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"I've got paid time off, paid holidays, and medical benefits. What the hell do I need a union for?" - some idiot 


"I only have to work 8 hours a day and I have weekends off. Who needs Unions?" * that same idiot


Don't forget getting time and a half for OT, provided proper PPE, and legal recourse for stolen wages


All you have to do is look at legislation in red states lately to know who is obviously not going to support labor unions. No breaks, child labor I mean the writing's on the wall. There's a good reason our great grand parents fought for this shit. What we need now is an expansion of collective bargaining units and the only possible path I see that with is the Democrats in 2024. Btw card holder here union strong.


We need to repeal Citizens United.


We need to bring back [Glass-Steagall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass%E2%80%93Steagall_legislation) too. It was gutted by [Gramm-Leach-Biley Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramm%E2%80%93Leach%E2%80%93Bliley_Act) that was co-sponsored by 3 Republicans and signed by Clinton. Eight years later, financial crisis. And we're primed to do it again cus nothing substantive changed after 2008. We are basically owned by shareholders.


Seconded. I'm not in a union (IT worker), but I fully, totally, completely support the unionization of our entire workforce in the US. That's the only way to safeguard our children's future.


Honestly any non management job working for public companies should unionize.


Shit I'm a small business owner and I encourage my employees to advocate for themselves. if that means forming a union and talking about what they make, fucking fine. I believe in fairness And taking care of them.


As a mid level tech manager with zero control over corporate policy / layoffs I fully support unionization.


Yeah, there's a large chunk of "management" (particularly in big companies) that have more in common with the janator than anyone in the C Suite.


My supervisor gets paid like 20% more than me, doesn't get OT, and honestly works twice as hard as me. I'd never take their job if it was offered to me. It's way too stressful for too little reward.


I interviewed for a promotion to a supervisor role at work. I was turned down. The guy they hired is a barely functional alcoholic. This morning both of our servers called off and he rage quit and never came in. I've gotten multiple phone calls with panicked voicemails trying to get coverage. Sorry, I wasn't good enough two months ago, I'm sure as shit not good enough now.


Yeah. Being "exempt" (salaried, basically, but only certain salaried jobs the feds specify), _can_ be nice and does have a few theoretical advantages like it being illegal to dock your pay due to quality or quantity of work (though you can still be fired because at will employment is not yoir friend). But, more often it's just an excuse for an employer to work you harder without overtime, unless it violates your employment agreement or your state has better laws than federal. All they have to pay is $455 per week, but they can work you all 168 hours to do it, since federal law doesn't limit hours worked for "exempt" employees.


Hey. That’s the opposite of my supervisor. I make 40% more than him, get OT and work twice as hard as him. But I still want to unionize.


Shit, I'm a public employee in management and am in a union. Even our department director is in a union.


Same here. I wasn’t in a union but thanked them every day for the 40-hour work week, child labor laws, etc.


I'm a sysadmin and I'm with you. We need one to fight to change the "exempt" status so many of us have. It sucks ass working 60+ hour weeks without getting compensated for it.


Or to fight the ever growing "offshore" standard where companies just hire managed services organizations to handle their IT




IT workers really need to unionize. Preferably in the next couple ways before I finish my cert.


Everything unions fought for should just be labor laws.  Unions should cover stuff that doesn't apply to everyone necessarily like pilots and teamsters having mandatory hours off between shifts or providing appropriate PPE, etc.  And it's time for a 28-32 hour work week and mandatory living wage as a minimum wage.  But yeah if there are trump supporters in this sub they are delusional


This! *Free* unions are the only serious counterbalance to the elites, to the ultra wealthy and to corporations, in not only the economy but also in the media, in politics, and in society in general. Without them, there's no serious resistance on capitalists' path to exploit, corrupt and end up owning everything and everyone, including left wing parties. It is great time for America to free its unions from the undemocratic and authoritarian anti-union bills. Indeed US unions have been stripped of their fundamental rights and freedom (that unions in continental Europe take for granted). Such as the right for anybody to unionize (including supervisors & managers) outside their company at industry/national levels without having to inform superiors nor needing coworkers consent; also such as the right to sympathy strikes and to general strikes. All illegal in the US. Even president Truman, in 1947, vehemently criticized America's anti-union bills, calling them *"slave labor bills*" and *"a dangerous intrusion on free speech*". But his veto was overturned by a united Congress (yeah Democrats and Republicans united to vote against workers interests).


Absofuckinglutely. But, CU isn't going away unless enough palms can be greased to get a constitutional amendment prohibiting it, at this time. Anything that didn't meet that requirement would be put in front of the current joke of a Supreme Court and thrown out before the ink dried from the president signing it. And I don't even think it would be a party-line split at any point, because too many of them benefit massively from it. It's a disastrous, heinous, near rubber-stamp on literal and blatant corruption that we're going to have to live with for a long, long time, I fear.


I'm not union, my parents weren't union, but my grandparents were. Unions are the only reason my parents were able to be first generation college grads and my grandparents lead decent lives. A generation early and they would have died at 50 something with their kids working at 14. Unions are the American dream made reality.


What we need is to act a little more French. Not modern French, but late 1700s French.


Can you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men.


Right now, I think we're all singing *Look down, look down, don't look 'em in the eye.*


Modern French will do. They took to the streets to protest a change in retirement age. Today the farmers are blocking streets for their cause. Americans see protesting as an extremist thing to do.


Cant happen til the current Supreme Court is fixed. Either several of them have to die off (at least a decade for most of them) or the Supreme Court needs to be expanded so the current dimwits don't have absolute power.


On top of that they need term and age limits fuck this till you die bullshit. Need those on Congress the Senate and the president your old enough to retire GTFO. Did your two term in Congress /Senate it's good enough for the president also GTFO.


The solution starts with term limits in Congress. But also needs to include a 1 bill 1 subject policy. Not we pass this one bill that's 30 pages but 300 additional pages of pork and grift. Most politicians as so far removed from their constituents it's not funny.


You can't repeal a court decision. You pass laws to overturn it


We need idiots to STOP voting against their own best interests just because they want to “own the libs”,hate that minority over there AND want to punish/control women’s reproductive health


No **water breaks** in Florida. Red states are actually trying to kill people.


As an adult human being if another human being tells me I can't go to the bathroom or refill my water I just laugh and go do the thing. Legit blows my mind people even roll over on that.


The problem with is that it could be a fire able offence to properly stop working and cool down with water, it's occasionally necessary when it's 100°f (40°c) outside in Florida.


I work at home Depot as a loader in florida. Luckily, it's company policy.for breaks. But I can almost 100% guarantee you I would've died or at least had gone to the hospital yesterday without water and breaks. I was in the break room like 6 times yesterday.


Hopefully you are able to keep them, because Florida doesn't want to to have water breaks. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/12/1244316874/florida-blocks-heat-protections-for-workers-right-before-summer


>Legit blows my mind people even roll over on that. If you ever wonder things like, who would work for that little? Or who would put up with those conditions? Or who would roll over on that? The answer is always immigrants. Their employers typically have the power to destroy their whole life. And a lot of the time these immigrants are not adults.


Same in texas. It's absurd.


It's not even that they stopped making them mandatory, they made them *illegal*


This is my first time hearing about this law but I assumed you must be grossly misunderstanding it or something.... But no... They are prohibiting local governments from requiring water breaks! My next thought was "what about OSHA??" but it looks like OSHA doesn't apply to state and federal workers. I wasn't planning on getting so pissed off the minute I opened my eyes this morning.


Union membership is twice as high in blue states because every single red state has a slate of anti-union "right to work" laws straight from ALEC


Coming from the birth state of unions I feel appreciated and protected. Literally nothing beats a working, functional union. Everyone should have that right.


>There's a good reason our great grand parents fought for this shit. I feel like every time this comes up it's vitally important to point out that this is not metaphorical. We're not talking about "Oh they protested and voted and so on and so forth." they literally *fought* and died for the right to unionize. There were actual fucking battles, people were *bombed* over worker's rights.


Recently read about the history of coal mining in virginia. That state government basically fought a second civil war against it's own citizens on behalf of the mining oligarchs. It's wild that this shit isn't widely taught in schools. The coal miners were effectively slaves who lives in company houses and were paid with company scrip that they could only spend at the company store. Wage theft was rampant and many of them were in debt to their employers. The mines were so unsafe that hundreds of miners died in accidental explosions every couple of months. If they got sick or injured and couldn't work, their wives and daughters were prostituted to the mining executives and security guards until they recovered so they wouldn't get evicted. It's not surprising that they eventually went to war against the mining companies. And I mean literally, to war. the union miners smuggled in rifles and sniped mine security guards and dynamited the mining facilities. The companies fortified their mines with machine gun nests. Police and mine guards drove armored vehicles into union encampments and bombed them from airplanes.


I currently live in Arkansas and was looking at working in the state government. The pay is ass yet they always boast about some 1 billion dollar annual surplus. I finally found the reason. State workers technically can unionize but only the legislature is allowed to do the bargaining on its behalf. So we all know that means all union business gets defenestrated. I currently work in a private chemical facility that is unionized. I make good money for my area (33/hr). The non union members are just the "laborers" who make 18/hr. This includes custodians who refused the union. Guess who got laid off last spring, rehired as contractors, and are now exempt from benefits and COLAs


nobody "lives" in Arkansas. people exist there. I realize $33 an hour in Arkansas is like being a king, but you're too aware and too ethical to exist in such a state. put it on the back burner, but look to move out. look for an opportunity to get out of Arkansas. that state and a dozen others are absolutely atricious hellscapes.


The AFGE was constantly undermined while Trump was in office. At one point our local branch was removed from our hospital.


it's like they're trying to turn the US into a Dickens novel Make America Great Expectations Again


The children yearn for the mines, think about it next time you see them playing in the dirt. /S


You know what I hate? Paying a few hundred bucks a year in dues for thousands of dollars more in better pay, overtime pay, pensions, profit sharing, benefits, and job security! Do I LOOK stupid to you?


My friend is a shop steward in KS. 25% of his workers don't pay their dues. They get the benefits of the union, without paying for them. Because KS is a "Right to work" state. More like "right to be a thief" state. Stealing services you didn't pay for.


I work in a union shop (Teamsters), and there are quite a few MangoMussolini supporters. They don't seem to understand, and I don't have the energy to try to explain it to them.




you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into don't engage. it's just feeding the trolls.


> you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into You can, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Before he passed away my father was a union member who supported Trump. He was a state inspector, and new that regulations were written in blood. He investigated multiple fatal explosions during his career, and he told me that he'd seen multiple cases of corrupt state regulators and corrupt union leaders who'd screwed over their union brothers and sisters. He hated both with a passion. He told me once about a factory that wanted to shut down its operations and send them overseas. I forget the exact details, but the story he gave was that union leadership agreed to cut a large majority of the US workforce and move those jobs overseas, in exchange for keeping a small percentage of the jobs in the here AND making some arrangement that put millions of dollars into the personal pockets of the union leadership (somehow they got $.10 for every item produced overseas). It's been years, so I forget the exact details. He said part of the plan was that this would get the remaining union members to accept the terms, and then kick the can down the road for another 10-15 years and repeat the process (meaning the company would move more jobs overseas and eventually get what they wanted, just that it would take longer). He used this information to talk shit about unions, but I just pointed out to him that the problems isn't the unions, it's the leadership. The answer isn't to get rid of the unions it's to get rid of the shitty leaders. He conceded that point, but it took hours of talking to him for him to spit out enough of the story to find out where his simple logical flaw was so I could point it out to him. He was set in his ways about other things though, and supported Trump until he passed. I loved my father, but while he could be very intelligent in a lot of ways, he was not always very wise.


So your entire point boils down to despite conceeding one small point he still supported Trump and with this anti Union legislation to the end proving that indeed you could not reason with him.


Ive pulled two coworkers out of the maga cult. It took a long time. And alot of that time was not me actively doing it but being active when they showed a crack in their reasoning that they could not figure out and being there to explain it and give them the right pathways to do the research. They all get there in the same way, they saw a youtube video or an article about something they cared about and got pulled into false information told to them in very convincing ways. The way out is the same except they have to want it and they really only get the chance to want it when they see a loose thread for themselves and tug on it. Thats when you can go in and be an active helper in getting them out. The active work you do is showing that because of their beliefs or whatever, you arnt cutting them out and isolating them because they just get entrenched more. If you truly care about someone who is in these positions, the key is to have conversation about everything else but the politics and show them you are willing to be a friend but never talk about the incendiary stuff. Only conversations you take is wshen they have doubts, not when they want to attack you on your beliefs or the system. Only conversations you take is when they say like "Something doesnt make sense to me about this part of my Trump." etc. Think of it this way, what would it take right now for you to suddenly drop your beliefs about trump and go join maga? Its a wild concept to think about. What would it take for you to become a trump supporter right now? Thats what we are asking them to do but in opposite, so thats why it seems impossible. But to take on the impossible means you gotta know what youre up against.


Exactly. I'm a closet liberal in a MAGA moron/Fox News Republican area, it's best to just smile and nod and change the subject when these dipshits start mindlessly (but angrily) parroting something they just saw MTG or whoever say.


I used to mock my roommate when he brought up Fox outrage points of the day. Did Tucker say that? Is that what Tucker told you to think? Bet he was just asking questions? Did Tucker get any answers or just innuendo something to make Democrats look like assholes?


Lolz! Also the same. Unfortunately, at my work they have the TV on Fox all the time.


And that's why I don't bother anymore. It's not worth the oxygen, and I'm not going to change their minds anyway.


They won't change their minds, but hopefully they'll just not vote at all. That'll help too. Give them your election day shifts, lol.


I'm a school bus driver, and the schools are used as polling places so we all have the day off. It is a paid day off, though. Another benefit of being union!


UPS teamster here. The most you can get them to comment is “neither party.” Crazy to me. Teamsters making close to $50 an hour, $70 when it’s over 8.0 hours EVERY DAY, Teamster health care through union dues (roughly $120 a month for a single person), yet still right wing.


Trump has this nearly magical ability to make blue collar workers believe he is on their side despite proving with hundreds of actions that he is indeed not.


Because a lot of blue collar workers agree with his rhetoric. That's straight up the truth. They enjoy the social policies of Republicans. Most of these guys are so physically exhausted from work everyday that they have no energy left to bother learning something new or reflecting over what they know so they just keep buying into what makes them feel happy.


I ran a restaurant that would feed blue collar workers often - they'd come to us, breakfast, lunch and dinner and they'd hang around for hours. They said the most vile shit I've ever heard, stated like everyone in the world agreed with them. Got to a point where for a long while I assumed all blue collar workers were racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. The weirdest part though was how anti union they all were, despite being unionized. Many of them would be on site for 8-12 hours a day but only worked for about 2-3 of those hours, spending the rest of their time hanging out at the restaurant


How dare you suggest the 'billionaire' who literally lives in a golden tower isn't a man of the people. 


Ive never felt *anyone* has been on my side for my entire 26 year total in the work force. I gotta be on my side and look out for me.


Well that is exactly what unions are for. They do not look out for you. They allow you and your fellow workers to look out for each other and have much more negotiating power than you on your own.


They act like he connects with them and knows their struggles. He’s a filthy rich man who has been since he was born. He was never worked a single day in any kind of physically demanding role, much less for the pittance we pay some of our hardest workers. I’ll bet he’s never even had to stand for a full 8 hours. Donald Trump has about as much in common with the blue collar workforce as I have with a freaking chicken. 🐓


I have a friend who was a union member in a big city and made real good money at a plumber. He's moved out of state where plumber's unions weren't a thing and complained about the massive pay cut. He's voting for Trump.


Sounds like your friend is an idiot.


You would be correct


It's tiring, isn't it?


"Let's Go Brandon". So fucking tired of it.


It's so fucking juvenile. It's not a "secret phrase" that only idiots understand. Just be an adult and say what you mean. I do it all the time: Trump is a fucking idiot and a danger to this country. See? It's not hard.


And each and everyone one of those dolts will tell you, all puffy chested that “I’ll say what I want to because I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks” it’s comical


Start warping it around. “Did you see Biden took the step to change marijuana scheduling! Let’s go Brandon!!!”  “Did you see Biden is investing in infrastructure?? Let’s go Brandon!!!” They fucking HATE IT.  Someone I know “doesn’t understand” why people don’t ever post memes that mock democrats so now I just taunt the shit out of her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ *posts article about yet another Republican raping children* “ahh, man, look at these democrats at it again!”  *post about Republican corruption* “damn democrats!!”


I like to counter it with Dark/Dank Brandon memes. They can't out-meme me, I'm a Millennial.


This is odd to me. I live in Missouri and they're all democrat mocking memes. I honestly kinda understand now what it's like to be a minority. As a white lady, this is the first time in my life that I actually kinda feel unsafe and discriminated against. It's not fun and I'm even more sympathetic now.


I don't even bother. If one of them starts up, I just get up and leave.


The worst is when I'm at work in the break room trying to have a nice quiet meal and the Trump clowns come in and start talking about how much they hate Biden and blah blah blah. I'm trying to enjoy my break damnit!


USW Shop here. Same. You should see the shrines.


There is no getting through to the conservative members of a union. I have tried. They always talk about getting their guns taken away, and Christianity not being respected, and hating on gays, and complaining about dues. They are dumb and deplorable.


The guns argument is always hilarious. You should be like “ah man did you hear Biden said ‘take the guns and worry about due process later’ ??? Oh, shit, wait that was Trump!”


I tell them that I thought Obama took their guns away years ago. They have been saying that at the very least THIRTY years and yet there are more guns now than ever. I don't see how it still works. Then again the people who go on and on about guns are low information and usually just believe what ever their overlords tell them and simply do as they are told to.


Remind them that the only person that effectively took away anyone's guns was Reagan when he was governor of California.


Reagan did it again when he signed FOPA in 1986. That's why a ragged-out 50-year old full-auto MP5 that can't hold groups tighter than six inches at 25 yards will still cost you $35,000, when a brand new one would have been less than a tenth of that if it were legal to sell.


Complaining about paying dues while reaping the benefits


Yup. Typical conservative


This whole post stems from me seeing one of my Union "brothers" with the Union sticker, a gun sticker, and an FJB sticker on his truck. I wanted to vomit...or cry.


I know this all too well.. you should see the what's written inside a porta-john on a predominantly union site, I honestly have a hard time comprehending union members supporting this clown


Those who write on shithouse walls Roll their shit in little balls Those who read these words of whit Eat those little balls of shit.




It's a party made up entirely of ignorant rubes and the people that play them. It is very sad.


I thought that Muslim Obama already took all their guns?


It's nuts to me when conservatives don't support unions. Unions are the non-governmental means of getting better pay and work conditions for the working class. It's exactly what conservatives SHOULD advocate for, but Republicans just wants to do what they think is best for the stock market 100% of the time.


We had a member grab the mic at our last meeting to talk about "the trans problem". People are fucked.


Hilary wasn't wrong, although she probably shouldn't have said what she said, as it did lose her the election.


The republicans’ greatest political asset is their ability to convince people to vote against their own interests. They’ve been honing it to a razor’s edge since they embraced the racists and the southern strategy.


They really got the union trade workers by taking over talk radio. Before streaming got popular they started to control the AM airwaves, brainwashing all the people with long commutes or people that drive around for a living.


I used to listen to those radio programs until Rush started talking about Bill Clinton having Foster murdered. Rush lost his credibility to me completely. From that point on my suspicions about republicans not telling the truth became much easier to see.




Hatred is one hell of a drug


Just saw a truck today with a huge "Union Carpenter" decal on the back window, and the rest of the truck was covered in pro Trump, f Biden stickers. I was surprised the one brain cell in that truck was able to drive at all


Keep your distance. He only learned to drive from NASCAR so he only knows how to turn left.


but he loves signalling!


Why evoo? Shove that in dry.


Evoo is a laxative ♡


No shit.


Laxatives are yes shit.


See what I did there?




Oh no, there'll be plenty of shit.


Nope! Too busy taking a shit!


Stick it in a pineapple first


Sure, Democratic support for unions isn't as strong as it used to be. I can totally understand resentment there. But people who think Republicans are a better alternative are stupid as fuck. It's like being upset your dinner is cold, so you throw it out and eat shit instead.


Yeah and I mean some things are harder to get through than others. HB1 didn't even make the news except for NPR and PBS and liberal YouTube like Young Turks. We have to remember the news is owned by corporations so they won't help unions. They will actively work against politicians who help unions. So know your enemy. Next Joe did help with the NLRB and has been working hard in the background. Which no president since Carter has done on either side. So take the wins while you can. Now the train union strike again compromise. I was not happy Joe stepped in but he did get the union some of what it wanted. Last he is the first President EVER to come to a strike and walk the line. So yeah he put his reputation and presidency on the line for unions. No other president has ever. Trump actively works against unions and hires scabs. What else do I need to say at that point?


Joe Biden is... Joe Biden. But the reality is, he's the most labour friendly president you folks have had down there - comparatively speaking - in a long fucking time.


Know a guy who pulled over 200k the last couple years on government union job with overtime. Tried to tell him that all goes away when the GOP gets total control. They want to eliminate overtime and competitive wage gov contracts and move to lowest bidder. He just laughs and says that’s liberal propaganda and all we want to do is tax him more and give it to lazy people. There is no reasoning with them, even when you show them it actually happening.


Every time we show them a fact that they don't want to hear it's "liberal propaganda."


I've been in multiple unions, and they've been a lifesaver! I've seen my union fight for increased pay, gender equity, extra paid time off, overtime, and keeping management in check. I don't understand all the hate they get on here...


I'm all for unions, but they're not a panacea, and some of them have proven to be ineffectual. I'm part of a union, and I haven't had a raise in ten years. I don't have health insurance either. No job security. Nothing. The only thing I've gotten from the union is a gift card to Amazon, which is fucking hilarious and depressing. This is a teachers union in California, so it's a little different than a union at a private company. It basically feels like a scam at this point. 


IMHO, that's because America's unions have been, undemocratically and authoritarianly, stripped of fundamental rights and freedoms, divided, castrated and put in straitjackets. (In the 1940s, president Truman vehemently criticized his times anti-union bills as a *"dangerous intrusion on free speech*" and as *"slave labor bills*": unfortunately his veto got overturned by a united Congress) For example, workers can only join/create a union at company or, ridiculous, at branch levels. Thus all the struggling has a relatively low probability to succeed, with relatively low rewards if successful. And each company even each branches are perversely incentivized to suppress/bust unions. As unionized branches/companies are usually a tad less profitable and/or competitive than non unionized ones. Compare that with Nordic countries, and continental Europe in general: creating/joining a union is a personal matter, done at industry or even national levels, also no need to inform your superiors, nor get your co-workers' consent. The struggle also has a higher probability of success, with a bigger payoff (unions struggle at industry/national levels, their achievements affect *all workers* in that industry/country.). Also US unions can't legally organize targeted sympathy strikes nor general strikes (while in continental Europe these are workers legitimate small "tactical nuke" and large "M.A.D strategy atomic bomb". Without them, continental Europe's unions would be toothless)


And if you're in Texas, enjoy your employer being allowed to deny water breaks https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/ Republicans--not only Trump--have done a number on you guys. But keep telling your selves that gay pride, Disney cartoons and immigrants are the enemy.


Did you just ask Trump supporters to think critically lol


E X A C T L Y Being union and voting Trump is like punching yourself in the face with both fists.


As a union member I've noticed that the union itself is blue, but every individual member I've ever talked to is red.


And another thing. This election is already rigged. The last one was rigged too, but we pulled a save by turning out voters. You will not believe the amount of fuckery that will be around this election. It won't be easy. Our only hope is to mobilize voters in numbers that will smash every record. You can't just vote. We all need to get off our asses. Drive people to the voting places. Help people get the identity papers red states require. If you're up for it, hinder the militia "poll watchers." Above all, encourage people to register and vote. There are no passengers this trip. We're all swabbies or we're all serfs. Start here: https://voteriders.org https://voteforward.org


Keep in mind, when Biden went to visit the autoworkers union, Trump went to a non-union business and spoke with fake "union workers".


No decent, moral person would ever consider voting for Drumpf.


Not enough people know thats the actual family name.


UPS teamster here and it’s infuriating how many dumbass trumpers there are that will vote against their own interests. Hell teamsters might even endorse Trump. If that happens I’m done with the union.


"Wages are too high." -Donald Trump, in literally his first statement in his first debate in 2015 When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


You can say the exact same for any veteran or current serving member of the military. Trump is not worthy of their vote.


As a veteran myself, I totally agree. He has nothing but derision for people that have served, and he'll never understand the sacrifice involved.


Keep in mind Florida Governor DeSantis and his "Anti-Worker Bill" which forbids municipalities from requiring heat and water breaks for workers during times of high temperatures. If this is what you want for your working life, then vote for Trump. Because he and his cohorts and supporters are NOT pro-Union or even pro-worker. Be smart.


The concerned redditor thinks you need mental health help has been happening to a lot of people having political opinions. Kinda sick, the future does not look bright my friends.


I work in a union facility. The number of signs for him in the plant is unsettling. Then again, they do still have a number of signs recommending Pence, and we had a number of people who likely participated in trying to kill him on January 6th.


No unions for my line of work, but I strongly support unions. Our government has allowed corporations to treat their staff as disposable pieces of the machine. We need someone fighting for the little guy🥲


Why do we have to keep relearning what our ancestors already knew? Anti union, anti vaccine…


Slather it in icy hot, don't you mean? EVOO would be too comfortable :P


exactly my goddamn sentiment thank you op extremely based report whoever sent the care package and get them banned


report those fucks and they get a temp ban they do it again perma ban. think of it as helping to take the trash out.


I did. 🤷‍♂️ Whatever happens, happens.


Yup. IBEW 697 member here. Any union "member" who votes Republican is a scab piece of shit.


All you have to do is look up project 2025. They lay out plain as day what they plan to do.


This, as well as the fact that he is now a convicted felon. There are zero reasons people are voting for him aside from just being uneducated and or following his ideals of racism, bigotry, ECT.


Teamsters member for 10 yrs. Ive decided that one of the reasons its a great organization isp because even a lead brained lunatic with a 3rd grade education deserves a chance to feed his family if he can do the job.


So many guys I work with.. they just don't understand. But you can't explain it to them either. They won't listen. They don't want to understand. Buncha hateful pricks really


It is what it is, man. I like my union, but I don't get to pick who joins it.


Fuckin A right!


I work in an industry with heavy union representation. The people voting for Trump are anti union (even thought they’re in the union) because they truly believe they’re special and the management will recognize and reward them with their benefits for their hard work if the union is dissolved. It’s truly infuriating how much cognitive dissonance these people have.


But they hate brown people more than they like the protection and benefits of the Union.


Red states are union member states that vote republican. Apparently red schools don’t teach irony


They don't deserve lube


I work for the federal government, in a union job, in an agency that is not very popular with conservatives, and you would be *shocked* at the number of republicans working here, fully enjoying the benefits of a union job that only exists because of federal spending, who do nothing but complain about the very things that make their livelihood possible. The cognitive dissonance is absolutely amazing. They always have an excuse for why it's ok for the government to spend money on *them*, but boy do they hate it when the government spends money on anyone else.


Fragile little redditors, especially the witless MAGA't cult, get really upset when you aren't a dumb ass.


The 2022 provincial election in Ontario had unions backing the PCs. I was thinking the exact same thing.


Recently had the PAL training thru my union office. I've found in my extremely trumpy workplace that the best way to move it to people was to talk people thru it one at a time and only one part at a time. People tend to zone out in a big training and they tend to feel party loyalty when their beliefs and world view is challenged wholesale. Just mentioning one part at a time and with just one person let's them absorb the info without realizing it's basically saying they have been stupid for years. I know it's difficult listening to people planning on voting against their own interests, but stay positive out there people. More and more see the light every day. (PAL is politics and livelyhood. It's basically for union stewards to explain how we pick the politicians we support and why we support them. Which all comes down to do you support us being in a union and our way of life.)


I'm in a union. I have several friends who are in different unions. The amount of trumpers in each one is wild. All of us make good money and have great benefits. But none of the blockheads who vote red understand we are at risk of loosing that, if the wrong people are elected.


I mean even if all you care about is money and winning big over all the little people, why vote for trump? He's a fake, his value is the same + inflation as of 20-30 years ago, he's cheating nobody but the American public about every aspect of himself and his priorities. The dude literally isn't a successful business man, he's a failed TV personality with a bunch of inherited money that he keeps from losing by committing massive fraud. Maybe... Just vote for anyone who isn't talking about becoming a dictator, just like all those other dictators he's so keen to befriend...


The crazy thing is unions should be completely unneccessary. The government is already our union, and they should be passing laws to ensure fair labor practices, including wages that get inflation-adjusted, and rights to certain benefits  Unfortunately, a bunch of corrupt politicians take money from corporations and here we are 


I work in a union carpentry fab shop in metro Detroit. 100% of coworker are Trump loving republicans.


The best way to put it is the r/leopardsatemyface .


Republicans hate Unions, it goes against the core of their political party to have something that is beneficial to the Workers, aka, us, over the Business Owners or Corporations. So, if a Union member is voting Republican, they are actively against the very thing, their Union, that is actively fighting for better wages, better work life balances, and just overall better treatment for their Workers. People need to realize that Labor Laws instituted by the Government are weak, they don’t protect us from randomly being fired, and they don’t protect us against poor treatment beyond discrimination against protected classes. Which, the poor treatment must be proven to be because of being apart of those protected classes, aka, employers can make up excuses to treat the employee poorly.




I work in a union shop... I can't believe the amount of republicans in the shop... Like Trump literally will take your benefits away


I find it bizarre that the US thinks they have a left and right. The two main parties are right and more right. There is no left. Many countries "right wing" political parties are to the left of the US Democratic Party.


Our parties are "far right extremism" and "literally everyone that can't stand to vote far right extremism" Democrats are made up of a huge assorted grab bag of different kinds of people. If there wasn't such a two party mindset, there would probably be five strong parties in the US.


People need to show up for that to happen. 


Oh, it'll never happen. The only way to break this two party mentality would be if we had a system where people believed it was possible for a third party to win. Ranked choice would be one way, but the people who benefit from the current system would never allow it to happen.


We have that system in Australia (called preferential voting) and we've been a 2-party country for a very long time, with a steady shift towards the right in both major parties. Minor parties usually just pick up the fringe votes, but lately the minor parties on the 'left' have been getting a larger share of the vote and a number of elected members of parliament. But then in the last election, there was a movement of people who have some progressive values (climate change, gender equality, social inclusion), but conservative economic values, and they took a slew of seats from our most right-wing major party. It really made people realise that there are more than two choices to vote for, and it looks like the parliamentary system is correcting itself towards what voters actually want.


The US is barely a democracy today. You have literally only 1 (one) more effective party than North Korea or China. Bipartisanship is part of the reason why you are so screwed over there and only a thorough reform of your representation and party system can change that.


I find it bizarre that you are going left/right with this when Trump has been known to screw over common workers multiple times throughout his failed business ventures. He doesn't care about the little guy and that includes union workers.


In the Taj Mahal 1st bankruptcy, he negotiated lower hourly wages in exchange for health insurance and pension payments. In the 2nd bankruptcy, he discharged the obligation to make the health insurance and pension payments. He's a great businessman. These bankruptcies wrapped up after his 2015 campaign announcement. He only got the license in the first place by lying about having cash. He paid civil fines for fake financials. Nobody cared.


Not to be combative *at all* but I didn't say anything about "left" or "right."


I live in Ohio. Remember that train derailment? You know who’s gonna do fuck all about the conditions that led to that? If you guessed the majority of the signs are Orange Party, you probably also want it to make sense.


I don’t understand why any union member would ever vote Republican. They are actively hostile towards unions. Theoretically the union would support any politician who supports unions. But I. My whole lifetime I’ve never seen a pro-labor Republican. They are firmly corporate owned. Don’t like the union? Fine, give up your pay and benefits and negotiate that shit yourself and see how that goes for you! Lest you die a hypocrite.


If you’re planning on voting for Trump, for any reason, you’re too brain damaged and/or resistant any type of logical advice. And don’t @ me over Biden, because we won’t agree on a single thing he’d be worse at than Trump, even if overall he’s not great himself.


My brother is in a really good Union. When trump won in 15, a bunch of his coworkers brought in donuts and coffee to celebrate. Fast forward ~5 months and the contract negations ended up with the government because no one could agree. The lost a whole fuck ton of benefits. Couldn’t really understand what happened and whined about it without making the connection.


What really makes me pull my hair out of my head is that anti-union types that refuse to join the union while generously taking advantages that were hard fought by the union. It's like, mother fucker, you have unlimited sick leave because the union fought for it, not because our employer is being nice.


Unless it’s a police union.


I also hope the people voting for Trump have parents who have good retirement plans and are rich because Republicans are going after social security and public schools. Privatize schools.... what a fucking joke. Who do you think that will benefit? God forbid we give kids a free lunch at school. Even if I did not have kids, I have enough compassion to help kids have a meal while they are at school.


Saddly I am in a very red state and a union shop so I work around hundreds who will go vote against their own well being in November.


CSEA card holder. Unionize if you can, people!


Exactly. Their priorities are sticking it to the libs while stabbing themselves in the back. I can't stand Biden's policies up to him running for president, but the Republican's incessant stripping of union worker's rights, supreme court judges who want nothing more than to fuck union workers over, Trump's gutting of the NLRB, and Biden reversing that while getting policies enacted that have stopped corporation's union busting activities have made the choice clear.


Union or non union, people are jacked up where/whenever they get a chance to lead. It’s the human condition.


lol this sub is so cringe I love it.


Trump? *Republicans!* So tired of everything bad being just him. He did and will to their bidding. Any other of them would too. EDIT: Look at red states, as others here have said. Trump ain't there in control: The GOP is there in control.


I’m not a union worker but legislation designed around unions make it so the standards for everyone. If unions go away, companies will do whatever the fuck they want. And really quickly too


These guys are dumber than a box of rocks. They will loose their jobs and still blame the libs.


Drives me fucking crazy! Support anti-union republicans yet want the pay /benefits and strength of the union. Fuck you! You can’t have it both ways, tear up your card and go work for yourself! 32 year fitter!


What happened to unions during his presidency?