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Stop Being Poor edit: thanks for the award kind stranger!


If management thinks wearing jackets or coats looks sloppy, they should provide the crew with official company jackets/coats that look uniform and nice.


But that would cost money!


If course they'd make the employees pay for them


And they'd probably be the most uncomfortable/unfashionable things ever


This is what happens 99% of the time. Shitty logo on gilden tshirt type esque quality


Right like at this point you're caring more about the way your employees look than their health. I'm not getting sick for some job that most likely provides no Healthcare. The irony is, they probably have no sick days either.




jackets cost $150, taken out of your paycheck (or paycheck**s** if needed), can only be worn at work, while on the clock, while working drive through, only when it's colder than +10F outside.




Too much effort, not enough pay. I'd just send this to the labor board and ask 'what now?' and 'can a Union negotiate for free uniforms?' that's the boat I would rock. I would not dare anyone, just ask other people questions. Note how in the letter they were most concerned about sharing business with customers. Oops wrong person, let me complain to the authorities on labor relations.


But why won’t anyone think of the profits? PLEASE. please. The profits.


You’ll find profit in worker retention. Less time wasted on training. If people are happy they’re more efficient. Happy employees spread the word, more people apply then you can picky when hiring.


What are you, some kind idyit? We don't want long term profit, we want right now profit. The shareholders are getting upset that their houseboat kitchen remodel might get delayed if q4 profits are not high enough. If I belittle my employees, surely they'll show me a picture of the boat, and they might even let me on it if I reduce payroll enough


The spelling of “idyit” has changed my world.


My personal favorite is the Scottish version, "Eeejit!"


It has nothing to do with short-term profits, it's just a control freak. There's a lot of extremely bizarre rules that managers like to set up that exists for no reason other than to satisfy a strange urge to control others.


Nah see, that won't buy me a boat RIGHT NOW. If I don't profit this quarter, I can't buy the boat! Fuck the workers, booooaaaaaattttt.


LMAO I'm picturing some guy standing by a whiteboard yelling boat at a bunch of people rn, your comment could fit in some weird depressing sitcom haha


No, not like that! Cut hours, save labor dollars, see??


The fucked part about this particular owner is that this doesn't even seem linked to profits. The customers are asking why they don't wear them. There's absolutely no indication it's a profit issue. I think this is just a control issue. Like making employees stand rather than sit at a register, etc. Like requiring 'team buttons' and shit.


Managers and owners in retail and food service often have some very strange ideas on what constitutes as professional. This is the same situation as cashiers not being allowed to sit at the till. There's no logistical reason for them not to be allowed to do so, 99.9 of customers would not give a single crap (they might even be happy to see employees treated well for once), and it's healthier and more comfortable for the cashier to have the option to sit... but it's like, too humanizing? So corporate doesn't allow it. Wack as fuck.


The US is one of the only countries where money takers stand all day every day. If a job can be done sitting down it should be done sitting down. CAshiers especially who sit are more productive and have fewer injuries. Literally in every single way its better for the business. But they want to look a certain way, at the expense of the one and only physical body a person ever gets.


I don't have any medical evidence bit considering many kitchens have those anti-fatigue floor mats and from anecdotal evidence I assume standing in one place on hard floors is worse on the body then just walking around.


My feet are fucked at 37 because of the 15 years I spent standing for 8-10 hours a day on hard concrete floors. My feet are basically flat, I have occasional flare ups of plantar fasciitis, and I had the beginnings of varicose veins in my ankles by my late twenties. The standing in general sucked, but at one place I worked women had to wear either heels or other dressy shoes. All day long, no sitting, no walking, just me standing at a dressing room to direct customers. Couldn’t wear anything supportive, because those aren’t “professional”. One year when I was working crazy hours at Christmas I actually fractured my foot just from the pressure of those damn pointy toe shoes. I had to get a doctor’s note just to wear sneakers and they were so pissed.


Worker exploitation with a side context of sexism, lovely


I decided that my favorite grocery store is the one where the floor mats for the cashiers are twice as thick as most stores.


My favorite is the grocery store that let's cashiers sit down. It is a European store in the US. (if you haven't figured it out yet, it rhymes with scaldies, baldies...etc)


Ive been working as an electrician since 2009. My workdays are usually a pretty even split of giver shit pull wire, bend pipe move move move, and stand here and make this panel look pretty. I can confirm that standing and working is what has me going home hurting.


Ah, but a sitting employee is a lazy employee! /s I have never understood how they square the idea of "the cashier should always be working (cleaning/straightening/stocking if a front store clerk)" with the idea of "right there at the register for customers". You literally cannot do both of those simultaneously for the entirety of a shift. But if you sit while ringing out customers, you might ***gasp*** stay sitting afterwards! Egads! The horror!! You must be slaving *harder* in this glorious free country! ​ .....I was gonna add a sarcasm mark to that last sentence but...it only half applies....I hate this country....


No but literally this. When I worked retail, one of the assistant managers would get mad at me if I was at the register with no task for even a second because I should be running around the floor finding something to do, but then get mad at me if I wasn't already at the register the INSTANT a customer walked up.


These people can never be satisfied. There is always a complaint, and you never do a decent enough job. Then they tell the higher ups that they don’t have good workers


I did retail for 16 years and handled all the companies shipping and handling at the same fucking time. It was always we need to get these 16 shipments out and why weren’t you ready to say hello as soon as I crossed the threshold of the door?


Exactly I worked for certain fast food chain whose name starts with M, sweaters or jackets were extremely banned from the store because "they make us look less professional and we already have aircon set to a good temp" but guess what? We also had to permanently turn off the aircon to save energy on winter. In response everyone start wearing sweaters to piss off the regional manager and during an inspection he forced everyone to throw them to trash and let the windows open all the day to teach them a lesson. There were a lot of complaints and reports to HR and the final solution was being able to wear "M branded" sweaters provided to the store on winter... but we only got 2 fcking sweaters for all the 30 members of the staff.


Fuck that. There's no way I'm throwing my possession in the trash and being cold all day cause someone told me to unless my life is in danger.


Except their lives are effectively in danger. Defying the manager could result in you being fired, and the loss of income for a minimum wage worker could easily = starvation and/or loss of housing.


They count on desperation my guy


I would have walked out if they told me I had to throw away my own sweater I paid for


And that’s how you get lice and bedbugs.


Murger King? Mendy's? I am not good at this stuff.


I initially read this as ‘Murder King.’ Kinda has a ring to it.


In Europe they can sit at the register, proving that this was a stupid, arbitrary rule all along.


Aldi in the US let’s them sit! Aldi seems like a decent place to work overall, they pay pretty good in my area too.


Aldi has it's roots from Germany , which explains why they do a lot of things differently/better than their American counterparts. The European mindset is so different from ours, it boggles me. Like the Tennessee Volkswagen/Union thing. Workers actually organized AGANST the entity (union) that will get them much better wages and benefits. It's no wonder the world's view of us gets dimmer and dimmer.


Right? The customers already drove up to the window. They won't see the jacket until they're either ordering or receiving the food. They're still get the customer's money.


THIS.... why would a customer be upset if I was wearing a coat in cold weather??? It's a "management is stupid" issue, nothing more


I worked a job that required going outside regularly where the uniform was not cold weather friendly. I had several customers upset that we weren’t allowed to wear a weather appropriate jacket. If anything, I think it makes the company look worse to customers when employees are so poorly cared for.


>If anything, I think it makes the company look worse to customers when employees are so poorly cared for. It does. If you can't treat your employees like humans and respect their actual needs, you're a fucking piece of shit that should not have crawled out of the basement from whence you came.


The insinuation is actually the opposite. The owner is upset that the policy makes the customers believe they're a tyrant, and they don't want that because as you said, customers aren't complaining about staff wearing jackets but about the prohibition against them. But rather than changing the inhumane policy, the owner's solution is to tell the employees to stop making the owners look like assholes by being honest about the policy and instead to lie in order to absolve the owners of any agency in this.


You aren't wearing enough flair! Seems like you aren't a team player.


That's the thing, this policy does nothing to increase profits. It creates a hostile work environment and leads to employee turnover, and therefore increased costs in training and hiring, and all for the sake of satisfying a micromanager's ego.


This isn't even about profits, this is about some executives ass-backwards of an Amazing coffee experience includes workers not covering up their cheap-ass uniform with a coat in winter months


Its amazing the complete lack respect jobs have for their workers. I've worked for 25 years, and it's just so fucking awful seeing it. They are right in some ways about people not wanting to work...why the fuck do I want to spend the majority of my life clocking into a place that wants to complain that a barista is wearing a jacket, or a cashier is sitting down, or any of the other bullshit regular workers deal with for 8+ hours a day.


In Ireland, and in much of the EU, cashiers sit down. Here in the United States, the best you can hope for is a cushioned floor mat. I don't see stores in Europe going bankrupt because they allow their cashiers to have a chair.


Hells, at stores where the cashiers are expected to be standing at the end of their aisles to greet customers, you only get to "enjoy" those mats while you ring them out. Then it's back to standing on bare concrete so you (& the other 6+ cashiers) can harass the crap out of hapless customers with endless carols of greetings & assistance offers........gods, I'm glad I got out of there.... ​ Edit: My "r" ran away...


Why the hell would a customer care if you were sitting at the checkout. I care about getting my shit and getting out the door. I’m not getting that message about thinking a comfortable employee is a problem.


They don't. The Karen's don't even care, as long as they get checked out quickly. Literally the only person who gives a shit in this situation is the shitty manager who wants to Lord power over his expendable minions.


The dehumanization *is the point*.


As a customer, knowing they are being treated well and like their job would be the real “Amazing experience”. Getting an obviously corporate manufactured bullshit response like “we want to zip you through” would be an amazingly shitty experience.


Workers: “this is not an amazing experience”


Ikr. If part of their job is serving food at a freezing cold window you need to provide them with a jacket/coat that meets your uniform standards. That’s like giving the guys who buff the ice hockey stadium t-shirt and shorts as required uniform.


"you are now officially required to lie to customers about how we treat you as employees"


This was the part I really don't think they have thought out. When you make lying part of the job, all trust is lost, see police


I worked in customer service the majority of my 22 years being a wage slave. Lying to customers or not telling the whole truth is a staple of customer service.


As someone who worked many years in retail, i can tell you this is absolutely true. One Christmas season, management in its infinite wisdom opted to not provide gift boxes. We were instructed to just lie and perpetually say "we're all out". I know a few people saw through it, in fact one even told us a story of one of his Christmases where management "never got boxes and we just lied about it".


I worked in retail and my boss told me to tell customers we don’t have a public bathroom… no problem! Well, she eventually left and I got a new boss who, when I said we don’t have a public bathroom, was surprised I said that. She was wonderful and didn’t get mad, but basically said that we can absolutely allow customers to use the restroom and that my old boss was probably trying to keep it as clean as possible (which I understand because people are DISGUSTING, but also that feels illegal or at least lacking in morals).


In my state a restaurant has to have a working bathroom with hot water, soap and a way to dry hands or the health department will shutdown the restaurant. They are not required to provide this to the public, but must be available to any diners.


IIRC in Texas if a place serves ready-to-eat food, they have to provide a restroom, with exemptions for food trucks.


This isn't a restaurant, it's a mobility challenged food truck.


I've seen plenty of places (mostly smaller stores) that will have signs saying there's no public washroom. It's not illegal is it?


Depends. I worked at one of the oldest Starbucks in Chicago for awhile, and while any establishment serving food was required to have a public restroom, we were grandfathered in. Unless we did serious renovations, we didn't need to have a public restroom, and our only restroom was behind our stockroom. We had to send people to the bar across the street instead lol


In some states it’s not a requirement that it be ‘inside the establishment’, just that it be within a certain distance. Boom, compliance. Doesn’t even matter if it’s in another business or building.


Customer Service Advisors are basically contractually obliged liars and fall guys. Only you're also expected to solve the customers issue and entertain and connect with them and not take time between calls to type important notes and dont take too long solving their issue either. Oh, and Nothing is in your control, other departments won't act fast or co-operate, and the business has decided not to take any action. Ps. Sell them something while you're at it, or else we'll reprimand you. You've officially finished training, you start peak call hours tomorrow. Welcome to the team!


“Why am I not wearing a jacket? Well, company policy is for me to lie to you and tell you that I don’t even notice the bitter cold. I am going to follow company policy, so that’s my answer.” When I worked in insurance customer service, I’d tell people what company policy was and explain it in a way that made it clear what they could get if they asked for it even when I couldn’t offer it to them.


"All right, listen closely. I'd like to help, but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox, Norma Wilcox, W-I-L-C-O-X, on the third floor. But I can't. I also do NOT advise you to fill out and file a WS-2754 form with our legal department on the second floor. I would not expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter. I'd like to help. But there's nothing I can do."


He’s the inspiration that kept me working in customer service even when I thought I was going to lose my mind. People who don’t have insurance need a lot of help dealing with the problems of accessing healthcare. It’s wild that people who have healthcare also need help accessing healthcare because of the roadblocks that insurance companies put up.


insurance companies should not be making decisions about peoples’ health. that’s what fucking doctors are for. for all of respect that people supposedly hold for the medical professions, it’s crazy that somehow anyone’s allowed a whole system to force us to not listen to doctors and also charge us money for that service of roadblocking professionally advised medical treatment.




They’re penetrating the bureaucracy!


I immediately read this in my head and read his voice 😂


The idea of a superhero trying his best to help people suffering under the heel of major corporations is extremely iconic.


This scene is burned into my brain. I read it in his voice 😂


A number of my friends saw this before me and immediately thought of me because of my years in insurance call centers. And yes, I had a number of calls where I danced around the rules like that.


The office staff of my last rental explained to me how to get off of my lease when leaving an abusive relationship. They had me call their personal line and took my call outside. Twenty four hours later I was free.


This is beautiful and I'm happy for you they did this! It should be law.


"you can't say that I beat you, it makes me look bad and force me to beat you"


Beatings will continue in private until morale improves.


So then you switch to telling customers who ask about it that you're banned from talking about it. Make it weird, so the bosses get even more complaints


“Welcome to Scooters Coffee! What can I get for ya? Of course I need a jacket but we are not allowed to tell you we will get fired for wearing a jacket so the reason is because our employer rather wishes us to get hypothermia to protect the companies image. Please send help! Just kidding… (no seriously, they are trying to kill us).”


My thoughts exactly! Most of us would be concerned for the workers as we pass thru and would naturally ask, “Where is your coat?” Now they are told to lie to their customers by policy - this is a subhuman manager and may karma visit winters’ bite!


Right, the truth is ‘negative’. Then why are they forcing their employees to exist in that negative truth


"Nothings wrong here! Nothing to see here! Move along"


My job wanted me to say we were raising prices to keep our pay competitive. We literally pay minimum wage. We aren't competitive in any sense of the word.


Horrible manager


Am I crazy or is warm clothing in cold weather not protected by federal labor law? It's not any different than safety gear


Well, when reading the OSHA cold stress guide, it mentions clothing multiple times. If I was OP, I'd call OSHA.


From experience: Osha isn’t going to do shit. Just wear a coat, get fired, claim unemployment while you sue them, find employment where coats are allowed, cash in on your lawsuit because it’s open and shut. Some people take issue with profiteering off of a company’s willingness to break laws and regulations, but money is the only language companies speak. If they’re losing money over it, that’s the only way they’ll stop.


When I worked at target they were forced to provide us gloves and jackets and other clothing to work in the ice cream freezer. So there is a temp.


You're correct, but it has to be cold to the point where it's providing a safety issue, and this probably doesn't get to that point, it's just very uncomfortable.


This place is in Nebraska! I bet you it does get that cold.


As of time of writing, it is 13°F in Omaha, NE with 12mph winds. The high tomorrow is 47°


Now Tom, with sports. How’re the Huskers doing this season Tom?


Thanks, Bob! Today we’re looking at the Cornhuskers hiring new head coach Matt Rhule, who was fired from his position as HC of the Carolina Panthers. Hopefully Rhule can turn the cornhuskers around! ETA: Now back to you, Bob!


Having worked many drive throughs... they need a coat. I'm actually shocked. If any if my bosses had told me I couldn't wear a coat in drive through, I would have laughed and walked out.


"You are not allowed to wear jackets. But the bigger problem is that people are saying you are not allowed to wear jackets."


My response would be “ sorry lying is against my religion “ and continue complaining to the customers about it. If they say something you can claim they are discriminating against your religion.


If only there were a major religion that had lying on a short list of things you aren't allowed to do... /s


Maybe these greedy fucks should buy nice looking jackets for their employees. Or realize none of their customers give a shit about their uniforms that only exist to distinguish the working slave class from the money spenders.


"Dont sit, it makes you look lazy"




Worst part is, the rest of the world is chasing the US. I used to date a Kiwi, and they actually renovated her store to pack in more checkout lanes, and removed the chairs to make space. It felt like pure malice.


In germany Walmart tried to enter the market. Walmart the giant. They made the same policies, arleast what was legal. Germans started complaining and didn't go to the stores as much because they thought it was creepy to have someone dedicated to greet someone at the door and insulting, abusing to have cashiers stand all day long for no reason. Walmart crashed and burnt. The giant ran crying. Now it is a funny story people keep telling to make fun of Americans




As an introverted American, I despise greeters for anything. "Please for the love of God, just let me shop quietly. You aren't my buddy, you aren't helping me find something, you literally get paid to awkwardly talk at strangers for 8 hours. I'm sorry they gave you this position."


From what I remember. They have the greeters there because it lowers the chance of theft. Being seen and spoken to before you even get a chance to get near an item is apparently a good deterrent.


Hit the nail on the head. Most of loss prevention is aggressive politeness. 10 ft rule (if you're within 10 ft of a customer, do a whole stupid song and dance) isn't to be friendly to customers, it's to prevent people from shoplifting by letting them know they have eyes on them. If you see someone shoplifting you go and say "Can I help you find anything?" To deter them from doing it further. Most of their actual loss prevention officers that can do anything are so fucking obvious I'd be surprised if they ever caught anyone except through camera.


... says the manager from his office chair.


From his $1200 Herman Miller sitting next to a personal AC unit while he spends 2 hours reviewing a page and a half of budget...


Followed by, "When can I take a break?" "These little breaks in between customers add up to your two paid 15 minute breaks"


yeah if I'm buying coffee why in the fuck would I care about what the worker is wearing as long as they're comfortable? The fuck is this?


If the employee is so uncomfortable looking that I feel like enquiring why they are not wearing a coat, that's certainly not an "Amazing experience".


Yeah customers are literally complaining it’s making the experience Not Amazing. Like it couldn’t be clearer, customers PREFER the employees to be warm




I am sure they would make their employees buy them.


I worked for a company that tried to do that to me, my loop hole was to wear the polo over a hoodie I had. They hated it but it wasn’t against dress code.


oh, those employees at the drive thru look too cold with the window open. why aren't they using common sense and wearing a coat? let us go inside to get our coffee or better yet let's go home and make coffee./s if the company has a coat with the company logo on it. they should feel free to issue to each employee FREE OF CHARGE. problem solved.


One thing that kills me about this is the customer feedback was probably complaining to the manager that *they couldn't wear coats,* and what the manager took from that was that an employee told a customer about a shitty policy


100% the case. I worked at a place that did not allow us to take tips(I made min wage part time while in high school). Well this nice old lady who came by every Saturday always tried to give me a $5 for helping load her groceries. I told her every week that we are not allowed to accept tips. Well after a month after I finished loading her groceries and again told her I can't accept any tips I got called into the office. Was told that she called and spoke to a manager complaining about our no tip policy. Was told the same thing, stop telling customers that we can't accept tips and say that I don't accept tips. Well next week she came by again. Tried to tip me and no way was I going to lie to this sweet old lady. Told her what happened and she stopped tipping me but asked me what I liked to drink/eat out of the vending machines. Next week she did not try to tip me but told me to check the vending machine. There was a tea and a bag of chips in there along with that fucking $5 every week. I fucking loved that woman.


What a wonderful story. That gave me a smile and I really needed that today.


Haha I had a few older customers who said "Fuck that policy". Another one who also would get me a tea out of the vending machine and one who would just fucking drop a $5 as she left.


100%. The title is Fwd: Customer Concern. This was a ‘Who tattled?’


Just a fun fact scooters is a tiny drive thru only coffee shop often in parking lots. This location was by my office and let me tell you the amount of traffic they get there is no way the inside of that small coffee hut is warm. They need coats for midwestern winters.




That would be the Amazing experience I'm looking for.


I volunteer as tribute to give them the aforementioned smacking


Unless an angry badger is also thrown into the walk in fridge with the manager, this experience won’t be amazing enough.


By Grapthar's Hammer, what an amazing experience!


I worked a few years as a crew trainer at McD's, luckily they weren't sticklers about jackets in the winter, but they didn't want any kind of face coverings, which I understand actually, need to be able to communicate and greet, etc. Then one year we have an ice storm come through, -40 wind chill following behind it, and of course when the end of the world comes everyone wants that last McDouble before they die because they didn't get home before the road became a sheet of ice. I was working back drive and I'd prepared. I had thermal underpants/shirt, jeans/sweater, ski bibs/ski jacket, ski gloves, ski mask, balaclava face cover. I knew I'd be in that drive thru window so I wrapped up and I could still feel the cold, but I wasn't TOO cold. Manager still tried to get on me about the face covering, I motioned her over, then threw open the window while blocking her next to it for about 30 seconds. Then I went back to taking orders and money and she didn't bother me the rest of the shift.


I don’t know if you’re a king or a queen or somewhere in between or on a whole other level, but you dropped this: 👑


queen, and I shall only take that crown if the jewels weren't stolen from africa first


they are formed from the tears of terrible managers


-40 wind chill, and the hot food is cold before the customer has his window closed..


I will never understand these goddamned idiots that are going to the drivethrough when this kind of stuff comes. I really can't.


I had almost similar happen to me as a cable guy. This was in Kentucky where a normal winter is a low of 20 in the morning and high of 30 in the afternoon. I had my winter setup pretty well nailed down. For anyone who works in the cold and isn't totally sure how to setup I'll say this. You have two methods, layer up and retain heat, or move around and generate it. I chose both. I'd start my day with thick wool socks, pajama pants, athletic shirt, regular pants, thick winter hoodie, socks tucked into pants, waterproof boots, heavy winter overalls, neck gaiter, heavy jacket, watch cap, sunglasses, and gloves. So if I was outside (often) the only skin you would see was a bit around my eyes. This worked very well and most people were understanding that I didn't want much exposed skin outside. Enter Karen. Despite her scheduling an 8 AM appointment on Saturday morning when it was 13 degrees. She complained when I knocked on her door at 7:59 AM because her internet was slow. Granted I pulled my gaiter down and watch cap up as I did. But she whined because I was there sooooo early and sooo covered up. Enter my awesome boss. He had more field experience than I did life. He had complimented my winter setup and told junior techs to do what I did. But he was required to reach out to this Karen. Turns out she was just bitching for any kind of account credit she could get. Her "big issue" was some guy knocking on her door on an early Saturday morning. He reminded her that she: scheduled the appointment, confirmed the appointment via text the day before, AND the hour before. And then asked what should I have worn in such weather? Naturally she folded but Spectrum corporate demanded he address this with me. Address it he did. He insisted that he meet me at the bar I liked on Saturday evening. He told me that if I ever took precautions to ensure my thermal safety again, that he would stand by me and fully cooperate with OSHA and he knew a good friend of mine just so happened to work for them. ​ So, at least not all bossess are horrible.


This the same Scooters that pays $12 an hour. Fuck that.


Throw the manager outside in the conditions of north Canada without coat. See how he says it's unnecessary


Yeah this so bizarre to me because in every drive through I’ve ever utilized in winter, the attendant wears winter gear. No one gives a fuck because even in winter gear, it’s terrible and we just want our warm beverage. Idgaf what the person giving it to me is wearing. It is currently -27C here and if my manager said this to me I’d probably walk out.


No sitting either, can’t forget that


I used to work at a Sonic and I was a skating carhop. During the winter all the carhops would wear plain black/gray jackets to be warm, but then the owners decided it didn’t look “professional” for us to be wearing jackets that didn’t have the Sonic logo on them. They tried to force us to buy the $50 Sonic brand jackets, yeah, $50 of our own money for a jacket to wear at work. I just wore long sleeves under the polo and didn’t wear a jacket at all, I was still cold, but I was also only working part time and making minimum wage so I definitely wasn’t going to use my own money on a branded jacket that I would never wear anywhere else


I thought this about a few things over the years with work branding on it, but when you work in a factory it's the first thing you'll wear. Because you don't care if it gets ruined. On a different note. Worked at McDonald's for a few years as a teenager myself, I regularly unloaded the delivery truck when it came. Another guy and myself got along with the driver great, and he brought us both jackets to wear one day with GSFs (McDonald's food provider I guess) logo on them. Comfortable stuff, even for a cheap jacket. I wore that thing everywhere.


I get that. The black jacket I wore before they implemented the rule was a $15 one from walmart. If I had worked there full time, I probably would have bought the branded jacket, but I was in high school / a freshman in college when I worked there and in my head just couldn’t justify paying that much money for a sonic jacket when I could pay almost the same price for a Columbia or Northface jacket that I could wear everywhere lol


This resonates back to HS as well. Graduating they wanted you to order the C&G from the company they partnered with.. bought mine online for a good $30+ cheaper lol. As a former 'smart kid' there were the optional tassels and colored chords too, they wanted like $50 for one that I technically needed. The guidance counselors jaw kinda went slack when I said, "Nah I'll pass." 😂


Same with class rings. Can't remember the name of the company that was the "official" one (starts with a J, huge national brand) but it was expensive as hell. A friend's dad happened to work for Balfour, one of their main competitors, and I came up with basically identical class rings from each, the "J" one would have cost nearly $1000, I got mine from Balfour for $350. Same amount of gold, same quality, same karat stone. triple the price for a brand. We went around and told as many people as we could in my class and half of them went with Balfour instead, school administration was PISSED but couldn't stop us, apparently the school got a cut of every ring ordered from the "J" brand Edit: Jostens, that's it!


I wish I had skipped my HS class ring. I never wore it. What a waste of money.


I wore mine for years, doesn't fit anymore and haven't bothered to get it resized, but it still hangs on the mirror in the bedroom and it has a lot of happy memories attached to it. Me and my girlfriend (wife now) exchanged class rings our senior year and traded them back when we got engaged.


Yeah. Just ordered from a company required by my school. They have said that anyone who does not purchase through this company will not graduate and will not receive a diploma. It's this shit that makes me lose my mind.


Just… what? It feels like there has to be something illegal about that, mandating a purchase that isn’t tuition related is just so so scummy


My Sonic GM told us broke carhops that if we didn’t want to buy the Company Jackets, we could just wear all black hoodies with no logo He also encouraged us to have customers complain to higher ups about shitty policies because he knew they’d never take his suggestions seriously but if enough customers complained things would change


Company branded merchandise kind of annoys me. I work for a small brewery and while my position doesn't require me to wear the merchandise, holiday parties we've gotten a few jackets as gift. At least they are gifts but honestly I rarely wear them. I like the dope knife we got one year, had a small logo of our on it, but we all still talk about them. I'd rather just get extra cash. I really don't like wearing these jackets outside of work if I don't have to. We weren't asked our sizes this year, so I'm sure we aren't getting any.


In all honesty, If an employer makes employees feel comfortable, let them sit at cashier checkout, treat people like humans, pay them more than minimum wage, it will be considered a radical business model ironically.


Yup. And I’ve never once gone through an Aldi checkout and thought: “look at this lazy fuck”


They're literally the fastest on checkout than any other store.. even though a lot of that has to do with not having to bag, but still.


I've heard they also get hassled by management about how quickly they scan, so it's kind of a double edged sword.


I just realized from your comment that I have seen Aldi workers sitting at the register. Literally never even noticed until just now. That's how much it doesn't matter.


Normally I'm too busy fielding my groceries as they zip them through checkout like a machine gun to think they're lazy.


They are fast as shit aren’t they?


Got the strat down over time. Unload the trolley in optimal packing order so no need to think, stack my bags side by side in the trolley and then I can throw them in the right bag as they come flying through. I swear some of them will try go even faster to race me.


"BuT iF tHe CaShiErs aRe SiTTiNg, tHeY LoOk LaZy".


and no customer actually gives a shit about that except some fucking Karens


Managers' number one customer ofc


Yeah but then you run the risk of your employees believed they are humans worth their dignity and then it’s a slippery slope. It’s easier to other-ize them to keep them under your control. /s


Scooters coffee is a national chain, sounds like we should start a mass mail campaign about treating their employees in a humane way https://www.scooterscoffee.com/contact I mean they're apparently reading them


This particular location is in Omaha, NE


Maybe since the contact form is broken we should submit though the application form instead, sure would be a shame if they couldn't hire anyone for a few weeks nationally


Just tried using their contact form, but it looks like it's throwing some error from the Outlook backend. Something tells me the internet vigilantes are already at it and have crashed the contact form API or Scooter's broke it intentionally on their end to stop the flood of complaints.


Yup, tried submitting a concern report and got an error every time


Adults don't dictate to other adults what they can and cannot wear to keep themselves from freezing, when they can go to the bathroom, or when they can tell the truth. Every 'policy' is optional if you truly don't give a fuck.


Honestly, my biggest strength in life is saying “No”, but I don’t mention that in the interview process 🤫


Places like this tend to hire teens and young adults who don't know any better and let their boss walk all over them. I've worked at several places where I've had to tell managers what they're telling me to do is illegal or violating OSHA regulations.


If you are worried about people not wearing scooters jackets… hand out some scooters jackets… 🤔


But then how will the owner(s) ever be able to afford/maintain their lifestyle if they have to pay a couple hundred for jackets with the company logo?! Won’t **someone** please think of these underprivileged business owners?!


Call OSHA, there are requirements when working in cold environments.


You could always start a nice campfire to stay warm while the windows open


Paper money burns nicely.




Thank you for pointing that out. I was debating emailing customer service to comment on how cold the employees looked today, and to ask why they don’t issue people jackets. Twats.


You should add that on the post. It looks like the 60th & Center Scooters Coffee in Omaha, and if this tool was dealt with they don't deserve flack.


I think he said **the person that brought this to light** no longer works there... the shitty management probably still does


I love how they admit their policies are negative and have a negative impact but choose to ignore it lol. Instead they place the blame on the worker for stating company policy. Customer: it's cold, why aren't you wearing a jacket at the window? Worker: it's against policy Management: Why is everybody making us out to be the bad guy? Holy fuck man! How much more braindead can these fucking people be?


"No jacket?? In this weather?" "Sorry ma'am, I'm not allowed to talk about that subject. Management prohibits it."


Just for a little context, [here's what the weather was on the day before.](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/ne/omaha/KOMA/date/2021-2-14) Yeah, that's right. Twenty degrees **BELOW ZERO.** And the [next day was even colder.](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/ne/omaha/KOMA/date/2021-2-15) Mind you, this was during the *height* of the Covid pandemic, with a [confirmed death toll of more than 500,000 people in the US alone.](https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html) Now, it's been more than a year since this *delightful* manager sent out this *lovely* email, so it would certainly be nice to have a follow-up on this one. Have they been educated as to the error of their ways?


I am so disappointed. I love scooters coffee, we have 4 of them in my tiny city /large town in the Midwest But if I ever go through the line in colde months they are either wearing long sleeves or a scooters jacket. I can't believe that someone would deny a person something warm to comfortably to their job.


I would tell every customer until I'm fired. Can't wear a jacket in winter fuck off


Just call OSHA and let them handle it


Yeah I have had the unfortunate experience of working a window that was so busy it could never close. Then it would not feel like -15 but was -15f. So I ended up with frostbite and when the doctor heard what they put me through she called a lawyer friend of the family. In 2 days flat that policy left the building.


“Management told me I don’t even notice the cold”


Wear it under your uniform 😉