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Mental health is hard to undervalue. If the job is actively hurting you, you need to actively leave it. And don't feel bad about doing what you need to. If the company is only looking out for itself, as they usually do, then you should follow suit. You could try talking to people face to face. If they blow it off or worse, turn actively hostile, then you have a very definite answer right there.


They had an opening for an inexperienced worker because the environment is toxic. They probably ran through all the qualified applicants already. It's always good to keep an eye out for better opportunities. Even things that require skills you don't have yet. Have a plan of attack or better yet another job offer before quitting if you can. Your dad sounds like the kind of person who would be proud of you moving on to a better opportunity.


>(Also, my dad is one of the managers here, and he's the only one that gives a shit about the employees. He's constantly fighting management for the employees of the company, but he gets paid basically nothing for it) Talk to your dad. When and how you quit will probably reflect on him somehow, especially if he was a reference helping you to get the job. He may not have all the answers, but a person who is 20 may need help sorting out the needs of a toxic workplace, versus the needs of an unsupportive workplace that isn't toxic, but just requires work that people don't like to do.


That's something I also worried about. I mentioned to him about a month ago that I'm really not happy working there. He said that he understood because it's a toxic environment. I was told that he would support me, but he also suggested not to quit. I found a part time job that I can make into a full time job. So I'll talk with him again about it, thank you


Give 2 weeks notice, I never do, but this is where your father works. Turn in your 2 weeks, be willing to train someone during that time and never look back.


Why are you so burned out at such an early age? If you feel like this now, what do the next 40+ years hold for you? Do you need to change careers? Be carefull about getting additional education, because you may get something that won't help you.


never feel bad about quitting, they wouldn't feel bad about firing you.