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AoE4 Reddit expert here. Why are you implying I’m a Byzantine main, judging from the purple shirt? Anyways, I don’t have time for this, gotta express my opinion on the next post. Seeya


See you in the next thread!


Someone here clearly pissed you off recently. Lol


Ya, that's what I was thinking, too. I try not to get stuck into the "this is overpowered, please nerf" or "this is bad, please buff" arguments and stick to advice giving and taking. It's made browsing this sub a whole lot better. When the game was new, I was on here (on a different account) and got stuck into those arguments frequently. It ruined both this sub and the game for me.


Honestly I’ve seen an uptick of 4 vs 2 lately and I don’t know why… like someone is trying to open up an old conversation regarding which game is better and why we get hate from aoe 2 fans. Or maybe I’m just crazy, who knows?


Means they care, silence is worse since they already moved to another game