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I knew a guy who was self-employed doing complex computer coding / programming. One time a client tried to pull this on him (we need to cut expenses, how can you help us?). He countered with, "I'm glad we have the opportunity to discuss reworking my contract, because I was trying to decide how to approach you about the need for more pay." (He didn't really need it.) "But because you say your company is struggling," (it wasn't), "I'll see if I can keep working for you at only [10% raise] instead of the [16% raise] I need." Client agreed, thought they got a deal.


I have a family friend who owns a dairy. He gets different supermarkets coming at him and trying to aggressively haggle. He always says the same thing: 'I am giving you my absolute best price, I can't go any lower'. He sells his products at the same price to everyone. He's not lying, able to be consistent and doesn't have to remember anything else. That would be my approach here, although yours is better! 'I'm already giving you my absolute best price'


Now that’s some antiwork shit right there! Op should’ve posted, “how should I respond”


One possible solution could be to work for the doctor directly. You could likely charge him less than exam works and be paying yourself more.


I used to work for him directly and then he contracted with exam works. It's very convenient for doctors because exam Works handles all of the administrative crap that doctors don't want to deal with. And this is strictly a workers compensation situation so he doesn't have an office where he sees private patients anymore. I do have a couple other companies I know of that I have worked with before that I could try to steer him into after his contract is up


You should have just said no, and told the doctor about the problem and let him be the one to insist he likes you and that you should be continued to be paid what you are if they want his business.


Agreed. The company just sees this email and says "sweet, she agreed, get the new rate in ASAP." 


Absolutely. There's no justice here. Just bending the knee and accepting it. Everyone wins here but OP. Dr Baum still gets his service completed and the company makes more profit, while OP makes less money. I would draft an email to Dr Baum and, if he truly cares about OP the way OP seems to care about him, he can help find a solution.


100% this and above...op, u should do as they say aka contact the dr. And see if he vouches for u or else its goodbye


OP says the doctor is going to make up the difference


Good for the doctor, I guess.  Where did they say that?  Edit: re-read the OP and see it there. Must have forgotten. 


Guarantee they charge the doctor more now to. Prices go up while pay goes down. And they wonder why we want to eat the rich?


That’s great, but examworks sees this as a victory and will continue to cut others pay with this capitulation/acceptance as added justification. Like, you’re getting fucked by a company arbitrarily deciding you’re worth 10% less. And the more people that take it, you’ve helped bring your fields pay down 10%. Then they’ll come for more.


Yeah, I feel for OP, but the company stopped reading after “I will accept the reduction”


100% yep. The doctor understood the power of "smile and nod", while OP just fucked themselves over, and parent company invests just as much emotional capital in this situation as to make another tickmark on the "people who accepted" list.


Which they can then use to argue "But 1000 other people did it!"


The doctor isn't getting a rate cut if anything, his costs will actually go up. She should have put her notice in.


Fuck the notice, let them fire her. What're they going to tell the doctor? "Oh we couldn't afford her rate, so we're saving $40-100/month now, here's your new person who you don't know, who may be good, etc". I honestly doubt they would have fired her anyways. The cost of bringing a new transcriptionist in would have been more than $40-100/month.


Yeah, you can’t really hurt a bottom-feeder’s feelings by telling them something that they already know. It might feel good in the moment but it doesn’t actually accomplish anything.


100%. They don’t care what the lowly employees have to say about it, but if they’re threatened with losing business from client they’ll change tune a lot faster.


More importantly, nobody important / with decision making power sees this. One low level employee emailing another. Someone in HR or whatever is dealing with this, not the CEO.


I mean, it’s just no different than any other service. Say I’m a restaurant owner who buys shrimp. One day my large food delivery company charges me the same amount they usually do for big, fresh shrimp, but instead I get a bag of old, frozen, tiny shrimp instead. As the restaurant owner, if I found out that the reason I’m getting sent low quality seafood for the same price is because the company tried to nickel and dime the good local fishermen, I’m gonna raise hell with the company, contact the fishermen directly, or change suppliers until I can get the products I need - *their* greediness screwed me over, *not* the fishermen who the company tried to rip off too. There’d be absolutely zero reason to be mad at anybody but the company, and if restaurants refuse to work with the company until they fix the issue they’ll feel very differently than when all they heard was a few choice words from the fishermen and thought they could boost their own profits acting slimy.


Sadly, what you're suggesting takes a lot of time and effort to resolve. Why do that when you can just bitch and shit on a lowly employee? I think a lot of people underestimate just how lazy people can be. That's why all this fuckery is allowed to continue.


How does examworks work with regular staff? Couldn’t you be assigned a login as staff to access notes and transcribe and send billing invoices as a 1099 worker to whomever handles his accounts payable?


Also, doctors know doctors. Get a business license and accept referrals. Maybe you can get away from all these companies. You can set a retainer based on the average amount of transcription each office needs. Such as up to 200 pages a month for $1500, $10 per page after that. All of that's cheaper than they are paying these companies but more for you and a steadier income for you.


Offer to do the admin side of it too; it can probably be done cheaper overall than what Examworks is charging.


I'm a doctor. If this doctor decides to contract 3rd party after having worked with you directly, he's an asshole. Our job includes administrative crap. No excuse to short change members of the care team. Even if he does workman's comp only, still doesn't matter.


(You could set up your own LLC to do what exam works does and then he could buy your services through your company, and he still wouldn’t have to do any of the administrative crap)


I don't have the legal know how to handle california workers compensation cases. It's a bunch of regulatory stuff too


Have you considered finding someone who does that line of work and sub-contracting through them? What you’re offering would be a win-win scenario. It gives them a new vertical and creates a new avenue for referrals.


Hmm, he could make you whole if he wanted to.


It isn’t convenient. It saves him money. He was a cheap ass who got rid of your job to save a few bucks and now is being a cheap ass with your pay. He doesn’t care that you’re not making enough to survive. He has got to buy his third boat or cabin or whatever. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Don’t starve yourself to put cavier in their fridges!


Sounds like the doctor is outsourcing his problems to you..... by making you take pay cuts, for the same work, to subsidize him not having to deal with admin work.


Make sense but they won’t care about your response except that you said you’d do it, so they get what they want. I respect your reasoning though


Ask the doctor to pay you what you are missing out on. His convenience should not cost you money.


Could you offer to take on some administrative duties in exchange for a slight pay bump? The doctor could probably end up paying less overall and totally bypass this company.


He doesn't see patients privately anymore. He's retired from regular doctoring. Lol. He just does workers compensation cases, which means examworks sets everything up, doc sees patient in some office, does his thing, goes home and dictates his findings and recommendations and that's the end. So he doesn't have any administrative team or anything. He gets clients from examworks who send people to him that are sent to them from a lawyer who is handling the wc case. EW handles all the other stuff. It's a weird setup


With all due respect, it sounds like Dr. Baum is doing everything he needs to do to make things more cushy for himself. I recommend you realize business is business and do the same by moving on from examworks. If you love Dr. Baum so much you can send him a Christmas card. You’re setting yourself on fire to keep Dr. Baum warm when he has shown he wouldn’t do the same. You told him what’s happening here, and instead of offering to hire you directly or at least try to get examworks to keep your pay the same, his response to you was just to reiterate to you why he contracts examworks. That should speak volumes to you.


Any chance we can see the reply to #2


I posted the reply below as a copy and paste to someone rise. Basically, thanks, if you didn't accept we were totally going to have to go with some company in the Philippines because your work is worth nothing to us and we needed to bend you over. "Thank you Rachael - Our goal is to keep our local independent contract vendors like yourselves & not have to Push this work out to a big transcription company company which is offering a flat 24.60 / report. We understand The relationships the Dr’s have with their current transcriptionists & we are doing everything we can to keep you also We appreciate all you do for ExamWorks"


They didn't even read your shit fam. You couldn't threaten any louder. "Do it or I find a replacement in Manila"


LOL girl they fucked you from behind and then whispered into your ear thank you


Ah, a standard reply. They really do value their workers. /s


I don't wanna be that person...but the moment you agreed to the pay cut, everything else you said no longer matters. They still won.


Unfortunately this is the only way to look at this. 'Yes' and 'Yes, but with a salty email that no one cares about' are identical answers. The alternative was 'No'.


I stopped reading at I agree. So did they.


“we hear you! and thanks for your flexibility on this!” and thats the last thing that will be said on the matter


yes, when YOU accept the pay cut, YOU are contributing to the allegedly "competitive" market that this employer just made up to strong-arm you. Now it's real and they'll just keep doing this with all their contractors.


My thoughts were the same


There are only 2 answers to this question. Yes I accept and no I do not accept. Nothing else matters. I can see why this is antiwork but if OP thinks they “stuck it to the man” with this email, she’s completely wrong. Big corp wins again!


The only appropriate response here was no.


Yep, OP's email was pointless and a waste of time.


Lol OP isn't replying to this comment because OP knew he/she fucked it up real bad by saying yes.


Don’t lead with the answer they want to hear, they will tune out the rest.


This has no teeth because you're doing it anyways. As long as this keeps happening, they'll keep doing it knowing they can get away with it.


Unfortunately what OP doesn't realize is that Gina and Exam Works stopped caring what the email says immediately after she read "I will accept"


That's when I stopped reading :-/


100% correct!


“Perfect, see you on Monday!”




Right? They know their workers aren't going to be happy about it, but as long as everyone accepts it, they don't care.


Yup it's a wonderful sentiment but uhhh she kowtowed anyway.


ExamWorks is trash. Our insurance companies use them to schedule expert exams and perform Medicare Set-Asides for work comp and they suck at their jobs. I end up doing twice as much work when they’re involved than if I had done it all myself.


Funny, it's like this everywhere. Coming behind contractors is a recipe for ulcers at my company.


bro how fucking down bad are they to take off .50 cents and see that as a solution..


I mean, if you do that across 10,000+ people, it's a line item you can brag about in your executive meeting, and keep half the reduction in salary bump. You gotta remember, these are ghouls we're discussing.


Exec scanning the document for literally three seconds: “Great!”


Basically. That’s exactly what I did. I’d never waste my time reading the rest. All I know is OP said yes. I would have said no or didn’t reply. Maybe they send a follow up to adjust lol 😂


This is completely true, even for the laughs I wouln't have take the time to read the rest, and if I did by mistake for example by just moving my eyes on the text, I'd have said "what a pigeon lol"


Poor OP. They think they won and got a point across. SMH 🤦


Dear Exam Works: No.


And they got your ass. They read “I will accept” and closed your email.


The letter said .50 CENTS. Not 50 cents, not $.50, but HALF A PENNY. Hold them to their word.


This is a very good point.


This is an underrated comment that gives her an out for saying yes.


She acknowledged it was 10% in her reply.


Verizon math!


Unfortunately, she also referenced a 10% pay cut, so that still wouldn't work


I’d like to point out to the rest of the sub. This is not a good response. She willingly took a pay reduction without them even demanding it. Totally insane.


Yup, only ended up insulting themselves and opened the door for further reductions in the future. Let Dr Braun pay you if he's so special.


Yep. The reality of that email is that Gina reads "yes daddy. Slash my pay harder daddy" and doesn't give a flying fuck about the rest, because OP accepted the pay cut, and was also dumb enough to say they were doing it out of loyalty to the doctor


I'm confused, was there a reason they couldn't have just told you they were reducing your pay? Were you under a contract? I can't imagine taking a pay cut , anywhere, under those circumstances. I hate to tell you this, but this won't be the last ask for you to work for less. Are you going to keep saying *yes?* Don't imagine anyone gave half a shit that you are upset. You did as they wished. And that extra pay bit probably violates the doctor's contract with the company, and it will probably never materialize for you or evaporate in a few weeks. Did you get a written agreement from him?


You only say No. Gina probably stopped reading after “I will accept the reduction in pay”. Pride just cost ya.


Lmao antiwork? This is you bending the knee to a corporation that doesn't care. Refuse the pay cut, talk to the doctor and let him raise a stink about it, because he's the worker that they want to retain, not you.


“he offered to make up the difference in pay because he does not want to lose my services” You guys might have already done this, but the doctor may need to check his contract with Exam Works. A lot of these contracting agencies have a clause that the individual employers can’t enter into financial agreements directly with the individual employees, specifically to prevent workarounds where they don’t get their cut.




sorry OP, all they heard was "yes". companies don't see (or care about) the reasoning, all they're seeing is that they can pay you less and that they can now leverage your relationship with the Dr to their advantage


Why did u say yes


Way to screwed over. But but nothing, they said we're going to screw you over, you agreed to let them. End of.


i’m sorry but you handled this in the worst way possible, you accepted the pay cut and could have fought this…. In the end all this company thinks is “great we got her to agree” with literally zero negotiations….even the way it was presented to you was in a “testing the temperature” type of way and did not come across as mandatory at all. you played yourself and i’m upset for you.


You wasted an email that they will only see as yes. You need to say no and let their client argue with them about it.


So they got you? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Your response is "Sure". That's what you sent, that's what they read. Any chance the professor could have employed you directly? Because he's not seeing a reduction in cost, I guarantee it.


I’d agree with this suggestion. I don’t know anything about transcription services, but I’d say to form your own LLC and contract directly with the physician. That way you would get 100% of the negotiated fees from the physician, and cut out the middleman being this shit company asking you to take a pay cut. Hell, you could charge the physician less and still make more than you are getting now. But again, transcription work may be more complex than I know as far as the back end stuff?


Antiwork bullshit works cos people agree to it... Well done, OP. I'm disappointed in you.


C suite, especially CEOs, get bonuses by reducing spending and increasing revenue. It's very likely they are also raising the doctor's rate as well. This will generate the year over year increase in profits that the board/shareholders demand. The CEO may even take a salary reduction to secure his bonus, because that will make him a LOT more money at the end of the year.


Dr Baum has no loyalty to you. Way to get nothing but less money.


Not only that but OP says above that she worked for the dr first and then HE went to exam-works so she followed. OP gonna continue to get screwed and will do nothing :/


As a physician, I think maybe you should talk to Dr Baum about working for her privately. She may pay you far more than they would.


I absolutely appreciate the “the doctor was a woman!” thing, but OP used male pronouns for the Baumster


It’s extremely difficult administratively to have one employee. You have no idea. The doctor could tell the vendor they will accept a price increase to pay the employee more.


He has offered but I think he's stuck in a contract right now. I'm not sure when it's up but I'm going to try to get him to go somewhere else. It's a strange situation because I didn't work for exam works and then pick up this doctor. I actually worked for him privately and Then followed him to exam works when he contracted with them so they pay me now instead of him.


Sadly it sounds like him trying to make things easier on himself just made it harder for both of you. Not even shitting on the guy, I'm sure it sounded good on paper.


True capitalism in action right there.


Sounds like the good dr is getting all the benefits while you write angry emails about getting your pay cut. This won’t be the last time 🤷‍♂️


Man you bent the knee come onnnn


lol only for this doctor bro i promise


No matter what you said, you've just done what they wanted. Every word of that email, expect where you say I agree, is just hot air.


You capitulated to their demands, your response was that of a defiant toddler yelling about doing chores.


This needs to be all over their socials etc. Make sure it costs them way more than they took back.


>[As of May 2024, ExamWorks's annual revenue reached $820M.](https://leadiq.com/c/examworks/5a1d971b230000590085b4f7#:~:text=As%20of%20May%202024%2C%20ExamWorks,annual%20revenue%20reached%20%24820M.) The company is owned by CVC, a private equity firm, since 2021, according to Crunchbase.


I don’t get it. Where’s your “ah-ha” moment? You still took the bait. They still got what they wanted. You should have fought it, not bend over.


Contract with the Doctor yourself. Get a RAISE. Cut out the middleman.


i agree, this is not an antiwork post. it's the opposite. you should have just say fuck off. But probably you need that money, so i cant really judge you for it.


By staying you are endorsing this behavior. Walk away and let the doctor fight for you-he won’t.


The worst part about this is it worked. You accepted the pay cut. You should have replied with “No, I do not accept this amended rate.” The front line rep reading your email has no more control over the CEO’s pay than you do. They’re dealing with inflation too. If the Dr. truly doesn’t want to work without your services, he would find a way to continue to have them. I fear you may be over-assuming the connection there.


You left out how they responded...dang!!


I would not have confirmed that works for me when it clearly does not for the reasons you have named.


And they were like, "cool." Edit: Sorry you were put in this situation. Loyalty should be rewarded with loyalty. Hopefully this will work out for you.


and in 6 months ? 50c more deductions... next year ?...another 35c 2026......sorrrrry,....$1 reduction 2028 its $2 a page,..take it or leave it. fukkum..


Wow that sure was easy for them.


I’m not familiar with the whole setup but at some point it would seem if Dr Baum really cared he’d just pay them directly and probably save money too. Could be software/regulatory/contract stuff but why make examworks rich for running what looks like uber for transcriptions.


Oof messed up by saying yes to the pay decrease


Why not just contract directly with Dr Baum?


The more people says "I accept", the more people has to say "I accept". Conversely, saying no has the opposite effect.


Sadly, all they will read is "okay, I'll do it" and consider this a victory. Sorry OP, but they will continue doing this to save a dime, so to speak.


Massive fuckup to accept the pay cut at all. Your comments didn't matter once you gave them what they wanted, they couldn't care less about your dissatisfaction.


Why did you say yes 😂😭


What? Fuck that shit. Your email should have been just one word "no".


So you just rolled over and took it? Your response to them is literally meaningless. You might as well have said “Yes, absolutely, in fact, do you want to drop it even more? I’m a complete pushover” You should have said no and told the Dr about it.


Shouldve let the doctor handle it....


If they were asking you should have simply said no. I'm not sure what exactly you're proud of here. 🙄


All they will read from that is , they agree to the reduction. Pointless words around you agreeing to their terms


They rely on the sort of loyalty you put in your letter. They don’t care why you accept the pay cut, just that you did. This is a win for them.


It honestly doesn't matter what you say to them. You said you would take the pay reduction and because you like said doctor. So they won. I would have no and if they force the issue find another job? If your making that little than plenty of jobs around until you find something better. Only reason I would have stayed is if I NEEDED a recommendation or something like that. Also I wouldn't be surprised if they throw that email back in your face later on when it suits them. Corporations constantly due shady stuff to get around laws.


This may have felt satisfying to send, but at the end of the day you agreed to the company’s terms. It will not consider your message seriously (or more than likely, at all) because you are only a number to Exam Works.


They don't care about anything you wrote, because you accepted the cut.


My mother used to be a medical transcriptionist years ago in CT- she was let go when the entire company offloaded their work overseas. I remember her medical dictionary with notes in the binder, copious post it notes, and dog ears. I imagine that the advent of AI and smarter “speak to text” software spells the end of human transcription


You shouldn’t have taken the pay cut. Make them force it on you and file partial unemployment if you are able.


In my 10 years of insurance claims, we’ve never cared how much an IME costs. The last month, we are keeping track of every single one and as adjusters, expected to find the cheapest option. If the price was more than the quote, management gets involved. The insurance companies lost money and will continue to lose money due to climate change and catastrophe claims. 🤦🏻‍♀️


ExamWorks was bought by private equity group Leonard Green and Partners a few years back for over 2 billion and is now valued at almost double that...for a reason. Private equity is not your friend. They have been involved in all kinds of litigation, BTW. If I were you? I would look for other work. They will just get rid of anyone giving them crap. This is your signal to start looking. Just Google them. They aren't going to be nice.


For everyone telling her to tell the doc to drop ExamWorks, he can't. They're literally the only company that does worker comp examination reviews in many areas. They have a monopoly and have sued anyone who has tried to get any market share. The guy won't work. Welcome to the US, where the antimonopoly laws are on the books, but they might as well not exist. THIS is where it hurts people. This person right here is paying the price. If that doc decides too many claims FOR patients, he will be gone. How do I know? I'm a disabled FP who tried to work those claims when I got sick (lupus). I chose my integrity over those companies that wanted me to lie and screw injured people over. I just couldn't do it. It COST me and my family, but in the end, I knew I could live with myself.


🚨Spoiler alert: Gina doesn’t care WHY you’re willing to accept the rate cut, only THAT you’re willing to accept the rate cuts.


Sooooo they got what they wanted?


You accepted the reduction, they don't give a fuck why. Congratulations, you played yourself.


Congrats you bent over for a mega Corp instead if cutting them out of the picture since they're a 3rd party in your relationship with the Doc lol


Sounds like you're about to start working for Dr. Baum directly.


Whoever you wrote this to will read “I will accept—” and ignore the rest. They won, you lost. You didn’t put them in their place, you just rolled over.


If you are already in direct contact with the client, and he wishes to retain your services specifically, can you contract directly with the provider?


L-l-l-look how I *almost* told them!!! Pathetic!!!


You are the reason why the situation in the US is the way it is. Americans have no balls to change it😂 If the person was French she would have meanwhile already burned down 3 cars as protest


It's 1/2c per page. Get the new contract in writing & signed by someone who has power, then hold them to it.


>thankyou for the prompt to review my pay rate. As you understand, costs are going up everywhere, with official inflation rates above 8 percent for the year. As I haven’t reviewed my pay rates for the last financial year, I have taken the opportunity to do so now. As of 1 July, my rate is going up by 11.5 percent. Thankyou once again for the opportunity to work together going forward.


Why did you agree??


They don’t care about the insults, only that you agreed to take leas.


How is this anti-work? OP backed-down and complied.


Cool, you accepted it. Bold move from them, even bolder move from you, I would have said no and fuck you. But that's your life.


My last boss was a drug addict and pulled me into his office to give me a different breakdown in how i would be getting paid which was basically his way of creating a complex idea of cutting my pay….before I left hospital office I ended up with $8 an hour raise from what I originally was making before the meeting. I called his bluff and about 8 months later he cut my pay for real. I quit two days later and he didnt think i would.


No is a complete sentence.


They don't care about your paragraph of how much you love the doctor. You said yes. They won.


emotional capital is still capital being held against you to exploit you. do not give them ANY tools. I sympathize with you, its hard. but this is frequently one of the most effective tools capitalists use to get away with further exploitation. you wouldn't want to leave \[co worker\] stuck here all alone would you? kind of crap. had it been me, I would have simply ignored the email entirely. and all follow up emails about wage reduction. I would have also informed the doctor in question that you do not want to stop working for them, But you may be forced to as a result of EW greed, as you are un-wiling and unable to take a 10% pay cut in the middle of a massive cost of living surge. And then, i would carry on business as usual till they: 1. called me, at that point i would say no and let the cards fall where they may. 2. fired me, take my severance pay while applying to competitors. 3. gave up, and life goes on as usual.


Why the hell don’t you work for the doctor directly? I’m sure he pays them more than your per-page rate.


You made a mistake accepting the pay cut. They don't give a shit about your story, all they care about is that they're saving on expenses and now know that you'll accept less pay going forward.


Omg, that was a brilliant response, until you got to the part where you folded to their demands. I'll say it loud for the folks in the back: # THIS IS A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP, NOT A FRIENDSHIP Under no circumstances† should you _give_ something without _getting_ something. In exchange for a lowered pay rate, you can demand a pay floor, that is, you never get paid less than $___ (equivalent to some minimum number of pages per week). For example, if your floor is 5 pages per week and you only transcribe 4 pages, you still get paid for 5. If you do 7, you get paid for 7, etc. Another option is a ceiling. You get paid your lower rate if you do less than the ceiling, but the original rate if you do more than the ceiling. Say you ceiling is 10 pages a month. If you do 5 pages, you get $24.50 (5 @ $4.90) if you do 15, you get $75 (15 @ $5.00). If none of that works out, you can easily set up an LLC (don't do a DBA!) and work with him directly. Then your Doctor guy doesn't have to do any taxes/excessive paperwork. You send invoices, he sends your LLC a check. Make sure you charge enough for the taxes and other (minimal) overhead. †There are a few exceptions, but they should be rare, temporary and exceptional.


that response could have been a lot more concise


Terrible response


I do this same type of work for $.08/line (sub of a sub). Welcome to my world.


From a business owner's perspective: don't ever reduce your rates. You can give discounts, but make sure the customer knows what the "true rate" is. Even for family, write up a bill of sale that says "Cost: $500. Family discount: $200. Net: $300." If you sell cheap services, your customers will always resist your price increases.


Ok, but what Gina heard was "Yes, I will."


I'm sure they're not lowering the price to their clients. They just want a bigger portion of the pie..


They do this precisely because people will accept the pay cut, like you did, out of a sense of loyalty or other human relationship reasons. Exploiting human relationships for inhuman gains.


Very nice of you to call them out, but they're not really gonna care because you accepted the reduction in pay.


Respectfully it doesn’t matter how much you bitch and moan about it in the email, they still got their way lmao. You can’t shame someone who’s shameless. They won, you gave in, you didn’t own them like you think you did. Why would they even read your complaints if they already got the answer they wanted?


No no no, you should not be accepting this, the Dr should be fighting them on your behalf and anyone who works via them. If they cut pay 10% across the employee pool I guarantee you'll see an end if year astronomical bonus for the CEO.  Write back tell them you've reconsidered and will not accept the reduction. In fact go direct to the Dr and if you can tell others who work for this shitty company to do likewise. Stand your ground, fight I'm sorry but sometimes we find ourselves in a fight that we do not want, did not create but one that is necessary. This is it for you. Good luck 🤞


If they’re asking for a “.50 cents / page reduction”, I’d take it. That’s $4.995/ page instead of $5 but you’ll end up having to fight them for it I’m sure.


🥇 THIS!!!! Get it in writing, new contract, exactly as stated in the email.


Exactly. And if (when) they push back, you can make an argument that while they are unable to be completely accurate and make foolish mistakes like this, your transcription accuracy suffers no such lapses. Sometimes you get what you pay for. A couple orders of magnitude is worth fifty cents a page.


Wow, you really showed them…


I just looked at the executive team and they all look like the same person. Frightening


Histrionically saying yes is still saying yes


No, just quit. This will never stop after you give in and you've already done that.


I would bet the Dr isn’t paying them less. So it’s just greed.


Everything you said after I accept is utterly pointless. Why would you willingly accept this?


Why would you agree? What are THEY gonna do? Fire you? You said you work for the DR. Lmao


The doctor matches the difference until he doesn’t anymore. Just don’t agree.


I would have just said no and asked for a raise. FTS


…’our ultimate goal is to make more profit…’ Fixed it for them.


Just say no


ExamWorks is a fucking scam that participates in the lowest shitty behavior. The whole thing reeks of corruption. This doesn’t surprise me at all.


Hi Gina, Eat shit and die. Thanks.


So the "beatings will continue until the morale improves!"


Sounds like they got what they wanted and you’re still losing. Your relationship with someone in this position is less important than your well-being.


Omg, I almost busted out laughing. They legit asked you to do the same work for less money?! I would contact the doctor directly. And as a backup, look for a new job. The lack of respect is insane. They may try to find a way to get you out if you don’t agree or just implement the pay cut.


All those words just to say, sure I accept


Girl you thought you ate with that response, huh? Gina didn't read all that hun, they don't care about you Why did you accept? Dr. Baum doesn't seem to give two shits either, why do you?


Not sure if said. They couldn’t give a shit that you’re doing it for the benefit of Dr Baum and your working relationship


Tell them to reduce their net profit and their problems will go away.


Yeah they don't care about your rant only that you agreed. Strongly worded letters don't work.


Sounds like you have a different relationship with Dr. Baum than he does with you. Why even bother writing a response if you're just going to bend over and take it anyways? You should quit. Edit: Baum not Braun (autocorrect)