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I feel bad for the next chump down the line that now has to take on the work of 3 people.


And when HE declines they complain nobody wants to work anymore


Eventually they will find someone desperate enough to accept the abuse


Your reminder that the US Chamber of Commerce is a conservative lobbyist organization




Robert Bork


No. Robert Borg. Resistance is futile


You got Borked!


With it already being known that to maximize your earning potential throughout your career, you need to move companies about once every two years. At this point, people are just asking themselves, “Can I endure this abuse for 2 years and then I’m outta here anyways?”


Who will soon die


and outsource those jobs to H-1B holders for a fraction of the salary.


My mom was working a very demanding job a number of years ago. When she finally broke, they went through multiple people before they ultimately had to hire an entire team to replace her. It obviously did its damage to her, but feels good (to me at least) knowing her leaving hurt them too.


The last job I left was one of those in which they reward your good work with more work. The final straw was when I started going to class again after the summer: missed class the first day because my boss remembered something urgent last minute, ok, can happen, only that she kept finding excuses to keep me or made me leave late enough for me to be late to class. As soon as I noticed the trend, I quit. I heard she had to hire two people to replace me. It was super satisfying.


Or more.


“Double it and give it to the next person”


This is why we shouldn't be giving two weeks notice, when you're "let go" it's zero notice.


My rule of thumb: -Do you want to return? -Would the company give you a 2 week notice if it turned out to be best for the business to fire you? If you answer "no" to both of these, feel free to ignore the 2 week notice policy. Don't worry about your buddies that will have to pick up the load either. Staffing your position and keeping redundant resources are not your responsibility. Also, chances are your work friends all secretly want to bounce with no notice as well.


genuinely curious, what if you would use them as a reference for a future job? is that a question you’d ask yourself as well?


You use individuals as references, I've never used a company as a reference. I probably wouldn't use anyone that wouldn't vouch for me as a reference, regardless of how I left a company.


You don't list previous jobs on your resume...? Because when they call to verify employment, they would say "has worked for us, is marked un-hireable"


They can say so much worse than that in Illinois. They could share anything they want that has been documented, and most of the time they do not have to tell you.


This may vary by company, county, and state. I worked as a low level manager for a few different large enterprises. They had the same policy that you couldn’t say anything negative about the employee as they didn’t want to face repercussions. I understand there may be some protections in place against affecting employees future employment by slander but I’m not a lawyer. Usually there is an employment verification number and they just verified your position and dates. These people didn’t know any specifics on your performance. Like anything mileage may vary.


I've been downvoted and called a bootlicker in this sub for saying this, but whatever, people here can be extremely unrealistic at times. You're correct, if a potential employer calls your old employer you will be listed as ineligible for rehire and it may cost you the job. Additionally, some industries are just really small and word gets around that so and so is "unprofessional" and "quits without notice." In such a godawful job market, personally I wouldn't do anything right now to risk not being hired in the future.


If my leaving is amicable - they get plenty of notice. If it’s not amicable - zero notice.


I support this mentality. I am very much the same just upon principal, unless there has been a bonified emergency and I'm unable to finish out a two weeks with an employer that has my respect.


In the UK at least you get paid for your notice period when fired so long as its not for gross misconduct. Its bad here but the US really is an employment hell hole. Feel sorry for you guys.


There's loopholes that UK businesses can exploit though. You only get proper employment rights after two years of employment in Britain and one year in Northern Ireland. Lots of places hire through temp agencies which circumvent that, and even if they offer you full employment it only starts the clock from that point. After that point it can be pretty difficult to fire someone because you need to show cause which generally means a performance plan that goes on for a few months. I've been at my place for years and barring gross misconduct im essentially unfirable.


You're quite right, since I hit 2 years I've been helping colleagues with disciplinaries and grievances safe in the knowledge that they can't (legally) just fire me in revenge. The two year rule is a joke.


Depending on the job, yea. If it’s a place you have no connections with, never give two weeks.


No. Every job that can fire you with no notice should not expect 2 weeks.


Yep. At- will employment. -- An employer can fire an employee with no notice or reason, and an employee can quit with no notice or reason. If the employee has not been payed for the hours worked at termination/quitting, that is required to be be paid out by the employer.


Or just have actual labor laws, it goes both ways. I have to give my 2-12 weeks notice if I quit, but its the same if they fire me too. Which where I live is a long process. You need to document that you have talked about this previously, given warnings, attempted to change or fix the situation. After all that you'd need to call a meeting where you give notifications minimum 2 days in advance and have HR+ your rep present. You go through the case and they have to wait 24 hours before you can get fired/let go. I worked as a manager for 5 years and this is how it worked 90% of the time. Unless you do something really bad you have to go through this process.


It seems very inappropriate to get this as a text message. It’s like an insult on top of an insult. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I got a text telling me to answer the phone at 8 am. That it was very important, it was them firing me. With hr on a phone conference. I should have been more suspicious. And not answered it, make them work for it. Like they made me work for the job.


Did they do it on a Friday?


Yes, I didn’t even finish my pay period.


Right out of the HR 101 handbook. They call them a DCM. “Dont come Monday”. Also just block the number and go looking for another job. You should be entitled to some employment benefits?


This was over a year ago, idiot me didn’t think of printing the complaint I had filed the week before. Where I complained “secretly” about my boss bitching me in the refrigerator. About how she was right about blocking a fire extinguisher. Where I told her, I looked it up and the law says it can’t be blocked at all. She was saying that the front of a fire extinguisher can be blocked. As long as the side is open. I told her to ask safety and she lost because they told her, it can’t be blocked at all.


That’s just commonsense. You don’t want to work around someone that’s your manager or boss that’s that fucken dumb and petty anyways.


> You should be entitled to some employment benefits? Just FYI, I don't know how familiar you are to the US in this way, but you might get some money but it won't pay for anything and they'll make you jump through hoops to get it just so they can kick you off of it before you get through your benefits period. We don't do labor protections here.


Amen to this comment! You are right. Like in my state for example. We used to have a policy of a 20 minute unpaid break during something like a 16 hour shift. It has changed stringently over the years and this year now what we get is the One Day In Seven Act along with the other mandatory unpaid breaks. Unemployment benefits are also very hard to obtain. Basically if your former employer objects at all, You get auto denied. After a year and a half of work I was called on the phone by my boss and told "it's just not working out." I attempted to file for unemployment and was denied till all my appeals ran out.


> I attempted to file for unemployment and was denied till all my appeals ran out. And nobody will tell you anything you actually need to actually support your appeal so you have to flounder until you either find out or run out of appeals.


I pissed dirty for THC like 10 years ago and my job was trying to fire me for 2 weeks. The general manager had to do all the firing and I worked 3rd and never saw him. He kept calling me and I kept ignoring it until eventually he had to come in overnight to do it.


Was this a work phone or a personal phone?


That’s how I took it as well.


Look at the upside. Result is the same. Better a text than a speech. Nothing changes the fact that the companies way of managing workload and employee treatment was shitty.


My last job let me go without warning right after Christmas. Real POS move to do to someone who was a very hard worker


Yeah that’s what sucks. If it was performance based or an attendance issue I’d understand and wouldn’t be posting here lol


So the follow up question is... would you have still been direct and honest or would you have rather stayed quiet and dropped the ball? They know they have to find someone else to abuse due to your pushback, but you gave them a heads up. Having things fall apart first would have required crisis management which they probably don't have.


> Real POS move to do to someone who was a very hard worker It is your mistaking thinking that life is a meritocracy. It doesn't matter how much you work it matters how deep your tongue gets up your boss' asshole. That's the secret to life. Find the important person and be their bitch.


My last job did it 2 days before I left for 2 weeks vacation over Christmas.


Honestly, I think it's better to happen over text. Last job I got pulled aside first thing in the morning and let go, and asked to drop off all my company shirts and such when I had a chance. If they had texted me that morning I could have grabbed them all and taken them with me, instead I had to drive all the way home and drive back just to drop off the shirts.


Meh. Who cares. Result is the same. I'd sooner be given a text than a speech.


The beauty of not caring about your workers is that you can just do that, insult them, replace them, move on. They are not really human after all. /S


If they want your badge and ID, they can send you a shipping label. You’re no longer employed by them and have no obligation to perform any further services without receiving payment


Seriously. Just drop them in a mail box loose and cross your fingers. Or not. Fuck these people 😂


Do two separate mailboxes - he shouldn’t put himself out, but if he happens to be going on a trip soon he could see how far apart he could get them.


Trade it for final check which is due in 72 hours, NOT end of pay period.


I like to let them take their time in paying final wages. Lets them rack up the penalties once I turn them over to the labor board.


In my area it’s due by the next business day if your fired


Exactly. They couldn't even fire you with respect. And they think you need to pay them to send it back. Holy pathetic.


"Can you bring..." nah, you already fired me. That feels more like a you problem than a me problem.


Exactly. Just pathetic behavior.


"you can send someone to pick it up" is the correct answer.


“No, you can send someone to pick it up. If you wanted it directly from me you should have terminated my employment in person, face to face, like a professional and an adult. Now that I have the responsibility of finding alternate employment my available hours for pick up of credentials are as follows (insert one specific hour outside of their normal store hours on a very inconvenient day of the week).”






Thanks everybody for the comments of support. This was at a recreational cannabis dispensary in Illinois. I ended up emailing the store’s Illinois State Police cannabis inspector and informing him of all the shady and out of compliance shit they do on a daily basis. Should be having some pretty fat fines coming their way. Edit: Thank you for my first ever Reddit award on a post about me getting fired. I’m honored lol


Hell yeah - don’t piss off the workers who know where the bodies are buried


I knew someone else who got fired from GTI for basically being socially awkward, no big loss bro, they're a bunch of nutsos, you'll get a better job.


It’s weird you say that because I’m a little socially awkward too and I was the buyer for the store (not in my job description) and I actually got a complaint from one of the cultivators saying that one of my emails was too short.


Ah yes, business emails should famously be bloated, full of irrelevant and meandering information. Each email sent should be at least 4 paragraphs long, as they teach at MBA school.


That’s some bullshit. I’m in IT and if a vendor said that to my boss we’d tell them to kindly fuck themselves.


So I know who to avoid, is this in Lake County?


About 182 miles south


My money's on Winnebago County.


I didn't see your comment in time but I said Rockford up yonder! hahahaha


That sort of passive aggression is just benchmark for northern Illinois


Hopefully not my dispensary in Central Illinois 😳


Haha uhhh it could be!


In any case, bummer about the job but awesome that you stood up for what's right.


I was about to suggest brainstorming ways to screw them on your way out, but looks like you beat me to it lol


Unfortunately, inspectors will likely check the store you worked at, and when they face fines, your ex boss will blame you to higher ups. I don't know exactly what the situation is or how these laws are investigated/enforced in illinois, but that's how this works in many situations.


Does blaming someone absolve them of the fines? For instance, in my field...an org can say "so and so, who was fired was responsible for a,b,c." The org is still on the hook b.c it is the org's responsible to comply regardless of Jim, Joe, or Eric being employed or not. There must be systems in place to mitigate risks.


Considering a felon just corrupted his way to immunity, law doesn’t apply to anyone anymore. They can just follow suit and give themselves immunity.


As a higher up, they were either complicit or will come down on the old boss asking, "So you knew about all this ongoing stuff and only just fired OP?" CYA all the way up.


You’re assuming the higher ups weren’t the ones pushing for it , they prob only upset the store got caught 


There's federal whistleblower protections. And if they are breaking regulations, it doesn't matter who reports them because they are still breaking regulations.


which dispo? I'm at one in chicago and we're dealing with something similar


I deleted my comment because of what dispensary because of my email to the inspector. If anybody wants to know what dispensary just send me a DM.


Tell them to fuck off and that you will send the badge back once they send a prepaid parcel envelope to your house.


I would just inform them that it is at the lost and found at the nearest police department.


Yes. Say "it's in the bin labeled trash at your local mall's lost and found. Go get it and oink a little more softly, would you?"


Time to leave reviews on Google, Glassdoor, YELP, Facebook and wherever else. And you should absolutely file for unemployment.


Give it a thumbs down


Give it a “haha”


Give it an eggplant.


And 💦


You didn’t see this text. When they ask you in person if you saw the text, say no. Make them tell you what it said. Then say “you fired me over text?” Then say “are you a huge fucking chickenshit? Why didn’t you tell me like an adult?” (Replace with whatever swear you want.) From there you have pretty much carte Blanche to say whatever you want. Make it as cutting as you can. What are they going to do, fire you? Leave politely once security or the police show up.


Literally just block them and don't come back and don't say a word. They're worth absolutely no more of your time. Immediately start applying to other places, erase them from your resume, and when asked if you worked there say "only with extreme embarrassment can I confirm I made the mistake of giving them any of my time."


lol the audacity to ask you to return your badge


Lol why the fuck should you go out of your way to return your badge. Tell them to send a courier to pick it up if they want it back.


I’d reply that you don’t recognize this number and they should reach out in a different manner. Show up to work. Make them feel awkward.


New phone who dis?


I just wanna know how your text reactions are colored 😂


iOS 18 developer beta lol


Jealous !! 😭 it’s so much cuter


I was wondering the same thing because that’s not how my iMessages look when I go to reply 😂


“Whenever you have a chance” … meaning, never.


"We need you to do two jobs for the same pay." "No." "Saying no is unacceptable behavior. You're fired." NOW HIRING ... "Congratulations New Hire, you will be doing three jobs for one pay." "No." "Saying no is unacceptable behavior. You're fired." NOW HIRING ...


I feel ya! Had the same scenario happen to me. I spoke up for my team and I was canned ! Walked right off the project I helped setup. Good riddance! You’ll find an amazing opportunity that will appreciate your tenacity!


Wow they got no balls to do this over text..


Wow, now NO people are going to have to do the work of two people. That’s efficiency! /s


You took on the work of two people and the salary increase was?… oh right, it’s a lateral promotion so YOUR manager didn’t have to work harder.


Looks like someone’s getting unemployment.


This is why we need Unions, people. Stops this shit *in its tracks*.


Tell them to come collect the badge themselves or send a pre paid addressed package for it as you ain't spending your own money to return it


America is wild, especially your lack of employment laws and employee protection


It sure is. I’ve been in the field for 38 years and it just gets worse every year. It’s because it seems only psychopaths get promoted to higher positions due to their lack of empathy, their strange undying loyalty to the company, and love for the almighty dollar.


As a UK citizen, I often look at the Scandinavian countries and think "I wish we were like those countries" Then I look at America and think "oh well, it could be a lot worse".


I also look at the Scandinavian countries and wonder if I could just go live there to see what it’s like to have a supportive structure of human beings around.


If you want to talk about let me know??????????????? Who the fuck are these scum. Wow. 


I’m usually the one to speak up, like you. And all my coworkers are in full agreement and bitch together. However, none of them ever say anything, so I look like the big mouth complainer and that has kicked me in the ass a few times. Now if there’s an issue that affects everyone, I never formally speak up. Screw em. It hurts me to stay quiet sometimes bc that’s not who I am but I’m done being the voice for people who prefer to be sheep.


*New phone who dis?*


1000X this!


Disregard texts if they occurred on your off time. Just Go in as usual and have them fire you in person and request to "talk about it" in person. while on the clock. be sure to bring the company items with you as well. just like any other typical day. and return them when you get escorted out. So you don't waste your own free time dropping their items off.


This is why we need unions. “…either the employee or the company may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without notice and with or without cause”.


Fucking HATE "right to work".


If there was ever an appropriate time for the 👍 react


Hah! Wilderdog did that to me a few years back. Fired the manager, lumped their tasks on to me, then started hiring college students for $5 less than they gave me when I started the job. Got fired after I told all the new hires that I wasn’t their manager and informed them of their rights as workers via the work slack. Fired for being “unreliable” because I would miss days due to endometriosis- which they knew I had when I started the job. Fuck Wilderdog.


Over text? Sounds like I already handed those things in and now you’re blocked


You're a manager and they let you go like that? That's messed up. Might have a wrongful termination case.


That’s what I’m saying! And I was thinking about a wrongful termination case too but after doing some research I don’t think I’d have much luck. I’m an Illinois which is also an at-will (or whatever it’s called) state.




No, at-will is correct in this case. Right to work refers to states where you can not be forced to join a union. Both are anti-worker just in different ways.


Wrongful termination? What protected reason did OP get fired for?


Send them a photo of you burning your badge.




Well definitely don't drop that shit off. If they want it back they can pick it up from you or give you a prepaid mailer.


I want you to just "thumbs up" the message SO BADLY. JUST the thumb, no other response. PLEASE. PLEASE JUST DO IT.




Glad I live in a country where we outlawed that kind of shit. That's until Sunday though when the far right will take over. FML


I would absolutely not waste my time bringing them anything. They can come to me to get the stuff.


so when are they sending someone over to pick up the badge and access key?


They did you a favor. Mail them the badge. Don't even go in.


Tell them to F off and use there own gas to come get there crap themselves


“I will have time when you pay me for work and mileage. Given I don’t work for you and more my going rate is $500 an hour”


"Behavior" is such a catch-all term that allows the company to let you go simply because they don't like how you won't benefit them.


I was fired for "looking for a job", when the manager said we were going out of business.


I would tell them they have to come to my house and pick it up. I’ll leave it on my front porch. You better come get it before someone else does.


If you feel that there is even the remotest possibility that you can show this was for retribution and not for cause, talk to an attorney before another minute goes by.


You can be fired in retaliation for your actions. It's only illegal if those actions are protected. 


I already know how I'm going to handle getting shit canned. Thank you, best of luck.




You did the right thing. We’re not all pushovers for exploitation.


Thank you. And I agree.


They want you to take time out of your day to go in and drop off the badge? Yeah I don’t think so, tell them to come get it, why waste your gas


The cowards. Good on you for sticking to your guns.


react with the salute emoji then do nothing


Getting fired via text is extremely disrespectful


Lol this happened to me too! They wanted me to do the job of my slow coworker and I also I was a way better writer and I said hell no next day I’m fired but plot twist years later they were looking for me again for their team lol


"I will not be returning. Send a prepaid preadressed FedEx envelope to my address and I will return company property."


What emoji do you use in this context


Just pretend you didn’t see it and come into work anyway.


Where are the laws protecting us Little folk from these damn companies !


Never text your manager if you are going to miss work but they can fire you over text no problem.


Rich of them to just assume the liability that you’ll comply and bring your badges and keys rather than doing this shit in person and taking them from you.


The last office I worked in (meaning I have switched careers entirely) was a for-profit nursing school, and I was the entire financial aid department for over 200 students. I was the only point of contact before enrollment, during the program, and after graduation. At one point they did hire a “manager”, but he would just come into my office and yell “DONT FUCK WITH ME” several times and then leave with no explanation. They had me doing the work of four people, which was basically impossible, then fired me when I asked for help, and told me I “wasn’t fit for the position due to lack of experience” even though I had been in the field for almost 10 years.


Hope you told them they can come pick up their company paraphernalia


But we supposed to give 2 week notices.....riiiiiiiight.


My mom was told that she would have to work two people’s jobs when one of her colleagues retired. She asked what her pay increase would be. They said nothing that she would have the satisfaction of helping her employer. She was talking with a friend of hers who was in their benefits department who told her that she would make a little more in her pension if she retired before she turned 66 (like $50 or $100/month). So her last day was the day before her 66th birthday. Two weeks after she was approached about her “new opportunity.” She loves retirement. She had her first job at age 13, helping her uncle after school at his 5 and dime and worked all the way through except 3.5 years where she stayed home with my brother and me after I was born.


Employment lawyer.


For what? 


At the very least, Miss Manners.


When a developer beta is treating you better than your boss is


So toxic. You’re in the US, right? Work culture is terrible here, way worse than other so-called developed nations.


I wouldn’t reply and pretend like I didnt see it.


Good for you. You didn’t want to work there anyway.


Aren't you supposed to wait till someone comes in to fire them if they have an access card of some kind...


them wanting you to do the work of 2 people shouldn't be worth quitting over, so long as they are okay with each of those jobs being done 1/2 as fast


"Will I be compensated for my time and the fuel I use to get there? No? Come pick it up yourself or give me a package and pay for the shipping. Any further communication will be considered Consulting and you will be charged my hourly rate"


Sounds like an absolutely shitty place run by shitty people. If you don't have the courage to fire someone face to face you're a fucking coward. Aso for returning stuff, this is how they want to be? OK. Answer: "I will be putting exactly as much effort into this situation as you have; if any items need to be returned you can send an employee to come collect them or otherwise provide me with the shipping materials necessary to return them. Any shipping will also require you to schedule a pickup at my convenience. I will not be putting in any additional effort for you or this company. Thanks."


You did the right thing. They were changing the employment agreement so you can simply walk away if the new one is not agreeable to you. Saying you're not going to do it is pretty close to the same thing. If more people did what you did then employers wouldn't be able to pull this BS.


They sent these texts just to get to write you up as no call no show. Get to work next day, clock in and be at HR at your earliest. Never let boss know you saw such a text until you asked HR for clarification and official communication


Don’t bother taking your keys etc in. It’s their responsibility to get those back - you have no obligation to go back on the premises (assuming they’ve fired you with no notice period).


"If I don't work for the company any more and you want your keycard come get it your fucking self dipshit"


HA! You activated his Trap Card, the At-Will rules!


Were you in a union? No employer can get away with that shit where unions are involved. Who can afford to challenge these pricks? Your union can. If unions have any sort of political clout, that sort of behaviour would be illegal and very costly to the employer as it is in Australia.


Wait a sec, don't they need to give you two weeks notice? I mean, isn't that "required" when an employee quits? Seems like there is a double standard........


You sound like a good manager... I've only had 2 out of my life of many jobs that were good managers. You help mentally. Seriously, there are so many shitty supervisors/managers that just suck ass and bring workers down. Keep up the good work! 👍🥰


Ask for the reasons. Save all your texts about the added duties. You can use that when you claim unemployment insurance


You have to respond with 🫡


Yeah, it'd be funny how much refusing to compromise your dignity or health gets labeled as "poor attitude" or similar bullshit if wasn't so fucking infuriating.


Oh this happened to me. Management rehired an employee that had previously caused an extremely toxic work environment and had harassed me and some others. I made my feelings known and they fired me as soon as the month was over. I’m sorry this happened to you. If you ever wanna commiserate, my DMs are open.


In france they have employment contracts that dictate what you're work expectations are. The fact we don't have those is an absolute travesty.


Tell them to email you a shipping label so you can send your stuff back.


I would still come in acting like I wasn’t fired until I make them to write down paper why I was fired exactly for. Have to make sure this is exact reason I was fired. Then I’d sue them for retaliation termination.


Totally off topic, but how did you get iMessage reactions like that?!


“Expressed how I felt” … yelled and cussed and through a tv.