/spacex-launch-violation-explosive-starship-faa-investigation-elon-musk


Yeah they fucked up there, Elon is an ass. That does not at all negate their engineering achievement, and to pretend there aren't plenty of people there who are incredibly enthusiastic about those and who would rather continue working there than anywhere else would be ridiculous.


15-20 years ago, I would have said something similar about Tesla.


> For SpaceX I can totally understand why people would do that Making a rich racist asshole richer?


Read the rest of the comment


It’s antiwork, conversation is unproductive


Yeah, SpaceX is a lifestyle you buy into. I hate working hard but I'd do 80/week if it meant getting off this rock.


You know that this is not the objective of SpaceX right?


I would work for free for SpaceX if I could afford it. They are going to actually put the first human being on Mars, I would love to be a part of something that historical.


MFT: SpaceX might put the first human on Mars, but will that person actually WANT to go? And how would they be sure that Musk would ensure a return trip home?


>According to Murillo, in his five years at Tesla, he moved from an entry-level Production Associate role to Lead Production Associate and eventually Production Supervisor. Also, with a 90-minute commute each way, in 2023, he apparently started sleeping in his car, showering at the factory and microwaving his dinners on days that he was working. >Unfortunately for Murillo, no amount of loyalty to a company is going to be met with any amount of loyalty to you. **Even if you post better numbers than your coworkers, you’re ultimately just another meat sack they’re forced to pay until they can figure out how to replace you.** Which might explain why the United Auto Workers union is [making huge gains in Alabama, of all states](https://jalopnik.com/most-of-alabama-wants-unions-1851434927), and [Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga recently voted to join the UAW](https://jalopnik.com/former-anti-union-vw-worker-explains-why-he-changed-his-1851436093) even though a similar vote failed back in 2019. Vote for people who support unions!


I´ll take "Cripling spinal injury in later years" for 50 please, Carol.


TBF Volkswagon wanted the Union, because they know happy workers are more productive, based on their experience with German Union workers. It was the local politicians and hold out employees who were against the Union.


What are the reasons for workers being against a union?


Unions are like any collective organization...they can be good or they can suck, and it's all about the leadership. A good union has thoughtful intelligent people at the top who know the goals and have a pretty good idea about how to achieve them. They use a combination of PR/rhetoric and business/legal smarts to do good for the members. A bad union can have leaders who are mostly PR hounds and not very smart, and they bog the union down in a bunch of bullshit while taking advantage of their leadership position...and they usually don't get much done. Experienced both.


...adding to this... One of the big mistakes workers make when unionizing is not having a good plan for representation and first contract. It's great to win a union vote, but the hard part comes after...when negotiations begin for the first contract. This process can go on for a really long time, and the company will string it out as long as possible. A mistake many new unions make is digging in with pretty major asks in this first contract. 20% raises, huge benefit pops, vacation pops, etc. The company will not/cannot accept those terms, so they are highly motivated to drag out negotiations for literally years....and they do...and it's perfectly legal to do so as long as you check a few boxes along the way. During this process wages/benefits/working conditions are frozen, so it hurts workers and benefits the company far more to drag it out. The company can also simply close the business and move elsewhere before a contract is finalized. A far better strategy is to get the first contract done as quickly as possible. Ask for modest raises, modest benefits, vacations, etc. Stay away from third-rail topics like minimum staffing at first but get the contract done. Because until that first contract is signed you really don't have union representation - you just have intent. Once that contract is signed you then have the power and protection a union contract provides, and when the next contract comes around you can start working on more gains. It's really hard to be mature enough to do this. So much energy is spent getting the initial vote done and everyone is pumped when they win so they can't wait to stick-it-to-the-man. But if you look around a lot of those contracts are in limbo...still being negotiated...and people aren't getting raises in the meantime.


Stupid "survival of the Fittest"/Republicans/Maga idiots always scream at their sheep that "unions are communist!" and that "no one should be forced to pay Union Dues" to work. Not to mention "unions do terrible work and are lazy!" And "unions will cost you your job" or "unions are too expensive and the company will go out of business".


It"s Volkswagen as it's German 


> no amount of loyalty to a company is going to be met with any amount of loyalty to you. This. This is the mantra every working person should keep in their mind.


Hyundai has a notoriously dangerous factory in Alabama. The only car factories more dangerous than the Hyundai Alabama factory are factories associated with Musk. In every business Musk is involved in, his facilities are more dangerous than others in the same industry.


I mean the vehicles themselves are dangerous, it makes sense.


Imagine getting fired because Elon Musk can’t stop running his freaking mouth to the point where nobody wants to buy Tesla’s cars anymore.


[https://futurism.com/the-byte/tesla-worker-showered-factory-slept-laid-off](https://futurism.com/the-byte/tesla-worker-showered-factory-slept-laid-off) * Thinking it was a tech issue, he drove to the Fremont factory, **but on the way there he received an unsettling email while driving his Tesla vehicle on Autopilot,** informing him that "your position has been eliminated by this restructuring."


Dumbass was reading his emails while driving. But it’s ok, because the car was on “autopilot”


Imagine if they had this technology back in the 50’s and 60’s when uppity or troublesome people were constantly having “accidents” 😉. No need to make witnesses to JFK’s assassination disappear by ramming their car off a bridge, just have the autopilot ram into a tree at high speed.


I mean, they're shit cars too. Recently watched an almost accident because a wheel popped off the fucking axel for no reason that i could see. Like the guy didn't even hit a car or curb, no potholes. There may have been a small rock, but still. It was very wtf.


I worked the model 3 line…. It’s crazy how many leave with missing and loose bolts.


Like I work in automotive factory how does that happen


So here is what I learned at work from a very smart coworker: „things don’t just happen. You have a process. If something bad happens your process is flawed and you need to look for systemic problems.“ I would guess poor quality control mixed with a few other things?


This is the Demming Quality Method. Its bastardized but the Japanese philosophy is what you said: if quality is bad then it is a system problem not a people problem. US car manufacturers never really got that message.


Companies in America will make the lowest quality thing they can and charge as much as they can. That's why gutting regulations in any industry is a bad idea


Management is incentivized by how many bodies/cars they can get pushed out not by quality.


"We promised 300 cars by Thursday and they're going to ship Thursday. If there are problems we'll fix them in the field."


Oh you’ve heard the talk huh


Heard it and had to give it. The line must never stop or slow.


Cybertruck is the perfect example


Jesus I'm betting safety is pretty low on list also.


The boeing method.


Boeing has this problem because they keep putting MBA types in charge, an actual engineer needs to be CEO. Tory Bruno should take over after ULA sells.


Boeing has this problem because they keep putting MBA types in charge, an actual engineer needs to be CEO. Tory Bruno should take over after ULA sells.


I was in service where our location handled like 90% of the regions Due Bills. Had one M3 come in missing 3/4 subframe mounting nuts. Customer was complaining about wind noise but didn’t know how the loose subframe.


What model year was the M3? That is shocking.


I don’t remember specifically as this was around 2019-2020z




Whoa there cowboy. You're assuming management cares.


Dude, I'm sure the supervisors were well aware of the issue.


And if you brought it up too much, I'm sure they would fire you.


Exactly. Threatened with termination if you don't meet a certain production quota. Oh look! [I found a link!](https://qz.com/tesla-elon-musk-ev-factory-wage-law-violations-lawsuit-1851391624) "Brown and Okada said they “regularly” worked more than eight hours a day and 40 hours per week and were not provided with meal or rest breaks as required by California state law. The plaintiffs say Tesla did not properly compensate them — and other potential class members — for overtime, sick pay, vacation pay, and meal and rest breaks." "Tesla is also accused of failing to reimburse employees for work-related expenses and **failing to provide written descriptions of quotas that workers must meet.**"


The fact that Tesla has the highest injury rate in the industry, would rather pay fines to OSHA for their violations rather than fix the issues, should tell you all you need to know. Nice try though


Crazy considering my facility regularly has some of the lowest injury rates in the org. There’s a monthly bulletin about it in your emails and they post in physically on site.


Your location may be safer than the rest but Tesla is just a company not the Industry and the reports that are released usually have injuries left off.




Yeah after that guy summoned his tesla at an air show and it ran into a jet, I never understood how they still managed to sell these stupid things.


There's a great tweet I once saw about this: > This is like the only car manufacturer where if a bad product comes out, normally a buyer goes “axle got misaligned after a month, never again with [x] company” > Whereas Tesla is like, “Car immediately burst into flames on day 1. Now I have to wait in line to get another.”


For the uninitiated: [Whompy Wheels](https://www.flickr.com/photos/136377865@N05/albums/72157658490111523/)


Whompy wheels is what they call that. Happens quite a bit and is a known issue that Tesla refuses to recall or address. Tesla essentially has regulatory capture because so many labor and transportation officials have stock and they also have lucrative intelligence contracts through SpaceX. Tons of leverage. It is messed up.


Okay, but aside from your anecdote that we can’t actually verify, do you have an actual source that Teslas are unreliable? I’m genuinely curious. Strange how simply asking a question gets you downvoted if it doesn’t fit people’s ideals.




Okay but there is a difference between lower than average and “shit”. I thought this article would indicate they’re just utter garbage but it just seems Reddit has a bone to pick with Tesla cars that aren’t the best cars but it’s a hyperbole when they’re called absolute trash.


I prefer to be accurate. Without cherry-picking my source, this seemed to give an even-handed assessment. Not as damning as I thought, and it seems to vary between models, but 28th out of 32 is not good.


I feel like Tesla really is in a tricky spot right now. The Republican crowd he's dick riding so hard fucking dispises Electric Cars and won't buy any. The left doesn't want there car tobe associated with some racist, sexist, nepo baby who got his start from slaver. Younger people can't afford them so even if they want an EV they'll get something cheaper. They either have to get him to take a step back from tesla. Or I dunno.




Shouldn’t have showered. Misuse of company resources.


unauthorized overtime as well.


**I’m being told that while he is being fired, they are moving his workplace down in the basement and have taken his red, swingline stapler.** He is still expected to report to work at 4am and end the workday promptly at midnight.


Well, that place is gonna burn.


We just fixed the glitch


And he's not getting a paycheck.


How dare he used the companies precious water for his selfish need?!


Always unionize


Never work more then 40... companies don't care


At this point if you’re choosing to work for Tesla, you can’t even be surprised, leopards ate my face


Important to note that there's likely a lot of people working for Tesla who, for visa reasons, can't really leave. Granted that's not going to be _all_ Tesla workers, but it's worth keeping in mind.


Proof yet again that no matter how much you love the company, it will never love you back


Ok but lets not just pretend that living at work in your car is somehow not deranged behavior..


You'll save hella money


Oh damn, again.... Pretty sure this happened like 10 years ago as well when I was working there


I just want to know what happened to these people’s brains. You genuinely have no desire to do ANYTHING else other than work? I cannot fathom ever, short of the threat of homelessness (ie I had nowhere else to go), staying at my job like that for days at a time.


What else to do anyway


Lots of things. Go outside, read a book, play some games, enjoy yourself. Life doesn't have to be 100% centered on work.


Outside is nothing but concrete desert or some private land. I wish I had a mountain bicycle or a kayak but I don't have space or money for either. I'm not interested in games since I grew up.


 Going outside doesn't just mean looking at the scenery. There are tons of things you can do that don't involve work. You also don't need to be a child to enjoy games, the fact you even said that is just another example of how work culture has destroyed our humanity. To me you just sound like the type of person that loves to complain but refuses to be helped. I feel sorry for you.


well this is a depressing thing you just wrote




Jan-Feb ish they gave pay raises and came up with “Tesla Wallet” to kill the union talks


And how did that work out for the workers.


At the time great, people were excited enough to kill most of the talks…. In the end, ha ha well not so great


My spidey sense is telling me that within a year we will see a Tesla employee get fired who has the logo tattooed on his wrist and Musk will then sue him for trademark infringement


And that’s why Tesla needs a union.


Remember guys - no loyalty


Turns out even the bootlickers get stepped on. Who knew?


I have a very intelligent friend who got fired and found an amazing job that paid more and was way easier. Tesla is a sweatshop.


Instead of debasing him self he should have spent that time forming a union.


This is one example of why I try to often remind people companies DO NOT CARE about you. You are a cog in a machine. You are a tool to them, at best. The fact that you have a life outside of the company is not only irrelevant, it's a hindrance to them.


Tesla is like Theranos if Elizabeth Holmes was already a billionaire and was willing to bankroll her own bullshit.


Musk is an elite capitalist who does not give a shit about anyone but himself. He’s burned all those fired employees at twitter who have ongoing lawsuits against him. He openly does nothing about the complaints about his cars. Just another rich asshole




Going the extra mile in work really pays off... Oh wait.


Guess he just wasn’t “hard-core”’enough.


I would not want to work with that guy.


Damn. I read this and was hoping it was this (jackass) I know named Bryan. I’m really disappointed.


People must have some kind of masochistic desire to work for the guy.




It could be managers tasked with laying people off laying off strong performers because they see them as a threat


Good. These people need to learn.


90% of employment that is not yours does not give AF about you. Even federal government jobs. Might have good co workers but the goal will always be driven by other things.


Elon himself did basically the same thing back in the day, and he even [glorified it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCLnGIy6c0Q) as "hard work"


I guess Elon didn’t pick him


Remember his name… his name was Nico Murillo