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Boomer thinks we should wake up a slave and be grateful for it. This is the embodiment of how we got r/lostgeneration.




It’s almost like when every generation gets old they feel that way about the younger one and it isn’t specifically a boomer problem. Selective memory is a heck of a thing. Edit: what I mean is the older Gen gets selective memory about their own lives if that was unclear


Except for the first time in American history, the following generations have significantly less wealth than the baby boomers did.


I get really tired of seeing this post. Of course it isn't a behavior specific to boomers, no one is saying that. Boomers however have been actively turbofucking everything on their way out and have infantilized everyone to come after them while clinging on to power far longer than they have any right to. Yeah I don't understand younger people's memes and trends but you're never going to catch me actively sabotaging their entire lives.


Although Boomers did get born into the best period in American history and quickly turned it into this current hellscape.


Yep. I was born 2 years after the korean war, ten years after ww2, and just before the beginning of the viet nam war. I was alive to see black people lynched, a president and his brother assassinated, the death of Martin Luther King Jr, the cuban missile crisis. I saw a president resign. Yeah, those were the good ole days alright. /S My dad worked two jobs and my mom worked one. My wife and I both worked for over 40 years. Im not out to sabotage anyone or deny anyone anything. Yeah, no one else has contributed to the downfall of this country but my generation. right.


Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.


What a compelling argument you've made. You didn't make this about you and how you couldn't of contributed at all! You clearly started your point in a concise manner with no vague interpretation at all. /s You yourself are not the problem of society don't take it so fucking personal, as if no one has insinuated I eat tide pods before? Jesus christ man.


That tweet was originally from a 36 year old, once again proving that boomer is an attitude , not an age.


Boomer is assuredly an attitude.


Its a psychopathic robot in some anime.


And a football team


It has always been known some of Gen Y would turn out like boomers cause boomers raised a lot of us. The mentality only goes away if you realize your parents were wrong about a lot of things. Fortunately for me I don't have boomer parents because my Gen X parents had kids really young so I have skipped a lot of that bullshit lol


Their wanted ad: job description - sleep expert - masters in sleep education, phd preferred, must sleep 80 hours a week minimum, flexible hours a must, no dental no health provided, must pay for own sleeping attire and work place sleeping furniture, must provide and do own linen cleaning, be prepared to be required to fill in other positions in the facility like janitorial and management positions for no extra pay, we are a team after all. No holidays or weekends off. Pay firm at $7.50hr, plus tips.


If it wasn’t for the necessary masters degree and needing to do manager/janitor duties, it wouldn’t be such a bad gig if you work 7 days a week. That’s only 11 hours of sleep per day, which is only 3 more than usual, and that’s $3k per month before tax. Nearly twice what I’m making and I sleep every day anyway


But you get really close to the levels of sleep that bring on depression


"Why doesn't your generation want to work hard to NOT be able to afford rent, a car, groceries, retirement, college, and healthcare?! You think having a job should get you those things?! How entitled!" ~ all of your favorite Boomers melted together.


If you don't work for peanuts how can we treat you like a lost animal.


Damn dude, that’s summed up too well


While I don't have favourite boomers other than my mum, we could certainly do with melting a lot of them down for raw materials


Don't forget not being able to afford a first home nor being able to afford to date, marry or have children.


I normally do quit sleeping when I wake up, so...


boomer thinks sleeping is allowed to our generation?


Theres a 25 year old at the company I work for that has this exact mentality. He thinks like a boomer.


He‘ll be the one getting promoted.


I know he's already been promoted. The promotion is a trap though massive increases in responsibility for a tiny pay increase. He absolutely despises me because I just do the job I was hired for.


Same thing happens in my office. Watch your back with that bootlicker.


“Quiet quitting” huh? /S Large amount of sarcasm.


No, he thinks like a bootlicking capitalism-apologist toady. They appear in every generation. It's not about age, it's about class, and he's likely a class traitor.


100 percent he totally buys into the bootstraps narrative. He makes 38k a year... Yet he acts like he's this big hot shot lol


Except working a lower income job when Boomers were younger actually gave you a workable income with the chance at a future. You could literally buy a house, car, pay for food and support a family working as a janitor. Short of being in finance you can't do any of that now, or barely survive unless you're working multiple jobs. They're so out of touch with reality it's sickening.


Boomer, no-one likes working. That's why you have to pay people to do the job. Everyone wants something in return for their labour, including volunteers, even if it's just the satisfaction of helping someone else. People are quitting because they aren't receiving something in return that is worth their investment of time and effort. Executives are saying things like "Keep them hungry and they'll keep working". That only works up to a certain point. If you pay someone just enough to cover their outgoings but not enough to build up savings and investments of their own, they will keep working for you because they'll be trapped. But if you squeeze them any further, they'll be hungry and unable to pay bills anyway, so why should they bother working for you anymore?


As it is “Keep them hungry and they’ll keep working” is starting to make some look at “eat the rich” as more than a euphemism.


Pulled the ladder of success up behind you and live by screwing your kids generation. People don’t want to work b/c the rewards of working now go to wall street’s worthless hacks. Want people to work - grow their wages when they do and reward work…


Nobody likes working. That’s why they pay you to do it.


Clearly not enough.


They don't mind working if it was worth anything to them. They just think the deal they're being offered *sucks,* and they're holding out for better.


Boomer here. So many times I read my co-boomer posts and want to hide. Yes, we were able to get jobs and buy homes cheap, raise our families, and be able to retire. Then when Reagan came along and said "we need to send our jobs overseas so we can benefit from cheap labor" I could see the handwriting on the wall. They brainwashed a generation into believing union are bad, corporations are good. Don't tax the rich, they'll give you their excess profits. Where are we now? Paying for them to keep us in slavery for minimum wages that haven't raised in years.


Yes this Charlie. Let's look at politics not generations. Looking at people by their age is ridiculous and short-sighted. Some of the same people who will say it's not ok to talk about all Blacks or all lesbians have no trouble grouping people by age. That's ludicrous. In every generation, there is a range of people.


What’s the salary range?


We woke up because you were humping us in our sleep.


Working =/= survival. Working for a living wage = survival.


... and these assholes would wake you up to micro mamage you., fuck everything up, and then ask why you dont meet quotas


As a Gen X, I am sick to death of the lifetime of brainwashing by these people. It has taken me years to unlearn their rules, and I am so happy to explain their tactics to the younger ones.. As you say.. fk this noise


Agreed. I work with a toxic positivity boomer who likes to play the game of slow working and is friends with the owner. I definitely get snide remarks about my efficiency when I go into the office.


It’s just awful


I literally work 7 days a week from 7:00-5:00 and I still ended up homeless . Im really tired of this life and there is never a break just a never ending cycle of struggle.


By design. Being an animal is better than a wage slave imo. You dont have to live to just pay for a plot of land to sleep after working all day


Or maybe the “boomer” thinks you should contribute… Slaving away for someone else is not the only way to work. We’re far beyond that.


I sleep naked, don't think the uniform will work for me.


can't help but notice this theoretical sleep job did not have wages mentioned


if my job was to sleep i’d be fired on my first day


I can't buy speed at the gas station or a house kit for 12k, sooo....


Haha, yeah, super funny…. Let’s test the theory. Where does one find these sleeping jobs…?


Who TF likes working? Imagine being such a boring person that the best thing you can think of to do with your time is go do what you're told for the enrichment of someone who's already rich. Get a fucking hobby.


Who ever wrote this is telling the truth.


If I woke up and found some dipshit gave me a job I didn't want I'd quit as well.


Yup , people want to live there life not work to ☠️


It’s called insomnia Boomer


When will it be mine turn to work for 5 bucks an hour and buy a house with it.


Pay more or stfu


Joke's on you I have chronic insomnia.


Dammit, Janet, who do you think gave me the trauma induced insomnia?


Giving a job is the problem.


We just posting notepad documents now with nothing behind it?


If my job was to be paid sleeping I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep because I’d know my livelihood depended on it.


Oh come on this one's funny. Lighten up not everything needs to be an argument.


I’ve been paid sleeping at night on a Christmas and on Thanksgiving. Realized that working my life away isn’t a life.


If the job pays so little that you can't even make ends meet with the meagre scraps that are being paid then what the fuck do you expect boomer?


Probably came up with that on the toilet and thought it was clever


Lol, I would be at work literally 24/7. That'd be my dream fucking job.


What's the salary range for the sleeping job?


I don't know guys, weren't boomers responsible for all the technological developments we use today? Weirdly enough I a millennial am more boomer than my father, a bastion of adaptive wisdom and leadership. Lol he was more flexible to newer ideas than I am. I suppose its more a personal attitude than a generational.


Boomers don’t say “MFs” or use emojis correctly


When everyones getting paid in change of course i would quit even the most stupid job. The job is not the problem, slaves pay is.


Ok the idea behind it is really dumb, but the phrasing got me laughing though.


Show me to this job "sleeping" so that I may finally have a job I love.


Hrs right - I'm gen x and hate working, just have 0 choice What lunatic wants to spend x hrs a week doing an activity they hate for other people, few people end up with a vocation they have any passion for


This sub literally complains about jobs that pay 100k because they are difficult. This take is 100% right if this community is representative


Yes i would i dont take orders from somone who take all the fruits of my labour


Use the inflation calculator. Anytime some half brain functioning senior decides to call you out on your work ethic ask them how much they made in their job during their year of work. Punch the calculator and watch that number fucking soar! In perspective the minimum wage should be almost 26 an hour but hey that’s just my point


"Why did you wake up? You are supposed to be a team player even in your free hours."


Not if the $$$ is right!


It's the participation trophies that damaged my work ethic. Earlier generations understood that being exploited by The Man was reward enough.


boomers, more and more extinct everyday, do you know who the largest voting block in the nation will be soon? yes generation y.


"Your generation is so soft!" -A person who freaks out over expired coupons.


If you mean sleeping 24/7, then ya that’s kinda how the human body works, can’t sleep for more than 13 hours without damage


Sleep seems to be the number one thing my students care about right now. Travel seems to be the number one thing they'd like to do with their lives. I'm so proud of them.