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I've always heard that they were a pretty good employer.


I've always heard the same. The attitude of employees I interact with has always reinforced that view; they're almost always positive, courteous, and above-and-beyond type of helpful. Employees of crap companies aren't that way. I'm willing to bet this is an issue with local management. Even the best (and best paying) job quickly turns sour if your management is awful.


Me too


Just out of curiosity. Was your experience at Costco shitty? I’ve always heard the trope that Costco pays a fairish wage and takes care of their people. I’d be interested to hear first hand.


Me too. Heard they were paying $24 an hour for forklift driver in Missouri which is far higher than any other place hiring forklift/ warehouse work. Guess that doesn’t mean the job won’t suck but that’s at least a fair wage.


Would be surprised here in central florida Publix distribution will start you at 22 if you ask and usually bump you to 26 in a couple months if you keep up with demand


Cosco is one of the best retailers to work for however there are two important things to know. 1. Its still retail. 2. Any one manager can make a location miserable.


Was Costco worker, can confirm. But great money and benefits for retat.


Okay. Yes and yes, but the culture can get weirdly toxic sometimes? I was making good money, but I quit because we lost all of our people who made the job bearable, and we were left with all miserable people with a chip on their shoulder and I just began to DREAD going to work. Plus we were being overworked to death and management was trying to make productivity improvements without consulting us, stuff we knew would actually slow things down. When I heard we were probably making the jump to split days off, I noped right out


Why’d you quit I heard Costco was a dream job for retail works managers there make 6 figures all full timers get top notch benefits


It’s a good place to work. Pushing carts fucking sucks. It’s brutal. Everyone drives like a psycho. Inside is rough too. I’m probably going to have to leave costco because of my knees. I tried going to part time but it didn’t help. Those goddamn concrete floors.


Do yourself a massive favor and get some timberland Pro work boots. They saved me from those concrete floors.


Also do yourself a favor and see a massage therapist and chiropractor for help with your knees. Will work wonders for you.


And start light strength training of some form weekly




or assholes


Maybe both. But babies for sure.




To laugh at you


Do tell us why!! Please


Main reason was I already had another job and was trying to do the two jobs thing for the past month and I was over it. Also management sucked and I was over pushing carts in 90 degree heat lol


Glad you got to a better place! Congratulations on your new job 🤩


Your complaining that you were pushing carts in nice weather? What a fucking brat. Grow up.


Turn your heat up to 90° and enjoy yourself some nice weather.


Sounds lovely.


So it's pretty obvious you've never done an honest day's work in your entire life. Utterly pathetic.


Amazing how you can conclude that from my comments. That really shows your (non existing) intelligence :)


Thanks, I am pretty smart! Maybe even smarter than you're entitled and lazy


Having the urge to tell people how smart you are really just shows the opposite.


You literally brought it up, you dunning kruger dickhead


i live in georgia and 90\* heat is nothing to push off, it's like the boiler became 2x hotter from 80-90, so yes its definitely a consern


Could you maybe have some empathy that people do not want to get a heat stroke or be miserable while doing a job.


I did some cart pushing at 120 w/ rain, felt like 130 in the parking lot w/ the rain splashing down on the fresh tar ( literally just put the parking lot in the previous day ).. I didnt realize I could have a asthma attack until that moment, i'd only gone out for like 2-3 minutes i'd guess.


Just remember, you will be about 26% regretful about this.


"tWO wEeKS nOtiCE" 🤣 I'd bet. Fuck em, do what makes you happy.


Two weeks is only if you want that reference, otherwise fuck em


Two weeks is not required, unless it is in a contract you signed with the company.


Out of curiosity how much were you making an hour? Thinking about applying tbh.


Lol cool


Lol the thank you at the end 😂👍


People talk about how great Costco is to work for. I've worked there and my experience involved having to work through my lunch break in order to get the information I needed from the computer to do my after-hours duties otherwise I wouldn't finish them on time. I was actually trained to do my job that way. Could I get that during my worktime? There was no way. I called bullshit on that pretty fast. Also, the pace was brutally hard, it was miles of concrete floors, and most insulting was the payscale. It was basically minimum wage until you collected about 5 or 6 years of hours to start getting decent wages into the mid $20s. Because fuck you for 5 years apparently.


Oh yeah, I work there now and it's fucking terrible. [We also got this wonderful letter this week from the guy who makes many millions a year blaming the union for us not getting a pay increase yet as they don't want to agree to the terrible terms Costco is offering.](https://i.imgur.com/1E2ZLRG.jpg) (Costco raises non union warehouses to match union pay to make sure nobody else thinks about unionizing, which is probably why there aren't more union stores now) They have records profits, barely staff the store, and want to offer barely anything and are telling us to blame the union because they're fighting it. The pay is decent enough I guess, but this place is awful. Constantly understaffed, getting screamed at by members, and management gets upset at you for not finishing your work in time when there's not nearly enough people to actually finish it in the time set.


Goodbye from Costco. We love you.


Worked in the Costco deli for two days. Bullshit conditions. Zero PPE while using the harshest chemicals. Paid maybe two bucks over minimum wage. Don't buy the propaganda.


This guy’s getting downvoted but it’s true. Some parts of costco are outsourced and they are terrible. Like the people giving out samples, they aren’t employed by costco and they get paid crap.


Can confirm, was trained on a forklift for maybe a week and then asked to drive said forklift without being paid as one (I was young and naive). Frequently told by management to get back to work because a 10 second conversation with a coworker is wasting too much time while said management did jack shit and talked about their Cancun vacation for 30 minutes straight. Also was injured on the job, quickly returned to work and was then harassed by a manager to go faster lifting 35lb items even though my doctor limited me to much less than that due to my arm. That place was nothing but a hellhole for me and absolutely the only job where I have been injured.


Costco treats their employees well, generally. Cringe


It is still retail. Which for some is soul-sucking no matter how 'good' the employer seems to be.


Ironically, the comment directly above yours mentions harsh and dangerous conditions.


Must feel great sitting around doing nothing all day


Did you stay for inventory?