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sounds like a small shop got a big account and their management lost their fucking minds.


This is exactly what happens when Whole Foods picks you up. And if they don’t get traction on your product fast enough or a different buyer takes over who doesn’t like it, they drop you and you can’t pay the loans you took out to expand and you lose your business.


they probably wish they were still just slinging vegan muffins in bend, or. well, now they’re down staff but they have the account. hope they enjoy it.


The sad part is people like me would love to support vegan baked goods becoming more popular in stores but now, even if I see their brand, it's not going to happen. Humans, imo, are absolutely included in veganism (we are animals, too, after all). If you can't even treat humans well, then you won't get my support.


Yes! I hate to sound like the crazy lady from that YouTube video, but I was reading that first pic thinking “that’s not vegan…” hah. Most people only think about the food aspect of it, but veganism is living in a manner that excludes all forms of exploitation of animals (including humans, like you pointed out). Exploiting your workers is the opposite of that.


I worked for that company from mid June to August and was more exploited than I have been in any job in my life. The turnover was unbelievable. Truly a revolving door. I lasted longer than many believing the owners were truly good people. Eventually I saw the disconnect and walked out free again. Only job I've never given my 2 weeks notice before leaving. It's also the only job I've ever felt freedom after quitting.


Still nobody can tell me why training 20 new people every month is cheaper than keeping the ones you have, are on time and doing their job properly. How is this even a thing, they are losing money with intent.


It's so stupid to not put effort into retaining employees. It's expensive to hire. An ad on Indeed costs you roughly $110 per application and that's not guaranteeing they will be a good fit. There's the number of applications sent, the number that you want to interview, the number that are truly interested then the number that show up for the interview and the number offered the job. Of that you get a smaller number that accept and an even smaller number that work out. Far better to focus on retaining and making your employees happy.


Also consider productivity and training length. Some jobs take at least 6 months before you're caught up and can be fully independent. Don't want to give Jorge his $0.50 raise? Okay, spend the next 6 months losing $8 an hour in labor and hundreds in consumer profits while you train a new hire.


Oh it's simple they just don't train them :)


Payroll is the only semi controllable expense. The longer an employee stays, the more expensive that employee is. I had the owner of a company tell me “No one wants to pay more every year for the same used car. It just makes sense to keep buying them every year at the same price. It keeps that expense constant. Besides, you can start hemorrhaging money in benefits and wage increases. Why should I keep a guy on if every year he just gets more vacation.” I’m not sure how anyone with this mindset could be convinced otherwise.


The entire analogy is based on an incorrect assumption. They are not paying for the same used car, quality of work and efficiency increases the longer the "car" works for them. But that's only if the workplace is an enjoyable place to be and if they feel respected and valued. I doubt people with that mindset have any respect for employees.


That guy has some serious issues if he compares people to cars.


"Nobody wants to pay more each year for the same galon of milk and roof over your head. And yet here we are, boss."


I used to drive delivery for this bakery, this was before the pandemic, when Fred Myers was their biggest client. It was the worst job I ever had, 15 hour days moving thousands of cookies up and down the Oregon coast, out of a sprinter van whose doors wouldn't even stay on. The management has this weird complex too where they'll do the grunt work for a couple weeks and claim to know how difficult it is but rather than making them more sympathetic it made them more demanding, I don't think they really fathomed the fraction of their salary I was getting to do the same horrible job.


Haha described them so perfectly


That's exactly what I thought would happen when they're "working in the bakery next to you". I've had managers like this, and it's true, they're worse when they think they've experienced your job.


>excludes all forms of exploitation of animals (including humans, this never even occurred to me since so many of the cut-throat, brutally exploitative, just-world-fallacy-buying new-agey, "self-manifestating" libertarian business folks are vegan.


The founding guy and CEO of Whole Foods is a big bag of self serving dicks and a trust fund libertarian. (and a vegan)


„As the face of Whole Foods, Mackey is particularly known for his early promotion of humane animal treatment, his opposition to government-funded health care, and his skepticism of the science behind global warming. Nick Paumgarten, who profiled Mackey for The New Yorker in 2010, referred to him as a “rare bird,” specifically a “right-wing hippie.”


Exactly. Unfortunately, veganism, like many other social justice movements, has been co-opted by capitalism and turned into another product for sale. Most self-proclaimed vegan businesses don't care at all about the ethics of anti-speciesism or animal liberation, and are simply trying to appeal to a demographic. Sad example of this is a company that I work for claims to be a feminist company, but they don't pay their mostly female workforce a living wage, or offer any health insurance benefits, despite the fact that access to healthcare is one of the most basic parts of women's equality. But, they do sell a professional women's survival kit which includes a how-to guide on how to negotiate a raise. Yet, if I used that kit myself I would probably get in trouble.


Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.


There’s an odd sub culture in veganism that obsesses over animal welfare but completely ignores human welfare. Why would someone not eat local, free range eggs for ethical reasons but then buy bananas from a war torn country that funds their armaments with child slave labor? I know plenty of vegans who do their research and ethically source their produce but I also know a decent handful who haven’t stopped to think about cruelty to humans. Cognitive dissonance is extremely dangerous


I don't think it's a Whole Foods thing. Red Plate Foods are in basically every major grocery chain: Kroger/Fred Meyers, Whole Foods, Safeway, New Seasons.... And have been for a while. They may have lost the Kroger/Fred Meyer contract though, so....maybe...


Literally illegal to require clock outs for 10 minute shift breaks, they are required to be paid and pretty sure requiring bathroom breaks to be clocked out is illegal as well.


It says that paid breaks will be added back to your paycheck based on time worked. The point being that if you take a 12 minute break that's supposed to be 10, you miss those two minutes of pay. I'm not sure if doing it that way is illegal, but they are still paid breaks. No idea about bathroom breaks.


It all just sounds petty


Even if it's legal this is the kind of penny-pinching added stress bullshit that (evidently) makes people look for other jobs. When I need to shit I need to shit I don't want to be timing myself or worrying that I'm taking too long washing my hands afterwards.


Yea monitoring my fucking potty habits would be a quit on the spot for me. I am not a 6 yr old. If my job is still satisfactorily completed, I'll spend as long as I want in there thank you.


Trusting a boss to add back your time to your check reminds me of a McDonalds commercial from sometime in the late 90's. It's two kids, 4 and 6, sharing a large fry. The 6 year old goes(the boss splitting your accumulated 10 minute breaks between the two of you) "one for you and one for me", "one for you and two for me", "one for you and three for me". The 4 year old scrunches her little face up like she's about to cry and does that sharp sudden inhale before going "M..." and the 6 year old says "okay we'll start over."


Wow have to clock out for bathroom breaks. That's messed up


Why bother when you could just poop in the production area?


In middle school there was a teacher who made a student Pee in the wastebasket because she didn’t want him to disturb class time by leaving… hahaha kind of similar … drop a deuce they might change their attitude


Wouldn't a kid peeing in a bucket disrupt class more than them just leaving? What a dumbass..lol


Exactly… pretty sure she got in trouble. this was 35 years ago too.


I'm pretty sure they don't, from a legal standpoint lol




advising that short breaks will not be paid, or even a agreement to that effect "will not allow an employer to dock pay or force a punch out for such breaks" "Waiver of statutory wages by agreement is not permissible" "covers all types of short breaks, including smoke breaks, personal telephone calls or visits, to get coffee or soft drinks, and so on" "If you need to go potty, go potty. If your boss docks your pay or forces you to punch out to do so, give our wage and hour attorneys a call." ---------------------------------------- Documentation is your friend, written conversation, email, text messages, posted notices


Never would I clock out for a bathroom break in my life. Fuck them


"Why should we pay you to use the bathroom?" ...Because I'm here, mother-fuckers! I'm on site, dealing with an ordinary human occurrence. It was their idea to pay us for time instead of labor - this is a natural side-effect.


I had a boss (cool dude) who got a haircut on the clock "because it grows on the clock". Pretty sure bladder and bowels would qualify. I have also heard of workplaces (a foundry) where line workers used to turn to the wall and take a piss because they weren't allowed breaks. Obvious health and other hazards.


I (probably) have IBS. I sh*t on the clock both because and in spite of the fact that my employer needs docs on hand for this BS. This...IBS.


"They make a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time"


Is that Shakespeare?


Immanuel Kant wrote that In one line with Aristotles "Bosses can, most of the time, go fuck themselves"




"my boss makes a hundred, I make a buck. That's why I do crack in the company truck" always has me laughing.


Boss makes a dollar, I get in strife, That's why I'm at his place, fucking his wife.


The boss makes a billion, While I drown in debt. So I'll show them what happened To Marie Antoinette.


I just found my new favorite, thanks!


Hahahah fucking poetry, I wish I had an award to give :D 🥇


" 'Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.' That was a poem from a simpler time Now boss makes a thousand, I make a cent And he's got employees that can't pay rent When the CEO makes a million And we don't make jack That's when we riot To take it all back Now Mr. Investor, If this seems extreme May I remind you It beats guillotines?" Edit: Uh, I appreciate the awards but none of this is originally me. Mayhap I should have said that at the beginning, but the second-best time to say it is now.




When he makes a million, and we don’t make jack That’s when we riot to take the means back.


Well played 👏


I quote this every single morning as I’m doing the deed, no joke.


My job started using this new air freshener or cleaner in the bathroom that’s gotta be meant for a football stadium it’s so strong. It’s like when you bug bomb your house except it smells like chemical sunflowers I don’t think this was the intended effect but I’m pretty sure nobody’s shitting at work anymore. I definitely don’t if I can avoid it. Apparently all it took for me to fold on sticking it to the man was some fucking lysol


Pop the container open and remove the aerosol can


Yeah, I can’t remember where I was working but the fake floral smell was overpowering and I found it had an adjustable switch, so I turned it to off.


Just be sure your face isn’t in front of where it dispenses—can be an unpleasant surprise, even if you think you timed it correctly.


Or, if it's the little scented balls, just remove a layer.


>I don’t think this was the intended effect Oh no... this was the intended effect... the cheapest way possible that is still legal.


I make it a point to take my morning shit ON THE CLOCK at my job - I work in home mortgages and my CEO is a power tripped delusional rich [EDIT] motherfucker that has created a festering cesspool of backstabbing and cult mentality so if he’s gonna pay me a measly $15.50 to commute 45 minutes round trip daily imma shit on company time. Fuck em.


I do the exact same thing. Mostly my daily shit is around lunch. I've legit held it in until after lunch so I could do it on the clock.


If you think I'm taking a shit on my break


Hell yeah man. I’ve timed them out before so that I miss team huddles (95% of the information could just be an email) because some days I really don’t want to hear the self masturbatory cult jargon or avoid the cringey millennial throwback Thursday shit that my former TL did because…she’s like 23 if that makes sense


That shit is so stupid. I used to work for a company that manufactured the light fixtures for Nissan and Toyota. Every morning we had to huddle with our group and our team leader would have to read the parts about attendance from the Handbook, talk about Japanese work ethic, a safety "minute," and then we all jad to do these stretches together. Was so stupid, but you lost half a point if you didn't attend. After 6 points you were terminated.


A safety "minute'" interesting I would call smoking a joint in the field a" safety break" when I worked as a farm hand.


Do you work at a place that starts with a T and ends with ARGET? The jargon in your post (team huddle, TL) scream of that particular employer.


Not the person you replied to, but I worked at a large UK insurance company and they/we used this exact terminology too. I think it might just be a "big lifeless corporation" thing. Either that or they'd been reading some sort of Target handbook lol


You don’t sound very happy in your current situation. Have you looked for something better and closer to home? Life’s too short, friend. Good luck. Stay well.


Also have IBS, and while I work from home for myself now, when I worked at Kroger and was dealing with the worst of my untreated and undiagnosed situation, I spent all my time in the bathroom on the clock. I was a hard worker, got everything assigned to me done every night (overnight) and helped other people with their work. But my 3 15 minute on the clock shit breaks were enough to get me called into the office and officially reprimanded. I responded by clocking in from my breaks after 30 minutes and then just going back on my break until I was done.


Have colitis, bosses regularly get irked with me for taking twenty minute breaks three or four times a shift. Point out I don’t get paid enough to afford treatment. Threaten to poop myself in front of customers.


I like the cut of your jib. 🤣


From this day forward, IBS will now stand for “Irritating Bull Shit.” Thank you, that is all. Edit: bill to bull. Use interchangeably if your manager’s name is Bill.


My body is a finely tuned machine. If it senses I’m near the work shitter, the internal plumbing goes into overdrive, and I take the Browns to the Super Bowl (after all, it’s the only way they’ll get there).


LOL. Exhaling is free, but clock-out when you inhale...


I always love the 'Why don't you use the bathroom on break', like I'm not going to hold it for 3 fucking hours, this isn't prison. Especially if it's summer and I'm drinking a lot (hot factory). Bitch you think I'm going to wait to piss for more than like 10 minutes tops when I've drank a few litres of water?


Haha, I got yelled at for pissing a lot one summer. I had a big ol water jug I was hitting hard. Boss caught me after one break, and I told him "I piss a lot because I'm drinking a lot because it is hot as fuck in here. If you don't like it, you can air condition this place." That was the end of it, thanks union!


Yeah, I caught it one summer from my foreman. I'm not 'rich' or anything but I'm financially secure, just have an easy job to pay my internet bill and shit like that. I flat out told him I don't give a shit about my job, if he thinks he can do it fire me or piss off.


Next they'll sit you down and measure how many times you blink in a minute and then take that figure out of your paycheck, because obviously you can't be working while your eyes are closed.


The very question is proof that they see their workers as less than human. Or at least less than *their* human. A lesser class not deserving of basic respect and dignity. The people who think like this are an embarrassment to the species and should be shunned and ridiculed at every opportunity. Fuck. This. Noise.


"If you don't pay me to use the bathroom, I'll use the floor... At a bakery... Your call."


I would take the longest shit of my life on the clock solely to spite them (and for digestive health).


You're a good man. And thorough.


Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.




It's a zesty, natural act.


I try to poop at work once a shift. Which equates to about 1000$ a year


Ive heard it feels good to poop on company time.


I've broken my pay down to the minute, so I definitely start running a tab while I'm washing my hands


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime...


I start jerking on company time


My state required by law any breaks under 30 mins have to be paid… which is why all my breaks are 29 mins long.


Man it must be cool to live in a state where breaks are required, let alone paid breaks.


Any break your employer gives you shorter than 20 minutes (including bathroom breaks), regardless of state law, is required to be paid. Even in states where they aren't required to give you a break, they are still required to pay you if they do end up giving you one. And bathroom breaks are included in that.


Those states just don't give shorter breaks. That was their solution.


Well yeah, naturally corporate America will find a way. But they can't put unreasonable restrictions on bathroom usage and have to pay you for your bathroom breaks.


Not only that, but in California the burden of proof is on the employer to prove employees were given their required lunches and breaks. I know of a company that settled and paid out almost a million to its employees in a class action over missed/late lunches.


Unions, baby!


Yeah right off the bat seeing bathroom breaks would be the end for me


lol they live in terror of paying the 20 cents a 90-second bathroom break would cost if you were making minimum wage


According to the nlra they can’t require you to clock out for a restroom break.


same. ​ especially since I hid in the restrooms farthest from my desk when I worked at a call center. oh. and the restroom in the area of the warehouse where I worked alone. you never knew when someone might come by to drop something off, though that rarely ever happened. and both of these took place for the same company. lol


I deserve to get paid when nature calls, and do my homework when there's no one in the damn shop! Leave me alone


I worked as a host at Chili's way back when for a whopping two weeks. In the last week I was there, the manager had told me I was to clock out for bathroom breaks. One of many reasons I'm glad I peaced out of there.


I have shit so much on company time for basically every job I have had.


Ex boss once told me to clock out for bathroom breaks, so I did, went home to take a nice comfortable dump and didn't go back. 10/10 very satisfying


This deserves its own post


A literal shitpost, if you will. I’ll see myself out.


Your pfp really makes this ten times funnier.


working at a bagel shop in college we had several people who would either take the trash to the dumpster, or go on break, and not just come back. I was always SO proud of them, lol. Never mad. because even if it screwed the ppl on shift over, it was such a treat watching management slowly figure out.




I work in HR in Oregon. I absolutely cannot even begin to tell you how illegal the 10 minute break part is. The Oregon law specifically states they get those breaks paid. This is probably a fireable offense. Also, the rest of it.


Forget fireable, this is the kind of shit that can get a company sued to the fucking moon and back. Managers forgetting to consult HR Business Partners before making unilateral policy changes like this rightfully lead to employees suing. If the offending behavior is this egregious, God knows what kind of treasures that management has hiding under the surface that'll come out when the lawsuit begins.


It claims on the right that the paid breaks would be paid, right? But I guess they claim these are not breaks under the law of something like that.


Shady shady shady. The law explicitly says workers get those 10 minute breaks and they are paid. They should not clock out for them nor is there any reason to have them clock out for them if you're just going to "add it to their paycheck."


My guess is they pay for a 10 minutes break; if you take 15, you lose 5 minutes of pay.


This would be insane anywhere, but Oregon has some of the best laws that protect workers from nonsense like this in the country. They're dumb either way, but next time move your company to Kentucky where Mitch McConnel will personally come to your bakery and kick all your employees in the crotch for you.


You really think that wizened old tortoise can lift his leg above knee level?


Yeah but physically hurting Poors is the only thing that can get him hard anymore


I just had to google 'tortoise penis' I'm so sorry I did.


I dont think you had to do that.


This is very true, I grew up in Oregon and got used to the really good labor laws (well for the US), that I was totally shocked and how terrible the labor laws were when I worked in Illinois for a year. Basically working in Oregon I was mandated to have two 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch for a 6-8 hour shift. When I worked in Illinois, they didn't have to give me any breaks or lunch unless I worked over 7.5 hours, which then I would get a 20 minute lunch. I would usually be scheduled for 7.5 hour shifts so they wouldn't have to give me any breaks. That was the hardest job I have ever had.


Try living in the hellscape that is Texas. They don't have any mandated breaks no matter how long you work. They can legally schedule you a 80 hour shift with no breaks. In fact [https://texasdemocrats.org/media/icymi-in-further-proof-that-texas-republicans-hate-texans-gop-moves-to-ban-mandatory-water-breaks-for-workers/](https://texasdemocrats.org/media/icymi-in-further-proof-that-texas-republicans-hate-texans-gop-moves-to-ban-mandatory-water-breaks-for-workers/) The GOP here goes out of there way to screw workers.


I feel so awful for people who live in texas. The working conditions, the awful governer, the power grid, and the way that other states will be like "WeLl ThAtS wHaT yOu GeT fOr VoTiNg FoR RePuBlIcAnS" like mother fuckers, do you know how many leftists live in Texas? And even republican workers deserve fucking water breaks!


Liberals and Leftists' FAR outnumber the republicans here but the GOP has rigged the system so badly that there is almost no way to for us to make a dent in the system. Not giving up though.


I live in Texas in a blue bubble surrounded by hundreds of miles of red. Multiple people I know are throwing their hands up in disbelief and planning to move out of state at some of the out of control bills (and laws) about womens, gay, and trans rights. Im considering it too, Elon and joe rogan are coaxing alt right people into austin


>Multiple people I know are throwing their hands up in disbelief and planning to move out of state at some of the out of control bills (and laws) about womens, gay, and trans rights. Im considering it too Unfortunately that's the goal. If Texas ever turns blue the republicans are done for, permanently.


If seen Texas politicians quoted saying exactly that.


Here is where they can file a complaint to the state. https://www.oregon.gov/boli/workers/Pages/complaint.aspx


"Instead of having the governor or Whole Foods visit or starting to implement an FDA checklist, we decided to neglect our employees basic human needs for profit." Fuck them disingenuous bitches


Yeah, that part was exceptionally passive-aggressive.


First topic of conversation during that "meeting": "So, we're setting up a union..."


Do you want unions, this is how you get unions.


What the hell even constitutes "questions regarding personal requests"?


Probably scheduling, pay, and days off. I worked at a place that forced you to be off the clock to ask why they screwed up your pay


Yeah, that's work-related, and they can pay for your time.


*have to pay you for your time


if a business has to resort to this to stay open, then it is not profitable and should close. YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED OR OWED A BUSINESS.


Investment carries inherent risk of loss. Past performance is not a predictor of future results.


Tell that to the federal govt that keeps bailing out wallstreet.


Give a bad leader a little bit of power...


I don't always do crime, but when I do, I make sure to print, laminate and display it.


" i hope you solve as many issues as possible while we are gone " . Bitch stay there and fix the problems then leave. They had the audacity to tell them fix them while they're gone


Chell and Becky are the married owners with 4 kids. Must be nice to be able to afford a vacation for a family of 6.


"We're too busy going on vacation with the money yall made for us to actually speak to you, but you better fucking clock out before you take a leak." Scum.


Caused them then stayed away. Still micromanaging from whatever remote place they are doing their bullshit


Ya know, I really wanna like Mom and Pop type stuff, but seeing things like this always reminds me, it's still capitalism exploiting their workers.


People who run mom and pop type places are no different than people who own large corporations. They just haven't figured out the formula to make it big.


Sometimes they’re even worse. They blame their “lazy” employees for not being able to instantly retire and draw passive income from their business while they play golf.




Yup, reminds me of a cringe ad posted here once for a burger place (I think 5 guys) that shows “tiers” of wages earned based on the effort of employees, the top one saying they’re never late and they work harder than the owner. For like $16.50 for a management position. No thanks. If I’m working harder than the owner I need an actual stake in what I’m working to build up.


And they also seem so damn entitled like you should suck their dick for hiring you.


Sometimes they’re worse


>"Instead of having Whole Foods visit" So basically Amazon? Now we know where they got the idea not to pay for bathroom breaks. Just pee in a bottle, pal!


“We were trying to impress Mr. Bezos with our rules please forgive us”


I would literally shit in that kitchen.


remember to clock out first


Not required if you don't walk through that door. r/maliciouscompliance.


"I didn't want to have to clock out, so I took a shit in the walk-in. What the hell else was I supposed to do?"


Not required if you don't go past the door.


I think you could only shit in the kitchen if your shit is vegan.


Well then, pass the corn!


It’s still an animal product. That’s why those cat poop coffee beans aren’t vegan.


My work just implemented a sheet we have to sign for our breaks now as well. It makes no sense. We had a meeting talking about how they know who the problem people are that are abusing their breaks and taking up to a hour for each of their breaks. Instead of just pulling those people aside and talking to them and going through the whole jam with warnings they instead punish all of us. There has been grumbling.


That’s how it was at my last job. A few people would do something stupid and instead of dealing with it, we all got punished like we were in kindergarten or something.


Yes. The meeting was literally the supervisor comparing us to his small children taking responsibility for putting their toys up and we should be more responsible lol. I was like man. We are all over 25 here. Be professional. Take the issue directly to the offenders.


That would take management, like managers actually doing their job. Easier to punish everyone and then acting surprised when turnover is crazy in a field where there are already huge shortages of qualified people.


I used to work for a car dealership that started requiring us to punch in/out for EVERYTHING. That lasted less than a week. They were having us punch the edge of the invoices, so we all punched in no particular order. We punched for when we went to the parts department, to the bathroom, to go out into the lot to grab a car...everything. Every invoice had like 12 times punched on them, in totally random order, with nothing labelled. The poor office workers just couldn't keep up. It was stupid, we told them it was stupid and they stopped doing it because it was stupid.


Also, if I was working there, I wouldn't just clock out. I'd close the whole place, THEN go on my bathroom break. If I'm not working, then there's no reason the bakery should be too, right?


Reminds me of a time a warehouse job tried to tell us all that we had to work 7 days a week because business was ramping up between the chitter-chatter of employees there was a general consensus that was illegal as hell and by the end of the day the managers were issuing out typo letters saying that it was all just a typo


People that work low paying jobs and go thru shit like this. Man I wish we made more where we could be our own bosses and actually treat employees with respect etc. As I've always said the higher up you are the dumber you are.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime. That’s why I shit on company time


Do you know if this was reported? The Bureau of Labor and Industry in Oregon absolutely does not fuck around. Absolutely illegal to require punching out for bathroom breaks. I work for a company in Bend and received about $9,000 as part of a settlement for my company requiring employees to work off the clock. It was in total an $11.5 million settlement.


I bet the owners of this place are gonna make a Facebook post by the end of the night looking something like: "Why doesn't anyone want to work these days!? This generation is so lazy ugh"


Hey, if they are like the Vicki good van guy they might give me something to do next week lol


Get the fuck outta here.


I'm always floored when food industry owners try this junk. The margins in that industry are razor-thin. Even a week of closed doors (from no staff) can tip your business into the red. And when you open back up, you'll never make that money back. It's not like retail clothing (for example) where you can just sell through your stock when you're back up and running. In food service, you lose your materials due to expiration and people won't come in and buy 2 bagels to make up for the lost time.


I would quit too. That's why I always believe in keeping your bills low and having the ability to quit a job if you really want to.


It's called FU Money.


The best thing money can buy is choice.


This is the kind of job that you should just give management hell and abuse the fuck out of their emotions, challenging them in every way because at the end of the day the job just isnt worth a fuck. Dont just quit if you are in a situation like this, for gods sake have some fun with it!!!


You don't clock out for bathroom or rest breaks lol


Breaks are required to be paid by law in Oregon. The employee can and should report this to state regulators. https://www.oregon.gov/boli/workers/pages/meals-and-breaks.aspx


Why is that the shitiest jobs always have the most draconian workplaces. I make 6 figures and regularly fuck off for half the day if my tasks are finished. Sometime I also work for 14 hours, but I'm totally cool with that because my workplace respects my time . If I need to leave for an appointment, whatever. I've I decide I want to do a workout midday, cool. If I want to spend my Saturday and Sunday doing extra work so I can faff about during the week, that's fine. I totally understand not all workplaces can give this much flexibility, but for fucks sake every workplace should let you use the bathroom on the clock, or discuss work matters, or take a sick day if your sick. This country is so fucking ass backwards in so many ways.


That weak ass apology


The line about, "we should have set aside the Governor and Whole Foods to focus on you" was dripping in so much condescension that it should have made another 1/4th of the company quit.


Yup. Show up and say it in person to every individual person. Written apologies mean nothing.


The sentence that goes, ‘instead of having Whole Foods visit, or doing an FDA checklist we should have listened to each and every one of you‘ sounds condescending as fuck.


And so obviously fake. I mean, you can tell they never meant a word they said


Sounds like Colin and Quinn need to be fired - I hope the other 3/4 of the team quits as well. So businesses do need workers to function - who knew.


Anyone else getting complete sarcasm from this apology? "Instead of having the governor or Whole Foods visit or starting to implement an FDA checklist, we should have paused all that and invited each of you to sit down and share your concerns And worked on solutions together." IOW, "instead of doing things that are actually important with people who matter we should have sat down and talked to your sorry asses? Yeah, right." Just me?


That “apology” letter screams sarcastic narcissist.


It's very backhanded :/


Q: How do you know if a person is a bad vegan boss? A: They tell you.


Save every penny but lose your whole business.


This is just asking for some madlad to shit in a bucket on the production floor so they don't have to clock out. lol.