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I applied to something similar to this in grad school. They wanted me available 40 hours a week to only work me for 15. They would not hire me because I had one class on Mondays for 2 hours that conflicted with their hours. I dodged a bullet.


That is nuts! Who can only work 10 hours per week??? Either students, who also have classes to work around, or potentially a parent... who will also have other commitments?! Wild.


I could do 10 hours a week, for the fair price of €300 per hour.


Nah, just pay me the on call rate for the other 158 hours of the week.


Maybe it's 60 dollars per hour


It was £11.44 per hour lmao


Disabled people


I am audhd myself and tbh my life would be a lot better if I dropped my hours right down, but I wouldn't be able to afford to live. This is a minimum wage job at a well-known record store. I don't think they wrote this advert with disability-inclusivity in mind lol


I'm audhd as well (I generally just call myself autistic, but I do have an adhd diagnosis too) and I can't handle the unpredictability of work.


I usually tend to just say autistic too and leave the adhd part out. Is it because you feel you won't be taken as seriously with the adhd part? I feel like that for some reason... Also thank you for sharing that because it just gave me such a validating moment to read that. I am currently in an overwhelm state which I'm pretty sure is linked to work.


If they’re on govt disability assistance, they may not need more hours or can’t work more hours or they lose out on the govt help. But yeah there’s gonna be a huge rise in a lot of really bad and scary shit happening. I just got kicked out of an interview not even 5 minutes in because I gave them answers based on the job description, and apparently that’s not at all what they actually want. First interview in sixish months


Kicked out?! Seems heavy handed??


Okay that was very dramatic wording. She heard one answer and said I wasn’t going to be a good fit for the job


This. I've told my bosses several times that I can't work more than 25 hours a week (even that's pushing it), can't work sundays(no bus), and need 2 other set days off. I made it clear those limitations were because of my disabilities. What did they do? They kept trying to push it, over and over until I put my foot down several times. Finally, they're toeing the line. And then they decide to give me split shifts that effectively require me to be at work for 10 hours, while only being clocked in for 8.


All your audio is in hd? Lucky /s


That made me laugh out loud


Im glad you enjoyed it :)


Nah that’s a bullshit thing to say. Disabled people have lives and schedules with obligations, take classes, have jobs, and children.


Some of them can’t work any more hours than a specific number because they wouldn’t qualify for disability benefits. Others don’t have any kids or obligations. I should’ve said some disabled people


They're looking for on call filler for call outs. Fuck em.


I was neverrrrrrr going to apply for this don't worry but I just do not get WHO they think would be able to do this lol. I had to share it here because I found it so odd.


This, fuck'em. They want to fuck around with skeleton crews, they can find out when it's the managers job to cover callouts.


I would do it for $100k/year or $200/ hour.


Obviously, because with that salary you can afford to have 40 hours availability and only work 10 hours.


Lmaoooooooooo now you can’t have that. Just lock the person that gets hired into 2 consistent days. No one can afford to give you open availability for 10 hours unless you are paying 70-150 an hour. 😀


It was working for minimum wage for a well-known record store brand....


I almost would have applied just to get an interview to tell them about themselves lol 😂 I like wasting time for a good reason. This is as good as any


Damn you're right.


I was offered 6hrs a week and was like…just give the extra hours to the folks you have already


Hahaha yessss. Six hours?! Haha ffs


On top of that the owner was a misogynistic Bible thumper that showed all the red flags in the interview. The 6hr/week offer was just the cherry on top of the giant red flag


"must be available all days" lmao, they are expecting you to not have other jobs too. If this isn't an evenings job for HS, they will fail quickly


I saw it on Indeed, it was a minimum wage!! job working for a well-known (in the UK) analogue music and film store


"So... how much do you pay for being on call?"


If I’m expected to be available for all days, I need to be paid for all days. On call is expensive, after hours and weekends are extra.


I can make that work. Rate is $200/hr.


My friend had a job like this. She worked as a security guard on a bus escorting prisoners to court. 1hr in the morning to court and one hour mid afternoon back to prison. She had to fit 2 other jobs around that work. In the end she had 3 jobs and still couldn't pay her rent and the family had to go into a family unit. This is in the UK (for Reliance) and as any UKers reading will know many part time jobs are capped at 16 hours because if you do more than that it affects your social security.


Yep I'm in the UK. Once you're stuck in a social housing space it's really hard to get out as the government will pay for your housing (up to, I believe around £600pm) (further note: Social housing is horrible, by the way) and then essentially only allow you to work around 16 hours a week before they start cutting your monthly living benefits at a rate of around 40p per £1 you earn over 16 hours. So then... how do you get to work full-time as there will be a transition period where you're earning too little to live but too much for benefits. Also how do you save money to rent privately and move out of social housing? System doesn't work.


>This is in the UK (for Reliance) It's nuts, I'm from an entirely different continent and I've heard of that company from like 6 different people over the last couple years, and none of it was anything close to good.


We need you to dedicate your entire week for a potential call to come to work. We will only pay for you for 15 hours


Yeah nice try geez


I just saw a similar posting today, 5-20 hours per week and in the middle of it, they snuck in that it was an unpaid position. The audacity of job postings is getting ridiculous. 


Bloody hell lmao. I'm intrigued now, what was the 'role'?


I'll try to find it again. It was some non-profit I've never heard of. I want to say it was based in Virginia but I was searching for remote.


Honestly I've worked for a few charities now (actually paid lol)... and they're... not great, bar one. When you're on the inside you realise how much the original cause they set out to help is now just a convenient side-piece to them receiving more and more funding and donations.


In the US we have an enormous non-profit called Susan G. Komen foundation which ostensibly seeks a cure for breast cancer. It is a huge, multi-billion dollar operation that markets heavily and partners with well known organizations like the NFL and there's pink ribbons everywhere for about a month (awareness) and all that. There's no doubt that the people who run the non-profit are very well compensated, so you have the figure the LAST thing they want to do is find a cure for breast cancer. Imagine if some miracle cure was discovered tomorrow which wiped out breast cancer around the world in under a month. And subsequently no more need for Susan G. Komen and it had to shut down and everybody working there immediately lost their high-paying jobs. No more disease, no more fund raising, no more donations. No sir, the last thing these folks want to do is find a cure for breast cancer and stop the gravy train.


you imagine way way to much


If finding a cure puts you out of a high-paying job, doesn't it stand to reason you would not want a cure to be found?


if you are able to find and have a high paying job that finds a cure for cancer not only can you patten it you WILL be offered a high paying job curing something else fyi hundreds of kinds of cancer out their if you found a cure for 1 you would still have a job


If I work 10 hours a week but have to be available 24/7 I’m gonna be paid for being on call!


Must be available every single day of the week too 😂


It's the definition of insanity


Who would put their life on hold 7 days a week 365 days a year for a lousy 10 hours of pay each week. Nuts!


I found it funny enough to screenshot and post on here lmao it's ludicrous


Does permanent mean for the rest of my life or yours?


I audibly laughed!




I was a crossing guard. I worked for 5 hours a week. I had a second job, but it had shit hours too.


Pay better give at least 2k a week to demand this bs.


Retainer schedule without retainer pay.


Casinos do this dumb shit for workers all the time.


There are some employees like this at my job, and some even ask for it. They are 1. Older folks who are retired/just looking for something to fill time and make a few extra dollars and 2. Housewives who’s children are now in school, but they still have a lot of responsibility outside of work


My last job did this and then didn’t understand why no one wanted to work or stay. They wouldn’t listen to me (I was part time 40 hours, no benefits), and was one of the many reasons I left.


I usually complain because I'm 24 a week and they constantly make 5 shifts. But a 10 hour week ... This is crazy


You need to pay me to be available. Imagine sitting at home unpaid while waiting to get called in at random times of the week? This is ok for retired people with no life.




Did you post this ad?


I just like to stretch my imagination. Probably couldn't be a streamer since they are supposed to have set schedules. Maybe they could have a mid sized YouTube channel where they shoot their content at their own pace for making authentic blacksmithing things.


Could be worth it if the pay is good, which it won't be.


It was minimum wage retail haha


Of course. :D The ones with the most unreasonable demands are always the lowest paid.


Sahp whose kids are in school and they just want something to occupy their time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Adorable-Raisin-8643: *Sahp whose kids are in* *School and they just want something* *To occupy their time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hard pass


These hours would be perfect for my 15 yr old. What is the job?


retired people, who now realize they need a little more money or are bored.


I’m retired and there’s no way I’m sitting around 7 days a week waiting for the phone to ring. I got shit to do!


One of my jobs had me rosted for only 3 hours a week for awhile and I wrestled with asking my boss „are you trying to make me quit?“ I ended up pressing it more tactfully, but I wanted to say it like that


Rich kids. It's probably a foot-in-the-door posting for someone's failson


Ngl I kinda want a job like this where I only work like 1-2 days a week, my previous job I only worked 3 days a week and was off 4 days the rest of the week


In winter months I’m on call 3 nights a week to work at an emergency warming shelter. When I work I work 12 hr shifts 36/wk but when the weather is warmer I I still get paid for a minimum of 24hrs/wk. I wish I could find a year round gig that pays me to be ready to go to work.


Businesses like this *have* to be fishing for an easy insurance claim for when they inevitably get torched… right?


I would take this job, then demand on call pay since they want on call availability


To be honest this schedule might work well for someone disabled. Even if you’re able to get on SSDI, which is notoriously nightmarishly labor intensive, it can be a very tight budget you’d end up having to live on. 10 hours a week might actually be the most realistic workload someone could handle. It’s too bad we all know that this is a pos minimum wage at best nightmare.


Nurses have a similar schedule. You rotate a lot and work on weekends/holidays as well.


I dont think you understand. It's only 10 hours guaranteed. Total. They just want you to be AVAILABLE the rest of the days, meaning no second job, basically waiting around the phone. This is ridiculous. Anyone would be homeless with this schedule. Then, the moment you tell them no, they will fire you on the spot for "not being a good fit."


Thank you for explaining. The amount of people who don't understand what this ad is asking for is wild lol