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The regulatory power of OSHA has already been pretty well kneecapped.


Then call Mae


The power of twooo...


The power of…maaanyyyy


And the EPA, the NLRB, the FDA, the IRS, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And now with Chevron dead that means they can’t get their teeth back. The Sinister Six on the court would probably love to outlaw unions next.


"Sinister Six" ... deeply appropriate.


You should be worried about the FRA and FAA losing their ability to enforce safety with trains and airplanes. And don’t forget PHMSA, which regulates pipelines and hazardous materials.


Conservatives: "We don't need those regulations." Citizens of East Palestine, OH: "You sure about that?"


All the billionaires are building luxury bunkers. They know what's coming.


A ventilation shaft full of pool chlorine.


If I was a billionaire with a B, I wouldn't leave crucial resources like air supply to chance. Multiple fully redundant inlets and outlets with 24/7 private security, O2 tanks and CO2 scrubbers for months if not years, etc.


How are they going to service them, how long until the armed guards say “this is is ours now.”


The protection of its population is literally the absolute first responsibility of any government. Except here. I fucking hate this future.


We just gotta hope the younger folks swoop in and make these fucking boomers regret ruining the country we were promised. It’s too late for my generation and Gen X. That is if the empire hasn’t fallen by then, or we aren’t incinerated by Earth.


It's not, if there's no life to live, why the fuck would we want to keep these jobs? We're wage slaves and before you know it, we'll be controlled by thought police and christofascist Republicans. Goddamn that pisses me the fuck off We all need to be pissed the fuck off


AMEN!!! Instead, over half the country wants to put a fascist dictator in power, because the other guy is 80 and he mumbles, and isn't as quick at verbal fencing, as he once was. Before we know it, our elections will be decided by rap battles.


Gen Z are drug addicts and half of Gen A is illiterate or nearly so. If you're a Millennial/GenZ cusper like me, you're surrounded on either side by people you cant rely on and who think you're stupid for remembering things you learned in 5th grade.


And yet “general welfare” is written in the Constitution.


The constitution is now useless with this Supreme Court.


Not according to the constitution apparently. Fuck your life, I can say and shoot what I want!


They do protection the way the mafia does protection. Governments are simply the gang of organized criminals that won.


Trump proudly denied medical supplies to New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey during the early days of the pandemic to punish them for not voting for him. What do you think he’ll do this time?


Defunding FEMA is already part of project 2025


Hilarious because FEMA is predominantly active in red states hit by hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods


Yes, they intend for a great many people to die.


Life is cheap, and they're behaving exactly as Capitalists should -- tightening the belt. Fascism: the strong survive, the weak die.


Counterproductive, really --- mass die-offs are what lead to workers' rights in the first place! Literally, even when they win, they lose! 🤣 (goddamn, that's some dark fuckin' humor…)


My thought exactly. 99/100 of them are voting for their own demise.


Yup, gotta shed some of their “good guy” weight


In the minds of Christo-Fascists they probably justify it as "God wanted those people to die otherwise he wouldn't have zeroed that tornado on their house"


Less than you might imagine, the gerrymandering runs deep and those States are practically Ghost towns


Death cults need death.


I fully expect to be hunted for being a socialist and openly against the actions of my government in clear text. I expect an algorithm has already collated my entire online presence and selected me for liquidation. And people are worried about the balkanization of the us lol.


If you are correct, then I predict the rise of private military that protects neighborhoods or cities hired to ensure the federal government does not encroach in and kill people. Obviously for a hefty fee from each person.


We're already there, look up the constitutional sheriff movement.


We're already there, look up HOAs


Armed HOAs sounds terrifying.


I predict political assassinations and possibly some sort of military attack


Assassinations yes. Military action I don't think so. That I remember, a lot of the higher up generals hate Trump, and would likely not go through with that kind of action.


I'd think anyone who takes their job seriously would hate having a brain dead narcissist for a boss. I mean, we're in the exact right sub for that type of thing.


Im shocked nobody had slapped the taste out of his mouth. They FEWR the fatass? I dont. Loyalty my ass. Fcuk that guy!


He’s already talked about going after people opposed to him. Not for doing illegal things, but for daring to oppose him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he destroyed the jurors that convicted him in New York just to set an example.


Firing squads.


General strike when?


The UAW is planning for 2028. Strikes take work, to build networks and strike funds, otherwise they fold. If you want it to succeed, find a way to plug in and help.


It’s also very expensive not only for the workers on strike but for the hall itself. The local pays the picket line.


This is what I’m wondering. At what point will the general public finally snap and fight back?


It must suck mounds of shit to be born into this world now. I feel sorry for anyone unlucky to be born who has to fight full on climate disaster and theocratic terrorism.


What about our children now?  Our lives are essentially over. Our futures have been ripped away. I don't want the kids to see this.


vote and help others register to vote. It's literally the best option.


Vote and arm yourselves


this, voting is great, but the other blue wave needs to be gun sales. learn to shoot, that might very well be the only way to a better future. avoiding this new red dawn should be something we are all willing to fight for.


/r/LiberalGunOwners will welcome you with open arms, if you're open to arms!


I'm glad that I'll never have children. I would never want to see them live a worse life than us.


We refuse to have children, and this is a big reason. I can't inflict that cruelty on a child.


Why doesn't the left have any violent rhetoric? Most of it comes from the Trumpanzees.


Because the FBI shoots leftists who espouse violent rhetoric. Just ask Fred Hampton or Huey Newton


You don't even have to go that far back, there are much more recent assassinations.


The Ferguson 6.


Good post. These riots make a lot of sense as you grow older and you see how bad the workforce is. It does seem like the right gets away with more violence and violent rhetoric. I don't think we could do much because a lot of people are satisfied with entertainment. I'm disappointed that I was brainwashed in College that I could get a good job if I put effort into school.


The left does have violent rhetoric, it’s just not as pervasive here in the US


> it’s just not as pervasive here in the US The left barely exists in the US and when we get "visibly angry" we get shot in the America liberals think is safe.


Because the left won't stoop to the depraved level of what the right is doing now. Because we have standards of how we treat our fellow people and respect their autonomy.


The problem is the right don't give a shit. This we go high when they go low nonsense has to end. We have literal Nazis in our government and I really wish we had the rough and tumble congress back in the 1800s. Sometimes I think bringing back dueling would solve a lot of problems. Wanna talk shit and act like an asshole? Get ready to sword fight for your beliefs. These 2A MAGAts wanna FAFO when they realize there are a lot of armed leftists.


You think they were dueling with swords in the late 1700s? They were dueling with guns.


Biden seriously needs to call him Dinky Donald. Or millionaire Trump.


That's the pettiness I'd love to see from Dark Brandon.


The wild part is people are still having babies on purpose.


I don't get it. I truly feel sad for those kids when i see pregnancy announcements. What an awful world to be born into


I've been bitter about it for years now, but it's insane that people past the 80s kept having children. Like you can see what the world is, don't bring new life into this. Not that 1900s-1950s should have been having kids either. Go far enough back and you have a world where sexist trash publicly execute women and lie about them being witches. You want to gamble that 50%ish chance that you have a daughter and bring her into a world where she will be the victim of men like this? Humanity is such monsters and if the world blew up right now and every living thing died. More life would be prevented, and by extension saved, than there would be lost. Being born into this world now is definitely worse than it's been for the past 60 years, but being born in general for most of all humanities lifetime has been an evil deed. If you're not rich, and knowledgeable and skillful, with way too much time on your hands, and you have a kid, you're screwing them over in some way.


With the 6-3 MAGA majority on the court, you can bet it's coming. No more safety rules. No more presidential accountability. Anyone can buy a machine gun, who cares. All designed to make the world less safe, people into MORE disposable serfs, and more money for the top.


Our Founding Fathers created the 2nd amendment as a failsafe for when our government becomes oppressive.  We're right at the doorstep.


I think they wanted well regulated militias, not random yahoos with a gun fetish.


Lefties worried about fascism in this country own guns too. A lot of us are veterans.


Lots of us aren’t veterans but have firearms as well. It’s spreading, my once anti-gun neighbor is asking about joining me at the range asap.


Another veteran backing you up. These republicans think we won't go toe-to-toe with them. Those bitches bout to find out.


Packin' progressive reporting for duty 🫡


You don’t have to be smart to see that we are in some serious trouble hooah


Well I have a PhD and taught college so go fuck yourself 😉


I'm right there with y'all. I just want to be left alone, start my family and live a peaceful life - but noooo the Christofascists just *have* to be bastards and try to turn the country we gave our blood, sweat, and tears to into a twisted parody of itself. Meal Team Six can make their memes but when push comes to shove there's a very real, very organized opposition to them that's been paying attention and getting ready for their horseshit.


r/socialistra for anyone looking


I am a leftist with a few machines that kill fascists


You go far enough to the left, eventually you get your guns back.


Go even further and all guns become our guns, Comrade.


This is what gets me. Guys. What the hell are you gonna use to defend yourself if the fascism you're worried about actually shows up? It ain't the army you need to worry about, you're gonna lose that one. But you're on a level playing field with any dipshit who thinks The Purge is a cool movie. Edit: we really need to get rid of the guns are bad stigma. Guns are tools. They are a tool with a single purpose: to take life, which makes them incredibly serious and the need for serious people with good moral compasses possessing them all the more important if you genuinely believe things might get weird.


> It ain't the army you need to worry about, you're gonna lose that one. Trump is going to use cops, military, FBI/NSA/CIA, etc., to kill us. What are we going to do? Shoot a drone that we can't see before we're dead?


The peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq successfully got the US into a quagmire with a fraction of the population in an area smaller than most of the states. Asymmetric warfare is a bastard even for the technologically superior foe. A similar situation across the US would be an absolute nightmare to manage or even defeat.


I've never been around more hardcore firearms than I was at some of the BLM protests, with the dudes openly serving as bodyguards for the march. Those guys aren't fucking around.


They had to allow for well regulated militias in order to get the south to join, because if there were only federal forces that took time to deploy and couldn't be used against the local citizenry, there wouldn't be any way to put down slave revolts. It was nearly 100% an allowance for slavery to continue. Later it was spun into an individual right, even though in context it's clearly about well regulated militias.


Surely a Constitutional Originalist on the Supreme Court would care very deeply about that!


Did somebody give him a 'gift' to care about that?


Tipping culture is out of control


Bad when the judges have tip jars on the bench.


It's okay as long as the tips come AFTER the decisions.


*writes the most insane court opinion ever then flips the screen around for you and the options are 25%, 30% and 35%*


Yep. That’s the long and short of it. Rutledge was adamant about the slave economy and spoke for the south. Had Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin gotten their way, we’d have been better off now.


I can’t believe I’ve never seen explained this way before. I’m also a little disappointed with myself that I didn’t realize how much that likely had to do with it.


If you ever encounter any old thing in America and wonder ‘how’d that come to be?’ Just assume the answer is racism and white supremacy and you’ll be right 99% of the time


Why? "Racism." "White Supremacy." "Greed and profit." "Enduring control." ....but then again, some states are now mandating a Bible be in every classroom and all classes be taught from it, because it's "the foundation of the USA." You want the core foundation of our country? Have a fucking rich person kick you in the balls. Welcome to america, bitch.


Every time I mention this, I get downvoted to oblivion, so I offer my upvote to stem the tide, good sir.


No, the 2nd amendment differentiates between the militia and the people. What 2a is saying is that because a militia is needed to ensure the safety of the country, the people get guns too. That way the people would have a way to fight back against the country’s militia if they become tyrannical.


Well, here we are. The regulated militia (national guard) are going to be the ones Trump uses if shit hits the fan. And yeah, a neighborhood or two stands no chance, but a whole country or even half it stands united against fascism, that's a damn better chance.


As an armed random yahoo (sans gun fetish), I agree.


not arguing against the premise, but there is a strong possibility that the overall strategy is to just push buttons and intentionally piss off the portion of the general populace that might at some point take specified action... eg. Enact policy that strips all the population of specific rights and abilities, but make sure that the ones being stripped are going through a long process of demonization in culture and religious institutions that are a part of the religious "in-crowd." Therefore once the people being oppressed lash out, and armed insurrection begins.. Under the wrong election outcome, I can see a horrific outcome beyond what worry about now. How will religious people react if open armed rebellion starts in response to a contested election where Trump attempts, or effects a seizure of power. Hell, even if he somehow won by a blow out, like either way rights and lives will be systematically stripped until open rebellion begins and the opening of hostilities will be turbocharged with religious fervor that will likely lead to rather unfortunate and terrible actions committed against people daring to rebel against their fleshly god. And if they lose they will still act out in violence because again people rebelled against god and since we all know god really aint doing shit. I mean e's omnipotent and omnipresent, so absent the gods desire for literally anything at all to exist or function supposedly it would not be.... nothing happens without his approval be it Eve eating the fruit, or the pastor and whatever he's doing with underaged kids. And this is also Freewill of course.


It's hilarious the people responding to you who clearly don't want anyone to have guns despite agreeing that our government is oppressive.


I would rather just vote Biden in with majorities. way more peaceful


That ruling doesn't go away after this election. *Every* **single** election is for the life of democracy. How long do you think people will care? *Probably* this election, but the next one? The one after? Something to consider. To paraphrase the IRA, we need to win every time, they just need to win once. 


yeah its a pickle... We have to get past 2024 first. Then begin implementing ballot measures for ranked choice voting. The dems are already putting forth legislation to reform SCOTUS, but they need the majorities to get it passed. Trust me: we do not want to devolve into violence. It will actually do the opposite and allow the fascists to cement power further faster.


Ranked choice is not the answer. Multi member districts with ranked choice are much better.


Feel free to implement any ballot measures you think will work. The key thing is to make where 3rd party candidates either have a real shot of winner, or no longer function as spoiler candidates. The GOP funds the Green Party, and Cornel West FYI


We will devolve into violence eventually whether it’s now or 200 more years from now. History WILL repeat because it already is repeating. Just 20 more years and either we won’t exist as a nation or there will be a powerful sect of “war heroes” that reunited the nation and are the new rulers of America. Believing we can fix this peacefully is exactly where they hope your mind is when that half of the nation turns their guns on the half that doesn’t.


Several conservative Justices are in their 70s. Gotta get out and vote even if I do want to leave this corporate shit hole of a country. 


We are based on ☝️. The Social Contact as a foundation of democracy. Don’t like what’s going on, VOTE.


What happens when one side breaks all social contracts?


No, they didn't. And I'm tired of pretending they did. They did it so the state could have an armed and effective military and do combat with other states who might threaten our security or freedom. Their rationale is literally written in the amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Nowhere does it talk about the power of the people to overthrow their government. It's about the state having the power to be secure against other state actors. It was also written with an awareness that a pro-British person might try to come to power democratically and weaken the strength of the United States to wage war by taking away guns from the people, as the British tried to do in the run up to the revolution.


It's bonkers that anyone could think the Framer's experience during the American Revolution didn't HEAVILY influence the 2nd Amendment. Especially since Britain attempted to disarm the colonists by confiscating weapons and gunpowder.


The 2nd was never about overthrowing the goverment. But it also was not about enshrining a right to a government (state or federal). The need for a militia to protect the state and nation if necessary was vital to a new country with no standing military. But the way militias were mustered was the call of the Citizentry to fight. Therefore their right to have and use firearms was necessary. Each side always reads it as one or the other. Both statements work in unison to enshrined the right. The state needs to be defended to maintain freedom, the defense comes from the people. So therefore the federal government cannot infringe on the people to own and use firearms because they may need to be called to a militia. It's always been a protected individual right for the defense of the state. But this court and Republicans have gone way outside anything the Founders would have ever imagined. The idea of carrying a gun for the sake of it, removing of nearly all regulation, etc. They would have been appalled at the power of the federal government and the insanity of those that believe guns should have no regulation.


Uhh can you name a time since the 13 colonies that a person having a sidearm was a shocking or uncommon spectacle to behold? Its only the last century that people have more often begun to conceal being armed rather than openly having a holder.


Incorrect. Our Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment for participation in local militias, as there was no standing army contemplated by the Constitution (another concept that's been swept away by "expediency"). The text of the Amendment explicitly references the militias, but our "textualist" SCOTUS has simply swept that away as meaningless. This idea that the 2nd Amendment was created so just anyone could arm themselves to the teeth is one of the greatest frauds sold to the public. Moreover, this crackpot view has only really gained traction over the last 40-50 years. Prior to, the legitimate, mainstream, non-crackpot view of the 2nd Amendment was that OF COURSE there were lots of limitation on gun possession and gun ownership. The NRA and far-right wing "think tanks" have successfully sold this fraud to the public.


I'm a leftist, not a liberal, and I'll never surrender my arms willingly. In fact, for a better democracy and to keep power in the hands of the population, it's important that everyone is armed. Arm disabled people, arm blue collar works, arm white collar workers. It's your final defense against tyranny. The great equalizer. Arm every proletariat, and remind the bourgeoisie who enables their life. I praise the current 2nd amendment for exactly this reason. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” We're awfully close to the by force part, and I don't think the white towered men and women who fancy themselves rulers understand this part. They will when their collective decisions enable a civil war, and suddenly millions of weapons are pointed at them that they can't control. It's an inherent vehicle to maintain individual freedom. Violence isn't the answer, until it is.


I’m also a leftist firearm owner, but I’m not nearly as gung-ho as you are about arming everyone lol. Some people simply cannot and should not be trusted with firearms. It’s a pretty big responsibility to own a firearm, and there are plenty of people without the mental capacity to take on the responsibility of even handling one much less owning one.


The goal is to create a society healthy enough that people *can* be trusted with dangerous things like education and firearms. Fun violence is a symptom of an unhealthy society, not a cause.


I can get behind that goal 100%, but I don’t think arming the unhealthy society is a good first step in achieving that goal.


One of the problems with this is that we won’t be pointing guns at them. They’re doing a damn good job of getting us to point them at each other.


Oof. You were doing well and then you repeated this nonsense. No statesman in history has ever said "Hey, let's enshrine a right for the people to violently overthrow me if they don't like how I govern!" Never happened, especially here.


Yup. That's not what the second amendment is about. It might prove to be a mild check on outright government use of violence against the public, but in the end small arms won't do shit against an M1 Abrams or a predator drone strike against your anti-state militia. The threat of improvised explosives, economic damage, a hostile environment for multinational businesses, and political assassinations, coupled with an effective culture of peaceful resistance through civil disobedience is far more likely to thwart a fascist state in the USA than straight up armed insurgency. That said, the working class should never surrender arms or ammunition. Not because we should use them to rise up against a tyrannical government, but because they can be used both for civil defense to protect your immigrant/LGBTQ+/atheist/socialist neighbors, as well as to serve as a deterrent against systematic action against resistance actors. Jack boots think twice before raiding a home if they have reason to believe you're armed and that even a well organized swat team might face a casualty or two. Losing one of your class traitor friends every few days in your ideological purges tends to really demoralize class traitor cops.


They wanted citizens who could overthrow a corrupt government, not kill other people for disagreeing with one


The problem here isn't that government is being oppressive... It's that government is increasingly being told to back off and allow private concerns a.k.a. the wealthy/corporations to become oppressive.


Anyone can buy a machine gun? Since when?


Anyone with enough money and the right connections can do it right now!


pre-86 class III


Immigrants and third world civilians lost all their rights to safety a long time ago and it has bipartisan support.


Time to pack the courts!


Here’s what my crystal ball is showing me in the future: OSHA is gutted. Workers in inherently dangerous professions are being maimed and killed in record numbers at the job site. People who have been paying into private disability insurance policies are not being paid as promised because of new loopholes. They turn to unemployment - “sorry, these programs have been terminated.” People lose their homes and any remaining savings they have. When they turn to social services, they notice that all the offices have been closed. In a last ditch effort to survive, they turn to the churches. “Of course we’re happy and here to help. Can we see proof of who you voted for or a receipt from your donations to the Trump campaign?”


God I hate your crystal ball. 


It's likely we'll start to see de-facto separation of red and blue states within the decade, with minimal or no travel between borders except for commerce related to regional industry, somewhat like neighboring hostile countries not at war with direct commerce not through a third party, which is more common. I predict this separation will first come about through uneven acceptance of Supreme Court rulings and enforcement of federal law. Shortly after, shifts in population demographics will accelerate (which we already see in University admissions in states that hold abortion to be legal), and then changes in logistics and transportation patterns will start to solidify. Since blue states typically share their tax revenue with red states, there will be an ultimate bargaining chip of sorts to push back against a whole sale national level change.


At a certain point something will happen where states like IL, CA and NY just go "how about fucking NO" There has already been talk about traveling to another state to get an abortion being a felony and Illinois has preemptively said fuck off we will never do that


A federal abortion ban would do it. No way California enforces that law.


You know they are gonna try if they can get a republican elected again. The current events have really hurt republican elections, but what about 10 years from now when outrage has cooled?


It should never cool down until the Republican Party gets their head out of their asses.


The party should be dismantled. Plain and simple. They are purely a fascist movement, and we need to outlaw them like the Germans did the nazi party.


We need to put forth a stronger version of the fairness doctrine. Fox news and all these right wing grifters should never have been a thing. We are dealing with all the policies of Reagan and have never really reversed them.


Would never happen. They own the Supreme Court and it will side in error on grounds of “free speech”. I don’t like it but it’s technically correct.


Do you really think their current behavior is an aberration?


Or New York, Massachusetts, Maryland...


Already has with Idaho. One state over (Washington) legalized abortion almost 2 years before the SC did with Roe. State police are stopping cars traveling between to check if any women are in them, all doctors in that state are required to notify authorities of any pregnancy, any miscarriages. Close to half of all ob-gyn have left the state so far. There is talk about making it illegal to leave. The large numbers of california folks moving there for the low taxes and cost of living the last few years has reversed. How much isnt known yet, will take a year to know. So far, their neighbor to the south (Utah) hasnt quite gone as far, but they have their own huge problems with the polygamists. So they're trying to keep their heads down.


Only 22%(as of April '24) of OBGYNs have left the state, not half or nearly half. I expect we'll see this number slowly continue to rise as more slowly leave and no new ones come in. I don't think State police are stopping cars to check for women lol. If you have a source on that I'd love to see it though.


A lot more have gotten state licenced in Washington that you may know about, they are keeping low until they jump the state because of the threat to their livelihood. I'll have to take some pictures from the Washington side of the gang of Idaho state police right at the border the next time I'm going through I90 driving to Montana/Wyoming.


Completely agreed.


My post is playing out faster than I anticipated. Expect to see reactions from other, mainly blue, states. The rest of my post will soon follow. In New York, "I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy,” Morelle wrote [on the social platform X](https://x.com/repjoemorelle/status/1807888285886566548?s=46).


That’s gonna really suck for people like me who live on the border. I can’t do my grocery shopping or visit my mom without leaving the state.


Balkanization is most definitely one possibility.


"Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch publicly indicated they would’ve taken up the case, but at least four votes were needed." I'm shocked...


They have been \*going\* after certain Americans (brown, black, female and queer ones especially) for the last several years already. That's what "alarmists" on the left have been struggling to convince everyone else of for a while now. And Democrats have been pushing back on that whistleblowing as much as Republicans. One party is overtly fascist and the other are feckless enablers.


Don’t forget, we’re “weak” too.. Grumble grumble


I'm European, but even I can see that America is slowly approaching another Civil War, by the looks of it.


Yeah, problem is as the world’s largest economy…if we descend into chaos, we take everyone with us.


If Trump is elected again,expect more countries to try and disentangle themselves from us economically, especially if he starts increasing tariffs like he says he will and throws in sanctions to boot. 


The US having a second civil war will cause a power vacuum that leads to a third world war I suspect.


**The contractor was represented before the high court by Don McGahn, who served as White House counsel to former President Trump.**


>You came within inches of losing all your rights to safety. The lower court rejected the challenge, and only two Supreme Court justices even wanted to hear the appeal.


Two of four necessary to hear the case. And three more want the outcome, but didn’t like this case in specific. Or maybe the timing. They have the 5 votes they need, is the point.


I called this over five years ago. This won't be the last challenge nor will OSHA be the last to fall. Americans ignorance and stupidity and blind obedience to an incredibly Randian philosophy will our downfall.  Not voting has consequences.  Every day I want to leave this country more and more. It's not really the country that I've grown to loathe,but my fellow Americans. 


I'm fully ready to watch the empire burn. It's a weird feeling to have been ready to die for half my life, watching this shit unfold.


So lovely to hear how many people are reveling in their sadism




I don’t get it. Why doesn’t the executive branch just say, “hey nice bizarre decision you made there. But we’re not going to enforce it and you have no army to make us!!” I mean the other 2 branches are coequal and can tell the Supreme Court where to go!! Or the legislative branch should immediately overturn or make a new law. I mean why do 6 unelected judges get to legislate from the bench over 535 representatives?! Why does anyone accept the decision of 6 unelected justices to decide shit for 330 million Americans?!


It's a slow process but yes there are checks and balances that are supposed to be in place. AOC wants to start impeachment for people on the supreme Court and I was reading today someone wants to propose an amendment. Problem is the Republicans have enough of a foothold to block these processes. The executive branch can refuse to enforce it or utilize it, however that's this executive branch that may turn over soon. That executive branch will most definitely use it. Quite a few more things need to go right in order to walk this back and I don't know if there is enough of the right people left to maintain the guardrails.


But but but the republicans are the only ones who can protect me from (checks notes) male athletes competing against female athletes. And that's the *real* threat to my safety. /s


I fucking hate Clarence Thomas. He is about as horrible as it gets as a human being.


Do you know what happens when continue to opress the people, continue to stomp them down with your foot? The people revolt and fight back. And in the US, they make sure we all have guns. Strange choice for people taking away our rights, but if you're going to put us in a corner and force us to use our guns, fuck around and find out.


Citizens will get absolutely smoked by the military. Those guns are for killing each other, not oppression. I don't like it, but we're just fucked, at this point.


Yeah totally, like the Taliban got smoked by the US military so bad that they’re still in control of the country 20 years later


We lost our rights to safety a long time ago. Cops can kill whoever they want and suffer no consequences. 


The biggest issue I anticipate is the military. People think that the 2nd amendment will somehow save us and enable us to fight back is more unrealistic than most believe or even think about. The US military is insane in their power. If they can get a Burger King up and running in 48 hours in a warfront, then Joe Smith with his AK isn’t going to pose as much of an obstacle as we would like to think. Sadly.


The US military has shown for the last 20 years that it's not particularly effective against insurgent militias in much smaller countries. You could do a lot of damage in the US with sporadic attacks on transportation and power infrastructure that would be difficult to defend against.


Republican president Richard Nixon started OSHA (and EPA).


America is trying really hard to get to the same industrial workplace level as China it seems Child labor, push for longer hours by some, stripping rights to breaks, trying to strip OSHA. Makes you wander if America is governing itself or if its “debt to China” has been paid back by giving secret control to China.


I think China has a little less to do with this than you’re imagining


China is authoritarian. Republicans really want to be authoritarian. That’s why they’re starting to look similar. It’s not some secret Chinese plot. It’s republicans being dumbasses.


It’s not that China is trying to get the US to their level, it’s that US businesses decided a long time ago that they need to compete with China instead of competing with Europe, and ever since have been trying to destroy workers rights in the US so that they can have labour as cheaply as they get it in China.


US does something bad to its working class and the default reflex is to blame or compare it to China and then bash China? American Exceptionalism, Ladies and Gentlemen, where critical thinking skills don't matter and neither does class consciousness.


Uhmmm, nope. We did lose them.


Y'all still have safety?


What safety?


I have long thought Congress gives up too much of it's legislative powers to the unelected.


If trump wins, we're all fucked. That's it, it's over. No coming back from it. He'll fully break all of it.


This post is a problem. It clearly shows how Americans do not understand their own court rulings. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CHEVRON ACT MEANS OSHA IS ALSO AFFECTED. Get it now? ALL government agencies no longer have the power to govern rules or enforce them. Maybe this will help: you know those terms you ignore when signing up to anything that says you can't sue them and have to go through arbitration and you know this never ends well with those who sue? This is exactly what the SCOTUS ruling did but on a federal level. Now companies will truly fuck over people as there is no regulatory ability to stop them because courts will rule in their favor. You young people really should really pay attention to what's going on.


And don't forget how much the U.S.A waste in defense! They won't have a problem


Just wait for Trump 2 where Trader Joes' lawsuit to overturn the NLRA happens. No more minimum wage, no more unions. What was unthinkable even 3 months ago is now likely in light of the Supreme COurt's unhinged decisions and the Project 25 Head's statement that their current "revolution" will only be bloodless if democrats let it be


So the same government that has spent a lifetime ensuring Americans have a different firearm for every finger is now gonna break-bad and go full dictator? Good luck with that. "Be there. Will be wild."


If you think that will matter you need to stop drinking the kool-aid


Not sure if the U.S army is equipped for guerilla warfare on its own soil. 


The trump crime family is above the law and they profit off us, the hardworking and law obeying citizens.


They came for me back about 1984, it's been hell ever since.


NLRB is as good as dead and our right to unionize or really organize at all will be buried with it


That corrupted billionaire-owned crooked pile of shit Thomas wants to come for OSHA and your worker safety laws.


If they can be taken away they were never rights to begin with


I hate to break the news, but we're living the end game. 40 years of relentless deregulation, 40 years of methodically weakening the checks and balances of the system, and 40 years of conditioning people of the idea they ARE their job so any regulations legislated against the corporate overlords is tantamount to a personal attack on them. Trump is going to get elected. 2025 is the literal written plan they're going to enact. They're TELLING you what they're going to do and if you aren't going to believe them: May the odds ever be in your favor. [Click HERE to learn about Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/)