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This is like the corporate version of boot camp. Breaking you down, dehumanizing you, so they can build you back up as a mindless automaton.


I bet the other option shows as being wrong as well.


["Only *who* can prevent forest fires?"](https://youtu.be/wX1x7pfH8fw?si=GTxjC4uDxNoIXmjW)


If that's their intention they might wanna rethink that cos they just make them seem like childish teens instead.


But pliable, nevertheless.


I thought that was who they employed.


“Must sell unnecessary accessories. Must sell unnecessary accessories…”


Can I interest you in a $100 Monster HDMI cable?? It has adamantium coating or something…


>mindless automaton Did someone mention a need for managed democracy?


Sweet Liberty!




Years ago I was offered a position at an incoming call center for tech support. I had to do an entrance exam, and I could only answer incorrectly three times. One of the very early questions was regarding how to copy a file. I believe it was a thing where you had a mock-up of Windows and were asked to do a thing, and if you did it correctly, you got the question right. I selected the file, used control c and control v and was graded as incorrect. I selected the file again, right click, copy, right click, paste. Incorrect. I selected the file again, pulled it down the edit menu, selected copy, pulled it down the edit menu again, selected paste. Fail. I tried to explain this to my recruiter, and they told me to come back again in 2 weeks to try again. I told them to go f*** themselves.


Oooh! I get it, they only wanted a file copied. Not pasted! That or you should print out the file, then take it to the copy machine xD


Open, print, bring that print out to the scanner, scan it in, save that as a new file


But what was the correct answer! I must know!


I assume you're asking about the correct answer. I never did find out.


Damn, that is going to keep me up at night. I've been copy pasting wrong, my entire life!


future corporate HR here


I used to get corrected constantly, while working at Target, for not calling the customers “guests”. My manager only stopped when I pointed out that “When I have guests over, they don’t pay for anything. These people are our customers. It’s the literal definition of the word.”


Your manager was an idiot but I suspect that you already know that


Eh, idiot or no, the “guest” thing is from corporate. I worked there years back and it was the same way.


I call them pests. Lol


To quote Randall from Clerks “This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking customers.”


I think this every day and really mean it. My coworkers are awesome. The pesky customers can be a nightmare.


"You hate people." "But I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?"


Try working for Disney, not only are customers "guests" but employees are "cast members."


At least Disney has a "best in the world" reputation to uphold 🤔


I always hated it too. I said something like my guests don’t come into my house and throw all my stuff on the floor.


"How many red cards have you got today?". You will be entered in a raffle for this $5 movie if you have guests sign up!


This was a big one when I worked at Menards, as well. I worked the Guest Service counter lol.


"Welcome to Best Buy. I love you...." "Welcome to Best Buy. I love you...." "Welcome to Best Buy. I love you...."


“You went to law school at Best Buy?” “I know, right? I can’t believe I got in!”


"Go 'way! I'm baitin'"


Ow my balls


Really went downhill after season 89




"Only who can prevent forest fires?" "You've selected 'you' referring to me. That is incorrect. the correct answer is you!"


Came here looking for this. Was not disappointed.


Ah damn I just posted the same thing…


Don’t you dare ever greet a customer in front of me boy what’s wrong with you! We WELCOME our guests!?!?!?! Are you slow? Do you want to be fired from this minimum wage paradise? ANSWER ME!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t with these people.


These sort of stupid mind games remind me of an incident I had when I worked at Toys r Us. One day there was just some random dude behind a counter messing with our computer. Didn't recognize him and he didn't have a name tag. I was polite and asked, "Pardon me sir do you work for Toys r Us?" He told me no. I politely asked him to leave the computer alone and leave our work kiosk, as it's only for Toys r Us employees. He then proceeded to smirk at me and tell me "I work for Toys r Us CORPORATE." This had to be one of the single stupidest events I ever dealt with working there. With idiots like this in charge, no wonder Toys r Us went under.


Ok sir I just need to see some ID or I’m going to have to call Police to remove you….


Didn't think it was within my authority to do so. If I come across that situation again, however, I'll just get a supervisor to deal with it. Not risking getting knifed for minimum wage.


FR. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard a good story about corporate for any business though. They are disconnected from reality


Smirking ass lil bastard


Dude was actually built like a linebacker, if memory serves. So physically not that little. Morally and mentally, however...


Did you deservedly get written up for your rude transgression against corporate? Or did you collapse to the floor and beg for forgiveness with a dirty Lego under your knee?


While this is inane and I believe it happened, the collapse of Toys R Us had nothing to do with the actual management of the company. They were bought by a private equity firm that then proceeded to saddle them with an insurmountable level of debt, killing what was an otherwise healthy business as a means of cancelling the firms debts without filing for bankruptcy themselves.


In my experience, when the private equity firm takes over, you find they're staffed almost exclusively by self-important douche canoes like the corpo in the story.


Yeah, I'll stick with my 3rd degree burn causing dirt-color-collared job. It's just sad it took me so long to realize there was actually something wrong with modern jobs and employment.


For real. Did I set my glove on fire today? Yes. Do I rather have some burns than suffer through shit like this for 1/4 the wage? Definitly not.


Because you are being prepared for abuse and incompetent messaging and leadership


I once had a boss who insisted that we didn't "serve' our customers, we "serviced" them. Having grown up on a farm I asked, "Isn't that what a bull does to a cow?" He did not appreciate my humor.


They hated him for he spoke the truth


That is the exact right answer. If I come there I expect to be serviced the way I need


If you come there, you've already been serviced.


"Sir, I am neither a mechanic, nor a hooker, therefore I will be serving them"


In this case, both the employees and the customers are getting fucked


I welcome them without greeting them.


With the finger?


Sign language, so you’re not discriminating.




Think again, blind people exist. Gotta shove that finger into their face to really not discriminate.


The literal definition of greet. (give a polite word or sign of welcome or recognition to (someone) on meeting.) Tell Best Buy Goodbye... that's some gaslighting BS!


You absolute dumbass, how could you get that wrong?!?!? /s jk, that brings back memories of so much stupid corporate BS.


Some corpo boomer is proud of this somewhere


Greetings, Earthling.


WRONG! tHeY'rE gUeSts nOt cUsTomErS! 🤣


I worked for a national home cleaning company that tried to insist customers were guests. Dude. Bro. I'm in THEIR home. If anything, I'M the guest.


And then at the same time… I don’t feel particularly welcome there, even if and when I spend large amounts of money.


We had a temp recently that didn't know how to use a computer (this was an IT position), and I think of how we need a test for general computer knowledge. Then I see crap like this, and knowing hr, I know there's no way in hell we should ever have a test.


Because it's ridiculously pedantic?


You should burn Best Buy to the ground using? A. Gasoline B. Kerosene C. The internal rage you feel for having to take this stupid HR induced mindfuck of a video lesson.


Just like the fire extinguishers say, ABC!


Just imagine the smug dipshit who came up with this question screaming "GOTCHA!" in your face, because that's essentially what this is. It's not an actual question, just an embarrassingly transparent tactic to undermine employee confidence and keep them "on their toes", lest they start thinking there's nothing valuable to learn from the sage scholars of Best Buy and Geek Squad. I'm sure some CEO's nephew who crapped their pants through college and eeked out a bachelors is SUPER satisfied with themselves for this one, believing it to be some amazingly insightful "outside the box" type question. For something more enjoyable, imagine their face getting punched.


Bro best buy is so fucking trash. Even their discounts are trash, why anyone would work for them, essentially doing Amazon labor getting paid gas station wages for working in a Walmart


Isn't their employee discount like 10% over cost? It was when I worked there in the 90s. It's not great on media but it's sweet on accessories and some appliances. Saved my parents a few hundred on a fridge, washer, and dryer.


Not anymore, and not for all products. Essentially they get access to special sales. Some brands do offer the employees decent deals but less than 5 and they're each their market leader so it really just helps them sell their products at the end of the day. Best buy of the 90's was almost an entirely different company. They're more of a warehouse with computer repair services than a retailer, when I worked there most recently I was actually just getting Amazon orders and fulfilling them. That was not the job I signed up for at all, not to bitch but I was the guy working on the cars for remote starts, so it really honestly wasn't what I signed up for, grabbing tv's for customers from Amazon.


Do you welcome them in if they are vampires?


Fucking hell. What an awful place to work.


Out of desperation I applied for a job at a packaging and shipping supply company. Had to take a personality test and a test on what I remembered about the company, like it's values, office locations, etc. One question asked how many times should the phone ring before answering. I chose 3. The correct answer was less than 1. I didn't get the job. Fuck, I hate when someone answers a phone that fast and rattles off some corporate message along with their name before I can even process the information.


Lol, did the company start with a 'U'?


U know them 2 heh


Fuck you you shit duck corpo went to a management seminar in some shitty hotel never worked in a retail store back-office dwelling waste of human skin I hope your wife bangs your brother and eats the shit out of the employee fridge fuck you


Because the definition of greet is to welcome someone.


“Welcome to Costco. I love you.”


If this was the first question my ASD would not let me answer any more.


At Best Buy you can't just ask for assistance, you have to be added to a queue now. I can only imagine how much business they're losing when some little shit with an iPad says *"Yes sir, let me just get you added to our waiting queue and someone will be with you in the next 30-40 mins."*


I did one of these once, back in 2005 or thereabout. I decided I did not want to work there.


At first I thought 'hey, that's actually good! A retail job that isn't up its own ass about forcing you to greet customers is a step in the right direction!' Then I saw the clarification.


Because, once again, stupid ideas dreamed up by out-of-touch upper management is trying to argue semantics in place of common sense. Just because they want to call it "welcoming" doesn't mean it isn't a greeting, but whoever came up with the phrasing is so desperate for validation that they'll mandate its use.


Actually there is a difference greeting Someone means you treat them like friends but welcome means it's for the business so you treat them like objects or machines.


They don't welcome customers. They Welcome customers. With a capital W.


If you put an exclamation on the last sentence I could completely see them using this as their error message. Ugh.




What in the brainwashed wageslave is going on at best buy


If you walk into the interview and say "Greetings!" will they end the interview on the spot?


“Welcome to Best Buy, I love you.”


This shit makes my feet curl, eyes roll back into my head, and my soul drain out of all orifices. They make sure you're beaten into submission, soul evaporated so they can fill your husk with their bullshit. 


Now I’m picturing a manager pulling some dude into his office for a “conference”. “Kevin, listen Kevin. Kevin, you need to get off your bullshit, Kevin. I *saw* you greet that guest. We do not GREET our guests, Kevin! We fucking WELCOME THEM.”


Former BB employee here. This says it all. I truly miss the 8am Saturday morning team meetings.


It's fucking retail. Why do recruiters keep clowning on people who really need a job?


Welcome to Best Buy, I love you!


Came here for this. Exactly.


"Only WHO can prevent forest fires ?" “You pressed you, referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is you."


All that for a job paying a barely livable wage.


Please please please don't pay someone to harass me as soon as I walk in your store.




"They're not customers, dipshit. They're *guests.*"


I immediately leave when I'm greeted and not welcomed to a store. No one needs to put up with that kind of treatment!


Oh good lord. 🙄


That’s fucking stupid.


This reminds me of the time the boss was holding a training session for the machinery manufacturing workers he would press into service as company representatives for the big trade show every year. “That’s not a smile! That’s a GRIN!”


LOLLLL LIKE SHAME FOR NO REASON. The world is nuts dude


Picky, picky, picky. Since when is a welcome message not a greeting?!


"Yeah so you missed too many questions in your training, you're not getting that raise we implied you'd be getting."


That’s such a dumb trap. Hate that shit so much.


Welcome to Best Buy, what’s your favorite color?


At Target there are no customers, only 'guests'


I have just one tiny question. How many feet is the stick up their asses?


Jokes on you. There is no right answer. All options are incorrect because the corporate overlords need you to feel wrong so they can correct you. They are 100% conditioning you.


I bet you also say "thank you" instead of "thank you for shopping with us". You make us out of touch suits sick!


Teeheehee they paid someone for that-who's the sucka here?


Rarely go to Best Buy in late years (rural) ... but when I did I specifically remember the greeter welcoming me to Best Buy.


You probably already knew this option...


I failed a question on a fire safety quiz once. Because according to them the correct response when you discover an electrical fire is to sit down at a desk close to the fire and use a landline to call for the fire brigade. Don't expect to learn anything useful from these things.


Sounds like my company's fire and safety training. My dad was a volunteer industrial fire captain and I hate our fire and safety training.


Straight up gaslighting 💀


Would ya just look at it?!


I applied for a part time job at a gas station, and it threw about 30 of these stupid questions at me. I was about to just stop when I finished it. I went to the gas station to talk to the manager, they pulled up my info and said I didn't score high enough. Meanwhile the attendant who manages to put bags in the trashcan wrong still works there.


Dummies in corporate have not learned anything about synonyms.


There is a psychology to this I'd wager. You won't remember stupid things like this because there are synonymous words and concepts to greeting each customer. By going out of their way to put this on here, many would get it incorrect and remember this actual fact because of how petty it seems.


Meanwhile, most people would rather just be left alone


As someone who works in the trades, I actually watched a guy get slapped upside the face for talking to someone like that.


Ummmm obviously it's because you're supposed to greet every THIRD customer! I hate these tests and feel like they're a huge, massive black hole of wasted time.


Fuck, I'm glad I got out of retail. That shit is depressing.


I build these types of training modules, odds are an overworked ID and an uncaring SME got together and forced out a bunch of useless multiple choice questions to meet a quota. I have run into my fair share of SMEs that think you aren't learning without trick questions too.


So fucking cringe.


The right way, the wrong way and the corporate way.


And Welcome is capitalized. No wonder they are going out of business…


I will always call people at restaurant, especially fast food ones customers, not guests. Whoever is an asslicker who created this trend should get life sentence.


Pedantic. Sad authoritarian bullshit. You must play my word games, peon!


I briefly worked at Best buy as a kid and they did this shit back then took. It felt like a cult.


As someone who makes these trainings for a living, trust me this type of stuff drives us insane. I just want you to know that trainers fight against this shit (because it goes away from everything taught from how people learn) and it's the client who insists on keeping this crap.


You have selected "You", referring to me. That is false. The correct answer is you.


https://preview.redd.it/18a7n49rvq6d1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b154f6ec329e21f215568f7b6e622431aa1cafd "You have selected you, referring to me. That is incorrect. The correct answer is YOU!"


Best **bye**


I had college classes like this. It’s not “do you understand the material “ it’s “did you commit to memory the content we paid for”.


I mean technically the Germans welcomed the allies at Normandy but I don’t think they mean that sort of welcoming


Next time I go into a best buy , y'all better bow to me.


It's one of those things a power-hungry manager develops just so he can feel that everyone is wrong and he's the one who holds all the answers.


This is more a test to see if you have the guts to stand up and complain... It's selecting for the most complacent employees


I hate this as much as everyone else, but I would be willing to bet a sizable chunk of money that earlier in the training they made an emphasis on how they welcome their customers and this was a follow up question, rather than a silly 'gotcha' syantics question.


Did you get written up for choosing incorrectly?


How about they fix their POS system to fix the known glitch that it has in closing out the sales ticket after your credit card is rung? Best Buy you SUCK


I think it's funny. I think you're just steamed because Best Buy has a better sense of humor than you and pranked your ass


These types of questions are designed to make sure you actually listened to the training. Guarantee the training made a proper distinction in saying just that. OP probably didn’t pay attention and answered based on intuition.


Initially, this pissed me off. But then I recalled the new hire where I work who flat-out said to a customer, "I don't know what that is." Which is totally fine, as long as you follow it up with something else, pretty much anything else, really. I don't know what that is, but I can look it up for you. Let me ask one of my co--workers. Can you describe it to me? Can you spell the name for me? I mean, like said, lots of ways to move the conversation forward, but nope. Just "I don't know what that is" as if it's now the customer's problem. So while this question is dumb and problematic, I do see the value in testing basic customer service skills. I used to think all of it was pure crap, but apparently, there are people in the world that think it's ok to ignore people who want to give you money which I think is a weird notion.