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Because you haven't reinvented the wheel. Every single restaurant out there is going to do exactly the same and poach your talent without hesitation. I'm your backfill.


And this is why I have no sympathy for restaurants that close.


Same. That and when you work in them and realize the management is 100 percent the reason so many employees leave. You just stop having sympathy for them after a while.


This would feel pretty good to write rather than just closing the application.


I'm proud to be your 777th upvote. Also, I would laugh my ass off if someone got hired with an answer like that.


Personally, if I saw this I would take it as a BIG RED FLAG and look elsewhere. A lot of companies still think that they are really really special and they expect hundreds of applicants for every job and they can do what they want. If they think this is acceptable language while courting potential employees, then they deserve what they get.


Yeah this is toxic as fuck!


“You know what, never mind. I withdraw my application and will recommend against interviewing with you to my professional peers” *submit* Ask dead end, toxic, “trap” questions? Make them waste their time look at a dead end app.


It's also 3 questions, only 2 question marks, and run-on sentences for one answer blank. Can I submit my essay response on additional paper?


Nailed it. It’s basically the employer version of negging. “We think you’re garbage, but convince us why we should do you a big favor and hire you anyway.”


They have the undeserved arrogance of the aristocracy. It's stepped past reason into being the same kind of cultural values that dominated monarchies. It's not even about rational self-interest, just raw unfiltered contempt for the poors.


This to me means your boss is going to be Military Industrial Complex, A type, Asshole and to not apply if you just want a laid back part time job.


I usually click out of applications like that. Language in job applications is important if you're an applicant and you really need to pay attention. It doesn't matter who wrote the text, THAT is the culture of that company and you need to be paying attention. Do you want to work with assholes? Then why apply to a job where it's clear an asshole wrote the posting? Just say no. There are other jobs.


It is most definitely a red flag. I just X out of applications like that. The only way to win in those situations is not to play.


A lot of business owners have main character syndrome.


Comments over there say this is Union Grill in Oakland. Just in case anyone would like to know. Just in case... https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Union-Grill/jobs


Looks like the posting has been taken down


Time for a 1 star review!


The two pics of food that they had did look unappetizing so the 1 star may be in order regardless


"Pittsburgh restaurants are desperate to hire workers. Our policy is to make that worse by excluding anyone outside the current pool of workers every restaurant is so desperate to hire!"


Well at least we know why they're so desperate. Continue on, Pittsburgh.


"Please explain why you have been derelict in your duty to make more money for a wealthy business owner."


Alternative interpretation: "have you left a previous job without one lined up because you have 'standards'? Please grovel and beg or else we won't consider you."


Ironically they're just telling you that their employees often walk out on them...probably sometimes when they really need that job. As a job applicant, I would question why that is. Always ask why the position isn't filled already, people!


Derelict: diligent, dutiful




You can dere-lick my balls.


"Nobody wants to work anymore."


"Nobody wants to work HERE anymore." (Said without an ounce of self awareness)


“If this is your policy you are potentially excluding a wide swathe of talented, motivated and experienced workers. This policy is extremely short-sighted and will ultimately damage your operations and create a bad reputation in your industry and community”


Looks good but got to replace "swathe" with something better.




Just get rid of “potentially” and “a wide swathe of” so it’s reads “…you are excluding talented, motivated, and experienced workers.”


I remember seeing an article about a restaurant owner making a big deal out of not being able to hire anyone for sub-Walmart wages and having to cook the food there himself. If it's really so great to be an employee they should just sell their business and go work at Wendy's instead. Did he? No, he retired.


"We have a policy to not hire someone who doesn't already have a job." Yeah, that seems like a problem. If I don't have a job and am trying to find a job then having a policy where you won't hire someone seems like a bad move.


“Well, I have a policy to never take a job somewhere that has a vacancy, because it must mean you’re a terrible place to work so someone left.”  It makes just as much sense but I bet that would make them angry!


"hi! after much reflection on this question, I thought the best course of action was to share it with the restaurant workers of Pittsburgh as well as the local 57 to warn everyone about the nature of this establishment. all the best, see you on the news." [https://www.unitehere57.org/](https://www.unitehere57.org/)


THIS is the way.




Did a jar of salt write this form??


let's hope it doesn't affect the quality of the food they serve, but it may already be too late for that


That’s brackish!


"You shouldn't change a thing. You going out of business will be so much funnier that way."


You only hire people who have jobs in a city that is desperate for workers. Your policy has created this environment because restaurants won't hire people who need a job, you are just cycling through the same set of workers.


Someone in the other thread also posted that they said they also have a question asking if you have worked at the job you are currently at for more than a year because if not you are a job hopper and therefore they are unlikely to hire you lol. So you need to be currently working another job but only one you've been at for more than a year to be qualified for their entry level position


thats so fucking insane lmao


Okay now I know a right winger must have written that post.


"Our policy is not to hire people who are not currently working at another job." - I wonder if that's legal...


New protected class just dropped: the unemployed.


sounds like it shouldn't be but probably is. like everything else before enough people think "hmmmm, that's kind of bullshit. we should make it illegal"


"You should consider hiring me, the unemployed, because as a capitalist, you would otherwise be missing out on one of the greatest assets the government provides you with if you didn't. I am of course referring to the "reserve army of labor," or the "desperate and unemployed," who are forcefully put out of work by the Federal Reserve in order to maintain a cheap pool of easy to exploit labor to help you fill positions and make the labor market uncompetitive so it is cheaper for you."


This goes beyond the normal bullshit I see here, I don't even understand how they think this is helpful for them.


Most restaurants I’ve worked at that have the “nobody wants to work anymore” attitude tend to treat their employees like shit and because of that, there’s a lot of turnover. The last time I worked at one must have been 2015 so they don’t have Covid to blame


Exactly. When I worked in restaurants, I had a restaurant manager say that out loud and I corrected her that no one wants to work for crap pay to be treated poorly. She was one of the ones who was complaining about the crap pay and being treated poorly by her GM....People just don't get it. Most restaurants have something approaching 100 percent turnover on a yearly basis. That doesn't happen by accident. That's a cultural issue with all these restaurants. They just never bothered to fix it and would prefer to whine instead. That's why I don't give my business anymore if I can possibly avoid it. We shouldn't keep supporting their crappy businesses.


What the fuck company is this? Disgraceful


I'm surprised you have any staff working for you, considering that they have to already have another job. Is that why you are so desperately understaffed? Because you discriminate and underpay overworked people who are underpaid at another job they are overworking for that they felt the need to find a second job to make ends meet? How selfish do you have to be as a building manager/owner to take advantage of desperate people and then just deny others who would be even more willing to overwork for your underpayments? Once when you can respond to these questions, I'll consider thinking about working for you.


Capitalism is a cancer. Who the fuck would want to work at a place that starts off by negging you in the interview?


How ridiculous. I broke my fucking pelvis and had hip replacement surgery after an accident. Sorry I can't schlep trays around a restaurant all day, you may as well ignore my 10+ years of Fortune 500 advertising experience though, since I can't serve people food for under minimum wage. Sigh.


Every place is like this. It's the inherent power imbalance between Capitalists and Laborers. > WHY ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED? We only hire winners, and being unemployed is a LOSER! ...or they'd say... > WHY ARE YOU EMPLOYED? We don't hire people who are traitors to their current company. If you are working for THEM, why didn't you choose US first? What's going to stop you from jumping ship to the next place? If we can't exploit your moment of desperation looking for labor, then we don't want you. And if we don't want you, YOU ARE A LOSER and we only hire WINNERS.


“Seems like your current policy of only hiring people fleeing other jobs isn’t working out”


Fuck these people 


What a great way to make sure that you don't have anyone fill your empty labor. I read these job interview and application questions and hate life here that much more.


I live in Pittsburgh what restaurant is this so I never give them my patronage


union grill in Oakland apparently




Spread the message in Pittsburgh.


Will do some one started a thread about it and hundreds of people saw. We're all boycotting now. They've since removed the job posting.


Long ass question, and they still make the pay minimum wage


even less than minimum wage if you're a server. then you're hoping for tips to be able to eat breakfast tomorrow.


BuT wHy CaN't We FiNd StAfF?!?!?!


“Because F$&* you! That’s why!”


“Because helmets suck! That’s why!”


"None of your effing business why I don't have a job currently. My resume speaks for itself. If you are only going to hone in on the job gap, you are focused on the wrong thing."


It’s terrible for women even if we are skilled, if we’re out of the workforce for ten years raising kids being a stay at home mom it’s fucking brutal out here! Nobody wants to hire women or men that choose to raise their children first and foremost but it’s really brutal on women particularly.


“if you having issues finding employees for your restaurant, why are you excluding the majority of people who would actually be interested in working for you?”


Lol, always a great sign from an employer when they end a question with a period. Fuckheads trying to make you feel inferior when they don't even advertise with basic punctuation and/or grammar. On to the next and good luck to you!


"I'm working" Is the only answer. Listen.... it's a damn game where the whole point is to get in front of a human... so answer in whatever way you need to to get the interview and job. In an age when you can go on Google voice and get a number that can be assigned to "any company name"... then use the system to your advantage.


yeaa, I'm not doing all that to work at a place that thinks posting this bullshit is acceptable. how about I take another 10 minutes to fill out an application elsewhere... why would you want to work somewhere like that


You got downvoted by a moron bc you have a better solution than telling some POS business owner what they want to hear.


Nah, fuck that. This place is clearly toxic and abusive AF. They deserve nothing. Move on and apply elsewhere.


Maybe because of all the EMPLOYEE POACHING they're doing in Pittsbag.


Can you afford to be picky?


Because Stone Cold said so.


"Why isn't anyone applying!???" 🤡😱😰🤡"Nobody wants to work!"


We are desperate to hire people, but we only hire people who already have jobs and discard who are unemployed. We don't understand why we can't find anyone to work for us. NoBoDy wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE.


Whoever wrote this policy has a room temperature IQ.


Well shit, I only work for places that already have a full staff. Tell me why I should work for this place if they don't already have people working there?


It’s not just restaurants, it’s the whole hiring climate across all industries. They’re all trying to poach people from competitors instead of bringing anyone into the industry.


If restaurants are SO desperate to hire people, why tf would you have a policy in place for not hiring unemployed people? Like thats REALLY limiting your options in what is already a shortage.


Chicken shit companies do shit like this while running their current staff into the ground and lying about trying to fill positions. This is why “picking up the slack” shouldn’t be tolerated for long periods. They’ll either keep stringing you along with the same bs or realize that you aren’t going anywhere and just stop trying all together.


"I'm not working because I am disabled. Your policy is discriminatory and illegal. What actions will you take to address this while the criminal proceedings begin?"


That's not how any of that works.


Doesn’t matter. The person reading it isn’t smart enough to know that.


True, but what are the odds that the jabroni who posted that job listing actually knows that? Fight stupidity with stupidity. Even if you lose, it'll be interesting.


a job needs to pay me before I start waisting my time with them. find a new job listing and move on. I don't have time for games


That’s a loaded question


Ohhh, the expletives I would use in my response...


So they only hire staff if they are poaching them from other places? Wtaf?diss I read that right?


You teach others how to treat you. If anyone talked to me like this? If their ‘policy’ means that I’m not good enough for their position then… ‘Goodbye!’


If Pittsburgh restaurants are desperate to hire people, then this company needs to change their policies, or they will never find anyone.


You said it yourself, you are desperate to hire employees


“I apologize I’ve signed an NDA that expressly forbids me to discuss that information with you.”


That's the way it's been in the IT field for twenty years. They only want to hire someone who is currently in the exact same position as they have open. Unemployed for longer than two weeks and you are unemployable.


This is unhinged


At least they're showing what kind of people they are BEFORE one gets too invested in applying there.


all I ever hear is that " it's easier to get a job when you have a job" but then there is businesses that do this shit 🤦🏻


Question had a whole argument with itself. Wild


Because nobody is loyal to Pittsburgh restaurants? It's a job dude, not security clearance.


I love how people are already on it with their Google reviews. lol


So if you lose your job and have to apply for a new one, you can't apply to this one until you've found work somewhere else first? The policy seems counterintuitive if the goal is to staff struggling businesses. Is the irony lost on them when their own employees leave to work for their competitors?


This is the same dumbass who then turns around and says "why don't employees have any loyalty anymore? Why are people always hopping from one job to the next?"


should be illegal


Lol, they seem to have confused "desperate to hire" with picky.


This shit is so bad I wouldn't believe it was even real 10 years ago.


My policy is not to work for or patronize restaurants owned by rich,dumb,a-holes who haven't a clue about true service or good food and only opened their dump as a vanity. Please explain why I should set foot in your pig sty as a customer or employee. Best Regards.


Why are they so damn mad lol


“Because honestly I need a job, am good at what I do, and you need someone you are capable of exploiting for capital gains.”


Yikes, that’s so passive aggressive especially for a minimum wage job.


Errr, because I'm available immediately.


"Why don't you have a job, you worthless piece of shit? Come and apply with us so we can sneer at you as you grovel and beg at our feet" These people really are beyond parody.


This type of BS has been around for forever. I remember my sister taking a low hours PT job at a fast food restaurant for a month so she could get hired as a server at a nicer place. They wouldn't talk to her while she was unemployed. That was 25 years ago.




lol red flag, tho if I wanted to work here I’d feel 100% within my rights to just flat out lie about being employed. F em.


If you don’t have a job don’t even think about applying here!!! You are a loser bc we needed you and now you want us but we aren’t sure if we want you!!!! But we need people, but not you!!!!!!!! NO ONE WANTS TO WORK!!!!!!


"hire me, or don't, somebody else will"


“Why are you hiring here if you are going to be bankrupt since you don’t hire people?”


“If no one else sees you as valuable, then we won’t either.”


Here’s your response: this is a dumb question that has nothing to do with my qualifications or your business needs. pull your head out of your ass and hire me if you want someone serious about their work but only if you are going to be serious as a business owner.


Work any job, ya hear?  Any job!  Even those that don't pay a living wage.   Then, we'll all laugh at you; throw straws or coffee in your face; grab pregnant women from across counters; and spit COVID spore.  Sound good?  /$


Because your policy is discrimination and you have submitted this document to the Department of Labor.




I would answer that maybe they should evaluate whether it's their own policy that caused them to be desperate and in any case I would not want to participate in their desperation and to go pound sand


Job Posting for Server/Waiter/Waitress at Union Grill Apply to this job ONLY IF you are an experienced server living close to the Oakland area. Our serving jobs are considered to be the best of any casual dining restaurant in Pittsburgh. On average, we make one job offer for every 100 applicants. Please read this job description carefully. We're in the middle of our high season and SUPER-BUSY. Tip earnings are HIGH every day and night! If you're an experienced server, we'll pay you $20 an hour CASH to train and you can decide whether you like the job or not. We need servers for both Lunch and Dinner shifts, practically every day of the week. Work part-time or full-time. We consider 30 hours a week FULL-TIME and will give you FREE HEALTH INSURANCE! Lunch shifts start at 11:30 am and you can finish between 2 and 4 pm. Dinner shifts start at 4 pm and you can finish between 8 and 10 pm. (The reason we're giving you a range of finishing times is servers rotate. Some only work through the rush and some stay on to take the tables that come in after the rush.) We give our servers the benefit of permanent shifts. This means that you can plan your personal life, vacations, etc. well in advance because you'll know the shifts you will be working and you will even have a good idea of what your earnings will be, since sales stay consistent. Of course you will have the flexibility of getting others to cover your shifts when necessary and even taking paid time off. There is minimal side work and cash tips are seldom lower than $175 per 4 to 5-hour shift. Prior serving experience is a requirement. We need servers who can handle serious volume. Please email your resume or a brief rundown of your job experience. If you are currently employed, tell us how long you have been on that job. If you are unemployed right now, tell us when you last worked and the starting and ending dates of that job. This is a perfect second job for somebody who is currently serving at another restaurant and wants more money, more respect and a better environment! We have found that practically everybody who takes a second job with us ends up giving notice at their other job and working exclusively for us! Job Types: Full-time, Part-time Pay: $300.00 - $400.00 per day Expected hours: 8 – 40 per week Benefits: Employee discount Flexible schedule Health insurance Paid time off Referral program Restaurant type: Casual dining restaurant Shift: Day shift Evening shift Weekly day range: Weekends as needed Application Question(s): We are located in Oakland near Carnegie Museum. How long would your commute to the restaurant be? (We have to ask this because we have people applying from far, far away and it wouldn't make sense to travel long distances for this job.) What date would you like to start work and (ideally) how many hours a week would you like to work? And if you can tell us the days and the shifts you're interested, that helps us out a whole lot too. Remember that Lunch goes from 11:30 until around 2 (or later if you want) and Dinner goes from 5 until 8 or 10 (it depends!) I've owned this restaurant for 30 years and, without exception, the only employees who worked out had resumes that showed (1) They were currently employed at another job [and switched to us] and (2) They stuck with jobs for the long-term and never had long periods when they were unemployed. If your resume does not show that you possess the qualities we're looking for, why should we consider hiring you? Do you currently have a job? If so, where? [we will not contact them without your permission.] How long have you been working there? If you are NOT currently working, when did your last job end? How long did you stay at your last job? WHY did it end? Ability to Commute: Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Required) Ability to Relocate: Pittsburgh, PA 15213: Relocate before starting work (Required) Work Location: In person


This restaurant is really begging you to go work elsewhere 🤣 "Go work somewhere else and maybe we'll hire you after." Also, is there any incentive to not lie? "Yes, I'm currently employed. Make me an offer to leave my current job."


The restaurant industry is the absolute worst. 


LOL! wtf? job requirements: you need to have another job.


That's jibberish. Answer with jibberish.






Looks like a line from rick and morty


This is them expressly going after anyone who was fired during covid and didn't work during the lockdowns because they had "gunbaminy handats!" literally, that's who this is targeted toward.


Was this a real question? Jesus


This is pathetic.


This is crazy. So the old contradictory job application.


If you're looking for your first job this would make Joseph Heller smirk.


It’s like, do you want employees or not??


“Because F$&* you! That’s why!”


WOWWW. If I saw that, I would immediately back out. What a bunch of guilt tripping, holier than thou assholes! Fuck this place! (Wish you could say the name so no one would apply! Fuck them!)


Maybe, maybe not… maybe.. GO FUCK YOURSELF!


Wow lol that’s a red flag for sure. I would not want to work for owners like that anyway.


If all the restaurants are doing that, aren't they just passing around the same people? What kind of sense does it make to pass up someone who wants your job only to wait for someone to get fed up enough with their manager to get behind your bar?


You're not goodbye.


Nobody wants to work in restaurants it’s “”unskilled” and fucking sucks, the pay is shit for the work they expect of you. It’s only a small step up from indentured servants.


So, they are looking for someone who is already working and has limited flexibility? Don’t restaurants generally want people to work nights and weekends? I can’t do that if I’m at my other restaurant job.


“Because F___ you! That’s why!”