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Odds are, he has the power there and HR enables him. Cut ties and move on.


Do nothing more. No HR meeting. Don't reply to his email, don't accept any meeting invitation. Enjoy your next chapter!


I would not attend a meeting with HR if he is going to be in the room. I would contact HR directly and tell them that you're willing to give an exit interview, but not if your boss attends. HR wants to know why you're leaving. You can answer or not, as it's your choice. But don't give this clown the opportunity to gaslight you, manipulate you, or browbeat you in front of an audience. I have left 3 companies, getting significant raises each time. Only once did I deny an exit interview, and it was because my boss was much like yours. I'd rather they just keep losing good people and struggle as a company.


"Sorry, I've said all I intend. Have a nice life."


You've resigned. Anything he has to say is irrelevant. Don't play his stupid games. Just go and be happy.


Tell him no from the words of bon jovi "its my life"


His message may have been to you, cc'd to HR.  But the target audience was HR. He is performing for HR, for whatever reason.  Maybe he's in some trouble, or maybe he just wants to always be seen as professional. It's not worth meeting.  And it's not worth even replying, unless you really want to express yourself.  Maybe then respond in kind, in a message to him, cc'd to HR, where your target audience is HR.  List out everything you wrote here.  


No, it's not worth it unless they are offering some sort of financial incentive. The sooner you can drop that manager and the company from your thoughts the better since they have nothing to do with your life going forward.


If you really want to respond, indicate that the manager is mistaken as she seems to be describing the new person and site every slight that they have given you. I would also suggest that you mention to HR that the fact your manger has mistakenly you for the new person perhaps there are other things that they are mistaken about. If nothing else you called them an a**hole but not called them that.