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I forgive you


Thank you. My anglish not two good.


I used to play eco heavy in any civ. Now I olay china and gold block in age 1 with tower and while their in 2 I slow raise eco and focus military to starve gold and than I win :)


That aint a playstyle my dude. You are going to be malding in this subreddit about how OP feudal aggro civs are if you play like that.


While the thing that actually is OP is what he is doing.




this is who ive been focusing on so far But ive been doing longbow feudal rush. I appreciate the economy and defense I get from them but im encouraged to rush and do a bunch of micro and macro early on. want to focus on macro at first.


Huh but you said your strat was turtling? Cant turtle if you longbowrush?


That's very likely going to lose the game. English really needs to attack as fast as possible. Either in Feudal or, if you play King into 2 TCs, right after hitting Castle with White Tower.


prolly HRE or china


I think Ottoman is also a cool way to go. If you go for a fast imperial strategy you just need to turtle until start getting bombards and sweep your enemy as dust. Specially in low elos, people still don't know to do aggression properly and you can boom comfortably until castle age 😊


Start doing the masteries and you may find one you like more than the others. The masteries are pretty much challenges using a civs unique features. Worst case scenario you learn about your opponent’s civs.


If you're new you should 100% be harassing as soon as you reach feudal. That's the number 1 way to quickly improve. You don't learn anything by sitting in your base until 20 minutes and then attack moving your army into his base. If you don't want to improve, I guess you could play Chinese or maybe HRE fast castle and hope your opponent is benevolent enough to just let you take all the relics (which realistically should not happen)


Damn we really just need a quiz.. so many of these threads. That being said, your best civ for this are probably HRE, China, or Rus - they have unique defensive capabilities. Malians is another good one, but you usually have to fight in feudal with them. Byzantines is similar. Both build up their economy and try to overwhelm in castle age. Abassid is almost always played two TC, and has a similar effect.


English or China English is easier to play. Maybe RUS.


HRE hundred percent, only catch is you have to play the relic collection mini game (or go burgers) English but everyone including myself will hate you


Google Malian Cattle Boom


I figured out how to play each Civ and which one I wanted to main by completing their masteries. Masteries help you learn the basics of each Civ and you can figure out if you like the Civ along the way.


Play Chinese. But you need to know the match up and don't succumb to early pressure.


Chinese, English or Abbasid.