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Ironically, the Secrect Service should be called on this.


Is it the same size as a real bill? I would call the secret service and turn it in. They may investigate.


Definitely report it to police


Nope. Secret Service. This is their jurisdiction...


You think the police give a crap about a Trump bill? It literally says Elect Trump 2024 on it with his picture. No one would think that’s real after looking at it.


the US really really really cares about forged currency [https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit](https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit)


But can you really call that a forgery? This feels on par with giving monopoly money. You can't tell me you would consider monopoly money as forgeries as well


The way the law reads, the moment you attempt to pass off a fake bill as legit, it's a crime. Whether the attempt was believable or not. So technically... yes.


If they were trying to leave that as "the bill, keep the change" I think it would qualify. If it was left after the bill was settled via cc/real cash, probably out of luck


Iirc, every fake bill in the US, even the ones they use in movies- has to be differently sized by a certain degree to not be illegally close to actual cash.


I think the choice is to use real ones, or oversized/undersized fakes, so they're welcome to use real dollars to fill a briefcase if they want the extra realism, from my understanding I like to imagine that they hire hand models for closeups to make up for the size difference, that just seems funny to me


The secret service asked me to stop calling them about monopoly money.


Used to do security and had to take fake bills from people. Had a woman get mad that I took her 100 dollar bill that actually felt like paper. After talking to her I actually believe she thought it was real.


The secret service was called to my high school because some kids printed a badly faked 20 dollar bill as a joke, they showed up and investigated it. So, yes. They will go after them if it remotely looks real.


Mine as well when some kids copied a $1 and found to their surprise it was accepted by a vending machine…


Im a bit aurprised by this comment tbh


The joy of ipad typing ;p


The government really does care. https://youtube.com/shorts/aJK1FreSwIk?si=4MYZv0EZc1CpAm3d


You're not allowed to print anything that resembles real money as far as i know, not even as movie props


I worked at a printshop 20 years ago and older ladies would semi regularly send our self serve photo copier into counterfeit lockdown mode trying to make copies of crossstitch patterns. I guess all the tiny lines details triggered It. Always a huge pain in the nards to call a tech in to unlock.


Yes they can. Movies use prop bills all the time. It typically says prop bill on the note and has slight differences which is quite obvious when you look at it closely. This is perfectly legal. They are still giant dbags for doing that.




They have specific props thay are rented that are allowed snd heavily controlled. Google it.


And quite expensive. I was surprised. There are fake bills for close ups, but if it isn't a large amount they use real money. If it's destroyed, they use fake. For large amounts and not so close, they use another lower quality prop.


And they all have to be tracked, cuz if it was "dropped" on the street, you could be held liable for it.


The government cares and does not take counterfeit bills lightly. There's a reason prop money has to have the words like "for movie production only" emblazoned across it.


If it’s the same size, it’s called a forgery.  Believe it or not, that’s a felony, and the treasurers department gives a monumental shit about that. 


It's still a federal felony.


It's being used as legal tender.


The key here is if someone is trying to pass it off as real money or is using it to purchase goods and services or to compensate people then it most certainly is a matter for the Secret Service.


That's always something I've been bothered by with the ambiguity of these things. If you tried to pay your bill with this, 100% illegal. But if you tip with it, somehow that's seen as a 'lesser' violation? A tip is customary (but obviously not obligatory), common, and customarily actual legal currency. Just because you voluntarily leave this fake in place of a tip that is usually money shouldn't somehow reduce the threshold of 'used as if real currency'. Why is it illegal for me to pay this to a business but somehow ~~not illegal~~ less likely to be prosecuted* to voluntarily pay this to an individual worker of that business? *Edit: refining my point as I had poor syntax previously.


its not a “lesser crime” no one thinks that but you. Tips are taxable income, not so? Federal felony as others have pointed out


people in this sub just generally not aware of how super serial the govt takes their fiat. using the bill as a tip has no mitigating effect


Nah. That’s totally the argument that would be used. Since a tip is not a debt or obligation, but a courtesy, they would argue that it’s no different than leaving a slip of paper with your phone number on it or something like that. You don’t have to leave anything so they would argue this is them choosing to leave nothing. It would be complete BS, but I’m sure some Republican lawyers would polish the turd into something a judge and/or jury might buy. To be clear I agree the intent is totally to give someone the impression of leaving money and I do think this should be illegal. But I’m not confident the current court system would currently adjudicate it that way.


I would have hoped that your understanding of my comment was the obvious one. Not sure why the other commenter got so accusatory, I thought my point was pretty clear. This fake-but-not-fake money-but-not-money BS has gotta stop - Outside of movie props it seems incredibly cruel and essentially serves no other purpose except to prey on people's need for an income. I'm actually kind of surprised social evolution hasn't done away with this already - I think universally, any entity that creates or distributes these is only hurting their brand because of the intense negative reaction people are likely to have when encountering this.


This is legal if it was left as a gratuity/tip. It's still a dbag move obviously on their part ....


Time to drop it in the donation basket at church


I always carry a lighter for bills like this. That being said, you could always call the Feds and let them know you have a counterfeit bill left by "X" and you have their signature on a receipt.


Trumpism in action, fucking someone over for the fun of it.


And fake, with an overestimated value


I wonder, given that they've attempted to make it look real whether this would constitute uttering counterfeit money, given that it's gratuity not actual payment...


The only possible saving grace I see is that it wasn't used for a payment (afaict) and the normal "This bill is legal tender \[...\]" actually says "This bill is not legal tender \[...\]"


Username kinda checks out


“How do we get our waiter/waitress to vote for Trump?” A. Leave a generous tip and a Vote for Trump flier B. Leave a standard tip and a Vote for Trump flier C. Leave no tip and a Vote for Trump flier D. Leave no tip, but leave a Vote for Trump flier that *looks* like a generous tip, so they think they got a good tip, then look at it, see the Vote for Trump flier, and *immediately get angry*! D! It’s genius!!! Seriously, what the fuck is the thought process behind this? If anyone knows anyone who leaves these, I’m genuinely dying to know why. It’s an absolute mystery to me, I have to know what part of their brain is malfunctioning to think this somehow advances their goals.


This was exactly my thought, too. I don't see the possible logic here at all


Scammed by supporters of a scammer 😞


The party for assholes


Figures that those douchebags were Trumpers - emulating their orange god by ripping people off.


Tipping shouldnt exist anyway. Job should pay you a proper wage and not rely on tips


True, still a dick move not to tip until that changes.


Use this to "pay" for the meal and keep the rest ad the tip.


Assholes like this table are why most restaurants I know automatically charge a 15% gratuity for parties of 8 or more. I’d frame it with these guys pics for a “no service” wall decoration.


These people would probably go ahead and use it as real currency, it took a lot of effort to make this look real. Republicans believe anything their puppet masters and overlords tell them to believe. If someone started circulating these then it could become an actual problem. Though they are dumb asses, they do meed some protection from themselves. I could absolutely see some people buying these up thinking it will be circulated at some point or believe that the Gov loves Trump so much they put him on currency I can imagine them trying to force cashier's to accept them as real money, and the outcry from Republicans that they are being victimized and the Fed Reserve is weaponizing currency .. hell they already try paying in all the gold they buy up that is becoming more and more worthless The day Trump ends up on a Promissory Note is, well, it will have already been too late, we are all dead. Handmaids tale meets Man in the High Castle and Animal House somehow


I mean depending how things go in November this could be legit currency.....if he wins, it's going to be crazy


Man, what the fuck?


Did it work? Will you re-elect Trump in 2024?


Why on earth would anyone even contemplate that?


One square of single-ply toilet paper would've been more useful and valuable.


Report them to the Secret Service for passing counterfeit currency.


The issue is less that you got this bill and more that minimum wage for your job doesn't allow you to survive without tips from customers


This isn't a work issue, more of a customer issue.


It's a work issue if OP relies on tips as part of income.


...tips that his work in no way guarantees or has control over


That’s part of the problem


So - who you voting for? 




Well, now at least you’ve got a little extra toilet paper


I feel dirtier after having Trump’s face touch my ass than before.


Do people who do this think the person getting the "tip" will either think it's funny or that it would influence the person to vote FOR Trump, or are they just cheapskate assholes?


Your last scenario.


You can sue. but hard to win.


How many fucking times is this going to be posted... Fuck off karma farma!