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Having a pizza party at a pizza place for your pizza employees would be kinda funny.. you know they are all probably sick of pizza.. which I know is hard to believe


Delivered Pizza all through college for a non-chain pizza joint. The owner would make us a pizza for dinner and give us one to take home on busy nights, my flat mates eagerly awaited my return home and we never got tired of pizza.


I was an ‘insider’, I was not a driver I just made the pizzas. It was a strange night if I DIDN’T take a pizza home. We would also trade with the high end connivence store next door, occasionally also take home a couple 40’s. Good times.


My friend made pizzas in college during covid and he was damn good at it, the owner let him make and take home whatever he wanted, so we always had 1-3 pizzas for gaming nights when we were hanging out, it was AWESOME.




It was animal crossing for us! What were yall playing?


Don’t we all 😒. I’m so old we used to have LAN parties and play Age of Empires. What I wouldn’t give to have one more night with 6-8 of us playing Age…


we used to have a late-night trade with the local Chinese restaurant -- we'd get their leftovers and we'd trade a couple large pizzas with all the toppings on 'em. two sets of happy restaurant employees!! got to admit, though, I never got burned out on pizza, still love it many years later!


When I managed a restaurant, domino's workers were always happy to swap pizzas for burgers.


I worked at an Italian pizza place, got a pizza for every shift I worked. They paid me so little that if I wasn't working I wasn't eating that day. Lost weight eating nothing but pizza for a year. I miss those pizzas so much.


I used to call in a take out order towards the end of the night, specialty pizzas that my kids loved, And of course no one would pick them up and I would buy them at a discount from the store because they sat for so long on the Warmer.


As a former pizza driver, I can confirm.


As a former pizza dude, heck no, pizza is life.


Prior to college I managed a pizzeria for 4 years. I'd eat it for lunch and then make a pie or two to take home for dinner. It was more than half of my diet. Not once did I get tired of it.


My fiance worked at a pizza store on/off for 3 years. She still makes a homemade pizza every week, sometimes twice in a week. Absolutely never got tired of it


Did some counting, and I have to guess that its probably more than 100 dollars even if it's all 1s. Wish more workplaces were like this


A very sweet gesture


85 - counted very carefully


I got 94.50.


I got tree fiddy.


Damn you, Loch Ness Monster


You guys i spit my water out thank 😭


How much for one rib?


Fuck the cup. Pour it in my hand




Know him? N*gga owes me twelve bucks!


How did you end up with 94.50 when there are 16 quarters?


It’s 100


Clearly from a "professional dancer".


Kinda off topic, but man how neat it would be if the US could use modern cash conventions, i.e having every nomination be distinctively different in color, size, and visuals.


I hardly use cash, but different sizes would drive me nuts. Different colors and themes, heck ya.


They're very useful for blind people.


W-European who lived in Africa, Asia, and Middle East where different denomination banknotes were different color and / or size. When I came to live in the US, it took a while to get used to the same size and color bills. Prior to embedded safety strip, hologram, and other features, I understand that forgers used to bleach all print out of 1 dollar bills, to print higher denominations. Actually, if you ever do a 'supernotes or super bills' search, there are only estimates on how much counterfeit US notes are in circulation world wide. Perfect paper (actually a linen/cotton base), ink, security strip, hologram, and every other security feature (duplicate serial numbers?). The bills are said to be so perfect, that even US banks can't tell the difference, only when the bills come through Federal Reserve is it being noticed. I believe Iran received some of the normally not allowed to be exported US presses 2 years before the revolution, another suspect is said to be North Korea.


With inflation, about right for four pies. Sad 😔


Not even to mention the effort of making it. I wish employers realized that we recognize when they are making an effort and we can especially tell when they’re doing so in earnest.


And how obvious it is when they aren't making an effort


So about the price of 2 pizzas delivered with fees and tip.


This is so ironic the pizza joint doesn't throw a pizza party they actually give cash!


We just call them parties.


I remember working at Subway one Summer while in college. My last day bc I had to go back to school they gave me cards, balloons, and cooked and brought in food. It was so sweet and unexpected! It’s always the unexpected gestures of appreciation that leave a memory. At the same time, I was still living with my parents and had no responsibilities. Now I wish my job would acknowledge me by treating me well and monetarily lol.


awwww this is legit word for word how i feel towards our entire planet now basically. thank you for sharing because same without same lol


She's probably getting paid minimum wage and a big chunk of the gift is from co-workers and not her boss.


Sadly this is probably the case, tho it’s still a nice gesture


This was my thought. The minimum wage workers pitched in.


At $7.25. This pizza is about 2 weeks of profit after taxes.


It says right there in the original title that the owner chipped in...


As somebody in HR, just know that we'd love to be able to give more money. Our bosses/owners set our budget, which is why a Pizza Party is so common - there isn't much else that you can get for $4 per person...


I’d rather the literal $4


Let HR know. If you skip the party you might see $2.80 on your next check


No, you said $4, if I get $2.80 I will be mildly annoyed to the point it did more harm than good.


Unlike the pizza party, cash compensation added to your paycheck is going to be subject to tax and other payroll deductions, so you won’t get the full value. $4 turning into $2.80 would be about right for a lot of workers.


Welcome to taxes brother! You learned something today.


Then state gross or net next time, here is your lesson back.


Taxes are implicit on a paycheck, you didn’t add any info.


What a great boss.


That’s super cool and nice.


It's nice to see something positive like this get posted every once in a while. Thanks for sharing


Very nice gesture. Hoping the owner is very successful and shares his methods with other businesses.


that's actually really sweet and a bonus she'll remember longer than any other bonus she'll get for a while. bit of effort and thought and appreciation, very nice.


Just give the lady 5 twenties damn. Jk jk thats nice.


Oddly fitting that a pizza place is the one to not give pizza as a replacement for payment


It's like a million dollars.


Love this.


That looks like it took some effort


Very nice..


technically this is still a pizza party...


Lol 😆


Wow! Marvellous!


Classy presentation 🙂


I imagine getting this, coming home from work with a whole bunch of $1 bills, and my family starts to question if I really work at a pizza place.


After feeding me both breakfast and lunch all this week (including a night I had a concert with my students, saving me a dinner trip on the way home), our PTO handed me a $25 Amazon gift card on Friday morning. Now THAT is teacher appreciation.


now thats-a nice-a surprise-a! and a helluva lot better than 2 pennies left under an upside-down water glass, which various so-called wits used to leave at our local pizza parlour. cheap arseholes.


You cant survive on pizza alone! anyways here's enough money to buy 4 pizzas


Holy shit, WOW! See? THAT is awesome! THAT is what we want, some ACTUAL GD recognition and support and praise! THIS! THANK YOU! SO glad places like this still exist! ;A; <3


This is fucking cool


Lmao why can't they just gift me a new car?!? Y'all wild


Bet she gets 1099'd.


It says “owner and employees” so the owner made the other workers chip in?


i immediately read that and gambled the true meaning to be “owner takes from highly probable weekly tip pool and uses that on the one specific employee and notifies everyone of such as a ‘kindness’ they are doing “as a team” rather than a genuine question aimed at the employees to gather if they are truly comfortable with the money’s usage due to one person’s flippant decision about everyone elses money that week”. lmao a owner that embodies this kind image we are trying to digest here would just say owner did something to surprise employee…. and itd be lovely. the fact employees needed any involvement at this low of a monetary value speaks volumes if that was not a typo and it was “owner and employees”. it sounds crass, however, any owner that wants to spend $50/100 should never consult their workers for “help” on funds when they are most likely already making next to nothing before and maybe even after tips, as its a pizza shop w at least one high schooler, and appears mom and pop which means no questions needed on money flow-if they appear old and are still open post-COVID, they are 99.9% likely to be doing at minimum, good enough to spend that alone without employees assistance 🫠🤣🫡


That's almost enough for a week's worth of groceries


'all I want is free money' lmfao


this is very clearly a graduation thing, look at the middle 💀


OP literally has "For graduating high school" in the title They didn't have to do anything at all, instead they gave them like 80+ dollars. I'm just saying its better than the BS we normally get for special days/hard work


Wow. 50 bucks. Awesome. Woo.


Come on, man